
Publication:    FSP-1015
Revision:       1
Title:          Simple E-Mail Attach Transport (S.E.A.T.)
Author:         Charles Cruden,
               Vincent Danen,
               Brent Shellenberg
               Ramon van der Winkel
Revision Date:  20 April 2000
Expiry Date:    20 April 2002
               1. The Purpose
               2. Reading this document
               3. Implementation
               4. Specifying compliancy
               5. Required implementation
               6. Recommended implementation
               7. Optional implementation
               8. Last Notes

Status of this document

 This document is a Fidonet Standards Proposal (FSP).

 This document specifies an optional Fidonet standard protocol for
 the Fidonet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

 This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
 copied or modified for any purpose whatever.


 This document describes a consistent way of sending FTN style mail
 as an attachment to an internet e-mail. It provides a clearly
 delineated minimum specification, a recommended specification as
 well as several option extensions.

1. The Purpose
 With the popularity of the internet being utilized as a replacement
 for long distance calls to transfer FTN style mail, came about a
 problem.  Though the idea is exciting and beneficial to all, every
 developer that went this route did their work on their own (thus
 creating a large sea of software that wasn't compatible with
 anything else).

 The purpose of this document (and discussions that have been ongoing
 in the Sysop's Tech Net and NET_DEV) is to define a basic standard
 of common ground that can ensure that everyone's software has the
 ability to communicate with others.  As much as the FTS-1 document
 of Fidonet makes sure that FTN style mailers can communicate, this
 document is to do the same thing for internet e-mail attachment

2. Reading This Document
 This document uses examples to show working "real life" copies of
 what a properly formatted S.E.A.T. message looks like. Unlike other
 technical documents, this approach makes it easier to get a visual
 idea of how the whole thing works. Any paragraph that contains a
 pipe character (|) prior to the start of a line, indicates that the
 information in that portion of the document is new to this revision.

3. Implementation
 This document is divided into three sections: required, recommended
 and optional implementations.  Each defines a level of
 compatibility with S.E.A.T.  In order for a program to be considered
 S.E.A.T. compatible, it must implement all the encodings and
 keywords presented in the "required" section of this document: this
 will be defined as S.E.A.T. level one compatible.  This provides a
 method for sending files of any size through email, but does not
 provide a means for assuring their correct delivery. Developers are
 strongly encouraged not to stop at providing S.E.A.T. level one
 support but to include level two support - implementation of all the
 encodings and keywords presented in the both the "required" and
 "recommended" sections of this document.  Level two support provides
 for reliable transmission of files through email.

 S.E.A.T. levels three and four are defined as programs which
 implement respectively some or all of the encodings and keywords
 presented in the "optional" portion of this document, as well as
 providing S.E.A.T. level  two support.  Although these extensions
 are not required of any  implementation, they provide certain
 features which future users would  find useful.

 Note that a program cannot be considered to provide support for
 S.E.A.T. at a given level without providing support for ALL the
 levels beneath.

4. Specifying compliancy
 When a program specifies that it is S.E.A.T. compatible, it must
 also provide the level of S.E.A.T. which it implements.  i.e.
 "This program is S.E.A.T. level three compatible."  All level four
 compatible programs must also provide the revision of S.E.A.T. which
 they are compatible with, so that other developers may be aware
 which extensions the author claims to support. It is recommended,
 though not required, that all authors provide this information as

5. Required implementation
 S.E.A.T. level one describes the minimum set of encodings and
 keywords which a program must support in order to be considered
 S.E.A.T. compatible. Quickly, these are:
 S.E.A.T. level one programs must correctly generate these keywords
 for each file they send, and must be able to decode any incoming
 message which uses exclusively keywords from this set.

 Note that this implicitly requires any S.E.A.T. compatible mailer to
 support files split across multiple messages.

 5.1 Attachment Example
 All control information for each attached file is placed in the
 message body text. The only exception to this is the subject line,
 which must always start with a fixed character string to identify
 (to mailer software) the e-mail message as a SEAT packet.

 Control lines must be confined to more than 255 characters in total
 length, and unless otherwise specified, may not have any "white
 space" (ie: no blank characters other than the space that directly
 follows the control line identifier). This document displays the use
 of basic uuencoding of files. All implementations must provide it as
 a bare minimum.

