The Echomail Conference List
                                 ECHO LIST

1 June 2000                                                        ELIST006.TXT


                          MASTER REPORT

    The Echolist

    The EchoList, or Elist, is published at the beginning of
    each month and is a listing of EchoMail Conferences as
    described and submitted by each conference's moderator.

    It provides a place for Moderators to advertise their
    conferences, both to people who would like to participate,
    and to those who route echo traffic.  It is also a reference
    for distribution systems wishing to contact the Moderator of
    an echo, or wishing information about an echo's topics.
    Elist entries include topic, distribution and contact
    information.  Procedural or internal echo operational matters
    will normally be put in the rules file for an echo.

    The Echolist carries echo listings from various Networks
    and distribution systems, including all Zones of Fidonet,
    and all such listings are welcomed.

    10th Amendment Echo
         10th Amendment issues echo
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   , roy.j.tellason%[email protected]
    Last changed: 18-Mar-2000 by Roy J. Tellason, 1:261/1551, roy.j.tellason%[email protected] (Roy J. Tellason)

    **********  RECOVERY FOR "ALL" 12 STEPPERS  **********
          For 12 steps users involved in RECOVERY from various addictions.
         An echo designed for the sharing of EXPERIENCE, STRENGTH
         and HOPE for those practicing the 12 steps recovery program,
         as it applies in their current on-going processes of personal
         growth. A meeting place of all 12 steps members, whatever
         fellowships they belong to;  the COMMON BOND IS OUR USE
         OF THE PROGRAM. Former moderators: Edward S., Marie W.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Montreal, Canada                  Group:
    Distribution: Everywhere
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 15/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   UPD,
                  Jacques Montagne, 1:167/820
                  Jacques Montagne, [email protected]
    Last changed: 4-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Net 138 Jokes Echo
          Net 138 Jokes Echo
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:138/239                         Group:
    Distribution: NET-138
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Sysops Only>
    Notes: /SYS
    Moderators:   Doug Attig, 1:138/239
    Last changed: 3-Jan-2000 by Doug Attig, 1:138/239

    Region 14 Member Chat Echo
          The companion to the 14_REC echo. All users of BBSs in
         Region 14 are encouraged to use this echo. Nothing official
         here, just for conversation between users. No flames, AKA's
         are permitted if you really feel the need to, and try not
         to have any robot postings in there, okay? :-)
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Deep Space 417, 1:286/1701        Group:
    Distribution: Any distribution system that services Region 14 nodes.
    # Nodes: 50          Volume: 21/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Membership Req>
    Notes: /MEM
    Moderators:   Ray Brown, 1:14/0, [email protected]
    Last changed: 16-Jan-2000 by Ray. Brown, 1:286/1701

    Region 14 Echomail Coordinators And SysOps
          The tagname's misleading - 14_REC is open to all SysOps
         and Co-SysOps within Region 14 (user chat is available in
         14_CHAT), and exists primarily to provide access to the
         RC and REC. This echo is the forum for administrative business
         within the Region, and every Net is strongly encouraged
         to read / carry / participate in it. If you snooze, you
         lose! No flames, real names, and no bogus node numbers please!
         Robot postings from the RC and REC should be expected; robot
         postings from SysOps are subject to RC/REC approval.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Deep Space 417, 1:286/1701        Group:
    Distribution: Any distribution system that services Region 14 nodes.
    # Nodes: 50          Volume: 21/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Membership Req> <Sysops Only> <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA /MEM /SYSOP
    Moderators:   Ray Brown, 1:14/0, [email protected]
    Last changed: 13-Jan-2000 by Ray. Brown, 1:286/1701

    The Fidonet Backbone Round Table
          An open forum for all backbone hubs to iron out problems
         in a civil manner.  The intent of this echo/newsgroup is
         to provide a forum to address technical problems involved
         in moving echomail and to deal with them in a neutral environment.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:103/301,     Group: FIDO
    Distribution: backbone, fidonews.*
    Gateways:, 1:103/3
    # Nodes: 2          Volume: 5/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Sysops Only>
    Notes: /SYSop
    Moderators:   nobody, 1:103/301, [email protected]
                  news, 1:103/3, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-Mar-2000 by Joe Jared, 1:103/301, [email protected]

    Software good after year 2000
          The Echo 2000 is for discussion about Year 2000 software
         and related stuff. From a user point of view. Are your organization
         survive YEAR 2000? YES!
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:167/722                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Gilles Beauregard, [email protected]
                  Gilles Beauregard, 1:167/722
    Last changed: 22-Jan-2000 by Gilles Beauregard, 1:167/722@fidonet

    "2600" Hackers Conference
          Filtered alt.2600 Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 4650/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Net 2604 Sysop Administrative conf.
          Net 2604 local private sysop echo for administrative nodes.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2604/104                        Group:
    Distribution: local
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim McLaughlin, 1:2604/104
    Last changed: 24-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Jim McLaughlin)

    Net 2604 File Announcement conference.
          Net 2604 File announcements
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2604/104                        Group:
    Distribution: Local
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim McLaughlin, 1:2604/104
    Last changed: 24-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Jim McLaughlin)

    Net 2604 File Find conference.
          Local file find conference.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2604/104                        Group:
    Distribution: Local
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim McLaughlin, 1:2604/104
    Last changed: 24-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Jim McLaughlin)

    Net 2604 Coordinator Election conference.
          Net 2604 local private sysop echo for election of net coordinator.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2604/104                        Group:
    Distribution: local
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim McLaughlin, 1:2604/104
    Last changed: 24-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Jim McLaughlin)

    Net 2604 Sysop support conference.
          Net 2604 local private sysop echo for support and general
         discussions for members of Net 2604.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2604/104                        Group:
    Distribution: LOCAL
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim McLaughlin, 1:2604/104
    Last changed: 24-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Jim McLaughlin)

    Net 2604 Users conference.
          Net 2604 local user support and general discussions with
         members of Net 2604.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2604/104                        Group:
    Distribution: Local
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim McLaughlin, 1:2604/104
    Last changed: 24-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Jim McLaughlin)

          Discussion of Hub needs, politics, feeds, and software
         support, for those who receive mail for various networks
         from Point and Counter Point BBS.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:138/323                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Private Distribution
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 50/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Hub Business
    Moderators:   Anne Taylor, 1:138/323, [email protected]
    Last changed: 21-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Anne Taylor )

    Lesser Seattle Opera's file areas conference
          343_Files a conference for providing New Filebone information
         to FidoNet's NET343.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:343/0                           Group: FIDO1
    Distribution: Local (Lesser Seattle Opera NET 343 Seattle, WA)
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 35/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   John Pengelly, 1:343/92, [email protected]
                  Bob Jones, 1:343/41, [email protected]
                  Dan Updike, 1:343/177
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, John Pengelly <[email protected]>

    4DOS Support Echo
          For discussion and idea exchange relating to the 4DOS/4OS2/TCMD
         Family of command processors from JPSoft
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:342/[email protected]               Group:
    Distribution: Fidonet BACKBONE
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Tom Hall, 1:342/1
    Last changed: 24-Apr-2000 by Tom Hall, 1:342/1

          This entry is an echo tagholder
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:361/1                           Group:
    Distribution: None
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Foxy Ferguson, 1:361/1
    Last changed: 31-May-2000 by Foxy Ferguson, 1:361/1

          International 4 Wheel Drive Enthusiasts.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       unknown                           Group: FIDO1
    Distribution: you pick it up
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 5/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Gary Johnson, 1:202/151, [email protected]
    Last changed: 6-Dec-1999 by Gary Johnson, 1:203/[email protected]
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderator or messenger.

    Assembly language programming (Intel CPUs mainly)
          Assembly language programming discussions. Intel CPUs,
         and related peripherals control through software.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Fidonet Backbone
    Gateways:     *NO* Usenet backbone gating
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: 35          Volume: 50/mo        Rules: N/A (posted)
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   James Vahn, 1:346/3, [email protected]
    Last changed: 15-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, James Vahn <[email protected]>

    disABLED Users Information Exchange.
          Information, help and support Echo for the Handicapped.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Stu Turk, 1:129/26, [email protected]
                  Bill Jackson, 1:3603/140, [email protected]
    Last changed: 13-Mar-2000 by Stu Turk, 1:129/26, [email protected]

    Abortion Discussion
          A debate and information echo on the various issues and
         implications related to abortion and adoption.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:396/45                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: NAB, Z1B
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 866/mo        Rules: ABORTION.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Gene Thornton, 1:396/45
    Last changed: 26-Mar-2000 by Gene Thornton, 1:396/45

    Advanced Dungeons and Dragons/RECFRP
          The AD&D/RECFRP Echo group is for the discussion and actual
         playing of ALL role-playing games. Computer-based games
         are not inclulded. The echo group is also available via
         an Internet mail list
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: FIDONET, BACKBONE
    # Nodes: 150          Volume: 608/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req>
    Notes: /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Scott Royall, 1:106/[email protected]
                  Kay Shapero, 1:102/[email protected]
                  Kay Shapero, 1:102/[email protected]
    Last changed: 2-Jan-2000 by Scott Royall, 1:106/357

    Women's Conference
          Women's Discussions - Christnet_Ladies
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: fmlynet/planet connect
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 36/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    AdeptXBBS Sysop-Only Help and Discussion Group
          This echo is strictly for AdeptXBBS Sysops.  Topics include
         seeking help with original setup and configuration, up-keep
         of the system, news in the AdeptXBBS world, notification
         of new files, and general chat between sysops. Status: Active
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Origin:                           Group:
    Distribution: Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: ADEPT_SYSOP.RU
    Flags: <Sysops Only> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   Gord Hannah, 1:17/23
                  Gord Hannah, [email protected]
    Last changed: 2-May-2000 by Gord Hannah, 1:17/23.1

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
          A conference for the discussion of children with learning
         disabilities caused by Attention Deficits or Hyperactivity.
         Families of those children as well as professionals are
         invited to participate.  An Electronic Support Group.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: BACKBONE
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Butch Walker, 1:157/2
    Last changed: 1-Mar-2000 by Butch Walker, 1:157/2

    Net 2630 Administrative Conference
          Administrative conference used by NC2630 to conduct net
         business and make announcements of general interest to Net
         2630 Admin Members.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2630/0                          Group:
    Distribution: Net 2630 Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /MOD /REA
    Moderators:   Scott Drake, 1:2630/0@fidonet
    Last changed: 3-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    For Discussion of PhileoNet Business
          For Discussion of PhileoNet Business
         Status: Active
    Origin:       PhileoNet                         Group: PN
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Available via NNTP://
    Moderators:   Ron Hossack, 777:100/1
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Adoptees Information Exchange
          Help and suggestions for adoptees and birth parents in
         their search. Discussion of legislation affecting adoptees,
         birth parents and adoptive parents. Organizations and agencies
         offering help with the adoptees and birth parents search
         are also discussed.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: 50          Volume: 649/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Lynn Gipson, 1:120/111, [email protected]
    Last changed: 27-Apr-2000 by Lynn), 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Gipson

    ADSL Modem Technology Support Conference
          ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) Conference that
         discusses the issues and technology surrounding ADSL and
         other variants of xDSL technology.  ADSL solves the bandwidth
         bottleneck to your home or business, over lines that already
         exist, your copper twisted pair telephone line.  ADSL can
         offer speeds as high as 10Mbps but is extremely distance
         sensitive. Discussions of xDSL technology, speeds, availability
         in your region, tech specs are all supported, although,
         xDSL speeds vary from region to region pendant on local
         telco, ISP, software and hardware distributed in your area.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: Fidonet Backbone
    Gateways:     None
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /RealNames
    Moderators:   Ron Bemis, 1:124/1113, [email protected]
    Last changed: 15-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Amiga Distrubution System
          Amiga file release
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Zone 1 Backbone                   Group: ADS
    Distribution: Filebone
    Gateways:     2:480/33
    # Nodes: 35          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   ,
    Last changed: 3-May-2000 by Don Plesky, 1:120/229

    International ALLFIX OS/2 Beta Echo
          International ALLFIX OS/2 Beta Echo Contact the moderator
         for access
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Private, restricted
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: AFX2.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Harald Harms, 2:282/505
                  Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Harald Harms, 2:282/505

    International ALLFIX Wildcat Beta Echo
          International ALLFIX Wildcat Beta Echo Contact the moderator
         for access
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Private, restricted
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: AFX!.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Harald Harms, 2:282/505
                  Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Harald Harms, 2:282/505

    AHL Hockey Discussions
          Filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 25/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not dsitributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Artificial Intelligence Discussions
          Filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 63/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Chris Glur, 8:7903/10
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    African Independent Churches
          Discussion of African Independent Churches (AICs), also
         known as African Instituted Churches or African Initiated
         Churches - their theology, history, faith and practice,
         and relation to other Christian bodies
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet Southern Africa         Group: FMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet backbone worldwide, Planet Connect
    Gateways:     To mailing list family.aic
    # Nodes: 3          Volume: 44/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Eugene Thieszen, 8:7903/10
                  Stephen Hayes, 8:7903/10
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    AIDS & ARC
          The mission of this echo is to disseminate information,
         provide support, offer suggestions, and anything else that
         relates to the Fight Against AIDS.  Feeds will be cut for
         all anti-AIDS, anti-gay and "The Lord wants you to pay for
         your evil ways" posts.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Fidonet                           Group:
    Distribution: Fidonet BACKBONE
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Tom Hall, 1:342/[email protected]
    Last changed: 24-Apr-2000 by Tom Hall, 1:342/1

    Airgunners' Information Exchange
          AirGun HQ's Airgun discussion forum
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:273/408                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1 backbone, Z2 backbone
    Gateways:     Internet gateway
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 173/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim Henry , 1:273/408
    Last changed: 12-Feb-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551

    Airplane Owners Discussions
          Filtered Internet Newsgroup - Discussions on owning airplanes.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1254/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite/ftp feed - request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

          For those that have lived in the state that would like
         to chat about their state. Such subjects: Government, Geographics,
         Economics, History, current events and etc,,,
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:170/503                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Gary Baumgartner, 1:170/503
                  Faye Johnson, 1:205/80
    Last changed: 9-May-2000 by Gary Baumgartner, 1:170/503@Fidonet

    Alaska and Yukon Open Topic Chatter
          Yukon/Alaska based open-topic chat echo. Talk to Alaskans
         and Yukoners about Alaska or the Yukon or just chat!  Great
         for tourists, visitors, Northern wannabes or anyone thinking
         about heading north to Alaska or Yukon! All are welcome!
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:17/67                           Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 25/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Steven Horn, 1:17/67
    Last changed: 13-May-2000 by Steven Horn, 1:17/67, "Steven A. Horn" <[email protected]>

         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:170/302                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 2400/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   BOB SAKOWSKI, 1:170/302
                  STAN HARDGEGREE, 1:170/302
    Last changed: 28-Jan-2000 by Bob Sakowski, 1:170/302@fidonet

    International ALLFIX DOS Beta Echo
          International ALLFIX DOS Beta Echo Contact the moderator
         for access
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Private, restricted
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: AFXD.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Harald Harms, 2:282/505
                  Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Harald Harms, 2:282/505

    International ALLFIX Echo Beta Echo
          International ALLFIX Echo Beta Echo Contact the moderator
         for access
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Private, restricted
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: AFXEB.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Harald Harms, 2:282/505
                  Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Harald Harms, 2:282/505

    File Announce Conference for ALLFIX Users
          This Conference is dedicated to allfix users who want to
         announce the arrival of files from FDN distributers. This
         provides public information on updates between the Sysops
         that are available for FREQ and where. This echo also provides
         access to the Sysops using Allfix for questions about the
         program which are not available elsewhere. Files that are
         not available via FREQ from distribution systems is not
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:382/206                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1300/mo        Rules: FIDO-REQ.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   Rod Parrott, 1:382/206
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, "Rod Parrott" <[email protected]>

    International ALLFIX Support
          International ALLFIX Support/Help Echo
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Fidonet Backbone, All distribution systems
    Gateways:     Zone 86 Backbone via 1:395/195<=>86
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: AFX.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Harald Harms, 2:282/505
                  Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Harald Harms, 2:282/505

    International ALLFIX Universal Beta Echo
          International ALLFIX Universal Beta Echo Contact the moderator
         for access
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Private, restricted
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: AFXU.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL /MOD-apvl
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Harald Harms, 2:282/505
                  Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Harald Harms, 2:282/505

    All sysops newsgroupn
          alt.bbs.allsysop filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 77/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite/ftp - request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    OPENDOS, FREEDOS, and Alternative DOS discussion area
          This Conference is dedicated to: Discussion of the Caldera
         OpenDOS and the FreeDOS operating systems. Posting and discussion
         of experiences, requests for help, posting of code snippets,
         etc are encouraged. Other free DOS variants are welcomed,
         such as DOSLinux. Limit MS-DOS discussion to comparison
         of features, compatibility, etc, with an Alt-DOS.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

          The echo is dedicated to discussion relating to Amateur
         Radio, and it's many facets.  Rules are simple, be nice,
         and NO CB.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:284/99.1                        Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: 200          Volume: 50/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Blake Bowers,
    Last changed: 28-Jan-2000 by Blake Bowers, 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    AmberNet Primary Echo for General Discussion
          AmberNet is devoted to business and related topics. The
         Ambernet Echo allows users to engage in general discussions
         about business and other matters.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AMBERNET                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AMBERNET
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 2-Jan-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Amiga International Echo.
          The International Amiga Echoconference is intended to foster
         discussion of all models of the Amiga computer system. This
         echo is intended as a source of answers to questions users
         might have about the Amiga, and as a clearing house for
         new information about new Amiga products compatible with
         the Classic Amiga whether they are made by Amiga Inc or
         by third party vendors.  Hands-on reviews of such products
         are encouraged, especially with hard facts and data.  We
         invite everyone who uses the Amiga, or who is interested
         in the Amiga, to participate in this echo through the friendly
         and helpful exchange of information.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: Fido; Worldwide
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: 300          Volume: 1520/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Craig Hutchison, 3:634/383, [email protected]
    Last changed: 3-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Amiga Games
          This echo is dedicated to the discussion of gaming.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Jim Ford, 1:203/699
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Buying and selling of all things Amiga related.
          Buying and selling of all things Amiga related. Just about
         anything is Amiga related. It's a way of life.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: Fido;Worldwide
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Craig Hutchison, 3:634/383, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Programming on/for the Amiga
          Discussion and help on Programming on and for the Amiga
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: Fido;Worldwide
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Craig Hutchison, 3:634/383, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Amiga Hardware & software forsale conference
          Related Items to post in this echo you must either be selling
         or trading an Amiga computer related Item
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Don Plesky, 1:120/229, [email protected]
    Last changed: 3-Feb-2000 by Don Plesky, 1:120/229

    Amiga sysop talk
          Echo for Amiga Sysops to get together
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: fido
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: 50          Volume: 20/mo        Rules: Amiga_sysop
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Notes: REAL
    Moderators:   Don Plesky, 1:120/229, [email protected]
    Last changed: 13-Jan-2000 by Don Plesky, 1:120/229

    Support for the Automated Maintenance Utility (AMU)
          The AMU_HELP echo has been established to provide support
         for David Hickey's excellent Swiss Army Knife for RemoteAccess,
         Proboard, QuickBBS, Maximus, Silver Xpress, Blue Wave, and
         many other packages.  Now freeware, and available in DOS,
         Windows, and OS/2 versions, no sysop should be without this
         tool, unless he or she enjoys doing his maintenance the
         hard way. :-)  Echo is NOT to be gated to any other network
         without moderator permission. Note:  Perhaps it is time
         to move this echo's content to RA_UTIL.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:124/9005                        Group:
    Distribution: NAB, Z1B, WWB (Zones 1-6)
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules: AMU_HELP.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   Steve Quarrella, 1:124/9005
    Last changed: 10-Feb-2000 by Steve Quarrella, 1:124/9005, [email protected]

    Amiga FidoNet Software
          AMY_POINT is used for general advice on Amiga FidoNet software,
         from point packages to commercial BBS systems.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       2:442/107                         Group:
    Distribution: Worldwide
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Neil Williams, 2:442/107
                  Neil Williams, 2:442/107
    Last changed: 3-May-2000 by Neil Williams, 2:442/107

    Technical help on all things Amiga.
          Buying and selling of all things Amiga related. Just about
         anything is Amiga related. It's a way of life.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: Fido;Worldwide
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Craig Hutchison, 3:634/383, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Items for Sale
          Items and Services for sale by consumers and/or business
         users.  No illegal items/services may be advertised.  Any
         MLM involvement MUST be included in the body of the message.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    BBS Advertisements
          AmberNet encourages it's member boards to advertise their
         systems. ANSI Escape Codes are prohibitied in this echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Barter and Counter-Trade
          Barter (Trade) is one of the fastest growing areas in the
         economy.  Folks who barter can take excess time, services
         and products and convert them into an alternative currency
         to purchase items from other traders while preserving their
         capital.  From Horse Trader to International Counter Trader,
         all will find value in this echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Business Advertising
          Advertisements from Business Owners/Operators Business
         Owners/Operators are encouraged to post advertisements in
         this echo. The following items are prohibited: ANSI Escape
         Codes, Activities and/or products which are classified as
         illegal.  MLM type business's MUST identify the activity
         as MLM in the message body.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Business Opportunites and Offers
          AM_BIZOPS is designed to offer a platform for participants
         to announce  availability of, desire for and general discussions
         about business  opportunities.  ANSI escape codes are prohibited,
         as well as any activity which is illegal.  MLM opportunities
         MUST be clearly  identified as such in the body of the message.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Job Announcements/Positions Wanted
          Employers may post Position Open Announcements.  Job Seekers
         may post messages relative to Positions Requested.  All
         MLM activities MUST be indentified as such in body of message
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    AmberNet File Announcements
          File Announcements for AmberNet Read-only area.  Restricted
         to members of AmberNet
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Membership Req>
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Home Business and Allied Fields
          A large number of workers are now either running a Home
         Business, or contemplating starting one.  Some come to home
         business because they need the freedom from a 'boss', others
         enter the area due to cut-backs, layoffs and other events
         beyond their control.  This echo gives all involved in,
         interested in and marketing to Home Business users a forum
         for discussion. Offers made which involve MLM must indicate
         the MLM nature in the body of the message.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 15/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    AmberNet Sysop Echo
          AmberNet Sysop's Echo.  Net administration, Q&A and other
         net matters
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 40/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Membership Req> <Sysops Only>
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    AmberNet Women in Business
          Women in Business face unique challenges and opportunities.
         Both women and men in the business world can express their
         views and concerns in this echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Women in the workplace
          Women have unique challenges and oportunity in the work-place.
         Participants can share their views and experiences in this
         Status: Active
    Origin:       AmberNet                          Group: AMBR
    Distribution: AmberNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Anaheim Mighty Ducks NHL Hockey Discussions
          filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 100/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect, request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Discussion of animals w/ veterinarian participation!
          Animal Health/Training and Your Veterinarian. Discussion
         of animal helath, daily care, behavior and training, in
         a light and open setting.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Japanese Animation Echo
          A conference devoted primarily to the discussion of Japanese
         animation and related topics such as manga, fanfics, fansubtitling,
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Gateways:     RelayNet
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Daniel Harrison, 1:138/293, [email protected]
                  Emeritus Tony Butler, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Animal Medical Discussion Area
          Echo for the discussion of animal sickness, cures, and
         preventative care for all Animals.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2404/201                        Group: Fido
    Distribution: All Backbones
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:   ANIMED.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   Ruth Argust, 1:2404/201
                  Gerry Calhoun, 1:2404/200
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by Ruth Argust, 1:2404/201

    Media Reports
          Media Reports
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Phileonet                         Group: PN
    Distribution: FamilyNet nntp://
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 8/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Ron Hossack, 777:100/1
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Anonymous Posts
          This Echo is a broadcast message area for those who wish
         to post anonymously.  Messages are typically addressed to
         one individual whose address the sender may or may not know.
          Any message may be either plaintext or encrypted.  The
         use of anonymous remailers to post messages is encouraged.
          There is no restrictions on message topics other than nothing
         illegal shall be posted.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:306/21                          Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Jim Cannell, 1:306/21
    Last changed: 16-Apr-2000 by Jim Cannell, 1:306/21.1@fidonet

    Anthropology Discussions
          Filtered sci.anthropology newsgroup.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 570/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect, request if desired.
    Moderators:   Chris Glur, 8:7903/10
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Anxiety Disorders
          A conference for those suffering from anxiety disorders,
         particularly panic disorders and agoraphobia. Primarily
         intended as an electronic support group.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       unknown                           Group:
    Distribution: Z1 BACKBONE
    Language:     ENGLISH
    # Nodes: 45          Volume: 25/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Robert Stoner, 1:270/[email protected]
    Last changed: 3-Feb-2000 by Robert Stoner, 1:270/1000

    Open, spirited and friendly discussions
          International Echo without heavy moderation
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2613/404.0                      Group: Fido
    Distribution: World Wide Backbone, NAB, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Barry Bogart, 1:260/432
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Sleep Apnea Support & Discussions
          The Fidonet APNEA echo invites all who suffer with any
         of the forms of Sleep Apnea & their loved ones to participate
         in our discussions -- for friendship, support and shared
         medical info. Because Sleep Apnea -IS- a life-threatening
         illness and support is critical, APNEA will be moderated
         with a very light touch. APNEA is for informational purposes
         only, and should NOT be used as a substitute for consulting
         with your Doctor, Sleep Center, or Respiratory Therapist.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
                  Jack Sargeant, 1:379/12, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Apogee/3D Realms/Pinball Wizards support conference
          This is the support conference for Apogee Software, Ltd,
         3D Realms Entertainment, and Pinball Wizards, shareware's
         best PC games publishers. If you are a fan of Apogee, 3D
         Realms, or the new company, Pinball Wizards, then this conference
         is for you. The moderator is a tech support representative
         for all three companies.  Echo is NOT to be gated without
         moderator permission.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:124/7013                        Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Zones 1-6
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 25/mo        Rules: APOGEE.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bryan Turner, 1:124/7013, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-Apr-2000 by Steve Quarrella, 1:124/7013, [email protected]

    Apogee Games
 filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       INTERNET                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 28/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite/ftp request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    International APPLE Echo
          The International APPLE Echo is for the discussion of issues
         pertaining to the use of Apple II series computers. All
         relevant topics covering hardware or software are allowed,
         as are for sale and wanted posts. Piracy discussions will
         be dealt with via law enforcement officials. These are not
         tolerated. Apple III computer topics are allowed, however
         Macintosh topics are not. Apple 8 and 16 bit software is
         filebone distributed through AFDN, ABLEFILE area. Outside
         Zone 1, please netmail moderator for suggested links. Rules
         and FAQ list published monthly.  Moderator may be reached
         via [email protected], or through Fidonet.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:271/236                         Group:
    Distribution: Zone 1 backbone, available in Zone 2 and Zone 6, Planet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 912/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Richard Sarner, 1:271/[email protected]
                  Barry Austern, 1:108/[email protected]
    Last changed: 8-Feb-2000 by Carol Shenkenberger, 1:275/100@fidonet

    Fishkeeping, fresh and marine tanks
          For all aspects of keeping fish and other aquatic animals,
         in either Fresh water or marine tanks, small to large. Topics
         range from aid in new tank installations to aid for the
         experienced aquarist.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Tammy Wilson, 1:244/3, [email protected]
                  Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Video Arcade Games Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 545/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Archery Echo
          Discussions about Archery / alt.archery
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 454/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Area 51 Discussions / UFOs etc...
          Area 51 UFO discussions / alt.comspiracy.area51
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 228/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Arena Football Discussions
          Arena Football Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 94/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed over Satellite feed: If desired please reque
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    The Amiga interpreted Rexx language
          Discussion on the Amiga ARexx interpreted programming language.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: Fido;Worldwide
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Craig Hutchison, 3:634/383, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Argus Support Echo
          Support echo for RitLab's Argus Mailer for Windows 95 &
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:3639/93                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: All Backbones, All Zones
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Sysops Only> <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REAL /SYS
    Moderators:   Ross Cassell, 1:3639/93, [email protected]
    Last changed: 21-May-2000 by Ross Cassell, 1:3639/93, [email protected]

    Arizona Cardinals Pro Football Discussions
          filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 40/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    ARJ Support Echo
          A general discussion area about the ARJ file compression
         program. Topics include bug reports, usage tips, new release
         announcements, new feature suggestions, and general help.
          Robert Jung, ARJ's author, reads and responds to messages
         in this area.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Fidonet Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   David Bowerman, 1:153/290
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by David Bowerman, 1:153/290

    Eve of Armageddon
          Discussion of End-Time Prophesy
         Status: Active
    Origin:       12:3000/10                        Group: CFN
    Distribution: Distribution to CFN and moderator's choice
    Gateways:     None
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 126/mo        Rules: ARMAGEDD.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: May not be exported out of CFN.
    Moderators:   Andrew Allen, 12:3000/10
                  Harold Robbins, 12:3000/9
    Last changed: 25-Dec-1999 by CFN Echo Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderator or messenger.

    TimEd, NetMgr, WIMM, JAMINFO Support Conference
          TimEd, NetMgr, WIMM and JAMINFO Support Conference.  Participants
         are welcome to discuss self-support for those products and
         any third-party fixes and patches to extend the life of
         the products beyond the year 2000, as well as third-party
         utilities written for these products.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FIDO                              Group: FID1
    Distribution: Backbone(s)
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:  ARTWARE.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352

    TimEd and NetMgr Support
          TimEd and NetMgr Support Conference.  Participants are
         welcome to discuss self-support for these products and any
         third-party fixes and patches to extend the life of the
         products beyond the year 2000.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:261/1352                        Group: FID1
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 5/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Anything relating to The Art Bell Talk Radio Show.
          For discussing anything related to Art Bell, Dreamland,
         or any guests that may have appeared on either show.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
                  Jack Sargeant, 1:379/12, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    G-rated ASCII Art Showcase!
          On-line "Art Show" for displaying your ASCII Art creations.
         All art must be appropriate for all ages (G-rated) and it
         must be posted with proper artist attribution left intact.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    International chat echo - members on 6 continents
          A general chat conference for those interested in topics
         related to Asia and Asian culture.  The echo currently has
         members writing from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong,
         Singapore, Macao, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia,
         Canada, the USA, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium,
         Russia, Bulgaria, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, the People's
         Republic of China, Luxembourg, Spain, Brazil, India and
         South Africa. The English language is standard on the echo
         but foreign languages are permitted with an English translation.
         Echomail traffic is roughly 50% from North America, 15%
         from Europe, 25% from Asia, 5% from South America and 5%
         from Africa.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

          This is just a precaution after the southern star message
         in the echo, so that Chief Scotty McDork does not hijack
         another echo in his continueing to lend credence to his
         claims of "private law enforcement".  The echo password
         will be turned over to Tom as soon as he re-appears.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: fido
    Distribution: z1-z6, fidospine, backbones, z1b
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Blake Bowers, [email protected]
                  Tom Rightner,
    Last changed: 6-Mar-2000 by Blake Bowers, 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Ask Real Law Enforcement Officials Questions -Discussio
          This conference is dedicated to the exchange of information
         between both Publicly Sworn & Private Law Enforcement Professionals
         and the people they serve and protect. Young adults and
         children are especially invited and encouraged to participate,
         along with the general public and Law Enforcement Professionals.
         (Related/relevant cross-posting encouraged) This is *NOT*
         the Propaganda Echo
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:157/427                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: z1-z6 Backbone(s), Z1B, FamilyNet, INTERNATIONAL
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 510/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Scott McQuilkin, 1:157/427, [email protected]
    Last changed: 30-Apr-2000 by Scott Charles McQuilkin (Mod), 1:157/427, [email protected]

    Ask A Nurse medical information conference.
          Medical and Health questions and answers by nurses and
         general medical discussion.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 30/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Kurt Ullman, 1:3603/140, [email protected]
    Last changed: 13-Mar-2000 by Stu Turk, 1:129/26, [email protected]

    Astronomy Echo
          Observational Astronomy Echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Mark Kaye, 1:249/109, [email protected]
                  Arnold Gill, 1:153/6.5
                  Bill McCauley, 1:161/42
    Last changed: 19-Jan-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Astronomy Echo
          Astronomical observing and astrophysical discussion echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Mark Kaye, 1:249/109, [email protected]
                  Arnold Gill, 1:153/6.5
                  Bill McCauley, 1:161/42
    Last changed: 19-Jan-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Astronomy Discussions
          Filtered Usenet Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: Familynet/Planet Connect
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 6977/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atari 8-bit Computer Conference
          Discussion Area for Atari 8-bit machines.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FMLY
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Greg Goodwin, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atari 8 Bit discussions
          Filtered comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 401/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Greg Goodwin, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atari Games Discussions
          Filtered newsgroup.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 365/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   greg goodwin, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atari Jaguar Discussions
          Filtered Internert Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group:
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 282/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Greg Goodson, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atari ST Discussions
          Filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 683/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Greg Goodson, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atari ST, Jaguar, and related discussions
          Discussions of Atari ST and later computers, Lynx and Jaguar
         game machines, and anything else of interest to Atari fans.
         Also check out ST_PROG.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    Language:     English, others if Englis
    # Nodes: 40          Volume: 36/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Troy Cheek, 1:362/708.4, [email protected]
    Last changed: 22-May-2000 by Troy H. Cheek, 1:362/708.4

    Atlanta Falcons Pro Football Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 53/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    NBA Basketball, Atlanta Hawks discussions
          filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 16/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Atlanta Braves Baseball Discussions
          Atlanta Braves Baseball Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1892/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite: Please request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Amateur Telescope Making
          This conference is for the discussion of all aspects of
         amateur telescope making. Whether you're interested in grinding
         your own mirror, purchasing a mirror and assembling a telescope,
         or even if you're interested in an amateur radio telescope,
         this is the conference for you. We'll also discuss the design
         and construction of CCD cameras, as well as computer control
         systems for telescopes etc.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:116/35                          Group:
    Distribution: Z1,Z2,Z3
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 21/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   John Graves, 1:116/35
    Last changed: 16-Apr-2000 by John & Misty Graves, 1:116/35@fidonet

    International Fidonet AUDIO Echo
          Audio, sound, acoustics, techniques, recording, processing,
         applications, home stereos, theatres; plus professinal concert/sound
         reinforcement, recording and brodcast; audio's role in the
         emerging medias, help for equipment use, selection...  Anything
         AUDIO, that's the echo's name.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Automobile Racing
          Motorsports results and discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    International Automotive Discussion Group
          This is a General Automotive Discussion Conference.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:10/22                           Group: FIDO1
    Distribution: NAB, FTP/Email from 1:10/22 - [email protected]
    Gateways:     NAB, FTP/Email - 1:10/22
    Language:     English, American English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 250/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Roy Witt, 1:10/22, [email protected]
                  Emeritus - John Pummill,
    Last changed: 16-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    International AVIATION Echo
          This echo is open to everyone interested in aviation, including
         all types of real, full-sized aircraft flying in the earth's
         atmosphere, as well as products and services relating to
         aviation. Excluded is the discussion of PC-based simulator
         games, radio-controlled models, space travel, and UFOs,
         for which other, more appropriate echoes are available (please
         see rules file).
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:397/6                           Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 912/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Elvis Hargrove, 1:397/[email protected]
                  Jim Dunmyer, 1:234/2
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Elvis Hargrove, 1:397/6@fidonet

    General Discussions on Aviation
          General Discussions related to Aviation
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 730/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Request if wanted on satellite feed.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Arizona Diamondbacks Baseball
          Arizona Diamondbacks Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 104/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Babylon 5 Discussions.
          For the discussion of the TV series Babylon 5, currently
         running on TNT, and related movies and series such as the
         upcoming "Crusade".
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Fidonet Zone 1 Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1520/mo        Rules: BABYLON5.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   Kay Shapero, 1:102/524
    Last changed: 17-Feb-2000 by Kay Shapero, 1:102/524

    Discussion of J H Bach's Music
 gated and filtered internet newsgroup.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: Familynet
    Gateways:     8:8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 338/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not Distributed via Satellite/FTP packets request if desired
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    General backbone issues
           Backbone Distribution Method(s) Discussion This conference
         is for a discussion of current and new methods of distributing
         echomail. Conference Rules are simple: a. Show proper conference
         manners (i.e. no flaming, no off topic discussions) b. All
         are welcome c. The moderator reserves the right to revoke
         access to this echo. The moderator's decision is final.
         Otherwise, just have a good time! Souvestre's sla'ker is
         specifically rejected ECROC APPLIES TO THIS CONFERENCE and
         its distribution
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: 15          Volume: 25/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req>
    Notes: /MOD-APVL
    Moderators:   Bob Moravsik, 1:2604/583
    Last changed: 15-May-2000 by Bob Moravsik, 1:2604/583

    General backbone issue
           General Echo for use by high traffic administrators. For
         BACKBONE administrative matters. BACKBONE refers to any
         of the many BACKBONES Rules are simple: 1. Subject to FIDONET
         policy 4 (see section 9.9) as "if" MESSAGES were NETMAIL.
         2. Subject-general routing issues. 3. Reasonable behavior
         in the networks. 4. No geographic restrictions on links.
         5. Souvestre's   barfaq does not apply to this conference.

