| Document: FSC-0085
 | Version:  001
 | Date:     03 September 1995
 | Denis Bider, FidoNet#2:380/129.0


Date: 25-Jul-1995
Document: Descriptions of the "NOZIP" and "ERX<n>" nodelist flags
Purpose: To give a system that is about to send some mail to a system
  not already defined by its operator in its configuration some idea
  about what kind of mail the mentioned destination system accepts
Author: denis bider, ofs->FidoNet#2:380/129.0

The NOZIP nodelist flag and its affects on the MN nodelist flag
Generally, most FTN systems are able to receive compressed mail from any
other FTN system. Up to now, the official compression format between
systems has been ARC. This document, however, puts the ZIP format to that
  *  A system whose nodelist entry contains neither an "MN" and neither
     a "NOZIP" flag is assumed to support both ARC and ZIP.
  *  A system whose nodelist entry contains an "MN" flag is assumed not
     to support any compression at all.
  *  A system whose nodelist entry contains a "NOZIP" flag is assumed to
     support ARC compression, while not supporting ZIP compression.
  *  Both "NOZIP" and "MN" flags cannot appear in the same nodelist entry.
     If they, by some accident, do, the system should be assumed not to
     support any mail compression.

Since the majority of systems support ZIP compression, a flag indicating
that this type of compression is NOT supported has is proposed instead of a
flag indicating that this type of compression IS supported, the reason
being to minimize the amount of changes required to the nodelist.

The format of the NOZIP flag is, simply, "NOZIP".
The format of the MN flag stays the same.

The ERX<n> nodelist flag
The presence of this flag in a system's nodelist entry indicates that the
system is able to process ERX mail packets of level <n>. The current
minimum and maximum values of <n> are both "1", indicating that the system
is able to process ERX packets of level 1, meaning that the packets can
only contain EDX message items. Please refer to EDX1.TXT for the EDX and
ERX specifications.

The format of the "ERX<n>" nodelist flag is
  "ERX" <n>
as in "the three letters 'E', 'R' and 'X', immediately followed with the
token <n>", where <n> is a number in decimal notation, with currently all
values but '1' being reserved.

If your system does not support ZIP and you do not yet have a NOZIP flag in
your nodelist entry, or if your system is able to process ERX packets and
you do not yet have an ERX<n> flag, please urge your NC or RC, whichever
appropriate, to update your nodelist entry as soon as possible.

// EOF */