OOOO          oOOOOOOO OOOOOOO.    OOOO          oOOOO
            OOOO        .OOOO OOOO OOOOOOOOo   OOOO          OOOO"
            OOOO       oOOOO  OOOO OOOO "OOOO. OOOO OOOOo   .OOOO'
            OOOO     .OOOO"   OOOO OOOO   OOOOoOOOO  "OOOO. oOOOO
            OOOO oOOOO      ""OOOO OOOO       "OOOO       OOOOOO

|                                                                           |
|                           There Ain't No Justice                          |
|                                                                           |
|                                    #102                                   |
|                                                                           |

                               By Ace Lightning


                                  VR Suit I


She opened the bulky box with the discreet "Teledildonic Technologies" logo
and carefully searched through its contents. Although she was eager to try
the suit, she knew she'd have to install the interface and the software.
Installing the interface card took her half an hour. She re-booted her
computer; so far, so good. Now to install the software. As she waited for
each diskette in turn to copy its contents to her hard drive, she carefully
shook out the suit and examined it. The installation program finally signaled
that it was done, and she connected the cable from the suit to the interface.
Then she took off all her clothes and began to put on the suit.

It consisted of a full-body spandex catsuit that covered her from neck to
toes and fingertips. (She hadn't spent the extra money for the head-and-face
extension.) The inside of the suit was studded with soft rubbery devices,
each of which had to be carefully aligned with her erogenous zones. Bands of
electrocontractile material and specially textured areas took care of her
feet and the backs of her knees. As she smoothed the suit up her body, she
came to the more complex parts; servo-operated protrusions designed to fit
her bodily orifices. A small one fitted into her anus; a larger ("and quite
lifelike!" she thought) one slipped into her vagina; and a strange-looking
little knob snuggled up against her clitoris. She continued to fit the suit
to her body, zipping it up the front as she went. Two hollow devices vaguely
resembling the working parts of a milking machine ("how appropriate!")
clamped onto her nipples. The rubbery plastic was warm, but just cool enough
to make her nipples begin to stiffen. She slipped her arms into the sleeves,
feeling more textured patches and electrocontractile bands fit themselves
into place.

Suddenly she had a moment of trepidation; what if she didn't *like* the
sensations the suit produced? But she put aside her last-minute jitters and
launched the program to activate the suit. A menu of options appeared on the

Rectal Penetration: (*)Shallow ( )Deep
Speed: 60
Vaginal Penetration: ( )Shallow (*)Deep
Speed: 60
Clitoral Stimulation: ( )Pulsate (*)Rotate
Speed: 60
Nipple Stimulation: ( )Gentle (*)Intense
(*)Simultaneous ( )Alternating
Speed: 60
(*)Rectal (*)Vaginal (*)Clitoral (*)Nipple
Secondary Erogenous Zone Stimulation: (*)Yes ( )No
Orgasm Autosense: (*)On ( )Off


She pressed F1.

The electrocontractile fibers embedded in the spandex began to massage her
body in a surprisingly enjoyable fashion; the textured areas on the insides
of her knees and elbows tickled just enough. After a preprogrammed lag, the
direct stimulation kicked in. The dildo-like inserts in her rectum and vagina
began to thrust, just as she'd programmed them, while the clitoral stimulator
rubbed her in insistent circles and the breast cups sucked on her nipples.
She'd never had ALL her erogenous zones stimulated at once before; no human
could do that for another. In seconds she was squirming and breathing
raggedly. This was going too fast; she summoned a measure of self-control and
reset some of the parameters on the menu. Ahh... that was better. Everything
was still going on at once, but at a pace that didn't threaten to bring her
to orgasm before she'd even begun. She leaned back and allowed the full array
of sensations to sweep through her body.

She let her mind wander, intrigued by the fantasies that surfaced as the suit
continued to stimulate every erogenous zone simultaneously. The scenes she
imagined wouldn't be physically possible, because people would be getting in
each other's way, but she surprised herself with some of the individuals who
drifted into her erotic fantasy. The tall, dark-haired man was fucking her in
the usual manner, while the shorter blonde man was somehow simultaneously
tonguing her clit and gently poking his finger into her ass. Meanwhile, two
voluptuous women - one dark-skinned, one pale - were sucking her nipples. She
wondered distantly if this resembled the legendary "Mongolian clusterfuck".
By now she was writhing, straining against the suit, holding off her orgasm
as long as possible while the program attempted to bring her to orgasm with
computerized efficiency. Finally she could hold back no longer. The
involuntary gasps and moans she hadn't even known she was making rose to a
long-drawn-out howl as she came. The suit sensed her orgasmic convulsions,
and began its end-program sequence, stimulating her more gently so that she
came again almost immediately, and then yet again. As her body's spasms
decreased, so did the suit's movements, gradually slowing to a stop. With the
last set of synchronized pulsations, she had one last, weak orgasm, and then
lay limp in her chair, breathing as if she'd just run up several flights of
stairs. A few minutes went by before she could open her eyes and see the
message on her computer screen:



