
       |~~~~|           /~~~~~~~/        /~~~~~\
       |    |          /    ___/       /'       `\
       |    |  __     /    /          |   /~~~\   |
       |    | /   \  /    / _______   |  |     |  |   ______
       |    |/     \/    / |     _ `\ |  `\___/'  | /'      `\
       |       / \      /  |    (_)  ) \         / |     _____|
       |______/   \____/   |    ____/'  `\_____/'  |    (_______
                           |   |                   `\________   `\
        WoRtHLeSS piEcE    |   |  iSSuE nUmBeR      _________)    |
          oF ShiT (tm)     |   |       #4          |              |
                           |__/'                   `\____________/'

                        -= December 1994 =-

       | .oO [= A zine for the interconnected nation =] Oo. |
     | WARNING - This d0cument c0ntainz w0rds that may 0ffend |


"Beware of geeks bearing GIFs" - Anon (Couldn't remember)

"h0nk h0nk" - That bloody mad fool Solctice almost as bad as...

"w00p" - Did BoW really start this?

"Hey ewe guyz" - V?is?o* (Work this one out for yourselves)

"<silence>" - Vaginamon (He just lurkz)

"Hello? <loud whine> ack?! Sonafbitch computer! eye got C-id ewe know" - An
irate victim of ToneLoc

"tUrKey? gn0t aGaiN....aRRRgghHHHH" - Another innocent victim of the cHriStmAs
t00 muCh tuRkEy-LuRkEy cRiSis

"mmm did I press 141?" - NoInfoPhorEwe type person...

"mmm did he press 141?" - GimmeYahInpho type person...



Small print
Wish list
Big y0y0y0y0'z to
Uncle BooYaa's Tek-Tek Hotline
A life in the day of IRC #hack....
Dah magic eye don't werk for me
What the hell was that noise?
Stupid Fuck of the Year
Script Count
Simple Karding Phun
Scratch, Smell, and Lick
Who are these guyz?
A look into the crystal ball
Mmm, where did I leech this zine again?
Where to reach us?



h0h0h0 (vox in style of Santa)
Mmm..we have an abundance of unsavoury produce for you to sample and enjoy.
We Harlequin's most excellent first appearance, Fungus's Card Fun, and more
stuff that'll have ya laffin" till the ded c0wz come home. Many thanx from
all mah staff I couldn't have continued wPoS wiv out ewe guyz...

Hope all thoses who are going to h0h0 94 will enjoy themselves. Also if
possible anyone feeling up to the challenge could they cover it for wPoS, this
will include Photos (GIF format), sound bites (WAV format), a simple journal
of a day by day blow of the c0n. Bonus for the guys who catches Stripper c0n
Part ][ (If it ever happens) on camcorder and digitizes it as a mpeg file.
Remember we want exclusives okay.

Merry x-mas people!!


p.s. I couldn't include CyntaxEra's bit coz dis ish got too big for even me to
handle...You'll see her next ish scout's honor guv.

p.p.s Smeg! Old Dale Drew still hasn't replied to the interview, so it's
had to be left out, so s0rry guys...



It was pointless to create this section in the previous issues because I
was the only member of staff!

Head of Internal Operations - BooYaa
Mercenaries - CyntaxEra, Fungus The Bogeyman, Harlequin, Mocara (huRRy uP!)

Sysop/Admin of the current distributions of wPoS
Internet Distro-Bistros : Dark Tangent, DeadKat, HellRazor, Qwik
BBS Buddiez             : Twize

Okay, so what if the staff is kinda small...


Small print

wPoS is released once a month on the first monday of that month.

Submissions to the zine must arrive no later that the last week of the month
prior to the month in which the article is intended to appear in.

The editor reserves the right to poo poo on your work from a great height if he
doesn't like, or deem it unsuitable for inclusion in the zine.

Editor also reserves the right to hold a article and place it in a future issue
of the zine.

The zine is currently free to all those on the SuperInformationHypeway.

Also under international copywrite laws cutting, pasting or copying any part of
this zine to use in another zine will seriously get you phucked up. If you do
wish to copy or use any of the information ask me first okay. So please don't
make me get angry. You wouldn't like to see me when I'm angry... I can feel
those Gamma rays hitting me again... I best lie down for a while. Where's me
cup of tea?



