
Publication:    FTA-1001
Revision:       4
Title:          FTSC Operations
Author:         Administrator
Revision Date:  18 January 1999
Expiry Date:    18 January 2001
               1. Definitions
               2. Documentation
               3. Structure
               4. Access
               5. Approvals

1. Definitions

 Plurality: More votes than any other candidate, but less than a

 Majority:  More than fifty percent of all votes cast.

2. Documentation

  Every Fidonet Technical Standards (FTS) document shall be reviewed
  at least once every two years and revised as needed.

  Every Fidonet Standards Proposal (FSP) document shall be assessed
  for conversion to a FTS document within two years of its
  submission, and thereafter will either become an FTS document, or
  be assigned to the FRL library.

  Fidonet Reference Library (FRL) documents are former Fidonet
  Standards Proposals which were not granted FTS standing.  They are
  maintained in the library permanently for reference and historical

  FTSC Administrative (FTA) documents guide the operation of the
  FTSC. FTA-1000 is amendable by the FTSC only after extensive
  discussion in the FTSC_PUBLIC echo, and the formation of a broad
  public concensus on changes to the overall mandate. FTA-1001 and
  FTA-1007 are amendable by the FTSC after public input and concensus
  in the FTSC_PUBLIC echo, on needed operational changes. FTA-1002
  through FTA-1006 are data listings and may be revised by the FTSC
  Administrator with the agreement of the Standing Members, without
  the need for public input.

  Intellectual property rights for Standards Proposals and Technical
  Standards are covered by FTA-1007. Please read this document before
  submitting any proposal.

3. Structure

 3.1 FTSC Administrator

 The FTSC administrator is appointed for a four year renewable term.

 To be eligible for appointment, an individual must be a Fidonet
 node, be actively involved in Fidonet, though not necessarily in a
 programming context, and should have proven organizational skills. A
 candidate need not be a member of the FTSC. It is recommended that a
 successful candidate not carry any *C or *EC responsibilities during
 the term of office.

 A candidate for FTSC Administrator may be nominated by any Standing

 The FTSC Administrator is appointed on the basis of a vote by all
 Standing Members who are defined by the then-current edition of
 FTA-1003 (FTSC Membership List). A successful candidate must receive
 approval by at least a plurality of votes.

 Publication of the nominations and the voting procedure shall take
 place openly in the FTSC_PUBLIC echo, and voting shall close three
 weeks after publication of the vote. Votes shall be by netmail
 ballot to an independent enumerator.


 1. Ensuring FTSC Mandate is adhered to.
 2. Facilitating communications links between members.
 3. Maintaining document distribution links.
 4. Coordinating all membership nominations and voting.
 5. Developing Working Groups as required.
 6. Ensuring that the FTSC seeks, accepts and responds to public
 7. Assigning FSP numbers to new Standards Proposals.

 3.2 FTSC Standing Members

 FTSC members are appointed for a two year renewable term.  [50 % of
 appointments on initial formation of the FTSC shall be for a 3 year
 renewable term, to ensure continuity of the Committee on expiry of
 the terms.]

 To be selected as a FTSC member, an individual must be a Fidonet
 node, and should be actively involved in Fidonet. Examples include
 having put out a Fidonet-related product or having updated a product
 in the preceding two years, or having experience as a Coordinator,
 Echomail Coordinator or mail or file Hub.

 Standing members may be nominated Fidonet-wide by all of the
 following methods:

 1. Any RC or REC.
 2. A nominating committee established for the purpose by the FTSC.
 3. A nominating committee established for the purpose by the ZCC.

 A nominating committee may not consist of any current member or
 officer of the FTSC.

 Standing members are appointed on the basis of a vote by all RCs and
 RECs who are nodelisted as holding those positions at the time the
 nominations are published. A successful candidate must receive
 approval by a majority of votes.

 Publication of the nomination and the voting procedure, and posting
 of RC and REC votes, shall take place openly in the FTSC_PUBLIC
 echo, and voting shall close three weeks after publication of the

 3.3 Working Group Leader

 A Working Group Leader is selected by the FTSC Administrator and
 must be a Standing Member of the FTSC.

 The following information will be provided to the leader at the time
 of selection:

 1. Technical focus of the Leader's group.
 2. Its operating time-frame.
 3. Authority to invite FTSC members or outside advisors to
 4. The setting up of any necessary admin or file echoes.

 3.4 Working Groups

 Working groups are formed to provide focus.

 Standing Working Groups are permanent entities which are responsible
 for monitoring the accuracy of existing Technical Standards and
 effecting change to those Standards to reflect current practice. The
 following 4 groups are active as of the date of this document:

   3.4.1 Working Group A - Data Transmitted

   Responsibilities (FTS-0001 and 0009):

   1. Netmail
   2. Transport format
   3. Stored format
   4. Message control lines

   3.4.2 Working Group B - Connection and Protocols

   Responsibilities (FTS-0006, 0007, 0008):

   1. Handshaking
   2. File Transfer Protocols
   3. Mailer interaction

   3.4.3 Working Group C - Echomail and Routing

   Responsibilities (FTS-0004):

   1. EchoMail
   2. Kludges
   3. Message Standards
   4. Routing of netmail and echomail

   3.4.4 Working Group D - Nodelist

   Responsibilities (FTS-0005):

   1. The distribution nodelist
   2. Nodediff format
   3. Compiled nodelists

   3.4.5 Working Group E - Gating and Other Networks


   1. Connection over TCP/IP
   2. Transferral of messages from InterNet to FidoNet

 Additional Special Assignment Working Groups are formed as necessary
 to investigate the documentation of new Standards proposals.