                             Beauty Parlor Girls


Every fortnight, whether or not the dictates of current fashion required it,
Ace went along to Catherine's for a trim, a shampoo and the impromptu massage
that had become a feature for certain regulars of the establishment.

She arrived just after midday, when the few customers who'd taken lunch off
for some follicle adjustment were being ushered out. Draping her coat over
the back of the old leather couch, she waved to Alia, the twenty-six- year-
old ex-punk who was nominally in charge of the Salon when Catherine wasn't
in. Alia was wearing an old `Country Road' windcheater which came down to her
knees. It had several strategically-placed rents, barely held together by
lines of nappy-pins; carefully laddered black stockings and metal-studded
suede boots completed the ensemble. Her glittering black, fabric-glue-
stiffened coif, poking up almost a foot above her head, would have done
Robert Smith proud.

After exchanging the usual pleasantries, Alia led her by the hand around to
the rear of the salon and pressed her into the chair, for her preparatory
shampoo. This chair was a wonder; originally a dentist's chair, it had been
installed by Catherine to allow a wide degree of flexibility, allowing the
positioning of the client in practically any position. Alia smiled, humming
to herself as she collected bottles of shampoo and conditioner. A young girl
with shoulder-length pale gold hair, dressed in a grey school-girl's uniform,
pushed aside the curtain and whispered something to Alia, who paused and then
pointed to the chair. The girl smiled and entered the rear section of the
salon, carefully closing the curtains behind her.

`This is Sue. She'll be assisting in today's operation.'  Ace smiled; Alia
always referred to it as `the operation', the use of terms with secondary,
private meanings lending a conspiratorial air to the proceedings.

Sue moved around behind the chair, rotating it slightly so that Ace's hair
fell into the basin, and began rinsing it with water which was only just on
the bearable side of scalding. Despite her apparent youth, Sue was a skilled
tactile therapist, massaging the first of several conditioning treatments
into Ace's scalp with firm, insistent motions of her fingers. Meanwhile, Alia
had removed Ace's shoes and was palpitating the ball and instep of her right
foot with practiced brutality.

Ace sighed with pleasure at the ministrations of the two young women. The new
girl, Sue, had remarkably deft fingers. Whatever she was doing to Ace's scalp
felt wonderful ('although she should lose that stupid schoolgirl drag',
thought Ace). Catherine had conditioners and shampoos made up specially for
her salon; they were scented with natural herbs and botanicals, and they
smelled like the first day of Spring to Ace. The fragrant steam that swirled
around her head as Sue worked on her hair was almost as relaxing as the
actual massage.

Meanwhile, Alia was alternating back and forth between Ace's feet, so as to
keep her relaxation evenly balanced. Her strong hands knew just where the
knots in the muscles were, and how to un-knot them. Ace wiggled her toes with
relief as her feet and legs began to lose their tension under Alia's
experienced touch.

Waves of relaxation spread through Ace's body from her head and her feet, and
she drifted into a half-doze as the 'operation' progressed. Sue finished
massaging her scalp and washing her hair, and wrapped her head in a fluffy
towel; then she continued her massage down Ace's usually-tense neck and
shoulders. Meanwhile, Alia worked her way up Ace's calves, the expert
pressure relieving tensions Ace had forgotten she had. It felt very good to
just lie passively in the chair while the young women did things to her.

In this half-aware state, Ace gradually realized that the waves of sensuous
pleasure that swept from her feet and her head towards the center of her body
had taken on a decidedly erotic overtone. Alia was now vigorously massaging
Ace's thighs, while Sue's equally skilled hands were working on Ace's
collarbones, just above her breasts. Neither of the girls was doing anything
improper, but the experience was rapidly becoming more sexual than sensuous.

