
Publication:    FTS-5000
Revision:       1
Author(s):      Colin Turner, Andreas Klein, Michael McCabe,
               David Hallford, Odinn Sorensen

Revision Date:  27 June 1999
Expiry Date:    17 June 2001
               1. Supercessions
               2. Purpose
               3. Publication and Distribution
               4. Contents
               5. Nodediff

Status of this document

 This document is a Fidonet Standard (FTS).

 This document specifies a Fidonet standard for the Fidonet

 This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
 copied or modified for any purpose whatever.


 Current practice for Fidonet Technology Networks (FTN) is to
 maintain a nodelist used to store the details of the nodes in
 the network, and the network structure.

1. Supercessions

 FTS-0005 superceded and replaced the documents known under the names
 of FSC-0002, and FTS-0002.

 This document supercedes and replaces FTS-0005, FSC-0009, FSC-0040,
 FSC-0075, FSC-0091, and FSP-1012.

2. Purpose

 Along with the companion technical standard (FTS-5001) this document
 defines the format and content of the nodelist for the FidoNet
 International Hobby Network. The FTS-5001 is seperated into two
 parts - the first part is a listing of authorized flags and the
 second part is a registry of userflags. The registry is used to
 prevent a userflag from being used for more than one meaning. The
 registry is maintained by the Fidonet Technical Standards Committee
 Working Group D (the Nodelist).

3. Publication and Distribution

 The nodelist is published as an ASCII text file named NODELIST.nnn,
 where nnn is the day-of-year of the publication date.
 For actual distribution,  NODELIST.nnn is packed into an archive
 file named NODELIST.Pnn,  where nn are the last two digits of day-of
 -year and P is the compression format used as listed below.
       A = .arc
       Z = .zip
       J = .arj
       R = .rar
 Since .zip is useable on most computer platforms, it is recommended
 that this format be used for distribution of the Distribution

4. Contents

 As stated above,  NODELIST.nnn is an ASCII text file.  It contains
 two kinds of lines,  comment lines and data lines.  Each line is
 terminated with an ASCII carriage return and line feed character
 sequence, and contains no trailing white-space (spaces, tabs, etc.).
 The file is terminated with an end-of-file character, ASCII <EOF>

 Comments lines contain a semicolon (;) in the first character
 position followed by zero or more alphabetic characters called
 "interest flags". A program which processes the nodelist may use
 comment interest flags to determine the disposition of a comment
 line.  The remainder of a comment line (with one exception, treated
 below) is free-form ASCII text.

 There are five interest flags defined as follows:

    ;S This comment is of particular interest to Sysops.

    ;U This comment is of particular interest to BBS users.

    ;F This comment should appear in any formatted "Fido List".

    ;A This comment is of general interest (shorthand for ;SUF).

    ;E This comment is an error message inserted by a nodelist
       generating program.

    ;  This comment may be ignored by a nodelist processor.

 The first line of a nodelist is a special comment line containing
 identification data for the particular edition of the nodelist. The
 following is an example of the first line of a nodelist:

 ;A FidoNet Nodelist for Friday, July 3, 1987 --
      Day number 184 : 15943

 This line contains the general interest flag,  the day,  date,  and
 day-of-year number of publication,  and ends with a 5-digit decimal
 number with leading zeros, if necessary.  This number is the decimal
 representation of a check value derived as follows:

    Beginning with the first character of the second line,  a 16-bit
    cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is calculated for the entire file,
    including carriage return and line feed characters,  but not
    including the terminating EOF character.  The check polynomial
    used is the same one used for many file transfer protocols:

         2**16 + 2**12 + 2**5 + 2**0

 The CRC may be used to verify that the file has not been edited. The
 importance of this will become evident in the discussion of NODEDIFF
 below.  CRC calculation techniques are well documented in the
 literature,  and will not be treated further here.

 The content of the remaining comments in the nodelist are intended
 to be informative. Beyond the use of interest flags for distribution
 , a processing program need not have any interest in them.

 A nodelist data line contains eight variable length "fields"
 separated by commas (,).  No space characters are allowed in a data
 line, and  underscore characters are used in lieu of spaces.  The
 term "alphanumeric character" is defined as the portion of the ASCII
 character set from 20 hex through 7E hex, inclusive.  The following
 discussion defines the contents of each field in a data line.

 Field 1: Keyword

 The keyword field may be empty, or may contain exactly one keyword
 approved by the Zone Coordinator Council. Current approved keywords

    Zone  --
         Begins the definition of a geographic zone and define its
         coordinator.  All the data lines following a line with the
         "Zone" keyword down to, but not including, the next
         occurrence of a "Zone" keyword, are regions, nets, and
         nodes within the defined zone.

