The AtariLink Directory - Last updated 27 Feb 1995

This file is not maintained by, overseen by, endorsed, or otherwise
associated with Atari Corp. or any of its subsidiaries.  It's a
listing of Atari users maintained by myself only. I also didn't
even write this warning or the Jag logo, they're from R. Jung's
Jaguar FAQ.  =)

The list just got a big shot in the arm after I added Lloyd Evans'
"phone list" of Jaguar owners.  It turns out we were keeping similar
lists without knowing about each other.

Anyhow hopefully the increased number of entries will help
some of you to get a deathmatch JagDoom game going, as that's the
only networkable Jag game so far.  =)

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BTW, the names comprising the "box" are simply titles that I'm
pretty sure are going to use the network and/or modem, but I
could be wrong, you know.

* Bad e-mail address.  If you're reading this please correct!

City                  E-mail                         Name
Bay Area CA           [email protected]            Don Sanders
Bay Area CA           [email protected]              Robert Yokota
Southern CA           [email protected]             Clay Gradis
Southeastern CA      *[email protected]               Steven S Klug
Berkeley, CA          [email protected]      Brian Osserman
Cupertino, CA         [email protected]             Paul Burriesci
Danville, CA          [email protected]                Scott Call
Glendale, CA          [email protected]      Denny Hyett
Irvine, CA            [email protected]            Joachim
Los Angeles, CA       [email protected]               Howard Chu
Middletown, CA        [email protected]              Jerri Kohl
Palo Alto/Stanford CA [email protected]   Edward Y Chung
Sacramento, CA        [email protected]   Jeff Fehlman
Sacramento, CA        [email protected]       Bill Glaholt
San Diego, CA         [email protected] Rich Sprague
San Francisco, CA     [email protected]               Dan Wong
San Jose area CA      [email protected]           William Faanes
San Jose area CA     *[email protected]               Bryan Woodworth
San Leandro, CA       [email protected]      Bobby Tribble
Santa Clara, CA       [email protected]              Lloyd Evans
Santa Cruz, CA        [email protected]            Aaron Melgares
Snt Cruz/Stanford, CA [email protected]     Phil Patton
Stockton, CA          [email protected]              Marlin Bates
Studio City, CA       [email protected]               Sam McGee
Altha, FL             [email protected]         Travis Guy
Boynton Beach, FL     [email protected]          Scott Leapman
Stone Mountain, GA    [email protected]       Kevin Bryan
Northern IL           [email protected]         Richard John Kepper
Northern IL           [email protected]         Clint Neuzil
Champaign, IL         [email protected]     Scott Buennemeyer
Melrose Park, IL      [email protected]    Dan Iacovelli
Central IN            [email protected]        Larry J Brackney
Bloomington, IN      *[email protected] Brian Hostetler
Evansville, IN        [email protected]        Andrew Stefanski
Greenwood, IN         [email protected]              Brandon Mullins
West Lafayette, IN    [email protected]    George Belle
West Lafayette, IN    [email protected]               Allen Braunsdorf
Lexington, KY         [email protected]              Jerry Duffy
Boston area, MA       [email protected]            Arthur W Gianoukos
Eastern MA           *[email protected]           John Aslanian
Boston, MA            [email protected]               Laird A Popkin
Boston, MA            [email protected]            Karl von Laudermann
Southern MD           [email protected]         Kirk Bollinger
Ellicott City, MD     [email protected]               Patrick Taylor
Detroit, MI           [email protected]      Edward Barrett
Charlotte, NC         [email protected]              Russell A Lunsford
Hastings, NE          [email protected]         Kenny Kant
Las Vegas, NV         [email protected]              Michael Lovett
Middletown, NJ        [email protected]           Sam Posten
New Mexico            [email protected]                  Scott Yelich
Brooklyn, NY          [email protected]               Joe Lau
Fulton, NY            [email protected]      Ryan Leland Crissy
High Falls, NY        [email protected]    Bob Villielm
Long Island, NY       [email protected]                   Tom Sherwin
New York City, NY     [email protected]           Darin Reid
Western OH            [email protected]     Randy
Cincinnati, OH        [email protected]     Don Thompson
Columbus, OH          [email protected]       Matt McCabe
Dayton, OH            [email protected]        Bill Augustine
Northeast PA          [email protected]             Simon Lebo
Erie, PA              [email protected]   ?
Lancaster, PA         [email protected]                Donald Way
Lewisburg, PA         [email protected]          Christian Svensson
Pittsburgh, PA        [email protected]  Jim Marsteller
Charleston, SC        [email protected] Joseph Taylor
El Paso, TX           [email protected]            David C Gilliland
Waco, TX              [email protected]    Jeffrey Gonzales
SLC/Ogden, UT         [email protected]             Alan Lewis
Northern VA           [email protected]                 Skip Sauls
Sumerduck, VA         [email protected]     Robert Malay
Western WA            [email protected]            Il Oh
Seattle, WA           [email protected]            Fast Eddie
Spokane, WA           [email protected]               Frans Keylard
Appleton area, WI     [email protected]           Mike Ives
Madison, WI           [email protected]        slam dunk nut
Cheyenne, WY          [email protected]                Tim Steed
Laramie, WY           [email protected]           Ethan Larson
Alberta area Canada   [email protected] Greg Granger
Toronto area Canada   [email protected]         Allan Ennist
Ottawa area Canada    [email protected]            Rick To
York, England         [email protected]      Andrew Hague
Zwolle, Netherlands   [email protected]             Joost van der Leij
Ronneby, Sweden       [email protected]             Richard Krejstrup
Wermland, Sweden      [email protected]         Christian Andersson