The two younger women became aware of Ace's growing arousal. They exchanged a
look; then Alia smiled, and her deep pressure changed to a titillating caress
on the inside of Ace's thighs. Sue bent over Ace's head, their faces mutually
upside-down, and kissed Ace full on the mouth, giving her just a hint of her
tongue. At the same time, Sue's hands slid down to Ace's breasts and began a
gentle circular motion on both nipples.

Ace gasped, startled by the erotic intensity of the two girls' stimulating
her at once. But the relaxed feelings from the earlier stages of the massage
had left her in a "go with the flow" kind of mood, and she continued to lie
passively (except for the occasional involuntary twitch) as new waves of
pleasure swept up and down through her body.

Alia proved to be as skilled at outright frottage as she was at massage, and
without even removing any of Ace's clothing she stimulated her sex until
Ace's hips undulated. Without missing a stroke, Alia bent her head to Ace's
bare feet and sucked shamelessly on her big toe; the unexpected sensation
almost made Ace cry out. But Ace's moans were stifled by Sue, who proved to
be an incredibly good kisser; her soft schoolgirl mouth and busy tongue were
an entirely new experience for Ace. Sue's hands were still stimulating Ace's
nipples through her clothing.

The combined stimulation was maddening; Ace writhed and sobbed, thinking that
she couldn't endure this level of sexual arousal for long, but despairing of
ever being stimulated completely to orgasm. The girls seemed to sense her
desperation, and their four-handed performance intensified. Sue pinched Ace's
nipples and thrust her tongue deeply into Ace's mouth, while Alia's strong
fingers found Ace's clitoris through trousers and panties. Ace rose clear off
the adjustable chair as her back arched with the first spasms of climax. But
this was not like the sharp, intense orgasms Ace was used to. This rose
slowly higher and higher, and higher yet, until it reached a peak unlike
anything she'd ever felt before. The dropoff was just as gradual, subsiding
like a wave washing back out to sea, lasting longer than she thought

For what might have been the first time in her entire life, Ace's body was
completely relaxed, every muscle devoid of tension; she felt boneless, almost
liquid, and filled with a feeling of peaceful satiation. She might have even
fallen asleep, except that Alia and Sue were still busy.

The girls were flushed and breathing rapidly; apparently by arousing Ace,
they had aroused themselves as well. They clung together in a passionate kiss
that rivaled anything heterosexual Ace had ever seen. Somehow they disrobed
each other without breaking the kiss; soon schoolgirl grey and post-punk
black were tossed on the floor, and the two young women were frantically
caressing each other. Alia sucked at Sue's small, immature breasts, while Sue
had her clever fingers deep in Alia's crotch. After some more frantic kissing
and fondling, the two young women settled into a classic "sixty-nine"
position on the floor beside the dentist's chair. Ace watched, mesmerized by
the exhibition of lesbian lust going on almost at her feet. Although she was
still sated from her own just-concluded exquisite experience, the sight of
two women lapping each other's clits began to get Ace aroused again. But
before anything more could happen, they brought each other to simultaneous
sobbing orgasms. They lay together for a few moments, catching their breath.
Then Alia got up and helped Sue to her feet. They quickly tossed on their
clothes, and Alia came over to Ace and removed the towel from her hair. She
began to comb Ace's hair out as usual, as if nothing had happened except an
ordinary shampoo. Sue handed Alia the blow-dryer, and together they finished
Ace's hair styling.

"Okay, you're done," said Alia. Ace sat up and fumbled in her purse. She paid
for her normal salon visit....and added a HUGE tip.


                                   Her Turn


..The evening progressed predictably; we went from snuggling on the couch,
to urgent necking, to turning off the TV and heading for the bedroom. We
undressed each other passionately and slithered between the sheets.

"I want to make love to you the way I'd make love to a woman," I whispered.
The idea seemed to startle him, and he said, "What do you mean?" I silenced
him with my mouth on his. I tongue-kissed him, darting the tip of my tongue
delicately around just inside his lips, while he did the same. Then I
suddenly plunged my tongue as far as it would go into his mouth. He shuddered
and pulled my body tightly against his.

I gently moved away from him and knelt straddling his torso. I cupped my
breasts in my hands and rubbed my nipples against his. This also seemed to
startle him; I felt his erection twitch against my ass. I slid down to lie
across his chest, and began to suck on his left nipple while tweaking the
right one gently. With my free hand, I softly stroked the inside of his
thighs. He gasped and thrust his hips involuntarily. After a few minutes, I
switched nipples, nibbling on the right one while fondling the left. Both
nipples were fully erect, as were mine.