All that is published here is strictly for your informationally uses.

The views expressed by the writers are not necessarily the views of the
editor or the zine (Unless that writer happens to be me).

Also if your machine, or pets should decide to explode rather violently in
front of you we will not be held responsible.

And if the police should come along to your house and kick your door down,
then say what you read in the wPoS then done, is infact a crime. It's not
our fault.

What this all summarises to is that we won't take the blame for anything
you read in zine and then decide that it would be a good idea to try it


Wish list

Newton Toolkit For Wind0ze I wanna write some tough programs for the Newton.

A really big SCSI-2 Hard disk like 1GB so I can start up my BBS like for
the second time around..:)

A GUS..yes just want it for my Dewm I and ][.

A decent VMS IRC client? It's like killing all my hopes for writing a
decent script for it.

A Web version of the zine, or at least the most current issue.

A free 64K line PPP link, that I don't have to pay anything for (i.e. no
charges what so ever)

Or if thats too much to ask for how about an ISDN line?

BT disappearing from the face of the earth. (NEWS FLASH... Tables been
turned around for ya BT? Now we gotcha info!!!)

To retire in Bundy land.


Big y0y0y0y0'z to

United KodezKidz :
Asid, Ascii, Alfiwalf, BaDs, BattleAng, Cherokee, Codex, Eck,
Fungus The Bogeyman, Harlequin, Lalala, Maelstrom, Mocara, oJ, Phobos,
ScoJack, Saint Halo, Squiz, The Dark Knight, Ulster (w00p matey your famous
now), Uridium, all the regulars at London 26oo.

Amerikkka's Children :
AntiChrist, Avocado, Bitsurfer, Carsenio, Crypt Keeper, Cutter, Dark Tangent,
Dead Kat, DeathWizard, D-FENS, Enigma, _Fool, Freiheit, Hellfire, HoS, Hoog,
Homeysan, Kluge, Mindscrew, neo, Plexor, Radikahl, Ratscabies, Remj, Sidebrn,
Solctice, Slacker, SWinder, WildChild

DOTca People :
Heretic (Hairy Dick to his buddies...), HellRazor, Pluvius, and U4EA.

World Wide Webbedfingered d00dz :
Afx, Burglar, cF, chm0d, Fisch, LoNGi, Motley, Phaze, R-A-D, Seven Up, Sicko,
SPiN-DoC, Stupido, Qwertz, z0rphix

'The girl next door' type females (? - couldn't think of anything else) :
Cyntax Era, Juliet, Lady Ada, LyDiA, Torquie, Xymote

Those Waco wannabes cults :
BoW (On extended summer vacation), SK (Currently Disbanded), TNo, WHHF.

Special mentions go to:
MCI, MI5, National Press, NSA, SPA, US-SS, UK-SS, VISA (We luv ya!)

Token Building of the Month : Glass Building at UNL - London, UK. Looks like
Alcatraz and has the razor sharp security to match.


Uncle BooYaa's Tek-Tek Hotline

Finally had a chance to have a go at Phoney for the Newton so here's the
breakdown of it :

Modes              : DTMF, Coin (Red), Blue (Box)

Red Mode
Max Coin (Red Box) : 1 Dollar
Buttons            : CC, CR, RB (Green Box)
                    A, B, C, D (Operator keys)
Comments           : I think the tones seem to match the one in Blue Beep

Blue Mode
Dial Sets          : C5
Trunks             : 2600, 2750, 3700
Buttons            : KP2, ST3P, STP, KP, ST
Comments           : Not programmable! :(

Verdict            : Pretty useless for bbing if you do have exchanges that
                    will seize at those freqs.

                    Apparently by using resedit (Mac program) you can
                    replace the samples, so it looks like it I won't need
                    to program my own version but I'd still prefer to.

Oh yeah... I've heard a modified (upgraded) OMP100 -> MP100 dial and it is
definitely DTMF not C5 (Come to think of it I'm still not 100% sure it ever was
C5) anymore and mucho faster. Saying that it's success rate (Tone Dialer) is
about 80%, which is pretty bad compared to the Psion Organiser Series III.