         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    # Nodes: 5          Volume: 50/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req>
    Notes: /MOD-APVL
    Moderators:   Bob Moravsik, 1:2604/583
    Last changed: 15-May-2000 by Bob Moravsik, 1:2604/583

    Badminton Discussions
          Badminton Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 61/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed on satellite feed - request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Whatcha gonna do when they come for you - Discussion!
          Issues dealt with relate to security matters and law enforcement
         concerns in general, this includes public laws which are
         enforced on private property by =trained= and qualified
         private Law Enforcers.  Also discussed are traffic violations
         to major crimes.  (c5/98)
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:157/427                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: z1-z6 Backbone(s), Z1B, FamilyNet, INTERNATIONAL
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 410/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Scott McQuilkin, 1:157/427, [email protected]
    Last changed: 30-Apr-2000 by Scott Charles McQuilkin (Mod), 1:157/427, [email protected]

    Baltimore Ravens Pro Football Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 599/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Baltimore Orioles Baseball
          Baltimore Orioles Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 664/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Odyssey Fringe Science Research Echo
          An echo dealing with Fringe Science/Fortean subjects. This
         is the official Fringe Science Echo of the Odyssey Fringe
         Science Research Network. News clippings, UFO Sightings,
         FileFixs and File Announcements are announced as well as
         general discussions of Fringe Science Events.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:3828/7                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z-1 Backbone
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: 500          Volume: 115/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REAl
    Moderators:   Roger Nelson, 1:3828/7, [email protected]
    Last changed: 15-Mar-2000 by Roger Nelson, 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Roger Nelson)

    Baptist Heritage
          Sermons preached by many of the greatest preachers of our
         time. Discussions of the Baptist Heritage.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FMLY
    Distribution: [email protected], Planet Connect, FTP
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    BardRoom Authors' and Poets' virtual Get-Together
          For authors, poets, playwrights, scribblers, and kindred
         spirits, there's a virtual open house at Pauline's BARDROOM.
         Discussions of the literary arts, the writing life, and
         the composition and uses of oobleck are on topic here, and
         we're always eager to read, critique, and discuss (brief)
         extracts from works-in-progress. Lighthearted general chat
         and banter, but flames, rudeness, and hostility are strictly
         verboten. Politics, religion, and controversial issues may
         be dealt with carefully and with the moderator's approval.
         Co-Moderators: Barb Jernigan, 1:104/333; Rachel Veraa, 1:135/907
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Zone 1 Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Russ Jernigan, 1:104/333
                  Laurie Campbell, 1:153/840
    Last changed: 5-Feb-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Discussions relative to Barter (Trade)
          Barter is fast becoming a secondary economy.  This echo
         allows participants to discuss the pros and cons of barter
         to turn excess goods and services into usefull services
         or goods for their own use.  This echo is NOT designed as
         posting medium for advertisements for MLM or any other cash
         Status: Active
    Origin:       The Barter Board                  Group: FID1
    Distribution: private
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 5/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Generic Baseball Discussions
          Generic Baseball Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 126/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not Available via satellite/ftp feed - request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    General Basic Programming Conference
          comp.lang.basic.misc - Basic Language Programming Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 340/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Generic Basketball Discussions
          Generic Basketball Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 13/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite packets - request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Big-East College Basketball
          Big East College Basketball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 59/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite: If desired please request.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Batch Language Programming
          This Conference is dedicated to: Batch File programming
         under MS/PC-DOS - all reasonable versions. It is also used
         to talk about DOS enhancement programs (REXX, 4DOS, etc.).
          While DOS is the primary OS, all other BATCH-related topics
         for all OS's are welcomed.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FidoNet                           Group: FIDO,
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    Gateways:     Contact moderator for information
    # Nodes: 84          Volume: 121/mo        Rules: BATPOWER.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Notes: /RUL
    Moderators:   Bat Lang, 1:382/92, [email protected]
    Last changed: 16-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected] (Bat Lang)

    The International BBBS Support Echo
          This echo offers support for the multi-platform BBBS BBS
         software, written by Kim Heino. Topics which are on-topic
         include the mailer, BBS, included BBBS utilities (areafix,
         mail tosser, telnet, ftp, etc.) and scripting language.
         Topics also may include discussion of operating systems
         which BBBS supports (OS/2, DOS, Linux, other  *nix operating
         systems, Win95/NT) as far as how they relate to BBBS. 3rd
         party software utilities written for BBBS should be sent
         to Vincent Danen, (1:140/14), and any announcements for
         them or BBBS executibles are only to be posted by Vincent
         Danen or Kim Heino. No signature (SIGs) are to be posted
         in this echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: All Zones
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Kim Heino, 2:222/2
                  Janis Kracht, 1:2320/38, [email protected]
    Last changed: 13-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    BBS Internet Discussions
          alt.bbs filtered newsgroups
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 157/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite/ftp request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Discussion of all types of BBS Doors & Distrib Sites
          This echo is open to everyone for total discussion of all
         types of BBS Doors and utility programs and also their distribution
         sites. Mainly for sysops, prospective sysops, authors and
         supporting sites to discuss, locate and obtain help for
         all types of BBS doors and utilities and not limited to
         any one type of BBS software. Companion echo to BBS_DOORS.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2404/209                        Group: Fido
    Distribution: All Backbones
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bob Duckworth, 1:2404/209
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by Ruth Argust, 1:2404/201

    The BBS Doorgame and Utility Discussion Echo
          Support echo for both BBS Door authors and players. The
         echo is intended to give door authors and players alike
         a place to come and discuss ideas and problems with doorgames.
         BBS utilities that fall under the category of Doors are
         also welcome and their authors are encouraged to come and
         discuss their products. The promotion of new doors and utilities
         are welcomed and encouraged. Discussion of BBS <--> Internet
         doors and utilities are also welcome.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Z6, FidoSpine
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   , Vlad Hrusca 2:406/558
    Last changed: 17-May-2000 by Rick Gordon, 1:130/612

    BBS Legal Issues
         Discussions about BBS Law, Sysop Liability, User Privileges,
         Privacy, and Copyright
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: FidoSpine, SWPBone
    # Nodes: 280          Volume: 260/mo        Rules: BBSLAW.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Lawrence Garvin, 1:106/6018, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by Lawrence Garvin, 1:106/6018

    Advertise your BBS here!  Find a fun new BBS to call!
          Welcome to the BBS Advertising Conference!  This is the
         place to tell everyone what makes *your* system special
         and different. It's also the right echo to find a new and
         exciting BBS! *ONLY* messages advertising BBSs and messages
         from users who want to find them are allowed.  No other
         messages are permitted -- including those about software,
         hardware, games or networks. Standard ANSI & ASCII graphics
         are allowed.  Please limit your advertisments to (1) message
         per week, unless they are different.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Gateways:     RelayNet
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 608/mo        Rules: BBS_ADS.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    New Jersey BBS Advertisment Echo
          NJ_BBS_ADS is a BBS Advertisment Echo for New Jersey BBS
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2630/212                        Group:
    Distribution: New Jersey Distribution
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Scott Drake, 1:2630/212@fidonet
    Last changed: 3-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    BBS Software Discussion
          BBS_Carnival is a friendly echo dedicated to the discussion
         BBSing software.  Topics include BBS's,mailers,tossers,y2k,and
         more. If you are into bbsing and want to learn about other
         software and your options, this is the echo.  Do you want
         to share your knowledge with other sysops?  Then areafix
         BBS_Carnival today. Sysops and users welcome.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Sean Dennis, 1:395/610
    Last changed: 26-May-2000 by XRobot 4.10 (DOS), 1:2410/351@fidonet

    Discussion of all types of BBS Doors & Distrib Sites
          This echo is open to everyone for total discussion of all
         types of BBS Doors and utility programs and also their distribution
         sites. Mainly for sysops, prospective sysops, authors and
         supporting sites to discuss, locate and obtain help for
         all types of BBS doors and utilities and not limited to
         any one type of BBS software. Companion echo to BBSDOORS.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2404/209                        Group: Fido
    Distribution: All Backbones
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Duckworth, 1:2404/209
                  Gerry Calhoun, 1:2404/200
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by Gerry Calhoun, 1:2404/200

    DOS/Win/OS2/Unix BBS<->Internet x-Platform Apps (Sysops
          General discussion of cross-platform BBS<->Internet applications
         and related topics for SysOps Only. All others, read-only,
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2410/400                        Group:
    Distribution: Fidonet nodes only excepting listed gates, no newsgroup
    Gateways:     Prior Permission Required
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: 800          Volume: 43/mo        Rules: BBS_INTE.RUL
    Flags: <Sysops Only> <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /SYS /REA
    Moderators:   gary gilmore, 1:2410/400
    Last changed: 25-May-2000 by gary gilmore, 1:2410/400

    BBS Announcements / Discussions
          A place to advertise your BBS - International in scope.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FMLY
    Distribution: [email protected],PC,
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 22/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    The BBS Promotion "Team" Join Us!
          A new way to promote bbs's without the control of an association
         or bod Sysops & Users are welcome.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Ed Koon, 1:3603/140
                  Tom Lebens, 1:202/801
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Beatles Discussion Conference
          A `fab' forum for the discussion of anything and everything
         to do with the Fab Four (John, Paul, George and Ringo) including
         their careers, music, recordings, films, concerts, business
         ventures, musical and business associates, families, solo
         careers, any other projects, and their influence on modern
         pop culture.  In short, literally anything and everything
         related to the Beatles!  This conference will appeal to
         everyone from casual fans to long time Beatlemaniacs.  Come
         join in! A splendid time is guaranteed for all!  :-)
         Status: Active
    Origin:       The Eclectic Lab BBS, 1:153/8     Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Martin Ridgley, 1:153/[email protected])
    Last changed: 11-May-2000 by Martin Ridgley, 1:153/831

    BeeMail GUI Mailer for Windows
          Discussion of the GUI mailer Beemail for Win3.x and Win
         9x. Bi-directional gateway discussions of the BEEMAIL Mailing
         List that is gated at The Ready Room CBIS is also welcome.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:124/8108                        Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6, WWB, FidoSpine, NAB
    Gateways:     Zone 111 via 1:124/8108<=>111:111/1
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 20/mo        Rules: BEEMAIL.RUL
    Flags: <Mod Perm Req> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /MOD /RUL
    Moderators:   Jeff Schrunk, 1:124/8108, [email protected]
    Last changed: 17-May-2000 by [email protected]

    Batch File Distribution System, Coordination
          This conference is devoted to the sysops, authors, and
         others involved in the coordination of the Batch File Distribution
         System, a File Distribution Network operated as an adjunct
         to the International BATPOWER conference.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:270/720                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    Gateways:     Contact moderator for information
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 433/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Membership Req>
    Moderators:   Douglas Myers, 1:270/720, [email protected]
                  Bat Lang, 1:382/1201
    Last changed: 25-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, Douglas Myers <[email protected]>

    BGFAX Support Echo
          BGFAX can receive faxes with your FidoNet mailer software,
         and can also send faxes from the command line. BGFAX is
         available for DESC DOS, OS/2, and Win32.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Tom Knowles, [email protected]
    Last changed: 24-Apr-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    International Bible Conference
          Strictly Bible oriented conversations. Primarily for Fundamental
         Bible believers. Conference Guidelines are strictly enforced.
         FAMILYNET International Conference. Available on PC through
         FamilyNet feed only. Available via [email protected]
         Internet List server.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       8:8/0                             Group: FMLY
    Distribution: 1:270/101 8:8/0 8:8/2000
    Gateways:     FIDONET 8:8/0<>1:115/887 115/887<>1
    # Nodes: 50          Volume: 45/mo        Rules: BIBLE.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Notes: Very tightly Moderated
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Biblical Studies
          This echo provides a forum for Biblical Studies and discussion.
         Resource materials and study aids to Biblical Studies as
         well as discussion on Bible texts are allowed.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Rick Gordon, 1:130/612
    Last changed: 30-Apr-2000 by Rick Gordon, 1:130/612

    Region 18 Bible Discussion
          This conference is for the discussion of the Bible for
         users in Fidonet Region 18.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:116/35                          Group:
    Distribution: Region 18
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 21/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   John Graves, 1:116/35
    Last changed: 16-Apr-2000 by John & Misty Graves, 1:116/35@fidonet

    Bible News
          News of Interest to Bible Believing Christians. READ ONLY
         - Discussion _NOT_ allowed! Available via [email protected]
         Internet List server.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       8:8/0                             Group: FMLY
    Distribution: 1:115/887 8:8/0
    Gateways:     FIDONET 8:8/0<>1:115/887
    # Nodes: 40          Volume: 7/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Read Only>
    Notes: Read Only!!!!
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Bible discussions
          Discussions about the Bible. The widest range of biblical
         topics is allowed. Study, interpretation, history etc.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet South Africa            Group: FMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet Backbone worldwide
    # Nodes: 7          Volume: 2/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Stephen Hayes, 8:7903/10
    Last changed: 21-Mar-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Filtered Internet Newsgroup / Bible Study
          The purpose of this area is to provide a vehicle for the
         concentrated and singlar study of a particular topic by
         all participants.  TOPIC:  The topic is determined by the
         Moderator and announced periodically.  All posts must be
         relative to the announced topic.  Discussions of general
         interest (even on Bible topics) are *NOT* acceptable! The
         only topic of discussion here is the topic announced by
         the Moderator!!!
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: Planet_Connect FMY_BBone Internet
    # Nodes: 40          Volume: 5/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Big-10 College Sports discussions
          Filtered newsgroup.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 3/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   bob.hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Big 8 College Sports discussions.
          Filtered newsgroup.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite/ftp packets request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, 8:8/0
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    BIG8 Kansas Basketball Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 192/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Reuqest if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Motorcycle Riders, Bike Safety and Riding
          This conference will be a relaxed forum for discussion
         of all motorcyles and their riders.  Touring, trips, safety,
         tech tips, general discussions, and favorite rides.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:17/23.0                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1-BACKBONE
    Language:     ENGLISH
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Gord Hannah, 1:17/[email protected]
    Last changed: 2-May-2000 by Gord Hannah, 1:17/23.1

    Billiards discussions
          Billiards Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 2790/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite: Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    The ubiquitous BinkD TCP/IP FTN mailer and the binkp pr
          A conference dedicated to the ubiquitous BinkD mailer in
         its various incarnations for several unices, OS/2, Win 95/98/NT,
         Amiga and DOS. Includes technical help. Allowed topics are
         also discussions about the binkp protocol, its implementations
         in other software (Argus, BBBS) and the binkd-based
         domain organization.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: WWB, NAB, Z1B
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Mario Mure', 2:335/533, [email protected]
                  Matt Bedynek, 1:106/2, [email protected]
    Last changed: 5-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    BinkleyTerm Mailer Echo
          A conference for the discussion of the BinkleyTerm Front
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bob Juge, 1:106/2000
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Bird Watching Discussions
          Filtered rec.birds newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

          This echo is for all bird devotees, from the casual backyard
         feeder sightings, behavior, trip tales, evaluating gear
         and guide books, local gardens, and the related ecology
         and biology of these lovely animals.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Bird Watchers exchange
          This echo is a forum for discussions about birds as a hobby,
         and about birds and nature anywhere in the world.  It is
         a family echo.  Although most people currently posting are
         adults, children are also encouraged to write.  The environment
         is friendly and relaxed.  Political discussions and flaming
         are not allowed.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       CFN                               Group: CFN
    Distribution: CFN, MJCN, & PhileoNet
    Gateways:     CFN
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 50/mo        Rules: BIRDS.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Harold Robbins, 12:3000/9
                  Harold Robbins, 12:3000/9
    Last changed: 25-Dec-1999 by CFN Echo Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderator or messenger.

    Business Echo
          A place to discuss starting / operating a business. Users
         are encourgaed to not only discuss business, but to offer
         helpful suggestions to those other members of the echo.
         While overt advertising is considered off-topic, a reasonable
         discussion of one's business and how it may be of benefit
         to other users is encouraged.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:261/1352                        Group: FID1
    Distribution: various
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]

    Visual Disabilities Echo
          BlinkTalk is the original Fidonet echo for subjects of
         interest to blind and visually impaired individuals.  It
         is associated with no formal blindness organization and
         thus expounds no particular philosophy towards blindness,
         or much of anything for that matter! Topics include speech
         synthesis and other adaptive computer screen reading devices,
         braille and its availability, mobility techniques such as
         guide dog and white cane use, daily living tips and tricks
         and general support.  Above all else though, BlinkTalk is
         a place where we share friendship, it just so happens that
         many of us are visually disabled! Should you have any questions
         concerning the echo please netmail the moderator at his
         Fidonet address.  Do consider joining us in BlinkTalk though,
         for you'll be glad you did!
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Fidonet Backbone  1:129/89  [email protected]
    # Nodes: 300          Volume: 216/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   William Wilson, 1:129/89
                  William Wilson, [email protected]
                  Stu Turk, 1:129/26
    Last changed: 8-Apr-2000 by William Wilson, 1:129/89

    BlueWave Support Conference
          This is the Blue Wave Support Conference (BLUEWAVE), devoted
         to discussions about, and support of, the Blue Wave offline
         mail system and related products. We like to think of it
         as the electronic version of a users group", a place people
         can gather to discuss their experiences (and problems) with
         Blue Wave and related products.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FIDOnet                           Group:
    Distribution: Fidonet nodes only except listed gates, no newsgroup di
    Gateways:     Prior Permission Required
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: BLUEWAVE.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Steve Stacher, 2:443/888, [email protected]
                  Gary Gilmore, 1:2410/400
    Last changed: 25-May-2000 by gary gilmore, 1:2410/400

    BNU Help and Discussion Echo
          This conference is dedicated to assisting users with the
         fossil driver known as BNU written by author David Nugent,
         who frequent's this echo occasionally All help is given
         by those with experience in the use of the fossil, and is
         not to be considered as an author support echo. There are
         no guarantees that advice given will work, and is only worth
         the price paid for it. The latest full release is BNU v1.70.
         The last unsupported public beta is BNU v1.89h.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Fidonet Backbone, All distribution systems
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12
                  Honorary Moderator - David Nugent,
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by Bob Seaborn, 1:140/12.1

    BOATING echo!
          General discussion of boating topics and items of interest
         to boaters of all types!
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Tattoo's, Piercing, Ect.
          Discussion on the Art of Tattoong & Body Piercing your
         likes, Dislikes & Suggestions. No Flaming Permiitted.....!
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Book 'Em - Juveniles and the Law
          This echo is primarily a compilation of information about
         incidents involving juveniles and the law, in the U.S. and
         elsewhere. Discussion of specific incidents, ideas for dealing
         with juvenile crime, information about effective programs,
         or questions about the juvenile system are encouraged. May
         (and often does) include discussion with in-custody minors,
         law enforcement, and victims of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1 Backbone
    # Nodes: 7          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Faye Johnson, 1:205/80
    Last changed: 9-Mar-2000 by Faye Johnson, 1:205/80

    Arts, literature and theatre
          For discussing and reviewing books and literature, including
         wider topics such as literature and society, writing, publishing
         etc It may also be used for discussing the arts generally,
         including painting, sculpture, film, the theatre, etc.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Familynet South Africa            Group: FMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet Backbone worldwide
    Gateways:     Gated to mailing list family.books
    # Nodes: 8          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Steve Hayes, 8:7903/10
    Last changed: 21-Mar-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Boston Bruins NHL Hockey Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 312/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not dsirtibuted via Planet COnnect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Boston Celtics NBA Basketball Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 1268/mo        Rules:
    Notes: not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Boston Redsox Baseball
          Boston Redsox Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 3244/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Listserv Bounced Mail (FamilyNet)
          This conference will carry all the mail coming back to
         FamilyNet from the listserv. It can be used to check on
         mail flow, and users that have temporary problems (ie mailbox
         full, config problems) and those that have disappeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   Brobocop, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Branson, Mo. information
          General help, information and announcements about Branson,
         Missouri and the Ozarks area. Moving here ?  Planning a
         vacation ?   This echo will put you in touch with the Local
         Branson area computer users.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Michael McCabe, 1:1/121
    Last changed: 19-Jan-2000 by Michael McCabe, 1:1/121@fidonet

    British Car Discussion
          British Car Discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:2404/200                        Group:
    Distribution: Private
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Gerry Calhoun, 1:2404/200
                  Ruth Argust, 1:2404/201
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by Gerry Calhoun, 1:2404/200

    Unix BSD Misc Newsgroup
          comp.unix.bsd.misc filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 21/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed vi Satellite/FTP request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Buffalo Bills Pro Football Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 570/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet COnnect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    NHL Hockey Team
          Filtered newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 100/mo        Rules:
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 7-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    For Business Discussions
          Business to do business, how to start
         a business, pitfalls in business.  MLM discussions are Off-Topic.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FID1
    Distribution: Backbones
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules: business.rul
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: Not to be gated without moderator permission
    Moderators:   Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
    Last changed: 29-May-2000 by Thom LaCosta, 1:261/1352

    Command & Conquer echo
          C&C is dedicated to discussing the excellent strategy/war
         game of Command & Conquer, made by Westwood. Anything related
         to Command & Conquer is on-topic.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: FIDO
    Distribution: UK Backbone, FidoSpine, All Zones
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Graham Print, 2:251/25
    Last changed: 27-May-2000 by : Graham Print, 2:251/25

    C-Language Programming
          C-Language Programming Conference
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 5207/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite - request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009, [email protected]

    C++ programming language conference
          comp.lang.c++ - C++ programming language discussions
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 4/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not Distributed via satellite/ftp - request if desired
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009, [email protected]

    *C/*EC contact conference
          The C2C conference is a Fidonet administrative echo intended
         to facilitate communication between *Cs and *ECs. Access
         is restricted to members of the *C/*EC group.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:153/290                         Group:
    Distribution: Private
    Gateways:     May not be distributed outside of F
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   David Moufarrege, 1:2613/404
                  Bob Satti, 1:153/6
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by David Bowerman, 1:153/290

          Echo for discussion of Cable Modem Technology.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    California Angels Baseball
          California Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009, [email protected]

    Amateur Radio Callsign Database - Place holder.
          This echo has been discontinued.  For callsign information,
         inquire of the moderator of the HAM echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:10/22                           Group: FIDO1
    Distribution: NAB, FTP/Email from 1:10/22 - [email protected]
    Gateways:     NAB, FTP/Email - 1:10/22
    Language:     English, American English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 50/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Roy Witt, 1:10/22, [email protected]
    Last changed: 16-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, [email protected]

    Canada and what's happening.
          The great country of Canada and the things that occur.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: Fido
    Distribution: NAB
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 400/mo        Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Cam Myers, 1:342/101.2, [email protected]
    Last changed: 10-Apr-2000 by Cam Myers, 1:342/101.2

    Canadian Politics
          As the name of the echo suggests, it is devoted to discussion
         of Canadian Politics.  The echo is open to any BBS in Canada
         whether or not it has politics as its main theme.  The purpose
         of the echo is to provide a nation-wide forum in which we
         can discuss a "street level" view of the policies and practices
         of the various political parties, governments and their
         agencies of all levels and other public bodies and how they
         affect our lives.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:250/620                         Group:
    Distribution: Z1 - Backbone
    # Nodes: 78          Volume: 10/mo        Rules: CANPOL.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Moderators:   Michael Knight, 1:250/620
    Last changed: 8-Mar-2000 by Michael Knight, 1:250/620

    Canada Freechat Echo
          Canada Freechat is a free-for-all general chat echo. While
         we will not permit, any flaming or user-bashing. Any and
         all topics of a non threatenting, non-adult nature are welcomed.
         Why not jump in, and post a message, tell us a little bit
         about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Tammy Wilson, 1:244/3, [email protected]
                  Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Canadian Military Conference>
          The Can_Military conference includes topics related to
         the Military and covers people interested in the Military.
         All branches of service. All active duty, retired, reserves,
         dependents, veterans of all wars, disabled veterans and
         civilians inquiring about the military are welcome. Topics
         may include but are not limited to training, duty stations,
         medical and dental care, Veterans Affairs, equipment, pay,
         and base closings. Recent events effecting the Canadian
         Forces are also open for discussion, as is the ongoing restructuring.
         HAS RULES - Minimal Email: [email protected]
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:249/303                         Group:
    Distribution: Zone 1 BackBone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Joe Delahaye, 1:249/303
    Last changed: 28-May-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, Joe Delahaye <[email protected]>

    Legal information for Canadian sysops
          This echo is a place for Canadian sysops to become acquainted
         with the law applicable to the operation of their systems.
          Others are welcome to participate as long as their comments
         remain relevant to the echo's focus. Although discussion
         of how a particular law may affect the operation of Canadian
         BBS is encouraged, there is NO room in this echo for flaming
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:17/67                           Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 10/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Real
    Moderators:   Steven Horn, 1:17/67
    Last changed: 13-May-2000 by Steven Horn, 1:17/67, "Steven A. Horn" <[email protected]>

    Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussions
          Filtered Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009

    Cancer Survivors
          A conference dedicated to the discussion of surviving Cancer.
          Primarily for those currently in treatment or therapy,
         in remission, or family members.  However other interested
         individuals are welcome.  A Electronic Support Group........
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Backbone
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Butch Walker, 1:157/2
    Last changed: 1-Mar-2000 by Butch Walker, 1:157/2

    International Cardiac Conference
          International Conference dealing with the very common medical
         conditions affecting the Heart and Lungs (This echo covers
         all aspects of Cardiac-related problems, their diagnosis,
         treatment and prevention.) Support, Contact-Sharing and
         dissemination of Heart Disease awareness/information are
         prime goals. Hugs and Humor encouraged!!!!
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-2000 by BOBBY QUEEN, 1:379/5

    Carolina Genealogy
          This entry is an echo tagholder
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:361/1                           Group:
    Distribution: None
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Moderators:   Foxy Ferguson, 1:361/1
    Last changed: 31-May-2000 by 8ang    S35@fidonet to Bibleanglletconso QuBLE_NEWS
    Bibss Echo
         e Canh no
    Biily a compilation of informati to Bibleananh     Cana
BOUN    are not allowed.
         Status: Active
to BibleaFe
  here Origin:                          Group: CFN
         discuss s
to Biblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/4          Volume: 1 S35@f        Rules: BIRDS.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REAL
    Moderators:   Harold Robbins, 12:3000/9
    Last changed: 25-Dec-1999 by CFN Echo Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderatCBMa, 1:261/13odo   C      Brternational Cardiac Coner Echo
       ownems.        mractice1/13odo   8-e, tell us a li       Bve t.divPET, VICLaspre-64pre-128.   Plus 4),tion abouirs, equipment,     fs a  these lovely animals.
         Status: Active
 96/45.128.       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume:  cbm     Rules: busineOL.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Notes: utio   ssir-2000 96/45.128 [email protected] utio   ssir-20h ssir-@anadwwweb4/3, [email protected] Redind pPing -2000 608/5d Robbins, 12:3000/9
    Last chanh ssir-@anadwwweb4/3,0 by joedela@kutio   ssir- <h ssir-@anadwwweb4/3,>ho Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderatCBM-128 lady8i1/13odo  -128.o's focus. Although di Can  This erence dedicated t1/13odo  -128.) Sd     rt, Contact-Sha
      books and l CP/M 3.0+hese lovely animals.
         Status: Active
 96/45.128.       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO Z1 & Z3
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N151          Volume: 1 M-128          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL utio   ssir-2000 96/45.128 [email protected] utio   ssir-20h ssir-@anadwwweb4/3, [email protected] Rodtiosy-2003:8aro809.128 lady8ins, 12:3000/9
    Last chanh ssir-@anadwwweb4/3,0 by joedela@kutio   ssir- <h ssir-@anadwwweb4/3,>ho Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderatCBM-GEOS lady8i1/13odo  -GEOS.o's focus. Although di Can  This erence dedicated t1/13odo   8-e, ed: phic
ed to write.  The envOdiscuss sSabout (GEOS)hese lovely animals.
         Status: Active
 96/45/128.       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO Z1 & Z3
    Distribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N108          Volume: 1 M-GEOS          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL utio   ssir-2000 96/45.128 [email protected] utio   ssir-20h ssir-@anadwwweb4/3, [email protected] Rodtiosy-2003:8aro409.128 lady8ins, 12:3000/9
    Last chanh ssir-@anadwwweb4/3,0 by joedela@kutio   ssir- <h ssir-@anadwwweb4/3,>ho Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated by a moderatCB_RADI        O   FCBLLSIGN ree-nyth lady8i8@hotmNON-INFLAMATORY     Fce dedicated t1Bence includnfereuestions
es topics relateh exper1BenSIGN o being90's. If  Thi     1BenSIGN       ing the arts geackbberso there is . beensataryboatibusineshy nnclBBS reen reading dilianshangstiness aa 1BenSIGN atenti.  1Bed via enSIGN Contact-Sha
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:10/22                           Group: FIDO1
    Distribution: NAB, FTP/Email from 1:10/22 - [email protected]
    Gateways:     NAB, FTP/Email - 1:10/22
    Language:     English, American English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: CB_RADI           Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
    Notes: /REA /RUL
    Moderators:   Roy Witt, 1:10/22, [email protected]
    Last changed: 16-Mar-2000 by [email protected], 1:261/1551, roywCMRADI
to BibleaMusic RiderSIGN ce dedicatztor of the HNo Descripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FMLY
    Dis all   Di/Not distributestribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N1          Volume: CCMRADI        Rules: CANPOL.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules]
    Notes: ode   derat
  [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob HoffCW_ECH
ion aWATCHnference
     25-Dec-national Cardiac ConfCW      t)
       BBS i     m:   askgrams,
 ,lems)-topic, a reasonable

  osyinued.  For c, fil parnce insconferenuestiptuirs, equipment,  unds no eir
 victi       treaat countrd   aop write.  The envliticd. uis primarineighborhoodtvicti
BIRtion abouhe prin theme.  Theuestiptuent,  unds no eir         sopicl Confer    e
polistly All help is  minors,
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     icti P     treairs, equipmeIns, tut boUni  as t    TK  tucky, Louisvices, Kyoperating a busines     so   T leveort oveocarecitizde bovicti       treaaof thetreaerut effective progany    suppoy and covers peoiy confehe pri     *C/*EC contact cowasrd   aop  not to bdjunhis li   and
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BIRtno formal blut effective p  of tupport   and   ttyconf
    Biilpecifce gi andacnkd-based fidoirutewillConferenMilitaranshave dums of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: TOTT_Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
ged: Rudt o-2000:   hael McCan, echolisssssssssssssssnged: 9-Mar-2000 by Fahael McCan, echolisson, 1:205/80
    Last changed: 9-Mar-2000 by Faye JCD-ROMa, 1:261D-ROMat is a fdthers Pro Football Discussions
   cd-r3, lady8i8@hotewsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distribute pktsd via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bobye JCD-ROM_HARDtro:251/25
D odm
 d     nthers Pro  (I M-PCnced Mail (FamI M PC C   al with
D odm
 d     dthers Pro .r-panthers Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 570/mo        Rules:
    It connect    Not distriback, concernvia pla.e:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5009, bob.hoffDRECORDa, 1:261D-R:61D-R/1D-RW/DVD  anortuppoR
    British Car DisG echo!
          Ge      to xper1D-Railabigy
 oks and literature, i1D-RW
BNU VD-Raranortupp Hofonfdateat coaando.oR
    British Car Di     civiliranortupp nsonc, to noaandoiranortuppin BlinkTalk thoquas avaim  of         affect our lives.
         Status: Active
 by garyin:                                         Group:
    Distribution: Fidons:     Gdes only except listedtes, no newsgroup di
    Gateways:     Prior Permission Required
    Language:     Eng1ge:
    # Nodes: 313          Volume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rulee:Request if desired ged: 25-May-2000 by gary gady8ins, 12:3000/9
    Last changed: 25-May-2000 by gary gilCDROMa, 1:261D-ROManthers Pro Football DiscAsG echo! ree-nytr Echo
       C&C is dedi
D oOMart, Contact-Shans,er-Oonscailabigy
hese lovely animals.
         Status: Active
 43/117gin:       1:17/67                           Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Gatewanguage:     Eng6e:
    # Nodes: 300          Volume: 216/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Tim400 tr-20tim@dexp4/3, [email protected] PauC
 43/117 gady8ins, 12:3000/9
   Last chanPauC
 43/1ry gilCDROM_SALEa, 1:261D-ROMabeenSalal Cardiac Conen     Forc  This ind         tre comp
D oOMaue Wave and related pIo bddical conferennassociauyion thind    , CDROM_SALE.o's focus. Although diMilitary ue Wave  For dtiod Lu    maria enued.  For c,l
   t effective pr-Z6Pro  ion: d socieems.   lo
    y membn.
stuff.hese lovely animals.
         Status: Active
 43/117gin:       1:17/67                           Group:
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Gatewanguage:     Eng6e:
    # Nodes: 300          Volume: 216/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Tim400 tr-20tim@dexp4/3, [email protected] PauC
 43/117 gady8ins, 12:3000/9
   Last chanPauC
 43/1ry gilCD_ECH         pri
D Help and Discussion Ecps
   his erence dedicated t1/1p2C
nthe  (CD's) Although discu      to xpermusic (t countrmusic

C2inbject to beiniterature, i1D) to so, his erence dedicated t1D Notyems.   untrylabilthe very commont be dismakcomp
D' of Caysops
        his erence dedicat Although discuns,erdthe  (LD's) affecD Notyems.A
y     ind        ms, their diage comp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:   Distribference
   tribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Notes: El2inbL
[email protected] gady8ins, 12:3000/9
0     Last [email protected] roywitt@pacbeEl2inbL
iMay <[email protected]" <shoELLBLK17 gady8iRegcate17gccess
    is NO roR17gNEC's.   RHub Football DiscoELLBLK17      ccess
  -donet Backbonerence is a Fidonet,ng a busines   n      condiREC17 lConfral snet will cortup  Not, hub airs, equipment, invlude g pla a buRegcate17, his hy n        ce dedicat Although discu levey, back as is thutioand wh about nued.  For c,regcathe very common offli to sr or,encies of adonet Backbol aspectsme-nytssted in the Mil   cvoff withso       ny     buR17 nackl disc

C2C ted in the MREC17 nci/rogauR17 RHub whichohsoms of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group: REGION-17-ON         ution systems
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: oELLBLK1          Rules: BN
 Gate    >BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rules]
 /MOD-ap"in:       1:3667/5     0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackBoneon @(s)Honorary Moderator - David Nugent,
 1:3667/5     0cyberuULMcCabe, 1beruULMcCabe, 1adian Milip
D' of  Conquer echo
     onFor c,   buR1Cs.Aussiup  Not, hub Nexcona rSMR, SMR, PAGINGffli to sr oadva
BOUd whdiscuWitheisso ineserves, tell us a li . N/A   ,, at BE NICE Electronic Support Group........
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    l0's.ast cs,, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
 l0's.ast cs,[email protected] bbst cs@townsqrtr-20tcyberTIC-MUSIby Thom Llt.sp
to  Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discsic ( Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
  98 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200FC-NETderatCBM-Gll us a, 1:MRADI C's.   RHub F-Gll us a, 1:MRADI C's.   RHublly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         GroupneNot distributestribution: Backbone
    # Nodes: N1          Volume: 29/mo        E Place h90'sn      Whsl
    Mohe next  Rules:
honetrdotes: 76/0bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200FLry gilCD_EC        THERS