I kissed my way down the centerline of his body, stopping to plunge my tongue
into his navel, which made him gasp again. I ran my tongue once up the length
of his penis, and then devoted myself to tonguing the underside of the
corona, pretending it was a clitoris. His whole body was shaking now, and his
breath was ragged. Feeling his arousal was arousing me as well, and he knew
it; he slipped his fingers between my labia and caressed my clitoris. I lost
my rhythm and let his penis slip away from my mouth. He started to pull me to
him, but I stopped him wordlessly, and returned to nibbling his nipples,
while I squeezed his cock gently but rhythmically, occasionally reaching down
to cup and squeeze his balls.

As his erection tightened, I pressed against his side and tongue-kissed him
again, or maybe "tongue-fucking" was a better description; all the while I
kept stroking him as the throbbing in his cock intensified toward orgasm. I
barely had the presence of mind to grab some tissues and hold them over the
end of his cock as he came. I kept stroking, and he kept coming, and I sucked
his tongue, and he kept coming, his whole body convulsing as his pelvis
thrust up against my hand, while I whispered against his mouth, "yessss....oh
yesss...that's it...oh, I love making you come!"

Finally, he was spent, and lay almost still except for the aftershock tremors
that rippled through him. I continued to caress him, trying to avoid the more
obvious erogenous zones, but moving my hands restlessly over his chest and
flanks. When he could speak, he said, "But what about you?", and put his
fingers between my labia again. I had to suppress the need to come right then
and there, and a small sob of desire rose in my throat.

He took the initiative then, kissing me the way I'd kissed him, making me
tremble and thrust myself against him. He kissed my breasts, then took one
nipple into his mouth and nibbled it just the way I'd nibbled his, and I
couldn't keep my hands off him. I was surprised and pleased to find that he
was growing hard again. I stroked his wet cock until it was erect, but my
timing was off because he kept sucking and tweaking my nipples, occasionally
running his hand teasingly along my crotch.

I was shaking so much I had trouble opening the little packet, but I had no
trouble at all fitting the condom over his erection. With another bout of
tongue-fucking, I impaled myself on him, wrapping my legs around his waist
and pulling him deep inside me. He was half-sitting up, and my arms and legs
were locked tightly around him. For a moment neither of us moved. I tightened
my internal muscles, and felt his penis throb in response. Then I freed one
hand and slipped it between our sweaty bellies, ready to take responsibility
for my own orgasm, as I always did.

Amazingly, his hand followed mine, and he gently displaced my fingers with
his own. At his touch on my clit, I felt my orgasm building toward
inevitability. My nipples were so erect they ached, and they rubbed against
his as our bodies pressed together; his nipples were as erect and sensitive
as mine. I could no longer tell the difference between his arousal and my
own; tongues, nipples, hands, cock, clit, all merged into one all-
encompassing erogenous zone.

As I felt myself beginning to come, I stopped *trying* to come and relaxed as
much as I could. Then wave after wave of orgasm rippled through me, spreading
to every cell, distorting the fabric of reality as I came and came and
came...his insistent fingers driving me to another convulsion, and another,
and still another. I think I moaned his truename with the last bit of breath
in my lungs.

I lay in his arms, limp and utterly spent. I felt his now-flaccid penis begin
to slip out of me; he'd come again while we were fucking...I was glad. But I
reluctantly rolled away from him and let him deal with the condom before it
fell off. Then we lay snuggled together, feeling sleepy and affectionate and
utterly satisfied.

"So *that's* how you make love to a woman, " he murmured.


                                  VR Suit II


The small package with the inconspicuous "Teledildonic Technologies" logo on
it contained three diskettes and some instructions. She loaded in the
programs on the disks and made the necessary changes to her communications
software. Then she slipped into her VR suit, carefully inserting the anal and
vaginal stimulators and attaching the other devices to her clitoris and
nipples, and entered the number for her modem to dial.

Logging on to the Teledildonic Technologies bulletin board was a bit more
complex than some logon procedures she'd known, but she understood that both
the complexity of the software and the nature of the system itself made it
necessary. Soon she was scanning through the list of others online, trying to
pick someone for an initial chat. After a bit of lurking, she chose Node 23.

hi, alice, my name is woody. is this your first time?
("'Woody', indeed! Why do men always have to brag?" she thought.)
please do. then i'll tell you about me, too.

They gave each other idealized descriptions of their physical appearance, and
then exchanged information about the settings of their VR suits. "Woody"
suggested some modifications to her suit's configuration, but she declined to
change them, telling him she liked it the way it was. Surprisingly, this was
OK with him. She considered telling him to change some of *his* suit's
settings, but decided that could wait until another encounter.

ready as we'll ever be.

