Season95 -- MS-DOS Videocrypt smart card emulator
1995-05-29 -- G - ANTWERP            release note

Most of the information about the videocrypt protocol is found in
season7.doc written by Markus Kuhn.
This new file (SEASON95.DOC) is ment
to be a container for additional information about the videocrypt
system (cards series 09, 0a and further). Currently I have not
very much additional information yet.

The file season95.ZIP contains the season95.exe program, which is
compatible with season71.Exe. This ZIP file contains also the sources
for season95.exe.
SEASON95.EXE currently emulates a BskyB 09-series card, ECM of
17-05-1995 included.

SKY ECM 17-05-1995
new nano subcommand for the nano 11h command: subcommand 08

probably means:
 switching between rompage 1 and rompage 2

It seems to me that these 2 channels don't work with any season anymore
since 24/5/1995 (or alike). I'll upgrade SEASON95.exe if someone
can send me VCLOG information (from real cards) and/or additional hints
on how to do this. Post to alt.satellite.tv.europe

SEASON95.EXE: usage
Syntax: SEASON95 [com] [wax] [wbx] [wcx] [wdx] [wex] [d] [e] [m]

com: which com port

wa thru we are delays, all entered in ms (milliseconds)
wa wait between reset and answer to reset
wb wait after each outgoing byte
wc wait between header and first procedure byte
wd wait between procedure byte and data
we wait between final data byte and procedure bytes

d: debug mode on when program is started
e: save time by doing less screen updates
m: OSD suppress

defaults are:
com: 1
wa: 50
wb: 0
wc: 0
wd: 0
we: 0
d: no debug
e: no time saving
m: no OSD suppression

Example: SEASON95 1 wa0 wb0 m
starts season95 using comport 1 with reset delay and byte delay set at
0 milliseconds, and with onscreen display suppressed.

For 486 and faster computers, use wa1. Experimenting with wax thru
wbx may be necessary to get the thing working.

Keyboard commands once the program is running:

F1: help -> page up, down scroll help
q: quit program
d: toggle debug mode on/off
l: write last crypto messages to logfile VCLOG
a: increase reset delay
b: decrease reset delay
+: increase byte delay
-: decrease byte delay

1.0: . 29-05-1995
    . first implementation, derived from SEASON7.c (found in SEASON12.ARJ
      on an ftp-site of the internet, don't remember which one, being
      the source for season in the 07-series period) and SKY09PUB.ZIP
      (found on utelscin.el.utwente.nl) being the implementation of
      the 09-series for PIC controller). ECM of 17-05-1995 implemented
      by debugging SEASON71.EXE
    . channel name should now be correct compared to SEASON71.exe
    . new user interface