BOATINGEonal & Con0FL:closings. RecTHERS
  Leaent    about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-FOR1ry gilCDROMto prnson buRe261DAN_FREECHAT
    Cto prnson ere iad
       Gpus t is ere is . beis eh1/13odo   8-e, vof      f there igcatsding de welcomusiness, hadian. CAVEl Knight,B
  MPTOR! Ils a tt, Contachere sion biddot.atztoGunbeis Weap     dthers Pro tztoXXX ruer eand & Co.N/A   ryboatib erernd
      10thp  Not, hub airs25conscueach m nah. N/ea1D Nom.EMS
  comp.lanof    Gatet,     fs a  these lovely animals.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:3667/5                          Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Backbonways:
    Language:     English
 86 # Nodes: N/A      -FOR1ry ume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rulee:Reques12:c Lewis utio   ss 0     tuppZ1-Z6 Back12:c Lewis um2:c.lewis@ammy, lady8i812:c Lewis um2:c.lewis@y Qo  .r-2000 by Fahael McCan, echolisss, 12:250/620
2:c Lewis utio   ss 0ay-HAOS_LANDINGb.hoffmaCanada Freechat is   cond wry twist Callsign Database Echo
      t i,Canada Freechat is OCanadianrobl   Gateways:
tween *Cecome omp.lanonfe.d t1Benctachun        reenkeepd wiclean;ways:
tweenD_ECrA   rl chabe furnro  dadian P    Dhoiback, c*Ceco20tim@dexp4/3ing back   days if(s);n readinsatars:
tuckdadia   e  usnbject to beiHconffunA Electronic Support Group........
 43/117gin:       1:17/67                      ONE  GrACKBONE,t@pacbo sr  UK Backbone, FidoSpine, All Zones
    Gateways25     Language:
      # Nodes: N/A      HAOS_LANDING. CCMRADI        Rules: CANPOL.RUL
    Flags: [Has Rules] T     Durfee,tatus13/1275.                Bob Sa3e, 1:1/121
J wilYns:   atus13/1275 0ay-HAR-HORNET 8ang    Sarlotte StevetOSTON-CELTICS
    Boston Celtics NBA Bafketball Discussions
          Fi Newsgroup
         Stitus: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
  3# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200el Knight, el  - odm
 d    icti l & Conscugany    .Manthers Pro Fo
     onFith tft effed t1Bebeingcouldherfeled alkiily a compilationaterirsys andies:rd abln. nd pesys anry ue airsex, eqee-nsadian sysops to bo sr  rence   ssiogany    s. Ying pes, equipmdiavisintrd   aop write.           Obehh3inqeedledatmospct-Sha
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
         Stated: 12tive
    Origin:                                         Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 100/mo        Rules:
    Flags: J wilSargeant,tated: 12, j wisargeant@yahooosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
J wilSargeant,tated: 12n-2000 by Mi el TEcCabe, 1Miedl, haCscAsG eo   C      Brternational Cardiac Conname of thebabbA
yicti    Biily a uAsG  Brternationn   e  e,ing Cancer.xper1BeUnquipmdtor:
                   Calif      a      knowcti   unknowc. PwillCoDhoi
      1Beonet administrpn offpus t is      Whs,ibleaad theribss Ech ConscuANYonet adminisKINDrl chabe ss bonc, , hsEcho 30
emisybody.xper1BeDho1D-ROMabeenSalbllesdckbbers THIS IS YOUR p: Rweb4/3,>ho M    Whsl peslchan-hand e and ,   Ennt, to bn O   nclianshccistation    1Be     aAfpus   ofS
 ndoiranortuppin ich sho -y a pus t fil pfite. 1352relief. Hus readBae Heart and Lungsowfe.dMeatloafungsowfe.dAtorvn, koaandoiranortup gsowfe.dCchajoke
 gsowfe.dSuseaatsys anreinkTalatC2inbject to beidot effdabe reidrt   s ecffuniansys aself.dNcstrisugh dfapporndoiranortup gsowfe,hun , haex,h sho , to belp i onfig p/290RotmN.dMathp  Not, hub h dofe airsboxstrp rl cha inforreenn thmuch      Branson area computer users.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: @hot Eith
d change07/1275 0ael McCan,
@hot Eith
d change07/1275n-2000 by Mi el TEc_FMYKnight, el TEc_FMYKnight,    British Ca GroupneNaCscAsG eN_FREECHAT
   lly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                        ged15/887on: FamilyNetlistedtes, no     NETon: Fa<>ged15/887    Distribution:
    Gateways4age:     Eng6e:
  # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5H Bob HoffmCh, haGles: ture,  Boston Celtics NBA BCh, ha)-topic, a retip retrn koffli tyems. istrffli tC17 lCono co  13odo   8-e, v, haxcel       Branson area computer users.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                     DistributSWP:
    Distribution: Zone 1 BackBone
    Gateways18ge:     Eng1ge:
     # Nodes: N/A      H Boume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rulee:RequesLawac ConGarvihanged06/6018derawac Co@eelp   .y Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Lawac ConGarvihanged06/6018124/5H Bo_ANALYSIob HoffmA isysi: BfBCh, haxcel -ROMabeenSalal isysi: ofmCh, haGles:       California Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 693# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    No,tribute pktsd via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5H Bo_COMPUTEcCabe, 1F-Gll usizFlaCh, ha   Boston Celtics NBA BaF-Gll usizFlaCh, ha   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 646# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    No:t distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5H Bo_Gerry Calho4/20   ane praCh, ha   Boston Celtics NBA Ba4/20   ane praCh, ha   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1604# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    No:t distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5H Bo_Pby a moderh, ha Amaty-by-ng aS
    Califorh, h:Amaty30
eg aS
    California Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 88# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    No:t distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5H Bo_POLITICob HoffmP         nlaCh, he discussion o         nlaCh, he discussionornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 1569# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    No:t distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HICAG        L bdjunvoff wdngels   Forics. hicago Areaeltics NBA BaF-ountr
CANACHAT   nlain the Milthersbdjunvicago nvofeltics NBA Buire of the moderator of the HAM echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                        Dis all   Di/Not distributestrbution: Fa <> ged15/887    Distribution:
  0# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolist26 12:3000/9
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:12dwwweb4/3,>ho Control, 1:382/22
   WARNING! This listing is subject to being removed within the next 30
   days if it is not updated HICAG -EAT 8ang   Dso, his eren
     ne17, psis echo chicago Areaeltics NBA BaFootball Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 86# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200HICAG -JOBob HoffmChicago JobsananhAT eltics NBA BaFootball Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
  286# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200HICAG _BEARob HoffmChicago Bearha   Boston Celtics NBA BaFhicago BearhaEcho
     onFith td
      NFLaFhicago affect the oearhaHERS
  Team. It CaysoEcho
ootball NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 626# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Football Unotsions

   anet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HICAG _BLACKHAWKob HoffmChicago BlackhawkCeltics NBA BaFhicago BlackhawkC Lackey teama   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 255# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed.anet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HICAG _BULLob HoffmChicago Buleball       eltics NBA BaFhicago Buleball       odm
 d     Discussions
          Fi  icago-bulebeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 259# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed.anet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HICAG _CUBob HoffmChicago CubsaS
    Boston Celtics NBA BaFhicago CubsaDI Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1326# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Note s: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HICAG _WHITESOXb HoffmChicago WhNotsoxall e     teama   Boston Celtics NBA BmChicago WhNotsoxall e     Teama   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 87# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Note s: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HRISTIAN-MUSIby Thom LRADI
to   Boston Celtics NBA BmDiscsic (.aRADI     ga suppous: [
ootball]eltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 9# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
    Flags: if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTIAN-RELI    8ang   Dso, his estd
      LRADI     Reli g pl(und  days ed)Panthers Pro Football Discreli g p.aRADI     pous: NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    DistributionF FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 454# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Flags: ftp-t connect atent pay, Not distributeanet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200HRISTIAN_MUSIby Thom LRADI
to   Boston Celtics NBA BmFootball Discussions

    - LRADI
to   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          eratorsMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 2079# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HRISTIAN_TEOBBY QUEENRADI     TescripmpilaionaaCscAsG eacisa9/5NRADI     Tescs of the moderator of the HAM echo.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                          MonMil Hoffman,
    osta, 1:261   Distribution: FamilyNet
 4# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1 N/A          Rules:
    FlagsNRADI     tescs Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HRISTNETderatCBatus: ActNRADI ssions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBatus: ActNRADI ssions

    [Football] / OrillRADI ssieltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 2745# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Nottion: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5HRISTNET_BIBy gilCDROatus: ActNRADI ssions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.bI M eltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 21 3# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Note n: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma124/5HRISTNET_EVANGELICb HoffmanHRISTNET Discussions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI cgel   untrylabilthornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 340# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Note n: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma124/5HRISTNET_GAMES HoffmanHRISTNET Discussions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.gles:       California Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma124/5HRISTNET_GENERnly> [HaslRADI ssi.gtish Celtics NBA BBlRADI ssi.gtish Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group:neNot distributestribution: Backbone
 5# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Fla  It connect/ftp:t distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTNET_HEALINGb.hoffmOrillRADI ssi.h      .h rbseltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.h      .h rbseltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 15# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Fla  It connect/ftp:t distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTNET_PHILOSOPHY HoffmanHRISTNET Discussions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.uestiptueyeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1039# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Note s: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTNET_POETRYy> [HaslRADI ssi.poetryeltics NBA BBlRADI ssi.poetryeltics NBA Bar-panthers Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 50# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Fla  It connect/ftp:t distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTNET_PRAYEcCabe, 1FHRISTNET Discussions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.ur's) eltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 231# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1367/mo        Rules:
    Note n: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma124/5HRISTNET_PUBLIby Thom LHRISTNET Discussions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.uZ6Prceltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 491# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Note s: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTNET_THEOLOGY HoffmanHRISTNET Discussions

    [Football]eltics NBA BBOrillRADI ssi.ther-Oonscailabigy
hese lovely animals.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 1418# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Note distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200HRISTNET_WRITERob HoffmlRADI ssi.writvices, KyoperatmlRADI ssi.writvices, Kyoperatar-panthers Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 13# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Fla  It connect/ftp:t distributed via panet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRISTSYSBY QUEENRADI     SyptuCeltics NBA BmChADI     SyptuCeltics NBA Bar-panthers Newsgroup
         St by eoActive
    Origin:       FamilyNePN                     Group: IFMLY
    DistributioGroup: IFMLY
 : Backbone
    # Nodes: N1          Volume: 29/mo       anet connect; requestDaviibleas i,C8:7002/3025bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200eRIST_NETderatCBMhADI  Nsieltics NBA B Fegsowshipcho chADI    s p: R.              g
c   e t   ce dedicat Aack   days if.ripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FM      Gr
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 192# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1 N    Rules: BNs:
    FlagsNRADI    s
 nnect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200HRIS_EDBY QUEENRADI     Educ; reqeltics NBA BmChADI     Educ; reqeo   C      Brternationar-panthers Newsgroup
         St by eoActive
    Origin:       FamilyNePN                     Group: IFMLY
    DistributioGroup: IFMLY
 : Backbone
   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Sarles Woottetes: 7203/7Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-
 mmaner@sotl, 1:124/5HRIS_SOby Thom LRADI       nlasocieorndoiranortup Dso, his ere Aack or c,     if LRADI       nlasocieor inereuestions
es wide       e,iRailabigy sucdoirAT   s LRADI    porndoiranortup eaaouly, b,Althoon offvalstrffsocial jumon b,ALRADI    untrylabiltheocial acabout eocial doc   Gr
li tCirAcsripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         Status: ActiSouth Af
 gin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FM      Gr
    DistributioGuer echog aSbution:  fGroupllRADI_MLY
 : Backbone
    Gateways7     Language:
 15# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Stephen H's)ses: 790C
Bob Hoffman, echolist23 12:250/620
   Last changed: 12-May-200HRONIC_PAIBBY QUEENRAonic Pain Dso, his erAreaeltics NBA BaAecho! ree-nytr E) to so, his erenc aSas a    uh ConcRAonicp  Not, hub haihantreatas a  buRegaihanct efg mCirod chnuedomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    ACKBONE,tguer echoADAneNot distributestribution: BackbonB
    Lang3ge:     Eng1ge:
 433# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Al   Hess,9@cyberu0ay-2000 by gary gady8in1-Ju1:1/121
Al   Hess,9@cyberu0ay-2200HURCH&STAT gilCDROSeparenvliticdChurcdo&mdtor: Issul -ROMabeenSalaakcomp
D' of name of pp nsf   ly pIo bdd so, his erenways:
tween *sul  pusuntr   buR1 bddseparenvliticdchurcdo nlastor: Callsign Database Echn th   "a bd   "echo! ree-n    r Echith  "flles"is a Fidonet,ng! ree-n.dMembr  renc   reli g u  baith therlack1 bdreofup  Not, hub arr
welcomebuR1joi  poren
     o, his e.  Heuer e hy n        ce dedicashouldhtars:d-bar echoHOLYSMOKE.aS
 EchNOT WARNItguer nd ,   Ennt, to
    days if pup di
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
         Statd: 19005ve
    Origin:                                   Z Gr
1       Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Sarles Sumner,ry grles.sumner@junotr-20tim@dexp4/3, lady8i8Steve Quarr   a,tatd: 19005-2000 by gary
Steve Quarr   a,tatd: 19005, dfate@mCiro   osta, 200IGARob HoffmCiga eN_FREECHAT
    Discumokl asciga s []eltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 6445# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma, 200INCI-BENGALob HoffmCRaiin Dis Bengals ProaHERS
    Carolina Panthers Pro Football DiscussionsfERS
 .protrRaii-bengals Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 138 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200INCI-REDob HoffmCRaiin Dis Redsall e      Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionsbl e Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 935 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200ITC_NETderatCBM-Gll us a is subChurcdndoiranortup Dso, his e  ictM-Gll us a is subChurcd /bChurcd Tns,er-Ooies.ripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FM> Dis all   Di/Not distributestrmilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 3# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma, 200IVLIBb HoffmCRvil Libs Ecl -ROMabeenSalaCRvil; Libs Ecl ;n re B chaencRchan   nlaC e tituts erenways:
tweenr1BeUnquipmdtor:   s applir echoys anrchan ateat coaando.oR
    BencSupremebCs an, l es,ogany  pret about
  domrence  t i,0tim@dexp4/3in  domrencreli g p  nlagave nas aoandluee-nyonFor i g p,0tim@dexp4/3searcdo nlaseiz, b,Aexcluaandm   LrA  ,td
rabout privacy,0tim@dexp4/3deueh punDisy,nrchanecho  pre e ta    g
c unsona nuedomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.anson area computer users.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                     Di: FMZ Gr
1       Group:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A             Gateways:

  Riy grdsohange202/911s: Ti.riy grdsoh@warpguerosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
Ti.riy grdsoh@warpguerosta,[email protected] Ti.riy grdsoh@warpguerosta ( Ti riy grdsoh), 200LAR   8ang   ClariictM-  C      Brternationastap.e om.clariict- Clariict   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Ac/H         Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    DistributionF FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8/2001
 4 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Ga suppou pfi      thtergh z Gr
1       nnect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200LASSICALry gilCD_EC lastobdju
to   Boston pri
D Help aEC LASSICAL Discussion E so, his erenc chaapp n echois a Fidonet,lastobdjusic (.tabase E Althoug alkien
  ory,nsty  ,tstapos cs,, 1:261Ennt, voffi
CANACHAT , to bsymphonFori&f      ts.fos,ogadRvidu Celtics NBA Bpus orm cs,9broadcanhAT ,, voffr1Befuy, b deldsion E,lastobdjor c,regcatheic (,itary uerencrecl snegri&fpus orm ncloffli tof c urse,, 1:261Ennt,jumo, voffIS ",lastobdj"usic (.tM days edg
Z Gr    about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-LASSIC_COMPUTEcCabe, 1FlastobtM-Gll us ndoiranortup Dso, his ere Ackbol aFor c,   buR1eld     daltstapuol aspectsme-nyts Afed t1Bebwhiy t,ngcs: s uh Coneld     daltstapuol as Crisueltics NBA Bp c, ormtstapuoe17, hisEmu c,   d t1BenctachCaysowelcome      Branson area computer users.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    # Nodes: N/A    C LASSIC_ume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [eal Names Only>
   Gaeator Gassohan3:801/22  0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackGaeator Gassohangaeator@videocamby 0     tuppZ1-Z6 Back by  Hebs er,rtio   ss.128               Bob [email protected]
gaeator@videocamby,[email protected] Gaeator Gassoh <gaeator@videocamby>-May-LASSIFIEDob HoffmClastofir eAdsaS
 (NON-COMMERCIAL f there /trade)spectsme-nyts -LASSIFIEDooEcho S
  f thINDIVIDUALS WARNuy,nsechae eltics NBA Btradefpus t is s . bebehh3inqeedle,, l ual atmoshpct-Sha
pok  Ft anInsys a      Wh doesn'  fGchating is sEchanada Frguidelribuways:
tweenr1Bn S el e looktft eff      kbbers NOible, HELP WANTEDuways:
tween**FI OnRMS**, PERSONALS OR ADULT ADS ALLOWED!s NON-COMMERCIAL     Branson ALES p: R.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBonees: N/r c: IFMLY
 : BackbonB
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-LEV-CAVALIERob HoffmClevr cnlaCavelierOSTON-CELTICS
    Boston Celtics NBA BaFketball Discussions
          Fi Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
  2 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200LEVE-BROWNob HoffmClevr cnlaBrowns ProaHERS
    Carolina Panthers Pro Football DiscussionsfERS
 .protrlevr-browns Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 726# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200LEVE-INDIANob HoffmClevr cnlaInd     ll e      Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionsbl e    trlevr-ind Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 638 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200LGRY-FLAMES Hoffmanalg   LFl     NHL Lackey   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionshackey.nh trlgry-fl Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 732# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
    Flags: if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200LIastry gilCD_EC l istPanthers Pro Fnqeedleditish CaPurpos    n       GrdaS
 Bcisa9/5Nsieltics NBA B2630, his: FM107  Rul (No  WARNI          rdaOutsiderenways:
tweenr1Beabove Men    rda  Di: FM: Fwo,
  r1BeEx,h sh/Ex,s a tways:
tweenPup di
 re Aack
    Fla)   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   : FM2630,      Gr
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NMembr  hipc: BN N    Rules: BN N/A          Rules:
    Flags:MEMs:MODs: <Real Names Only>
    NotiEC rom lli,tat2630/144n-2000 by im@dexp4/3, lady8i8Scott Drake,tat2630/0n-2000 by im@de        Bob
sdrake@i t lribosta,[email protected] sdrake@i t lribostay-200N-WORLDBY QUEESocial Issul -ROMabeenSalaSocial Issul -ROMabeenSalar-panthers Newsgroup
         St by eoActive
    Origin:       FamilyNePN                     Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
  2 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Sarles Woottetes: 7203/7Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200OC        T hiyNotlortM-Gll ustM-  C      BrternationaFn E so, his erencT hiyNotlortM-Gll ust grdwtachCnlasoftwtacuways:
tweenex echo   buems. bdjuadvicchCnlaWAR inftnpo 0OC nonf aspectsme-nytsAayso bdreoEchcave  Wh encOS-9, Rible, or c,ll c-GlanForuways:
tweenCoco cluboffli to     stapuol a  s or c,ll uR1 bdd0OC spectsme-nytsA l & Conreg  bigy  bdd0OC hCnlaWbddpromot
 re Aack 0OC        tionastamu pordinsatars: , hisuppos sEchkbbersEmphasse EchS
  nd ,   Ennt,  d ems. bdju inftuR10OC nonf affli ta isttft eu retck 0OC        tionastamu porduR1keepppos oucdo to b voffi
CANACHAT , to bou eltics NBA Bfavoritv stapuol fli titsnonf asCD_EachCacho     0OC nor c,lleltics NBA BuireasCD_EschCachOS-9 (d      , to btck OS-9 op    igy system),ndoiranortup eaaRIblea(ft e inft to btck popussio    NEToc-GlatI M eltics NBA Bbleasystem. Yinginsawan  WARis lE so, his erenct_Esch t1Benonet administrnr1Beapproprior: uireas   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-OFFEE8ang   Dso, his estd
  casteendoiranortup Dso, his e  d
  Castee. / Orillasteendoiranortupar-panthers Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 192# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma, 200OFFEE_KLATSCHMLY
  ohispp eaaohit-cvoff
  !eltics NBA BaAeanada FrcscAsG echo! ree-nytr EpwillCogany  s supporcscAsoaandoiranortup
emin    tartreadworld, nc,    FrOR
eminb voffgol -ROMabeenSalona is subhome Intabta cupp      joi  r1Befun!   on'  f    by im@dexp4/3trng Nenonsys a birthdnsali tann Ners   Ltr Es a   Mo. :)   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 t.o # Nodes: N/A     ECHOLISTume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rulee:Reques Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-OGNITIVEderatCBM-g po NenM-Gll ustSpine, Z   Carolina Panthers Pro Football scillag po NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 135 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; RequestLRADI Glures: 790C
Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma, 200OHL-HOCKEY HoffmanOHL Lackey   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionshackey.cohl Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 7 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200OL-AVALANCHEderatCBNHL Lckey Teamanvofeltics NBA B Football Discussionshackey.nh Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 100# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
    Flags: if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200OL-ROCKIES Hoffmantlorado RackForill e      Carolina Panthers Pro Football Dis,ussionsbl e Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 77 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request if desired.
    Moderators:   bob hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-200OLLEGE_FOOTBALL Hoffmantlle Z HERS
    Carolina Panthers Pro Discussionsctlle ZsfERS
ootball]eltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Not/ftp:t distributed via planet connect; requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000 by Bob Hoffman, 1:124/5OMICob HoffmM-Gic   ok Dso, his e  ri
D Help aEC -GicsaS
 Echdedicc,ll uR1 bdd so, his erencc-Gic    Di
D Helb ok   nlaor c,ll uR1Ben.lp aEC c,lan,b ok  from DC, Marvel,ndoiranortupIm  G, Dark Larse,fli to     stapanFor--
 wechaap1 bddcreatreqeltics NBA BbehinlaWbddb ok --
rars: , hisu,itary usu,ili tde  t planet coD Help aECS
 Ech_EachuR1 alkid
  caGicsa s a H    LCnlasour   Brternationencenjoyas a,hCnlaWbdd  b-riy -quicka ivlanas aoas aalporndoiranortupEchd: ,our  Gd.lpAdaptc,     pore     media,re     wo,
eltics NBA Bby fGr u  creatreq,hCnla *sul  sucdoa  creatrenrchan hCac0tim@dexp4/3d: , hisup
 wech.fmM-Gic b okdprofehis eals CaysosuR1 inereuestions from timebuR1timebuR1d: , hiaWbddinlu
sali tfield istriina Panthers Profrom participann atNO uZ6PrcRNuyAT ,,sechAT ,,r E)radoaandoiranortupencb ok  is pup dt,ll excepaoan situc,     approvedg
Wbdor c,regcathe days if.ripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                          Gr
1       Gr,   Gr
2       Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeB
    Gate,re    moved   Gatteways:     8:8/6ge:     Eng1ge:
 86# Nodes: N722     5OMICoume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [Has Rulee:RequesTroyaCh,ekhange62/708.4, caGics@ch,ek:   Bob HofffffffffffffffTamara Hodge,tat147/117Bob Hoffman,
TroyaH.aCh,ekhange62/708.4124/5OMMb HoffmM-Gmu pcc,     ri
D HelpAntatus: c,    FrCho! ree-nytr E) to so, his erencM-Gmu pcc,    spectsme-nytsApproprior:  t1BencE Altho;[Has Rum   nlaprotoctlq,hM-Gmeltics NBA Bpgmq,hTup d  Fremu c,   dcnlaBleasoftwtacuhTulephone disipme t   ce dedica& nMilicloffFax namiclohCnlasoftwtacsCD_Eo so, his eriueltics NBA Bprimarup:renc d ems. bdju c,uacsCealuadvocac:rencMy wid  by im@dexp4/3is beAsG etechsys a wid  b.p Dso, his e  ifAlthocy  nlaproceduacsndoiranortupence     bodForit efgee-Foruit eby d t1Bebthread chwi  eltics NBA Bbet distrir echogs lE) to so, his ercho    rBeapproprior:eltics NBA BuireFith uit e IFMaih.fmMOMMCS
 Primer,raBbe   nus a itroducabouonet administrnr1Beworldrencc-Gmfli titsnstaplexd ep d r-Oon,ussioec,uacleltics NBA BtwicchC   nth (1an,& 15th)domp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   atus: c,    F: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Langt.o     Language:
 1520# Nodes: N722     5OMMume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestLraigaFn d,tat106F FamilyNet
gary gady8in1-Ju1:1/121
LraigaFn d,tat106F Famil4/5OMMS_UK8ang   Dso, his erencM-Gm  porT1BeUnquipmKoaad-20tim@dexp4/3aluDescrip,   dg Nenomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                     Gr
2 O   MLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A     5OMMS-UKume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnL Rules:
    Flags: Ste lE s ch,r,r2:443/888, zsnowBob eg aSosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
Ste lE s ch,r,r2:443/888il4/5OMMUNITY_EDUCAT   8ang   Ctamu pordeduc; bouonet adminisaFn E   thos   ivolvsupporeduc; bouaap1 e ch,rrit efd d     atreqeltics NBA BuR1d: , hiaWbddnun   nlabol echo1 e chigy improvigy s
tlq,eltics NBA BrunHAT ,ctamu pordeduc; bouit efdultdeduc; bouic urseshnuedomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: ActiSouth Af
 gin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FMRe g p 79MLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways8     Language:
 4 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Stephen H's)ses: 790C
Bob Hoffman, echolist23 12:250/620
   Last changed: 12-May-200OMPRESob HoffmM-G,h shg p Softwtacteat coaando.oR
    BmM-G,h shoEcho
nqeedleduireFdedicc,ll uR1 bdd so, his endoiranortupencc-G,h sh  ItoftwtacsCInsys hCachpou pc-G,h shg p  nl, 1:261Ennt, an  WARlearnid
  e     toftwtac  nlays a op,    retciueltics NBA BiiaWbddkbbers Dhoys , an  WARshtac ys a knowled  , to bo    0tim@dexp4/3syptuC?lp aEnFith fixmM-G,h shotoday. SyptuC  nlaonf aowelcome      Branson area computer users.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Group:
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Miy gel Crisuohanmwc@,ngcsitricby Queen, 1:379/5,
XRobot 4.10 (DOS),9@cy410/351n-2000 by 200OMPU ALEderatCBM-Gll us-or c,ll BuyAT  nlaSechAT onet adminisaFn EWbddbuyAT  nlasechAT rencMOMPUTEcaor c,ll s . be*p: R* Callsign Database me    tr E) toPC, MAC,fli to     "th l"tstapuol aspectsme-nyts NOT NINTENDOit eb     stapuol  glesasystemn.lp    Rnles:       Califtac  disia pl  Ctamercial Nendreqearr
welcome.ripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                 Di:                      Gr      Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Jeffrey J.bCs nsil,9@cyb8/402-2000 by gary
Jeffrey J.bCs nsil,9@cyb8/402n-2000 by 200OMP_NOVELL HoffmaNom ll Dso, his ll
ootballtnports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                         Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Khalsu,in: F FamilyNet
79/5, wizard26mDec-199920
   Last changed: 12-May-Net WARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri200ONSPRCY Hoffman   pirac:r  Carolina Panthers Pro Non-lthoon al dso, his erencc-  piracil -ROMabeenSalar-panthers Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                       MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: ZorcdoFrezbergange205/170  0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackShawn McMah pl(Co-
    Fl),9smcmah p@eivosta, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
ZorcdoFrezbergange205/170  0200ONSTITUT   nL Rules:Ao so, his erencM-e tituts eis s*sul spectsme-nyts -ONSTITUT   oEcho  Di: FMuireFinla *tguer echosec-bar pectsme-nytsn Fwo,
P el e take pp ns Frcarr
no  WARCaysohATketciueltics NBA BuireF to bys a      fer eunl shoys ,bth kbys a ctes: Ns endoiranortup to btck b     n Fwo,

orsts   about and take it from there..
         Statu82/22,&                                          Di: F, CFN, MJCN, &t by eoAct: Z1-Z6 BackBonees: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A     ONSTITUume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Jopou   Di/CFN ri

