Special Characters

Kabuki: Enter the initials QB then move the cursor to the blank
space and press L,R,start, and X you should see a certain number
of teams beaten.
Weasel: Do the same as above but the initals are SAX.
Scruff: Enter ROD (Same button press as above)
Warren Moon: Enter UW then the blank space and press LR start
and A.
P Funk: Enter DIS and the press is the same as Moon.
Bill Clinton: The initials are ARK and press R, start and X or
Al Gore: The initials are NET and the press is LR start and A.

Special Powerups

Power up Turbo (Never run out of turbo power): At the Tonights
Match up screen press any button five times then hold Y,B, and A
until the tipoff.
Power up Fire (ALWAYS ON FIRE): At the matchup screen hold up
and press B seven times, while still holding UP hold Y and B
until the tipoff.

Juice Code (Faster game): At the matchup screen tap any button
13 times then holt B and X until the tipoff.
Power Up Dunks (Slam from half-court): Rotate the pad clockwise
and press any button 13 times then hold the button (Still
rotating) you are tapping until the tipoff.
Power Up Interception: Rotate the pad Clockwise while taping any
button till the tipoff.
Power Up Defense: Tap any button 5 times.
Show shot percentage: Tap any button once, hold down and A and B
(After tapping the button once) until the tipoff.

Here are 2 arcade codes:
Tank Mode (After beating the tank mode you get every power up in
the arcade version!): At the match-up screen hold DOWN and all
buttons on Controllers 1 and 2 until the tipoff. If you see a
strange battlefield with polygon graphics you got it right. You
shoot with the shoot button on controller 1.

Big Head: at the matchup screen hold UP TURBO and STEAL at the
same time till the tipoff.