� Preachers Of Texts �
                    " Hacking School Computers "
                          " For Dummies "

       So you go to some cheap school eh? You hate the teachers, the
       principal, vice-principals, and almost everyone in the fucking
       school. All you get to do all day is sit and listen to all this
       stuff which you probably won't use in life anyways. Your taking
       a computer class and they're teaching you how to use Logo-Writer.
       The teacher doesn't even know how to make a batch file and is
       frustrated with this logo shit. While you just sit and relax,
       bored with nothing to do but sit there and listen. So let's make
       this more interesting. Teachers, Principals, Vice-Principals
       probably barely don't even know how to use computers in depth.
       Majority just know the usual " loading up Wordperfect ", and that's
       all. The littlest thing can frustrate them and go nuts. So just
       to make thing's easier for them and to have some fun. Let's screw
       up the computers. Now it's time to see some action of people running
       around the school going " It's not working ", " I can't get it to
       work ", and here repeadious calls to the office for the computer
       teachers. Now first, when ya get to the computers. Sit down, pop
       in a disk maybe, if there's other people there. Now load up the
       computer. The computers will probably go to this little shit screen
       because of the network installed. Enter the computer under student,
       Math1, or something. The usual which ya do with your regular class.
       Now go to a program like Wordperfect. It looks simple, and looks
       like your doing an essay or something. Go to the files pull-down
       menu and select " Go to dos ". This will drop ya to dos as you
       probably already know. Now, your in dos. Schools usually mix up
       thier hard drives and call them like H:, Z:, F: or something. Not
       the regular C:, D: etc. So if your not in the main drive. Go to it.
       Most likely C:. Once your here, go to a directory which is already
       made. Look if there is any sub-directories. Go to it. Now go to the
       sub-directory and make another sub-directory in the sub-directory
       which your already in and make it related to the sub-directory.
       Here, Upload a text file, and a virus. On the text file, make it
       as a message so when it loads the computer it will display the
       message while the virus is fucking up the drive. Say whatever
       you want on it. Improvise and make it good. Like tell off the
       teachers and shit in it. Once your done that. Find the Batch
       files which load the computer up. Edit the batch file and
       before you see the @echo off command if there is any, put
       " Type Filename.txt ". That's for the filename. Now if there's
       no @echo off command, then stick that text at the top of the batch
       and add in @echo off on the line underneath it. Then under the
       @echo off add " Virus.exe/com " The name of the virus whatever it
       is. So it'll run the virus. Now exit the file and make sure you
       save it. If your pleased just with fucking up the computer then
       just exit back to wordperfect and logout. If ya wanna get access
       to more stuff so that you can fuckup more stuff in the future then
       keep on reading. Now find a drive which has directory names like,
       teachers/students, or System. Go to these directories and see
       if you can find a file which is named PASSWORD or PASSWRD or PASSWD
       something along those lines. If there's someone in the room then
       go to your disk and copy the file. If not then your free to print
       it out. This should contain the passwords for all the teachers and
       other login names. So in the future after they fix up the computers
       after your wonderful virus fuckup, you can go back and go into
       teachers files and stuff :). hehhe... Maybe change some marks :)

