From: [email protected] (Robert A. Jung)
Subject: Atari Jaguar Frequently-Asked Questions
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Organization: Southern California Lynx Enthusiasts
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 02:50:09 GMT
Lines: 636

Unlike the Atari Lynx FAQ, this one didn't go through too many changes, other
than the usual updates and tidbits.


 Send whatevers to [email protected]  |      If it has pixels, I'm for it.
--------------------------------------+------------------------------Lynx up!
"You weren't chosen because you are the best pilot in the Air Force. You were
   chosen because you are the class clown and frankly, you're expendable."

             _    _  ____  _   _    _ ____
|||   Atari | |  / |/ ___\| | | |  / |  _ \    Frequently Asked Questions
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/ | \     /| | |/ / | | |_ | | | |/ / |  _ <
        | |_| / _  | |__| | |_| / _  | | \\\
         \___/_/ |_|\____/ \___/_/ |_|_|  \\\
 Created by Robert Jung ([email protected]), because no one else wanted to.
     Dedicated to ASTEROIDS, for getting me hooked in the first place

Last update: 1/30/1994


This file is not maintained by, overseen by, endorsed, or otherwise associated
with Atari Corp. or any of its subsidiaries.  It's just a collection of
questions and answers, with a few news tidbits thrown in.

This file is posted on a monthly basis, usually around the first of the month.
It is maintained by Robert Jung at [email protected] on the Internet.  Send
corrections, news, updates, comments, questions, or other stuff to that
address.  All mail is welcome!

Updates since the last publically posted FAQ have a vertical bar in the first


Q. What is the Atari Jaguar?

A. The world's first 64-bit home console video game system.  Developed after
  three years of research, manufactured by IBM, the Jaguar offers high-speed
  action, spectacular graphic effects, and CD-quality sound for $250.


Q. How does IBM fit into this?

A. IBM has a $500 million contract with Atari Corp. to assemble, test,
  package, and distribute Jaguar units.  Manufacturing is done at IBM's
  Charlotte, NC facility, and the Jaguar is IBM's first attempt at producing
  a consumer grade product for an outside vendor.

  IBM has no known participation in the design of the Jaguar.  IBM has no
  plans to create games for the Jaguar.


Q. Okay, who did designed the Jaguar?

A. Details are murky.  Atari claims that the Jaguar took over three years to
  develop, and was released because work was progressing faster than
  expected.  Seeing an opportunity to leapfrog the new systems from Nintendo
  and Sega, they decided to bring the machine to light.

  The Jaguar chipset is reportedly co-developed by Flare, a British company
  with ties to Atari, according to Jez San of Argonaut Software.  The
  proprietary chips are manufactured by Toshiba and Motorola.


Q. What are the specifications of the Jaguar?

A. Physical dimensions:

|      Size: 9.5" x 10" x 2.5"
  Controls: Power on/off
   Display: Resolution up to 800 x 576 pixels (1300+ with additional
            24-bit "True Color" display with 16,777,216 colors
            Multiple-resolution, multiple-color depth objects (monochrome,
              2-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit) can be used
     Ports: Cartridge slot/expansion port (32 bits)
            RF video output
            Video edge connector (video/audio output)
              (supports NTSC and PAL; provides S-Video, Composite, RGB
              outputs, accessible by optional add-on connector)
            Two controller ports
            Digital Signal Processor port (includes high-speed synchronous
              serial input/output)
Controllers: Eight-directional joypad
            Size 6.25" x 5" x 1.6", cord 7 feet
            Three fire buttons (A, B, C)
            Pause and Option buttons
            12-key keypad (accepts game-specific overlays)

 The Jaguar has five processors, which are contained in three chips.  Two of
 the chips are proprietary designs, nicknamed "Tom" and "Jerry".  The third
 chip is a standard Motorola 68000 used as a coprocessor.  Tom and Jerry are
 built using an 0.5 micron silicon process.

