[ R o T ]
                             Reign of Terror
                          Member Application Form
[ R o T ] is always looking for membership candidates in the following areas:
Hacking, Phreaking, Programming/Virii Production, ANSI artists, Crackers,
0 Day Suppliers, and Couriers(specify H/P, W, or Both).
If you think you have considerable skill/experience in any of these
categories and would like to join the RoT team, then fill this form out and
return it to one of the HQ's listed after the application form.
Handle:                            First Name:
Voice #(NO VMB's):
3 BBS's where we can:1:
contact you, plus   :2:
numbers             :3:
Specify which form of contact(BBS/Voice) is preferable:
If BBS, inform the sysops of our possible arrival.
Which position/positions are you applying for:
How long have you participated in that activity:
On a 1 to 10 scale how would you rate your skill in that activity:
What affiliations do you have currently:
What speed/type are your modem(s):
Are you now or have you ever been a member of or affiliated with any
goverment agency, software company, or telephone company?:
If Yes, you must now specify exactly how you were affiliated with the afore
<<<You decide what goes in this part of the application form.         >>>
<<<Include info about yourself, it should be relevant to the position >>>
<<<you are applying for, and what you have accomplished in that field.>>>

                             SUBMIT THIS TO:
          6 ���T ��D�R                       The Cellar
            [R o T]                           [R o T]
              WHQ                              US HQ
         [604] 824-0317                   [401] PRI-VATE
Your application will be reviewed, if you are deemed a suitable candidate
an RoT member will contact you in the afore specified manner and an interview
at our WHQ will be set up between you and a RoT Senior Executive. You will
be voted on and notified of the result. Thank you.