                         _____ /\ \__/   __
                        /\ '__`\ \ ,__\/'__`\
                        \ \ \L\ \ \ \_/\ \L\.\_
                         \ \ ,__/\ \_\\ \__/.\_\
                          \ \ \/  \/_/ \/__/\/_/
                           \ \_\
                            \/_/      - ASCii by ButterBoy
                                        ([email protected])

       Editors: Dr. Menace
                Angel of Death

                  The People's freedom Association
                      -        -       -

             PfA: The legally questionable digest for open

Disclaimer: The information in this publication perataining to things such as,
            but not limited to, computer hacking, phone phreaking, drug
            making, weaponsmithing, and other illegal acts is provided on a
            so you know policy.  We take no responsibility if you actually
            do the shit!
      P.S.: Don't get caught, d00dz!  Have p/h/u/n!
                              -----        -------


       Letter from the head guys:

       Hey!  This is Dr. Menace and Angel of Death.  We're the guys in
       charge of all this bullshit.  We imagine you are no doubt thinking,
       "Oh god.  Another fly-by-night underground computer hacker
       magazine!"  Well, we actually have a purpose for this one.  Here's
       the story:

       One day Angel of Death and myself were sitting around.  We realized
       that "Hey, there are magazines on drugs, magazines on weapons,
       magazines on phreaking, and magazines on hacking, but no really
       wonderful compilations all of the above."  (Of course, I am para-

       So here is the fruits of our effort.  I hope ya like it.


       This week's letter from Dr. Menace:

  What's up y'all.  Sorry this one is so late...finals at school are
  getting in the way of the important things in life.  :)

  Anyways, as you read through this, you'll probably notice the lack of
  articles from Angel of Death!  This is because I made this issue one
  day while I was home sick and didn't tell him about it because I
  wanted to get it out QUICK.

  So we have an FTP site now, listed at the bottom, and soon we'll have
  another at netcom.com ... as well as a mailing list there.  Stay
  tuned for more info!  Later.



       Shout outs: What's up to U4EA and the BoW staff (I BoW down to
       you.)...Phrack, (Even though I still liked the old one better.)
       the uXu staff, ACT, the nice folks at the Gutenberg Project, and
       YaZoO, for your wonderful ToolZ script.  What the hell would I
       do without you man.
   (    /               /      /
       /      ___      /___   /    __
      /      /   )    /    ) /    /__)   of Kontentz...
     /      (___/( (_/____/ (__/ (___

         Sektion I              Sektion II              Sektion III
         ------- -              ------- --              ------- ---
     Weapon/Bombsmithing        Drugmaking             H/P/Electronics
  |======================| |===================|  |=======================|
  |The best Sektion!!!   | |Make stuff to get  |  |Hacking into systems,  |
  |Info on Bomb Building,| |high.  Hallucen-   |  |virus information,     |
  |Weapon making, recipes| |agenics, stimulants|  |illegal use of the    .|
  |etc.                  | |etc.               |  |phone system...        |
  |======================| |===================|  |=======================|


Sektion I - Weapons, Bombsmithing, and other EVIL.


Phile #: 1
Author: Dr. Menace
 Title: Here Kitty, Kitty
  Date: 5/13/94


       If you are into the modern scene, you've probably read the text
       file GLUE102.TXT, the Prophecy of Glue.  If so, you know that
       all cats must die.  This is just a fact.  Man and cat were never
       meant to be friends.  The following is a rather extravagant
       manner of err...eradicating the little pests.

       Needed: 1) 1 can of tuna fish.
               2) Some black powder or gun powder.
               3) 1 "party popper"
               4) String
               5) 1 can of epoxy.
               6) 1 toy mouse.

       Ok, take the can of tuna.  Rinse it out throroughly and dry it.
       Then squeeze some oil from the tuna by and and CONSERVATIVELY
       coat the insides of the can with it.  Then lightly flour the
       can, as you would a cookie sheet and bundt cake pan, so the
       surface is dry.  The smell should draw cats to the general
       vacinity.  Now put a SMALL hole the can with a screwdriver.
       Put the party popper (These are those things that look like
       little plastic champaigne bottles that send out paper and sparks
       when you pull the string) inside the can and lead the string
       through the hole.  Attach 3 more inches of string to it.  Should
       look like this:

                            __ Can of tuna.
                   *   [[][]]       *
                   *   [[][]] ---------Party popper.
                   *   [[][]]       *
                   *     []         *
                   *     []         *
                           + ---- String coming off of party popper.

       Now take the toy mouse, one stuffed with catnip, and grease it
       up thoroughly with oil from the tuna, or cod liver oil.  This
       will make the stupid fucking cat think it's something he should
       eat.  Now tie that mouse's tail to the string on the party
       popper.  Fill the remaining space in the can with black powder
       or gunpowder, and seal it off.  (We here at PfA prefer black
       powder, it's smokier.  After all, effect is everything.)

       Epoxy the the can to the ground.  What will happen is the cat
       will see the mouse, put it in his mouth, and try to carry it
       off.  This will pull the party popper string, and set off the
       gunpowder!  Good bye, fuckin' cat!!!


Sektion II - Drug Making, and related subjects.


Phile #: 1
Author: Dr. Menace
 Title: Pure Fucking Nicotine!
  Date: 5/10/94


       Alright guys...this is a recipe for one of the most popular
       drugs in the world if not THE most...nicotine.  For you absolute
       idiots, this is the addictive substance in cigarettes.

       First, you'll need some tobacco.  Measure out approximately 100
       grams of the shit.  Soak it for a week.  (Half a fortnight for
       you UK'ers.  Hahahahah.  I'm such an asshole.)