 - "Tom"
   - 750,000 transistors, 208 pins
   - Graphics Processing Unit (processor #1)
     - 32-bit RISC architecture (32/64 processor)
       - 64 registers of 32 bits wide
       - Has access to all 64 bits of the system bus
       - Can read 64 bits of data in one instruction
     - Rated at 26.6 MIPS (million instructions per second)
     - Runs at 26.6 MHz
     - 4K bytes of zero wait-state internal SRAM
     - Performs a wide range of high-speed graphic effects
     - Programmable
   - Object processor (processor #2)
     - 64-bit RISC architecture
     - Programmable processor that can act as a variety of different video
       architectures, such as a sprite engine, a pixel-mapped display, a
       character-mapped system, and others.
   - Blitter (processor #3)
     - 64 bits
     - Performs high-speed logical operations
     - Hardware support for Z-buffering and Goudraud shading
   - DRAM memory controller
     - 64 bits
     - Accesses the DRAM directly

 - "Jerry"
   - 600,000 transistors, 144 pins
   - Digital Signal Processor (processor #4)
     - 32 bits (32-bit registers)
     - Rated at 26.6 MIPS (million instructions per second)
     - Runs at 26.6 MHz
     - Same RISC core as the Graphics Processing Unit
     - 8K bytes of zero wait-state internal SRAM
     - CD-quality sound (16-bit stereo)
       - Number of sound channels limited by software
     - Full stereo capabilities
     - Wavetable synthesis, FM synthesis, FM Sample synthesis, and AM
   - A clock control block, incorporating timers, and a UART
   - Joystick control

 - Motorola 68000 (processor #5)
   - Rated at 13.3MHz
   - General purpose control processor

  Communication is performed with a high speed 64-bit data bus, rated at
  106.4 megabytes/second.  The 68000 is only able to access 16 bits of this
  bus at a time.

  The Jaguar contains two megabytes (16 megabits) of fast page-mode DRAM.
  Game cartridges can support up to six megabytes (48 megabits) of
  uncompressed or compressed information.  The Jaguar uses 24-bit
  addressing, and is reportedly capable of accessing data as follows:

          Six megabytes cartridge ROM
          Eight megabytes DRAM
          Two megabytes miscellaneous/expansion

  Compressed cartridge data can be uncompressed in real-time, and can store
  the equivalent to almost 50 megabytes (400 megabits).  Compression is
  performed with JagPEG, an enhanced JPEG image decompression mechanism.

  Other Jaguar features:
  - Support for ComLynx I/O for communications with the Atari Lynx hand-held
      game system and networked multiconsole games (on DSP port, accessible
      by optional add-on connector)
  - The two controller ports can be expanded to support "dozens" of
    - Digital and analog interfaces
    - Keyboards, mice, and light guns are possible
  - Expansion port allows connection to cable TV and other networks
  - Digital Signal Processor port allows connection to modems and digital
    audio peripherals (such as DAT players)
  - One megabyte per second serial interface
  - 9600 baud, RS-232 serial port (accessible with optional interface)


Q. Is the Jaguar really a 64-bit system?

A. The question is hard to resolve, largely because the definition of what
  constitutes an "N-bit" system has not been set.  Of the five processors in
  the Jaguar, only the object processor and the blitter are "true" 64-bit
  components.  Because the blitter and the object processor are in the Tom
  chip, by extension Tom is a 64-bit chip.  The Jaguar also uses a 64-bit
  memory architecture, according to Jez San of Argonaut Software.

  Some say the Jaguar should be considered a 32-bit system, as that is the
  maximum register size in the programmable processors (the 68000, the
  graphics processor, and the DMA sound processor.  Others say the Jaguar
  can be considered a 64-bit system, because 64-bit components are used, and
  the GPU can access 64 bits of data if required.  Again, the lack of an
  agreed-upon definition serves to complicate the issue.

  For the record, the opinion of most third party developers and observers
  is that the Jaguar is indeed a 64-bit system.


Q. How can a graphics processor be the CPU?

A. The 64-bit custom graphics chip is a good general purpose RISC unit, but it
  has been optimized for graphics work.  As Rob Nicholson of Handmade
  Software says, "There is no primary processor in the Jaguar.  It's up to
  _me_ which I decide to use depending on the task."