The BBS's sophisticated interactive software took over then, transmitting
signals from one suit to the other. Her suit's electrocontractile fabric
began rhythmically squeezing her, as the textured panels on the inside gently
tickled her palms and soles. The nipple cups began to pinch softly in their
pre-programmed rhythm, and she gasped faintly. Then the dildo-like anal and
vaginal stimulators joined in. In seconds she was writhing in her chair,
wondering vaguely what "Woody" was feeling.

Woody, of course, had the male version of the VR suit. It had the same sort
of textured panels and electrocontractile fibers, tickling his hands and feet
and squeezing his body in interesting ways. It had smaller but equally
programmable nipple cups, which were busily tweaking his nipples (he'd
adjusted it for what he thought was his extreme sensitivity in this area, so
they just barely stimulated his two little buds). It had the same anal dildo,
pulsing away to a rhythm almost exactly like Alice's. But the suit's
designers had put electrocontractile material and textured fabric to
ingenious use in the male version of the suit. The penile sheath rippled and
squeezed, as its soft, smooth lining seemed to become slicker with each cycle
of the motion. He, too, was writhing in his chair, and wondering vaguely what
"Alice" was feeling.

As the suit's inexorable stimulation continued, Alice began to imagine it was
Woody touching her body; her imagination endowed him with all the
characteristics she found especially desirable in a man. He'd be tall and
well-muscled, but with a gentle touch; her feverish fantasies conceived of
him as having dark hair, and, surprisingly (for she'd never really liked men
with facial hair) a neatly trimmed beard. It wasn't the suit caressing her,
it was his strong but gentle hands; it wasn't the suit tweaking her nipples,
but his mouth gently nibbling; it wasn't the suit pulsating inside her
quivering vagina, it was his erection...

As his suit continued its inexorable stimulation, Woody began to fantasize
about Alice, imagining her to be the kind of woman he always found desirable.
She had long, soft, blonde hair and a sensuous mouth. Her breasts were large,
and, surprisingly (for he'd always preferred relatively slim women) she was
broad-hipped. It wasn't the suit tweaking his nipples, it was her tongue; it
wasn't the anal stimulator poking gently into his rectum, it was the tip of
her little finger; it wasn't the suit rhythmically squeezing his straining
erection, it was her warm vagina...

They had no way to know it, but they reached orgasm simultaneously.

When they were both able to communicate again, they chatted some more about
their experiences. She revealed to him that she had a fair amount of
knowledge of computers.

a little; not very much.


                            It Might Have Been...


..There was nowhere to sit in his room, except on the bed. I perched on the
edge, while he rummaged in his nightstand and came up with a bag of pot and a
pipe. Each time we passed the pipe back and forth, my fingers touched his; he
seemed not to notice.

Finally I was stoned enough to say it: "Uh, Frank... I guess you know this
already... but I really like you a lot." There was a moment of terrifying
silence, and then he said, "I thought so..." I took his hand and gently
rubbed my thumb over the back, feeling the strength in those guitarist's
muscles. "This isn't going to work," he said hesitantly. "I have... a
problem. I can't function with a woman like you."

"What do you mean?" The dope was making it hard for me to focus on anything
beyond this encounter I'd fantasized about for so long. "I can't function
sexually, with, uh, larger women. It's not you personally; I like you, and I
hope you know that. But I have this sexual dysfunction. I can only, um,
perform, with thin women."

"In other words, you can't get it up for fat broads?" I said brutally.

"Basically, yes." He looked away in embarrassment. I lifted his hand to my
mouth and kissed it, touching the tip of my tongue to the center of his palm.
"It won't work," he repeated. "I just can't. Don't waste your time." I pulled
him into my arms and said, "Don't worry about it. There are lots of other
things we can do. To begin with, you have beautiful hands..."

..Sexual dysfunction or no, the weed we'd smoked had affected us, and soon
we were kissing each other and fumbling with clothes. I slipped my hand
inside his jeans, and discovered that he'd told the truth; his penis was
perfectly limp, although his tongue was probing my mouth vigorously. He
gently pushed my hand away, murmuring "don't bother..." Instead, I unzipped
his pants and began sliding them down his hips. He wasn't wearing any
underwear. We lay naked on his bed, kissing and caressing each other like
horny teenagers.