A life in the day of IRC #hack.... - Harlequin

Here is a log of what happens on the IRC #hack channel ! What ? You
think it's made up ?? Well then, just change the names to your favourite
IRC #hack addicts and hey-presto, you need never waste yer precious
k0deZ using IRC again, you have a ready-made IRC session.

Harl ([email protected]) has joined channel #hack.
Users on #hack: Harl SuperDewd KodeKiddie HackGroupie ArrogantGit

-> Wassup Guyz !!
SuperDewd> Hi Harl !
ArrogantGit> oh its hurl
-> Just finished the new Citronic journal, any1 want a copy ??
SuperDewd> Yeah dcc me one
HackGroupie> Yeah me too - Citronic is kEwL
Arrogantgit> Harl your a fuqing lamer - zines are for wasters
HackGroupie> yeah fuqing lamer
KodeKiddie> h4z aNy1 g0t aNy K4LLiNg KaRdZ ??
-> Arr: woah, got out the wrong side of bed this mornin' - chill dewd
HackGroupie> yeah not so heavy ArrogantGit, take it easy
ArrogantGit> Harl: get a life d0rk b0y, grewpz are for lame fuqs who
can't handle hacking on their own...
HackGroupie> harl: you R such a wAsTeR, always running to your h/p
weenie buds....
KodeKiddie> h4z aNy1 g0t aNy K4LLiNg KaRdZ ??
-> Only 'cos you haven't got any friends ArrogantGit
HackGroupie> yeah, only c0s no-one wants to be your friend ArrogantGit
SuperDewd> Whats the best way to tap optical lines ??
*** Lurker ([email protected]) has joined channel #hack.
ArrogantGit> I dont need any friends like you CiTR0NiC l0zers
-> Why R U such a miserable git ? At least sum ppl make an effort -
freedom of information and all that
HackGroupie> yeah information *wants* to be free ya know
KodeKiddie> h4z aNy1 g0t aNy K4LLiNg KaRdZ ??
ArrogantGit> yeah, I believe in freedom of information, but I only give
stuff out to ppl who aren't lame. And that means every1 except me.
HackGroupie> yeah lamerz don't deserve inph0
KodeKiddie> h4z aNy1 g0t aNy K4LLiNg KaRdZ ??
SuperDewd> Has any1 got a protected mode debugger I could use on a Linux
-> fuq, I don't know why I bother
HackGroupie> yeah wotz the point with ppl like U ArrogantGit
ArrogantGit> CiTR0NiC are wasterz and Harl is a sad fuq
HackGroupie> yeah you aren't half as kEwL as ArrogantGit Harl, U R lame
*** Signoff: ArrogantGit (eYe aM eleet)
KodeKiddie> h4z aNy1 g0t aNy K4LLiNg KaRdZ ??
HackGroupie> you are so kEwL Harl, can I join CiTR0NiC ???
SuperDewd> Doesn't any1 talk about hacking any more ?
-> No-0ne gets a chance to Dewd :)
SuperDewd> I gotta g0, c yas l8r Harl !!
-> Bye Dewd !
*** Signoff: SuperDewd (sleep time!)
-> gotta go too, l8rz...
*** Signoff: Harl (Citro-4 coming soon...)
KodeKiddie> h4z aNy1 g0t aNy K4LLiNg KaRdZ ??
HackGroupie> hey KodeKiddie ! want some p0rno-wAreZ ???
Lurker> geees, this is so lame, no-one does anything

(Ed - If you use the Search and Replace function on yer WordProcessah you
can even make it suitable for a #phreak session, if you get watt I mean.)


Dah magic eye don't werk for me

Answers to last months Magic eyes, [1] - Was a Clown, [2] - Was the Joker,
from BatMan dah m0vie, [3] - A can of Pepsi (c) (tm).

Magic eye is kinda different from "Totally useless..." since the pictures are
not as obvious, so here how to view them :

1) Make sure you are at least 3" away from the monitor
2) Now squint. Voila! Neat huh?

[1] -  Quack Quack

[2] - Big Brother is watching you.