Q. What kind of special effects can the Jaguar do?

A. The Jaguar is capable of doing the following visual effects:

  - High-speed scrolling (Object Processor).
  - Texture mapping on two- and three-dimensional objects (Tom/Blitter).
  - Morphing one object into another object (Tom).
  - Scaling, rotation, distortion, and skewing of sprites and images
      (Object Processor).
  - Lighting and shading from single and multiple light sources (Tom and
  - Transparency (Object Processor).
  - "Rendering" up to 850 million one-bit pixels/second (35 million 24-bit
      pixels/second, 26 million 32-bit pixels/second), or 50 million Goroud
      shaded pixels/second.  "Rendering" is believed to mean transferring a
      pixel from a frame buffer to the screen.
  - Sprites of "unlimited" size and quantity.  Realistically, sprites can be
      over 1,000 pixels wide/tall, and the number of sprites allowed is
      limited by processor cycles instead of a fixed value in hardware
      (Object processor).
  - Programmable screen resolutions, from 160 to 800 pixels per line.  The
      resolution can be increased even further with additional hardware up to
      a reported 1350 pixels per line.


Q. How come the Jaguar claims to have "32-bit" graphics, when 16 million
  colors only need 24 bits for rendering?

A. The additional 8-bits is for programmers to implement whatever visual
  effects may be desired.  Examples cited include Z-buffering (for polygon
  graphics) and an alpha channel (for transparency).


Q. Okay, get to the meat -- which is better, the Jaguar or the 3DO?

A. Ye Gods, the eternal question.  The popular consensus is that the biggest
  strength of the Jaguar is that it deliveres performance comparable to the
  3DO for a lower price ($250 Jaguar vs. $500-$700 3DO units).  The same
  consensus say the biggest strength of the 3DO is the corporate strength
  behind it: over 300 developers, a consortium of multibillion dollar
  companies, more reliable advertising and promotion, etc.  Whether or not
  this makes the games or the machines any better is (hotly) debatable.

  Best bet, as always, is to try the two machines, see what games you like,
  which system offers them, then decide.


Q. What's the information on the CD-ROM drive?

A. A double-speed CD-ROM drive has been announced for release in mid-1994,
  with an estimated price of $200.  It is reported that the CD-ROM drive is
  capable of transferring data continuously at 350K per second, or run at
|  normal audio rates of 175K per second.  Access time is reportedly 300-350
  milliseconds.  Storage on a disc is expected to be around 700 megabytes
  (5,600 megabits).  The CD-ROM drive plugs into the Jaguar's cartridge slot
  on top of the machine, and offers a cartridge slot to permit playing
  cartridge or CD games; the cartridge port is accessible while using the
  CD-ROM drive.

  The Jaguar CD-ROM drive allows delivery of full-screen, full-motion video.
  The CinePak video decompression system has been licensed from SuperMac
  Technologies, and permits over sixty minutes of video to be stored on a
  single compact disc at 30 frames a second.  Movie quality pictures can then
  be overlaid on the screen with computer generated graphics if the game
  demands it.  Time-Warner has licensed a library of film clips from its
  movies to Atari for use in Jaguar games.

  The Jaguar CD-ROM is also designed to interface with audio CD, Karaoke CD,
  CD+Graphics and optional Kodak Photo CD.  The system will not be 3DO
  compatible or CD-I compatible.  An optional MPEG2 (Motion Picture Experts
|  Group) compression cartridge will also be available, to allow users to play
  full length motion pictures from CD.

  The latest release date for the CD-ROM drive is middle of 1994.  It has
  been rumored, though, that the unit may be delayed until September 1994, to
  allow more CD games to be ready for its release.


Q. What's this "Panther" I hear about?

A. Quick history lesson: Sometime in the late 1980s, Atari Corp. was doing
  research and development on "next generation" video game consoles.  There
  were two systems, a 32-bit machine called the Panther, and a 64-bit machine
  called the Jaguar.  It is reported that work on the Jaguar was progressing
  better/faster than expected, so Atari abandoned the Panther to focus their
  energies on the Jaguar instead.

  Reports of development work on the Panther have been whispered since 1988;
  some people have erroneously mistaken those rumors to be about the Jaguar.

  The Panther reportedly was considered a "32-bit" machine by Atari, though
  for reasons unknown.  It featured three chips, consisting of a Motorola
  68000 running at 16Mhz, an object processor called the Panther, and an
  Ensoniq sound processor called Otis, featuring 32 sound channels.  The
  Panther could supposedly display 8,384 colors from a palette of 262,144
  colors, and could display 83,840 sprites of any size simultaneously.