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* Bad E-mail address.  If you're reading this please correct!

City                  E-mail                         Name
Berkeley, CA          [email protected]      Brian Osserman
Berkeley, CA          [email protected]       Michael Constant
Danville, CA          [email protected]                Scott Call
Glendale, CA          [email protected]      Denny Hyett
Hayward, CA           [email protected] William Osser
Los Angeles area      [email protected]     Scott Le Grand
Los Angeles area      [email protected]             Perry Kass
Los Angeles, CA       [email protected]               Howard Chu
Middletown, CA        [email protected]              Jerri Kohl
Milpitas, CA          [email protected]               Daniel Oak
Mountain View, CA    *[email protected] (ref)   Robert Hanson
Mountain View, CA    *[email protected] (ref)   Gary Hanson
Sacramento, CA        [email protected]       Bill Glaholt
San Francisco, CA     [email protected]               Dan Wong
San Francisco, CA     [email protected]        Jason Ligon
San Jose, CA         *[email protected]         David Cagle
San Leandro, CA       [email protected]      Bobby Tribble
San Leandro, CA       [email protected]                  Jonathan Chew
San Luis Obispo, CA   [email protected]       Francis deLeon
Snt Cruz/Stanford, CA [email protected]     Phil Patto
So. SF Bay Area, CA   [email protected]              Timothy Wilson
Stockton, CA          [email protected]              Marlin Bates
Denver, CO            [email protected]              Dave Weinstein
Chicago, IL           [email protected]           Michael White
Melrose Park, IL      [email protected]    Dan Iacovelli
Northbrook, IL        [email protected]                Jim Leonard
West Lafayette, IN    [email protected]               Allen Braunsdorf
New Orleans, LA       [email protected]                Barry Cantin
Boston area, MA       [email protected]            Arthur W Gianokus
Boston area, MA       [email protected]                    John Orthoefer
Boston area-Waltham   [email protected]               Laird Popkin
Boston area-NH Border [email protected]      Ralph Barbagallo
College Park, MD      [email protected]             Josh Adams
Ellicott City, MD     [email protected]               Patrick Taylor
Ellicott City, MD     [email protected]       Steve Jonke
Rockville, MD         [email protected]          Mike Barton
Detroit, MI           [email protected]      Edward Barrett
Royal Oak, MI         [email protected] Arthur Kazmierczak
Winston-Salem, NC     [email protected] Tony Majors
Albuquerque, NM       [email protected]               Mike Arms
Las Cruces, NM        [email protected]           Stomper (?)
Las Cruces, NM        [email protected]              tgfe/Jordan Ficklin
High Falls, NY        [email protected]    Bob Villielm
Long Island, NY       [email protected]                   Tom Sherwin
Cleveland, OH         [email protected]              David Wright
Columbus, OH          [email protected]       Matt McCabe
Columbus, OH          [email protected]     Jim Harmon
Dayton, OH            [email protected]        Bill Augustine
Kenton, OH            [email protected]              Daniel Woodard
Lancaster, OH         [email protected]            Robert Batina
Pittsburgh, PA        [email protected]  Jim Marsteller
South Carolina        [email protected] Robert V Porter IV
Austin, TX            [email protected]            L. Rene' Castro
Austin, TX            [email protected]         Brad Bishop
Austin, TX            [email protected]           Ben Gilbert
Richmond, VA          [email protected]         Joel Priddy
Sumerduck, VA         [email protected]     Robert Malay
Seattle, WA           [email protected]            Fast Eddie
Laramie, WY           [email protected]           Ethan Larson
Ottawa area Canada    [email protected]            Rick To
Ottawa Ontario Canada [email protected]          Costa Karamalis
Montreal, Qc          [email protected]       Joseph Hogan
Bristol, England      [email protected]           Andy Norman
Wirral, England       [email protected]        Mike Clarke
York, England         [email protected]      Andrew Hague
Denmark               [email protected]                   Lars Jeppesen
Darmstadt, Germany    [email protected]             Hans JL Reutter
Fahrdorf, Germany     [email protected]           Stefan Damerau
Kaiserslautern, Germany [email protected]       Rouven Gehm
Zwolle, Netherlands   [email protected]             Joost van der Leij
Cordoba, Spain        [email protected]           Javier Alvarez Uriarte
Ronneby, Sweden       [email protected]             Richard Krejstrup
Australia             [email protected]     Kerrin Pine
Australia             [email protected](ref)Andrew Ellis
Sydney, Australia     [email protected]       Darren Challis


"What is the AtariLink Directory?"

