
                         2ND SEPTEMBER 1992

(Typing by Executioner/Quartex - Information by Lonestar, Zorro & Stryper)

This is not a wind-up piss take file, but is admittedly pretty sketchy...
The long and short of this story however is that Nintendo have finally
taken steps to prevent the importing of Super Magicom's....  It is not yet
clear about the situation  of  the  Super Magic Drive's (Sega copier)..
but I guess that will soon be the same.

It  came  to  our  attention about 3 days ago that Nintendo have begun
issuing writs  against  anyone  importing  Super  Magicom's  (or any other
Nintendo copier/adaptor)..   as  part  of  the  'infringement of copyright
- by illegal usage of the operating system' (or words to that effect).

In  the  first  reported  case  of an importer from East London, 45 units
were confiscated  at  Customs  -  never to be seen again...  usually in
the case of confiscated items - legal things are auctioned, illegal items
are destroyed -- Money  back?   No chance...  The importer is free to
appeal but is unlikely to win  over  such  a  powerful company - especially
as the copiers do not really have  much  of  a  'legal'  purpose.
As  you  can imagine, this importer who expected to make quite a large
sum of money - is devastated.

In  another  case  of Customs holding copiers, in the Midlands, the units
WERE returned  -  pending an investigation...  but only after the client
personally went down to complain....  it will be interesting to see what
happens here.

In  the  last  case,  in the North of England, after being told to collect
the goods  from Customs, the third customer visited Customs & Excise and
picked up the  goods.   While loading the goods into the back of his car,
he was held by Customs  and  had  his vehicle searched under 'warrant'.
100 disks of pirated console  games  were  also  found  in  the  back
seat,  ready to be taken and delivered  to waiting buyers.  A writ had
been issued by Nintendo, but Customs could  only  act  on  it  AFTER
the  goods  had  been collected by the person involved.   It  is  not
known  what  will happen about the 100 disks, but the copiers were
confiscated - never to reappear.

...Each  separate  case  has been told to me by DIFFERENT people, and yet
the stories  all  match  up  with  the same result - so I have no doubt
that these stories  are  real.  Infact in the next few days I expect to
hear more cases.. and also read about it in the trade and consumer press.

Obviously if Customs do not check the incoming consignment, everything
will be okay - we can still continue selling them in the same way as normal
.  Even if Nintendo  know  we  are  selling them, they cannot go to
Customs - Customs can only  confiscate items from the person who actually
imported it.  Then it is a case  for  the police or FAST..  and at the
moment they don't seem to be doing anything about it (this MUST change
soon..  and I am sure it will).

However,  it is the main concern that most people will not RISK importing
them in  case they ARE checked..  or will otherwise import in VERY SMALL
packages.. and that will mean much more expense in shipping charges -- both
ways can only mean PRICE INCREASES...  and that is not a good thing for

The only advice at the moment will be to stay with things and see what
happens -  and if you are planning on buying a copier, get it quickly
while the prices are as they are..  they may go UP not down in the future.

As for people importing in other countries -- I suppose it is only a matter
of time  until  Nintendo  do the same there....  so keep those eyes peeled
.  and watchout for your next shipment of copiers....  you may or may not
ever get to see them!!

As  a  final  postscript,  may  I  thank  Quazar  of KCC (a.k.a.  Neil
of S.N.Software)  -  who nicely thought of informing the UK magazines
about the Super Magicom..   advertising  all the features - how it copied
everything and where to  get  them  from  [even  saying  to  people  you
were the first to ever get them]...   It  is  thanks  to you that everyone
in the WORLD console scene has these  hassles  --  are you proud to have
made so many enemies in such a short time..   maybe  you'll be entered into
the World Record books.......  Thats if Front Fareast and their Triad's
don't get to you first...

Greetings to the REAL console dudes from:

Fairlight/Magical                       PONG
UCCI                                    High Society
Crystal/AFL                             Legend
Crionics                                TLPI (RIP.. or is it?!)