    Region --
         Begins the definition of a geographic region and defines its
         coordinator.  All the data lines following a line with the
         "Region" keyword down to, but not including, the next
         occurrence of a "Zone", "Region", or "Host" keyword, are
         independent nodes within the defined region.

    Host --
         Begins the definition of a local network and defines its
         host. All the data lines following a line with the Host
         keyword down to, but not including,  the next occurrence of
         a "Zone", "Region", or "Host" keyword, are local nodes,
         members of the defined local network.

    Hub --
         Begins the definition of a routing subunit within a
         multilevel local network.  The hub is the routing focal
         point for nodes listed below it until the next occurrence
         of a "Zone", "Region", "Host", or "Hub" keyword.  The hub
         entry MUST be a redundant entry,  with a unique number,
         for one of the nodes listed below it.  This is necessary
         because some nodelist processors eliminate these entries
         in all but the local network.

    Pvt --
         Defines a private node with unlisted number.  Private nodes
         are only allowed as members of local networks.

    Hold --
        Defines a node which is temporarily down,or  is a region/zone
        independent node which is reachable via IP only. Mail may be
        sent to it and is held by its host or coordinator.

    Down --
         Defines a node which is not operational.  Mail may NOT be
         sent to it.  This keyword may not be used for longer than
         two weeks on any single node,  at which point the "down"
         node is to be removed from the nodelist.

    <empty> --
         Defines a normal node entry.

 Field 2 - Zone/Region/Net/Node number

    This field contains only numeric digits and is a number in the
    range of 1 to 32767.  If the line had the "Zone",  "Region",  or
    "Host" keyword,  the number is the zone, net, or region number,
    and the node has an implied node number of 0, therfore the use of
    a 0 in this field is strictly forbidden.  Otherwise,  the
    number is the node number. The zone number, region or net number,
    and the node number, taken together, constitute a node's FidoNet

    Zone numbers must be unique.  Region or net numbers must be
    unique within their zone.  Hub numbers must be within their net.
    Node numbers must be unique within their region (for regional
    independents) or net (for members of a local network).  Duplicate
    node numbers under different hubs within the same net are not

 Field 3 - Node name

    This field may contain any alphanumeric characters other than
    commas and spaces.  Underscores are used to represent spaces.
    This is the name by which the node is known.
    For IP nodes this field may alternately contain an ip address or
    E-Mail address for email tunneling programs.

 Field 4 - Location

    This field may contain any alphanumeric characters other than
    commas and spaces.  Underscores are used to represent spaces.
    This field contains the location of the node.  It is usually
    expressed as the primary local location (town,  suburb,  city,
    etc.) plus the identifier of the regional geopolitical admin-
    istrative district (state,  province,  department,  county,
    etc.).  Wherever possible,  standard postal abbreviations for
    the major regional district should be used (IL, BC, NSW, etc.).

 Field 5 - Sysop name

    This field may contain any alphanumeric characters other than
    commas and spaces.  Underscores are used to represent spaces.
    This is the name of the system operator.

 Field 6 - Phone number

    This field contains at least three and usually four numeric
    subfields separated by dashes (-).  The fields are country code,
    city or area code, exchange code, and number.  The various parts
    of the phone number are frequently used to derive cost and
    routing information, as well as what number is to be dialed.
    A typical example of the data in a phone number field is 1-800-
    555-1212, corresponding to country 1 (USA),  area 800 (inbound
    WATS), exchange 555, and number 1212.

    Alternatively, this field may contain the notation -Unpublished-
    in the case of a private node.  In this case, the keyword "Pvt"
    must appear on the line.

   This field may also contain the IP address for an IP node
   utilizing the country code of 000.

 Field 7 - Baud rate

    This field contains the maximum baud rate supported by the node.
    (eg: 9600, 14400, 38400, etc)

 Field 8 - Flags

    This optional field contains data about the specific operation of
    the node, such as file requests, modem protocol supported, etc.
    Any text following the seventh comma on a data line is taken
    collectively to be the flags field.  The required format is zero
    or more subfields, separated by commas.  Each subfield consists
    of a flag, possibly followed by a value. The authorized flags
    for use in the distribution nodelist are distributed as in
    FTS-5001 to facilitate additions and deletions of the authorized
    flags without requiring an amendment to this FTS.