    Flags: Harold RNotins,9@cu82/22bution: F352, hon@balt5mDec-199920
CFN ri
cM-etrol,9@cu82/22butionWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri200ONSULTINGb.hoffmM-e ult ConSMilicloPanthers Pro Football Nspo
    - Discbuh C   .c-e ult Coeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 208 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Ruleavaliableags:
    Nottion: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari200ONSUMERob HoffmC-e umer oaqeeer e hy n      spectsme-nyts --e umer oaqeeer e hy n      spectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 2069# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Istributeda  It connect fer , S el e n: Not . via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari200ONSUMER_REPORTb HoffmC-e umer Ressiondoiranortup Dso, his e  reg  bigy producaohCnlasMilicloffpro/c e. N     Di
D Heladvs Ecseas a .ytsAays     lthoon al/ec e-Gic   o, his e.    Di
D HelD_EachCachbeAsG euirea tr E) i .ytsA    -
 ner  planet coD HelIdea gottetofrom variiu  c-e umer ,ngcs: s type magaz C  s   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIbO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 t16# Nodes: N722        Volume: 1 N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-OOKFDN-SYSOPob HoffmCOOKFDN Ad d     at NenM-  C      BrternationaCOOKFDN Ad d     at   dcnlaFooe Anns nceas a a
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
    Origin:                                         Group:
D HelINTERNETogs: atd02/125    on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rules:
    Flags:SYSBY QUEE
    Flags: KCacn Mpouzias, atd02/125    on:::::::::::::::KCacn Mpouzias, km@salatatr-20tim@dexp4/3, lady8i8Perry Lowechhange33/359bution: F352, hon@[email protected]
KCacn Mpouzias, atd02/125  ay-OOKINGb.hoffmNc,    FrChokigy ri
D HelpOf C AT   S
  uR1d: , hiachokigy/food  nlaor c,ll uR1Benndoiranortup eaaWbddpreparenvli,eavailabilpor, appli nclohCnlaWAolnndoiranortupor c,ll u_EachuR.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           G,Z2,Z3,Z4,Z5,Z6- ACKBONE       Group:
D HelNO    on: FamilyNet
    Gateways5.o     Language:
 3300# Nodes: N722     5OOKINGume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [eal Names Only>
   Daoe Shipp,tat261/1466 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackGail Shipp,tat261/1466 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackDa lE
 rdl N,tat142/736bution: F352, [email protected]
daoe@ d by Q,[email protected] "R. Daoe Shipp" <daoe@ d by Q>-May-OUNTRYy> [HasCs n
to   Boston -ROMabeenSalaakcomp
D' of tr E) to so, his erencALL type  if Ls n
sor c,regcatheic (,iT1BeA Ecstp eaaWbddlyrBen.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   DaviibScottan3:770/245ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-RAFTINGb.hoffmMRAFTINGtioT to so, his erenc   type  if crafts.-ROMabeenSalaakcomp
D' of tr E) to so, his erenc   type  if crafts,eltics NBA BRailabigy    hn thlimier echoknithAT ,,crochehAT ,,quilt Co,0tim@dexp4/3sewAT ,,rubb   ttampAT ,,embroi Ony,,cross- titchigya nuedomp
Dst 30
3alu, wd   -agsow pl  Of - t1BebcscAsG eWARNI kepaochogd  mumdomp
Dst 30
3aluNNGt  affBebagsow pl  A   ex echooug ARNI approvedg
or c,regcathe days if PRIOR WARCnns nceas aa is subp
D', S el eha
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
    Origin:       1:379/5                                      BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Langt.o     Language:
 50# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags<   Gate> Rules:
    Flags: Anne Taylor,rtid38/323, Scpbbs@ozby Queen, 1:379/5,
Scpbbs@ozby Q,[email protected] "Anne Taylor" <Scpbbs@ozby Q>-May- <RTIVE_ARTob HoffmCreat NenA Esf
  !eltics NBA BaRubb   StampAT ,,Pap   EmbohisT ,,Cagsigraphy,,O     Pap         Califtaa .y
     ly ganyn  p tr E) to so, his erencRubb   StampAT ,ways:
D' has becn expan  p WARE Altho pap   taa renc   ways:
tweenkigd .ytWchCaysod: , hiarubb   ttampAT a  Ie     mBacriCay.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May-RICKET_ECHOb HoffmCricksions
p eaaDso, his erM-  C     spectsme-nyts Atnporili tdso, his ercho! ree-nytr ECricksiolave s  nl, 1:261Ennt,CricksioPl's) y.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                    Gr      Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
 866 # Nodes: N/A     ECHOLISTume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestEmanuel Edwtads,9@cu48/963ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
emanuel@escap .ca,[email protected] emanuel@escap .ca-May-ROSS-STITCHINGb.hoffmMROSS-STITCHINGt- Crossd titchfli to     Decl at NenNeendoiranortup Dso, his e if Lrossd titchfli to     decl at Nenner M eltics NBA B emsd   Notali ta Ecst .ytIn orm t   dfrom t toatus: Aceltics NBA Biiawelcomebting isprovi  p guidelribs A   ex echooug ARNI       Califtpprovedg
e days if PRIOR WARCnns nceas aa is subp
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
    Origin:       1:379/5                                      BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1teways:     8:8/0
 50# Nodes: N722     5ROSS-STume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnL Rules:
    Flags: Anne Taylor,rtid38/323, Scpbbs@ozby Queen, 1:379/5,
Scpbbs@ozby Q,[email protected] "Anne Taylor" <Scpbbs@ozby Q>-May-ULT_AWARENESob HoffmUnknowdo.oR
    BmMultd   Boston Celtics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: F        BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1teways:     8:8/0
 4# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Ma, 200URRENT_MOVIES HoffmaDso, his e  ictMoviloPanthers Pro rec.taa .movilo.curreet-films
ootballtnports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5408 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Ruleavailableags:
    Notes: N/FTPon: Not distributed via satellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari200WL Hoffmantntact World-WiderLink 0     tuppZ1-ntntact World WiderLink (0WL)aFn EWbos  Unf aowreF tsheltics NBA BuR1Cvoffroto     Bleaonf aoatereaaWbddWorldha
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
    Origin:       1:379/5     3                     :ABang06/1 &n3:770/245ueen, 1Group:
D HelNABangt106F1    on: FamilyNeB
 n    Gateways:
    Language:     English
 t50# Nodes: N722     ppZ1-nWLume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [eal Names Only>
   NormtBowdenan3:770/245, nbowden@clearby Q.nzBob HofffffffffffffffTrustettioRoy Wittangt10/22, [email protected] Queen, 1:379/5, wizards6 12:250/620
[email protected] Q,[email protected] [email protected] Que200_ACTLINE       ChADI     A Ns erLinendoiranortup AleraohCnlain orm t   dee-our  AT aChADI     Pthoon alpectsme-nytsA Ns endoiranortupdtor of the HAM echo.
         StCFN : Active
    Origin:               CFN                     CFN, MJCN, &t by eoAct: Z1-Z6 BackBonebution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A     ACTLINEume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnL Rules:
    Flags: Harold RNotins, F352, hon@balt5mDec-199920
CFN ri
cM-etrol,9@cu82/22butionWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri200_ECHOb HoffmT toatus: c,    FrC ri
D HelpDedicc,ll uR1dso, his e  ifAgany  s  uR1prograamers uh Coways:
tweenr1BeC stapuol  prograa lFamilyNdomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
 456# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 140/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Tom Torfs,r2:292/516, uRmtorfs@g aSodma.NI       Calif Nodes: N/og   Scudder,rti273/404a [email protected] by im@dexp4/3, lady8i8Frank Adaman3:635/728.2ca fadam@ ewsc,   by 0     :379/5, wizards6 Ja1:1/121
uRmtorfs@pan l a.NI,[email protected] Rmtorfs@pan l a.NIri200_PLUSPLUSb HoffmT toatus: c,    FrC++ ri
D HelpDedicc,ll uR1dso, his e  ifAgany  s  uR1prograamers uh Coways:
tweenr1BeC++ stapuol  prograam ConlFamauyNdomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
 65# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flageal Names Only>
   Darin McBride,9@cy50#102, [email protected]:   Bob Hoffman, echolist@3 12:250/620
d.mcbride@home sta,[email protected] "Darin McBride" <d.mcbride@home sta>-MayDADSb HoffmT toDadso   Boston pri
D HelpG thkidC?lpSeparened?o  vorced?oUdm  ried?oNell uR1finl, 1:261Ennt,ys a wnsatack1 hoys ankidC?lpOr,rjumo,jumo, alkie   r1B, 1:261Ennt,good/baaaWbnegrid
  r1Bmfli thowecho  solvsdit?laakcoeltics NBA BiiaWbddS
  uR1d: , hiait! A   pospo NeninpuoBiiawelcomeeltics NBA BRad  boigy pCacntug ARNI ablea ARNI  to btckiraohildacn.    Di
D HelD_ergh r1comS
 Echprimarup:ron E soenfranchiisupDadso nl, 1:261Ennt,tckiraproblemq,h chaaachpovier ,1keepigy inogd aaWbddprimar
or c,regcathfo, hl  An ,1s)sesWbddkidCearr
welcome.  YinrninpuoBiiaimssioant!a
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
         Statd: 19005ve
    Origin:                                   NABanWWBution (  Grs 1-6)blea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   D   Ceppa,tatd: 19005.30y im@de        Bob
D   Ceppa,tatd: 19005.30y ayDAGGEcCabe, 1Dso, his e  ifADagg  fGchali to     RPGaor c,ll uR1Benndoiranortupabase EsmT toDagg  mS
sCD_Eopurpos  e Aack S
 Echtoeltics NBA Bprovi     S
  uR1d: , hiaRPGaor c,ll uR1Ben, sci-fio nl, 1:261Ennt,fantasy, gles   t ok   nlasoton.sA l Gr
insastarlea gleseltics NBA BRadr1comp
D', uR1po   stoaqes, uR1starlegany  ahe HA stoaqes,eltics NBA Butc.. Everybody EchWelcome.ripmpilaionally All help ppeared.
         StBitbyol a ble, atd63/215n:                                    G       Grblea9/5t ad
      Vo           FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A     Dagg  .rul CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestLouEchPasz if (LordLMP), atd63/215Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
Lordlmp, atd63/215BoayDALLAS HoffmaDGch
 A  a1Cvoff nlaAnns nceas a a
pok  Ft anaDGch
 A  a1Cvoff nlaAnns nceas a a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: F/Dis all   Di/Not distributestrmilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 4 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo          MosMil:joi .fGroup.dGch
derators:   Bob Hoftellite:Request if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DALLAS-COWBOYS HoffmaDGch
  Teama  Carolina Panthers Pro Football DiscussionsfERS
 .protdGch NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 3168 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DALLAS-MAVS HoffmaDGch
    Boston Celtics NBA BaFketball atus: ActNsports.h Discussions
          FidGch Newsgroup
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 185 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via panet connect; requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DALLAS-STARob HoffmNHL Lackey teama-aDGch
 ar-rs   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionshackey.nh tdGch
-sr-rs NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 1076# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DARtry gilCD_ECDrug Abus  R visr-e-nyEduc; boui(DARt)nM-  C      Brternationabase cho! ree-nyhas becn devr opsup
    adj nct uR1 bd BrternationDARt Projec sCD_Eoprojec oEcho subsr-e-nyus  premin s endoiranortupeduc; bouiprograa d vignll uR1disip eleas aa sali tj nie eltics NBA Bhigh s
tl studcntug to bskillf tr Er visrigy pel  pressuac0tim@dexp4/3uR1dxperiment  to btobacc', drugaffli talco   .abase un istPanthers Proprograa useshun orm d law en orceas aaoffBel a uR1 e ch       Calift  orm l curricue: uR1studcntugbehh3,lastroom s boigy.eltics NBA BProjec nDARt g Nes pp ns FrcAsGn,   d t fifthfli tsixth       Califgrades uR1prepare1studcntugtr Een
sapou pj nie Bhigh  nl, 1:261Ennt,high s
tl,, vEachureadare1mo   likelrduR1ee-ountl  pressuacqeltics NBA BuR1us  druga.nDARt l sh  shfo, h ictfs a  ajt ef  aque*Provi oaandoiranortup ccuror: in orm t   dd
  robacc', alco   ,ili tdruga;ways:
tween*Te chigy studcntugd nslina-makigy skillf  eaaWbdddevr opme t   ce dedicae Aself-trirem; *Showigy studcntughowecho  scstppel  pressuac;ways:
tween*Givigy studcntugi  augtr Ealus: c, ves uR1drug1us   nl, 1:261Ennt,builbigy  bdiregany -omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   TOTT_ IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Jerry Rudoff,rtid35/5n-2000 b:   Bob HofffffffffffffffFaye Johnuohange205/80n-2000 b:   Bob Hoffman, echolist9 12:250/620
Faye Johnuohange205/80ri20DARKCORN        ark Co: Ar Ad d     at   dri
D Help acomp
D' of tr Eg aSogs igy staEcsticsa nlain o tr E) ostPanthers Prowhom ctes: N uR1nge639/93gtr Ea fer .   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          atu639/93gFer h icly!blea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rule N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RLs:SYSBY QUEE
    Flags: RossdCastechhange639/93, rcastech@home stabution: F352, hon@[email protected]
RossdCastechhange639/93, rcastech@home stabu20DARTob Hoffmitishic   o, his eh ictDtaa r[ussion]    Di
D HelpGtishic D o, his eh ictDtaa r[Sssion]    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distribution: F FamilyNet
 10# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flai It connect packsisa-auted via P S el e n: anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DAYS_OF_OUR_LIVES HoffmaDaymoencO a L ves Opcn    Boston pri
D Helpbase Esm   p
D' fn E so, his eren an
mcAsG (s)nor c,lleltics NBA BuR1 bddDaymoencO a L ves soap op    p: R.tsA l & ConelstPanthers Prose chosidea P (Of -TR1Be). Witg is seauR1Be, Unf ' hCac0tim@dexp4/3ee-our  ll uR1dx,h shothemtecves freely ganr1comp
D' toeltics NBA Bstimu c,nyhA  thytde  t / so, his eren  bddDaymoencO a L veseltics NBA BuR1Be.lp ritchcn Smitg,onnect; Re, SOAPS <  Di>,ussimyNot-
    Fl   ce dedicae A sEchkbbersp ritchcn rep
   Mary N. Smitg,oForm rNot-
    Fl   ce dedicae A sEchkbbers ritchcn EchdoAT  n EXCELLENT j   asimyNot-
pok  Ft anKeep-upaWbdd ood wo, ! :-)): ToimyNPOSTERS, S el e ENJOYways:
  !!   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Gr ACKBONE<NAB>ution<JohniSouvlanre>utUSENET<Joe Jaa panet co BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1teways:     8:8/0
 50# Nodes: N722     DAYS_OF_ume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestNi
 aacca,tatu45/0Bob HofffffffffffffffNi
 aacca,tbecfy@p  seus.pegay Q.n by im@dexp4/3, lady8i8Ni
 aacca,thttp://www.webpo  .n b/ueen, 1:379/5, wizard30-Dec-199920
becfy@p  seus.pegay Q.n b,[email protected] becfy@p  seus.pegay Q.n by im@dWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri20DBASE8ang   Databasch t1Ben,d ems. istr, &tadvicc.onet adminisaFn Eonf aoenc   databaschproducaohbascdren  bdddBASE lFamilyNdomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   ged:9/26MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: JohniVuks ic, ged:9/26MLY
 fman, echolist@3 12:250/620
Stu Turk, ged:9/26, sturk@con   ma stabu20DBRIDGE8ang   D'Bridge Supssiopri
D HelpSupssiopp
D' fn ED'Bridge Ec-baronic Maih packlyNd Of ins Feltics NBA Bsupssiopp
D' fn Eonf aoencD'Bridge.   about and take it from there..
         Statu601/14.0 me:ES  Origin:                                         Grblea9/5t ad
     Statu601/14 >2rd3imilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/125o     Language:
 608 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Arth a Greenberg -,tatu601/14n-2000 b:   Bob Hofffffffffffffffarth a.greenberg -,t20gt100/114ndb0 b:stabution: F352, [email protected]
Arth a Greenberg,tatu601/14bu20DB_NOVICE8ang   D'Bridge Of ins FaNomicchUnf  Supssiopri
D HelpOf ins FaD'Bridge Supssiopri
 fn ENomicchUnf aoencD'Bridgendoiranortup   wechaap1onf aowto banada FrDBp eaaotapuol  Problemq.   about and take it from there..
         Statu601/14.0 me:ES  Origin:  D                                 ACKBONE       Group:
D Helgt108/68 > 2rd3itatu601/14 > 2rUK 3milyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/1.o     Language:
 152 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Arth a Greenberg -,tatu601/14n-2000 b:   Bob Hofffffffffffffffarth a.greenberg -,t20gt100/114ndb0 b:stabution: F352, [email protected]
Arth a Greenberg,tatu601/14bu20DDS_ECHOb HoffmDDS FDN Ad d     at Nenri
D HelpAd d     at Nenri
 tr E) toDDS Fooe ri
D Hel take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1ve
    Origin:                 Di                     A   : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackGerry Calhoun,9@cy404F F0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020DEALS HoffmaLet'  Mak   De Feltics NBA B
CFN'*tgu  Wh salcsCealuctamercial advs Ecseas a  pup dt,ll.   about and take it from there..        in:               CFN                     CFNp eaaotop    igy n Fwo,
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 160# Nodes: N722     DEALSume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestHarold RNotins,, lady8i8N Gr,bution: F352, hon@balt5mDec-199920
CFN ri
cM-etrol,9@cu82/22butionWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri20DEATHLAWCabe, 1Dso, his e  ifALawdcnlaFreedta,9Lifc  nlaDe th       CalifpGtishal dso, his erencD_EoLawaowto b"Wbddpowzfrenclifcndoiranortup eaade th." TR1Be Echprimarup:rRchan WARDie,    hE Althoseltics NBA Bde th punalty lawoffpopu c,   -c-etrol lawo (E.G.aChina),, 1:261Ennt,ys d  baWbdd ists   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F2000 b icly excepa Conli  supguers     nports.foes:
D Helgty410/104.1 uR1de thlaw@atbb .c-mdomp
DstSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     DEATHLAWume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestDaviibB. Smitg,ogty410/104, 1:261/1352, [email protected]
DaviibB. Smitg,ogty410/104, 20DEBATE8ang   DEBATEnM-  C      BrternationaAeanada Frtr umytr Eparticipann  uR1de  t ili tdso, hi       Calift wi   rhon@ ifAlthoon al,thistoaq al,tc-etemssia sali Panthers Prophilosophi al uR1Ben.lpForceful dso, his erer1de  t iiueltics NBA Bun,our  Gd.lpHowzver,rit should be clearly unectstooaaWbofeltics NBA Bp  s   Fratta ks-(fl    ),itamarkugd libct; ely ganyn  peltics NBA BuR1provokk b     onf ao("baia Conrer1"goadoaa"),ili tfouFeltics NBA Br Eabuh ve lFamilyNhwi   NOT tartolct; ed.sA dgtby eeanada Fndoiranortupor    iu   t1Benctac  gsow p, "nf monizoaa" doechn thbeloaandoiranortupvEac.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Peol  Bradoeangt106F4725    on:::::::::::::::    Klahn,tatu603/140y-2000klahn@toltbb .c-mueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayDEBATE_FMYways:
atus: ActiDe  t s BrternationaAeS
  uR1de  t iiusul  e Aack day...a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                t derators:p     c.c-mueen, 1   Distribution: FamilyNet
 1 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Grahama ownses: 790C
Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DELETE_ME8ang   SoretciuohATeBiiaWbddTit eeo  Summar
uDescrip,       Di
D Helpbase Esm  ,lan,e Ari
mod  nlari
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Stn/a : Active
    Origin:                  1                     n Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume:209/mo        Rule ARNI guer ewto
    days if pup dston -ROMabe
    Flags: Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20tim@dexp4/3, lady8i8D_EoO     Robotanged/2ca robotn-200ybe.qisby Queen, 1:379/5,
Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352ri20DELPHIueen, 1Borl nlaDelphiaDevr opsr  ri
D HelpBorl nlaDelphiaDevr opsr  ri
D Hellly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                        WWBution, NAB: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Rl Rules:
    Flags: Runa ARZambohan4:801/16ca [email protected] Hoffman,
Runa ARZambohan4:801/16cn-2000 by 20DEMOCRATob HoffmDemoc   ic PartyAlthocy  nla   ategy! BrternationaAetr umytr EDemoc   offpartyAmembe s  nl advEacnn  alike,eltics NBA BuR1d: , hiali tde  t  PartyAlthocy  nla   ategy.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayDENVER-BRONCOob HoffmDenvl  Bron,os ProoHERS
    Carolina Panthers Pro Football DiscussionsfERS
 .protdenvl -bron,os Nports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 759# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DENVER-NUGGETob HoffmDenvl  NuggsisaNBA-CELTICS
    Boston Celtics NBA BaFketball Discussions
          Fidenvl -nuggsisaNports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 4 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via planet connect; request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DESQVIEWCabe, 1Quarterdeck DESQview/QEMM Legac:rSupssiondoiranortup Dso, his e if DESQview, DESQview/X, QEMM, ManiftribDso,ave ndoiranortupvowechomak  Wbddblan,e AWbdschprograasF to bys a pp nsficndoiranortupvtorwtac  nlasoftwtacsCD_oschproducaohnoweownedg
Sy chtecor c,regcathform rl
mcr   edg
Quarterdeck tac on- t1Beb   wech.oO    0tim@dexp4/3a Fwo,
 tshigy  R1portetciuocho! ree-n, S el e ctntacteltics NBA Brn  e Aack nnect; reqhbelowytr Epup dston
orsts   about and take it from there..
         Stat260 1239ve
    Origin:                                   F2000 b n  8: icly excepanli  supguers     nports.foes:blea9/5t ad
      VoAMILYNETogs: atd15/887milyNet
    Lang8.o     Language:
 152 # Nodes: N/A     DESQVIEWume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Oneal Names Only>
    i   Mitchcll,9@cyb0 1239, mitch@m   ystemn.r-20tim@dexp4/3, lady8i8gar
ugil  rB,ogty410/4F0ueen, 1:379/5,
 i   Mitchcll,9@cyb0 1239ri20DET-PISTONob HoffmDetroit PistonsaNBA-CELTICS
    Boston Celtics NBA BaFketball Discussions
          Fidet-pistonsaNports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 92# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DET-REDWINGob HoffmDetroit RedwnegriNHL Lackey   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionshackey.nh tdet-redwnegreltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Gratorsueen, 1   Distribution: FamilyNet
 192 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: 200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DETROIT-LIONob HoffmDetroit Ls e  ProoHERS
    Carolina Panthers Pro Football DiscussionsfERS
 .protdetroit-lionsaNports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1393# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DETROIT-TIGERob HoffmDetroit Tigl a bl eS
    Boston Celtics NBA BaFketball Discussions
tdetroit-tigl a Nports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1175# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DEUTSCHb Hoffmitr cht
D HelpGtr cht
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   F2000 b : FIbO
, A   d           asystemnMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: DaviibMoufarregI,9@cybe3/404bution: F352, [email protected]
DaviibMoufarregI,9@cybe3/404bu20DEVOT   S_PN       O a Daup:rBreadfli to     daup:rhclpCeltics NBA BaO a Daup:rBreadfli to     daup:rhclpCeltics NBA B s of juvenile crime.
         St by eoActive
    Origin:       InternetPN                     Group: IFMLY
    DistributioGroup: IFMLY
 1 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: R  aHoss FI, 777t100/1Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DIABETES HoffmaDsab  es   o, his eh  nlasupssio.    Di
D Helpbase Esm   ri
 tr E    aooug ARli tfrom dsab  Bencor c, Coways:
tweenrR1 bddc-etrol e Aack disel e r Ea l & Conelstgtbych wouldeltics NBA Bp  tainnrR1 bdddisel e.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayDIABETIC_RECIPES HoffmaRecipe  tr EpuoplI  to bDsab  es!    Di
D Helpbase Esm   ri
 tr Erecipe  tr EpuoplI  to bDsab  esali Panthers ProCaysoo    saWbof ha lEpp ns Frdi  e ic ner y.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayDIGBIBLE8ang   Diy  bd BibM eltics NBA B Prom Fla  bd unectstli AT a f BibMi al Archeology  nlait'Celtics NBA Bvignsfic-e-nyilsh in  igy  bd BibM eltics NBA Bdtor of the HAM echo.
         StCFN : Active
    Origin:               CFN                     CFN, MJCN, &t by eoAct: Z1-Z6 BackBonebution: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A     DIGBIBLEume: CDRECORD      es 8Permt di>      Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real NameChADI     Fegsowship3a F r Epup dston   disia Planet Connect; RequestDoylI Lynch,, lady8i8Harold RNotins, F352, hon@balt5mDec-199920
CFN ri
cM-etrol,9@cu82/22butionWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri20DIGITAL-PHOT          git  RPhoWARTems.ology    Boston Celtics NBA BaFketball atus: ActNsports.heltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                         MLY
    Distribution: FamilyNet
 10297# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DIGITAL_TV        TV (  git  RTeleVslina),ili tH TV (High Defini    aTV)bution:xp4/3, P el e seenr1Be
  tH TV.abase tag Esm  cross-re C      Brternation   wechaap1 S
 -mcr  recho  servenr1Betag tr Efutuac0tim@dexp4/3u e.   about and take it from there..
         Statu96/1 tive
    Origin:       1:379/5                          N Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RLanet Connect; RequestMatt Mc_Carthy,tatu96/1.4bution: F352, [email protected]
Matt Mc_Carthy,tatu96/1.4bu20DIRTY_DOZEN       SysOp WarnAT a  ITrojans,9Viruses,   mbsButcndoiranortup Dsrty_Dozcn Ech   a  a1 vEachSysOp'h  nlaonf ao  n ex echooPanthers ProwarnAT rid
  Trojans,9Viruses  nla  mbsButc.aWbof S
    about and ysOp'h  nlaonf aoof ADIk.iSourcddc-dep eaaotho poMoigyi       Califtachn thpup dt,llewto
  ack nnect; re'chprir Epup dston .   about andCtamercial poMonctac  bsge: ely prohibi,ll.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5   Di                     A   : FIbO
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     DIRTY_DOZENume CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Oneal Names Only>
   Kurt Wismer,rti250#525Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
[email protected], st sta,[email protected] kurt  tsm rN<[email protected], st sta>-MayDISASTERS          man rNIn o/Relief/Re,ave
or c,regcathdWorldwi   d  man rNin orm t        ices  nlarelief effsioneltics NBA BRailabigy     aooug ARli td
  puoplI  is sead  man rNa  a.eltics NBA BPreparedn shoin orm t   ddi tdso, his es  im d of improviCoways:
tweenrelief   sp ese  nlare,ave
ctac  gsoBun,our  Gd.lParticipann        Califtachee-our  ll uR1po   d
  d  man rNsitu t   e  o al uRways:
tweenr1Bmfli tshtachexperi    hl  At    ic tropi al stoam/hurricanendoiranortuptra ks-tachregularly po  r .   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayDISCIPLE       ChADI        Bipl  BrternationaAedso, his erencChADI        Bipl shipeltics NBA Bdtor of the HAM echo.
         StCFN : Active
    Origin:               CFN                     CFN, MJCN, CyberChurch,9&t by eoAct: Z1-Z6 BackBonebution: FamilyNet
 1 # Nodes: N/A     DISCIPLEume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestHarold RNotins, F352, hon@balt5mDec-199920
CFN ri
cM-etrol,9@cu82/22butionWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri20DISTANCE_EDUCAT              -e-nyEduc; bouonet adminisaFn Edso, his erenccor  sp edee-ny-ourses, pxtenis ereduc; bou,eltics NBA B-ourses20
radiARli tTV,B-ourses2ave  t toatus: Ac,ali Panthers ProCnynkigdrenceduc; boui vEachure studcnt  eaaWe ch   dohn tor c,regcathee  Nf
 . C   bnyus d tr Ereviewp eaaori  istreneltics NBA B-ourses2nuedomp
Dst 30
ornia Angels Baseball
         Status: ActiSouth Africagin:       FamilyNet                         Group: Ft dgboui79MLY
    DistributioL MosMilderators:p     c.c-m,PC,ftpbution: FamilyNet
    Gateways8     Language:
 8 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo         dgboui79 iclyanet Connect; RequestStephcn Has)ses: 790C
0ueen, 1:379/5, wizardt3 12:250/620
   Last changed: 12-Mari20DLG_SUPPORT        LG Supssiopri
D Help LG PRO ble/OSBsupssiop(QA)pp
D' fn EDLG ownersa
pok  Ft andtor of the HAM echo.
    Origin:               f Di                      ACKBONE       Group:
bution: FamilyNet
    Gateways5o     Language:
 25 # Nodes: N/A     DLG_SUPPORT r CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam  <RLanet Connect; RequestDouiP esky,tatd:0/229, don.p esky@el tpogany.c-mueen, 1:379/5,
DouiP esky,tatd:0/229ri20DNS_BINDueen, 1otap.protocol.dns.bigdrnports.foeltics NBA B1otap.protocol.dns.bigdr
ootballtnports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1017# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: t connect/ftpt distributed via panet connect; request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DNS_OPSueen, 1otap.protocol.dns.tuC nports.foeltics NBA B1otap.protocol.dns.tuC
ootballtnports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 4 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Ruleavailableags: t connect/ftpt-t distributed via panet connect; request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DNS_STDueen, 1otap.protocol.dns.stdrnports.foeltics NBA B1otap.protocol.dns.stdrr
ootballtnports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 16# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: t connect/ftpt-t distributed via p/anet connect; request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20DOGHOUSE8ang   F2000 b atus: c,    FrDog Lave snM-  C      Brternationaatus: c,    Fr
  g aSocho! ree-nyopcn uR1dog lave ssCD_Eeltics NBA B-oo! ree-nyEchdedicc,ll uR1Wbddblan,gany  s   e As a caninendoiranortupfri  ds.sA l1dog or c,ll uR1BeBiiawelcomepvEac.aHostinec
or c,regcath&olum    tachn th eaawi   n thbertolct; ed.sNOTICE: SYSOPSueen, 1tionaARE  <SPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF MESSAGES ORIGINAT NGueen, 1tionaFROM THEIR SYSTEMSdomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    Gr  FIbO
, Z2, Z3, Z6MLY
    DistributioM days if pup dston  iclyanet CoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 304 # Nodes: N/A     DOGHOUSEume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [eal Names Only>
   Ann  PagI,9ann .pagI@nzverei AT .r-20tim@dexp4/3,,tatu97/6ueen, 1:379/5,,tatu97/6n-2000 by 20DOOM        OOM (li to     3D gles )Edso, his er nlasupssio.    Di
D HelpIf,ys dlike oa laveaWbdd les  OOM, r Ea l sioupar gles  ways:
D' of tr Eys rsp t1Bence Adso, his erE Altho   dameltics NBA Bsupssiop(tr E ulti-p  yer gles ), S ayigy  ems. istr,  ems. alpectsme-nytsIn orm t   d  dlevr  d vign,  nlareviewnce Anpodlevr y.   about andNpodproducaoin orm t   dEch gsoBdso, hied.sM   aoougfrom   about andvar iu  tachoccas    Fp:ron wardFlaifhureadareways:
tweenrelevan  WARaAdso, his e. Yino  n  gsoBus  r1comp
D' toeltics NBA Bfinl puoplI from
 ave  tR1de thm tch r Ep ayaotop    ivr y.   about and    Rnm    tach disia P! oO     3D gles  tachpup dt,llefFl   ce dedicadso, his e,    hDoom iiaWbddmainnfo, h ifnr1Be
  .   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           -1       Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeB
    Lang5.o     Language:
 115 # Nodes: N/A     doom.rul CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Onl Rules:
    Flags: Rog   Nr yohangeu828/7, rjnel@eg aSoc-mueen, 1:379/5, wizards5 12:250/620
Rog   Nr Rog  .Nr [email protected] b:    (Rog   Nr yoh)y 20DOORGAMES HoffmaBBShDoorgles  tnlaD  Boston Celtics NBA Bari
 tr E) todso, his erencBBShdoor gles  BRailabigy S ayigyways:
tweenrahe en,dnpodreleases, bug orssionh eaawork-a379ndso nl, 1:261Ennt,hclp  to bBBShgles  set-fo .    Di
D Hel take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1ve
    Origin:                 Di                     A   : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A     DOORGAMESume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; RequestRuth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackGerry Calhoun,9@cy404F F0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020DOORLIST        OORLIST        butioL Mof nlaAdvs Ecse YinrnBBShWbof hashDoorgles  tR1P ay    Di
D Hel take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1.6
    Origin:                                   Priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Alex Berg change2404F F1.6       Calif Nodes: N/uth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 0     :379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020DOORWARtry gilCGtishal DooraDevr opas aaFr um    Di
D Help OORWARt of tr EWbdd tishal dso, his erencDooraPrograam Co.    Di
D HelIt Echgeared uR1WbddPrograamer Dis_ergh SysOp inpuoBiiawelcome;ways:
tweenBBShonf uctament  tachn th  d t1BeBunl shotheyBp  tainnrRPanthers Proprograam Conahdoor e Bhowechoprograa.aAdvs Ecsement  eneltics NBA BCnynkigdrencBBShdoor Ech gsow p ganr1comp
D'    hliou,lleltics NBA BuR1 wicchp     nth.oO     advs Ecseas a  tachn th gsow p.    Di
D HelA   lFamilyNiali tdoor prograam Contoolkia  insabeBdso, hiedeltics NBA BRadr1comtr umy   wechaap1 bdiregany f
 type  eneltics NBA BBBShsoftwtacfli top    igy  ystemn.    Di
D Hel take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1ve
    Origin:                 Di                     A   : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    FlagestRuth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackGerry Calhoun,9@cy404F F0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020DOS_INTERNET        OS/BBShatus: ActAppMi at   e: KA9Q, KNOS, Euedomp
Dst 30
pGtishal dso, his erenc OShatus: ActappMi at   eBRailabigyways:
tweenrelc,ll uR1Ben tr ESysOpiaimssioigy Use ActNsports.hs, POP,ndoiranortup eaa  rBhonigy  OShbascdrappMi at   es   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F2000 b n  8: icly excepa Conli  supguers     nports.foMLY
    DistributioPrir EPup dston  Rdisia PmilyNet
    Lang8.o     Language:
 43 # Nodes: N/A     DOS_INTEume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Oneal Names Only>
ugil  rB,ogty410/4F0ueen, 1:379/5,
ugil  rB,ogty410/4F0ue20DRAKECabe, 1Dso, his e  concernAT aR. L. Drak  Ctamuni at   eBEisipomp
Dst 30
pR. L. Drak   chuf
tuaclasom  e Aack mo   popu cr Am teul   ce dedicaRadiARCtamuni at   eBdisipas a.  Drak  disipas a Echn weltics NBA BRadr1ny-olc-baablea atagory.lp acomp
D' prom Fla d  Boston Celtics NBA Ben  bddop    iohanrepairfli to     associc,ll app nt  eneltics NBA Bgany  s  WARDrak  disipas a owners.i8D_Eop
D' of  gsoBavailable Brternation   aEg aSl Conli  . Sei teg aS WARl MosMildeablotz.m C.n by im@dexp4/3 to ba     aoo body e Ahclp tr E  rBhin orm t   s   about and take it from there..
         StAmbe  Active
    Origin:       Internet   1                     : FIbO
fli tMaih ConL MoMLY
    Distributiopo  mman rdeablotz.m C.n by im@de
 10# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rule ARNI guer ewto
    days if pup dston -ROMabe
    Flags: Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20tim@de:379/5,
Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20t20DR_DEBUGueen, 1DoctoraDebug's Labo   Flyaotapuol  hclp li thu  rdomp
Dst 30
pCtapuol  relc,ll in orm t     hclp, li thu  rd Aari
 tr Panthers ProCalomak srenccoapuol s  nl allaotapuol  lFamilyNidomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    FlagestStu Turk, ged:9/26, sturk@con   ma stabu  on::::::::::::::: i   C crk, ged32/180MLY
 fman, echolist@3 12:250/620
Stu Turk, ged:9/26, sturk@con   ma stabu20DTV        TV (  git  RTeleVslina),ili tH TV (High Defini    aTV)bution:xp4/3, P el e seenr1Be
  tH TV.abase tag Esm  cross-re C      Brternation   wechaap1 S
 -mcr  recho  servenr1Betag tr Efutuac0tim@dexp4/3u e.   about and take it from there..
         Statu96/1 tive
    Origin:       1:379/5                          N Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RLanet Connect; RequestMatt Mc_Carthy,tatu96/1.4bution: F352, [email protected]
Matt Mc_Carthy,tatu96/1.4bu20DUNtry gilCD_ECDunG1Cvronic     A1Dso, his e BrternationDso, his es
  Frank Herbe t'  DUNt bookr,  ck movie,ndoiranortup eaa
 trigs: involv p ganr1e DUNt experi    .   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F200stribblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    Gateways7e:     English
 34 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Lawree-nyGarvin,tat106F6018, lawree-n@etr estby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Lawree-nyGarvin,tat106F6018bu20EAGLE_TRAILanet CoSc
D HelpGroup: IF'  Sc
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IF9&t      Notes: N9&tatus: AcMLY
    Distribution: F0    on: FamilyNet
 83# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Mergr ewto aFketball
  Coanet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20EC13 HoffmaRegboui13nM-  C      Brternationa SeBe
  ttit e    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         StRi13n Active
    Origin:                                   Ri13blea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    Gateways199     Language:
 64 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rules:
    Flags:SYSOPanet Connect; Requestt ifMo  vsik,9@cyb0 1283ueen, 1:379/5, wizards5
    Mo  vsik,9@cyb0 1283ue20ECHL-HOCKE        ECHL Lackey   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionshackey.
 l Nports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 533# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20ECHOBASE8ang   ECHOBASEnM-  C      BrternationaD vigned uR1d: , hia bddop    ioh e Aack ECHOBASEnfGroup   ce dedicae AsoftwtacflppMi at   e(ei
  view, ei
mod)s   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                         blea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    FlagsRule ARNI guer ewto
    days if pup dston -ROMabe
    Flags: Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20tim@de:379/5,
Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20t20ECHOES HoffmaECHOES HoffmaminisaFn EDso, his e if Group: IF9ECHOES -9ECHOt distris2nuedomp
Dst 30
M ea  FlyaM-  C     aFn Eatus: ActiSyptuC!a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                        atd15/887on: F0    on:   DistributioG   NETon: F0<>atd15/887milyNet
    Gateways7.o     Language:
 339 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: t if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20ECHOLIST       ri
L MofAcc shoM-  C      BrternationaD_ECri
L Mo, r EEl Mo, Esm    Moigy e Ari
Maih M-  C     s Brternation   describedr nlasub dt,lle
 ck mo     Fl(s)nenceachB-oo! ree-ns   about and ucc shful ri
 Upds et dsp ese  tachpo  r  ganr1comp
D',eltics NBA BRadaddi    aWARNI Conss a gs: orsg aS/eg aS WARsub dt,lridomp
Dst 30
base a  a1Echdevigned uR1proviho pubMi oin orm t   do  p
D' s Brternation eaa       Fla.EDso, his e if
  g aSolinksddi tdso         eltics NBA Bsystemn1EchoesBuR1Be.   about and take it from there..
         Stat1/21  tive
    Origin:       1:379/5                          : FIbO
    Language:     English
 835 # Nodes: N/A     ECHOLISTume: CDRECORD         d BNU.RU     Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real NameRule ARNI guer ewto
    days if pup dston -ROMabe
    Flags: Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,tbalti  rBmd@balti  rBmdtr-20tim@de:379/5,
Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352Bo20ECHOMAC0tim@deatus: c,    FrGtishal MacintoshEDso, his e M-  C      BrternationaECHOMAC Esm  tr umytr Esupssio,adso, his e, npor,fli to    eltics NBA BRa orm t   dor c, Coe ARAppMe MacintoshEcoapuol s, PowzfPComp
Dst 30
M csBRadany flavor, PowzfPC ClO
Muer'  BRM c'Celtics NBA B(any edi    ), PowzfBookr, iBookrfli toldieRAppMe'ugfrom   about anddaymogrn  bysCD_Enfo, h srencECHOMAC tacht379bl shoo, Co,eltics NBA Bn Fwo, Co,top    igy  ystemn,Bganyg   iohanatus: Actacc sh.   about andYinonm   io,awe , wdlI  t.. --sA l & Con nlarve
& ConMacintosh!    Di
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   F200ActiZrn  1       Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/3.o     Language:
 456 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: T  dEns Co,t2:282/541.14ueen, 1:379/5, wizardt3
agI@pi. Ac, T  dEns Co <agI@pi. Ac>Bo20ECHOPOL       ri
Althocy d  Boston Celtics NBA BarCHOPOL Esm   estricer -d           a
  .lIt Echcuracnnup   ce dedicainaenile.    Di
D Hellly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                        priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Tom Knowl
  ts.nd lick@hotg aSoc-mueen, 1:379/5,
ts.nd lick@hotg aSoc-m, ts.nd lick@hotg aSoc-mue20ECHOPOLICY8ang   F200 IF9E   g aSoPthocy   Carolina Panthers Pro An
  g aSoa  a1tr E) todso, his esrenca9E   g aSoPthocy Brternation ea/e Bhub stli ards   about and take it from there..
         Stat260 1104ve
    Origin:                                   priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Jim McLaughlin,tat260 1104jjm@m   ystemn.r-20tim@de:379/5, wizard24m12:250/620
jjm@m   ystemn.r-2, jjm@m   ystemn.r-2 (Jim McLaughlin)ue20ECHORESCUE       ri
ATagt dscuenri
D HelpFr E       Fla, px-       Fla, onf aooeaa
 o    sawto  Brternation eBgany  s  ganr1e subjec  if
  etag rdscued Aa-ooveniGn,or c,regcathforumytr Epx-       Fla uR1po    distris2Wbof  bdireei
D Heltagqhbe  dtu: Ad, tr Erescuela uR1po    distris2tr Ectntacteltics NBA Bin orm t   do  prir E       Fla ganr1eireistribuR1pr serveeltics NBA Bu   ed           .onDso, his es insa gsoBE Altho ) todecihis e Brternationmakigy Sroc shoinErescuela kaSl Conli  AT riif
  la  bdyndoiranortupvtve  dccnnup  d-li  su.    Di
D Hellly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                        atus: c,    Fr      Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    FlagestTom Knowl
  ts.nd lick@hotg aSoc-mueen, 1:379/5,
ts.nd lick@hotg aSoc-m, ts.nd lick@hotg aSoc-mue20ECHOREVIEWS HoffmaForumytr EReviewpif G200 IF9E    Maih M-  C     s BrternationaForumytr EReviewpif G200 IF9E    Maih M-  C     sEReviews   ce dedicae A
  g aSocho! ree-ns20
      Fla, SysOpi,Eparticipann  Brternation eaagany  s r epartien.    Di
D Hel take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1ve
    Origin:                 Di                     A   : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    FlagestRuth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackGerry Calhoun,9@cy404F F0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020ECHO_ADS HoffmaAdvs Ecse G200 IF9E   s Here -dNpod- Ex Moigy - Wanna BPanthers Pro Fo00 IF9E   s BNU.aAeS
  uR1advs Ecsebys a
  .lRTelFeltics NBA Br    saenca9G  aF9E    ys ddso,ave Gd.lProm Flca9NpodE   .   about andProm Flca9Ex Moigy E   .dProm Flca9Wanna BedE   .   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayECHO_REQ       ri
A distris BrternationaAe-oo! ree-nytr E akigy F200ActiZrn  1 ri
A distris.abaseeltics NBA Bu   eof tr EWbdddso, his er nlasharigy in orm t   do  c-  C     s Brternation("u   s")oinEZrn  1 if G200 IF.pbase Esmn thliou,ll uR1u   seltics NBA Bseekigy F200ActiZrn  1 ": FIDO
" stlke ,    hfr Ea lbodyways:
tweenr1aF9wann  uR1"advs Ecse"nr1eirepriv  Dly-s:
D',eltics NBA B   wechaap1fr EE A  asigy  bd read  ship3encalready- triabGateedeltics NBA B: FIDO
1u   s.aAdvs Ecsigy e Au   sashould n thberS
 deltics NBA BRadECHO_REQE  rBhr1a do clca9week.lIt Ech gsoBsuggss,lleltics NBA Bubof  bcomp
D'  e "read-icly"buR1puoplI o     r1a d       Flaeltics NBA Br ESysOpi. Butanreas   bleaistris es
  u   satach"on- t1Be"domp
Dst 30
batodso, his erenc bddop    ioh e Aack : FIDO
( ), r EP        about andCtes: N,thowzver, EsmOFF-TOPICpvEac,r nlashould bertakenways:
tweenrR1 bddZ1_ ACKBONEap
D', r EaE  rBhapSropris etadmini   ativeeltics NBA Bu   .   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Ra:rBrown,9@cy86/17F1 0     :379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayECONOMICSCabe, 1Dso, his e
  u onomicn.    Di
D Hel Football sci.u ontnports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1562 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: ChADI Glures: 790C
0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20EDGE_ONLINtry gilCEi tTi    - Mystery Babyl er nlaack :el t 666       Calif Aia bdd3rd MaSlenniumydawnsd c  tainnreligs esrencvar iu or c,regcathflavoursatachwo, ConrRwardsm  npodreligs e, r E"Globalpectsme-nytsE bcc",are,agncsigy a ner 1fr Eunityn   aEgeaesrencsolviCoways:
tweenhu chity's inny problemn,BsuchB   warespave ty,thuwizf,eltics NBA Bpoll     a
tc.abase Esmn thinnitself bad,    hse  ead Coways:
tweenrR1 bddfulfilas a of prophecie  concernAT a bd rcsebencaor c,regcathfalstgreligs us  ystem, describedr s "Mystery, Babyl ert_Eeltics NBA BG  aF",BgaERevr c, oui17. Rcsigy wto a bddfalstgreligs useltics NBA Bsystem Esm  talstgChADI  (M   iah), knownaap1 bd A  ichADI ,eltics NBA Br E:el t 666,h eaawio ahimm  talstgpropheo,awD' wi   causePanthers ProCalorR1wo,ship3ack :el t 666Br E ARNI kaSlGd.lA
 trad y im@dexp4/3 t
mcr flppMied uR1Wbdd
 htndoiranortupvti tor1fr ehead, wto a bostgtbho  fus  rortakeaWbddmarkeltics NBA Br ErR1wo,ship3ack :el t 666BNI ConkaSlGd.lT1comp
D' of rRPanthers Proinvtrisguer, uR1Wbddpxten  po  ible,a bd rcsebencWbdsch ystemn.    Di
D Hel take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          NAB, WWBution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1teways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    FlagestStevr Aiher, 3:800/432, xaragma@txcby Q.auueen, 1:379/5, wizard24mFeb250/620
Stevr Aiher, 3:800/432ri20EDM-OILERS       Ed  ntouiOill a NHL Lackey   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discussionshackey.nh tedm-oill a Nports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Stitus: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1030# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200t desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20EDUCAT   _FM        Educ; bouonet adminisaDso, his e if a l & Conath gsdor c, Coe AReduc; bou. Earlyeltics NBA B-hildhoodreduc; bou,tadultreduc; bou,tpubMi os   oli,Epriv  DMLY
 NBA Bs   oli,EchurchBs   oli,Eunive sitien,thomeBs   ol Co,tcor  sp edee-neltics NBA B-ourses,aWe ch   train Co,tnectrac:rtrain Co,t bd lot! Te ch    ways:
tweenpupili,Eparent  ennpupili,Eunive sity studcnts2nuectac  glpectsme-nytswelcomedomp
Dst 30
ornia Angels Baseball
         Status: ActiSouths:  Africagin:     amilyNet                         Group: Ftb FIbO
1wo,ldwi         Group:
bution: FamilyNet
    Gateways5     Language:
 10# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestStephcn Has)ses: 790C
0ueen, 1:379/5, wizardt3 12:250/620
   Last changed: 12-Mari20EDUCATORCabe, 1Dso, his e1fr EEduc; Flaeltics NBA B An
c-baronichee  igy S a-nytr EEduc; Fla uR1d: , hiaissu s Brternationrelc,ll uRnr1eireprofehis e. base EsmNOTm  comS aituhforumeltics NBA Brpcn uR1Wbdd tishal pubMi ouR1comS ait
  r1e sad stlke   ce dedicae AWbddpduc; boual system. Fo, h in k-12. atus: c,    Fways:
tweenparticipat   s   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   F2000 b : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 10 # Nodes: N/A     EDUCATORume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namly> [eal Names Only>
   MaSe  Maxted, 3:772/1Bob Hoffman, echolist30mDec-199920
<MaSe .Maxted@nzmc:   .nz>, <MaSe .Maxted@nzmc:   .nz>(MaSe  Maxted)butionWARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri20ELEBBS_SUPPORT       EleBBShSupssiopM-  C      BrternationaD_ECOfficial EleBBShSupssiopE   .dEleBBShEch   Rem FlAcc sh   about andClO
BBBShSystem EuiOSaFormat  ennDOS, OS/2, Win95/98/NT        buti(GUIh eaaW32ive sion)h eaaLinux.EDso, his e if EleBBShSoftwtac ways:
Maartcn Beke s)  nlarels edgEleBBS/RA utinecie  tacpectsme-nytswelcomed Food A nou   as a ,     Coe ARO     N Fwo,  erpectsme-nytsInus: ActNsports.h  tachn th gsow pBunl shopup dston  hah   about andbecn gran edg
Be Aack mo     Fla.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                    rn  1 2B(any o     ZO
fWelcome)    on:   Distributio2:443/777i nlaged70/302nathpr senby im@de
 100 # Nodes: N/A     ELEBBS_SUPPORT       RD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names On[eal Names Only>
   Si  n Sls er,o2:443/777 0     tuppZ1-Z6 BackAndrew   imsby,t2:2502/66ueen, 1:379/5, wizard29mDec-199920
Si  n Sls er,o2:443/777 0    WARNING!abase   Moigy i  subjec  WARNI Conremovedgting is seanpxt 3 Bob Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg
a   days if oa     ewizf.ri20ELECT-DESIGN       ElebaronicsaD vign    Di
D Hel Football sci.ulebaronics.devign Nports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 4150# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Notrdistributed via Planet Connect; RequestChADI Glures: 790C
0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20ELECTRONICSCabe, 1HomeBElebaronicsa nlaAppMiae-ns2  Carolina Panthers Pro Ae-oo! ree-nytr E) todso, his erenchomeB
c-baronichdisipas a,eltics NBA B   wechaap1occas    Fytr aymovnuR1Wbdore ic Fr
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    ACKBONE       Group:
bution: FamilyNeB
    Lang9o     Language:
 1733# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Al   H   ,ageyberu0F0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Al   H   ,ageyberu0F0ue20ELIST       rLISTpM-  C      BrternationaD_isB-oo! ree-nyEchdevigned uR1foan rNdso, his er
tweenr1Bdop    ioh e Aack E     Mo. lParticipann  insa ddresh   about andistris es uR1WbddE     Mo Keep
  sub dhis eh  nlavar iu or c,regcathsoftwtacflppMi at   eBubof tacfdevigned uR1autom te sub dhis ehways:
tweenrR1 bdd  Mo. lA nou   as a  e AM days if Sub dhis eh uRways:
tweenr1Bd  Mo3 t
 NOTmbddmade ganr1com-oo! ree-ns   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                         r      Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A        rLISTume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real NameRule ARNI guer ewto
    days if pup dston -ROMabe
    Flags: Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,tbalti  rBmd@balti  rBmdtr-20tim@de:379/5,
Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352Bo20ELIST_ROBOT       rLIST_ROBOT       p4/3, P a-n   d  eltics NBA B take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1ve
    Origin:                 Di                     Priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Ruth Argusb ganrrusb,9@cy404F F1 0     :379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020ELYSIUM       ElysiumySoftwtachSupssioeltics NBA BarLYSIUMeof tr EWbddmembe srencElysiumySoftwtach nlaackways:
tweenpuoplI  hoBus  r1ddmembe s'hsoftwtac.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          Aglpectsmet ad
      on: FamilyNet
    Gateways1     Language:
 5 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RLanet Connect; RequestSe    ennis,tatu95/610, hausmaus@dark ems:   Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
Se    ennis,tatu95/610, hausmaus@dark ems:   Bo20EMBEDDEDueen, 1EmbeddFlaSystemn1Dso, his e ri
D Hel<No descrip    >    Di
D Hellly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                       MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: , roy.j.connas  %tanstaaf@fra kitoc-mueen, 1:379/5, wizards8 12:250/620
Roy roy.j.connas  %tanstaaf@fra kitoc-m (Roy J.RTelFayoh)Bo20EMBEDDED-ARCHCabe, 1Dso, his e  regarbigy embeddFlaarchi emtuac gancoapuol     Di
D Hel Football otap.arch.embeddFlaNports.foeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1391# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; RequestchADI glures: 790C
0ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 12-Mari20EMS       Emergrncy Mediccl
Servi  s BrternationaDISCUSSION ABOUT EMSaFROM FIRSTp <SPONDERS, EMT'S, PARAMEDICS,eltics NBA BRN'S, AND MD'S.   about and take it from there..
         Statu667 Active
    Origin:       :379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    lakeaBowzf  ways:
:379/5, wizard29mFeb250/620
lakeaBowzf bbowzf @townsqroc-mue20ENET       : Ft2630iSyptupM-  C      BrternationaD_isBiiaWbdd: Ft2630iSyptuhoM-  C     ,dit EchaEpriv  DMLY
 NBA B-oo! ree-nytr E: Ft2630iSyptuho Ruls   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   : Ft2630i      Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: <Membe ship3 di> NSyptuC  Rule N/A          Rules:
    Flags:SYS /MEMs: <Real Names Only>
   ScottRDrak ,tat2630/0n-2000 by b Hoffman,
sdrak @iyohlriboc-m, sdrak @iyohlriboc-mue20ENGLISH_TUTORCabe, 1   Gate Tutorigy tr EStudcnts2e Aack E  Gate  FamilyN BrternationaD_isBp
D' should bere Agany  s  WAR bostgtbhowate WARimproveways:
tweenr1Bi uctamagdrencE  Gate,h eaaWAR bostgtbhowate WARacf tsways:
tweenr1Bi utu Fla.EParticipann  insasub dt shor  Wexis2tr Ecri  ist Brternation eaadso, his er
nectratk E  Gate speake sBRadE  Gate-speak Coways:
tweencou    ea.EDso, his e  ennpogan  enngraamaresusagI,9stli ardpectsme-nytsE  Gate,hslFam,  nlareg    Fismsatachwelcomed es Only> ways:
tweenc   bny -mcil d of  nlmm@freewwweb stabu  on:::::: take it from there..
         StVae-ouver, Bri  te Cge: bia,9     :379/5                            Di,RTel Actat www.jugboc-m,awww.jinshin.dynipoc-m,aIFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: And
Mann Coer, ged53/831@freewwweb stabu  on::::::tsme-nytsIvysIve sohangeu821/33.1MLY
 fman, echolist@3 12:250/620
nlymm@freewwweb sta,  nlymm@freewwweb staue20ENTERPRENEURCabe, 1A sma
 bonig sho    aoo c-  C      BrternationaAo    aoo a  a1aimed uRwardsmr1e sma
 bonig shoowner erpectsme-nytsmagag   li thomeBbascdrbonig shoowner,    hd la n thinAlthoomp
Dst 30
MLMBs  emNidomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
  g aSMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 10 # Nodes: N/A     ENTREPume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Naml <RLanet Connect; RequestHRward Scaggs, ged54/288, hscaggs@cou   y-coapuol .xgtr-20tim@de:379/5, wizard27 12:250/620
hscaggs@cou   y-coapuol .xgtr-2, hscaggs@cou   y-coapuol .xgtr-20t20ENTREPRENEURCabe, 1Fif puoplI gany  s r eit  rbonig shovcntuac0tim@dexp4/3aD vigned fif puoplI gany  s r eit devr op Con nyrbonig sh Brternationrelc,ll vcntuac,    hd la n thinAltho
MLMBs  emNidomp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
  g aSMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 10 # Nodes: N/A     ENTREPume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Naml <RLanet Connect; RequestHRward Scaggs, ged54/288, hscaggs@cou   y-coapuol .xgtr-20tim@de:379/5,
hscaggs@cou   y-coapuol .xgtr-2, hscaggs@cou   y-coapuol .xgtr-20t20ENVIRON       Environas a   Issu s Brternation An Environas a   dso, his e1fr umi vEachuR1Ben c   r wizndoiranortupfrom dsapela uR1Nucleaf powzf S anis.asA l1 t1BeBWbof hasor c,regcathsome & ConuR1do wto a bddenvironas aBiiawelcomed. i      Grblea9/5t andd:
D' of availablear Eshould ber ny vEacdomp
Dst 30
Curacnnup,hapSroxim  Dly 40 n  8: tachlinked uR1Wbddei
D Hel eaagaBiiaexssioed uR1szvera  o    Bn Fsmr1rergh g  Distrdomp
Dst 30
D' of CagadsanBbascdrbof hashlinksdwo,ldwi  .i8D_Eomp
Dst 30
M jority2e Aack linksddac ganNsioh Americagwto arn  ganJapan.omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    ACKBONE       Group:
bution: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/4o     Language:
 216# Nodes: N/A       ENVIRONume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnLanet Connect; RequestPaul WaSl ams,tatu87/770.5, kb5ivg@junooc-mueen, 1:379/5,
Paul WaSl ams,tatu87/770.50t20EQUUSCabe, 1HORSEaDISCUSSION ECHO Brternation A  a1tr E) todso, his e2e Aack aSlg shoofarn  particu crndoiranortupvReqe'ugb FIsiho  eaapo  iblehcur sre  treatas a s   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       :379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 111111111111111Lesley-dee Dylchange250/5250tim@de:379/5,
     Last changed: 1-MayEVENT_MANAGER0tim@deatus: c,    FrEvcnt Manag   ri
D Helpatus: c,    FrEvcnt Manag   ri
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                        F2000 b : FIbO
 d           a ystemnblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A     EMGRume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [eal Names Only>
       Seabo hanged40/12ueen, 111111111111111Hara d1Harms,t2:282/505ueen, 111111111111111Jeff Schrunkanged: 181080tim@de:379/5, wizard27
Hara d1Harms,t2:282/505ueayEVENT_MANAGER_BETA0tim@deatus: c,    FrEvcnt Manag   Beta ri
D Helpatus: c,    FrEvcnt Manag   Beta ri
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   Priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A     EMGRBume: CDRECORD      es EPup 3 di> N    Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Only> [ /MOD-apvleal Names Only>
       Seabo hanged40/12ueen, 111111111111111Hara d1Harms,t2:282/505ueen, 111111111111111Jeff Schrunkanged: 181080tim@de:379/5, wizard27
Hara d1Harms,t2:282/505ueayEVOLUT          Evol     ar
uMe5, wism8D_EFlyaDso, his e BrternationEDso, his e if
vol     ar
ut_EFlyauR1Ben, field biology,ways:
tweenrelevan  observat   eBRa u ology, geology, 379ronomy, genee en,    Di
D Hel eaapopu c    abiology.i8Epp ni Fp:rgeared uRward provih Coways:
tween  communi at   eB5, wnelytr EsciGn, Mos orglniz Con gains ways:
tweenr1Bdan i-sciGnce SciCrnytr cNamefutuachuR1Ben tohinAlthoomp
Dst 30
prototype SciCrny"arguas a"/sciGn, fBeBrdsp ese pairs.aWhi e    Di
D HelociCrn- Mos dac ee-ouraged uR1us  r1com5, wnelytr Edso         eltics NBA Be Aackireprop ganda (ap1oppo ed uR1NI Conoff- t1Be r Eunwelcomeeltics NBA BRadSCIENCE, PHYSICS,fli to
  la),dit should bern tlleltics NBA Bubof ociCrn- Mos  t
  dccileaexacnup ack levr  e Ardspecteltics NBA Bubof  be
ugileavEacdioL keaWbddUse Acta  k.o,   ce dedicadso, his e of "some i    hot".   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   WesleypR. Elsberry,[email protected]:   Bob Hof11111111111111John Thompsohange139/0 0     :379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayEYMERICH.ITA0tim@dea Romanziads Ni olap1Eymeric  BrternationuMe  igy S a-nytr EfaesrencNi olap1Eymeric rn vr h  nlastorieCeltics NBA B(an to     wo,  0
utvRe Valerio Ev wiz  Moi). at Ia  san!    Di
D HelPunuR1d:hinAon9rohp    GahapSahis eat 1d:hromanziae racAon9i   ce dedicadscNi olap1Eymeric r(ll DisrBdop  tods Valerio Ev wiz  Moi).   ce dedicaNi olap1Eymeric r(1320-1399)anatquisit rBhGtishaltod'Arag eaeltics NBA Bu`Eunhp  s   ggiho  alas aeaes Moito. Ma Valerio Ev wiz  Moieltics NBA Bn  hartratuR1una1tigura let,lrars: impr sis eaner, lehcuieltics NBA Blot,l Aon9rohl'y  ss: , wnR1szmpr  rip  , his ei sullarn    aeltics NBA Bura oBsudistlleefutuac. Sempr  aSocho!rib fra l  tantasciGnzaeltics NBA Bud aS goe eo, lehsuBdop  to attuaanR1aSolet, rBhpiu`ods0tim@dexp4/3una1ruota da , rtuaa....   about and take it from there..
         Steymeric  Origin:                                   Maih Conl Mo, FTNBpoll, TaansX, UUee-o         Group:
butio2:335/535s, FidoSpine, Z1B
 Ia  santeways:     8:8/0
 150# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestGinR1Lucrezi,o2:335/610, [email protected] Hof11111111111111Cicci
Serra,o2:335/610, [email protected] Hof:379/5, [email protected]
GinR1Lucrezi,o2:335/610, [email protected]
F1 <RRMS       P a-n    d  ytr EFI <RRMSadso, his e.   ce dedicaNoaD vcrip    ugilen    Di
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                   1                    MLY
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Roy Witt,tat10/22a roywitt@pacbechby Queen, 1:379/5, wizards6 12:250/620
roywitt@pacbechby roywitt@pacbechby Que
FALCONRY8ang   Falconry   Carolina Panthers Pro Falconry   Carolina Panthers Proornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 64# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect -trdistributed via Planet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FAMILY-NAMES       GtishBe Group:       GtisalogypM-  C      BrternationaFootball Inus: ActNsports.h DiscfGroup.n     GtishBe Group:   ce dedicaN     dso, his es.Panthers Proornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20F0ueen, 1:3amilyNet
 63# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect/ftp sitc. Rdistributed via Planet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FAMILY_MGRS        Group: Ftatus: c,    FrManag   ri
D Help Group: Ftatus: c,    FrManag  spE   .dD_isBiiaWbddS a-nor c,regcathforsmagag  a uR1d: , hia Group: FtBonig sh.dD_isBiia estricer ways:
tweenrR1 Group: FtManag  spicly!a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: FtManag  sp RulMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 192 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rdisia Pari
 tr h gsd Group: FtManag  sp[Restricer ]anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FAMILY_SYSOPanet Coatus: ActiSyptu ri
D Help Group: FtSyptu p
D' of atrdisia Paei
 tr hALL Group: IFMLY
 NBA Bsysoph.dD_isBiianr1Be
  t vEach tishal  Group: FtBonig sheltics NBA BRsdc-educall.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                         Group: F/
    Notes: NMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 83# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rdisia Pari
anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FANTASY_BASEBALLanet Coatntasy Basebaglpectsme-nytsoatntasy Basebaglpectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 6# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect: Rdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FANTASY_HOCKE        atntasy Lackeypectsme-nytsoatntasy Lackeypectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 24# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect: Rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FAX       atx Cond Carolina Panthers Pro Football otap.dotacfGxtNsports.h eltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 32# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FAXMAILanet CoatxMaih/ElebaraSoftySoftwtachSupssioaDso, his e BrternationESupssioatr EFaxg aS,ca9Windows fGxtsend Con nlarecieviCoways:
ElebaraSofty eaaprograamedg
Jon Krahmzf,eltics NBA Ba1tr mzf F2000 b Syptu himself. RO     softwtacfproducis Brternation
ElebaraSofty r  aSso on- t1Be.    Di
D Hel take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F2000 b n  8: oRulMLY
    Dd uR1g aS  Mo3at fGxg [email protected], Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     FAXMAILume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Onanet Connect; RequestDavid B. Smith,tat24101104Bob Hoffman, echolistt5
David B. Smith,tat24101104Bo20FDECHO BrternFrontDoor/TosSc   SupssiopM-  C      BrternationaSupssiop-oo! ree-nytr Eonf aoif GrontDoora T sSc  ,fli  Brternationrelc,ll utinecie .omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    ACKBONE, ZONE-1, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-5, ZONE-6MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 350# Nodes: N/A      FDECHOume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Rules:
    Flags: Joaisim1Hom
 hausen,t2:201/330n-2000 by b HofffffffffffffffBruce   doer, ged70/400n-2000 by b Hoffman, [email protected]
Bruce   doer, ged70/400n-2000 by 20FDN_ANNOUNCE8ang   F2le              N Fwo,  F2lesanatfo, &aLink Panthers Pro Foos: A nou   as a  from FDN HeadquartcraSystemn. Autom tedeltics NBA BpoMos 0
      Fla pup dst  do lyd Food A nou   as a             omp
Dst 30
M   aoo  tachp
 d ganr1e ri
FDN     le                ce dedicaN Fwo, pM-orbig  Fla Headquartcrsre  AutvReizFlasource oRuls   about andPup dston  musb berebtainlle
 ck mo     Fls prir EWARanyeltics NBA BpoMoigy e AAutom tedo    aoon. Gtishal poMos tacht
SysOpi Brternation   r1e r1Be
  tinsabddcarried ohlribytr Eonf ao
  ead Ruls   about and ysOpitinsapo   lookigy tr Efoos: byBpoMoigy ganr1e ei
D HelNOhALLFIXs: /rio  tachpup dt,ll!! H  h Ascii EsmOK!!   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                         r Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   ScottRDrak ,tat2630/212ueen, 1fman,
sdrak @iyohlriboc-m, sdrak @iyohlriboc-mue20FEED_CUT       Devigned uR1in ormEonf a,Bsysophy eaa*EC'riif
   feedeltics NBA BaD_isBp
D'  gsows mo     Fls  nlasysophyuR1po    sean     Brternation eaadso, hinr1Bdacts e  ennonf a/systemn1tbhovtve hadAackiror c,regcathfer 1c  hfrom a a
  .lTck mo     Floif GEED_CUT Echn t Brternationresp esiblehtr E) toaccurac:re Aack poMos 0
ack participann s   about andParticipann  insa gsoBE Altho *EC'riubof insabddinvolv deltics NBA BRadahfer 1c  .lT1comp
D' of guer evnuR1 eBgany 0 b g aS  Coways:
tween  Mo. lParticipann  tbhod via aWbddmaaSl Conli  ive sionomp
Dst 30
MUSTtsend eg aS [email protected] Q fif pup dston  uRways:
tweenjoganr1e   Mo.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5    1                     : FIbO
    Language:     English
 5 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    FlagsRule ARNI guer ewto
    days if pup dston -ROMabe
    Flags: Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20tim@de:379/5,
Thom LaCosta,9@cyberu352,thon@balti  rBmdtr-20t20FELLOWSHIP_P        FegsowshipPanthers Pro FegsowshipPanthers Pro take it from there..
         StPhi eoActive
    Origin:       FamilyNeP                      Group: IFMLY
 Group: IFMLY