 From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
 To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
 Subject: FTN Mail Transport
 Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:26:47
 Organization: GUNN Data Systems
 Reply-To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
 X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.02-Beta

 Ftn-File: AA3D1EAC.TH0
 Ftn-File-Id: AA3D1EAC.TH0.876796006.50DC7A2B
 Ftn-Crc32: 50DC7A2B
 Ftn-Encoding: uuencode
 Ftn-Seg: 1-1
 Ftn-Seg-Id: [email protected]
 Ftn-Seg-Crc32: 50DC7A2B

 begin 644 AA3D1EAC.TH0

 5.2 Breakdown Of The Above Example

 5.2.1 Message Subject
 The message subject must always start with "FTN Mail Transport".
 Software should treat it case insensetively, and implementations
 may place anything extra after the string.

   Basic:          Subject: FTN Mail Transport
   Modified:       Subject: FTN Mail Transport - Sysop's Tech Net

 Mailer software (and encoders/decoders) should simply ignore
 anything after the basic subject line text.

 5.2.2 Control Information
 In order for mail to be acknowledged as received, or in order to do
 other system level operations on the received files, control lines
 are required. These lines are placed in the message body, and must
 always be treated case insensetive.  All Ftn-* lines must occur
 before the actual file to be  transmitted.  Because certain lines
 are optional and certain lines can occur more than once, order is
 not important: it is suggested though that  implementations follow
 the order given in this document wherever possible. There must
 additionally be no extra text between the last Ftn-* line and the
 headers indicating the start of the encoded file.  Blank lines may
 be inserted, but that is all.

 Systems may choose to place text in the message before the Ftn-*
 lines.  No more than 10 lines of text should be given though, and
 none of the lines may start with Ftn-.

 5.2.3 Transmission keywords

 These are keywords used in the transmission of files.

 Ftn-File: AA3D1EAC.TH0

   This is simply the filename of the file that is attatched to the
   message. Though this may seem redundant, it will allow for quick
   and easy parsing of the message body for the received filename.

   Long filenames and non-DOS filenames are permitted.  Systems
   running under DOS should munge the filename to something
   appropriate and  inform the user of the original filename.  When
   sending the filename, the case and spacing provided after Ftn-File
   must exactly match that of the file on the original filesystem.

 Ftn-File-Id: AA3D1EAC.TH0.876796006.50DC7A2B

   The Ftn-File-Id line is a free form text string that identifies a
   complete file. It must be a unique string for each file sent from
   a system, and is generally used for requesting the complete resend
   of a file (explained in the section describing NAKs below).

 Ftn-Crc32: 50DC7A2B

   The value after the control string is the calculated Crc32 value
   (hexadecimal) of the entire file (fused back together). This is
   provided largely for multipart file attachments, but must be
   present for all attachments to make parsing easier.

   The CRC value expected here is one which does NOT invert the bits
   at the end of calculation.  Implementers are referred to the CRC
   routines provided as part of the JAM API for sample
   implementations. These can often be located in a file called

 Ftn-Encoding: uuencode

   The Ftn-Encoding line is a simple line that declares the type of
   encoding used for the attachment. This is provided for simplicity
   reasons (in parsing the e-mail message) as well to draw some
   boundaries of what is required for a certain standard level. The
   following values are valid for this (and future) revisions:


   If a system doesn't support the encoding given in this line, it
   should respond with an Ftn-Error line and the error code UE
   (unsupported encoding).

 Ftn-Seg: 1-1

   This identifies the number of "parts" in which attached file is
   being sent. The values make up a descriptor of what file segment
   is being received from how many parts. For instance, 1-1 simply
   means the attached file segment is 1 of 1 (so no further segments
   will follow).  If the value was 2-5, this would mean the contained
   segment is part 2 of 5.

 Ftn-Seg-Id: [email protected]

   The Ftn-Id line is a unique identification line for a file part
   that is used primarily to send acknowledgements back to the
   sender. The actual method the developer may use to create this
   line is purely up to the imagination. It is intended to be a free
   form text string that is simply "copied" for use in ack messages.