[3] - If you can't work this one out you best shoot yer self now...

Answers to these pictures will appear in next months issue.


What the hell was that noise?

Last months noise was a most excited Telco Operator who asked to remain
'Anonymous' as she did not want all the phreaks to be distracted from scanning
for timings.

Heh this months is a another corker, it's a real tuffie I've messed about with
it beyond belief. I really doubt you'll work this one out too.


1) Much more simple.... locate that WAV file which should be called
SOUND.WAV it's in the SOUNDS subdirectory.

2) Now you know it's location load it into your favourite WAV player.

So did you work it out? Answer will be in next month's ish.

Yeah my sound card seems to working again so I will able continue to do the
WTHWTN samples, saying that if you think you have a humourous sample then
UUEncoded it and send it to [email protected] with the subject line
"WTHWTN Sample" make sure the sample format is .WAV okay.

Oh btw if you think you've worked it out why not send me your answer I'll
publish the ones who got it correct or the ones with the most humourous


Stupid Fuck of the Year

Yes! Weird name for a section huh? Well I couldn't believe the fact there our
three nominees were born? I mean why the waste of sperm?

You should now read the following article and decide wether nominee #1, #2 or
#3 should have the coveted title "Stupid Fuck of the Year". Send in your
votes to [email protected] with the subject as "SFOTY: #1", "SFOTY: #2",
"SFOTY: #3" for nominees #1, #2, #3 respectively.

Results will be published next month.

Nominee #1
Handle(s)                 : Immortal, Pericom, Malik, Dick Shit, Shifty.
Act that got him selected : Making enquiries on how to get the SYSUAF.DAT
                           file on a vax, sending them to a VAX security
                           newsgroup, and also send the mail from his own
                           account in the University which he has going to
Evidence                  : Usenet Threds

N.B. Signatures and paths have been removed coz they take up too much space

From: [email protected]
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Date: 18 Oct 1994 10:06:22 -0500
Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway
Lines: 38
Sender: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.

Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
to crack.

I don't have any privs or anything like that so does anyone know how I can
get the file?

I would like a easy method (if one) as I'm not a vax buff.

e-mail me please: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: Re: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Date: 18 Oct 94 10:24:05 -0600
Organization: The Black Hole
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
-LONDON.AC.UK writes:
> I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.
> Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
> to crack.
> I don't have any privs or anything like that

Obviously, there's a good reason for that.

> so does anyone know how I can
> get the file?

Sure I do.  Good thing that you don't.

> I would like a easy method (if one) as I'm not a vax buff.
> e-mail me please: [email protected]

Yea.  Right.  I would really want to support this effort.
From: [email protected] (Harriet Wood)
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: Re: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Date: 20 Oct 1994 10:25:12 GMT
Organization: University of North London
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
-LONDON.AC.UK writes:
>I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.
>Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
>to crack.

thanks to everyone who alerted us to this guy, we saw his message anyway and
he has been dealt with,

Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: Re: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] ("Dan Wing")
Date: 18 Oct 1994 16:33:32 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]>
Organization: TGV, Incorporated
Lines: 16

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
-LONDON.AC.UK writes:
#I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.
#Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
#to crack.
#I don't have any privs or anything like that so does anyone know how I can
#get the file?
#I would like a easy method (if one) as I'm not a vax buff.

Unless your system manager has changed the protection, you need privileges
to read the SYSUAF.DAT file (typically SYSPRV, BYPASS, or READALL, or a
UIC group number less than MAXSYSGROUP).

-Dan Wing, [email protected]
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: Re: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] (Rod Eldridge)
Date: 18 Oct 1994 16:55:53 GMT
Reply-To: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]>
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Lines: 19

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] writes:
>I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.
>Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
>to crack.
>I don't have any privs or anything like that so does anyone know how I can
>get the file?
>I would like a easy method (if one) as I'm not a vax buff.

I know that 'security though obscurity' isn't the way to secure a
system, but it looks like it might work in this case. :-)
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: Re: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] (Eric Gunnerson)
Date: 18 Oct 1994 18:47:53 GMT
References: <[email protected]>
Organization: Northwest Nexus Inc.
Lines: 34

[email protected] writes:

>I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.

>Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
>to crack.

>I don't have any privs or anything like that so does anyone know how I can
>get the file?

>I would like a easy method (if one) as I'm not a vax buff.

>e-mail me please: [email protected]

Has anybody thought of forwarding a copy of this to the sysadmin of his site?
Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
Subject: Re: How do I get the sysuaf.dat file?
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected] (Ed Wilts)
Date: 18 Oct 94 12:38:46 PDT
Reply-To: [email protected]
References: <[email protected]>
Organization: BC Systems Corporation
Lines: 22

In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] writes:
> I got a program for dos that "cracks" insecure passwords on VAX.
> Anyway I use vax 5.5-1 and I want to get our password file and take it home
> to crack.

You're joking, right?

> I don't have any privs or anything like that so does anyone know how I can
> get the file?

Ask your system manager for a copy.  If s/he'll give you one, you're likely
entitled to it.  If the system manager tells you go count headlights in a busy
intersection, you're probably asking for something you're not allowed to have.


Nominee #2
Handle(s)                 : Ehsan
Act that got him selected : Running IRCOP.IRC.
Evidence                  : irc log below

N.B. This has been edited to beautify it (?)

--- Ehsan ([email protected]) has joined channel #phreak2.
<Ehsan> thanks dudes
* Ehsan bows to all
<Ehsan> ok,
<Ehsan> what does this ircop do?
<Hoog> its cool
<Ehsan> and what is Phoenix 2.0
<eck> it tries to hack ircoper status for you
<Hoog> ircop is an 3l33t3 script ..
<Anarch> gives you ircop status.
> Ehsan: erm..I don't think yer ready to use ircop..
<Hoog> help me out .. lets kick some ass with it
> Ehsan: it's like a very powerful script..
*Hoog* hhehe
<Anarch> i used to run it, but my client wasnt compatible
<Ehsan> cool
<Ehsan> how does it work, is it automated
<Anarch> yes
<Hoog> yeah
> Ehsan: and I wouldn't like to get blame for letting have a copy..
<Hoog> just type /load ircop.irc
<Hoog> then /clean #phreak2
> Ehsan: mmmm...I really don't think you're worthy...
<Anarch> yeah, dont blame us ok?
<Anarch> you didnt get it from us
<Hoog> lets get the IRC OPS!! haha
> Ehsan: okay..then...let's see you clear #phreak and #phreak2
<Anarch> booyaa: me neither, but we'd better let him try it out
> I've like only used it once...
<Z0rpHix> BooYaa: that's thing's eleet, don't give it out like that!@#!2
<Anarch> he might suprise us
<Hoog> lets show those fuckers who really runs IRC
<Ehsan> ok, I know nothin
> Z0rp: okay..
> I don't wanna say any more..
*Hoog* :)
<Ehsan> I found a disk, and when I cheked the disk, what did I found, ircop
<Ehsan> is that ok
>  /msg z0rphix man I had the ircop power...but it wuz too much to handle for
> shit
> shit
> damn..
-> *hoog* ;)
-> *eck* ;)
<Anarch> yeah. im not too sure about this
-> *z0rphix* ;)
--> Ehsan is now known as IamFucked.
<Hoog> got it?  /load ircop.irc , then /clean #phreak2
* IamFucked doesn't know it yet but he has secretly had his files replaced
* IamFucked - with Folgers Crystals.
* IamFucked - Will he notice?   Let's watch...
<IamFucked> Fucking Son of a Bitch!  They bastards deleted my god damn files!
<Anarch>  /msh hoog i tried it once but it was too much. people were kissing up
and asking favors 'n' stuph
<IamFucked> I'm gona fucking kill there ass!
[pHuRy] IamFucked jUsT diD sUm cTcP stUff oN yAh!
* IamFucked is so damned 3l33+...
> jeez..
> watch out..
--- crackh0e ([email protected]) has joined channel #phreak2.
> here comes uber haqr...
<Z0rpHix> h0deh0, ehsan: that's cool
<Hoog> that was cool ehsan
<crackh0e> wewp
<Anarch> ehsan roqz
<crackh0e> that's ueber haqr to yew, niggy
<Z0rpHix> try /twilight
> oh shit...
> I won't be able to sleep tonight..
<crackh0e> so, who's the phag that ganked #phreak this time?
<IamFucked> ehhhh, what did that do????
> I'm lyke too scared..
> Iam: thats it..you're an ircop..
<Anarch> i dont know
> shit...
> man...
--- Mocara ([email protected]) has joined channel #phreak2.
> lyke w0w!!
--- phman ([email protected]) has joined channel #phreak2.
-> *anarch* ahahahahahahahahah
-> *eck* ahahahahahahahahah
<Anarch> ehsan
<Mocara> IamFucked : hahahahahahhahahaha
-> *hoog* ahahahahahahahahah
<phman> greetings
-> *z0rphix* ahahahahahahahahah
-> *phman* ahahahahahahahahah
