Released on 14.12.91

Yo Guys,

this text should be only for German Guys which are phreaking over 0130, but
Phreakers from other countries could perhaps also take some infos out of

I called today a MCI 0130number out of my list and I got a shock. I was
put through as normally, than came the MCI peep and what do I have instead
of a Faxline: AN MCI OPERATOR. It was a woman and she told me something
about breaking a law by dialing this tollfree number and she said, I
should stay on the line. And then they tried to trace my back. They got
me nearly, coz I didn't check at first what was happening and so they got
only 7 of 9 numbers of my telephonenumber. The best is that I had not
sent any signal or tone that far in the line, so you can nowadays break a
law by simply calling a 0130 number. That's hard, or what. I give you now
the number, so that you will not be surprised by these assholes:
-�> 0130 812 007 <�-.
If you want to test it, you should go to a telephone box. If you want to
test it from your home, be careful, the tracesignals are simular to the
BBtones, but they use other frequences and they only trace your Citynumber
and phonenumber here in Germany. This means no KP,ST or whatever. Also when
you call and hear that the tracesignals came through the line, you should
terminate your call immediatly and then delete your redialmemory on your
phone by entering any number.

Ok, now some AT&T numbers, which should NOT(!) be taken to Phreak:

0130 818 321
0130 817 114
0130 813 121
0130 813 221
0130 813 222
0130 813 223
0130 813 224
0130 813 225
0130 817 133
0130 810 837
and ofcourse the AT&T number itself 0130 0010

There are more numbers (I don't have all), so I describe how you can
test out your numbers. Simply call one of these numbers, as example we
take the 0130 818 321, coz it was the first I have discovered. When you
got through to America and hear the Ring, you should hear a silent guard
tone in the back of the line.(The tone is the whole chat in the line!!!).
This is the sign for a AT&T number, that it should not be used, coz when
you do a break, the same thing like in the MCI number will happen in the
line (between 1 sec and 10 minutes.).
Also it can happen, when you break at a normal AT&T line, you dial, it
rings by the person and he takes the receiver up, then the two beep tones
come. But in the last two weeks, it can be that there are THREE beep tones.
If you have such a line, you should also terminate the line, coz your call
will be recorded by AT&T.

So phreaking is not so secure as you might think. Try and learn, but be
careful. If you have informations, like new numbers or something else,
let me know, and I make a update of this text. You can reach me on 2
Boards in Germany, which I call daily. So simply leave me there a message
and I will answer. So call the two Boards:

Digital Dream - INDEP.(ex-Horizon) : 49-(0)6806-490177
Swappers Delight - REBELS          : 49-(0)30-4925646

Last comment: All is true. If you don't believe this, try the 0130numbers!
Ok, I hope to hear from you guys.