                       8b,dPPYba,  MM88MMM  ,adPPYYba,
                       88P'    "8a   88     ""     `Y8
                       88       d8   88     ,adPPPPP88
                       88b,   ,a8"   88     88,    ,88
                       88`YbbdP"'    88     `"8bbdP"Y8
                       88             - ASCii by ButterBoy
                                        ([email protected])

       Editors: Dr. Menace
                Angel of Death

                  The People's freedom Association
                      -        -       -
PRN: 7

             PfA: The legally questionable digest for open

Disclaimer: The information in this publication perataining to things such as,
            but not limited to, computer hacking, phone phreaking, drug
            making, weaponsmithing, and other illegal acts is provided on a
            so you know policy.  We take no responsibility if you actually
            do the shit!
      P.S.: Don't get caught, d00dz!  Have p/h/u/n!
                              -----        -------


       Letter from the head guys:

       Hey!  This is Dr. Menace and Angel of Death.  We're the guys in
       charge of all this bullshit.  We imagine you are no doubt thinking,
       "Oh god.  Another fly-by-night underground computer hacker
       magazine!"  Well, we actually have a purpose for this one.  Here's
       the story:

       One day Angel of Death and myself were sitting around.  We realized
       that "Hey, there are magazines on drugs, magazines on weapons,
       magazines on phreaking, and magazines on hacking, but no really
       wonderful compilations all of the above."  (Of course, I am para-

       So here is the fruits of our effort.  I hope ya like it.


       This week's letter from Dr. Menace:

  What's goin' on guys....I have a bit of an explanation.  Last issue
  was put out entirely by me because I wasn't willing to help Angel of
  Death out by telling him I was releasing another issue.  This one'll
  have some shit by him though.

  Have been talking to Angel of Death...we've decided to be a little
  more public about asking for submissions.  The fact is we need some.
  If you wish to write about any appropriate subject, please e-mail us
  with it!  We know very well we have hundreds of readers (Just from
  subscription requests.) so some of you guys could afford to send some

  There is a new format here.  There will not be anymore limiting of
  stuff here to weaponry/bombs, drugs, and hacking.  I'll just see what
  gets sent to us or what we come up with and put that in.  I'm tired
  of putting weaponry stuff that I find dull (No offense to the people
  that have sent me compliment letters about them.) in, just to make
  sure I get something in for that category.

  Also, a recent events column has been added.  L8r.

P.S. - Something bares explanation ... it's with the accusations of us
 stealing shit from TABAS and the like.  It's annoying enough on IRC,
 but when I start getting mail about it I will explain.

       When our little magazine thingy here was first started up it was
       local to my board, or main fan base (and crowd being aimed at.)
       some really new guys (I'm talking new, like fresh off the PD
       WildCat! and Spitfire boards.) that wanted to know about h/p and
       all that shit.  Me and Angel of Death being the nice fell0ws we
       are we decided we'd help 'em out by compiling a bunch of shit
       for them.  It was at their suggestion and at that of
       Domiq...oops I forgot the feds are watching you d00d, I won't
       say your name.  It was at their suggestion and that of this like
       guy that we decided we'd do a lot of net distribution.  I
       suppose we did a shitty job of trying to make it clear that we
       didn't want to pass off the work as our own.  So excuuuuuuze me.


       Shout outs: Hey U4EA and your cool CSAP possey.  (Canadian,
       Sexually Alternative, and PROUD!)  Solctice and his k-r4d j0ck
       w4reZ d00d p0ssey.  A nice net blowjob to CKeeper for fixing
       /ajbomb in a k-rad manner.  And of course to Kevin Mitnick for
       being so 3til3.
   (    /               /      /
       /      ___      /___   /    __
      /      /   )    /    ) /    /__)   of Kontentz...
     /      (___/( (_/____/ (__/ (___

       This Issue'z Philez:

       (1) - 5 Ways to Detect a Phone Tap
             written by: Dr. Menace and Angel of Death

       (2) - Fun with Locks
             written by: Angel of Death
+ Recent Events! +

Dr. Menace's:

       - I was like on this cool konph.  It was like on the weekend of
         20th...with Zaph0d.  It kicked butt.  We bawled out this Janet
         bitch.  She said the MeetMe services were down (We were doing
         an Alliance.) and we asked her to refer us to another company.
         So she said they can't do it and Zaph0d says "Well wouldn't it
         just be common decency for you to do that?"  And she says
         "That's not part of AT&T's policy."  We all laugh and Zaph0d
         says "You mean to tell me common decency isn't part of AT&T's
         policy?"  So the bitch says "Not when dealing with people like
         you, sir."  So we call her supervisor and she gets a demerit
         or some shit.  Hahaha.  We'll see how much longer she has that
         fuckin' job.