*Z0rpHix* phman's lame, but he can't run skriptz on that client, and he doeznmt
know what warez means
<Anarch> the nick change is a coincidence, just start kicking some ass
*Anarch* bahahahahahahaha
<Z0rpHix> eleet
-> *z0rphix* hahahah....
<crackh0e> I forget how you control ircop.irc fags..
<Hoog> type in /gaysex now .. it'll kill the whole channel
<Anarch> ehsan: type gaysex
<IamFucked> hello
<Anarch> i mean /gaysex
<Hoog> type /gaysex
<Anarch> it'll kick faggot ass
<Z0rpHix> crakhoe: /twilight #phreak to take controll back
<cJB0t> hahah <= how sad even my bot is laffin"
-> *anarch* ahahahahahahahahah I can't believe how he could run dat...
> Iam: damn...you're the man...
<Anarch> the whole channel will become killed
IamFucked THE CHANNEL #TWILIGHT_ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Muhuhahaha!
> jeez...
IamFucked I ain't never met an IRCop who wouldn't suck another man's dick.
IamFucked IRCop are stupid lame-ass mother fuckers...
IamFucked Phhbbt... Damned faggots.
--- BooYaa ([email protected]) has joined channel #twilight_zone.
*** #twilight_zone: we're all street people on the information highway
*** Users on #Twilight_Zone: BooYaa Shinma IamFucked flargh tober @Doogie
Empath Dilbert Emmy prae DWildstar @Taner Chantel Eniigma @Fozz @NeilM
Flatline Xney2 @dwight Out @WintrHawk Steele @Twazard ckd @Trillian @mUnChIe
Kerhop Gog_Magog @XneyWORK Tychy @piker @no_nick @pjg @tzoper @MOP Visigoth
vuori Avalon @Daemon @craig
*** Mode for channel #Twilight_Zone is "+stn"
*** IamFucked is dt94ekh@elara.pt.hk-r.se ( Beauty is in the eye of the
beholder )
*** on channels: #Twilight_Zone #phreak2 @#phreak1 #cack2
*** on irc via server irc.nada.kth.se (Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm, Sweden)
<IamFucked> THE CHANNEL #TWILIGHT_ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Muhuhahaha!
<flargh> William Weld for Prez in '96! Woo woo! :)
<eqr6mcnic\#phreak2>  /who #TWILIGHT_ZONE
<cJB0t\#phreak2> Z0rpHix t0Ld mE t0 sAy > phman: are you a hacker?
<IamFucked> I ain't never met an IRCop who wouldn't suck another man's dick.
*Anarch* i know, as a newbie i almost ran it, but i checked it out first
<Mocara\#phreak2> hehehehe
*** crackh0e has left channel #phreak2.
--- crackh0e ([email protected]) has joined channel #twilight_zone.
<IamFucked> IRCop are stupid lame-ass mother fuckers...
<IamFucked> Phhbbt... Damned faggots.
--- Anarch ([email protected]) has joined channel #twilight_zone.
<Eniigma> wow
*Z0rpHix* oopz
<crackh0e> oh hell yeah
<Eniigma> i'm shocked.
--- crackh0e ([email protected]) has joined channel #phreak2.
-> *ANARCH* you bet muh ass I checked it too..
<prae> kill him, quick!
<crackh0e\#phreak2> w00p
<cJB0t\#phreak2> w00p?!? w00p iZ ph0r pHaGz! w00f!!  crackh0e #phreak2 w00p
> mmm...
<phman\#phreak2> i try my best
<tober> I don't think he'll run, peter.  If he runs, he won't be nominated.
IamFucked IamFucked TRIED to leave... IRCop rules.
IamFucked IamFucked is 3l33+... *
*Heretic* yo dude!
<flargh> I feel so threatened.
IamFucked Damn... I've never been so hard in my life.
IamFucked Anyone interested in a great Netsex session MSG me...
<Shinma> IamFucked: go fuck a round pork product
<tober> He might get the vice presidential nomination...  maybe.
--> IamFucked is now known as Ehsan.
<Eniigma> what the?
<Dilbert> I met Reggie JAckson's son the other night
-> *heretic* some dumb fuck has just run ircop...
<Eniigma> slow fingers this morning, i see
*** Chantel has left channel #twilight_zone.
<tober> The pundits were talking about a Powell/Weld ticket in 1996.
*** Signoff by Ehsan (Killed (prae (next it deletes your files, signoff, now)))
> mah god...
<Hoog\#phreak2> Ehsan: type /gaysex now .. lets kill that one too!
<flargh> Ben- agreed. Too radical for republicans, too conservative for
*** Mode change "+o Flatline " on channel #Twilight_Zone by tzoper
*Heretic* you on phreak?
<phman\#phreak2> still in experimental stage of hacking
<prae> goddamn ircop.irc
*** BooYaa has left channel #twilight_zone.
<crackh0e> hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
> hahhahha
<Hoog> he's a dead phucker!
> ewe dah man..
<Mocara> heheehehe
--> crackh0e is now known as noise.
--- Heretic ([email protected]) has joined channel #phreak2.
-> *heretic* in phreak2 more fun...
<Z0rpHix> Ehsan.......next it deletes your files, it's what it did 1st!@#!@#
<Heretic> h0h0h0h!
> I will be selling copies of this log okay... <== Whatta a guy


