This is MiniMAC version 0.2.

MiniMAC is yet another PC based Eurocrypt smartcard emulator.

Most of MiniMAC has been written from scratch and it is not just a
hacked version of some existing program.
Originally I started to write it just for fun, but as
it grew it turned out to be quite useful.

There are three main differences between MiniMAC
and other smartcard emulators for PC's such as Maccess
and Voyager:

1) It keeps all keys in a plain ascii file (minimac.ini)
  thus allowing fast key updates just by adding lines. See
  the supplied minimac.ini for more details.

2) It supports TV2 Norway.

3) I have the source :)

MiniMAC does not have a fancy user interface and does not contain
any code for specific receivers, so it may not work on certain
models eg. Nokia. If you can't get Voyager or Maccess to work you
probably will not get MiniMAC to work either.

Currently MiniMAC has only been tested on a PACE MSS1000 with
built in Eurocrypt decoder and two different PC's (16 Mhz 286
and 75 Mhz Pentium).

The supplied minimac.ini contains keys making it possible to decode
the following channels:

On Astra 19.2 east:

 Filmnet 1
 TV3 Norway
 TV3 Sweden
 TV3 Denmark

On TV-SAT 0.6 west:

 TV1000 Cinema

On THOR 0.8 west:

 Eurosport Nordic
 TCC Nordic
 Filmnet 2

On Intelsat 702 1.0 west:

 TV3 Norway
 TV3 Sweden
 TV3 Denmark
 TV2 Norway

On EUTELSAT II F3 16.0 east:

 TV Plus

On TELECOM 2A 8.0 west:

 Cine Cinemas
 Canal Plus

On Intelsat 601 27.5 west

 BBC Prime


To run MiniMAC put minimac.exe and minimac.ini in the same directory
and type:

 minimac [com] [delays] [S] [Z] [V]


 com:  Serial port to use, default is 2.

 delays: is one or more of:
   wax  wait x milliseconds between reset and answer to reset
   wbx  wait x milliseconds after each outgoing byte
   wcx  wait x milliseconds between last data and status
   wdx  wait x milliseconds between receives in 0x88
   wex  wait x milliseconds after sending 0x89 in 0x88
        command or after sending 0x25 in 0x24 command.

   Default values are 0 except for we where it is 100.

 S: Run silent ie. without screen output.

 Z: Use 9600 baud, default is 10000. This is the first switch to
    try if it does not work with default parameters.

 V: Don't send error back to the receiver when station not
    recognized. Normally MiniMAC will make the Eurocrypt
    decoder put up a "No Access" message when a channel identification
    is not known.

While running, MiniMAC recognizes the following keys:

 L: Start/stop logging all traffic to MINIMAC.LOG.
 S: Toggle silent mode.
 Q: Quit.

Things that need to be done:

 A better user interface - preferably something like Maccess/Voyager.

 Testing on various receivers/decoders.

 More keys in MINIMAC.INI. I don't have access to BBC Prime and
 CineCinemas, so I haven't tested these.

 Better compliance with the Eurocrypt standard. If someone know
 where I can get a description of D2MAC and Eurocrypt please let me

If you try out MiniMAC I would like your feedback, positive as well as
negative. I'm also interested if you can't get it to work. Please specify
what receiver/decoder and which PC you use. At least this will make it
possible to make a list of working/non working setups.

Please send any comments to: [email protected]