    FTSC recognizes that the FidoNet Zone Coordinator Council with
    the International Coordinator as the ZCC Chairman is the
    ultimate authority over what appears in the FidoNet nodelist.
    Also, FTSC is by definition a deliberative body,  and adding or
    changing a flag may take a considerable amount of time.
    Therefore, the  FidoNet International Coordinator or Zone
    Coordinators may temporarily  make changes or additions to the
    flags as defined in FTS-5001.  The FidoNet International
    Coordinator/Zone Coordinators will then consult with FTSC over
    the changes needed to FTS-5001 to reflect these temporary

    The following are examples of nodelist data lines:




5. Nodediff

 With more than twenty thousand nodes as of this date,  the nodelist,
 even in archive form,  is a substantial document (or file).  Since
 distribution is via electronic file transfer,  this file is NOT
 routinely distributed.  Instead, when a new nodelist is prepared, it
 is compared with the previous week's nodelist, and a file containing
 only the differences is created and distributed.

 The distribution file,  called NODEDIFF.nnn,  where nnn is the
 day-of-year of publication, is actually an editing script which will
 transform the previous week's nodelist into the current nodelist.  A
 definition of its format follows:

 The first line of NODEDIFF.nnn is an exact copy of the first line of
 LAST WEEK'S nodelist. This is used as a first-level confidence check
 to insure that the right file is being edited.  The second and sub-
 sequent lines are editing commands and editing data.

 There are three editing commands and all have the same format:


    <command> is a 1-letter command;  A,  C,  or D.  <number> is a
    decimal number greater than zero,  and defines the number of
    lines to be operated on by the command.  Each command appears on
    a line by itself.  The commands have the following meanings:

    Ann - Add the following nn lines to the output file.

    Cnn - Copy nn unchanged lines from the input to the output file.

    Dnn - Delete  nn lines from the input file.

 The following illustrate how the first few lines of NODEDIFF.213
 might look:

    ;A Friday, July 25, 1986 -- Day number 206 : 27712
    ;A Friday, August 1, 1986 -- Day number 213 : 05060

 This fragment illustrates all three editing commands. The first line
 is the first line from NODELIST.206.  The next line says "delete the
 first two lines" from NODELIST.206.  These are the identification
 line and the line following it.  The next command says "add the next
 two lines" to NODELIST.213.  The two data lines are followed by a
 command which says "copy five unchanged lines" from NODELIST.206 to
 NODELIST .213.  Notice that the first line added will ALWAYS contain
 the new nodelist's CRC.

 Since only the differences will be distributed,  it is important to
 insure the accuracy of the newly created nodelist.  This is the
 function of the CRC mentioned above.  It is sufficient for a program
 designed to perform the above edits to pick the CRC value from the
 first line added to the output file, then compute the CRC of the
 rest of the output file.  If the two CRCs do not agree,  one of the
 input files has been corrupted.  If they do agree,  the probability
 is very high (but not 100%) that the output file is accurate.

 For actual distribution, NODEDIFF.nnn is packed into an archive file
 named NODEDIFF.Pnn,  where nn are the last two digits of day-of-year
 and P is the compression format used as listed below.
       A = .arc
       Z = .zip
       J = .arj
       R = .rar
 Since .zip is useable on most computer platforms, it is recommended
 that this format be used for distribution of the Distribution

A. References

 [FTS-5] "The distribution nodelist", Ben Baker, Rick Moore.
 February 1989. Obsoleted by this document.

 [FSC-9] "Nodelist flag Changes draft document", Ray Gwinn, David
 Dodell. November 1987. Obsoleted by this document.

 [FSC-40] "Extended Modem Handling", Michael Shiels. February 1990.
 Obsoleted by this document.

 [FSC-75] "ISDN capability flags in the nodelist", Jan Ceuleers.
 October 1993. Obsoleted by this document.

 [FSC-91] "ISDN nodelist flags", Arjen Lentz.
 October 1995. Obsoleted by this document.

 [FSP-1012] "Integration of IP Nodes in the nodelist", Lothar Behet
 June 1999.

B. Contact Data

 David Hallford
 Fidonet: 1:208/103

 Andreas Klein
 Fidonet: 2:2480/47
 E-mail:  [email protected]

 Michael McCabe
 Fidonet: 1:297/11

 Odinn Sorensen
 Fidonet: N/A
 E-mail:  [email protected]
 WWW:     http://www.goldware.dk

 Colin Turner
 Fidonet: 2:443/13
 E-mail:  [email protected]
 WWW:     http://www.piglets.com

C. History

  Rev.1, 19990627: Initial Release. Principal Author David Hallford