Nominee #3
Handle(s)                 : jimk (apparently this is a not the real handle see
                                 evidence of more details)
Act that got him selected : Being a dick, and taking it all too serious...
Evidence                  : e-mail

N.B. This has had it's extra headers remove to conserve space

From:   MX%"[email protected]" 14-NOV-1994 15:17:13.74
To:     MX%"[email protected]"
Subj:   read this..about 500 people got this..

Message 5:
From [email protected] Sun Nov 13 18:22:47 1994
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
To: [email protected]
Subject: C'mon you panzy ass little shit.

       You fucking stupid piece of shit little shit fucker.  You
think you are hot stuff huh?  All you are is a piece of shit.

       You ban me a few times from your channel, and kick me off.
Well I could fucking care less you fucknut.  I've got more fucking warez
than you EVER will have.  I've got fucking FTP sites and FSP sites
running out of my pockets.
       Kick me out of your little fucking pussy channel, but I'll
still have more shit than you ever will have.  So FUCK YOU ASSHOLE.
Common, c'mon do your pansy ass little trix boy.

       I proved your a little warez lamer, a fool, thats all I care
about.  But dont forget little boy, you'll see me again.  Because I own
the net, you, and everyone else.

Wait till you see what happens to yer account in a few hours,

Rest in Peace


     You have reached Internet Access Cincinnati.

Please finger or mail '[email protected]' for more information.
 You may also contact our gopher server: gopher.iac.net

Login name: jimk                        In real life: Rest in Peace
Directory: /home/jimk                   Shell: /bin/false
Last login Sun Nov 13 14:02 on ttypa from ip041009.iac.net
No unread mail
Yesterday, 13 November 1994, a forged mail message was sent to a large
number of IRC users.  This message contained inappropriate language
and threats.  We are sorry that this has occurred.

The forged e-mail had "[email protected]" as the originator of
the message.  This person is **not** the source of this message.  Please
do not send e-mail to JIMK or IAC staff.  We are aware of the problem
and are taking all possible actions.

We believe that the message was forged by connecting to a SMTP server
in the UMN.EDU domain.  Our staff has contacted UMN.EDU and we are
working to determine the source of the message.