Q. What do I get when I buy a Jaguar?

A. The Jaguar package has a suggested retail price of $250, and contains the
  Jaguar itself, one controller, an AC adaptor, and the game CYBERMORPH.
  There are rumors that a lower-priced package will be made available,
  without the free game, but that information has not yet been confirmed.

Q. Hey!  My Jaguar makes a quiet hissing sound!  What's going on?  Is it
|  dangerous?
A. Atari has cited several reasons for the hissing noise, but analysis of
|  disassembled Jaguars reveals that the sound is from the RF generator.  The
|  RF shield has holes in it (ostensibly to help air flow and keep the unit
|  cool), and it is believed that the holes produce the noise.  It is not
|  dangerous in any event.

Q. I want something better than RF output from my Jaguar.  What do I do?

A. Atari has an adaptor available that gives the Jaguar composite audio/video
|  output.  The price is $24.95.  The S-Video cables are currently

  If you are willing to build your own, the schematics for the expansion port
|  are as follows:

| 1   3   5   7   9   11  13  15  17  19  21  23
| 2   4   6   8   10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24

 4 -  Composite Color          16-  Horizontal Sync (RGB)
 6 -  Ground                   17-  Ground
 8 -  Ground                   18-  Red (RGB)
 9 -  Chroma (SVHS)            20-  Ground
 10-  Luminance (SVHS)         21-  Ground
 11-  Green (RGB)              22-  Ground
 12-  Ground                   23-  Audio (Right)
 13-  Vertical Sync (RGB)      24-  Audio (Left)
 15-  Blue (RGB)


Q. How does the ComLynx port on the Jaguar work? Can I connect my Lynx to it?

A. The Jaguar does not have a ComLynx port per se, but has a ComLynx signal
  on the system bus.  In theory, an expansion port add-on would make the port

  In theory, it would be possible to daisy-chain multiple units of Jaguars
  and Lynxes for multiplayer games.  At the current time, however, no such
  plans are in the works.  Instead, it is seen as allowing Lynxes to be used
  as peripherals: software can be developed to allow Lynxes to be part of a
  Jaguar game as "smart" controllers.


Q. Who are the third-party developers for the Jaguar?

A. The following companies have been announced as official developers for
  Jaguar software:

    Anco Software Ltd.       Maxis Software         Telegames
    Beyond Games Inc.        Microids               Tiertex Ltd.
    Dimension Technologies   Midnite Software Inc.  Titus Eurosoft
    Ocean Software Ltd.      Tradewest              High Voltage Software
    Rebellion Software       Trimark Interactive    Krisalis Software Ltd.
|    Virtual Experience       U.S. Gold Ltd.         Loriciel U.S.A.
    Silmarils                Millenium              Park Place Productions
    Ubi Soft                 Gremlin Software       Microprose/S. Holobyte
    Accolade                 Virgin                 Interplay
    21st Century Software    Activision             Id Software
    Phalanx Software         Brainstorm             3D Games
|    All Systems Go           Argonaut Software      Euro-Soft
|    ICD Incorporated         Photosurrealism        DTMC
|    Epic Megagames           V-Real Productions     Cross Products(?)
|    Sunsoft                  Domark(?)              Lucasarts(?)
|    Elite                    Infogrames(?)          Br0derbund
|    Origin(?)                Midway/Williams(?)

  Also, Atari Games/Tengen has licensed the Jaguar architecture for use in
  future arcade games.


Q. What are all of the current Jaguar games available in the United States?

A. Current Jaguar Games List:

  Title              Players  Publisher      Type
  -----------------  -------  ------------   ---------------------------
|  Crescent Galaxy       1     Atari          Shooter
  Cybermorph            1     Atari          Action/Strategy
|  Evolution:Dino Dudes  1     Atari          Puzzle/Strategy
|  Raiden               1-2    Atari          Arcade


Q. What are the upcoming Jaguar games?

A: Note: These lists are hardly definitive.  It's based on many sources, and in
        some cases, it just might be dead wrong.  Games also often change from
        pre-release to production.

