BTN:  Birmingham Telecommunications News

September 1989    Volume 2, Issue 9

Table Of Contents
Article Title                                  Author

Policy Statement and Disclaimer................Idiot-In-Chief
Editorial Column...............................Randy Hilliard
User Interfaces:  MicroSoft Windows............Eric Hunt
Insights.......................................Ron Albright
Battle Chess...................................Randy Hilliard
Top Ten List...................................Chris Mohney
Cybernetic Languages...........................Dr. EBCDIC
ProFile:  Steve Turner.........................Chris Mohney
Gun Control & Computer Wizards.................Douglas Reinsch
Gamer's Corner.................................Eric Hunt
Our Local Bulletin Board Systems...............Mark Maisel
From The Kitchen...............................Chez Stephan
Message Board..................................Barry Bowden
Known BBS Numbers..............................Mark Maisel


Disclaimer and Statement of Policy for BTN

We at BTN try our best to assure the accuracy of articles and
information in our publication.  We assume no responsibility for
damage due to errors, omissions, etc.  The liability,if any for BTN, its
editors and writers, for damages relating to any errors or omissions,
etc., shall be limited to the cost of a one year subscription to BTN,
even if BTN, its editors or writers have been advised of the likelihood
of such damages occurring.

With the conclusion of that nasty business, we can get on with our
policy for publication and reproduction of BTN articles.  We publish
monthly with a deadline of the fifteenth of the month prior to
publication.  If you wish to submit an article, you may do so at any
time but bear in mind the deadline if you wish for your work to appear
in a particular issue.  It is not our purpose to slander or otherwise
harm a person or reputation and we accept no responsibility for the
content of the articles prepared by our writers.  Our writers own their
work and it is protected by copyright.  We allow reprinting of articles
from BTN with only a few restrictions.  The author may object to a
reprint, in which case he will specify in the content of his article.
Otherwise, please feel free to reproduce any article from BTN as long as
the source, BTN, is specified, and as long as the author's name and the
article's original title are retained.  If you use one of our articles,
please forward a copy of your publication to:

Mark Maisel
Editor, BTN
221 Chestnut St.
BHM, AL 35210-3219

We thank you for taking the time to read our offering and we hope that
you like it.  We also reserve the right to have a good time while doing
all of this and not get too serious about it.


Editorial Column
By Randy Hilliard

    The people who attended Woodstock were lucky (at the time) because
it lasted only three days.  We have now been inundated with Woodstock
stories, musicals, paraphernalia, talk shows, articles etc... for a
month or more! I mean... Look, I am of the generation of people who
attended Woodstock (I was not there though) and at the time it was a
great thing to have imagined yourself to have been at but geeze! this
thing has stuck around longer this time than a chili belch!

    Woodstock happened in the late sixties; they were into free love,
beads, bathtub chemistry, and "No more war!"

    This is the late eighties: we are into safe sex, stocks, vitamins,
Money (speaking of which, where is my raise Mark?) , and "Let's kick
Khadaffy square in the butt!"

    A bit of a difference eh? Could you imagine Woodstock if it
happened today?

    Instead of walking, hitchhiking, and VW minibuses we would arrive
in Winnebagos, Saabs, and Lincolns.

    Instead of asking "What's your sign?," we would be asking "Who is
your broker?"

    Instead of taking hallucinogens to see 'butterflies in the sky' we
would be booting up the latest graphics package on our laptop computers
so we could view the butterflies in VGA.

    Meanwhile back at the BTN ranch...

    We have a good issue this month; lots of really good articles and
one mediocre one (mine).

    Ron Albright is back this month with Insights.  This time Insights
is a thought provoking article dealing with our mental image of who is
on the other side of the modem.

    Doug Reinsch also returns to grace the pages of BTN (I love these
return writers; they're such masochist).  Doug's article is on Gun
Control & Computer Wizards.  Only one paragraph dedicated to gun control
and the rest dedicated to the wizards of our industry.

    Eric Hunt has two articles this month: the first is User's
Interface and covers MicroSoft Windows.  The second is a rebirth of the
Gamer's Corner which Osman Guner wrote for us until he left the
Birmingham area.

    Want a Rolling Stone ticket? Chris Mohney tells us of 10 possible
methods of obtaining these scarce items.

    We have a newcomer! Dr. EBCDIC has donated an article this month on
the arcane and obscure art of cybernetic languages.

    We have one article on Battle Chess that we included just as a
filler and because we felt sorry for the author.  Let's see, its by...
Whoops! Me.  Disregard all of the above, its a fine article.

    Chez Stephan has given us the details for a new gastronomic
experience that I cannot pronounce but sounds good.

    Oh wow, lemme see... We also have Chris Mohney's Profile (on Steve
Turner this month) and out Idiot-in-Chief's local BBS spotlight (on Role
Players Paradise this month).

    I can't stand it; I feel as if I have to add just ONE more
'instead' to close this out: instead of "Turn on, tune in, drop out," we
now say "Boot up, dial in, log on."

    My Gawd... just think of what might have happened had these people
had an issue of BTN to read while they waited for the next band to come
on... I mean, this stuff melts in your mind, not in your mouth (or is it
melts your mind... I'll have to check).