
Publication:    FTA-1000
Revision:       2
Title:          FTSC Charter
Author:         Administrator
Revision Date:  29 December 1997
Expiry Date:    Permanent Document
               1. Mission
               2. Structure
               3. Access

1. Mission

 The Fidonet Technical Standards Committee (FTSC) is responsible for
 providing a thorough technical definition of FidoNet and its
 protocols sufficient to maintain it as a compatible electronic mail
 system, specifically by:

 1. Documenting current practice in technical standards.
 2. Encouraging new technologies in Fidonet software development.
 3. Reassessing and revising FTS documents regularly.
 4. Being publicly accessible to Fidonet sysops.
 5. Distributing Technical Standards and Proposals.
 6. Providing FTS document interpretations on software compatibility.

 The FTSC shall maintain a publication which documents only the
 minimum acceptable protocol for a Fidonet node to receive mail as
 referred to in the current FidoNet Policy Document (Policy 4.07 at
 this writing) The FTSC shall not take upon itself any right to
 increase or decrease this requirement without express direction to
 do so from the International Coordinator (IC).

2. Structure

 2.1 Organization

 1. All members are Fidonet nodes in good standing.
 2. Membership consists of no less than 7 and no more than 30.
 3. Standing members are appointed Fidonet-wide as detailed in
    FTA-1001 (FTSC Operations).
 4. An Administrator is selected by the FTSC standing members.
 5. Working Group Leaders are appointed by the Administrator.
 6. A freely-available list of members and Working Groups is

 2.2 FTSC Administrator

 Appointed for a specific term, and responsible for coordinating the
 activities of the Working Groups and for the smooth operation of the
 FTSC as detailed in FTA-1001 (FTSC Operations).

 2.3 Standing Members

 Appointed for a specific term to advise and assist the Administrator
 in directing the technical focus of the FTSC.

 2.4 Working Groups

 Formed to develop and update standards. Both standing and short-term
 Working Groups may be formed.

 2.5 Working Group Leader

 Responsible for forming an assigned Working Group and ensuring that
 its work is completed in a timely manner. Working Groups, and their
 assigned areas of expertise are detailed in FTA-1001 (FTSC

3. Access

 A file distribution echo, and public and private echomail
 conferences are maintained, along with conferences for the various
 Working Groups, as detailed in FTA-1001 (FTSC Operations).

A. History

 Rev.1, 19971009: First non-draft release. Author Adrian Walker.
 Rev.2, 19971229: Reformatted slightly. Author changed to
                  Administrator. Revision number added.
