****How to get MONEY from payfones****

Written by Charles Manson...Special
Thanx to RIPCO for their fine G-Files!

Call (312)528-5020!!.......RIPCO

Getting money from a payphone requires only a few simple things.

1. Intellegence-You have to know when to do this kind of thing. If you do it in
    broad daylight, with a bunch of people
    watching you, you'll have the TELCO on
    you so fast you won't know what happened

2. You must select a phone that you can have access to its wires.
    (Look for a plastic shroud running down the wall, or the junction box
    outside!) On a normal phoneline, only two wires are used:Ring & Tip.
    (Red & Green). The payphone uses the red and green for its telephone
    operations, but it also uses the yellow & black to control the  coin
                   Come on...  Ain't Got All Day!!                                                        mech. relays & solenoids.Find a section of the wire where a cut will
    not be easily seen. Strip off the insulation of the cord, exposing the
    four wires. Now, get out the all purpose wire cutters (Or finger nail
    clippers if you like) and cut the black & yellow wires.  Now just sit
    back and let people use the phone!

What Happens? Well, when you put money into a payphone, it stays in the coin
   mechanism until 1 of 2 things happen.
 1. You connect your call, talk, and Hangup. After you hangup, your money
        goes to the collection box. (The only way to get the money then is
        to rip the box out!)

 2. You call a number that doesn't answer, or get busy signal, or something
        like that, and then hangup. When you hangup, the money goes from
        the coin mech. to the coin return.

That is the key! After the Black & Yellow wires have been cut,
the money goes neither to the coin box or coin return! It just sits there!
All you have to do is come back at like 3:00 in the morning, re-connect the
black & Yellow wires,  pick up the handset & put it back down.

                   Come on...  Ain't Got All Day!!
All the money that was put in that phone that day comes shooting
out the coin return.   (Just like in the movies!) It is the
AWESOMEIST FEELING! I have collected upto $30 a day doing this to
phones all   around tow n!

Dangers: The people that put money in and don't get connected or get a busy
signal and hang up do NOT get their money back. Usually they will call the
operator who inturn calls the Repair Dept. (That is why it is important to cut
the wire w here it can not be seen. But if you want to do this as a one time
thing.........GO FOR IT! Oh yes, alternate phones every other couplple of days
or so. Stay on your toes and watch out for white Vans!!!!) If someone sees you
taking money out of the coin return (Getting $15 in change out of a phone is
not common!) Just say you hung up the phone and all this mony started pouring
out! (It doesn't hurt to give them a little of it either!) After a month or
two the Phone Co. catches on, so I do not reccomend using one phone
for over two weeks.
GOOD LUCK!! Oh, bye the way.........I forgot to mention this file is
for information only (SNICKER SNICKER)...........Good Luck!!!!!!

                     Brought to you by....

                   Come on...  Ain't Got All Day!!                                                                      **//////RIPCO//////** (312)528-5020

                Written by................Charles Manson