__  ______  ______  ______  _____
      / / / /// / / /_/ / / / __  / /_     Console division
     /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/_/_/ /_/__    Proudly presents.....

            ///   M  E  G  A  C  O  N  V     1  .  0   \\\

     Converter for MegaDrive game files between MultiGameDoctor 2,
     Super Magic Drive and Raw binary data formats for AMIGA & PC

    Credits: Code by Beeki. Some hints by PP. Docs typed by Jarnis.


 We had got our own custom built console copier for about an year
 now, but until lately, it has just been a storage device. We have
 not swapped games at all (In fact, until VPIRACY text files came
 out, we didn't know anyone else had such devices.) but as we found
 out that there was console areas in some boards, it was time to
 get active in this thing also.

 Ok, we leeched a pile of megadrive game files, and noticed that
 those copiers have VERY strange ideas how 16bit data should be
 written to disk. Only MegaDrive has this problem, as it is only
 TRUE 16 bit console. SNES is 16/8 bit one, NEO GEO is another
 true 16 bit machine, but who trades those 6MB games?

 Our system stores MegaDrive data as 68000 raw binary
 like Amiga stores its files. MGD2 stores as half of the file
 is LOW bytes and other half is HI bytes. SMD stores them
 in 16kb blocks (LOW/HI/LOW/HI) and also adds own 512byte
 long header.

 Beeki coded first little util that converted SuperMagicDrive
 stuff to RawBinary. Later, when we stumbled to one MGD2
 megadrive file, he added that also. After we heard that people
 around have this problem with formats also, we decided to do
 a true multi format converter program. This crap was developed
 on an Amiga with some HD and 10MB ram using MANX C and later
 SAS C 5.10b. PC port over was done day later using Borland
 Turbo C on some 10mhz AT clone we had here.

How to use MEGACONV?

 MegaConv v1.0 - SMD/MGD-2/Binary converter for MegaDrive game files
 Coded by Beeki for IMAGE - Released on Feb 05 1992

 Usage: MegaConv [-q[b|m|s]] <Source> -[b|m|s] [Destination]

    -q ... process indicator off
    -qq .. all process texts off
    -qqq . ALL texts off

    -b ... RawBinary
    -m ... Multi Game Doctor 2
    -s ... Super Magic Drive

 This should be enough to most of the users, but I will explain
 it carefully to those who didn't understand.

 Source and Destination file names are simple. In case you
 don't specify destination file name, it will be '<Source>.MD'
 for binary, '<Source>.SMD' for Super Magic Drive and
 'MDx000.00x' for MultiGameDoctor 2, as this is the format how
 MGD2 creates the filenames itself. x means size in megabits.
 'MULTI-GD' directory file will also be created for MGD2.
 This allows you just to insert MGD2 floppy to your MSDOS drive
 and run this program while that disk is your current dir, and
 program creates ALL files, you just then smash the disk to MGD2
 drive and you are ready to play.

 Conversion format will be specified before filename. You
 can add '-q', '-qq' or '-qqq' before source format to eliminate
 process indicator, all process texts or ALL text output.

 If you don't specify source format, program will try
 to determine it from the extension of the file name.
 If this fails, you will get an error message and you MUST
 specify the format manually. If you don't specify destination
 format, it will be Raw Binary for SMD/MGD2 files, and MGD2 for
 Raw Binary files.

 examples of use:

 >> MegaConv GAME.SMD
 converts GAME.SMD (SuperMagicDrive) to GAME.MD (RawBinary)

 >> MegaConv -qqm MD8000.008 -s
 converts MD8000.008 (MGD2, 8Mbit) to MD8000.SMD (SuperMagicDrive)
 without any process texts.

 >> MegaConv -b GAME.MD -m
 converts GAME.MD (RawBinary) to MDx000.00x (MGD2, x = size in Mbits)

 >> MegaConv -m MD4000.004 -s GAME.SMD
 converts MD4000.004 (MGD2, 4Mbit) to GAME.SMD (SuperMagicDrive)

 >> MegaConv -qs GAME.SMD -b GAME.MD
 converts GAME.SMD (SuperMagicDrive) to GAME.MD (RawBinary)
 without process indicator.

 >> MegaConv -qqq GAME.MD
 converts GAME.MD (RawBinary) to MDx000.00x (MGD2, x=size in Mbits)
 without ANY text output

 This should be enough. Test it a bit and you'll get the idea.

Further development

 We are planning to support ALL imaginable formats on ALL consoles.
 So if you have any file for any console in any format that is
 uncompatible some other copier format, drop us one file in both
 formats, and we code a convert routine to this program.
 We have currently files for Mega Drive in SMD and MGD2 formats,
 for Super Famicom in MGD2 format and PC Engine in Super Twin
 and MGD2 formats. Any other copier format files are more than
 Our own copier has adapters to MegaDrive, SuperFamicom, PC Engine,
 Game Boy, Game Gear, Sega Master System and Lynx(!)
 We have also systems for Atari 2600, Colecovision and Mattel
 consoles, but is there anyone out there who has such machine?
 Remeber: our own system is custom built prototype, and we
 can't sell you one, no matter how much you would want one.

Hardware stuff

 Our hardware guys are interested to buy NES/Famicom (OLD 8 BIT
 NINTENDO) copier if there is ANY out there, So we can see
 how copier companies have solved few HARD problems in NES
 copier. This way we can add NES in our copier system also!

 Also under planning is to start building a MEGA DRIVE copier for
 CHEAP price. Maybe even as a 'build-by-yourself' kit.
 It will be using mega drive's 68000 to run the copier
 software, and PC floppy controller and drive for reading files.
 (so in theory we can also develop Hard Disk version!)
 Drop a line if you are interested. Planned target price for the
 device with 0K ram and no floppy controller&drive is about 250$
 and it uses normal SIMMs so 1MB configuration is only about
 75$ more. 2MB configuration will also be supported.
 You can get normal PC floppy controller cards and 720k drives
 practically for FREE, so it gets VERY cheap!

Bugs and how to contact us.

 There is no known bugs or unwanted features in this version. Both
 Amiga and PC versions are very little betatested, as we have
 little use for other conversion types than TO binary format.
 Under beta tests it has NEVER failed to operate as planned.

 Murphy's law ofcourse says that it WILL fail, and probably on
 YOUR machine, so in case it fucks up, drop us a line! Also
 if you see another copier format and want it to be included
 to this converter PLEASE send us one file in that format, we
 want to make it as complete as possible.

 You can contact us at the moment ONLY by dropping a message
 on Thunderdome or World of Mirage.

 Our own boards here in Finland don't have a console section yet.
 Night Shift BBS is down for 3-4 months at least, but as it
 opens, it will have a section. Possibly it will be CONSOLE
 ONLY board, but we'll see that... No Man's Land will stay
 as AMIGA ONLY because of too small HD and no console owned
 by SysOp.

 So drop us a line!
 Thunderdome ...... +1-408-263-9136 (to 'Jarnis/IMAGE')
 World of Mirage .. +1-718-898-8421 (to 'JARNIS IMAGE')