       - I was on like...this other conf.  I've been on like a lot of
         but I think atdt ran this one.  We like called up OnCore, and
         called this 502 AC 911 backdoor collect, and they put the call
         through.  It's this little east Indian dude at OnCore talking,
         and he puts the call through and you hear "911." and he says
         "Oh, dis 911???" and the husky voice at the other end says
         "Yeah."  So the lamer at OnCore disconnects the call and said
         "So sorry sir, you canna call 911 collect."  And we all laugh
         and I say "No shit you sorry student!" and he hangs us up.

       - Request from me: Anybody going to DefCon II that'll let me
         crash in their room???  No way in hell I can do 55 fuckin'
         bucks but I'll pitch in if I can crash on your floor.

Angel of Death's:

       - Charles Campbell got hanged!  Death to child-molesters
         everywhere.  (Remember, pictures get hung, YOU get hanged!)

       - Fast food franchises and convenience stores started putting in
         surveilance mic's so they can listen in on people's conversations
         and prevent crime.  (Or so they say.)  It is no longer a good idea
         to hold hacking conventions at AM/PM or McDonald's then, I guess.
         [Note from Dr. Menace: Maybe take PGP with you, write down
         what you wanna say, then encrypt it by hand, pass it on a
         napkin under the table yer at, and then have them decrypt it
         on the other side.]

     f| Phile #- 1                               |P
     A|  Author- Dr. Menace and Angel of Death   |A
     P|   Title- 5 Ways to Detect a Phone Tap    |f
     f|    Date- 5/27/94                         |P
     A|---------                                 |A
     P|                                          |f

          In today's world, you just cannot trust anybody.  Especially
       CIA/FBI/KGB/KKK and other Naughty! three letter words, because
       they like to do Naughty! things like phone taps.  (This is of
       course when someone jacks into your line at some point to
       monitor your conversations.)

       This can be an extreme threat to someone, especially somebody
       that uses illegal conferences, exchanges credit card numbers via
       telephone, etc.  So, in this phile we will tell you some
       interesting ways to detect such a tap, possibly saving yourself
       from jail.

       -=1=- Easiest of all, go outside of your house and look for one.
             If there is some pimply faced geek in a labcoat that says
             Bellcore or other some such on it, shoot him immediately.
             (For one he is tapping your phone, so deserves to die, and
             secondly he works for the phone company, so deserves to

       -=2=- Pick up your phone and call a friend you've talked to
             ahead of time.  Say "Yea dude...fuckin' I've left the
             fuckin' drugs on the porch...yea yea I know I got the
             money a week ago...yea OK OK OK!  Shut up!  Just come over
             here and get them NOW!"  Then leave a paper bag full of
             ibuprofen tablets on your porch.  If people come busting
             your door down later, it's *fairly* safe to say your phone
             was, in fact, tapped.

       -=3=- Call 1-800-WET-TITS and enter your credit card number.
             it'll cost ya but hey you *cheap bastard* we're keeping
             you outta jail here!  Anyways, enter your credit card
             number and when the "bodacious, blonde, big busted babe"
             comes on don't talk.  If you hear her answer, and say,
             hello, hello? and then some geeky sounding guy comes on
             and tries to get smoooooooooth with her....your phone is

       -=4=- Bust the microphone off of your telephone and sit there
             listening to the speaker constantly.  If you ever hear
             some guy pick it up and make a call and say "Hahaha!  Boy
             these hackers are stupid!  And they say cops are dumb.
             This jack-ass doesn't even have the slightest idea we're
             tapping his phone!" then you should be fairly sure.

       -=5=- If you think some punk-ass kid is outside tapping your
             line, rewire your DC outlet to your phone system (inside
             the wall, not on the phone cord.) if you hear an
             "aaaaaahhh!" outside and see various pieces of anatomy
             flying around your can be sure your phone
             is no longer tapped.

     f| Phile #- 2                               |P
     A|  Author- Angel of Death                  |A
     P|   Title- Fun with Locks                  |f
     f|    Date- 5/27/94                         |P
     A|---------                                 |A
     P|                                          |f

    This artcle will explain (roughly) how to pick those cheapo
    pib-tumbler locks.  These are the most common locks out there, and
    lock up everything from cars to US West offices.  They work kind of
    like this picture (isn't it pretty)