Best wishes,
IAC Technical Staff

this guy takes being banned WAAAAAY too serious.


Comparing what these guys have done is pretty scary you have Malik on one
hand who would go to a Police station and give his ID, then ask what would be
the best way to kill some one. And Ehsan would probably shoot himself in the
head if some told him the barrel was empty when it wasn't. But Jimk (whatever
his name wuz) is just a prat, unfortunatly seems to be slightly smarter than
Malik because he didn't actually mail the hate mail from his own account.

So on one hand you have a prat who thinks he's being smart and stuph coz he
wants to crack vax passwords and also tell the whole world who he is. The other
is naive and innocent soul who craves power and glory. And finally you have a
total dick head with no sense of humour. Now it is your decision who will
receive the most coveted Stupid Fuck of the Year award.


Script Count

Shit! Yeaps big screw up for about 3 issues in row I've been making out
that Valgamon (previous #warez lurker is now a #phreak lurker) is the
writer of Gargoyle and Phoenix which in fact was Vassago. So many apologies
to any one offended and Vassago for that little mistake. I g0tta admit dah
Script Count iz l00kin" dEf aNd StuPh...ASS-KeY Tables are sew phuNkee. Just
added a VMS compatibility section.

|Name    |Author      |Description            |Version|Where             |VMS|
|BitchBox|Grendal     |Another fun script     |???    |N.O.G.R.          |Yes|
|Dog2    |???)        |Hilarious encryption   |???    |???               |No |
|Foolz   |BoW         |A satirical script     |???    |In BoW #6 requires|No |
|        |            |aimed at the so serious|       |uNsMaK (BoW       |   |
|        |            |scripts                |       |compression tool) |   |
|Gargoyle|Vassago     |More gadgets than you  |???    |RoboCop (IRC bawt)|No |
|        |            |can wave a stick at    |       |                  |   |
|iNFiNiTY|MiSTiK      |A very old script      |???    |RoboCop (IRC bawt)|No |
|Morse   |???)        |Another run of the mill|???    |???               |No |
|        |            |alternative encryption |       |                  |   |
|Phoenix |Vassago     |A sequel to Gargoyle?  |???    |RoboCop (IRC bawt)|No |
|TextBox |Crypt Keeper|Serious hardware for   |6.21   |Crypt Keeper      |No |
|        |            |kickin" backsides      |       |                  |   |
|Toolz   |YaZoo       |Mmmm <reminisces>, it  |???    |RoboCop (IRC bawt)|No |
|        |            |was my first script I  |       |                  |   |
|        |            |ever used              |       |                  |   |
|XDCC    |Xabi        |Useful for handling DCC|3.2.0  |???               |No |
|        |            |heavy traffic          |Final  |                  |   |
|XKill   |Xtactic/    |Another script from the|1.01   |N.O.G.R.          |No |
|        | xn4rk      |crypt                  |       |                  |   |

N.O.G.R. - Not On General Release
???      - Who knows

If you've found a script that doesn't appear here mail the address provided
at the end of the zine, with the subject line "ScriptCount".

Scriptwriters, have you just created that killer script? If so, mail the
address as mentioned before with the subject line "NewScript".


Simple Karding Phun  -  Fungus The Bogeyman

The information here is purely for educassional (learning every now and then -
FTB) purposes only. All of the information included in this article is highly
illegal if put into practice. The use of the information mentioned here could
result in severe penalties, FOR WHICH I CANNOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY, which
are doled out by the authorities to the poorer  echelons of society. The rich
are getting richer every day... While the little that the poor man got it will
be taken away... OK thats the ranting out of the way. Remember. SAY OH! TO

As most H/P D00ds already know Karding is a skill in itself which requires
(like all aspects of H/P'ing) a lot of knowledge and lady luck. I assume most
people think of Karding as obtaining hardware or WaresZ from scrupulous
capitalist Mercedes driving types. Well with the sudden growth of the internet
in the U.K. the previously mentioned types, have as expected decided to cash
in on the poor, needy and greedy. The US type have been Karding accounts etc.
for eons, but now you can do it in the safety of your very own Empire (start
national anthem(stand up and salute)) NOT!