       The resulting substance will be brown and look kind of like
       shit.  Strain off the tobacco, and simmer the stuff until the
       liquid vaporizes away, leaving about 2 teaspoons of unpleasant
       looking material.  Now take it.

       If you did that...

       You are now dead.

       Don't you feel stupid?  That's more than enough to kill you
       dude!  You'll have to figure out exactly how much to take based
       on what kind of smoker you are, so I'll leave you guys up to
       that one.


Sektion III - Phreaking/Hacking/Electronics, Etc.


Phile #: 1
Author: Dr. Menace
 Title: The Big Brother Inside Project
  Date: 5/9/94


       Ok guys....here's a really cool thing that's going on now...read

BEGIN FILE big_brother_inside_picts_info.txt
<cut here>
From: Matt Thomlinson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 1994 17:20:14 -0800 (PST)

big_brother_inside_sticker.ps is a generic postscript file, created in
CorelDraw. The postscript image lies landscape on the page, and consists
of the intel-logo's ``swoosh'' and crayon-like lettering on the inside.

This design was originally created for the sticker project: the image was
screened onto transparent stickers 1" square for the purpose of applying
them to future clipper-chip products. ([email protected] was in charge
of that project; as far as I know he's still distributing them for a small
donation to cover printing & mailing costs).
<cut here>

       Pretty fucking rad huh?  I emailed him and there aren't any
       stickers left now but it's still a great .gif or .ps ...
       FTP or Gopher (puke.) the shit from cpsr.org in

       You can also find them on America Online in the Mac Telecom and
       Graphic Arts areas.

Phile #: 2
Author: Dr. Menace
 Title: Project Gutenberg
  Date: 5/6/94


       I don't normally do articles on such conservative items as this,
       but I'm making an exception this time.  This article is about
       the Gutenberg Project.  And if any of you h/p dudes are as into
       free information as you always claim, you should hold these
       people in VERY high regard.

       Their mission is to provide people with digitized books and
       other literature for free.  (i.e. - putting books into text so
       you can FTP it etc.)

       They have done a very wide range of stuff, from the Gettysburg
       Address, to the Book of Mormon, to Around the World in 80 Days.
       People that work so hard for the benefit of others deserve more
       credit than they are currently getting so I just thought I'd
       take this chance to thank them.

       Gutenberg material can be FTP'd from etext.archive.umich.edu in
       /pub/Gutenberg.  They also appreciate donations, (tax
       deductible) which can be sent to:

                       Project Gutenberg
                       P. O. Box  2782
                       Champaign, IL 61825

       If you can't get ahold of them anyway else, contact their
       Executive Directory, Michael S. Hart, at: [email protected]
       (Internet) or hart@uiucvmd (bitnet.)

Thanx for your attention.

Appendix A - PfA BBS List Information.

If run a hacker related Bulletin Board System, perhaps you would like
to publicize your board to the appropriate crowd.  If so, call The
Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace or Angel of Death
telling us the name, number and NuP (if any) of your BBS.  Thanx!

 Current BBS List:
{Name}                          {Phone #}               {NuP}

The Escapade Macabre            206-565-0786            None
The Private Cartel              206-475-7439            None
Hyperion 9                      206-984-9568            None


Appendix B - Submitting articles to PfA

If you have read PfA, and like what you see, perhaps you'd be interested
in being published in our fine magazine?

If so call The Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace (NOT
Angel of Death.) that contains the body of the article, the author, the
date, and the title.  Most articles will be accepted as long as they are
of the appropriate genre.  Thanx!


Appendix C - Receiving copies of PfA

The best way to receive PfA is of course by modem.  However this is not
possible for all people, and we were at PfA realize that.  Very soon,
you will be able to send a couple bucks to our post office box and get
very nice bound copies of the current PfA issue.  (It looks real good,
printed on a BubbleJet Printer with high quality paper, then carefully
photocopied, and stapled.)  PfA can also be FTP'd from:

etext.archive.umich.edu in pub/Zines/PfA

At some point, we do plan on making a special hardcopy edition of PfA,
featuring bold, italics, and underlines, with different sized fonts,
hand drawn pictures, and a magazine format (Like 2600 sorta.) and
everything, but this is a long way off....

Appendix D - Contacting the Editors

There are a few ways you can contact Angel of Death and I.  Here they

1) BBS: The Escapade Macabre, (206)565-0786.  A WWiV BBS run by Dr.
Menace and Angel of Death.  We can both be contacted their.

2) Yaki-Net: If you are one of the few people who are on Yaki-Net, try
E-Mailing Dr. Menace@2600, or Angel of Death@2600, from any Yaki-Net
BBS.  Some Yaki-Net BBS's carry an PfA discussion area, too.

3) Internet: We can also be reached by InterNet!  Dr. Menace is
[email protected], and Angel of Death is
[email protected].  I (Dr. Menace) am also on the Telnet
Citadel BBS's as Dr. Menace, and Angel of Death is also on them as Net

4) IRC: We will soon host a ?weekly? chat for 2-3 hours...probably on
Fridays.  We do not have this totally worked out yet, but the channel
name will be "PfAChat"...

Any form of E-Mail is acceptable for submitting articles, just make
sure you make you include the author, and subject of the article.

Also, submissions may be posted in the "PfA Discussion" area of
participating Yaki-Net BBS's.  (Please DO NOT post articles in the
Hacking Discussion areas on Yaki-Net!!!)

Appendix E - Citing the Sources

In short, we ain't gonna do it.  I've been through megs and megs...shit
maybe gigs of text and sometimes have to extract information from
memory and it would be totally impractical for me to try citing every
source.  I will say though that useful info can be obtained from old
BootLeggers and TAPs, Jolly Roger's Anarchist Cookbook, and


Have fun guyz!

[End of File]