 Ftn-Seg-Crc32: 50DC7A2B

   This line contains the calculated Crc32 value of the file part
   that is contained in the message. Unlike the Ftn-Crc32 line, this
   is ONLY for the encoded piece that is contained within the single

 5.3 Large File Splitting
 Splitting of files MUST be done prior to the creation of the
 encoded message. The uuencoding or Base64 methods described for use
 with this revision are not to have any splitting/fusing method of
 their own. Simply chop the file up into multiple temporary files,
 and encode each seperately. Not all systems will require that the
 files be sliced, but some may. This option (of splitting in general)
 should be adjustable by the system operator. Also keep in mind that
 those that are using standard e-mail clients to decode the inbound
 mail packets will probably not be able to fuse the files back
 together. An option for not splitting large files is therefore good

 5.4 Additional Message Body Text
 It would be desirable to have implementations avoid placing too
 much "noise" in the message text body (ie: advertisements or other
 text that is not relevant to the transfer of the file attachments).
 Since this method of transport is generally going to be done by
 automated encoders/decoders, it probably won't be seen anyway, so
 it would merely be a waste of space in the users' pop mail boxes.

 5.5 Receiving files under DOS
 Implementors of a S.E.A.T. compatible mailer for DOS should note
 that the Ftn-File line provides for the possibility of long
 filenames being sent. Since DOS doesn't provide support for files
 outside its 8.3 filename format, a way of mungeing filenames from
 long to 8.3 name formats must be provided. It is recommended,
 though not required, that a format similar to the Win95 method of
 mungeing files is provided.  The first six valid (under DOS)
 characters of the filename form the start of the new filename.
 These are followed by a dash (-) and a number (0 through 9).  If
 there is a period (.) in the original filename, the first three
 characters following the last period form the extension of the new
 filename.  When the mungeing process results in a filename that
 already exists, the number should be incremented until there is no
 conflict.  Each additional digit in the number means one less
 character is taken from the start of the original filename.

 If the original filename fits into the 8.3 format, it should be

 Some examples:
   Original name          Munged name
     MailForYou.Zip         MAILFO-0.ZIP
     Bobs Your Uncle        BOBS-0.
     LOTS.O.DOTS.ZIP        LOTS-0.ZIP
     053F31CD.MO0           053F31CD.MO0

6. Recommended implementation
 S.E.A.T. level two provides a means for reliably transferring files
 through email, ensuring that except in the case of a long term mail
 problem, all files sent will arrive at their destination without
 modification.  S.E.A.T. level two also provides support for error
 detection and correction in the S.E.A.T. keywords of a given
 message, vital to supporting the optional keywords in levels three
 and above.

 S.E.A.T. level two defines the following keywords:

 6.1 Transmission keywords

 Ftn-Date: 34C7D356

   The value after the control string is the UNIX time/date stamp of
   the file as stored on the sending end's system, printed in
   hexadeciaml format. This may be used by some implementations to
   re-stamp file dates on the local system.

 6.2 Response keywords
 These control lines are sent in response to files sent by other
 SEAT mailers.  They may be sent alone, or as part of the control
 lines preceeding a transmitted file.

 6.2.1 ACK Example (Single ACK)
 Acknowledging a received section of a file is a simple task. The
 Ftn-Seg-Id line (described above) is all thats needed to return an

     Example (ACKing the above attachment example):

     From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
     To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
     Subject: FTN Mail Transport
     Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:30:00
     Organization: Some Guy's BBS
     Reply-To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
     X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Ack

 6.2.2 ACK Example (Multiple ACKs)
 Acknowledgements may also come with multiple ACKs in a single
 message.  Software should look for this, and be prepared to act on
 it at any time.

     Example (ACKing the above attachment example):

     From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
     To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
     Subject: FTN Mail Transport
     Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:30:00
     Organization: Some Guy's BBS
     Reply-To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
     X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Ack
     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Ack
     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Ack
     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Ack

 6.2.3 NAK Example
 A NAK has two purposes when dealing with file acknowledgements. The
 first method is similar the ACK procedures for dealing with getting a
 resend of an individual file segment. The second method is for
 requesting a total resend of a complete file.

 NAKing A File Segment

 A NAK should be sent when there is a problem decoding a received
 file segment, or a segment is missing after a long period of time
 (implementation of timers is the resposibility of the developer).

       Example (NAKing the above attachment example):

       From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
       To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
       Subject: FTN Mail Transport
       Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:30:00
       Organization: Some Guy's BBS
       Reply-To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
       X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

       Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Nak

       As with ACKs, NAKs may come in multiples in the same message.