  Upcoming Jaguar cartridge games (? = Uncertain entry):

  Title              Players  Publisher      Type
  -----------------  -------  ------------   ---------------------------
|  Aero the Acro-Bat    1-2    Sunsoft        Action/Platform
  Alien vs. Predator    1     Atari          Action
  Al Michaels          1-2    Accolade/Atari Sports
    Announces Hardball
|  Alone in the Dark     1?    Infogrames     Adventure
|  American Football    1-2    Park Place     Sports
|  Another World         1     Interplay      Action/Strategy
|  Arena Football       1-2    V-Real Prod.   Sports
  Batman: The           1?    Atari?         Action?
    Animated Series
  Battlemorph:          1     Atari          Action/Strategy
    Cybermorph 2
  Battlewheels         1-2?   Beyond Games   Action
  Battlezone 2000       1     Atari          Action/Arcade
  Blue Lightning        1     Atari          Action
  Boogers and Snotnose 1-2?   All Systems Go Platform?
  Brett Hull Hockey    1-2?   Accolade/Atari Sports
|  Brutal Sports        1-2    Telegames      Sports
|    Football
  Bubsy in Claws        1     Accolade/Atari Platform
    Encounters of the
    Furred Kind
|  Car Wars             1-2?   Midnite Sw     Action
|  Casino Royale        1-2?   Telegames      Strategy
  Charles Barkley      1-2    Accolade/Atari Sports
  Checkered Flag II     1     Atari          Sports
  Cisco Heat            1     Atari?         Driving/Arcade
  Club Drive            1?    Atari          Action/Strategy
|  Commando              1     Microids       Action/Strategy
  Cyberpunk City        1     Atari          Adventure
|  Double Dragon 4      1-2    Telegames      Arcade/Action/Fighting
  Doom: Evil Unleashed  1     id Software    Action
|  Dungeon               1?    Atari          Adventure
|  Dungeon Depths        1     Midnite Sw     Adventure
  European Soccer      1-2    Telegames      Sports
  Falcon(?)             1     S. Holobyte    Simulator
  Flashback             1     U.S. Gold      Action/Adventure
  Grand Prix            1?    Microprose     Sports
  Gunship 2000          1     Microprose     Action/Strategy
|  Hosenose and Booger  1-2?   All Systems Go Platform
|  Indiana Jags          1     Virtual Exp.   Action?
  Jack Nichlaus' Power 1-2?   Accolade/Atari Sports
    Challenge Golf
  James Pond 3          1     Millenium      Platform
  Jimmy Connors'       1-2    Atari          Sports
|  Kasume Ninja         1-2    Atari          Action/Fighting
  Kick Off 2           1-2    Anco Software  Sports
|  Mortal Kombat        1-2    Atari          Arcade/Fighting
|  Pinball Fantasies    1-2?   21st Century   Action
|  Phong 2000           1-2?   Phalanx          ?
|  Powerslide            1?    Elite          Action?
|  Robinson's Requiem    1?    Silmarils      Strategy
  Soccer Kid            1?    Krisalis Ltd.  Platform?
|  Star Raiders 2000     1?    Atari          Action
|  Steel Talons          1     Atari          Arcade
  Tempest 2000         1-2    Atari          Action/Arcade
  Tiny Toon            1-2?   Atari          Platform
  Ultimate Brain Games 1-2?   Telegames      Puzzle
|  Ultra Vortex         1-2    Beyond Games   Action/Fighting
  World Cup            1-2?   Anco Software  Sports
|  Zozziorx              1?    Virtual Exp.     ?
  Zool 2               1-2?   Gremlin        Platform

  Upcoming Jaguar CD-ROM games:

  Title              Players  Publisher      Type
  -----------------  -------  ------------   ---------------------------
  Battlechess          1-2    Interplay      Strategy
|  Evidence              1     Microids       Action/Adventure
|  Dracula the Undead    1     Atari          Adventure
|  Horrorscope           1?    V-Real Prod.   Adventure?
|  Jukebox               1?    All Systems Go   ?
  Return to Zork        1     Activision     Adventure
  Space Pirates         1?    Atari          Action/Adventure
  Star Trek: The Next   1     Microprose     Adventure


Q. How can I reach Atari Corp.?

A. Customer Service:         (800) GO-ATARI
  Mailing Address:          Atari Corp.
                            1196 Borregas Avenue
                            Sunnyvale, CA  94089-1302

|  Company spokesman Bob Brodie can be reached by electronic mail on GEnie,
|  via the address "BOB-BRODIE".  E-mail can be sent over the Internet with
|  "[email protected]".

