Cable Descrambling

If you have cable TV but are not fortunate enough to have the Premium services,
here is a simple way to steal Cinemax, The Movie Channel, Showtime, the
Disney Channel, and any other service that appears as a bussing fuzzy picture
(that you can ALMOST get clearly by fine tuning). This method also works on
channels that appear as a lined flashing screen that produce a beeping sound.
These channels are not scrambled, but instead a garbage transmission is sent
at the same frequency. Therefore, in order to receive the movie servcices
clearly, you must filter out the garbage.

Here is a simple way to do this:

1) Examine the back of your TV set. Find the VHF antenna terminals (these are
the antenna terminals that the cable service is hooked up to). Get a piece of
antenna wire (about 3 feet long). Strip one end of the wire and and attach it
to the VHF terminals along with the cable. Tune in to one of the movie services
and adjust the fine tuner until you get the cleanest picture. Cut off about 1/4
inch of the  antenna wire and adjust the fine tuner. Continue to do this until
you get a nearly perfect picture (you should not have to cut off more than 6
inches of the antenna wire). Get a piece of aluminum foil and wrap it around
the antenna wire slide it up and down until you have a perfect picture. This is
a simple yet effective way to get movies for free.

   Brought to you by Golden Apple Enterprises, INC.
       A subsidiary of LDD
Haill Eris!
All Hail Discordia!

                Pirating Cable Premium Channels
                      (Written By Exodus)

   This  is for all of you that have cable but don't have  those
premium  channels  like HBO, Cinemax, and  Playboy  because  your
parents  are  too  cheap to get them or they  think  that  you'll
become  a stupid moron if you get them. Well, this will tell  you
how  you can get all those premium channels as a  perfect,  clear
picture at absolutely no charge.

   First  of all, you have to have one of those real  old  cable
boxes that don't have a remote control but the ones that have the
little  buttons  that you have to push (I don't  know  about  the
other kind, but you can go ahead and try.)

   What  you  do is open up your cable box with  a  small  screw
driver or a thin knife. Inside you'll see some copper thingies (I
forgot  what they're called) but anyways, they're thin and  long.
Each  one  of these represents a channel. You'll also  see  these
little  triangular things, which usually touch one of the  copper
things. Well, if you haven't figured out already, when the copper
things  are  being touched by the triangular things,  this  means
that  you're getting that channel on the channel number that  the
triangular  thing  (from now on I'll call the  triangular  things
"triangles" and the copper things "coppers") represents.

   The  thing that you have to do is find all the  coppers  that
aren't  being  touched by any triangles. These  are  the  premium
channels!  Now, find a triangle that isn't touching a copper  and
turn it so it touches the copper. That's all!! Now you have  your
premium channels, at no charge. Just make sure that you set  them
back if you ever turn your cable box in so that the cable company
doesn't find out what you've been doing.

            May all your viewings be pleasant ones!

Brought to you by Golden Apple Enterprises, INC.
       A subsidiary of LDD

Hail Eris!
All Hail Discordia!