 NAKing A Complete File (complete resend)

 The only difference in this method is that the ID line used in the
 Ftn-Receipt line is the Ftn-File-Id line and NOT the Ftn-Seg-Id
 line.  To use show the difference between this method and the
 simple method of NAKing a file segment, this example (again) uses
 the example from this document:

       From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
       To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
       Subject: FTN Mail Transport
       Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:30:00
       Organization: Some Guy's BBS
       Reply-To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
       X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

       Ftn-Receipt: AA3D1EAC.TH0.876796006.50DC7A2B Nak

 With the possibility of a system requesting a total resend of a
 file, comes the possibility that the file no longer exists on the
 sending system (as in the case of echomail bundles or TIC files). SEAT
 provides a method for the sender to tell the receiver that the
 requested resend file no longer exists through the use of the
 Ftn-Cancel line. In taking the above example for requesting a
 complete resend, the sending system would respond with a message
 such as:

       From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
       To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
       Subject: FTN Mail Transport
       Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:30:00
       Organization: GUNN Data Systems
       Reply-To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
       X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

       Ftn-Cancel: AA3D1EAC.TH0.876796006.50DC7A2B

 6.2.4 ACKs/NAKs Within An Attachment Message
 ACK/NAK lines may be sent along with a message that contains an
 e-mail attachment. This cuts down on the number of e-mail messages
 that are sent, and can generally clear the clutter from your spool
 directory. Using the document example, this example is modified to
 show this usage of ACK/NAK lines. Please note that these control
 lines can be anywhere in the message text boundary.

     From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
     To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
     Subject: FTN Mail Transport
     Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:26:47
     Organization: GUNN Data Systems
     Reply-To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
     X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

     Ftn-File: AA3D1EAC.TH0
     Ftn-File-Id: AA3D1EAC.TH0.876796006.50DC7A2B
     Ftn-Date: 876796006
     Ftn-Crc32: 50DC7A2B
     Ftn-Encoding: uuencode
     Ftn-Seg: 1-1
     Ftn-Seg-Id: [email protected]
     Ftn-Seg-Crc32: 50DC7A2B
     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Ack
     Ftn-Receipt: [email protected] Nak

     begin 644 AA3D1EAC.TH0

 6.2.5 Errors
 Errors may occur when the message generated at one system uses
 features which aren't available on another (for example using
 an encoding type that the other doesn't support).  In this case,
 the system which generates the error should respond with an
 Ftn-Error line. The syntax of an Ftn-Error line is

     Ftn-Error: <error code> <parameter>

 where <error code> is one of the following codes, and <parameter>
 is as defined for the given code.

 CA: cryptographic algorithm unsupported
   When a program receives a file encrypted with a cryptographic
   algorithm it doesn't support, it should send this code back, with
   the parameter being the entry in the Ftn-Crypt field.  A system
   which receives this error should notify the user of the problem
   and treat the file as being NACK'ed, though where possible, it
   would be desireable not to have the file resent until the systems
   have worked out an algorithm which they both can use.
 UE: unsupported encoding
   These are generated when the encoding given in the Ftn-Encoding
   line is not supported by the system which received the message.
   The parameter is the Ftn-File-ID of the file that was sent.
 UK: unsupported keyword
   If a mailer finds an Ftn- control line which it doesn't recognize,
   it should respond with an unsupported keyword error, and give the
   unrecognized keyword as the parameter.
 UM: unsupported MIME format
   These are generated when the Content-Type or
   Content-Transfer-Encoding strings in the MIME header are not
   understood by the receiving system.  The parameter is the
   Ftn-File-ID of the file that was sent.

 (Other error codes may be added as new features are added to the
 specification.)  Error codes are case insensitive.

 An example of sending an Ftn-Error line is:

     From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
     To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
     Subject: FTN Mail Transport
     Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:30:00
     Organization: Some Guy's BBS
     Reply-To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
     X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.01-Beta

     Ftn-Error: UE [email protected]

 Like Ftn-Receipt and Ftn-Cancel, Ftn-Error lines can be sent more
 than one to a file, and can be sent as part of the control lines
 of another file.

 The system which generates an Ftn-Error line should notify the user
 that an error has occurred and should explain what the error was.
 The system which receives an Ftn-Error line should also notify the
 local user that a problem occurred, explain what the error was and
 to whom the original message was intended.  When the parameter of
 an Ftn-Error line is an Ftn-File-ID, Ftn-Error means that the file
 with the given ID has not been received correctly (as if a Nak had
 been received).  It is up to the developer to decide whether this
 will mean the file will be resent with the problem fixed, or whether
 the local user will be requested to fix the problem, though wherever
 possible, the first choice is preferred.