  Interested developers should contact Bill Rehbock at (408) 745-2088.
  Include: Company name, mailing address, phone number, fax number, and brief
  company/personal background relating to software development.  Due to the
  high volume of inquires, information kits are prioritized according to
  background (SNES/Genesis/Computer) of previous titles developed.

Q. Where can I get other information about the Jaguar?
A. Publications:
|  - Die Hard Game Fan               General video-gaming magazine with some
|    18612 Ventura Blvd.             Jaguar coverage.
|    Tarzana, CA 91356
|  - Electronic Gaming Monthly       General video-gaming magazine with
|    1920 Highland Avenue            some Jaguar coverage.
|    Suite 222
|    Lombard, IL 60148
|  - Gamepro                         General video-gaming magazine with
|    P.O. Box 3329                   some Jaguar coverage.
|    Redwood City, CA 94064
|  - Video Games                     General video-gaming magazine with
|    9171 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300  some Jaguar coverage.
|    Beverly Hills, CA 90210
|  Internet/USENET newsgroups and services:
|  -   Contains news of all Atari video-game systems.
|  - Jaguar electronic mailing list:
|      To subscribe, send e-mail to "[email protected]".  In the
|      text of the letter, have a line that reads "subscribe jaguar-l
|      <first-name> <last-name>", where <first-name> and <last-name> are your
|      first name and last name, respectively.  Once you are on the list,
|      send messages to "[email protected]"; everyone on the list
|      will receive a copy of your message.
|  Internet TELNET site:
|  - Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG
|      freenet-in-{a,b,c} or or
|      Access via modem at (216) 368-3888.
|      You can log on as visitor to explore the system and apply for a
|      Free-Net account online.  At the opening menu, enter "2" to log in as a
|      visitor.  At the next menu, enter "2" again to explore the system.  You
|      will then read an opening disclaimer and a login bulletin, then be sent
|      to the main menu.  Once inside, type "go atari".  Follow the menus to
|      read discussions, reviews, news, and information.  In order to post
|      messages and send e-mail, you need a Free-Net account.  Apply for a
|      Free-Net account by entering "1" at the second menu instead of "2".
|  BBS:
|  - Video Game Information Service.
|      (201) 509-7324, 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps. Multiple lines
|      Located in West Orange, New Jersy (USA).  The BBS is completely
|      dedicated to video gaming, and maintains files of cheats and reviews
|      for all game systems.  Carries video-game-related conferences from
|      other computer networks, including Fidonet, Worldnet, and Globalnet.
|  On-line services:
|  - GEnie
|      Registered developers can join the Independent Association of Jaguar
|      Developers (IAJD) on the GEnie computer network.  Membership in the
|      IAJD is limited to Jaguar developers registered with Atari Corp.  To
|      apply for membership, send e-mail to ENTRY$ on GEnie.

Q. How is development for the Jaguar done?

A. Jaguar game development environments exists for the Atari TT030 computer or
  an IBM PC/compatable.  Art development can be performed on any machine,
  whether a low-end Apple Macintosh or commercial rendering software such as

  Estimated price for a developer's package is $9,000 for the TT030 setup,
  and $7,500 for the PC/compatable platform.  The package includes a Jaguar
|  development unit, documentation, and development/debugging software.
  Software routines packaged with the system include a multi-channel
  polyphonic FM/Wavetable synth; JPEG decompression; video set-up; drawing
  primitives; 3D rendering with gourad shading, texture mapping, and camera

  The centerpiece of the TT030 deveopment platform is DB, an assembly-
  language level debugging tool.  The Jaguar and the TT030 are connected with
  a parallel cable, and software can be debugged interactively without
  interfering with the Jaguar's screen display.  DB supports the use of
  scripts and aliases, which simplifies the use of complex or common

  Atari grants final code approval, but does not see the need to "censor"
  games.  Every game is given one man-month of compatability and quality
  testing before it is approved.  Atari offers technical support via FAX,
  mail, electronic mail and voice.  Atari allows developers to source their
  own cartridges, documentation and shells if desired.