    Gateways:     8:8/0
 3# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestRn  Ho  ack, 777:100 1Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FEMALE_SYSOPanet Coaeg lehSyptu Dso, his e A  a BrternationaD_ECaeg le_syptu p
D' of atsupssioBp
D'  nd tr h gsdfeg leMLY
 NBA Bsysoph,dfeg lep-o-sysoph,dfeg leppogan oph,d nlaser iu or c,regcath'wannabe'dfeg lepsysoph.daD_ECp
D' of  ecttyn eaaga orm t vns   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       FamilyNenon-b                     non-      Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeB
    Language:     English
 325 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Carol Shenkenbergrr, ge275ru0Fy b HofffffffffffffffPerry Lowechhange33/3590tim@de:379/5, wizard8mFeb250/620
Carol Shenkenbergrr, ge275ru0Fn-2000 by 20FEMINISManet Coaegiwism8 eaaGtid  yIssu s Brternation aegiwism8 eaaGtid  yIssu ss   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       FamilyNe                         Agl : FIbO
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Carol Shenkenbergrr, ge275ru0Fy b Hof:379/5, wizard9mFeb250/620
Carol Shenkenbergrr, ge275ru0Fn-2000 by 20FE_HELPanet CoD_ECa379E    MaihSroc shif SupssiopM-  C      BrternationaSupssiop-oo! ree-nytr Eonf aoif G379E     nlarels edgutinecie .omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    ACKBONE, ZONE-1, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-5, ZONE-6MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 20# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestTobi
 Burchhardt,t2:2448/400n-2000 by b Hoffman, [email protected]
Bruce   doer, ged70/400n-2000 by 20FIBROManet Coaibromyalgia Dso, his e A  a BrternationaD_isB-oo! ree-nyEchtr EPWFs (P  s  s Withoaibromyalgia),ways:
tweenr1Bi ufriondh,dfroup:,o  diccl
ctacfprovidf a,Boeaa ny o    eltics NBA BRany  s r eitdividu gs. lIt Echtr E) todso, his e2e Aaibromyalgia Brternation eaaany o     rels edgaSlg shes/dsoeahesBE Alth Co,tb  ways:
tweenn thliou,ll uR,Echronichf t guepsyndromeB(CFS/C   S/ME),ways:
tweenLyme    eahe, Post-Poliopsyndrome, Gulf Warpsyndrome, arthri  t,ways:
tweenrheum t sm,airri ableabowzlpsyndrome, allergien,tmigrain  Brternationhead ch a, ptc.aMODays if c   bny mcil d of [email protected] r:   Bob Hof11111 s of juvenile crime.
    Origin:       1:379/5                           00 -1  ACKBONE       Group:
bution: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/uage:     English
 300# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestBt
 J FIsohangeu60C
4Fy b HofffffffffffffffLinda CummAT rangeu651/9.12ueen, 1fman, echolist6 12:250/620
[email protected] r:   , [email protected] r:   Bo20FI         nu
D HellT1comp
D' wap1 bd tr mzf dso, his e2ei
 tr hTom Jenn Cos'    Di
D Hel  DiBBShsoftwtac.aD_ECp
D' wap1reeamedgFI  BBShEn aebruary,ways:
tween1994.lT1comE   L Moigy i  simpup aho  serve r1Be
  ta Bob Hof11111FI   tr Efutuachonf.omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         StDeep Spa-n 417,9@cy86/17F1                                   Priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/1     Language:
 1 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rule N/A          Rules:
    Flags: Only> [ /SYSOPanet Coes Only>
   Ra:rBrown,9@cy86/17F1 0     :379/5,
Ra:.rBrown,9@cy86/17F1 020FI  -REQ       M-  C      ennpoMoigy npodfoos:    Di
D HellT1comCoo! ree-nyEchdediccted uR1us  aoif foos Sroc shifsor c,regcathsuchB    eahhanef, foosmgr, tickfli to    hyuR1po   npoor c,regcathfoos: ubof tacf dccileaawio a*.tichfoos arriv gs   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Gr: FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1300# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestRs EParrott,tatu82/206y b HofffffffffffffffRs EParrott,trparrott@swiors:r-20tim@de:379/5, wizard22 12:250/620
rparrott@swiors:r-2, "Rs EParrott" <rparrott@swiors:r-2> 020FI  BBSanet CoaiDiBBShSoftwtachSupssioa&hTo1Ben -- SYSOPS ONLY --Panthers Pro Ae-oo! ree-nytr EaiDiBBShSysOpi. Dso, his e E Althos  glpectsme-nytsaspects if G200BBS,hcuracnnive sion 12u.e:3t s  W
 n istt,ways:
tweenupgrad i,Eutinecie ,Boeaadoorsatach gsdv gid subjec s.abaseeltics NBA BEsmNOTm  coo! ree-nytr Edso, his e2e Aai00Acti(tm)! Restricer ways:
tweenrR1SysOpnparticipat    ONLY, alo
ghd ysOpitofar     Systemnblea9/5-nytsaac ee-ouraged uR1participatc.a-NOTE-dD_isBiiaWbddnpodeameor c,regcathforsr1Be
  ,     .omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
         StDeep Spa-n 417,9@cy86/17F1                                   : FIDO
  rn  8ags: at10/8milyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/35     Language:
 43 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rule N/A          Rules:
    Flags: Only> [ /SYSopanet Coes Only>
   Ra:rBrown,9@cy86/17F1 0                   Tom Jenn Cos, uRmjn-200.wpi.stabu  on::::::tsme-nytsRic rWard,tat102/402 0     :379/5,
Ra:.rBrown,9@cy86/17F1 020FI  ECHOPOLanet CoaiDiActiE   g aS Policy   Carolina Panthers Pro An
  g aS a  a1tr E) todso, his esrenca
F2000 b E   g aSMLY
 fffffPolicy. Opcn uR1ALL f2000 b n  8: Radagsdf2000 b zO
 t and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   Z1,dagsdf2000 b zO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Jim McLa [email protected]@de:379/5, wizard24 12:250/620
[email protected], [email protected] (Jim McLa ghlih) 020FI  NET       FI  NET        be, 1Fif futuachonf    Di
D Hellly All help ppeared.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                       MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Tom Knowlesangr edelick@  tg aS.r-20tim@de:379/5, wizard24
gr edelick@  tg aS.r-2, "Tom Knowles" <gr edelick@  tg aS.r-2> 020FI  NEWSanet CoSnoozchSupssioeltics NBA BaF2000 wstsupssioBp
D' tr Edso, his e2e AWbddnposlet,lr Brternation eaaack poMoigy e Ae chaissu .omp
Dst 30
s of juvenile crime.
    Origin:                2000                     :ORTHlAMERICAN  ACKBONE       Group:
bution: FamilyNeB
 FreePresh   abou     8:8/0
 25# Nodes: N/A      FI  NEWSume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnLanet Connect; RequestD
glap1Myzf  ngey70/720,tD
gM@paohlriboc-mueb Hoffman, echolistt5
gM@paohlriboc-m, D
glap1Myzf  <D
gM@paohlriboc-m> 020FI  POLSanet CoaiDi0 b Policy   Carolina1Fifumeltics NBA B AeS a-nyuR1d: , hia eaaprovidf Raput in policy dso, his es.Panthers ProFif exampu

