                 ���  CYBER_PHUCK MAGAZINE ISSUE THREE  ���

This is issue three of CYBER_PHUCK Magazine. I hope you enjoy it.

       1. Who Was Jack Kerouac?

       2. Kids threatened at gun point for accessing computers at
          University of Cincinnati.  Is McCarthyism dead?  NOT!

       3. Stun Gun Fencing Is Answer To Urban Gang Violence.

       4. One DOS Command Makes Incompetent Bastards Shit Pants
            (and the word "lamer" has been retired for better term)

                       WHO WAS JACK KEROUAC

 Jack Kerouac was a drifter of heart. He was the voice of a generation
 during the 1950's.  But he was no Ozzie & Harriet, no phucking Fonzie
 or Richie Cunningham especially.  He was the anti-christ of what the
 establishment was selling during the fifties!  He was apple pie as any
 American, but better.  He was real.  He was Jazz, red hot and cool. He
 was hitchiking and joy riding across the old 2 lane highways in beat up
 cars with whoever he happened to meet.  He was cheap whiskey and white
 and brave enough to goto the "negro" road houses where the music was
 real. To smoke "tea" (reefer) and make love to Mexican girls.  And to
 remain faithful to his foolish friends, and a slave to no one woman.

 When you see an old movie, where hip cats, dressed in black, with
 evil looking "ghotie" beards, and dark sunglasses in candle lit bars
 and coffee houses, groove, stoned on benzidrene and cheap Mexican "tea"
 you should think of Jack Kerouac.  Think of far out poetry, and a young
 girl with large breasts and tight pants, beating the rhythm's of poetry
 on the bongo drums behind the angry, depressed, and motivated, poet.
 Bleeding his ideas, and feelings into the smoke filled halls, as the
 poetry lovers snap their fingers with appreciation. Appreciation of "it".

       Jack Kerouac. Poet and Writer of "The Road"

         TANGIER POEM (1957) By Jack Kerouac

               Your father spurted you out in perfect ghost-form

               All you gotta do is die
               All you gotta do is fly.
               If your father's name is Dedalus
               how can you be Icarus?

          WOMAN  by Jack Kerouac

               A woman is beautiful
                   you have to swing
                   and swing and swing
                   and swing like
                   a handkerchief in the

           POIM  by Jack Kerouac

               Walking on Water
                Nothing Ever Happend
                 Not Ever Happening
                     True Story
                     Old Story
                     New Story
                     Old & New
                    Holy Boloney
                     Holy Cow
                     Holy Cat
                 To The Feast
                  Story Book
                      Story Words
                 "Anyway, It Happened"
                   Nothing Happened
                 Everybody Invited

 If you want to learn more. Look for his books of poems or "The Road" in
 paperback or on Audio Cassette narrated by David Carradine (kung fu dude).
 The current movie "I married an axe murderer" is very funny and has
 several scenes of poets and coffee houses that are very reflective
 of the "scene" "where it was AT".  Discover what it was about those
 bad boys of the fifties in black & white that made those big breasted
 blondes drip all over themselves!


       The newslines tell me that UC is at it again.  Busting kids who
illegally access their computers over the phone lines.  And damnit, if
stray dogs in the neighborhood haven't been walking into my house through
the backdoor and stealing food out of my fridge and making a mess.  I mean
I know the back door is busted and won't keep the stray dogs out, and my
friends have told me how to fix my back door to keep the dogs out, but well
those damn dogs should just stay out and I'm just going to have to get the
FBI to arrest them!

       The story about the dogs is pretty close to the logic behind UC
busting kids who break into the computers at UC over the phone lines.  UC
computer administrators have been told, by some of the hackers themselves,
who have been asking over the phone to access the systems LEGALLY, exactly
what the security holes are, and how to fix them.  But for whatever reasons,
be it incompetency at UC, or an attempt to have a reliable and believable
source of blame when UC messes-up, the computer administrators at UC have
decided that it's "Better to shoot the nearest thirsty dog, than patch the
hole in the water bucket" even when they know there's a hole, and have
been told how to patch it.

       The worst part is that I've heard that these UC guys are not even
native born Americans and their word alone is powerful enough to force the
police to point a gun at the head of another human being!

It looks to me that our Information Superhighway traffic is being directed
by a bunch of near-sighted foreigners.  Orientals so nearsighted that they
terrorize the entire state when they drive to the corner store.  I've heard
about pressure being put on Chinese people by the Chinese government to
provide the Chinese government with secret government and corporate
information from the US in exchange for visas; that they are reminded to
remember "that their family still lives in China".