His cock remained inert. Then I had an inspiration; there was at least one
thing I could do that his thin women never could have. Sliding down beside
him, I cradled his penis between my ample breasts and kissed the very tip.
"I'll bet no one has ever done this for you before," I whispered. "Do you
want to fuck my tits?" I slid his cock up and down in my cleavage, but there
was only the faintest twitch of response. He made a worried noise, and I
shushed him. "You don't have to 'perform' for me," I said. My nipples were
erect and aching, but I was determined not to let him feel pressured. I held
him close and kissed him again. He was a very good kisser.

He finally realized that I didn't think he was "inadequate" at all, and began
seriously exploring my body with his hands. I gasped and trembled at his
touch. He truly had beautiful hands, strong and gentle at the same time, and
I thought of how sexy they looked when he played his guitar. Now he was
touching me with the same reverent excitement.

His fingers found my labia and probed inside. " shave yourself!" he
whispered in surprised discovery. I arched my back and thrust my pelvis
against his hand, while I groped for his crotch, wanting whatever of him that
I could have. He was barely at half mast, and even seemed to deflate slightly
in my hands. But his delicate, teasing touch on my clitoris soon distracted
me from anything but my own increasing arousal.

I felt him slide down against me; he gently opened my labia, and then he was
tonguing my clit, varying the stroke once in a while to plunge his tongue
into my cunt like a wet, agile phallus. I writhed and whimpered, as he
brought me quickly to the trembling edge of orgasm... and then, teasingly,
*kept* me there...

Finally, he sensed that I could stand no more. He reached up to caress my
breasts with one hand, while his tongue lapped faster at my quivering clit. I
pushed my crotch against his face and moaned as my orgasm began to explode
inside me. His hands and tongue never stopped their motions as I came...and
then, to my own amazement, came again and again. I'd read about multiple
orgasms, but never expected to experience them...

My body convulsed on the bed, thrashing like a heart patient being shocked
back to life. He kept stroking and licking me...I kept coming and coming,
wondering distantly if I was ever going to stop. But eventually he exhausted
my body's capacity for orgasm. His continuing attentions only made me twitch
and shudder, and he slowed and stopped. He lay close beside me and held me
very gently in his arms.

The tiny part of my mind that was still capable of thought noticed that his
cock was still limp. I wanted to try to give him what he'd given me, and my
hand moved feebly toward his groin, but he stopped me. "It's OK," he said.
Looking deeply into his eyes, I whispered, "Thou art God..."

"Thou art Goddess..." he responded, and kissed me gently.

I felt his penis begin to stiffen against my thigh...




The Moon is full tonight, and the sky is perfectly clear, with the sharp
clarity of a windy autumn night. As the Moon rises higher, it shines directly
in my bedroom window, filling the room with beautiful brilliant light. Even
when I was a child, long before I knew anything about Paganism, I always felt
a powerful emotional attraction to the Moon, no matter what phase it was in
when I beheld it; the full Moon in particular always held me mesmerized,
filling me with a sense of awe and love. Now I know that I was feeling the
presence of the Goddess in the power of Her most ancient and beloved

As the moonlight fills my room, so does the presence of the Moon Goddess. Her
female energy resonates strongly with my own female nature, and I seem to
feel the Moon's tidal pull on each individual cell of my body. I go to the
window and bask in the silvery radiance, so strong that it feels almost like
a physical touch. I want to feel more of it; I strip off my clothes and stand
at the window, naked in the brilliant moonlight. It is late at night and no
one will see me, but I wouldn't care if someone did; surely the pure white
light of the full Moon sanctifies everything it shines upon!

The moonlight truly does feel like a physical touch upon my naked skin, like
the caress of the Goddess' cool silvery hands. The sensation is at the same
time awe-inspiring and intensely erotic, and I realize I am trembling.
Without thinking, I begin to caress myself, taking handfuls of the moonlight
and smoothing them over my skin. I stroke my breasts, white and rounded like
the Moon Herself, until my nipples stand up in salute to Her. Then one hand
strays to my crotch, fingers questing between my moist labia. As I begin to
rub my clitoris rhythmically, I am trembling harder and swaying on my feet.

In my Moon-dazed erotic trance, my own hands are also the hands of the
Goddess caressing me. I know that every woman is in some sense a
manifestation of the Goddess, so it makes perfect sense that when I make love
to myself, the Goddess is making love to me. I can no longer distinguish
between the touch of my own fingers and the touch of the moonlight. She is
caressing me, covering my entire body with Her silver kisses, titillating my
nipples and clitoris until I can barely stay on my feet. I sway toward the
Moon that fills my window, my body yearning toward Her for release.

