Document: FSC-0071
Version:  001
Date:     17-Jan-1993

                 Distributed FREQ (DFREQ) Specifications
                     Bill Auclair, FidoNet 1:141/545
                           January 17, 1993

Status of this document:

    This FSC suggests a proposed protocol for the FidoNet(r) community,
    and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
    Distribution of this document is unlimited.

    Fido and FidoNet are registered marks of Tom Jennings and Fido

      Distributed File Requests:  What Are They?

        DFREQ programs are designed to allow both sysops and  users
        to  make Distributed File Requests from other  BBS  systems
        listed in FidoNet<tm> or compatible nodelists.   There  are
        several major differences between Distributed File  Request
        methodology (hereafter referred to as DFREQ)  and  existing
        FidoNet FREQ and/or file distribution formats.

        FidoNet file request technology was designed only  for  the
        direct  transmittal of file requests  from  one  system  to
        another.   DFREQ technology allows routing of file requests
        from  the  originating  system  along  a  user-configurable
        "chain" of systems,   ending at  the  target  node.    This
        methodology  allows the setup of  no-cost,   local  routing
        paths for  file requests between distant systems that would
        normally  incur long-distance phone charges.

      How DFREQs Work

        Distributed File Request methodology can be separated  into
        2 main parts-- the REQUEST and the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.

        The  REQUEST represents the initial stage,  in which  DFREQ
        data  from the originating system has not yet  reached  its
        target,  and thus carries no accompanying  requested  files
        with  it.   DFREQ data may be relayed via file  or  netmail
        message attach through any number of  intermediate  systems
        on its way to its ultimate target,  which is defined by the
        contents  of the request  file.   The  path  taken  by  the
        request to its target is determined by routing data used by
        the DFREQ processors of participating nodes in the chain.

        The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is the result of a  processed  request,
        and  is created whether or  not  the  requested  files  are
        available  at the target  system.   The  DFREQ  information
        formerly  carried by the request  is  used  to  create  the
        acknowledgement,  set   its   destination   back   to   the
        originating system, file- or netmail-attach requested files
        (if any) for transmission, and/or provide information as to
        why  requested  file(s)  were  unavailable  at  the  target
        system.  Request data is deleted by the target system after
        the  acknowledgement is created.   The path  taken  by  the
        acknowledgement  back  to  the  originating  system   again
        depends upon the routing configurations of the chain nodes,
        but need not be the same as the path  previously  travelled
        by the request.

        ASCII  text files are used to transport  DFREQ  information
        between nodes.  These carrier files are similar in form and
        function to the .TIC files used by the TICK<tm>  file  echo

        The DFREQ process starts when a user generates a  DFR  file
        containing  file request information,  using the  local  or
        on-line mode of a DFREQ processor.

      DFR Files

        DFREQ  data for the REQUEST stage is  transmitted  using  a
        file with a .DFR (Distributed File Request) extension.  The
        filename is a randomly-generated 8-digit number.  DFR files
        carry  information  on  the  net/node  of  the  originating
        system, net/node of the target system, the name of the user
        who originated the request,  the filenames and descriptions
        of  the files to be requested,  the path travelled  by  the
        request  on its way to the  target  system,  and  date/time
        stamps  indicating when the request was processed  by  each
        node in the path.  DFRs are transmitted via file or netmail
        message attach.

      DFA Files

        DFREQ  data for the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT  phase  is  transmitted
        using a file with a .DFA (Distributed File Acknowledgement)
        extension.   The  8-digit  filename   of   the   previously
        processed  DFR request file is retained.   DFA files  carry
        information  on the  net/node  of  the  originating  system
        (formerly the target system in the DFR file),  the net/node
        of  the target system (formerly the originating  system  in
        the  DFR file),  the name of the  user  who  generated  the
        request,  the filenames and  descriptions  of  successfully
        requested  files,  and the filenames and  associated  error
        information for any unsuccessfully requested or unavailable
        files.   The full  path  information  from  the  previously
        processed DFR file is retained,  and is appended with  path
        and  datestamp information representing the travel  of  the
        DFA file back to its new target, the source of the original
        DFREQ.  DFAs are transmitted via file or netmail attach.

      Error Messages

        When  requests for any or all files in a DFREQ can  not  be
        fulfilled  for some  reason,  information  as  to  why  the
        request  was not satisfied is included  in  the  DFA  file,
        replacing the file descriptions of the  unavailable  files.
        Reasons for file unavailability can include:

         o  File(s) not found or not available at target system

         o  OKFile path does not exist on target system

         o  File(s) not found in inbound area-- node xxx/xxx

        DFA  files may be appended with error  information  by  any
        processing  system in the chain  back  to  the  originating
        node, depending upon where the error condition occurs.

      DFR/DFA File Formats

        DFR and DFA files are ASCII text files that transport DFREQ
        information between systems.   The DFR file is used  during
        the REQUEST stage of the transaction.  The DFA file is used
        during the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT stage of the transaction.