    What the kids did by accessing UC's internet links, was illegal
and wrong.  What the system administrators did in busting them and not
keeping their system more secure, and then blaming the kids, and wasting
tax payer money so the government can spend tens of thousands of dollars
busting teenagers, makes me sick.  ..next time those dogs come in my broken
back door, I'm going to call the cops ... fuck fixing the door!

       And if teenagers can break into the computers so easily, what about
a real corporate or government spy?  I think these kids who are wacky enough
to break into computer systems and networks are the only reasons that morons
in business and education have installed any security at all.  I wish
these kids wouldn't do stuff that gets them in trouble, but I'm glad somebody
is doing it.  And the UC folks pointing their fingers at the computer hackers
need to take a good long educational look in their own mirror.  And we, as
law abiding computer hobbyists, need to take the responsibility to remind
the public and the news-people, just what the REAL story is.

Tom Line
Hamilton, Ohio

       "Fuck patching the holes in the water bucket... let's just shoot
        the nearest thirsty american imperialistic dog (kid) !"

   Please call your local newspaper and ask them why highly degreed,
highly paid professionals can't keep a bunch of teenagers out.  "Are they
incompetent or what?"  What if a real hacker got in there?  I think the
Univeristy fucked up and is blaming the kids to cover their own incompetent
asses!  The media never hears from Hackers. They only from incompetent
bastards covering their own mistakes and from crazy misinformed parents.
Why don't they print the REAL story for a change.

                        STUN GUN FENCING

    I've been hearing recently about gangs of youths, tired of watching
their friend die from gun shots, trying to resolve disputes with rival gang
members in less violent ways.  Well the youths in one midwestern town, have
been reviving, with amazing success, the midevil art of dueling, or fencing,
but with a techno twist.  Instead of using swords or pistols or knifes,
they use electricity.  Thirty Five Thousand Volts of Electricity! It might
knock you on your ass, but you live to tell the tail.

     Each gang selects a skilled agile fighter to be their "popper". He
is called this because stun guns make a loud poping sound when they are
triggered. The gangs meet on neutral turf, and a large circle of cars and
people surrounds the young men and the action begins.  There are no special
rules except that the fighters must not be aided by anybody.  Poppers
usually wear tough blue jeans and boots to kick with, but special clothing,
even thick clothing doesn't seem to offer any defense against 35,000 volts
of electricity out of a stun gun anyway. Very often though poppers sometimes
wrap and tape jackets or other pieces of clothing thickly around their free
arm to use for defense to ward off blows with the opponents stun gun.

       Some fighters now perfer the large models of stun guns available
which are up to two feet long with 1 foot shocking surfaces. These are
wielded with two hands like a small sword would be.  Occasionally one
stun gun comes in contact with another while discharging causing one of
the guns to fail.  Some of the duels only delay deadly violence while
many have prevented deadly drive by style combat.  The social interaction
during the duels seems to ease tensions somehow, seeing people face to
face instead of out of a car window or off a porch at a distance.

       No doubt this isn't the answer.  But getting shocked with 35,000
volts seems to have made some of these young gang members look at things in
a different way.  Eat this homie :)


       During this year, it was decided that the word "lamer" so often
used be changed.  Many associates of DAMAGE INCorporated have voiced
concerns that the word "lamer" sounds like it had it's origins on a play
ground of 5th graders before the word "pussie" came into popularity.

       For now on all DAMAGE INCorporated members have agreed to replace
the use of the word "lamer" with the following term "incompetent bastard".
Where it was once fashionable to call somebody a "lamer" we feel that
it is more descriptive and much more powerful to use the words "Incompetent

Example:     "Na na-na-na he's a lamer  lamer lamer lamer !!!"

            "Hey you INCOMPETENT BASTARD...I'm gonna fucking KILL YOU!
               you 'FUCK'!"

       Now for the command to make the Incompetent Bastards at your
local school, computer store, radio shack (talk about incompetent bastards!)
etc, shit their Incompetent Bastard Pants.

                C:>   mode bw40

       It's simple and if you can't figure out what it does, maybe
you should look in the mirror yourself.


 I hope you enjoyed issue three of CYBER_PHUCK Magazine. If you have
 questions, comments, suggestions, contributions -monitary or literary-
 send 'em to the head chef at [email protected] or call the Cyber BBS
 at 513-863-0447.

 Tom Line
 Head Chef
 Damage Inc Ohio
 [email protected]
 cyber bbs 513-863-0447 USA