| Document: FSC-0076
 | Version:  001
 | Date:     03rd December 1993
 | Author:   Steve T. Gove

                       A Proposal for NetMail AreaTags.

                                Steve T. Gove

Status of this document:

             This FSC suggests a proposed protocol for the
        FidoNet(r) community, and requests discussion and
        suggestions for improvements.  Distribution of this
        document is unlimited.

             Fido and FidoNet are registered marks of Tom
        Jennings and Fido Software.

General Introduction:

             Within the FTN networks today is the ability to
        belong to a variety of networks.  These can include, but
        are not limited to, FidoNet, RBBSNet, AlterNet, etc.
        Within each of these specific networks is the ability to
        pass "NetMail" both routed and direct.  But what if
        someone belongs to many of these networks?  How does one
        differentiate netmail between them?  Currently, NetMail
        does NOT allow for an AreaTag to allow for specifying
        between different Domains.  I propose that this change.
        My proposal is to allow for the areatag, for netmail, to
        be called "NETMAIL".

             current netmail  - none

             current echomail - AREA:<echoname>  ex. AREA:Binkley

             proposed netmail - NETMAIL:<domain> ex. NETMAIL:FidoNet
                                                 ex. NETMAIL:RBBSNet

             This would allow for multi domain'd netmail to be
        seperated into seperate sub-directories to allow our
        netmail readers to differentiate between them and allow
        for replying based on their originating Domain.


              "Compatibility is a set of abilities which, when
        taken as a whole, make it safe to list a net or node in
        the FidoNet nodelist."

             I believe that utilization of my proposal, will
        allow for full backwards compatability with reguard to
        netmail and will allow, at the same time, for forward
        progress to be achieved, both, within the fidonet
        community and with other FTN networks.

NetMail Definition:

             NetMail is a driving force behind FidoNet, and
        allows for the communication between two individuals
        anywhere in the world.

             See FTS-0001.015 for details on netmail packet

Required Control Information:

             An "AREA:" tag is what makes the difference between
        netmail and echomail.  This would change the definition
        between NetMail and EchoMail, as practiced today.  This
        proposal, however, would not effect EchoMail.  NetMail
        would now, simply, have an areatag named "NETMAIL".

             The NETMAIL line must be the first line in an
        netmail message's body.  A NETMAIL line's format is


        The NETMAIL tag is specifically _not_ preceded by a ^a.

             Where <DomainName> is the unique name of the
        NetMail's origin.  Area names should not begin with the
        plus or minus ("+" or "-") symbols.  Area names must not
        contain control characters (less than ASCII character
        32, a space).  Leading and trailing spaces on the area
        name should be ignored (and preferably not produced).
        Compares on the netmail name should be case insensitive.

             NetMail <Domain> names are generally kept as short
        as possible while still maintaining uniqueness and some
        sense of which Domain the NetMail belongs to.

EchoMail Definition:

             Echomail, sometimes called broadcast or conference
        mail, is netmail (ref. FTS-0001) containing additional
        control information that allows it to be "echoed"
        (forwarded) from node (site) to node.  Echomail is
        divided into areas, or conferences, with unique names.

Tom Jennings who "created" Fidonet.
Jeff Rush who "created" echomail.
Mark Kimes - 1:380/16@fidonet  (fsc-0068.a01)

Related documents:
FTS-0001            (transport layer, packet format, various
                    kludge lines)
Policy4             (whether you agree or not...!)


             For historical reasons, the term packet is used in
        FidoNet to represent a bundle of messages, as opposed to
        the more common use as a unit of communication, which is
        known as a block in FidoNet.

An Inbound Mail packet arrives.  (0000fff1.mo0)
The packet is unpacked and b498c880.pkt is found.

A "Tosser" looks at the *.pkt for an areatag,

 IF AREA: THEN (EchoMail) toss to appropriate area,
     IF NETMAIL: THEN toss to "Tosser" defined netmail area
          according to domain,
       IF NOT AREA: OR NETMAIL:  THEN *.pkt is (old-style) netmail
          toss to "Tosser" defined netmail area.

Sample "Tosser.CFG" file excerpt

NetArea       FidoNet        E:\Mail\NM_Fido
NetArea       RBBSNet        E:\Mail\NM_RBBS
NetArea       AlterNet       E:\Mail\NM_AltNt
NetArea       OtherNet       E:\Mail\NM_OtrNt

BadArea       BAD_MSGS       D:\Bad_Msgs

DupeArea      DUPES          E:\Mail\Dupes

LocalArea     Bad_Mail       D:\Bad_Mail
LocalArea     Bad_GMD        D:\Bad_GMD
LocalArea     WIMM           D:\WIMM

EchoArea      File_Announce  D:\File_Announce          1:106/6
EchoArea      MHS            D:\MHS\Mail\Users\Steve   1:124/1301
EchoArea      Test           D:\T\Test                 1:106/6 .1
EchoArea      R19SysOp       D:\R\R19Sysop             1:106/2000