
Publication:    FTS-4000
Revision:       1
Author(s):      FTSC

Revision Date:  1 October 2000
Expiry Date:    1 October 2002
               1. Credits
               2. General
               3. General format of control paragraphs
               4. Control tags
               5. Length of control paragraphs

Status of this document

 This document is a Fidonet Standard (FTS).

 This document specifies a Fidonet standard for the Fidonet

 This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
 copied or modified for any purpose whatever.

1. Credits

 This document is based on the work of Randy Bush and many others.

2. General

 The size and complexity of FidoNet has increased over the years.

 Although a number of attempts have been made, new packet file
 formats which may have accomodated those changes in the network have
 not gained common acceptance.

 To be able to add new addressing and other control information in
 the old packet formats, it has become common practice to use control
 paragraphs (also called kludges or kludge lines) embedded in the
 packed message text body.

3. Control paragraphs

 A control paragraph shall be contained within a separate paragraph
 of text as defined in separate FTSC documents. A control paragraph
 may not contain any other message text.

 Each control paragraph shall start with a <SOH> character.
 Non-control paragraphs must not start with a <SOH> character.

 The general format of a control paragraph shall be:

   <SOH><control tag>": "<string><CR>

 where <string> is some sort of value related to the control
 paragraph in question.

 For historical reasons certain control tags use the following
 paragraph format:

   <SOH><control tag>":"<string><CR>

 This format shall however not be used for new control tags.

 If no data value is required for a certain control paragraph, the
 general format for such a paragraph shall be:

   <SOH><control tag>":"<CR>

 Developers may introduce new control tags on an experimental basis
 as they see fit. Control tags which are documented in FTSC documents
 must however not be used in any other way than according to those
 FTSC documents.

 Consequently each program processing FidoNet packet files should
 retain any control paragraph containing an unknown control tag
 verbatim and at as unchanged a position within the message body as
 possible. This is particularly essential for copies of messages
 which are to be sent to another system.

 The ASCII character set should be used in control paragraphs.

 It is known that certain programs use non-ASCII characters in
 control paragraphs.

 If a control paragraph contains non-ASCII characters and the message
 contains information about the character set used, it should be
 assumed that that character set is also used in the control
 paragraph in question.

 If a control paragraph contains non-ASCII characters and the message
 contains no information about the character set used, the character
 set used in the control paragraph in question may be considered

 The <LF> and soft <CR> characters (character codes 10 and 141
 respectively) should not be used within a control pragraph. If they
 are, they should be disregarded by any program processing such a
 message or copies thereof.

 If a program processing packet files encounters non-ASCII or
 non-printable ASCII characters in control paragraphs in messages
 which will be passed on to other programs or systems, those
 characters should be passed along unchanged.

4. Control tags

 Control tags and the accompanying data values are specified in
 separate FTSC documents.

5. Length of control paragraphs

 The contents of control paragraphs are generally intended for the
 programs processing the message (or the copies of the message) and
 not for presentation on the user interface level.

 Control paragraphs should therefore be kept as concise as possible.

 Traditionally most control paragraphs were limited to 80 characters
 or less. However, a control paragraph may in principle be of any
 length whenever required.

 For obvious reasons, each system has some maximum size for a message
 body and for a packet file. Furthermore the file transfer protocols
 for FidoNet sessions specified separately may also impose maximum
 sizes on files to be transferred from one FidoNet system to another.

 There may be specific limits to the length of certain control
 paragraphs as specified by other FTSC documents.

A. History

  Rev.1, 20001001: Initial Release.
                   Principal author Goran Eriksson.
