Heres how to find out whether the phone companies know that ya been using
cards. An example with MCI

Call 0800-890-222 (or local mci dialup)
Ask to be transfered to customer services
When connected to customer services, ask to be transfered to the
WorldPhone department for international subscribers.

Now you need a credit card (your own is best), tell them that you
recently visited the states and that you are interested in receiving an
MCI international phone card. They will ask you for your name address and
credit card details. Give this to them.

Now wait 4-6 weeks and see if any mci cards arrive (they are free incidently)

If no cards arrive then you are blacklisted. You can call customer
services and they will tell you that the cards have been issued. But they
have not. MCI have a database of all defrauders and they wont deal with
them, but customer services are not aware that the cards have been
blocked. You can keep asking them to send new cards out, but none will
ever arrive.

I've tried this myself and discovered that I'm blacklisted from
MCI/SPRINT/AT&T, but if I order the cards to my girlfriends house with
her credit card, bingo all the cards arrive within a month.

Good luck dudes.

(and you thought they didn't know you were out there)

GrEeTs Go OuT tO:-

Violator, Mic Flair, Dr.Fonk, Gremlin, Big J, Jimbo, Stinger, Loony Toon,
Mr Dalvin, No Carrier, Smurf, Phantasm, Pulse, DaveX, Cybernetik, Ken D,
Scribla, Meeko, Potsan & The rest of the Uk h/p Crew....

          TaS & TuRbO bRaIn