 6.3 Time Allowances For ACKs
 It is up to the developer to decide the time frame to be allowed
 for the ACKs to be returned to the sender's system.  3 days would be
 sufficient.  Keep in mind that this means that there needs to be a
 copy stored on the user's hard drive for that length of time (in
 case no ACK is received, or the other system responds with a NAK).
 If the time period passes, the sender should resend the segments in
 question.  The receiver of the file(s) should simply ignore (erase)
 any segments belonging to files that have already been received.
 An easy way to accomplish this to maintain a data file containing
 the Ftn-Id lines (or the Crc32 value).  As an note to developers,
 you should have your encoding scheme be able to not require acks at
 all, as some users may wish to transfer files to other parties that
 use simple e-mail clients that don't have the ability to react to
 the Ftn-* control lines (eg. S.E.A.T. level one mailers).

7. Optional implementation
 The keywords and encodings given here are optional for any developer
 to implement.  Although they provide extended functionality to
 programs, their implementation may be too difficult or time
 consuming for some.

 S.E.A.T. optional keywords are:
 S.E.A.T. optional encodings are:

 7.1 Example message for optional implementations
 Note that the MD5 and Crc32 values here are just fillers and have
 not been calculated to match the contents of the message.

     From: ARCmail <[email protected]>
     To: Steven Lager <[email protected]>
     Subject: FTN Mail Transport
     Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:26:47
     Organization: GUNN Data Systems
     Reply-To: Brent Shellenberg <[email protected]>
     X-Mailer: INetFTN v0.02-Beta
     MIME-Version: 1.0
     Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=SomeUniqueStringThing

     Ftn-File: AA3D1EAC.TH0
     Ftn-File-Id: AA3D1EAC.TH0.876796006.50DC7A2B
     Ftn-Date: 876796006
     Ftn-Crc32: 50DC7A2B
     Ftn-Encoding: Base64
     Ftn-Seg: 1-1
     Ftn-Seg-Id: [email protected]
     Ftn-Seg-Crc32: 50DC7A2B
     Ftn-Auth: c349f4d113a4d38afd5327c3328d6c37
     Ftn-Crypt: Blowfish

     Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=AA3D1EAC.TH0
     Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64
     Content-Disposition: inline; filename=AA3D1EAC.TH0



 7.2 MIME Headers and Base64 encoding
 Mime headers can be a touchy subject when trying to implement an
 easy to use decodable scheme. Many programs tend to use different
 flavours of MIME headers, and can therefore create a bit of a
 headache when trying to decode them.  These simple guidelines will
 ensure that a file can be decoded by  standard MIME mail programs
 as well as SEAT compatible readers.  It is important to understand
 that they are intended merely as a subset of MIME that will be,
 nevertheless, compatible with MIME enabled mail readers. S.E.A.T.
 does not require that a given mailer be able to correctly interpret
 any MIME message.  Wherever possible though, authors are encouraged
 to make more robust MIME parsers.

 Base64 Encoded Messages
 There are required control lines that need to be placed in the
 message header in order for e-mail clients to correctly determine
 that a message is a MIME format message. These two lines are

     MIME-Version: 1.0
     Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=<boundary string>

 The boundary string is a unique string that you create for your
 MIME format messages. Implementations should be aware that for
 the Content-Type: line as mentioned above, some e-mail readers
 place quotations around the <boundary string>.

 Other changes required to an e-mail message to make it MIME

     Following the Ftn-* control lines:

     --<boundary string>
     Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=<filename>
     Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64
     Content-Disposition: inline; filename=<filename>

     (Base64 encoding of the file part goes here)

     --<boundary string>--

 Note that this forces MIME implementations to use Base64 encoding
 and the prescribed Content-Type.  Future revisions may allow
 different Content-Transfer-Encodings and Content-Types.  Developers
 who choose to support the MIME encoding should check the
 Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding strings to ensure their
 program can interpret them correctly: if it can't, an Ftn-Error
 response is required with  the UM (unsupported MIME format) error.
 If the guidelines given here are followed explicitly, there should
 be no problems.  Developers who want to provide more MIME support
 in their programs are encouraged to examine the MIME RFCs (RFCs
 2045-2049), especially 2045, to ensure their program is compliant.
 The MIME RFCs can be found at

 For ease of implementation, developers must ensure that the
 Content- lines are sent in the order given above.