            Locked                             Unlocked

            Z Z Z Z  <-- Springs ------------> Z Z Z Z
            Z Z + Z                            + + + +
            Z Z + +                            + + + +
            + Z + +   <- Pins -------------->  + + + +
            + Z + +                            + + + +
          I + + | + I <--- Casing ---------> I | | | | I
          I + + | | I                        I | | | | I
          I | + | | I                        I |   | | I
          I | + | |  <- Pin tumblers --------> |   | | I
            | | | |                                | |
            | | | |                                |

    In the "Locked" diagram, the pin tumblers have been pushed, by the
    Z-springs, into a downward position, locking up the mechanism.  In
    the "Unlocked" diagram, a key has been inserted that pushes the pin
    tumblers up, so that the pins are all even with the the pin
    tumblers, and form as straight line across, where the lock can
    turn.  When the unlocked lock turns, the pin tumblers and core casing
    turn inside the rest of the lock.

    The goal, therefore, when picking a pin tumbler lock, is to imitate
    what a key does, namely to push the pin tumblers up as far as they
    will go, which causes the pin tumblers to be flush with the top of the
    lock core, and open it.

    To accomplish this, you will need two different tools, a lockpick,
    and a tension wrench (also called an L-bar or tension bar).  You
    can get these nifty gadgets from a friendly locksmith, or make your
    own if you're handy with a grinder.

        __________/         ___________|
         Pick                Tension wrench

   There are many kind of picks, the most common are bent diagonally at
   the end, but there are straight picks, diamond picks, etc. that are
   used against special anti-picking locks, and a nifty device called a
   rake pick, that I will explain later.

   To use these, insert the tension wrench into the lock, and turn it
   to the right, or whatever direction you think the lock turns, just
   like you would turn a key.  It is best to insert this at the bottom
   of the lock, and push it clear behind the pins so you have room to
   work.  You might want to have someone else hold the wrench, or
   attatch a lead weight to it, so you can free up one hand to operate
   a flashlight or something.  You then take the pick, and insert it
   above the tension wrench.  The wrench is applying the necessary
   tension to rotate the lock a little, not enough to make any kind of
   a difference.  You use the pick to find the pin tumblers, and push
   them up as far as they will go.  When they are up, you should feel a
   little give on the tension wrench.  Then, move to the next pin.  The
   tension applied by the tension wrench will cause them to remain in
   place at the top of the lock, until all of them are up.  Unless you
   are clumsy, of course, and knock them back down, but none of us are
   clumsy, so that shouldn't be a problem.

  After you push the pins up, they may slip back down again.  This
  means one of two things.  Either the pin stayed in place and the
  tumbler slipped back down, in which case the lock is still picked, or
  you screwed up.  If you can't get a pin to stay up, then move on and
  get the rest of them, the ones that are harder to get at the
  beginning will go up at the end.

   Once you have gotten the hang of this (it takes a while) you may be
   ready to try the rake.  A rake pick looks somehwhat like this:


   You insert the tension bar just like normal, and then insert the
   rake pick in, and pull it out again real fast.  After several pulls,
   you hopefully will have randomly pushed the pins up.  An experience
   rakist (or raker?  I dunno) can open up a lock in 6 to ten pulls.

   If you want more info. about this art form, just E-mail me, because
   I'm lonely and want more mail.  I don't have any textfilez or
   anything, I learned all this from a friend of mine who used to be in
   security.  (Note from Dr. Menace: I wonder what sort of favors AoD
   did for the guy to get that 3til3 info...heheheh.)

     f| Phile #- 3                               |P
     A|  Author- Dr. Menace                      |A
     P|   Title- More than one way to skin a cat |f
     f|    Date- 5/27/94                         |P
     A|---------                                 |A
     P|                                          |f

   Ok this little epitome of 3til3ness is like cool.  You've probably
   heard the saying "Welp," (Tobacco spit.) "Ye know, dere's mo' dan
   one way ta skin a cat."

   Well here's the coolest way.  And unlike our other anarchy files, it
   doesn't require a bunch of shit you can never get your hands on, and
   I'm not gonna disclaim this cuz cats are worthless piece of shit
   fucking bitch animals that make me sneeze.  (Atchoo!)  So do people.
   (Atchoo!)  So go for it!

   Toolz required: (Duharr...can I use textbox or gargoyle?  SHUT UP!)
                   Two hands.  (Monoplegic version will follow in a
                   later issue.)