The Goddess' hands/my own hands stimulate my erogenous zones frantically
until I sink to the floor in the moonlight as my orgasm begins. I howl at the
Moon, a primal scream of love and worship, "OOOOOooooohhhhh....", while I
come and come and come. Every convulsive orgasmic pulsation seems to unite me
ever more closely with the Goddess of the Moon... until finally my body is
sated, and the pulsations die down to a faint twitching and shuddering. I am
gasping for breath and covered with a fine film of sweat. I lie stretched out
on the floor, embraced by the moonlight, staring in rapture at the face of
the Moon until Her majestic ascent into the sky carries Her up beyond my
window. Then, reluctantly, I climb into bed, and dream about the Moon...




..We'd gotten to the stage of trying to undress each other while kissing and
fondling. Men learn how to do this a lot better than women do, and I was
still struggling with his shirt as he cupped my naked breasts in either hand,
making me gasp when he stroked my nipples with his thumbs. I finally got his
shirt out of the waistband of his pants and slid my hands up his muscular
chest, intending to return the favor.

He hissed and jerked backwards. "Please don't touch my nipples," he
whispered, "they're too sensitive." I didn't want to destroy the mood, so I
slid my hands downward instead. But I made a mental note to find a way to re-
educate his "oversensitive" nipples at the first opportunity. I've always
thought that nipples - my own, or someone else's - were among Nature's
greatest inventions.

..The next time we had sex, we weren't in such a frantic hurry. Naked in bed
together, we explored each other's bodies with leisurely caresses and kisses.
I kissed the hollow of his throat, and then began to trace a trail of kisses
down the length of his body. I'd never before been with a man with such
prominent muscles in chest and shoulders, and it fascinated me as much as it
aroused me. But when I detoured slightly and touched one nipple with the
merest feather-touch of the tip of my tongue, he stiffened again and gently
pushed my head away. " I told you before, please don't do that!"

"Ohhh... sorry..." I murmured, and dove for his groin, where I proceeded to
make it up to him by sucking his cock until it was rigid and trembling. I
grasped it in my hand as we re-positioned ourselves for serious fucking. As I
moved, I contrived to let my long, soft hair brush across his chest, and was
rewarded by feeling his already rock-hard erection twitch and grow one notch
more rigid. Then I guided that wonderful hardness inside me, and forgot about
nipples for a while.

.."Let's play a game," I said in my most seductive voice. "I've always
wanted to try costumes and fantasy and stuff like that. I brought some sexy
things for both of us. Here, I got you some silk underwear... see, it almost
matches mine!" I was dressed in a silky bra-and-bikini set in my favorite
shade of deep violet, trimmed in black lace. I handed him black silk shorts
and T-shirt. The shirt was deliberately one size too big, so it would drape
loosely. (The shorts were pornographically tight.) As he put them on, I went
to the stereo and punched up some music with a heavy, sensual beat. "I want
to dance for you like the girls in the strip joints," I said, and began
gyrating, bumping and grinding to the music. After a few moments I took his
hand and pulled him up to dance with me, "just like those fantasy girls..."
Soon I had him swaying to the rhythm, the soft silk of the shirt slithering
gently over his chest. I could see he was getting excited... frankly, so was
I. "Okay, now we take them *off* each other..."

I "helped" him take off the shirt, making sure it dragged lightly over both
of his nipples at once. He stiffened and hissed again, but not as much as
before, and he didn't say anything about it. I almost couldn't get the tight
silk shorts off him, his erection had swelled so much inside them. But when I
finally freed it, it was most gratifyingly hard. Then he unhooked my bra, and
began doing unbearably titillating things to *my* nipples, while peeling off
my bikini panties. Moments later we were fucking on the floor, surrounded by
sexy silken underwear...

..He lay back on the bed, while I knelt straddling his hips. I lowered
myself gently down onto his proud and upstanding cock, wriggling my hips
slightly to make sure we were positioned for maximum mutual pleasure.
Kissing, caressing, writhing, grinding and pressing our bodies together, we
both strove to keep each other just short of the brink of orgasm for as long
as possible. It was difficult for me; his body was so sexy, and the ways he
touched me were so arousing, that all too soon I knew I couldn't keep myself
from coming any longer; and from his hardness inside me, I knew that when I
came he would come too. I tightened my internal muscles as hard as I could,
and then my body convulsed in ecstasy as I came, and came, and came...