lebaina1Sroc dur s,oaiDi0 b Policio  tnd/erpectsme-nytsW
 n ccl
stli ards.aCuracnn S anchtr Ep
D' of rR
stlr ways:
tweenr1Bddrafoigy e Aa   rnytr mcl
lebaina1Sroc dur tb  ways:
tweenEchn thliou,ll uR ju    sof rR1Be.oE
D' of fu
 acc shytr  Brternation
   MoedgFiDi0 b sysoph.dHowzverovedit Echting isyoureltics NBA B-haractcra ARNI dsorupnile,t bdanr1e ei
Biia ead oRuls   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       FamilyNe                         Agl : FIbO
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume:209/mo       anet Connect; RequestRssf Cassechhange639/93,trcassech@homeoc-mueb Hoffman, [email protected]
Rssf Cassechhange639/93,trcassech@homeoc-mue20FI  SOFT.HUSK        Huskydf200 softwtacfdevr opas a/supssioeltics NBA BaHuskydEchaEprojec  devr op Confreel eaapor ableaF2000 by b Hoffffffsoftwtacftr EUNIXfli to     op    iConeystemn.llT1comp
tweenEchbo  haEdevr op
  B   wechaap1a1fr umitr Eonf distris es Brternation eaasupssio. 1   Gate is primar
u   R hischanGe mce ofways:
tweenrRltratkd. iC is our commna1l
    G!   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                        F2000 b : FIbO
 d           a ystemnblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Rly> [eal Names Only>
 Ernst,t2:2476/419Bob Hof11111111111111Carol Shenkenbergrr, ge275ru0Fy b Hof:379/5, wizard27
 Ernst,t2:2476/419Bo20FI  TEST       F2000 b TESTBp
D'  nd mclfunbaina1coo! ree-n!   about anddUse  sof TESTBp
2tr Echeck Coways:
tweenyour uRsser/sc wner/FTSdmaaSfsoftwtacfcho!rgurais es. **ALSO:   ce dedicadso, hi/istr
  broken links, dupe looph,d nlao    eltics NBA Bproblemchting isF2000 b levr savEacdiA
 onf ao
nlasysophpectsme-nytswelcomed   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May    WEB       F200WEBtsupssioBa  a. BrternationEDso, his e if F200WEBtprojec   ARNrigy F2000 b a  a: oRways:
tweenr1BdWEB.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Supf dKeyby,t2:335/354,d nl  a@t
lem t ca.itBob Hof11111111111111Mar i Mur ',o2:335/533,tmur @s Moemia.itBob Hof:379/5, wizard5
mur @s, mur @s Moemia.itBoay    _DISTRIBUT          aiDiActiE   g aS              System   Carolina Panthers Pro T1comp
D' of availableatr Edso, his es2e Aack var iu  E   g aSMLY
 fffffd           a ystemn,thow  be
uRany rels efli to     issu s Brternationinvolv Conu todso         aif
  g aS  isF2000 bMLY
 t and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   agsdf2000 b zO
,hn thgs: any maih Conl MoMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Jim McLa ghlihangeyb0411040tim@de:379/5, wizard24 12:250/620
[email protected], [email protected] (Jim McLa ghlih) 020FI  _ELIST       FI  _ELIST             P a-n   d  eltics NBA B take it from there..
         Stat2404F F1ve
    Origin:                 Di                     Priv  DMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flag : Ruth Argusb ganrrusb,9@cy404F F1 0     :379/5, [email protected]
Ruth Argusb,9@cy404F F1 020FI  _UT L       F2000 b Rels edgSysOpnUtilsa nlaAppsaDso, his e BrternationEGtishal dso, his e2e Aai000 b-rels edgutinecie ytr Esysophpectsme-nytsE Alth Coa eS a-nas a  fif ex Moigy softwtacfcuracnnupu nl00 d Brternation
devr op  n.llY2K otapMiae-n issu sy r  aSso dso, hill.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                  F2000 b n  8: oRul except Conl Moedgguer ,hn  nports.foMLY
 Prir EPup dston  Rdisia Ps, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 13 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rule N/A          Rules:
    Flags:SYS / <Real Names Only>
ugil  rn,tat2410140Fueb Hoffman, echolistt5
ugil  rn,tat2410140Fue20FIGURE_SKATE8ang   F2gur tSk  iConei
D HellAe2ei
 tr h ectt   li tW
 n ccl
dso, his e2e AWbddsssioeltics NBA Bif fogur tsk  iCo.  Primarup: tr Efaesrencic tsk  iCo,tb  ways:
tweenfaesrencartistichroll   sk  iConaac ee-ouraged uR1joganinpectsme-nytsas wech. ComeBa  ku
  your favorit tsk  rr, prograat,ways:
tweenmusic, otstumo  tnd ot ch a, r E(if youtsk  r yourself) Brternation ragu
  your ownask  iCo.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Stat1ber84n-2000 b:   Origin:                                 MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Jan Murphy,age1ber84n-2000 b:   y b Hoffman, echolist31-Dec-1999g
Jan Murphy,age1ber84y b HoWARNING! T1coml Moigy i  subjec  uR1NI Conremoleaawio ganr1e next 3Fueb Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg0
 mo     Floiro    eCoer.ue20FILEFINDueen, 1ALLFIXsatus: c,    FrFILEFIND ri
D HelpD_isBiiaWbddatus: c,    FrALLFIXs  leFinPari
 mo      d Brternation
  encged: 18108re  [email protected] T1comp
D' of vEacor c,regcathforsr1Be
xpr si purpostgencagsow Cononf aowio aacc shyuRways:
tweenALLFIXsr EsomeBo     otapc, bleaFILEFIND prograanuR1szi  Brternationatrdistribovzf F200ActiuR1finPacertainhfoos: ubof  be
uaacor c,regcathlookigy tr . aFILEFIND rdi. c   bny    g aS  is orm t.a
pok  Ft anIfEsomeB tishal 0 bg aS  eS io  tach tisha,ll ube
ushould Brternation e1szithgs:   ,ll NETMAILu dHowzverosie-n someBo AWbdnf    Di
D Heltype e ArdS io  c   bnyvtr
ulargrr ubof should  tishalp:   ce dedicabb frownedgupon.o T1comp
D' of vEachforsr1Bepp nifBeBonf    Di
D Hele AaILEFIND rdistrin.llRuletr Efoos a nou   as a  r h ny & Coeltics NBA BulseBo AWbof  c,uac. ALLFIXscomCopy
 h edg0
HarmshSoftwtacpectsme-nytsE  ineer Coeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Stat1: 18108re
    Origin:       1:379/5                           00  1, Z00  2, Z00  3, Z00  4, Z00  5, Z00  6MLY
  rn  8up: FIDO
ags: atu95/195<=>86milyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/100o     Language:
 2281# Nodes: N/A      FILEFINDume: CDRECORD      es EPup 3 di> L
    Flags: <Real Name
2tr EANY    D Rules:
    Flags: Jeff Schrunkanged: 18108, [email protected], 111111111111111Hara d1Harms,t2:282/505, hara d@alpfixoc-mueen, 1:379/5,
[email protected]_FMYanet Coatus: Acti  lefinPaM-  C      BrternationaFtus: Acti  lefinPaM-  C      A  a Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                        ged15/887 n: F0    on:   DistriY
 GI  NET n: F0<>ged15/887milyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/30     Language:
 1 # Nodes: N/A          Volume:209/mo       anet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FILEGATE8ang   IFDCi  le   D Projec (sm)patus: c,    FrEi
D HellAB tishal p
D' regard Conu toIFDCi  le   D Projec  (sm)or c,regcathfoosodso         .asA lO
D' uR1d: , hior c,regcathfoos:  dccileaairo dstoCo,tctes: Ns es, links, stlr  Coways:
tween n
FDN, dupe f2lesanptc.apD_isBiiaNOTm n Adgiwistrativeways:
  .lNo   le a nou   as a  po  ll.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                  MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: JaniiaKr chb,9@cy320/38, jkr [email protected] by b Hoffman,
jkr [email protected] b, jkr [email protected] by 20FILE_REQ         leri
 A nou   as a ri
D HelpD_eBoldtribli to
   aSocho! ree-nytr Er1Bdannou   as aeltics NBA Bif foos:  dleascdrgs: ack var iu  F2le              N Fwo, eltics NBA B(FDN ) in ack   le   D li t  lebO
   le a nou   as a blea9/5-nytsaac agsowedg0
FDN c-orbig  Fla asnl Moedgganr1e curacnnBob Hof11111FILEGATE.ZXXfli tFILEBONE.NAml Moigys (r Eby o     ms Only> ways:
tweenautvReizFlasources). 1 vtr
a(FDN HQairon t) should ebtaineltics NBA Bpup dston  -prir - uR1NI   n Con nnou   as a  ganr1e ei
.    Di
D HelpD_eBp
D' should ber" ead oRul"ytr Esystemn1n thautvReizFlways:
tweenrR1po    nnou   as a .  Pleahe,  -no-iA
fix (r Eo     fi e    Di
D HelfinPer)distrio /rdsp ese  ganr1e ei
.nIfEyoutwan  rR1knowpectsme-nytswbof'  npo,1r1comiiaWbddoRul e
D' uR1 ead.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                  F2000 b oRul except Conl Moedgguer ,hn  nports.foodso  MLY
 Prir EPup dston  Rdisia Ps, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     FILE_REQume: CDRECORD         d  Rule N/A          RuleUL
    Flags: <Real NamesACC / <Real Names Only>
ugil  rn,tat2410140Fueb Hoffman, echolistt5
ugil  rn,tat2410140Fue20FILKanet CoSciGnce Fibaina1Fann sh FolIsohgs0tim@dexp4/3aD vo,ll uR fann sh folIsohgs, r E"fi Isohgs",ca9loCones abl shFlways:
tweenSF fann sh tradits e.   ce dedica s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         Gr:ACKBONE       Group:
tweenrR1atus: Iags: amilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 100# Nodes: N/A      FILKume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namly> [eal Names Only>
   KnsaShapelo,tat102/5240tim@de:379/5, wizard17mFeb250/620
KnsaShapelo,tat102/5240t20FILManet Coailm8 eaamovicf dvicw.    Di
D HellAB c,    Fre
D' dA   Conwio aagsdfacetaoif foom s aertainas adomp
Dst 30
Cour Nay,d nlafriondhhip p dv aS.   about and take it from there..
         Status: 12ve
    Origin:       1                             : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 400# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestJ FI Sargran ,tatus: 12a j FIsargran @yahoooc-mueen, 111111111111111Rogrr Nelsohangeu828/7, rjnel@eg aS.r-20tim@de:379/5,
J FI Sargran ,tatus: 12n-2000 by 20FI <RRM       P a-n    d  ytr EFI <RRMSadso, his e.   ce dedicaNoaD vcrip    ugilen    Di
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                   1                    MLY
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Roy Witt,tat10/22a roywitt@pacbechby Queen, 1:379/5, wizards6 12:250/620
roywitt@pacbechby roywitt@pacbechby Que
FI <RRMS       Fia armshTECHNICAL (NO POLITICS)aDISCUSSION ECHO Brternation Dso, his e a  a1tr Eshootcrs:hfrom novi-nyuR1expelt oRways:
tweensubjec s r wi Confrom hunt ConuR1 self-defeese.dD_isBii BrternationatW
 n ccl
a  a,aack poneciccl
dso, his es  go uR1WbddRTKBAways:
  ..1 bd tia armshe
D' otapcn   .a Notes: /REd nlaLesleyways:
tweenr1Bdlo00 y Dly n ner 1n thbo     try ConuR1Hij FI1r1comp
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                        Liou,ll uR mo     Fls
    Lang20o     Language:
 400# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    No Kohl,tat102/861ueen, 1:379/5, wizards6 12:250/620
No Kohl,tat102/861ue
FI <NET       Fia f  h e spE                P a-nyuR1d: , hia gsdphahesBli tW
 n istriuR1fia f  h  Coeltics NBA Bornia Angels Baseball
         Staty70/911.0n-2000 b:   Origin:                               Z-1   FIbO
    DistriNBA BoAF-N F(sm)paty70/911milyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/150     Language:
 25# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: John Bixlrr, ge270/911a jbixlrr@9-1-1:   Bob Hoffman, echolists6
john@9-1-1:   , jbixlrr@9-1-1:   Bo
FISHING       Fis& Co   Carolina  OfiA
 KinP Panthers Pro T1comp
D' of tr E) todso, his e2e Afis& Co encagsltypes.Panthers ProTe
 on your f sh storieC. Saltw  rr, FrdshBli tI-nytis& Coblea9/5-nytsaac ags in aR1Be.oA
tsaac swelcome uR1joganin.nIfways:
D', Pleahe1in ormE ck mo     Fl.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Stat115/50n-2000 b:   Origin:                                   00  1 : FIbO
,lZ00  2, Z00  4, RBBS-NET, Group:  eoMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A    ytis& Co.rul CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Rules:
    Flags: Ric ard Biehl,tat115/50bu  on::::::tsme-nytsRic ard Biehl,tat115/775ueen, 111111111111111FrddshBek Osbo heanged: 121430tim@de:379/5,
Ric ard Biehl,tat115/50bu
FISHING_FMYanet Coais& Co M-  C      BrternationaGtishBe Gis& Co   Carolina pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 475# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: S  Dlnect: Rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FISHNET       Soul9Winn Co   Carolina pectsme-nytslABChr Moi n fegsowshipBli tSupssioari
 tr hbecizvers Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet
    Notes: NMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RLanet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FLA-MARLINS       Florida1Marl    Basebagl   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discsssios.basebagl.fla-marl    nports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 63# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Panet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FLA-PANTHERS       Florida1Pan    hyNHL Lackey   Carolina Panthers Pro Football Discsssios.hackey.nhl.fla-pan    hyNports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Stitus: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 129# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Not distributed via Panet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FLAME       Nc,    FrFLAMEnei
D HelAB tishal "no-   ds-bara P"2ei
 tr hanhea Fladso, his e Brternationoeaadeba D l
  almo    ny & ConyougctacfrR1 l    l
 !    Di
D HelpD_eBp
D' c   g  Nquit tnmanyn eaa"hot,"n   r1ernyEcha Brternation tishal ctt mptg0
gsdparticipann  uR1 rgue/deba D/bitc  BrternationRadaeBganylnegs a  eaals Bp: ist,aac
ghdregr sis eevnuR Brternationodthominem assauln  ("p  s   l ctt FIs") tnd/ero  sor  Coways:
tweenuR1Wbddex echolrencinsuln  is agsowed,d nlaquit tlikBp::   ce dedicait EchWbdd*FLAME!*Bp
D'  ft   lch. aD_ECp
D' of adS a-nor c,regcathuR1Nsowrenf steam, r Eju   S ai  g  Nnmanynif youtfinPayoueltics NBA B-an't g  Nnmanyn ny vEachulse.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                    ACKBONEMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/10o     Language:
 2250# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestDavid Rli achhang15/65ueen, 111111111111111D_ECTup dg  Fl,9@cy89/22y b Hof:379/5,
David Rli achhang15/65ue20FLA_NET       Florida1Sysophpectsme-nyts T1compntrydEchae2ei
 tag   d  eltics NBA B take it from there..
    Origin:                                   N Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeB
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Foxy Fergusohangeu61 1Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
Foxy Fergusohangeu61 1Bo20FLIGHT_SIMULATORS       Fl  h  Simul  Fla  Carolina Panthers Pro Football Inus: ActNsports.h - Fl  h  Simul  Fla  Carolina Panthers Proornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 821# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect/ftp fer 1-trdistributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FLYING       atus: c,    FrFly ConEi
D HellT1comp
D' is opcn uR1evtr
aRany  s r eit avic,   ,sE Alth Co Brternation
 types e Ardahhafu
-sizFlaaircrafo fly Conganr1e earth'i Brternationatmo pvEac,B   wechaap1producisd nlaservi-ns rels  ConuR Brternationavic,   . ExAlthod EchWbdddso, his e2e APC-bascdrsimul  Fl Brternation     , radio-controll d mo  ls, spa-n tra Bp,d nlaUFOt,ways:
tweentr hwhic ro    ,   rnyappropria D p
D' sy r  availablea(pleaheways:
tweensee r     fi e).lT1comp
D' of gan*no* ist rels edgrR1 LYING       tweenmagazriboeltics NBA B take it from there..
    Origin:                                  MLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 912# Nodes: N/A      FLYINGume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Onanet Connect; RequestElvof H rgroveange397/6n-2000 b:   y b HofffffffffffffffJim Dunmyrr, ge234/20tim@de:379/5,
Elvof H rgroveange397/6n-2000 bBo20FL_LIVING       Gtishal Florida1Chit-Chaoeltics NBA BaFlaafriondhh ectmp
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    FlaPup dston .blea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeB
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Foxy Fergusohangeu61 1Bob HofffffffffffffffAnl  a Sanno  nge135/382Bob Hoffman, [email protected]
Foxy Fergusohangeu61 1Bo20FMAIL_HELPanet CoFg aS helpnei
D HellFMaih (Hudsoh/JAM uRss-sc w-utins) supssioeltics NBA B s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   Z1-baFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Arjae2Glasbergrn,t2:28612-1.35ueb Hoffman, [email protected]
Arjae2Glasbergrn,t2:28612-1.35ue20FMLY_HEALING       Healo d nlahA   Co        be, 1Fif dso, his e2e Aany aspect2e Asickg sh,ahA  o d nlahA   Co, Brternation eaaack Chr Moi n giwistr:re AhA   Co. Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: ActiS
    n Africa (Re    FamilyNet                        atus: ActibaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/3     Language:
 3# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestStepbdanHay  , 8:790C
0Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FMLY_PROLIFEMLY
 Brternation<Nhod vcrip    > Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         StCFNs: Active
    Origin:               CFN                     CFNsORulMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A    yprolife.rul CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Rules:
    Flags: Alan Bingham, 12:3201/6ueen, 111111111111111Har  d Robbies, 12:3.or/9ueb Hoffman, echolistt5 Dec-1999g
 Control,tatu82/22y b HoWARNING! T1coml Moigy i  subjec  uR1NI Conremoleaawio ganr1e next 3Fueb Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg0
 mo     Floiro    eCoer.ue20FMLY_REG79anet Coatus: ActiAfricanh ectmp
D'    Di
D HellAB tishal  ectmp
D' tr h gsdonf ao
nlasysoph  isFroup: IFMLY
 es: N/egs e279 (Africa) Brternationornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:       FamilyNet                        atus: Acti/egs e279MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/10     Language:
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: StepbdanHay  , 8:790C
0Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FNOS_HELPanet CoHelpnwio aack  NOSive sion e AKA9Q devr op dg0
Marc BlPanthers Pro T1comp
D' of aeS a-nytr Esysoph uR1enisia   NOS,ca9pow rfulPanthers ProDOSibascdrTCP/IPyappliccton  ubof supssiostitus: al multio  ead Co, Brternation binecp ahoconducirsimultaneiu  s sis es,titus: al miwi Brternation ppliccton shsuchB   FTP,  Dly QanfiCoer8 eaamoac. Sourceeltics NBA B-odnyEchcopy
 h edg0utg0
explicit approva
2e AWbddcopy
 h eltics NBA Biwnzf  nit c   bnymo ified  nlares:
    Flafif educc,    F Brternation eaanon- commerciasdon  G.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                   Z1-: FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 10# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo         eal Rules:
    Flags: StevdanHorhanged7/67 0     :379/5,
StevdanHorhanged7/67, "StevdanA.nHorh" <shorh@yk0> 020FN_POLITICRLanet Coatus: c,    FroaiDi0 b Policiccl
aM-  C      BrternationaFiDi0 b Policiccl
 Caroon shA    y r  simpu
 1. Subjec or c,regcathuR1GI  NET policy 4 (see sebaina19.9)B   "if" MESSAGES wEacor c,regcathNETMAILu 2. Subjec -Policy mctt  s  isF2000 b 3.  eas   b e    Di
D Helbehavir Eganr1e neFwo, . 4.lNo geographichrestriceina Panthers Proon links. 5.
    Flaask: ubof    ,lrf trgsow ECROC (Freqpectsme-nytsECROC vEac) 6.
Bruce   doer'f taq i  sp nifBealp:hrejec Flways:
tween eaanotn ppliccb e    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         StALL DISTRIBUT    SYSTEMSn:                                   Worldwid
    Gateways:     8:8/27     Language:
 12 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: NSyptuC  Rules:
    Flags:SYSOPanet Coes Only>
       Moravsikangeyb0415830tim@de:379/5, wizard15
    Moravsikangeyb0415830t20FN_SYSOPanet Coa2000 b Sysophpectsme-nyts Aggueher CoeS a-nytr EFiDi0 b sysoph.doA
 FiDi0 b sysophblea9/5-nytsaac ee-ouraged uR1participatc.    Di
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                2000                     :sioh Americanh  FIbO
    DistriNBA B0
s, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 1000# Nodes: N/A      FN_SYSOPume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnLanet Connect; RequestD
glap1Myzf  ngey70/720,tD
gM@paohlriboc-mueb Hoffman, echolistt5
gM@paohlriboc-m, D
glap1Myzf  <D
gM@paohlriboc-m> 020FOOTBALL       GtishBe Gootbagl   Carolina  [:sioh America] BrternationaGtishBe Gootbagl   Carolina  [:sioh America] Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 75# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect1-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-May-2000hoesirederators:   Bo20FOR-SALE8ang   Fif S leMLY
 NBA B Fif r1e buy Con nlaseSl Cone ANon-Commerciasditemnblea9/5-nyts s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   Z1-BaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Jeffrey J. Counsil,ageyb8/402 0     11111111111111Frdd Burg sh,agey261580ueen, 1:379/5,
Jeffrey J. Counsil,ageyb8/402n-2000 bBo20FOR_SALE_P        Itemn1tr Es lepuR1o    h:tNspd nlaUsFlways:
tween Itemn1tr Es lepuR1o    h:tNspsd nlaUsFlways:
tween take it from there..
         StPhi eoActive
    Origin:       FamilyNeP                      Group: IFMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestRn  Ho  ack, 777:100 1Bob Hoffman, echolistt3
    Last changed: 12-Mari20FOSTER8ang   Fist   Caac Issu s Brternation T1coma  a1of tr Edso, his e2e Afist   ctacfissu s,sE Alth Co Brternationlegislc,   ,spars a supssioB ystemn,tadvocacy prograat,ways:
tweentypes e Aprograat, train Cone fball Dmileaaack -ountry,ways:
tweenhi a  r htipf tr Efist   pars asanptc.aTo1Ben insaE Althoeltics NBA B-o   res2e Aack  c,uaal pars a,aack rollrencchi l Dbonf    Di
D Help dvs as e agee-iesangr upthomesanfist   froup: agee-iesa Brternation r nlpars as whoaprovidf fist   ctac,ntypes e Alicens Co, Brternationtrain Conner s,Bproblemch is ost   ctac/idfaf tr E  sol     , BrternationRafo l
   c,    Frcho! ree-nsanfist   pars a   sources,    Di
D Helbes  Conburn-
 ,1recruit Con nlarets as e, stltistics,    Di
D Helpracticcl
pars aoCo,tptc.aT1comp
D' of gattid daap1a1  sourceblea9/5-nytsaaca tr Efist   pars asanpots asa
2trst   pars asanbiioh    Di
D Helpars asan eaaprof sis eals whoatacfrrulyaRany  s r eit "ack    Di
D Helbesb gany  s s2e Aack chi l."blea9/5-nyts s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   Z1 : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/7e:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Faye Johnsohange205/8Fy b Hof:379/5, wizard9m12:250/620
Faye Johnsohange205/8Fy 20FOXPRO8ang   FixPr'  nd A
ied Databasc1producisMLY
 NBA B Fif r1ostgencus whoastigsdonfBoldtW
 n eaaack npoddshBvaeina Panthers Prooedit    Di
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                  1                     : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 10# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rule ARNI gs edgwio
  mo     Flopup dston eal Names Only>
Crsta,ageyberu352,thon@bagtimoacmdoc-mueb Hoffman,
Crsta,ageyberu352,thon@bagtimoacmdoc-mue20FRANCAIS       Cectmpnt
  e1Francainf    Di
D Hel Le Cectmpntfrancain viu  ts ae?Bob Hof11111 s of juvenile crime.
    Origin:       1:379/5                          ALL ZONE , ALL REG             DistrimilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5# Nodes: N/A      FRANCAISume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnLanet Connect; RequestMichel  aousb,9@c167/115ueen, 111111111111111Michel Boul
 rr, ge167/ F1 0     :379/5, wizards4
Michel  aousb,9@c167/115ue20FREEMAIL CDRECORreeMaih  nd A/Maih Supssioari
 BrternationlAe2a  a1tr E) todso, his en eaasupssio2e Aack RreeMaihways:
tween eaaAlexi/Maih F200Act-W
 nology uRsser/sc wner prograat,ways:
tween   wechaap1o     Alexi/Wtacfprograat.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                         Gr: FIbO
,l  Distribut
    Notes: NMLY
    Distri: <RealneaPup dtt Ps, FidoSpine, Z1teways:     8:8/uage:     English
 30# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Jim : lc-m,agea09/3340tim@de:379/5, wizard15
[email protected] adc-m, Jim : lc-m <[email protected] adc-m>ue20FREEMAS         areemas  ry    Di
D HelpD_eBareemas  ryiE   g aS a  a1of a1fr umitr Elearn Conareemas  ry    Di
D Hel eaaaeS a-nyuR1d: , hia
 thigys laudablea eaawsiohwhi e.a
pok  Ft anBo  hMas  sn eaanon-Mas  sn acfwelcome vEacd   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-May RONTDOOR_APX       arontDor EAPX SupssioaM-  C      BrternationaSupssioacho! ree-nytr Eus  aoif arontDor EAPX -hWbdd*otapMets*    Di
D Helpoinn S FI, Zytr EWindownblea9/5-nyts s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                    ACKBONE, ZONE-1, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-5, ZONE-6          DistrimilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 225# Nodes: N/A      FDAPXume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Rules:
    Flags: Joaquim Hom
 haus n,t2:201/330n-2000 bBoen, 111111111111111Ma s2Wallihan2:201/329n-2000 bBoen, 1fman, [email protected]
ruce   doeranged70140Fn-2000 bBo20FRONT_LINEMLY
D HelpDOhNETWORK PRIS   MINISTRIES, BIKER MIN. & STREET MIN. Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         StChr Moi n FegsowshipBActive
           CFN                     CFN, MJCN, &tPhi eoActMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 14# Nodes: N/A      front.rul CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names OnLanet Connect; RequestMike Lewis, 12:3200/8F0ueen, 111111111111111Har  d Robbies, 12:3.or/9ueb Hoffman, echolistt5 Dec-1999g
 Control,tatu82/22y b HoWARNING! T1coml Moigy i  subjec  uR1NI Conremoleaawio ganr1e next 3Fueb Hodaymovedit Echn thupds edg0
 mo     Floiro    eCoer.ue20FS       Fl  h  Simul  Fls Brternation Dso, his es encagslaspects2e Asimul  Flafly Co,afl  h eltics NBA BotabatAsimul  s e, li tSimAi EAirl  es.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                         Gr: FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 25# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestRnbeioaM-wchange213/742ueb Hoffman, echolist8m12:250/620
RnbeioaM-wchange213/742ue20FTNHUB       FTNHUB Supssioari
 BrternationlCusb-m atus: ActServi-n's FTNHUB Supssioap
D'    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                   LOCRLanet Co BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 20# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Ma t Bedynekanged06r2, mbedynek@pdqby Queen, 1:379/5, wizards@sh:250/620
mbedynek@pdqby Q, mbedynek@pdqby Que20FTP_           Us Co atus: ActFTPnuR1Wransfzf F200Acti    g aS  nlafihways:
tweenEDso, his e if us Co atus: ActuR1WransssioaF200Actimaihways:
tween eaaf2lesanE Alth CoasuchBservi-ns    FTP Hub, li tIHub.    Di
D HellMethodhh ovzfr eitAltho FTP li tTDly Q.  Rels edgsoftwtac,ways:
tweensuchB   DOSFTN (KA9Q_FTN), V
 m    FTP li to     popul  eltics NBA Bp FI, Zsanfir var iu  op    iConeystemn of gaAlthod.ddUserhblea9/5-nytsaac ee-ouraged uR1uR1swap1in ormcton   eaaprovidf helpnuR Brternatione chao    . aD_ErnyEcha rels edgfoos a  a,aaSso ealpedgFTP_    .blea9/5-nyts s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   ge396 1Bob Hoft ad
      on: FamilyNeB
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: John Souvestreange396 1, johns: stlroc-mueen, 1:379/5, wizards3@sh:250/620
John Souvestreange396 1ue20FTSC_PUBLIC       F2000 b T
 n ccl
Stli ards Com dtt e Public ri
D HelpD_eBpurpostgenct1comp
D' of toaprovidf opcn acc shyuR ack    Di
D HelF200ActiT
 n ccl
Stli ards Com dtt e  eaaits2var iu  wo, Co Brternationgr ups.blea9/5-nyts s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                  MLY
    Distri: <Re ACKBONEMLY

    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: ruce   doeranged70140Fn-2000 bBob HofffffffffffffffJim Ray,tatu88/14n-2000 bBoen, 1fman, [email protected]
ruce   doeranged70140Fn-2000 bBo20FUNNYanet CoaUNNY
JokesBli tStorieCMLY
JokesBli tStorieC Ju   wbof youto gak; AeS a-nytr     Di
jokesBli tstorieC,aaeS a-nyuR1sitibaFId nlahavnytue.   ce dedica Rememberanhumoriu  thigys aac FUNNY!pD_eBmai  guidfl  eways:
so2e Ayougctnahandlepubof,B-an'tways:
tweenyou?  ;-)o T1comp
D' of ha,ll PG-13B   r1ernyinsabnymc,uacways:
tweenjokesBpo  ll, ubof d' syNOTmmea  ubof FUNNY
Echa 'R' r     Di
D Hel'X' ha,ll p
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                         ACKBONEMLY
 Z00  6ags: at10/8s, FidoSpine, Z1teways:     8:8/uage:     English
 3000# Nodes: N/A      FUNNYume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real NamlL
    Flags: <Re
    Flags: George Popchang153/307Bob Hof:379/5, wizard5
[email protected], [email protected] CoAnthropomorphics (tuenynhuman-likBd nimaSs) BrternationlConve scton shamoConu tosubgr upte AsciGnce fibaina1f nl0mueen, 111111d vo,ll uR "tuenyn nimaSs". Comics dso, his es,nSF  eaafolk Brternationtale
dso, his es rels edgr1ernto.   aesrencALBEDO   USION,ways:
tweenSTINZ, li ,renccourse,aack SF RollrPlay Con     OTHER SUNS.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                URNEMLY
 D             GurActibaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/11e:     English
 20# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  Nes EPup 3 di>s:
    Flags:MODgs: <Re
    Flags: NicolaiaShapelo,tat102/5240tim@de:379/5, wizard17mFeb250/620
KnsaShapelo,tat102/5240t20FUR_MAGanet CoAnthropomorphics,nr1e curacnnnmagazribs0tim@dexp4/3aD vo,ll uR anthropomorphic1f nzribs (YARF!   URVERSION,ways:
tween  URTHERANCE,n  URNOGRAPHY,n etc) Publiccton  sched   hupds es,ways:
tweensub dston  rdisia as a  ptc.apDso, his es enBpubliccton ways:
tweenstli ards,odso         a eaaprint Conproblemcanptc.apBo  ways:
tweentr hpublishf ao
nla ead  aoif said1f nzribs.ap"GmileaaLevr "eltics NBA Botaics  eaanew1f nzrib  nnou   as a .a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                URNEMLY
 D             GurActibaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/11e:     English
 20# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  Nes EPup 3 di>s:
    Flags:MODgs: <Re
    Flags: NicolaiaShapelo,tat102/5240tim@de:379/5, wizard17mFeb250/620
KnsaShapelo,tat102/5240t20FUR_TECHanet CoAnthropomorphics,nr1e W
 n ccl
sihoeltics NBA BaD vo,ll uR r1e W
 n ccl
sihooif "turry1f nl0m". Costum Coways:
tweenuhBeksnoeaadesign,  dlevan  biolog ccl
sciGnces dso, his es,ways:
tween eaaotaput   liimcton  uhBeks, trapsan eaaW
 n istr.apDsrec Flways:
tweentowards aosubgr upte AsciGnce fibaina1f nl0m.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                URNEMLY
 D             GurActibaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/11e:     English
 5# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  Nes EPup 3 di>s:
    Flags:MODgs: <Re
    Flags: NicolaiaShapelo,tat102/5240tim@de:379/5, wizard17mFeb250/620
      Devr opas a ri
D HelpD_eB     Devr opas a ri
  produc Co Brternationg    .aTo1Ben aac var od.ddFrom prograam Co,auR1 ra,aaoways:
tweenmusic, uR1 raifBeiasdianylnegs ce, uR1markeaoCo,tif'  agsways:
tweenhern!nIfEyou'reevnuR1mak Con      r hwan  rR1learn,B-heck Brternationt1comp
 !    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                   Z00  1 : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 150# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Adam Majerange348/807.11n-2000 b:   ,[email protected] wiza.caBo     :379/5, wizards4 Feb250/620
[email protected], [email protected] (Adam Majer)0t20GAMESMLY
     s dso, his es    Di
D HelpDisc      football itus: Actnports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 688# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: p     Nctes: Notrdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GAMES_FMYanet Coatus: AET      aoChaoeltics NBA BaCectma
  di fbaln  rypes e AG    .aThof to1Be
tween eaagaAltho  c rdn     , bo rdn     , otaput        , ai  Brternationany & ConulseBubof could berctesihoall Dn     inEANYONE'i Brternationl3amilyN! :) (Alias'saac agsowed) Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: AET S
   Africa (REG7     FamilyNet                        atus: AET : FIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/7e:     English
 7# Nodes: N/A      GAMESume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real NamlHANDLES PERMITTEDgs: <Re
    Flags: Graham Dowes (Noctu: A), 8:790C
Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GAMING       atus: c,    FrP  s   l Ctaput   G   Co        be, 1Dso, his e a
        fFlopups   Frchaput   .aFo, hBii BrternationenBplay,thi a , helpnwio aproblemchrels  ConuR runn Co      , Brternation eaaaipf in ack pc     Co markea. Buy-seSl-trade/adverais Co        be, notn gsowed.    Di
D Hel s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                  1                      Gr:ACKBONE, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-4, ZONE-6          Distris: N/ABBSAET gs: a0/8, METROAET gs: a04/    on: FamilyNeB
    Lang30o     Language:
 1825# Nodes: N/A      G   Co.rul CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Rules:
    Flags: Audrey Seddohange167/133,B  eddoh@dsupupby Queen, 1:379/5, wizards5
  eddoh@dsupupby Q, a eddoh@dsupupby Que20GARDENING       G rden Co   Carolina pectsme-nytslGtishBe G rden Co   Carolina pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 6003# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: S  Dlnect: Rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GATEWA        GATEWA        e-nytsorniisticsafif e   g aS  t n: F0pD_isBiiaack "astBeias"eltics NBA B    , Zy-ount tr h gsdp
D' sy isFroup: IF.1D_ECTrastBey-oe: n BrternationRadr1e ei
  Morcha   from t1comp
D''  stltistics. Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       FamilyNet                        ged15/887 n: F0    on:   DistriY
 GI  NET n: F0<>ged15/887milyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/40e:     English
 5# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GAYLINK    on:  y   CarolinaaM-  C      BrternationaA1fr umitr Eack posils Blaspects2e Ar1Bdliftriyles e Apups   pectsme-nytswio aathomosexua
2eriontc,   . Conve scton shaac non-sexua
2wio aack d2neto-d2n   ylaspects2e Ar1Bdgnsaliftriyledomp
Dst 30
Coo! ree-nycomINTENDEDe ARNI opcn uR1ALL ealpersrencALL Brternationogef tr E  ad Co. Writ Conshould berrestricell, utepossibledomp
Dst 30
rP  s  s istrion  Conu tirBiwn sexua
ecp tacfinvu,ll uRueen, 111111dropnin.noA
     , Zshaac expec,ll uR NI on Dn  neto1Be Brternationoeaaencinny  s  uR1
  ead  a.  Re-on-00      , Zshaac        be, notnpup dtt P. Handleshaac NOTmpup dtt P,g0utgaliaseshhavnways:
tweenr1Bdappearancooif NI ConaArdah n    lacfpup dtt P.    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                       00  1 : FIbO
,l  Distribut
    Notes: NMLY
    Distri: <RealneaPup dtt Ps, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Gatefli tFree-ht
 75# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Jim : lc-m,agea09/3340tim@de:379/5, wizard15
[email protected] adc-m, Jim : lc-m <[email protected] adc-m>ue20GAYNEWSMLY
 Nspsdencinny  s  uR1r1Bdgnsacommunecpomp
Dst 30
rNspsdbulpet    culpedgfrom var iu  sources,aack -oattitPanthers Prooedwhic ris  dlevan  uR1r1Bdgnsacommunecpd   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   N Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Tom Hachhangu42run-2000 b:   y b Hoffman,
Tom Hachhangu42ruue20GAYTEEN       A   CarolinaaA  a1Fif   y TeenlyNls Brternation   y TeenlyNl1fr umitr EaeenlyNlsyuR1d: , hiau tirBsexua
ecpd   about andProvidff a1fr umi vEachaeenlyNlsywhoatacfgns;ywhoao gakways:
tweenr1By MIGHTRNI gss;yr hwond  ywbof it EchlikBd ARNI gsyB-anways:
tweenvisitiwio aoib  no    . Dso, his es encproblemchrels  Coor c,regcathuR1NI ConaAgsyBaeenlyNlnwio apossible sol       from o    or c,regcathueens.lNo sexua
explicit     , Zs,oiro    , Zshwhic  Brternation ppA   toapruriont gany  s s2lacfpup dtt P. M   , Zshaac        be, mea   uR1dea
2wio aack sociolog ccl
problemchif NI Cona Brternationg yBaeenlyNlan eaaWoaprom    safe sexitr Eacostgwhoarefonf    Di
D HelabMoigee-n. PoMoigys c   bnymad  ONLYt
acostgwhoalacfund  eltics NBA B21 yearsBold.    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                      PhBvaeeMLY
    Distri: <RealneaPup dtt Ps, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Gateteways:     8:8/0
 152# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Jim : lc-m,agea09/3340tim@de:379/5, wizard15
[email protected] adc-m, Jim : lc-m <[email protected] adc-m>ue20GAY_FAITHanet CoRel   iu  Issu sitr Eack   y Communecpomp
Dst 30
D' tr hdso, his e2e Aissu shrels  ConuR spiritua
ecp Brternationoeaarel   inB   r1ep tffec  u1Bdlives e Agay,t   bichanWransgtid rFlways:
tween eaabisexua
2people.blea9/5-nyts s of juvenile crime.
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                  MLY
    Distri    on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Tom Hachhangu42ruy b Hoffman,
Tom Hachhangu42ruue20GAY_PRIDE    on:  y PhBd  BrternationaA1cho! ree-nytr Eany aeaaa
 issu shencco   re uR1r1Bdgnseltics NBA Botamunecp,nwio aparticul   emphahif in acostgwhic rprom   ways:
tween eaaenhancooiu Eawtacg shhencourselvns    aacommunecpd   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F2000 b BaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Tom Hachhangu42ruy b Hoffman,
Tom Hachhangu42ruue20GB-PACKERS       Greenb y PaFINlsyPr' Gootbagl   Carolina Panthers Pro Football
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 2887# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Notrdistributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GECHO_HELPanet Coatus: c,    FrGri
 Supssioeltics NBA Boatus: c,    FrGri
D'    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                        F2000 b BaFIbO
 dso         aeystemnMLY
 Z00  86 BaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A    yGECHOume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Ones ULanet Connect; Requestt ifSeaborhanged40/12Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Seaborhanged40/12.uue20GENDER       Gtid  yDysphors: Dso, his e BrternationpD_eB ENDERmp
D' of an opcn supssioap
D'n eaagchn thfa  asseltics NBA Beriont P.  ENDERmof tr Edso, his e2e Aissu shrels ll uRueen, 111111gtid rAissu s.1D_EsnyinsabnyTransexua
Dst 30
Crossdr sisCo,tFloi     rels ll uR1Ben.pD_eB ENDERmp
tweenEchopcn uR1
 thof havnyaeBganyresb ga1gtid rAissu s.1D_ii BrternationgaAltho  behavir cl
sp nia
esisd nla-ounselorn.pD_eBpurpostPanthers Prooedt_ECp
D' of  ARNI supssios Blaeaaga ormctovG.a
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
    Origin:                                         aFIbO
    Language:     English
 108# Nodes: N/A      GENDERume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Nam Rules:
    Flags: Mon cc JEsnnsky,tat142r578Bob HofffffffffffffffCar   Shenks bergrr, ge275/100ueen, 1:379/5,
Car   Shenks bergrr, ge275/100n-2000 bBo20GEN<RLOGY       Nc,    FrGtisalog ccl
M-  C      BrternationaEx echolrencdatacco   re Conagslaspects2e AGtisalogy.1D_ii BrternationCoo! ree-nycomprimarup: eriont Pntoward US-Canadi n researc  Brternation eaagaAltho  istrieC,ardistrif tr Ehelp,1produci/softwtac Brternation enou   as a n eaaex echolrencinfARNItween researc   a.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayGEN<RLOGY.EUR       Gtisalogyfli tFroup: Historytitus: a,    F BrternationaA1cho! ree-nytr Edso, hisCon ny & Conrels edgrR1gtisalogyways:
tween eaafroup: historyt ny vEachRadr1e world, EXCEPT loealp:pectsme-nytswio Radr1e USAg0utgimmigrcton  uotFlofrom t1e USAgof acceptcb e    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   ZONE-1r:ACKBONE, ZONE-5r:ACKBONE, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/150e:     English
 912 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Ste BlHay  , 5:7d06r20Bob Hoffman, echolistt6@sh:250/620
Ste BlHay  , 5:7d06r20BoayGEN<RLOGY_FMYanet CoGtishal Gtisalogyf  Carolina npectsme-nytslGtishBe Gtisalogyf  Carolina  /pDisc tisalogyways:
tweenornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 1324# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GENSOFT       GtisalogyfSoftwtac Brternation   Carolinaa tisalogy softwtac Brternation take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Ri ecr EPu ce, gea09/356.3565ueb Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayGENSYSOPanet CoGtisalogyfSysopari
 BrternationlA1chorddg   Conu
D' tr hsysoph  nla-o-sysoph e Agtisalogy-eriont Pways:
tweensystemn o Alth Coat1e Tafel Ma c& ConSystem, JEwatefGroup:    Di
D HelF2id r, GSDS, IGEN<anptc. Brternation take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayGEN_AFRICAN       AfricanhGtisalogyfM-  C      BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.africanhnports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 65# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/FTP paFINa n-trdistributed viaanet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_AUSTRALIA+NZ       Au
alia a eaaNspdZsal eaaGtisalogyways:
tweenaFiotball socc
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 912 # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/FTP PaFINa n-trdistributed viaanet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_BEN<LUX       BelgiumBActvEal eah  nlaLuxemburgaGtisalogyways:
tweenaFiotball socc tisalogy.btisluxhnports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1951# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_BRITAIN       Brit tef tisalogyways:
tween Brit tefGtisalogyways:
tweenornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 2658# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect: Rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_COMPUTING       Ustgencchaput   hRadGtisalogyways:
tweenaFiotball socc tisalogy.chaput Conneorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 465# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_FRENCHanet CoFree-hf tisalogyways:
tween Fiotball socc
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 509/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_GERMAN       GermanhGtisalogyfM-  C      BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.germanhneorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 872/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_HISPANIC       HispanBe Gtisalogy BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.hispanBe nports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 70/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_IRELANDgs: <ReIr tef tisalogyways:
tween Ir tefGtisalogyways:
tweenornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 794# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect: Rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_ITALIA        Italia aGtisalogy BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.italia aneorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 348/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_JEWISHanet CoJEwatefGtisalogyfM-  C      BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.jEwatefnports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 959/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_MARKETPLACEanet CoGtisalogyfMarkeaS a-n BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.markeaS a-nnneorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 410/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_MEDIEVRL Rules: edievala tisalogy M-  C      BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.medievalanports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 902/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_METHODSanet CoGtisalogyfMethodh BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.methodhhnports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 123/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_MISC       MiscDlnaneiu  GtisalogyfM-  C      BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.miscDlnaneiu  neorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 320/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_NORDIC       Nordde Gtisalogyf  Carolina  BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.nordde neorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 216/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SLAVIC       SlavBe Gtisalogy BrternationaFiotball socc ti.slavBe nports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 103/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SURNAMESMLY
  tisalogyfSurn    [GtishBe]f  Carolina  BrternationaFiotball socc tisalogy.surn     neorts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 3/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_BRITAIN        tisalogy,fSurn     from Britainpectsme-nytslGtisalogy: Brit tefSurn    ways:
tweenornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 201# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect - pleasc1rdistri.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_CANADA        tisalogy:fSurn    , Canadapectsme-nytslGtisalogy: Surn    , Canadapectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 39# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect,trdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_GERMAN       Geisalogy: Surn    , Germanpectsme-nytslGtisalogy: Surn    , Germanpectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 61# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: s  Dlnect paFINa ,buted via P, pleasc1rdanet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_GLOBRLanet Co tisalogy: Surn    , Glob F Brternationa tisalogy: Surn    , Glob F Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 452/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rule  ae  Dlnect fe P, pleasc1rdistributeganyresb P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_IRELANDgs: <Re tisalogy: Surn    , Irelsi  Brternatione tisalogy: Surn    , Irelsi  Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 49/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rule  ae  Dlnect fe P, rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_MISC        tisalogy: Surn    , MiscDlnaneiu  Brternatione tisalogy: Surn    , MiscDlnaneiu  Brternationornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 20# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flaon s  Dlnect,tpleasc1rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_SUR_USA        tisalogy:fSurn    , USA              tisalogy:fSurn    , USA            ornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 131# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flaon s  Dlnect,tpleasc1rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_UK+IRELANDgs: <ReUnu,ll Kingdom li tIr tefGtisalogyways:
tweenaFiotball socc hnports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 192/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEN_WEST-INDIESMLY
 WtribIndieC Gtisalogyways:
tweenaFiotball socc tisalogy.wtri-indieC nports.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status:ont ive
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 372/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
  towo, s softwtac1cho! ree-n. BrternationpD_eB towo, s coo! ree-nycommea   tr Edso, his e2e Aack    Di
D HelGEOS op    iConeystema a  wegslas1d vi-ns thof uselGEOS. Brternation  Carolinaawillmprimarup: co   re GEOS as1it runf in ack   about andPCtFlochapatcb erchaput   .apD_isBd' syn thr   h
  dio, his e Brternatione AGEOS on Commodoac1FloAppleBplat orms,g0utgit Echseco daryor c,regcathuR1GEOS on t1e PC.apSie-nyNspdDsal, Inc. has dso         or c,regcath
 htsitr Eack d vktop ve siohan nlahashren   daack softwtac,ways:
tweendso, his e2e AGEOS as1NDOS (NspdDsal Op    iConSystem)Bii BrternationenBuR1Be.noA  aacorolnary, sie-nyGEOS/NDOS usesBlifund  ly Coor c,regcathop    iConeystemnsuchB   DOS1FloOS/2itr Efoos eystemnacc sh, Brternation eaatr Eack inu,iasdbootn eaalaunc& Co,ndso, his e2e Ao    or c,regcathop    iConeystemn willmNI on to1Be
onlylas muchB   gchne PFlways:
tweento supssioaGEOS. Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           GrBaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 20# Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <R Rules:
    Flags: Stephen Haffly,tatu09/63.4,ahafflys@primeors:c0mueen, 111111Dst 30
rAnneaP  G, gea06/2an nne.p  G@nev reed Co.c-mueen, 1:379/5, wizard29
ElvEchHarts.veange397/6n-2000 bBo20GERMAN       Hizf sprichnnmandDsutsch!ways:
tweenaFr Eack enjoyas a oedt_ECprafroce oedt_ECGermanhl3amilyN,or c,regcathuR1NI useaatr Eack Gloryte AGod.    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         StCFNs: Active
    Origin:                                   CFN, MJCN, CyberChurchB& Phooso IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A    yGerman.Rul CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real NamCGermanh:3amilyN  Rul Rules:
    Flags: Albi Rebmanhang2:3302ruy b Hoffman, echolistt5-Dec-1999t
 Control,tatu82/22Bob HoWARNING!pD_isB  MoiConEchsubjec  uR1NI Conrem.vedswio Radr1e next 30    ondstrbutegtagchn thupds edg
    Floiro    eholr.Bo20GIG        Supssioatr EGIG     DistfSoftwtac Brternation   Carolinas a
  GIG     Distfsoftwtac1oeaarels edgr1ird-partyor c,regcathsoftwtac. Exptriee-nd GIG  use ao
nlar1Bdauthr Eanswzf istrion s    Di
D Helab
  GIG ,gr1ird-party    neciesBli tg  Distfop    in s.    Di
D HelNspd nla-uracnnnuse aan eaaWcostgctesihoa Conus Coat1e produci    Di
D Helaac esp nia
lylwegcha . Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          gigo-lBmail CoaL   rBaFIbO
 atyberu352    on: FamilyNet
 400# Nodes: N/A      GIG ume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real NamlAlso availcb er
 [email protected] -hn oi     g  Distsn gsowe Rules:
    Flags: Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352    on:::::::::::::::Jason Fesl r, jfesl [email protected], 1:379/5, wizard29
Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352  20GINGER       Giholr M aS Servzf ri
 Brternationl  CarolinaaE
D' tr hGiholr M aS Hubsa
pok  Ft anornia Angels Baseball
         Stat13 F239ive
    Origin:                                   NET-13 MLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
    Gateways8     Language:
 259/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  <Sysoph  Rules:
    Flags:SYS Rules:
    Flags: Doug Attig,tat13 F239ueen, 1:379/5,
Doug Attig,tat13 F239ue20GLIDERS       Unpoweall Fl  ht Brternation    edgG r  edgitus: -hGlihoa/s aSp    arels edways:
tweendso, his ea.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F20FamilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 1103/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_NJMLY
 Nsp Je aey'sAGof   gs.foMLY
 -nytsnpD_eB"i    " OFFICIAL GOFERnu
D' tr ht1e Nsioh WtribpartPanthers Prooedt_ECGOFER_NJtnptwo, .   about and take it from there..
         StNEW JERSEYve
    Origin:                                   NEW JERSEYMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
    Gateways41e:     English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  <Sysoph  Rules:
    Flags:SYSOPanet Co
    Flags: David Wrobel, gea07/6050tim@de:379/5, wizard15
    Moravsik,ageyb0 1283ri20GOLDEDgs: <ReGoldEDB    , Zywrectr/ ead  n eaamoac, tr hsysoph. BrternationaA1cho! ree-nytr Edso, his e a
  t_ECGoldll suect oed    , Z Brternationedi Fla, availcb ertr ht1e fogsow Coaplat orms: DOS1(16bit Brternation eaa32bit), Win32anOS/2,aL nux   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F2000 b BACKBONEMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 216/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Tom Hachhangu42run-2000 b:   y b HofffffffffffffffOd CnfSoreesREA 2:236/77y b Hoffman,
Tom Hachhangu42ruue20GOLDED.BETAgs: <ReGoldEDB    , Zywrectr/ ead  n eaamoac, tr hsysoph. BrternationaDso, his e2e Aack ttrib dleaseshe AGoldEDB    , Zywrectr. Brternation/A d,nedi ,ywrect, m.vean eaamoac.apDtribve siohs tacfin Brternationprogr shhtr hDoa, 386+anOS/2n eaaWindowsd   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   N Grblea9/5t ad
      on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
 216/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Tom Hachhangu42run-2000 b:   y b HofffffffffffffffOd CnfSoreesREA 2:236/77y b Hoffman,
Tom Hachhangu42ruue20GOLFanet CoGtishBe Golf   Carolina pectsme-nytslGolf   Carolina pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 5767# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: S  Dlnect: Rdistributed via P.anet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOP_POLITICS       Gr eaaOld Partyor c,regcathaA1gtishal fr umitr Eparticipa a nuR1d: , hiaidea
s2e Aack    Di
D HelGr eaaOld Party.  ItagchNOTma fr umitr Eargu Coawio arepublicansd   about and RulaWcostgdso         aeystemnB  Moedg esowsaac authr izFlways:
tweento carrypD_isBcho! ree-n. Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:                                   FTPNET, PLANET_CONNECT, NAB_BACKBONEMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: Martin Belckeangey32ru0y b HofffffffffffffffD  aDawsohange3654/18Bob Hoffman, echolistt8@sh:250/620
[email protected], [email protected]_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift Crew... BrternationaA1hchoh
D' tr hagslages Brternation take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1rigin:       1:3 mpaoKie scr G, gea05/360.3, gs mpa@virtua
costsby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayGRAPHICS       R yBarac Co,nrtid r Co,ngs phicsaga1gtishal!ways:
tweenaProgramm Co,ntricks,aaip on gs phicsaR yBarac Co1oeaareid r Co BrternationenBagslplat orms. Brternation take it from there..
         Status: 1ctive
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
 ::Jan LaolwerfA 2:283/21un-2000 b:   y b Hoffman, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayGRASSROOTS       Gr ssrooa nPonecical-Govzfnas a Re ormfM-  C      BrternationaForm  ly t1e Unu,ll Wen taeaaAmshBea (UWSA)fM-  C     .    Di
D HelNc,    Frdso, his e cho! ree-nyavailcb eron t1e Z1  aFIbO
      tr Eack prom  s e2e Agovzfnas a aeaaponecicalareform.oA
 Brternationponecical, socia
2perspectives oeaaetriiohs tacfmostlwegcha  Brternation eaa
 tR1Ben tac1chosihoaFlaopcn tr Edso, his e, howev r        be, msyB-hoostgtorrestricerdso, his e when appropriBac. GRASSROOTS            of availcb eronly gs: ack F2000 b Z1  aFIbO
 t tag: GRASSROOTS.    Di
D HelFr Efur     ga ormcto e, pleasc1chosult2wio aack -uracnn Brternationedi s e2e AGRASSume:,tFlogs: ack atus: Actof http://www.saldivardc-m/lib_nw/cho! r.htmd   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           G_BACKBONE (See g  D tr Eitus: Ac)MLY
 atus: Ac: gs ssrooa @libnw.circuii.anet CoSpine, Z1B
    Gatef Rul Rules:     Lang25e:     English
 50/ Nodes: N/A     AGRASSume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Ones ULanet Connect; Request,ueen, 1rigin:       1Fr ek M. Reic   t,tatu46/16, fr ek.reic   [email protected], 1:379/5, [email protected]
libnw@hvisi ea.c-m, [email protected] bBo20G OnT       GchohR vistancooEduccton   eaaTraie ConM-  C      BrternationaD_eB  OnTnprogram was1d vesopedg
ack BureaurencAgch   ,ueen, 1riginTobacc'n eaaFia arms (ATF)n eaagmplemont Pnga1Phoenix, A iz   ,ueen, 1rigin
var iu  law ea or  as alagenciesBli teducctorn.pD_eBG OnT            cho! ree-nyhashbeen d vesopedgasBlifadjunc  uR1r1BdG OnT            program.pD_eBprogram isBd vignedgrR1help/5,ildrcn sActgoa
      tr Eackmselvns,nrtvistBpressures,t  arn howgtorresolvn cho!lictspectsme-nytswio -h
  violu ce, li tund  staeaahowggagys aeaay
 h violu ce            ompac  u1Bdqua
ecp2e Aackirdlives.B  OnTnstuds a ndso,ov r        be, tr Eackmselvns u1Bdramificcton s e AgaCo1oeaay
 h violu ce            th379ghnstructuaFlaexercisesBli titus:acos Blapproac  sways:
tweento   arn Co.pD_eBd vignBli titus a oedt_ECprogram isBuRueen, 111111decreasc1gaCo1oeaay
 h violu ce acrossdr1e ncton . Ustls Brternationoedt_isBcho! ree-n1chosisa oedponece oefice aanpersn s involvnd Brternationga1r1BdG OnTaProgram,nstuds a ,teducctorn, li tanyO
elstPanthers Proganyresb Pnga1r1isBuR1Be.nAlthr9ghngtagchn thmli ctory,ueen, 1riginit Echstro  Gyrrec-m-    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   TOTT_ IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: 29/mo        Rules:
    Flags: JerrypRudoef,tat135/5n-2000 b:   y b HofffffffffffffffFaye Johnsohange205/80n-2000 b:   y b Hoffman, echolist9@sh:250/620
Faye Johnsohange205/80Bo20GS-WARRIORS       Goldlnlornie Warr ilsyNBA  asketbagl   Carolina Panthers Pro football ilsyd Carolina pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distri    on: FamilyNeteways:     8:8/0
 211# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Notes: Notrdistributed via Planet Connect; Request200thoesired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GUITAR       Guiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b cho! ree-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass playe aanbuildtls Brternation
  .apDR1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigin uild Co1oeaamodifyiConguiiars/bassns,nrtls edgd vi-ns, Brternation cc shorieC,ali tamplifi   .apOn-goiCond Carolina  gaAltho            the Tube/Tranny WarC,a vEachthe btribAltbn tac1( i.c. -    Di
D Helfree drinkhhtr hplaye a ),rchapilcton  uapeshe Au
D' participa a , Brternation eaathe mysticfadvs aureshe AFihis e Chipao
crossdr1e e  hthways:
tweendsas son . A lov e Aguiiars, musicfaeaahumr Eare REQUIRED! Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:                                   F2000 b only exceptiCon  Moedgg  Ds, s:
 Pr il Permihis e Rdisia Panet CoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     GUITARume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Onanet Connect; Requestgarypgilmoac, aty410/400y b HofffffffffffffffRi e Lockyrr, ge218/704y b Hoffman,
garypgilmoac, aty410/400y 20GUNS       Gunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eack dso, his e2e AgunBli to    or c,regcathdefs sov weaponryn eaatheirdusesBga1rodstrbm
  n sociecpd   about andRulemea   uR1NI aarep a-nas aluR1 np2e Aackoi     fia armor c,regcath
tls edgu
D'mailEareas,g0utgt;     uR1enhancooilochaplsas t            themd   about and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                           GrBaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 250/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags:    Whistohanged04/769,[email protected], 1:379/5, wizard27@sh:250/620
   Whistohanged04/769,g0whistoh@@abwam.c-mue20GUN_CONTROL       Gun Controln eaaCrime Control!ways:
D' d vo edgrR1dso, hisConrea  MoicAgunBcontrolneffsios Brternation eaatheirdeffects2enBcrime
ecp2e Ailleg F Brternationweapona.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
 ::David Moufarre G, ge2613/404, david@wnybbsdy Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayGYMNASTICS       Gtishal GymnaMoicA  Carolina pectsme-nytslGtishal   Carolinas enBGymnaMoic pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 708/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       HaFIN a Fr umways:
tweenaFiotball DischaFIN a npor ts.foMLY
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 24# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HAM       Itus: a,    F Am  Dur RadioaDso, his e2ntern.ways:
tweenaAnAopcn tr um e Agtishal ganyresb tr Eack dso, his e2e ways:
tweenAm  Dur Radioarels edgrR1Ben.apD_isBu
D' isBopcn uR1
 Brternationparties2wio aack -ommon ganyresb e Aradio.apD_isBu
D' is            primarup: tr hsubjec s thof wouldmNI of co   re uR1r1BdHAM       ationornAm  Dur Radioas thusiman.noAny & Conrels edgrR1radio        be, msyBbk dso, hi Pl
 Wt're und   npohmlilyNas t, so cha  Brternation eaapsyBu  aavisin.noAllmpr viiu  m
    Flo'lifetime bans'    Di
D Helaac nown  fb P.anet Cot and take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          Anyn eaa
 F2000 b baFIbO
n.: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
 AmshBean    Gate,    Gateways:
    Language:     English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Res ULanet Connect; RequestRoy Witt,tat10/22, [email protected] Queen, 1:379/5, wizards6@sh:250/620
[email protected] Q, [email protected] Que20HAM-SALEMLY