One of the greatest features of Atari's line of products is their
link-ability.  The Lynx allows up to 8 players to compete
against each other simultaneously.  The Jaguar has the ability
for players to compete via networked game or over the modem.
The AtariLink Directory is a way for anyone with e-mail access
to hook up and play.  For networked games all you need to do is
look for someone on the list who lives in an area near you (or an
area you'll be visiting) and drop them an e-mail message to set up
a time and place to get together and Link up!  Modem games are even
easier as they're only a phone call away.  You don't have to
give out any personal information, just your e-mail address and
what area you live in.  Mail you get about Linking up can be
handled in any way you want, including ignoring it if you're
in a bad mood.  =)


Just send e-mail to [email protected] and include your
e-mail address, name, and area that you live in.  If you want
to include some line of text I can include it under your entry.
Users of outside services that can access Internet mail such
as CompuServe, America Online, GEnie, etc. are welcome to join.
For friends who want to join but don't have an e-mail address,
include your e-mail address for referrals.

The latest version of the directory can be viewed by fingering
"[email protected]".  A copy of a recent version
of the list is also at Andy Eddy's ([email protected] - an
extremely nice guy, BTW) FTP site at in
pub/vi/vidgames/faqs.  If you are looking for a FAQ chances are
it's there.  Also, here's the plug for his magazine - read
Gamepro!  =)

Some things I'm wondering about are:
Does one need the Atari voice modem to play modem games, or can you
use a regular computer modem as a substitute?  I have a USR 14.4
Sportster external, so that's mainly why I'm asking here... =)

Can one play modem games over the Internet, allowing savings of
long-distance phone bills?
The main problem with this is that the Jaguar has no terminal
program (so far =) and I don't know what connecting through a
PC, unscrewing your cable, and attaching it to your Jag would
do.  There's a lot of if's here, and actually I doubt this would
work, but it's neat idea...

This paraphrased from the Doom FAQ -

How can I play DOOM (a modem game =) over the Internet?
Enter IHHD -- the Internet Head to Head Daemon designed by
Jim Knutson.  Your host needs to be running UNIX as its operating
system.  The IHHD software is available via anonymous FTP at
"" in the "pub/IHHD/src" directory as the file
"dialer1.6.4.shar".  After you've successfully retrieved the
"dialer1.6.4.shar" file from the FTP site, you need to prepare the
IHHD to run on your UNIX system.

(1) mkdir IHHD
(2) mv dialer1.6.4.shar IHHD
(3) cd IHHD
(4) sh dialer1.6.4.shar
(5) make

You should now see a whole mess of files in the IHHD directory, most
importantly "dialer", "tcpdialer", "tcpanswer", "call", and
"showlog". If there's an error, try the above steps again,
re-retrieve the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file from "" using
the instructions above, or call for help.

To get connected using IHHD, set up a time to play with another
Internet modem player, ideally using E-mail to make the prior
arrangements. Make sure you and your opponent use the same baud rate
and line settings for your modems.  Make sure data compression, error
correction, and hardware flow control on your modem are off. (Just
for DOOM?) Start your favorite terminal program, call up your
Internet host and login normally. Contact the other player by sending
a short E-mail message indicating that you are on the net and ready
to play, and return to your UNIX prompt. Type "cd IHHD".  You may
have to type "terminal download," if you do not have it activated

Type "dialer opponent'" to start the IHHD connection. Another
way to connect is to type "tcpdialer opponent'" while your
opponent types "tcpdialer -answer".  Regardless of which method
you use to connect, type short text messages followed by a carriage
return until you see your opponent acknowledge you. Unless you have
"local echo" set to ON in your serial settings, you will not see the
text you type.  Exit by hitting CTRL-C if something goes wrong.
If your connection looks fine, exit your terminal program and
change to your DOOM directory and start a game with the "modem
already connected" setting. You can now proceed to play DOOM as if
you were connected via a regular phone line.

Unfortunately, sporadic delays and warping may occur with your IHHD
connection, depending on the quality of the connection and on what's
going on on the Internet at that particular times.  Then again, you
might just have a cruddy Internet connection.

To gauge the quality of the connection, type "ping -s
opponent'" at the UNIX prompt. You should get a listing of
"ping times", which you may stop at any time by pressing "CTRL-C".
Try pinging some other hosts you know to get an idea of how much ping
times vary, and use this data to guesstimate the quality of your

Another way to judge the quality of your connection is to simply look
at the other player.  If he's jumping all over the place, you've got
a cruddy connection.  If he's relatively smooth and steady, you've
got a good connection.

The End!