I felt his orgasm explode inside me, and with the last of my conscious
control I deliberately tweaked his nipples at the instant he came. The sudden
sensory overload made him come even harder, and his body arched so violently
that I almost fell off him. Instead I held onto him desperately, both of us
still coming, each one's spasms triggering responding spasms in the other,
until we simply couldn't come any more. His gasping breath sounded almost
like sobbing...

..The time finally came when I could gently flick his nipples with the tip
of my tongue and he would not push me away. One night we were really getting
into foreplay; I fondled and caressed his cock while he sucked and nibbled
and licked at my nipples. This aroused me so much that I had trouble keeping
my attention on his steadily growing erection. But when he came up for air, I
bent my head to his splendidly muscled chest and gently nibbled at *his*
nipples. The effect on his hardon was immediate and intense. "Now you know
how you make *me* feel," I whispered as his fingers searched for my clit. Now
our roles were reversed - I licked and sucked one nipple while gently
tweaking the other, switching sides every so often, and his hands were busily
exploring my crotch. He wasn't objecting any more. Very soon I was frantic
with the need to come. "Fuck me..." I moaned... and he did... and as he came
inside me, and I came in response, my only coherent thought was, "I think
he's re-educated now..."


                                 VR Suit III


With her VR suit on, she logged onto the Teledildonic Technologies BBS again,
hoping to find "Woody". Although she searched every node, the man she had
shared her first cyberfuck with wasn't there. As she hesitated, wondering
what to do next, someone paged her, and she answered.

hi, my name is nik. i have the program you want.
i lurk a lot. i saw you tell woody you wanted a way to control each other's
suits. i have a program that will do that.
you don't control each other's suits directly from the control menu. it uses
the suit's feedback sensors. your responses direct the actions of my suit,
and vice versa. i wrote it myself.
follow me, my dear... come to the files section and i'll show you what to

She downloaded the program and quickly installed it in her growing library of
suit software. She didn't want to lose contact with this mysterious "Nik".
She liked the idea of each person's bodily responses creating a mirror effect
in the other person's suit; it would make cybersex so much more like "real"

all right then, let's go!

The suit began to stimulate all her erogenous zones, as it was designed to
do. But the rhythm and pacing weren't the same as the pre-programmed sequence
she was used to. The nipple stimulation was more insistent, and out of phase
with the main erogenous zones. The anal penetrator was thrusting deeper,
while the vaginal penetrator took longer, slower strokes. She was amazed at
how much more arousing this unfamiliar erotic stimulation was; she moaned
involuntarily, as she squirmed against the suit's electrocontractile

Suddenly she remembered that the suit's feedback sensors were reading her
body's responses and translating them into movements of Nik's suit. The
thought made her gasp, and then she put as much concentration as she had into
giving the sensors active response. She undulated her hips, trying to match
the rhythm Nik was giving the vaginal stimulator, and contracted her internal
muscles around it. She was immediately rewarded with faster, deeper strokes,
and a more insistent rhythm of the clitoral stimulator. "'Nik' really
understands what a woman wants during sex," she thought breathlessly. Then
the nipple cups tweaked both her nipples, hard, at the same time, and she
started to come. Amazingly, the rubbery motorized dildo inside her thrust
once, very deeply, and seemed to tremble, exactly like a penis at the moment
of the man's orgasm. Her entire body responded at once, and she arched her
back and gave a muffled shriek as she came so intensely she blacked out for
an instant.

When she opened her eyes, there was a message from "Nik" on her screen.

was it good for you, too?
there are a lot of things that aren't in the instruction manual.
of course. i have one that you can use along with this one. it "translates"
from one sex to the other. so you could be having cybersex with another
woman, and her body's responses would translate into your suit giving you the
equivalent male responses. it works for two men, too. you can have cybersex
with anybody.

A suspicious thought crossed her mind; she had assumed that "Nik" was some
derivative of "Nicholas"... but Nik understood a woman's body so well...



                           To Whom It May Concern:


                          I know you don't love me,
                            but that's all right;
                          it's enough that you exist
                               for me to love.
                              If I were younger,
                           I'd fling myself at you,
                             over and over again,
                                 until I fell
                             bruised and bleeding
                                at your feet;
                             but I'm too old now
                         for such vigorous exercise,
                          so I just write you poems.
                          I know you don't love me,
                            but that's all right;
                    I love the Empire State Building, too,
                        but I have no need to own it.

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