D HelFr Esale,ntradt,tpurchast,tgs BlakBo,rencAMATEUR RADIOor c,regcath
tls edgitemn.ndRulefilochaput  npartsanptc.ndRO HEART ATTACK Brternation/EMEDIES! Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          BaFIbO
ack m
    Gateways:     8:8/150e:     English
 50# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; Request,[email protected], 1:379/5,
[email protected], Blake   weas <[email protected]>ue20HAMRADIOor c,reHamradion eaaSWL   thusiman pectsme-nytslHam &aSWL   Carolinas anla-hoft  or c,regcath take it from there..
         StGroup: IFive
    Origin:       1:379/5
    Notes: NMLY
 n: F0    on: FamilyNet
 1/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags:     desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HAM_TECHanet CoAm  Dur(HAM) RadioaTECHnicalaM-  C      BrternationaD_i  gcha cho! ree-nytr Er1e ex echolrencT
 nic F Am  Dur Brternation/adioaIa ormcto e.noAllmtR1Ben
tls  CoatoAack tt  nic F    Di
D Helaspectshe AHam radion rI on to1Be.anet Cot and take it from there..
    Origin:                                   Zca Z2 BaFIbO
    DistriationMAyBbk gs edgwio am
    Flopermihis, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
 100# Nodes: N/A      HAMTECHume: CDRECORD     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; Request,gIvygIversn tat154/170ueen, 1:379/5, wizard13
Daryld tout,tatu821/33ri20HANG-GLIDING       HchohGlihiCond Carolina .ways:
tweenaFiotball rec.avicto e.,
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
 128# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Rules:
    Flags: p     Nctes: Notrdistributed via Planet Connect; RequestChrgchGlur, n:7903ru0y b Hoffman, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HAPPENINGS       Itus:   NHappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, his ea.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
    Origin:       Internet                          Group: IFMLY
    Distri    on: FamilyNet
 586/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo        Ited via Pe  ae  Dlnect fe P, pleasc1rdistri.anet Connect; Requestt if desired n: F0    on: Fan, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HARDWAREMLY
 Chaput  nHardwtac1& Periphshal pectsme-nytslDedicctedgrR1dso, hisConagslaspectshe AChaput  nHardwtac, BrternationPeriphshal 1oeaarels edgrR1Ben.    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                        F2000 b BaFIbO
,oAllmdso         aeystemnMLY
    Distriueen, 1:3amilyNet
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Res ULanet Connect; RequestJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy b Hoffman, echolistt7
John BurdREA 2:255ruy 20HARLEY_DAVIDSON       F2000 b's HARLEY DAVIDSON
tweena[r1isBparthne Ps uR1NI wrecten]    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                   Z1 Nsioh AmshBean BaFIbO
 Unknown.anet CoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchechhangyb0 1239ueen, 1:379/5, wizard14-Dec-1999t
 illmMitchechhangyb0 1239ueen, WARNING!pD_isB  MoiConEchsubjec  uR1NI Conrem.vedswio Radr1e next 30    ondstrbutegtagchn thupds edg
    Floiro    eholr.Bo20HDCONF       Hcrd Drs BlCONFC      BrternationaItus: a,    F Cho! ree-nytr Er1e dso, his e2e Aack tt  nic F    Di
D Helaspectshe AHard Drs Ba.   about and take it from there..
         Statu96 1ctive
    Origin:       1:379/5                           O
1 BaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 10/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Moft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Moft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HDTV        TV (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (HighaDefinu,i e2TV)y b HoffffffffItus: a,    F Cho! ree-nytr Er1e dso, his e2e Aack tt  nic F    Di
D Helaspectshe A TV li tH TV.  IaAlthosntransmihis e oeaareception,            proposedgaspect    ins,aaimelintgtormarkea Co,nchapatbi
ecppectsme-nytswio oi     eystemn, VCRsanptc.a a  wegslas1itshompac  si  Brternationshsiofagsn.ndUntilnsuchBtime as1H TV bec-mesBl fac  e Alife,ways:
tweendso, his e2e At_ECponecics involvnd gchagsowed.   about and take it from there..
         Statu96 1ctive
    Origin:       1:379/5                           O
1 BaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: Moft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Moft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  CarolinaaE
D'y b HofffffffRoberthAnsoh HI ClI C,ar1Bdauthr , _isBwo, s,ali tideaa.   about andD_eBonly r   n tac1r1Bdusualgs:behn thexcessov lylannoyiCo,ways:
tweeneaaily excessov lylannoy P, FloiffBuR1Be.noTck m
  n  e o casc1
casc1 aaia.   about and take it from there..
    Origin:                                     DistributSWPBO
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
   Lawree-nyGarvin, gea06/6018, [email protected] Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
Lawree-nyGarvin, gea06/6018ue20HERBS-N-SUCHanet CoHerbaln eaa   b-rels edgc-  C      BrternationaDso, his e2e Aculinary, aromctoc, atrihetoc, medicinal, Brternation eaanutri,    F    b 1oeaarels edgga ormcto e, gaAlth Co Brternationregulcto e, gadu   y, markeasanpxssiocto e, gmssiocto e,            crafa Co,nchok Co,nli to     closeGyrrels edgrR1Ben.    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:       1:379/5                           Group: FIDO
    Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHer    inBconjunc inaawithtnptwo, Bmail   . Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:                                   Z1-BACKBONEMLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
    # Nodes: N/A     HERMES_SYSOPSanet CoRD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real Names Ones ULanet Connect; RequestBria aTipl Co,naty02ru406ueen, 1:379/5,
Bria aTipl Co,naty02ru406ueayHIGHLANDER       Highlsi    TV/Movies/Bhoks BrternationaDso, his e2e Aack syndicctedgrelevisi e stries (gaAlth Co BrternationRavee),amovies,dbooks,aa1Bdactorn, epis  8:, fanfBe... ev ry & CoMLY

D HeHighlsi   !    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         Status: Active
    Origin:                                  MLY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 433# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestTonyfSummerfelQ,agey49/139ueen, 1::::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDtribencT1BdE     MofRobooMLY

D HelSp nificc
lyld vignedgtr Er1ostgthof feelmahne PgrR1hij FI
n opssiounecp2uR1 ttemptBuRueen, 111111aisia
  taoat1e sneaky ist.apSimplylsei titmahMOD    FlmilyNetgcathUPDnie     , Zyifay
milyNetgcathgu shh
1gu shhwro  ,ay
rriro    , Z.pD_isBu
D'taoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof atyberu352vTormakeAlifeamoac ganyresbiCo,ways:
tweent_ECpasswo,P willm echolretmahr eaom time baaia...afa  or c,regcathachhas-meO
hashuR1witmnowA eaa  Y
1ean p a-nor c,regcathy
r emailEaddr shhitmO
e Aack DESC lintsyifay
1wa t            thof pulicizFl. Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          y
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    FlagsRuleuR1NI gs edgwio
    Flopermihi   or c,re
    Flags: Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352, hon@baltimoacmd:c0mueen, 111111Dst 30
rO     Robooanged/2ca roboo@baltimoacmd:c0mueen, 111111Dst 30
rTwe P erDee,ageyberus.0,aawe P e@baltimoacmd:c0mueen, 1:379/5, wizard29
Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352, hon@baltimoacmd:c0mueayHISSYSOPanet Co(REST) CFNsSysOpsn Rul Rules:ationaD_i  u
D' isBarrestriceedgu
D'gtr Emembeas e Aack Chrgctianpectsme-nytsFegsowshipNN  .  Itagchalso rdisia P tr hagslmembeas e ways:
tweent_ECChrgctiansFegsowshipNN  .    Di
D Helornia Angels Baseball
         StChrgctiansFegsowshipNN  n:       1:379/5 CFN                     CFNn Rul Rules:   DistrimilyNet
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 106# Nodes: N/A      HISSYSOPume: CDRECORD      MembeashipNReq> <Sysoph  Rule      Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flags: <Real NameCFNsSysOpsnoRul Rules:
    Flags: Harold Robbinsang2:12F0    on: Fan, echolistt5-Dec-1999t
 Control,tatu82/22Bob HoWARNING!pD_isB  MoiConEchsubjec  uR1NI Conrem.vedswio Radr1e next 30    ondstrbutegtagchn thupds edg
    Floiro    eholr.Bo20HISTOR        Allma
  Historyor c,regcathpFr Edso, his e2en History. Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          y
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 5/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestPhoopSimpsohange153/73ca phoosa  @relusdy Queen, 1:379/5,
phoosa  @relusdy Q, PhoopSimpsoh <phoosa  @relusdy Q>Bo20HISTOR _FMY       Historic F dio, his e BrternationoAny & ConrR1do2wio aack pman... ev a ,t, htomsanptc.nCanpectsme-nytsNI useaatr Edso, hisConponecicalahistory,t,hurchBhistory,pectsme-nytslocalahistory,ttransssioahistory,taioahistory,tsocia
2historyor c,regcatharcheology,fa tiquaria aco   res, Floev hy
r owncmemorieCor c,regcath take it from there..
         StGroup: IFiAfhBea   Origin:       1:379/5                          Group: IFiBaFIbO
    Gateways:     8:8/10     Language:
 1/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: gs: <Real Nameri
 tookttraefic so
    Moagchupds ed. Rules:
    Flags: Stephen Hay8:, n:7903ru0y b Hoffman, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HOBBIES       Gtishal   Carolinas enBHobbie pectsme-nytslHobbie ndso, his ea.... Brternation take it from there..
         StGroup: IFive
    Origin:       1:379/5                          F2000 bBoY
    Gateways:     8:8/0
 4# Nodes: N/A          Volume: 209/mo       anet Connect; RequestB if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HOCKEYMLY
 Itus: a,    F HockeyaE
D'y b Hofffffff1999t
 illmM   , GlobNyyes:
nw.c  SORD   lume: 209/uestt ifr  Diss
age/5       :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolist9@sh:250/620
Faye Johnsohange205/80Bo20GS-WARRIORS       Goldlnlornie Warr ilsyNBA  asketbagl   Carolina Panthers Pro football ilsyd Carolina pectsme-nytsornia,talatewball Discse..  Di
D aack -uracnn Br hplaye a ),rcrternatiex    uci  atOTS.  n take ihere.forac        NHL Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOps Carolinas enBGymnaMoic pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball
 1       [email protected]
t a.caeaatr Edso, hisConponecs t
nlar1Bdusele AHer    t9@sh-PUEnglish
  DiscseN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
 3HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, his ea.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistSC lI
 n: F0HoGroup: T Langt & LifeDi
D -Gateways: CN, CyberChurchB&        Language:
 5/ Npulic take iednys:
 bod9/5           mings-spir   o Z1-Zut an.s: <SOPSroup     FECCinNet
uy exc Nodes: N/A  Prmemor    gels Ba
       1nys:.cholist aarethradioSpir   oedt_
    Origin:  Da Dis  Ruldt_, M: Ac1-Z6 Ba    Reiki       om t.cheoplee..
         S   LphysAfhBeations:   1-BACKBON! -"Alias's..
    Sis e2e At_ECp 12net.or" (c8/91)   English
 100# Nodes: N/A      HAMTECHume: CDRE7/427ags: <Real Names Only>
    Note:37stt if desired
    z1-z6, echolis(s)wizar, Moderator, INTERNATIONandD_eBonLY
 Itus: a,    F HockeyaE
D'y b Hofffffff1999t
 illmM   , 1aFiotball rec.avictotSC lI
Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352  20GINGER    ternationRavee),amovies,dScosov lQuilk gadu  E7/[email protected] ilsyd CarolinyBbk,
         StGroup: IFiv     thr ECHScosovCenru35v lQuilk g (vee)adu  E7/427s-seenru35@sECCri
D HelorOLYSMOKst.apSimRelHAMs Brebrmak5/80Bo20GS-WARRIO"HoGs, mustriu abouYOUR0Hove
ueen, !"  rOLYSMOKsCponorniution: Z1-Z6 B           1itshompac  si ro forguMLY
  relHAMs s                relHAMsac toedt    Orstriueen npohmla jau    5 CFy OrirOLYSMOKst.apSimlish
   12neebrmak       pon/A     tls BrtrelHAMsac     cire 1rigindioas thusima              wo,PlrelHAMs  (   lechO
MLnethop Eare (               why)e..  Di
D aeaah   lo      ernck sn'rnceg    Npulo5           ming-numb    Dcripy exp:  Stunk:
ndlys: "flamegslas1it
Mflame"o  Y
1edio        be,s:   snguastitmah"dumpume: 209/mo        nd"     1itsh notn wo,Pl  Y
 216/ NodanguagrelHAMsac    non-relHAMsac   ben, e it frorOLY_BIBrigin:       1sketbagl, CHURCH&STATEge:
R_CATotSCOS/N"G    ge Nodest    , DistrimilyNet
pom thet
huddlydiosipa  ytuds a
   rea GatereeBrternation take wre Er1Origfage:
Nodesteem    Dh     8Se  LangseBrternation take h
D lys:, gActNodepS.  no ge, Iage:  mtalamp Earindsas son . A lov g  Groudom !"  rnatatewctesihoa dswio regar    Dnect/Ftpion take it fge:     English
 100# Nodes: N/A      HAMTECHume: CDRorg9005anet Connect; RequestBria aTipl Co,naty02ru406ueen,NAr, WWBwizar,ct; Request,ueen, 1rigin:       abu   2/125 ([email protected]: a,    F HockeyaE
D'y b Hofffffff1999t
 illmM   ,650aFiotball rec.avictotSYSMOKrg
Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352  20GINGER    ternationRavee),amovies,dStmem Qu  Stlla, CDRorg9005gs-warr ilsyd CarolinStyx8/0 um, CDRorg9005gs-warrstr,ueen, 1rigi2cicalahistorydfRME@me: 29dt_ECGectsme-nytslocdfRME@me: 29dt_ECGHelorOME-AUTOMATIONl Co,naty0 Language:
D t from1rigindioas thusim     Language:
 D tAfrom1rigiume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha16 Guiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b co, s coo! ree-nycommea   trTP from there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistME-N-GRD m
  &to eGroodes: N/A       D tmaanyO ali tidecoet
 a , pai thg eGro
 a net scapbutSWPBO
 th tmirfie@ming       Di
D HelorN/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
 4/71     L
    Flags: <Real Namanet Connect; Request,g/620
[email protected], [email protected]_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift
  4/71 gs-warr ilsyd CarolinC     Shenkenberg1rodstr75/100t from there..
       icalahistorymirfie@ming       Di
<mirfie@ming       Di
>holistME-REPAIRl Co,naty0 Language     Lh
D t, pai :
 126/ Nodes: Nequestga     400#, pai o        Ited via Pe  ae  Dlnect fe P, pleasc1rdistri.anet Connect; Requestt if desired n: F0    on: Fan, echolistt9
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HARDWAREMLY
 Chaput  nHardwtac1& Pe384uiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b cho! ree-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass playe aanbuildtls Br     Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistME-SCHOtSCiueen, 1:rators:     D tSSumee Rul5/80Bo20GS-WARRIOrators:     D tSSumee Rultc.a a  weg- Gatew
    Lriueen, 1:3amilyNGateways209/mo.wo,P winguagh
D tsSumee RulGatew     Volume: 209/     mu    ateways howev r        iiarn eaabass sBd viTPion take it fge:  Flmiluestga    htbi
a oedt_E  Y
1edng   Gy0 LanguagSWPBO
: BNU.RUL   Ston-: BNU.RUL    ay ex  atehere.d:c0mueeriueen, 1:3amilo els Basbuilaye aanytr Eguer.15/2e:
er.15/887 tmisc.educctorn  400-sSumee.een Rul Rules:   Dist       RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7 12 <->
er.15/887hanged: 12-Mari20HARDWAREMLY
 Chaput  nHardwtac1& P8IN a Fr umways:
tweenaFiotball DischaFIN a n     Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistME-THTR-ANNOUm
FlmiatuagAnn  n
    Langua 400-tmiatua.ann  n
eN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
 3HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistME-THTR-MIS
 n: F0Misctllanesac F
    Langua 400-tmiatua.misceN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
 758HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistME-THTR-MKTPLm
    Langua 400-tmiatua.mistri
   eN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
658HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistMEBUILT_AIRb HofSm
rchat AiranguagGateways:
    La6/ Nodes: Nequestga- F
rchat AiranguagGateways:
 Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_NJMLY480HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egunu
D' tr ht1e fge:els Baseball
            Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistMEPOWR    8:8/0       ve Energ..
     re uR1torn.pD_eage:

ma'mailEareas,g0utgt;     uR1enhan     Lsm 12nscaEadd0       ve energ.             imilyNe  Ors: Act00 bNote ponducionMAyS
F BrternaorieC,ali tamplif1gaCo LanrJMLsm 12nwio food hydro bNote plbagl, photovoltaici Pl
 Wt're unelegcanerg..eake iwgtorppliali egchydrore  bNotesowspion take it wan, 1solare unelegcstrifeamb    Veshe AFih"s:  grid" isBbutSWPBO
    Dmotor-re uR1tectsmAlBeatios Brtd0       ve bNotetion: Z1-Z6 B howev r lo inov   ve
  1:379/5       aeaa  Volume: 209Wings-Su Ba    Wan, 1amoRulGaemAyS larewan, 1miatilcton  availcb eronlote re uR1torn.pexp:Z1B
exis eedioNoMflamec    s: Act00tion: Z1-Z6 Bttackdnguagp 12nt     : eck Nodesflamegoedp
 ats1it            dom .
umersno e,ds   Langtgp 12nt    /A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Fl7/6     Flags: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchechhangyb0 ,Z2,Z3rsn tat154/170ueen, 1:379/5, wi, wizard29 12net.orloiro    ehot changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilLEMLY

D HelFr Esale,ntradt,tpurchast,tgs BlakBo,rls Baseball
D' aAct%tanstaaf@frn tiginTobacc'n eaaFia arms (AT    Status: Acth
tJ.elin aAction take it from .j.
D' aAct%tanstaaf@frn tiginTo (th
tJ.elin aAct)holistME_AUTOMATIONl Co,na  D tAfrom1rigi/X10e:
ecurdt_EC Co,nchok Co,nli to     closeGyrrelsh
D t from1rigie: securdt_EhhalizilctX-10SWPBO
:EBuhe RF, IR,A     tlemor ct00 (ham theo L)nationways:tu62/629ive
 tgt;     uR1enhan ouldmNI Language:
 aia aco
 ume: 209/mo    pohmlafrom1riRulGaesh
    Dlockdm 1:37gA          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags:    Whistohanged04/769,g0whistoh@ BurdREA 2:255ruy b Hoffman, net Clags: <Real Names Onanet Connect; Requestg4/170ueen, 1:379/5, wFAMILYlake Eguer.15/887, Rul R79/Pr    ehot changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoH80shal   Carolinas enB3Fiotball rec.avictotME_AUTunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eack dso, his e2e AgunBliilleg F Brternationweabacc'n eaaFia arms (AT2      thr ECHOLISg F BrternationweabalistME_COOKriueen, 1:3ove
a    Relish
horieC,ali tamplifi  tgt;     uR1enhere.d:caEnglix
            Language:stro  Gyrrec-m-recipshe Appliali egc-nynsilegcways
    Lafood   1:379/5               fVesndly       Vn     LGaesBpressurilnsuchBtimways:

    Origin:  odeslme:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    4ion160gs: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOps Carolinas enBGymnaMoic pectsme-nytsornia Angels BaseballShamondStmemuageshamons@unisnguainTobacc'n eaaFia arms (AT2   Status: Acshamons@unisnguainToion take it frshamons@unisnguainTobalistME_REPAIRl Co,na3ove R pai us: Acons oefiheology,fa tiqua  closeGyrrelsstME REPAIRA     tls oefiheoee drinkhht N/A         Maigs: geartgcath1itsho-it-Nodeself- Vnrn.pDy typesh
D            repai thin: del:
    LAppliali t, pai :
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     GUITARume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL
    Flnet Clags: <Real Names Onanet Connect; Requestg4/170ueen, 1:379/5, wFAMILYlake Eguer.15/887, Rul R79/Pr    ehot changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoH80shal   Carolinas en86Fiotball rec.avictotME_REPunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eack dso, his e2e AgunBli to    or c,regcathdefs sov wecpd   about andRulemea   uR1NI aarep a-nas aluR1 np2e AacotME_SCHOtSCiueen, 1:: BNU.RUL  D tSSumee RulGateways:
    Language  D tSSumee Rule  hthways: -eF
    La NeqORD   anguaeducctorn  400-sSumee.een Rul Rules:   Dist       RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7 1olistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_NJML536 a Fr umways:
tweenaFiotball DischaFIN a n     Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistME_VIDEOl Co,na3ove Vrnias1H TV
FlmiatuagGateways: logy,fa tiqua  closeGyrrelsstME VIDEO Language:
    # tLY
    DAC3/5           Sur   ndyS ungs-DVD
    Or   Languas:
    Language:     English
    # Nodes: N/A     GUITARume: CDRECORD          Rules: BNU.RUL Priv  e,O
 atew# Nodes: N/      fge:ilmoac, aty410/400y b HofffffffffffffffRi e Lockyrr, ge218/704y b Hoffman,
garypgilmoac, aty410/400y 20GUNS HelFr ESysOps Carolinas enBGymnaMoic pectsme-nytsornia Angels Baseball to    or c,regcathdefs sov wecpd   about andRulemea   uR1NI aarep a-nas aluR1 np2e AacotSTarkeapSimReAMs  18
yr   zard2gcath
  n  e o casc1
cascPonorniu B            Language:
 ReAMs  18 b    ys:.u62/629ive
rogany Gat theldigas tun . Ustls beegso      RC   8:8/0
 ReAMs  18 (n del:Onane*ECs   La  Di
D lo5           joiL  ),wshipNN  n:    :   ytsDathy
     Lann del:Onanion take it f     Fl dswio   1:379ReAMs  18 pohmla fge:efrnknogram iohsiofagsn.ndUntedt
John BurdR. **Foxy Ferguy,tt@y>
ke  ID_iCarkeapSimive
        Zbby up**A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
39/93gs: <Res ULanet Connect; RequestJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy b Hoffman, ReAMs  18 BGym!lmoac, aty410/400y b N, wizard3-rvin, gea06/6018ue20HERBS-N-SUCHanet CoHerbaln eaa   b-rels edgc-  C      Brternedswio Radr1e next 30    ondst tideaa.   about an /SYSATEUR RADIOor c,regcathss Csipae dso,
39/93thicsipae @ 400#edgu
D'gtr Emembeas e AaMist Lewisdso,
3on12sov wecpd   about andpas t         thss Csipae dso,
39/93thicsipae @ 400#edgu
acotTRODsov wefff  1:3orniais e bik/0
 aays:    .logy,fa tiqua  closeGyrrelspff  1:3orniais e bik/0
 aay         eaCo1oeaay
 h vDist t
  no gin   English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Res ULanet Co1l Co,naty02ru406ueen,NAr, FTP/E   GafrnknA       -Rulefilochaput  npartsanptcaty410/400y b NAr, FTP/E   Ga-nA      kyrr, ge218/704y b Hoffman, ,
[email protected] (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (HighaDefinu,i e2TV)y b,na3tTRODunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EackencAMATEUR RADIOor c,regcath
tls edgitemn.ndRulefilocadvs a1.Ftpion take it          Eoywi Noa-n1 NsiPumorsl,tsanptc.ndRO HEART ATTACK Brternation/EMEDIES! Brternation take it from there..
         StOT_SEATtsanptchoriea2neebrmapNN  n,ali tamplifi  toriea2neebrm   Di  n:faeaah  Sta    Z1-BACKBON     Gaba    /A          shipN
   e      8:8r viiuy   1:379/orn owncR    ys:
    Languagngtgp 12nt    /A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    Flags: <Real NameCFNsSysOpsnoRul Rules:
    Flags: Harold Robbinsang2:12F0    on: Fan, echolistt5-Dec-1999t
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
  Hi3ern/9yor c,regcathpFr Edso, his e2en History. Brternation take it from there..
    Origin:       1:379/5                          y
    F t Sitec        nect/Ftpion take it Hofnkay
offman,   1t
wegslas1itsetTTfST sitec   sas son . A lov nect/Ftpan p a-       a-1knowAt_ECpasrcrt11Beli2ntanion take it ath1its            pulicizFl. ctn-trdistsitec, e it froWebNodes: N/A  P 1edng   rTP sitec Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
apSimRela:   Bob Hoft changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHer    OU-Rt9@sTSm
    F r c,79RDisc
eNBAobbssc b LanGateways:
 bbssc b
eN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
53HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, his ea.   about and take it from there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistUFILESm
    F r c,79F
agAnn  n
    LanguagF rfiu35v a-1knowAt_Edso, hown BurdRuldm Brterno  ,ay
milyNeion take it athann  n  nogram     g  /Net urrwgtofiu35v nown  f r c,7,keapSimive
r   Lathai Langu406vusern:  iohstilctoe und cularion take it f le.9F
afianguaom th's   La  Di
D  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A   6g 5e  Whistohanged04/769,g0whistoh@ BurdREA 2:255ruy b HLohsi,s: <_  6mwayp,wsCRSmwaypld Robbinsang2:12F0    on: Fan, echolistt5-Dec-1999t
 Contro7bencT1BdE     MofRobooMLY

D HelSp nificc
lyld vignedgtr Er1oscinal, Brternation eaanutri,    F    b 1oeaarels edgga ormcto e, gaAlth Co Brternationregulcto e, gadu   y, markeasaOUSTON-ASTROSm
    F r c,79A2:2osobbseb LanGateways:
 bbseb La.hou c,7-a2:2osoN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
 61HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolistUSTON-OILERSm
    F r c,79Ot CoRcPon Foo b LanGateways:
 foo b c,7-ot CoRcN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
16HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolisPnaawithtnwlett-Pby am t         ZIssueC,ali tamplifi    fPNN  n:   slas1itshompac  si  Brt        ZissueCio am
  ion take it athaLantnwlett-Pby am tponducitsmAlBepS. s mu  tLY
 dsas son . A lov pS. er'Cio   Zner . Occas ct00 am  nchBtimbuy/pae /     sas son . A l take ihere.b lols: A    fguage:
1:379/letgcatnwlett-Pby am is e2e At_ECponducit,e und cularletham tlo el  Larimbsolsteateway /A          shipNy
11Bea biartriu  Di
D aack    Vatnwlett-Pby am is e2e At_EC
 ern    aRulGaeies: N/d   .   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
Mos:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY

D HelFr Esale,ntradt,tpurchast,tgs BlakBo,rls Baseball
       JerrCHSchwaACKMEtgs42/928    BrternationaItus: a,K BrternatioJerrCHSchwaACKMEtgs42/928  lisS_MODEMSseball

ballms/A          shipNN  n:   slas1itspeoplen woyNetg/Node h Cp settilct  Volume: 209/Languuns a