        New  DFR files are created by the DFREQ processor using its
        local  or on-line user  mode.   A  random  8-digit  numeric
        filename and .DFR extension are assigned to the file.  File
        format for a newly-created DFR is shown below:

        Created by  GOFER v0.05a, Copyright (C) 1992 by Bill Auclair
        Origin      141/545
        Requestor   Bill Auclair
        Target      141/455
        File        LOGON.LZH 2969 01-17-90 generic telix log-on script

        The first line of the DFR holds information identifying the
        program/version  used to create it.   No empty  spaces  are
        allowed above this line,  or between any of the lines  that

        The  second line of the DFR  contains  Origin  information.
        This  indicates the net/node number  of  the  system  which
        generated the DFR.

        The third line of the DFR contains  Requestor  information.
        This provides the name of the user who initiated the DFREQ.

        The  fourth line of the DFR  contains  Target  information.
        This indicates the net/node number of the system  which  is
        to  receive the DFR and process  it  to  deliver  requested

        All  lines beginning with  the  "File"  identifier  contain
        filename and description information taken from remote file
        lists.   Filenames and descriptions must be separated by at
        least one space.  No empty lines are allowed after File

        When  a DFR  is  sent  to  another  system,  that  system's
        net/node information is appended to it, along with date and
        time  stamp  information  indicating  when  the   DFR   was
        processed by the system.   This information accompanies the
        DFR  throughout its entire journey.   A DFR file with  Path
        information appended to it is shown below:

        Created by  GOFER v0.05a, Copyright (C) 1992 by Bill Auclair
        Origin      141/545
        Requestor   Bill Auclair
        Target      141/455
        File        LOGON.LZH 2969 01-17-90 generic telix log-on script
        Path        141/507   15 Nov 92 07:40:31

        Information contained within the DFR file  above  indicates
        it  has already traveled through  the  intermediate  system
        141/507  on its way from Origin system  141/545  to  Target
        system 141/455.  No empty lines are allowed after Path

        When  a DFR file reaches  its  Target  destination,  it  is
        converted  into a DFA  file,  and  its  file  requests  are
        evaluated by the target system.  Conversion of DFRs to DFAs
        is  done by retaining the DFR filename,  changing the  .DFR
        extension  to .DFA,  and reversing Origin and Target  data.
        Thus,  a DFR file originally named 12345678.DFR from Origin
        141/545 for Target 141/455 becomes 12345678.DFA from Origin
        141/455 for Target 141/545, as shown below:

        Created by  GOFER v0.05a, Copyright (C) 1992 by Bill Auclair
        Origin      141/455
        Requestor   Bill Auclair
        Target      141/545
        File        LOGON.LZH 2969 01-17-90 generic telix log-on script
        Path        141/507   15 Nov 92 07:40:31
        Path        141/485   15 Nov 92 08:02:55
        Path        141/455   15 Nov 92 08:15:23
        Path        141/455   15 Nov 92 08:15:25

        Note the dual Path lines for the Target system.   The first
        line represents processing as a DFR,  the second represents
        processing as a DFA.

        The  successfully-processed DFA file  is  returned  to  the
        system  that  originated  the   DFREQ,   along   with   the
        accompanying  requested file.   The  DFA  as  received  and
        processed by the originating system is shown below:

        Created by  GOFER v0.05a, Copyright (C) 1992 by Bill Auclair
        Origin      141/455
        Requestor   Bill Auclair
        Target      141/545
        File        LOGON.LZH 2969 01-17-90 generic telix log-on script
        Path        141/507   15 Nov 92 07:40:31
        Path        141/485   15 Nov 92 08:02:55
        Path        141/455   15 Nov 92 08:15:23
        Path        141/455   15 Nov 92 08:15:25
        Path        141/485   15 Nov 92 10:01:06
        Path        141/507   15 Nov 92 10:27:35
        Path        141/545   15 Nov 92 10:31:59

        If the Target system receiving the DFR file cannot  satisfy
        the  DFREQ,  the file description for the unavailable  file
        contained  in  the  new  DFA   is   replaced   with   error
        information.   The DFA is  then  transmitted  back  to  the
        system  that  originated  the  DFREQ.   Error   information
        contained  within  the  DFA  file  as   returned   to   the
        originating system is shown below:

        Created by  GOFER v0.05a, Copyright (C) 1992 by Bill Auclair
        Origin      141/455
        Requestor   Bill Auclair
        Target      141/545
        File        LOGON.LZH !ERR018! File Not Available From 141/455
        Path        141/507   15 Nov 92 07:40:31
        Path        141/485   15 Nov 92 08:02:55
        Path        141/455   15 Nov 92 08:15:23
        Path        141/455   15 Nov 92 08:15:25
        Path        141/485   15 Nov 92 10:01:06
        Path        141/507   15 Nov 92 10:27:35
        Path        141/545   15 Nov 92 10:31:59