
Publication:    FSP-1006
Revision:       1
Title:          Kludge for specifying addition e-mail reply addresses
Author:         Ramon van der Winkel, 1:320/42.46
               [email protected]
Revision Date:  12 December 1997
Expiry Date:    12 December 1999
               1. Scope
               2. Background
               3. Format
               4. Implementation notes
               5. Example

Status of this document

 This document is a Fidonet Standards Proposal (FSP).

 This document specifies an optional Fidonet standard protocol for
 the Fidonet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

 This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
 copied or modified for any purpose whatever.


 An Internet message can have several reply addresses. After gating
 to FidoNet, the recipient is only presented with one of the reply
 addresses. The others are lost. This is a suggestion for an
 additional kludge to FSC-0035 to change that.

1. Scope

 This standard is specified for FTN netmail messages sent by a
 FidoNet-to-Internet gateway to a recipient. Message editors will
 have to support this to allow the user to select the reply address
 to use.

2. Background

 An Internet message has three headers to indicate where to send a
 reply. These are, in order of priority, Reply-To:, Sender: and
 From:. When a message is distributed by a mailing list, then one of
 the headers could contain the e-mail address of the poster and one
 of the other headers the address of the mailing list.

 When the message is gated to FidoNet, the gateway currently selects
 of the reply addresses and creates the message so that a reply will
 return at the gateway and sent to this one address. The other
 addresses are lost.

 The FSC-0035 kludges REPLYTO and REPLYADDR allow for one return
 address only. This is a proposal for an additional kludge inserted
 by the gateway to specify an addtional reply address. The message
 editor used by the recipient will present a list of all reply
 addresses and allows the user to select the appropriate address.

 This way, the user can send a message back to the mailing list (for
 distribution), or to the e-mail address of the poster only.

3. Format

 Following the REPLYTO and REPLYADDR kludges, one or more kludges
 with the name REPLYALSO can be inserted, each listing one possible
 reply address.

 @REPLYALSO <e-mail address>

 Where <e-mail address> is in the form of

    [email protected]

 Each line MUST contain one address only.

4. Implementation notes

 Gateways supporting the REPLYALSO kludge MUST put the the reply
 address with the highest priority in the REPLYADDR kludge. The order
 of priority is Reply-To:, Sender: and From: header. The other
 addresses may be listed in any priority.

5. Example

 From: [email protected], 1:320/42
 To:   Ramon van der Winkel, 1:320/42.46
 Subj: Another test
 @INTL 1:320/42 1:320/42
 @TOPT 46
 @MSGID: wgmid$<[email protected]> 45AB23CD
 @REPLYTO UUCP 1:320/42
 @REPLYADDR [email protected]
 @REPLYALSO [email protected]
 This message was distributed by the mailing list "New FTSC"
 at brazerko.com.


A. Author contact data

 Ramon van der Winkel
 Fidonet: 1:320/42.46
 E-mail:  [email protected]
 WWW:     http://www2.sbbs.se/hp/ramon

B. History

 Rev.1, 971212: First release.