   Ok.  Now sprawl the cat out on a few 2x4's.  (It really needn't be
   dead first.  In fact give it some valium or better yet a bunch of
   ephedrine or alchohol or other such movement reducing drugs.)  And
   tack him down.  Have him sprawled out like this:

                 &&&              &&&
                 &@&     %%%%     &@&
                 &&^    %%%%%%  0 ^&&
                  - ^    %%%%    ^ -
                     ^  ()()()  ^     Key: % = Head
                      ^(()()())^           @ = Front paw
                       ()()()()            * = Back paw
                       (()()())            ^ = Front leg
                        ()()()        ) or ( = Torso
                       /  00  \            0 = Tail
                      /   00   \      \ or / = Back leg
                   - /    00    \ -        & = Lead Sauder (not req.)
                   &*&          &*&        - = Referrence point
                   &&&          &&&

   Note - The lead sauder is uneccessary ... but we are all about
   EFFect here so we DO reccomend saudering the cat's feet down.
   However if you do choose that route, DO NOT get it on anything but
   the cat's toes.

   Now note the referrence points are just above the cat's thumb
   claws.  Grab one of those points VERY FIRMLY and TWIST HARD with
   both hands like you were starting a motorcycle.  This will
   disconnect the skin on the cat's feet and legs.

   Now, grab the slack skin on it's legs and scrape it on one of the
   claws so it makes a frayed strip.  Take that strip and pull it
   towards the torso.  Do that to each leg, and the torso will come
   away easily.  If you really want EPHECT, peel the skin off the head
   like an orange.

   Now you have a k-r4d 31337 sk1nn3d c4t d00d.  D0n'T g3t c4ugHt.
   Sc4n th3 p1ctureZ 4nd s3nd th3m t0 4mer1c4 0nl1n3 4nd sh1t.

                       (Just don't mention PfA.)


     f| Phile #- 4                               |P
     A|  Author- Angel of Death                  |A
     P|   Title- All I really need to know...    |f
     f|    Date- 6/5/94                          |P
     A|---------                                 |A
     P|                                          |f

All I really need to know I learned from IRC.
--- - ------ ---- -- ---- - ------- ---- ---

1.  If something makes you mad, just /ignore it
2.  The more time you spending staring at a screen, the cooler you are.
3.  Bragging about your sexual exploits in front of total strangers makes
   you cool.
4.  Sexual harassment and racism are okay, but only if you're elite.
5.  Bombs never hurt anybody.
6.  Don't you think the world would be a better place if everyone took a few
   moments out of their hectic schedule to make someone else's life a living
7.  Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers.
8.  Ask smart questions, get no answers.
9.  \/\/RiTinG  L1|<3  tH1ss  iZ  |<-r4|> d00dZ!!!  Ye\/\/ c4n b33 a |<-r4d
   w4r3z d00d l1Ke /\/\3  1f y00 c4N  |>0  Th1ss!!!
10. Flooding helps spur discussion in a slow channel.
11. Begging incessantly for op status makes people REALLY want to op you.
12. If you don't have any real friends, just create some bots to talk to.
13. If you offer people something you don't have, then you can get something
   that they're not willing to give you.
14. Threatening people that you will probably never meet makes you sound
15. Exchange pirated warez for operating systems that you don't use.  It's
   a rebellion thing.
16. People living on the other side of the world really DO care about what
   kind of drugs you use frequently and how sexually active you are, they're
   just afraid to admit how fascinating your life is.
17. You're not paranoid, the feds really are after you.
18. Going to prison for carding a color scanner makes people respect you
   a whole lot.  (In fact, they might name you an honorary 3l33t d00d, if
   you deserve it!)
19. If you call someone who is smarter and more charismatic than you a nark,
   that brings them down to your level.
20. If someone calls you a nark, just call them a L4m3 p0s3ur n4rk, and you
   will gain respect, and put them in their proper place.
21. If someone calls you a L4m3 p0s3ur n4rk, retaliate by calling them a
   st00p1d n4r|< w4nn4b3 l4m3r d0rk, and accuse them of b34t1ng 0ff wh1le
   th3y r34d th3 st34my m3ss4g3s on #hotsex, 3v3n th0 th3y'r3 jUst a L4me
   12-y34r-0ld p0s3ur, wh0 pl4yz 0n h1s 'pUt3r wh1l3 h1z p4r3nts 4r3 g0n3.
22. If someone calls you a st00p1d n4r|< w4nn4b3 l4m3r d0rk, and makes the
   above stated accusations, then just say "1 iz 2 3l33t t0 3v3n t4lk t0
   y0u, s0 1 4m 0ff1c14lly iGN0R1NG u n0w, 4nd \/\/0n'T 4nSw3r U 4nyM0r3."
23. If someone directs the above statement to you (heaven forbid) then write
   a lengthy, boring rant on alt.irc, crossposted to every remotely
   applicable newsgroup, and the entire* hierarchy, telling
   everyone about how snobbish and bigoted people on the internet are, and
   portray yourself as the helpless martyr, victimized by this horrible
   person's insensitivity.  This will lead to a long, convuluted argument
   involving radical feminists and all-around psychos (same difference),
   and will certainly put the offensive irc'er in their place.
24. If you never read newsgroups, no one will be able to do this to you,
   because you are so 3l33t that you don't have time to read newgroups, so
   they just can't get to you.  But never, EVER, give up irc, because that
   would mean you are backing down to them, and we can't let that hapen,
   can we?
25. If you invite all the really k-rad people to come hang on your private
   channel, they will come and worship you.
26. If they don't (is it possible) then they have commited a major faux pas,
   and you must take the course of action outlined in items 19-24, to prove
   that you are cooler than them.
27. Last of all, if someone joins a channel, and everyone else greets them,
   you need to provide the longest, most bizarre greeting, so that you can
   prove your undying loyalty to their group.  Example:  y0y0y0y0y0 h0wz1t
   g01n' U4EA, 1 BoW d0wn 4nd _W0RSH1P_ BoW b3c4us3 1 4m p4rt of y0ur 3l33t
   h4q1ng p0ss3.
28. If they do not answer with an even longer and more worshipful greeting,
   then refer to the instructions given in items 19-24.