   3.4.6 Working Group Y - Year 2000 Issues


   1. Year 2000 awareness
   2. Survey of existant software
   3. Review of other documents

 3.5 Removal from Office

 If it is established that any member, including any officer, of the
 FTSC has repeatedly failed to carry out the duties of the position
 as described above, or has acted in a manner which would bring the
 FTSC into disrepute, that person may be removed from office and/or
 from membership in the FTSC. The following procedure shall be used:

   1. A vote to remove from office and/or from FTSC membership shall
      be held only if it can be established by a majority vote of a
      committee consisting of the FTSC Administrator and Working
      Group Leaders, but excluding the member or officer under
      consideration, that the above criteria have all been met and
      that removal can be justified.

   2. The committee shall post its recommendation and the text of a
      proposed voting question for the general membership in the
      FTSC_PUBLIC echo.

   3. Discussion of the concerns, and publication of the voting
      procedure shall then take place openly in the FTSC_PUBLIC echo.

   4. The vote shall be held three weeks after publication of the
      vote, and shall be by netmail ballot to an independent

   5. Removal from office and/or from FTSC membership shall be
      effected by a majority vote of all FTSC members, whether voting
      or not and including the member in question, in favour of the

4. Access

 The FTSC maintains the following information channels:

 1. FTSC_PUBLIC echomail conference.
    Access:        Anyone
    Distribution:  North American Backbone and Zones 2 and 3
    Moderator:     Bruce Bodger, 1:170/400

 2. FTSC file echo.
    Access:        Anyone
    Distribution:  Filebone
    Liaison:       Colin Turner, 2:2/20

 3. FTSC Internet Web site.
    Access:        Anyone
    Distribution:  http://www.piglets.com/ftsc
    Liaison:       Colin Turner <[email protected]>

 4. FTSC echomail conference.
    Access:        FTSC Standing Members & Administrator only
    Distribution:  Private
    Moderator:     Colin Turner, 2:2/20

 5. FTSC.WG.x working group echomail conferences.
    Access:        FTSC Working Group Members & Administrator only
    Distribution:  Private
    Moderators:    Working Group Leaders

 Input to the FTSC on published standards, and standards proposals
 concerning those standards is normally by netmail to the Leader of
 the appropriate Working Group. This input will then be forwarded to
 that Groups' internal discussion echo for response.

 Input to the FTSC on other standards proposals is normally by
 netmail to the FTSC Administrator. This input will then be forwarded
 to the FTSC discussion echo for response.

 All members of the FTSC will also accept such input and will ensure
 that it is forwarded to the Leader of the appropriate Working Group
 or to the FTSC echo as appropriate.

 The FTSC encourages the use of any additional channels for
 submitting Standards Proposals, suggestions and comments.

 The FTSC does not act as an enforcement body for compliance with
 published Standards, but may provide interpretations or advice on
 the application of Technical Standards, and the apparent
 compatibility of any software implementation.

 Developers or Coordinators wishing clarification of the application
 of part of a specification may request an official clarification or
 interpretation of the Technical Standard by contacting the FTSC
 Administrator or the Leader of the appropriate Working Group.

5. Approvals

 5.1 Technical Standards (FTS)

 The FTSC does not invent new standards, but only documents existing
 implementations. It does not design the data formats or protocols
 but only attempts to document them.

 Where developers or users show strong interest in a proposed
 implementation, the FTSC will review such a FSP proposal and may
 publish it as a specification for software developers to follow.

 A Technical Standard should be sufficiently complete and
 self-contained that it should be possible to give a competent
 programmer a copy of the standard and have him/her produce a
 working, compliant implentation without reference to any other

 5.2 Product Codes

 Product Codes shall be assigned, and a list maintained by the FTSC.
 The list can be found in FTA-1005.

 5.3 Standards Proposals (FSP)

 All Standards Proposals submitted to the FTSC shall be formatted as
 detailed in FTA-1002 (Document Submission and Publication Standard).

 Any Fidonet sysop may submit a Standards Proposal.

 A sysop in a non-Fidonet network may also submit a Standards
 Proposal to document extensions to Fidonet technology. Where
 compatible connections with the other network are of importance to
 Fidonet, the FTSC may assign a working group to review the proposal,
 in which case non-FTSC or non-Fidonet members will generally be
 invited to advise the group.

 Provided that a Standards Proposal meets FTA-1002 standards, or a
 proposal from a non-Fidonet network is to be considered, the FTSC
 administrator shall:

 1. Assign it an FSP number.
 2. Add it to the library of Standards Proposals.
 3. Distribute it via the normal FTSC file echo.
 4. Make it available via any other FTSC file access source.
 5. Refer the document to an existing or new committee for

 The recommendation in '5' above shall be one of the following:

 1. To accept the FSP as an recognized Technical Standard, in which
    case the Administrator shall:

    1. Immediately circulate the draft FTS in the FTSC_PUBLIC
       echomail conference for comment by a specified date.
    2. Make any resulting revisions.
    3. Assign it an FTS number.
    4. Publish and distribute the new FTS.

 2. To accept the FSP as an Technical Standard subject to requested
    changes by a specified date by the author. If the changes are
    made, the procedure in '1' shall be followed, otherwise the
    procedure in '3' shall be followed.

 3. To file the FSP as a reference library (FRL) document.

A. History

 Rev.1, 19971214: First non-draft release. Author Adrian Walker.
 Rev.2, 19971229: Reformatted slightly. Author changed to
                  Administrator. Revision number added. Minor
                  text adjustments. Updated access information.
 Rev.3, 19980117: Replaced the public domain requirement with a
                  reference to the newly ratified FTA-1007 document.
 Rev.4, 19990118: Updated access information. Added working groups
                  E (Gating) and Y (Year 2000).
