
Publication:    FTA-1007
Revision:       2
Title:          Intellectual Property Rights
Author:         Administrator
Revision Date:  17 January 1998
Expiry Date:    Permanent Document
               1. General Policy
               2. Confidentiality Obligations
               3. Rights and Permissions
               4. Warrant

Status of this document

 This document is an FTSC Administrative document (FTA), and
 specifies a Fidonet Best Current Practice for the Fidonet community.
 Distribution of this document is unlimited.


 This document specifies how the FTSC handles intellectual property

1. General Policy

 In all matters of intellectual property rights and procedures, the
 intention is to benefit the Fidonet community and the public at
 large, while respecting the legitimate rights of others.

2. Confidentiality Obligations

 No contribution that is subject to any requirement of
 confidentiality or any restriction on its dissemination may be
 considered in any part of the Fidonet standards process, and there
 must be no assumption of any confidentiality obligation with respect
 to any such contribution.

3. Rights and Permissions

 In the course of standards work, the FTSC receives contributions in
 various forms and from many persons. To best facilitate the
 dissemination of these contributions, it is necessary to understand
 any intellectual property rights relating to the contributions.

3.1. All Contributions

 By submission of a contribution, each person actually submitting the
 contribution is deemed to agree to the following terms and
 conditions on his own behalf, on behalf of the organization (if any)
 he represents and on behalf of the owners of any propriety rights in
 the contribution. Where a submission identifies contributors in
 addition to the contributor(s) who provide the actual submission,
 the actual submitter(s) represent that each other named contributor
 was made aware of and agreed to accept the same terms and conditions
 on his own behalf, on behalf of any organization he may represent
 and any known owner of any proprietary rights in the contribution.

 1. Some works (for example works of the U.S. Government) are not
    subject to copyright. However, to the extent that the submission
    is or may be subject to copyright, the contributor, the
    organization he represents (if any) and the owners of any
    proprietary rights in the contribution, grant an unlimited
    perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide right and
    license to the FTSC under any copyrights in the contribution.
    This license includes the right to copy, publish and distribute
    the contribution in any way, and to prepare derivative works that
    are based on or incorporate all or part of the contribution, the
    license to such derivative works to be of the same scope as the
    license of the original contribution.

 2. The contributor acknowledges that the FTSC have no duty to
    publish or otherwise use or disseminate any contribution.

 3. The contributor grants permission to reference the name(s) and
    address(es) of the contributor(s) and of the organization(s) he
    represents (if any).

 4. The contributor represents that contribution properly acknowledge
    major contributors.

 5. The contributor, the organization (if any) he represents and the
    owners of any proprietary rights in the contribution, agree that
    no information in the contribution is confidential and that the
    FTSC may freely disclose any information in the contribution.

 6. The contributor represents that he has disclosed the existence of
    any proprietary or intellectual property rights in the
    contribution that are reasonably and personally known to the
    contributor. The contributor does not represent that he
    personally knows of all potentially pertinent proprietary and
    intellectual property rights owned or claimed by the organization
    he represents (if any) or third parties.

 7. The contributor represents that there are no limits to the
    contributor's ability to make the grants acknowledgments and
    agreements above that are reasonably and personally known to the

4. Warrant

 By ratifying this document the FTSC warrants that it will not
 inhibit the open and free access to FTSC documents for which license
 and right have been assigned according to the procedures set forth
 in this section, including drafts, proposals and standards. This
 warrant is perpetual and will not be revoked by the FTSC or its
 successors or assigns.

A. References

 [RFC2026] "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3". Scott
 Bradner. October 1996.

B. Acknowledgements

 This document is based on extracts from the original text of RFC2026
 by Scott Bradner. Please read that document for further

C. Author contact data

 Odinn Sorensen
 Fidonet: 2:236/77
 E-mail:  [email protected]
 WWW:     http://www.goldware.dk

D. History

 Rev.1, 19971120: First release as draft.
 Rev.2, 19980117: First release as official FTA. No changes from the