 7.3 Optional keywords

 7.3.1 Transmission keywords

   This line allows for standard file requesting. The format of
   FILEMASK.EXT may contain any valid DOS filename or wildcards, and may
   be accompanied by a password such as:


   The | character is not part of the password itself, but rather a
   seperator between the filename and password. The single space
   between the filemask and password is required, and must not be
   more than one single space. Please note that this file name/mask
   may include long file names as used in more advanced operating
   systems.  Although the FILEMASK.EXT may match more than one file
   locally, only one FILEMASK.EXT at a time may be provided after the

 Ftn-Auth: c349f4d113a4d38afd5327c3328d6c37

   This field can be used as both error detection and authentication
   for messages sent.  The field's value is the MD5 digest of the
   file enclosed in the message, printed in hexadecimal.  (Developers
   are referred to RFC 1321 for an implementation of MD5.)  Nearly all
   errors in  transmission will be detected by discrepancies in the
   value given here and the one calculated on the reconstructed message.
   This field can be used in addition to the Ftn-Crc32 field for
   verifying a file has arrived intact.  It should not be used in
   replacement though, in case the receiving system doesn't support
   the Ftn-Auth keyword.

   The Ftn-Auth value can also be used by systems to setup a system
   of authentication of messages.  Two systems wanting to make sure
   files are transmitted unmodified and from the source they say
   they're transmitted from can establish a session level password.
   The digest value is calculated on a string formed by adding the
   file's bytes to the end of the session level password.

   Session level passwords should be case and space sensitive.  They
   must match exactly.  This is to discourage would-be forgers from
   trying to find the password by brute force.  It is suggested, but
   not required, that passwords be at least 10 characters long, again
   to discourage brute force attacks against them.

 Ftn-Crypt: Blowfish

   Systems wishing to establish even more secure connections can use
   encryption to hide the contents of the files they are
   transmitting. The Ftn-Crypt field's value is the name of the
   encryption algorithm used.  Suggested implementations include
      PGP2            (PGP version 2.x or lower)
      PGP5            (PGP version 5.0 or higher)
   There may still be implementation differences beyond just the
   algorithm used, as most allow different block sizes and stream
   types.  In order to ensure that one implementation can talk to
   the other, block based encryption algorithms (such as Blowfish,
   IDEA, etc.) must use 64 bit blocks and CFB encoding.

   Because encryption replaces the files with encrypted copies, the
   CRC and MD5 digest values generated in the Ftn-Crc32,
   Ftn-Part-Crc32 and Ftn-Auth must be calculated to match that of
   the actual file transmitted.  That is to say, first the MD5 and
   CRC values are calculated, and then the file is encrypted.  This
   allows implementations to detect files corrupted by both
   transmission errors and bad passwords.  The response to either
   type of error is still an Ftn-Receipt: <Id> NACK line.

   The main point of attack on most of the encryption algorithms
   used will be a brute force attack on the password, where
   applicable.  In systems which use passwords, the two systems must
   use passwords which match exactly, case-sensitively.  (i.e. the
   password Something would not work to decrypt a file encrypted with
   the password something.)

   Systems can introduce their own encryption algorithms if they so
   desire, but when using the Ftn-Crypt line, their strings must be
   preceeded by X-.  For instance, one value might be Ftn-Crypt:

   If a system supporting the Ftn-Crypt field receives a file
   encrypted with an algorithm it doesn't recognize, it should
   respond with an Ftn-Error: CA line.  (See the Ftn-Error section
   for more details.)

8. Last Notes
 The control lines and format outlined in this document must all be
 followed correctly. All control lines for a given level should be
 present (regardless of whether or not you feel they are required).
 Even in the case of a single non-split message, the control lines
 should all be in place to make parsing easier, and to assure all
 software receives all the information it may require to function.
 Also, it is imperative that all implementations provide basic
 uuencoding as the bare minimal encoding method.

A. Author contact data

 Charles Cruden
 Fidonet: 1:342/806
 E-mail:  [email protected]

 Vincent Danen
 Fidonet: 1:140/14
 E-mail:  [email protected]

 Brent Shellenberg
 Fidonet: 1:229/606
 E-mail:  [email protected]

 Ramon van der Winkel
 Fidonet: n/a
 E-mail:  [email protected]

B. History

 Rev.1, 20002004: First release as FSP
