\Anti-Social Magazine
                                                        \  Issue 12 31/03/99
                          Trashing - The Guide
                                By Crashd

Hey, Nice to be back again, This is my first interesting file in a long time,
And as far as I can tell (sorry if I'm wrong) this subject hasnt been covererd
at all (for the UK) Although I remeber some rather amusing incidents involving
trash :) Trashing, is basically just wading through bags of shit and rubbish,
looking for interesting things - documents, flopwarez, equipment etc..

This deal is split into 2 main areas, personal and business (just like the BT
phone book :)

Ok, i'm gonna deal with personal first, as this is probably the easiest.

1.\ Personal Trashing

Let's take target #1. He's maybe a businessman, you want his CC number,
mobile ESN, Girlfriends phone number, or just want to invade on the poor man's
private life.  Well the best place to start, is find his home address, and
preferably the post code (if you cant find the latter, just knock at the few
houses around his, they will probably glady give you it, lie and say your new
to the neighbourhood) Now, phone the local council dude's, and ask when the
refuse collectors (garbage men :) pick up the trash/shit. Or just ask the
nice neighbours again.

The Night before the trash pick-up, be prepared.  For clothes, I recommend
something warm, this is my standard atire:

* 1 heavy-duty flashlight
* 1 backpack lined with binbag
* 1 black beanie hat
* 1 pair of gardeners gloves
* 1 pair of latex gloves
* 1 Pair of lightweight bottoms
* 1 rain-coat, just in case

Now, go for a stroll, probably the best time is about 10 or 11. Walk past the
person's house, and check to see if he/she has left out their groovy wheely
bin (most houses in the UK have these, a gift from the Labour Government).
If so, walk straight past, towards say a shop or phone box, or whatever.
About 10 minutes later, stroll past again, and accidently shunt into the bin,
pick it up off of the ground, and walk away with it, take it down a
back-street or whatever.  Open it up, and get searching, dont forget the
flashlight, dont shine it into cars going past or whatever. If you see
anything worth stealing, pop it into your nice bag.
Common stuff for stealing is:

* Phone Bill
* Receipts
* Business Cards
* Filo-Fax's
* Diary's (blackmail anyone?)

Most people tend not to chuck out Tv's etc..but if you find any electronical
junk, take it and salvage for components :) When your finished with this bin,
walk past nice and calm, make the drop off, turn a corner and walk slowly
home, along with your sack of delights :)

2.\ Business Trashing

Business Trashing is much more popular than the latter shit. Stuff you can
get from Companies include:

* Big Lists of ESN's
* Manuals for Computers etc..
* Journals (par example, the first Blue Box was derived from a technical
 manual found in a bin in the US) [Correction, No it wasn't, it was built
                                   using the tones published in a technical
                                   journal, publically available though
                                   not a well distributed one -Ed]
* Equipment no longer needed

Hmm, the atire should basically remain the same, nice and conspicous and most
of all old - it will take a little more than vanish to get rid of that Bad
smell :)

The only time to trash business's is at NIGHT. Make it a weekend (maybe friday
or saturday).  Walk past Target company at about 10 to check out any security
measures that may harras you, such as watchmen, dog's or camera's.  (A
favourite target of UK phreakers is BT's Exchanges/Offices.  A lot of the MED
archives is supposedly found through trashing =) Pop back to your house and
pick up any decoy's or help you may need:


* Dog's - Mace (cruel) some fresh bloddy dripping meat (nice, but expensive
         and short term)
         An Ultrasonice grenade (Schematic shown below..it works as
         well...damn good.

* Camera's - Spray paint (good), blakck paper or just wear a lot of black and
            hope to hell they aint infra-red.

* Watchmen - You will almost certainly need some friends to help, get them to
            either phone the place in question, or create a decoy, ie:
            harrasing him while you nip round the back.

Also, bring the bag, in it put some chain cutters, and a crowbar.

If there is chains, cut them. A door? Crowbars work wonders.
Once past the first obstacle, if there any of the above (dog, camera's etc..)
If it is a yard etc.. the bins are big green/grey plastic/metal effors,
probably chained, cut the chains and get rooting, try to have a look-out
keeping tabs for you.

Obvious items of interest (from experience in BT places) are:
* Big Chunks Manuals
* Any Reams of form-feed paper (usually phone bills or quotes)
* ANY Equipment, electrical or otherwise

Now, your trashing mission is complete, try and escape a different way to
your way of entry, and if you disturbed anything, for example the camera's,
leave them, Looks better in the long run.

If you repeat trash a place You will probably get caught quickly, sorry but
that's the long and short of it, so go trashing maybe once every 2 months,
and make it a nice big thorough inspection as you aint coming back for a

* Schematics For Ultrasonic grenade.

Ok, here's what you will need:

* 1 Gutted Tennis Ball
* Circuit Board - Bread-Board will do for this.
* 1 Ultrasonic Transducer (sender, not receiver), (Maplin, rapid, about �1)
* 1 555 Timer chip
* 2 resistors, preferably variable
* 2 capacitors - .1 Muf should do.
* 1 Mercury Tilt Switch
* 1 1 Normal SPDT switch

Ok, first, if you Cant set up a monostable timing circuit, please please
please dont bother trying to build this. Go check the web or ask a
electronics lecturer.  Ok, for the input of the timing circuit(Chip's pin 1),
we want the mercury tilt switch, these are bi-polar. Have the timing circuit
on it's own little PCB, and between then battery and the circuit, have the
normal SPDT switch, cut out a small hole for this on the tennis ball. Also
cut out another one, about 2cm's in diameter, for our transducer. Now wire
the ultrasonice transducer as the output (pin 3) of the timing circuit. Glue
the transducer into the tennis ball, and close it up with a bit of
araldite/black tape/whatever.


When you want to use this, throw the SPDT switch, and lob it at a wall, make
sure that it spins, or at least rolls. No dog/cat/bat for a good few meter's
will be able to come near it and if they do, they will be in a little pain.

IF you want the Proper PCB Schematics and FULL instructions for this (yes,
even how to build the fucking timer circuit) mail: [email protected]

Ok, thanks for reading, and if you havent..you've missed it all :)
Mail me:
[email protected]
ICQ UIN: 7538027
IRC: EFNET: #2600-uk, #phuk