Next issue: |<-r4D things to say that will impress all your irc friends.

Appendix A - PfA BBS List Information.

If run a hacker related Bulletin Board System, and are willing to carry
the PfA issues, perhaps you would like to publicize your board to the
appropriate crowd.  If so, call The Escapade Macabre and leave feedback
to Dr. Menace or Angel of Death telling us the name, number and NuP (if
any) of your BBS.  Thanx!

 Current BBS List:
{Name}                          {Phone #}               {NuP}

The Escapade Macabre            206-565-0786            None
The Private Cartel              206-475-7439            None
Hyperion 9                      206-984-9568            None
The House of Pain               206-NOT-YET!            ????

Appendix B - Submitting articles to PfA

If you have read PfA, and like what you see, perhaps you'd be interested
in being published in our fine magazine?

If so call The Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace (NOT
Angel of Death.) that contains the body of the article, the author, the
date, and the title.  Most articles will be accepted as long as they are
of the appropriate genre.  Thanx!

Also, you may use any form of E-Mail (DrakeNet, InterNet, or whatever
else you think of.) to submit shit.  Make sure to make the subject line
read "pfa submission: yournickname" for added convenience to us.


Appendix C - Receiving copies of PfA

The best way to receive PfA is of course by modem.  However this is not
possible for all people, and we were at PfA realize that.  Very soon,
you will be able to send a couple bucks to our post office box and get
very nice bound copies of the current PfA issue.  (It looks real good,
printed on a BubbleJet Printer with high quality paper, then carefully
photocopied, and stapled.)

At some point, we do plan on making a special hardcopy edition of PfA,
featuring bold, italics, and underlines, with different sized fonts,
hand drawn pictures, and a magazine format (Like 2600 sorta.) and
everything, but this is a long way off....

Appendix D - Contacting the Editors

There are a few ways you can contact Angel of Death and me.  Here they

1) BBS: The Escapade Macabre, (206)565-0786.  A WWiV BBS run by Dr.
Menace and Angel of Death.  We can both be contacted their.

2) DrakeNet: If you are one of the few people who are on DrakeNet, try
E-Mailing Dr. Menace@2600, or Angel of Death@2600, from any DrakeNet
BBS.  Some DrakeNet BBS's carry an PfA discussion area, too.

3) Internet: We can also be reached by InterNet!  Dr. Menace is
[email protected], and Angel of Death is
[email protected].  I (Dr. Menace) am also on the Telnet
Citadel BBS's as Dr. Menace, and Angel of Death is also on them as Net

4) IRC: We will soon host a ?weekly? chat for 2-3 hours...probably on
Fridays.  We do not have this totally worked out yet, but the channel
name will be "#PfAChat"...

Any form of E-Mail is acceptable for submitting articles, just make
sure you make you include the author, and subject of the article.

Also, submissions may be posted in the "PfA Discussion" area of
participating DrakeNet BBS's.  (Please DO NOT post articles in the
Hacking Discussion areas on DrakeNet!!!)

Have fun guyz!

[End of File]