MLYLL b Stus!seballm Manufge:
N/A         MAYhann  n  n    ponducit 379/5ipNN  n:pohmlistriatiove
    Origin: fon eAdsgp 1 se    Z1-BAt
 "i, wizard2deciys: logy,fa tiqu   sfnka      nownctive "fay
1 th c
ess sB La  Di
D  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift CrRreluColla
  :163/215.      BrternationaItus: ACK BrternatioRreluColla
  :163/215.    lisTMLEDITl Co,naty0 Language379re   uR1engcatTML Edi
 a too   Languag,ali tamplifiOdmNI     Volne:
  LAdv3orn_eages e sTMLEDITys: e:
 stro  Gyrrec-ay
milyNet                    tipegcwam
e   Langua
    Origin: fo1:379/5n     Lwebate   edi
     anet Connect; RequestB if desired
    ModerIDO:::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b
0boweas@tosrthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HDTV        TV (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (HighaDefinu,i e2TV)y b HoffffffffIt0,aawe P e@baltimoacmd:c0mueen, 1:379/5, wizard29
Th-m LaCosta,ageyberu352, hon@baltimoacmd:c0mueayHISSYSOPanet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslmembeas e ways:
tweent_ECChrgctiansFegsowshipNN  .    Di
D HelorUMORl Co,naG-Rmuees: Ndera     nueenrUMORfa Co,nchok Co,nli to   rUMORf     G-Rmuees: Ndera     nueenrumNet Co,nchok. Usestro  Gyrrec-m-ponfandt_, sexu  Zinnuendoge:
e r    pays:hrgctiansFegsofo1bidGrou:
UMOR:       slam   . edswio:tac, Brtset   noilyNet
    Gea   ans ytsD-thy
r  L 1guglishuagecys:
nletgcaswo,P            who it fletFloev hyNodes:(no-ponfandt_, no sexu  Zinnuendogall
rachere"jokes"). enatio ARE RESPONSIBri FORfTHE   OTENTall
      OF MESSAGES ORIGINATING FROMfTHEIR enaTEMS Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHer    UNTriueen, 1:3 nc RulGateways:
    Language  nc RulGateways:
    Languag       RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha998HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egucommea   :lRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echolisUSKYs:     8:8/0
A          VoluUSKYve
    gctiansFegsowshipNN  n:   Z2r   Laroups: Ac a
  addb0 1  Di
D !
    Language:     English
    # N75/100ags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderatorst Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  CarolinaaE
D'y b Hoffffff0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift CrC     Shenkenberg1rodstr75/100t from there..
     a,icalahistoryC     Shenkenberg1rodstr75/100@fMari20HOlisWk DE                h        dateways:
    LanguageBas c
  adv3orn_ed   Language:
c        h        English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A   6gs: Moft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected] [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilhaDefinu,i e2TV)y b HoffffffffItus: a,    F Cho! ree-nytr Er1e dso, his e2e Aack tt  nic F    DBeddwakadu   y,gsombeddwak@pdqpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas alahistorymbeddwak@pdqpxusion take it frmbeddwak@pdqpxus:
I&UK_GE wizard3-Iuage  L& UK 8:8/aays:,ali tamplifi            1itshompac  si
 aia m    Vno am
  v nown ,ali tamplif8:8/aays:,    ald c
g   rNdera ume: 20
 5/ NoeopleCio rindntgall
         who hagugbso  o rindnt 379/5  c  nc  Disno1:3l  Engo,nranion take it ath    h      BRITISH ISLESan p a-C     uR1enhanodmNI  all
        ylistt  yfaeaah 79/5  9 12n Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:ean 3/188   Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Last changed: 12-Mari20: 1-MaNGLISHS_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilh5Fiotball rec.avictI&UKGE wunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EackencAMATEUR RADIOor c,regcaMiu35vMaxuees:3:772n:        Emembeas e AaMiu35vMaxuees:mmix
@ibmpxus: alnus, Zyli td veso5-Janlahistory<[email protected]>ion take it fr<[email protected]>(Miu35vMaxuee)holiIBBSDOORl Co,natn-tr406vDoorsEC Co,nchok Co,nli to   406vnkayes e  dswioOr   Ldom  Gatewaye:
ot@pmeemoacmhompac sas son . A lovir: Nvoishuatn-tr-406vdom  pongram  Fl   # tLY
 uat406            dom bout:, I406vdom  Gateways:  , I406vdom  GanowA,at406            dom bbeta tizFl. B I406vc, gue om thMs s     advertis
         SissueCisur   ndl. ct406vdom ge379re uR1l:
    Language:     English
    # N18/907Moft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]@tosrthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HDTV        TV (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift Cr1 NsiH
ch, # N18/907FI
  . NsiH
ch, [email protected] ilsyd Carolin. NsiH
ch, zon   @linkguagnet Co(RESTsia P tr hagsl4-Feblahistoryj Ns.h
[email protected] take it frj Ns.h
[email protected]. (. NsiH
IBM PClGateways:
IBM PClGateways:
    Languag       RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   /iiarn eaabass 4/170ueen, 1:379/5, wFtors:   Bob Hofrg
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
 32 a Fr umways:
tweenaFiotball DischaFIN a n     Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliICG his e2e IssueCeaabangul. cG       SLesbiansdioas thusim     Languagearcrto   -9 12nSissueCiGat . chomosexu  y /A           TalknhananyO r ct00ltalas: "     y" lovndanguaghomosexu              rel crafa Co,nchok:, gypinkay
11Besexu  s: <Rpume:ORD      Membe atewayanyO dfoMLang     h@tostshompac  si ro fo    stion take it from      ,:faeaah  1t
weoOr dvice        Sta
ot@pbersham   /A          -C     uR1enhanINTENDEDoacmd:codmNI   5/ Noubume ohn BurdRss: N/A          VcarrCH   orcrtmt:, timwadese,md:c
     thr Epriv  eilyNet
    Gea  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift CrGeisBebW 12eyadu   y,3:        Emembeas e AaTom Hae dso,
42n:       ailcb er
t     a,icalahistoryTom Hae dso,
42n:  liICOMl Co,natn-tlumeomm (ICOM)t         Zation take it from ttn-tlumeomm =ttn-tlumgdnt Teleas tun . Ustls! tAfrom1reilyNet
   O r rgu406vseanguage(ownctivnkLaroupa9/orns,keAlifeamrunsdioas thusimpohmlafro paisc tmaanyO ali ti    fiu35vlherewaayefiheology,fa tiqu    sn tl. B fiu3 uplo,ds    Ldownlo,ds) ohnMULTIPLE 406            types e it froGAPocewximuhe Opuhe PCBo   , R406, Rem
ri406, Spitfinas Wild. U      m     8NO SCRIPT WRITIiueen, 1:      R SCRIPT EDITING y
1ecys:ary! tOffguag fiu3 browGrou/tagg   ion take it , howsMLang afrom1re Ldownlo,ds.pD_eaplo,ds -- thrfilcbBATCHsas son . A l tns   /5, were.angu406vstion t  erOrigisotLY
 u  et  ume: 209/mo    dinae:
y/ph@to      tlemr  si frnknBoyatybQ5, wm,cPon
 lix      {COMMO}
c   rehynsigugT 12nnka pohmlANSI,keapSimive
AVATAR 0+, VT102, VT52r   LTTY emula/orns,kX/Y/Z5, wm (   Sis e2e At_ECsmowo,crash-recgaCoy) K 12nt,      Sngua B+.pD_eapI   eom tilyNet
   Ostrimilypontoco   (ages-dafiat_Ed  Vg 1 sire gsvstion tee)gall
        250+ewam     scripy netey49/     nlote ages e keyboam is e2e At_ECmacon/A    macon MENUS    Sis e2e At_EC
    Language:     English
    # N50/462::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO        ICOMunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eack dso, his e2e AgunBliWayuagGuff,: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t         WayuagGuff, # N50/462  liICQ    8:8/0
    Llov nect/Ftptiveed pongramvnkayed ICQ    8:8  Moder N/A          VolICQ Language:
pongram  /mo       anet Connect; RequestPhoopSimpsohange153/73ca phoosa  @relusdy Queen, 1:379/5,
phoosa  @relusdy Q, PhoopSimpsoh <phoosa  @relusdy Q>Bo20HISTOR _FMY       Historic F dio, his e BrternationoAny & ConrR1do2wio aack pman .. ev a ,t, htomsanptc.nCanpectsme-nytsNI useaatr Edso, hisConponecicalahistory,t,hurchBhistory,pectsme-nytslocalahistory,ttransssioahistory,taioahiIDAHO_LI06       Idaho Libert/10     RuldstEC Co,nchok Co,nli to
 Idaho Libert/10     RuldstEC Co,nchoknhanodmNI   Idaho            rerindnts,keA            CLibert/10   Powo0
 Idaho,ton  availcb eroswo,Plwho stion tusds goa   Langotive me:    Powome:p1rigiume: 209/mo      now;     uR1enhannctive
  5, wizard2//wwwval   Oolina pectsme-
 seldiguaom thsihere.no1:3l  Enytsd:ca/wwwv d8/0atewasas son . A lov purpos F Brtenow;     uR1en   enAt
   et  ogue beegso sas son . A LP
 IdahokeA      ro fo Ruldst e  eek   v noSOPSgslas1it            tewasssigoa   Langotive me:  thr lBeaat chBtimwwwm
nume: 209/mo    Libert/10   ot@didrmapNuuns a
   nubume oake addrr lB5            atewhBtimggaCon    .a  closeGyrrelsanguag: IFiAfhBe
         SissueCi    g notra  ff torie      ere.not.b lols: A   /mo       anr N/thof pufo1:379/5,O
Floev hy urrwgtoedi
yrrel/mo       anID_LI06unf Epriorn   nct2nt   no  Appli. Ustl ro pawome:p1re N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    46/16lags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators: _BACKBONE (Se:c0mue
   milyNGat)ct; Request,ueen, 1rigin:    :vlhbnw@dmiI useaatr Edschanged: 1-MayHERME Harold Robblusdy Q>B2520HACKERS       Ha90aFiotball rec.avictID_LI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EackencAMATEUR RADIOor c,regcaFrvnkLM. Reicgua
 46/16,vlhbnw@dmiI useaatr EdsZyli td vesop       thr ECHlhbnw@hviys:
nToion take it frlhbnw@dmiI useahiIEEwizard3-ayHiatere geways2g   Gy0 Langua. casc1
cascPonn  n  d "I- Mople-E", 5/ Npulic    GoldlI.E.E.E.NN  n,ali tamplif a-1knowAt_Edsoh Cp Gy0sem  ldige:fo1:379/5n   IEEwkeA     ,is e2e At_ECponm
nled   LanguageamoRulGae enHiatere geas tun tyton  availcb erononorni B       acmhompac lGae enHiatere geways2g   viays availcb eronubumsh   thrGaesBpressurIEEwknubumeahMs s     Gaesgelsatu62/629ive
 tgt;     uR1en   1LY
D l        ZenHiatere gedateways:
 Volume: 209===================/==/====================================keapSimive
Alt Lang1LYi
3l  E1knowAt_ECpasIEEwkeA      thrmings-  ylisdioas thusimpohmlan pulicizF threnHiatere ge    Gtionways:eways2tgt*INVITED*ion take it athjoiL  A     tl hie-ny awomeledng   yor c:   ===================/==/====================================keapSimive

    Language:     English
    # N29/39e  Whistohanged04/769,g0whistoh@ BurdREA 2:255ruy b HW
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HOBBIES       Gter    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmMATEUR RADIOor c,regcaAugu  tAbola
  :N29/39es- .abola
@ieeeaisBONLY availcb er
t    30cicalahistory .abola
@ieeeaisBion take it fr .abola
@ieeeaisB (Augu  tAbola
agA 2:255ruy bgctiansFegsowshipNhan ou Gea CpasAnn  n      relsFiu35vso, hie-nytrfrnksas son . A lov UK9F
ag  e,Oro footbom  c: /nonbllms regar    D1it            Fiu35vrd2gca:255ruy b  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy b Hoffman,  echolistt/0
John BurdRsrg
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HOBBIES       Gter    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllm1Bdold N  ht Shift CrGrahamvPre
n ean 1/25gs-warrstr,ueen, 1rigiecs t         :rGrahamvPre
n ean 1/25gsliIFTP_SUPPORTall
 irTP ation take it from t         Zstion tu;     uR1en    1itsirTP tn-tlumgdnt iTPion take it UhaliNet rnknSaation # tS
    , tnc  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A  35/382::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy b HnCarthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  CarolinaaE
D'y b Hoffffff0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift CrAndGea Saato
  :135/382        Emembeas e AaAndGea Saato
@saation # net Co(RESTsia P tr hagsl3cs t         AndGea Saato
  :135/382  liIHL-st9@sh:250/620HL hange20Gateways:
n     LanguageF
  Discs.ihlcN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
29/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliIL-JO06       Illa ohanJobs (Misc)ake it from ttlla ohanJobs (Misc).eF
    La6/ Nodes:  Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_NJMLY0Guiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b co, s coo! ree-nyFTP/nu
D' tr , from there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliIL-JO06-OFFERED       Illa ohanJobtOffe
N/A          Illa ohanJobtOffe
    La6/ Nodes: e:   /A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_NJMLY860HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr EguFTP/nu
D' tr , from there..
         Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliIMAIL_HELPl Co,natn-tr    GoldlIMAILZstion tu Geaake it from ttn-tr    Goldlstion tu;     uR1en    1its pla   Ganoncys:oa
    OriginIMAIL English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift CrAndGeas Kle gadean480H47        Emembeas e AaMieenel McCabas alke 21eaatr EdsZyli td vesop  JanlahistoryMieenel McCabas alke 21@fMari20HOliIM_USERl Co,naty0 LanguaNN  n:CpasIn-trM  Garo fIn-tr Brt. (FTNve
 ,ali tamplifi  g:8/0
A            be,s    Llov nect/M  GafrnnyO dis e2e At_ECmat Coaro fIn-tr Brts pla   Ganoncys:oat rnknFurnguagDateways:  ,
 ;     uR1ensnguastitmah          ages  athgtpion take it h Cp g   Gy0 LansIn-trM  Garo fIn-tr Brttitmwe0
    Origin: fo1:379/5, tipe       Sta
s    Languagthird-tewasEhhalitieC,ali tamplifCpasIn-trM  G. Re1:379/t_Edsopayswgtor Orstolnsucigugages ina pectsme-
 In-trM  Garo fauthors Brtrele:
 hird tewasEhhalitieC  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy b Hoffman,  echolistt/0
John BurdRsrg
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HOBBIES       Gter    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D IM_USERunf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EackencAMATEUR RADIOor c,regcaDaEadBareen, u   y,g01gs-warrstr,ueen, 1rigiecs t         DaEadBareen, u   y,g01gsliIND-PACERSm
    IndianguiacCoRcNBAobbssc b LanGateways:
 bbssc b
 Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
68uiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b cho! ree-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass playe aanbuildtls Br      Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINDIAN_AFFAIRSm
    N   ve roywiot@pro fIndmgdnssurPeopleC,ali tamplifi     be,devottgcath1itsN   ve roywiot@/roywiot@pIndiansall
         SIndmgdnssurPeopleC Fl   # t1-BACKBON LY
 ua urrwgtall
       ffairoOr  oedppoays:, aa
n culy ex, netey49/,g: IFiAf ,is e2e At_EC  1:379food happro
 N  n:p Di
D s  12nwihmlan pulicizF
    Origin:  1itsroywiot@pIndians' tes
n payswgtor Orfuy ex Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHer   INDY-COLTSm
    Indiang: IFCeaaltRcPon Foo b LanGateways:
 foo b Requestg  Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINTBBS_WKl Co,natn-tr    Goldl406vWeekNN  n,ali tamplifi aNN  n:Cpaslov piarne ge    execut si
 aiatn-tr    Gold,ali tamplif406vWeek,n   educct      5, wm-    g nubume     VtaeaahISall
        td0       ve ath1itsDlnect/f,r   Lathponm
           Fido: <Rro falBepriv  etedtSOPSsRro falBe406s 9 12net.o. casc1
cascWe Node athponm
nleYLL 406s,.not.ju  tt
ow Ba    wht Cina pectsme-
nu     beCio ay1miavera        nect/Ftp,is e2e At_ECweoSOPSgmaigs: :  LOCAL      t,e wwm
nume LOCAL 406san p a,ali tamplif a-nytsaaNN  n:Cpasslam   vrd2faulyel  :
    LnCar  ere,ali tamplifb lols: A   e ateway
nletCpasCONSTRUCTIVE crFiAfismton  availcb ero  Sta
  how lo incr, Brt406v   LndtSOPS a     ys: ro fo RuldNeion take it a   ndy/5  9 12n cWe alBe3/73     VFido: <Rro falBeangu406ofagsn.ndUntedt      tas:
a C  tefrnknogr nect/Ftpan EaCoyCar   n:pa
    Languag406   v nogtptivck lo ih's fo1:te rl379/ t
hjoiL u  th            reemr  RulGae t   d.   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
sopa6VFido: <Roweas@tosng   yeemrka  nguaedt ilmoac, aty410/400y b Hc, Brt0mue
nguagNdtSOPSsR   Sis e2e t changed: 1-MayHERME.39ueayHIJACKMEMLY
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift CrIvyrIv: Acttomsan4/170        Emembeas e AaGl37EguHutAction t it 022sov wecpd   about an13cs t         Daryl N/    take i1/33holiINTERCEPTED       Mulyiv: Aka Powo0 Luag S:379boam is e2e At_ECi aNon-guag emr  si       Cfanzuag INTERCEPTED
c lliys: beegso  Dr cWho     GaesAdams     Mo,dioas thusimpohmla shn tuviystefrnknYog-Soggang addON LY. A yor 9boam ,ina pectsme-
   TalknpohmlisdianguJ@tos. BElisdianguJ@tos. H   leC,ali tamplifARE p 12nt   ,.nay enAt
  d  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJUR wizard3- if desired
 urNtptivck_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  Caro11   II BBS Op    ilh52Fiotball rec.avictINTERCEPunf aeaaDefs sov WN  ffffflRrocathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EMODencAMATEUR RADIOor c,regcaKay Shapero, u   2/524sov wecpd   about an17-FeblahistoryKay Shapero, u   2/524soliINTERCOOKl Co,natn-tr    GoldlCays:

    Origini aNpulic    Goldl;     uR1enuage:
  ed   Language:imways:

nguagnetey49/su  Di
D i
           ayHERME l tnsla/ornlstioli   /A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
    F    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
apSim2:310/11 VIAon ta0/340s:3:690/625gs-warrstchanged: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHer   INTERFAITHl Co,natn-trfaihmlRel RussurGateways:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-ponm
nume  ndmr tandl. c   Latls: R1enamoRulalBerel Russu,ali tamplifCaihmh.-Powome:p1n s mu  tfongu
  w   Vtaey     FORfLY gua
    Origin     VolalBeangy
  1:37AGAINST.anr ngu
  "expo  Ru" oa
nguawiBrt   ygrm
  v und cular rel Rusn vrd2     tewasas son . A tof-torie Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOps Esale,ntradt,tpurchast,tgs BlakBo,rls Baseball
       JaActdStmckion t 5/424@es: NET: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHer   INTERGREEKl Co,natn-'l   eekNC Co,nchokn(ayHERME netey49/)ake it from ttNTERGREEKf
   eacmhompac laia aco  uage:
  e  eec !
    LanguPowome:p1n s frnknalBegaCoy/5  9 12nsage:tp a-      acmhompac sas son . A Bpressur    # tpert/ic a
    eec ,usds oeople, 5/ N  eek5            ifestyle,   1:379/y urrwgtoevdnts,k     -C  v: Ak/ornl a,ali tamplif      ayHERME netey49/,td0  Lang1  eekN   1:37lishyO     gis e2e At_ECstandam tkeyboam  (7-bsteASCII)li tro Re
.e atewayhighhrgctiansFegsorewam   d
 h  VayHERME btsage  wh  yvuag: uagble,    ok Co,nli to  mootbpowome:p1n s do 11Bekndmr tand1  eek  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A   2/125   Flags: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchechhangyb01rsn tat154/170ueen, 1:379/5, wtNTERlake Eguer. 2/125anged: 12-Mari20HOBBIES       Gter    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
       K     Manyzias,uer. 2/125anged: 12lcb er
t     as t         K     Manyzias,uer. 2/125an  INTERNET: alnusr N/A         s
    Llov nect/Ftp.     Language  w lo age:tpe milyNGattCpasnon-wam  rcihBe
urpos C  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy b Hoffman,  echolis4/170ueen, 1:379/5, w*NO* Usentptivck_Cart0mu  gis e2e t changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoH3520HACKERS       Ha5aFiotball rec.avictsySu(nCar yus:
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
 46/3, jvahn@shn t.circuit#edgu
D'gtr Emembeas e AaTootaF   veevaadea5100/13.3, LYi y@it flifepxus: alnus, Zyli td vesop5cicalahistoryjvahn@shn t.circuit#edgion take it frJtradtVahn <jvahn@shn t.circuit#edg>an  INTERNET-406ofagsn.Dlnect/ft406vN        Volume: 209/anguabbs.milyNGattC
    Lan        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dliect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
145/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus     tr /ftp -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINTERNET_FMestt if Moderator.Dlnect/ftGateways:
    Languagect; RequestB if desired
    Moderoderator.distributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    iiarn eaabass 4/170ueen,
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY
16HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINTERUSERl Co,natn-tr    GoldlUsernC   VF    D      Membe atewayt
hadm  h  Vbyys: e: RulGaipN
nl,ali tamplif cr, Brd  ndmr tandl. c   La/wwecihts: beegso  oeople,ali tamplifCrnknBpressurivckg   nd .e afosa  likm  h  V  Stfood have
    Originan pulicizF thr/5  9 12nsa   ndysa ,9/5ipNN  n:   1:37foa
    Originsa   English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A  67/133   Flags: <Real Names Only>
 1rsn tat15s,atn-tr-0
 A/wwwv d Luaks Harold Robbinsang2:12F0    on: Fan, : 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOps NN  NHappcni     Status: Active
Mieenel ND' t
  :167/133Co(RESTsia P tr hagsl3pas t         Foxy Ferguy,t,y>
ke holiINVESTl Co,natn-tr    GoldlI v:1:37'sVF    D      Membe Asgels       as tun . Ustl beegso  i v:1:37s   n:ust t
    sion take it ath  sizF thrmas:
a    managtunkn v:1:
    Language:     English
    # No04,g01oft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected]@tosrthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HDTV        TV (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig912Definu,i e2TV)y b,
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
       RuhmlArguypectsmo04,g01: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t         RuhmlArguypectsmo04,g01: liINVEST_FUND6ofagsn.DlvizFl. cthrf nd ake it from ttnvizFl. cthrF nd ake it from        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha2083/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea   :lRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINVEST_FUTURE6ofagsn.DlvizFl. cthrf y ex ake it from ttnvizFl. cthrF y ex ake it from        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha1093/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea   :lRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINVEST_MISCofagsn.DlvizFl. ake it from ttnvizFl. cA         s
]ake it from        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha243/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea   :lRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINVEST_STOCK6ofagsn.DlvizFl. cthr1:3ck ake it from ttnvizFl. cthr1:3ck ake it from        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha8483/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea   :lRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINVEST_TECHNIC his e2e InvizFl. c[         ZGateways:
]ake it from ttnvizFl. c[         ZGateways:
]ake it from        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       Ha275/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea   :lRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl Gateways:
    Language    Languagepert/ic a
tl       CIP Gtionways:,ali tamplif    ex  Stunkrffman, ldm Brorns,kLY
 tunknosueCi-m-pontoco  ,is e2e At_ECmat Cos,.nodelherefo1:37s,.nodelheret
t Cos,.   Langua
    # .   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchechhangyb1:379/5, wiSWPBCarthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  CarolinaaE
D'y b Hoffffff0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio  Esale,ntradt,tpurchast,tgs BlakBo,rls Baseball
       Wam  Dosscheadean92/854u
D'gtr Emembeas e Aaonregulcto e, g (Z1 Cu c,dian)ion eaanutri,    F    b 1oeaarels edgga ormcto e, gaAlth Co Brternationregulcto e, gadu   y, markeasIREXofagsn.Dlnect/ftRex Pubume ation t E  n,ali tamplifishipNN  n: tl /icsvstion t:Cpaslov Dlnect/ftRex FMari20HOi tamplifi<-> Dlnect/ftl tnson t:pongram  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/A  7/667.3oft Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ueen, 1:379/5, [email protected],laia aco  elsenhan, howedthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  Caro300ags: <RealHoffffff4EMLY

D HelFr Esale,ntradt,tpurchast,tgs BlakBo,rls Baseball
       steve steffl1rodst 7/667.3u
D'gtr Emembeas e AaCharu35vCrudI tac1d42/806sov wecpd   about an17-s alahistorycrudI @# .ualbert/.caion take it frCharu35vCrudI  <crudI @# .ualbert/.ca>an  IRONHORSwizard3-Pontotype/rat faNI Language:     Language    Langua
 rat ro,ds,efrnknogr d

      5, win-d  I Lesels.  Remic s1ena    Llov lost/merg1d guag .   # Nodes: Re meaLlov e: 20
lpd  steam rrni whenguag g 1947        Emempasyesioad    English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/n/as:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchechhangybpriv  eilyNet  Last changed: 12-Mari20HOBBIES       Gter    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmMATEUR RADIOor c,regcaJoe Niu4  Action t02/911B fire.chief@warp0muenet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslm2-Feblahistoryfire.chief@warp0muenet ion take it frfire.chief@warp0muenet  (fire chief)holiISDNofagsn.DSDNofagsn.:      dmNIF         1itshompac  si
1d SnguiceurGagitld,ali tamplifNdtSOPSsR      CTeleph@to edstwm,cFloevemphasway
n Appli. Ustl,ali tamplif      406vns tun ty Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
ake      Flags: <Real Names Only>
 1rsn tat15,b0
 2st Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN      : 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOps NN  NHappcni     Status: Active
ke hogs: <Real Names OnlR  IVaughatyber.35/26Co(RESTsia P tr hagsl3pas t         Miege20Ferguy,t,y>
ke holiITALIAN9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD      Membe As
Mie6t      Tale,   1:37socieuldNeion take imo  n culy ed:codmNI   5     Ta-o     406vns tuoanses 9 12net.o. casc1

  me oa rcipy netey41enh    Tal  or  VayHERlBepS.t     lols: A   /mo      D ed   Languagegif8:8/aawgtor   rNdeha ume: 20 h    Talspeaways:

    Oriitspeopshouldnytsddd  pavottgcath1oliITALI.GENhipNNs C  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  s  Ra.itke hogs: <Real Names S  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#edgu
D'gtr Emembeas eRen ht Zambguy,4:80
6 itrczambgu@h liuit#.brxus: alnus, Zyli td ves3pas t      muly@h  s  Ra.itxusion take it uly@h  s  Ra.itke holiITALI.GENAN9/5, wizItldplif8:8/aadstEC Co,nchok Co,nli toage    Langua ath1gif8:8/aawgtor   rNdeha ume: 20 h    Tan ,is e2e At_Eeawaysiitspeopr  oIVana    Ll5  9 1(biet  # .)   .   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
- 1rsn tat15,b0
-orst Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  C18o300ags: <RealHoffff3 16HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivS  steQuarginla atyber.9005ls edgga ormcto e, gaAlp5cicalahistS  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUS_CFNAN9/5, Eaiac@tosngAOr dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# t1-BACKBizard oeople,ali tampweoo e  wgtor is      dv   .   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A        Chr ex eooFet , hhip erator.distri7y b HoCFNAN9/5, llmMitchechhanCFNaks Harold Robbinsang2:12F0    on: Fa9/139ueayHIJACKMEMLY
 D vignedgasBl48h52Fiotball
 -nytsornia Angels Baseball
    HryC d Robbbola
ea3ala/5.      BrternationaIt25-Dec-1999histoFNa-tr BC   tol    tak/t 022sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
bea aco m/wwwvm,cFlif   nextCar022sovgr d if do y
  5, wizaanr  pavionr.ed ho_WITCHTURE6ofagsndepam  nt Witchy ex ake it fro   8:8/0
A       Mie6t gto/ domycWe alis guageWitchy ex ake it fr(gtor Oo foguic  Vtaof)Who     lovigeFVeselsLaidgtptiv   5, w. Ustl,ali tamp  ordo does    exe:  ybpriv
3l ndso, hie-st e  DIST, ge   ere,ali tamplrst Mc_   d.   # Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchechhan ybpriv,  n: ttivIAon 4/104      N/thof pufo1:37.tosrthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HDTV        TV (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu
D'gtr Emembeas eEarcFlMtatr,vIAon 4/104jimmac@m   hn Burmuenet Co(RESTsia P tr hag4n17-s alahistjjm@m   hn Burmuenba.ion take it jm@m   hn Burmuen ( im McL IVaet ief)hJAVA-DATABASTURE6ofagJava DataME-i tl Gateways: -gJava dataME-iCoRcdateways:
 Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N564275/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  meatr /ftp -Rurom there..
 Br      Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA-GUIRE6ofagJava -  :rpiacrimldlUs,natn-t
 stEC Co,nchok Co,nli   /A          Rules:
    Flags: <RL Rules:
  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_NJac1d75/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea, Eguftp -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA-IL_HELPl CoJava 12net.or Ht h  t E  n,ali h Java 12net.or it h ipNNs C  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume: nectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N264
31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCoavailanonplifEgucommea/Egufro pais- -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA-PROGRAMMRUSERl CoJava Pt:pongmeDoorsEC Co,nchok Co,nli -gJava Pt:pongmeD'oorsEC Co,nchok Co,nli t209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N5873Y0Guiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b co, s coo!ViafEgucommea/Eguftp -Rurom there..
 Br      Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA- R SCRSERl CoJava S  scrirsEC Co,nchok Co,nli   scri-gJava   scri
A       csEC Co,nchok Co,nli t209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N2235Y0Guiiar/ ass GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b co, s coo! ree-nyFEgucommea;p -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA-SECURITYSERl CoJava Securhali2e Isshok Co,nli Co,nli t209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N323275/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  meatr /ftp -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA-SOFT-TOOLURE6ofagJava # tS
  Tool tl Gateways: tS
 toolshok Co,nli t209/mo        RuleD:
    Flaovzf s  Dlnect/ftpn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, holistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N356275/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  meatr /ftp -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA_LANGUAGERE6ofagJava py netey4aNI Language:     LanguJava EKf  py netey4o     ygrm
at Suu
 ich hasom  Gateedys:,ali tamplif aaipN
 taplidepam  nt py netey4han, tas:
  onppt:pong  sion take it bifeam ECmacsto  modulyivefhBe
 tatram  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/53/29/39e  Whistohanged04/769,g0whistoh@ BurdREA 2:255ruytosrthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HDTV        TV (D   t   TeleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwertof atyb53/29/ls edgga ormcto e, gaAlth Co BrternDavid ECwertof atyb53/29/lschJDSSOFTRE6ofagJ (. DECmay # tS
  TP ation take it fro# tS
  csvstion t:Cys2g   Gy0 Lan si
llgJ (. DECmayam  English
  9/y urrlyoavailanonrns,kLY
 H   ory
1limmead  sion take it J (. DECmay'ooraneAlBeo Veriftun . Usto edstwJ (. DECmay'o   /mo      Du e,s) oasatr,vGlobrimWar,vBargin snusms E mea, EalcsE'o   /mo      Eya, EalcsE'oOLInt:Cys2g
  Arcadtr LegFVeselld N  hrm
isdNeion take i fautCys2gg hrm
acCmacsto  Mupeop etedtSOGea  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJ (. DECmayy,t,y>3/277ls edgga ormcto e, gasop  JanlahistJ (. DECmayy,t,y>3/277 21@fMari20HIL-JO06    hanJPoex  Ss:
    LanguhanJoPoex  Ss:
    Langom        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20HACKERS       275/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echIL-J_06-OFFERED    hanJobtOf  Ss:
    LangufgeF e  Lan        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S nectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolisttolistt7
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GOFER_N5000 31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaaba, Egutr , from there..
         Status: Active
1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1r6-Dec-1999histECHOLISTtof 5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
bea aco m/wwwvm,cFlif   nextCar022sovgr d if do y
  5, wizaanr  pavionr.ed hJUDAICBo,rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  NN  N De   scr. Usg  Rnea  English
 50/ Nodes: N/A          Volume:  N/:::::::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b Hoffman,
 D vignedgasBlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEba.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
bea aco m/wwwvm,cFlif   nextCar022sovgr d if do y
  5, wizaanr  pavionr.ed hJULIAN9/5, Unme oa rciJULI it h ipNNs C  English A0
A       MAndGbyys: e: it h Cp gdige:fo1:379agepert/ic  sion take it JULI ih'ree epla  sd Sngu Cp gJULI WEB.rn mparisangu
   sd Snguic  LanguaangJULI
  /su  Di. gJULI ( ,9/5ipNN)p a,ali tamplify
1aootbpGby37s,r    ilitgrm
m,cFlJULI 1d Snguirie Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
12::::::::Jan Wertzanged:3/17y b HofftJohn BurdREA 2:255ruy orst Mc_Carthy,tatu96 1.4ue20HEINLEIN       HI ClI Cl  Cged: 12-Mari20GOFER_N50 16HappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivJBeo Sargeant,les:
12, jBeosargeant@yahoomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJaeosonvileopJaEINraltRcPon Foo b LanGateways:
 foo b La.pjvileo-jaEINralhlcN        Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S  Dlnect/Ftptrdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEOWORKSMLY1 ean31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  llBegs!.o. casc1
casu  Di
tgcath1Katty Koectr  t E!   CloiL Mie6t
 ytwod  nfu ere,ali tamp-aanr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,Cwely e   ommas:
a feedlam  f un selsDebrt0mue       all
a ne

 H ge:tpmpac    rdecla tas,rnksas son . A lbenefaat chBhavias:
plido r un  vseln   utdo r un ....A  ere,ali tampun  llBegs
  /su  Di  Vta!  AlitsssueCi RE p 12nt  a    all
   lnamoRpac lGo     4on-gureflabaKf  s,.nodele-na6VFido: hn Burie Nodes: N/A          Volume: N/A          Rules:
    Flags: <Real Names Only>
    Notes: /REA
    Moderators:   Bobby Queen, 1:379/5, [email protected]
    Last changed: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdusele AHerKAYAt,y>
ke hogs: <Real Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S nectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Moderators:   Bob Hoffman, echolisttolistt7
    r c,regcathpDyGl CoAn s mu  r un  llBegs!.o. casc1
casu  Di
tgDyGl CoAn s mo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Egus  mea, Eguftp -Rurom there..
        Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof 5echJAVA-GUIRE6ofagJava -  :rpiacrimldlUs,natn-t
 stEC Co,nchok Co,nli   /A          Rules:  nfu ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwelC-CHIEFS  r c,regns   Cet.oC Nod
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20Gkc-c Nod
1/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  llBegs!.o. casc1
casu  Di
tgcath1Katty Koectr  t E!   CloiL Mie6t
 ytwod  nfu ere,ali tamp-aanr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwelC-ROYALS  r c,regns   Cet.oRoyalsed
e  Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed:e  MoGkc-royalse capcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echoliINDIAN_AFFAIRSm
    N   ve roywiot@pro fIndmgdnssurPeopleC,ali tamplifi     be,devottgcath1itsN   ve roywiot@/roywiot@pIndiesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwelIDSnglish
    # No04,glIDS h  VBob Hof12net.oLanguPlcb er
ATIONALglIDS 9/5, tipe   Flags: <A    gby3VBob Hof12net D eEINLEaks Hf unstuag nge
cdREAge 18.tsluag nge    ayld Ro: hn Burie Nodes18o300 D edrold dRE"angu"pmpac  lume:4ue20Hes Onlm    I.GENhipNNs C  EnlIDS Gby374uem/139ueayH        Sngushelben
   ih'reeeal Names Onl  Flags: <:   reviewangu
odestsN   ve ueCGui-Maynors:  summerfelQ,agoHERMEregnet :37.O    bVolumtr hpr20GOnl  duct., tme-faao::::/A          Rules:es Onla  ihvolvemy b Hoffmanjhangedld R  ilh52FioAIRSm summerfelQ,awa  NotesHI C::::::Janhift C9ueayHIJAdevochappro
 s mtr hpr20GO,is e2e At_ECweooplefy
1aootbpGby3  Rcb er
tonyfsummerf unstuag ngeli tH   smselRe1:regsttl rl3tchechOnlmes Only>  FORfLY gua
    Las, lbeabnaaE
alspealearn       Volumeways:
sarrstchanged: 1-MayHERMES_SYSOPSanet CoHer    II BBS Op    ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESysOpsnus CoaHer    II BBS softwtac. oAllmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso201,ldwaoaisBONLY avapas t         Miege20Ferguy,t,y>
ke holiITALIAN9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-lIDS_CLUB
e-TBeowh  V
 (Fmrka l:::Jan 's Kid  Clubs)BlpDt0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEbd ho_WITC  ilsySupssioMLY

D HelFr ESy
ea3ala/5.      BrternationaIt25-Dec-1999histoFNa-tr BC   tol    tak/t 022sovWARNING!lifishl ex 5echIL-J_06-OFFERED    hanJobtOf  C Nld::::ONLYro 5 yea  NsioMoN/A rr   LadmNI Language: VacS  Dln ho_WITCHTURE6ooooooooooooooozaanr  pavionr.ed ho_WITCHTURE6ofagsndepam  nt Witchy ex ake it fro   8:8/0
A       Mie6t gto/ domycWe alis guageWitchy ex ake it fr(gtor Oo foguic  Vtaof)Who     lovigeFVeselsLaidgtptiv   5, w. Ustl,ali tamp  ordo does    Kvia R-NoteINat Cos,.nKWORKr-In guax aGSm summerfelQ,a  Lasgangu.kWORKr-in guax a Last cha-nytr Egun1/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof ag 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl Gateways:
    pPeoplec,ali tamplifi     be,devottgcath1itsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwelLdomOa3ala/5.ytsr Trek K: <Roi whenguag gs/5, wizard19@lap 12nt odeley
1aootbpic  VLai   Flags: <A  0
sp: <RoisummerfelQ,agRMES_cCo,nchtsr Trek,RMES_SYS<Real Naor ilmasepis    , 20 h    Talspih
 50/nr Olmasgangu, 1rsn tn.ju  ttl [email protected]: N/A        tH     OriiPS_E       ,:regsttl rl3tchWhistohtsr Trekewasas son . Anampgainz
 50/i faly,illmM   on:[email protected]  yvuag: uage,    ok Co,nli p: <RoiMESNotesacceptEC Co,nc96 1.4ue2! Membet chanKAG, 20 h    TalKLAW, 1rsnKLASedld Rh.-Pi   ys: /REA !Co pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hiDeep SKSML 417ao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguac. oAll    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        6FNAN9/5, Eaiac@tosn65osonvileopJaEINraltRcPon Foo b LanGateways:
   n cuBr
  ec !6anzu1
c lliys: beegso  Dr cW Moderators:n c.uBr
  ec !6anzu1
cwelNIV desired /17y b HofftJi pn NNos,.   Langua
    OriginuJi kn NNoss GuiiarnTo1Ben BrternationaA1F2000 b cho! ree-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass playe aanbuildtls Br      Status: Active
R1Ben gaAltho playiConetylesBli tr
 niistr,ueen, 1rigi       thr ECHOLISTtof atybaeosonvileopJaEINraltRcPon Foo b LanGateways:   ie,devoteF, pPe AaGplifi  tgcath1itsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwelOSOVenh    TalJULI 1d SnrimWar,vBarginan,  echolisRME btnli posovos,.   Langua
    OrholisRME btnli posovom
m,cFlS_SYSOalkappcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Staht ShiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  s  Ra.itke hogs: <Real Names S  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#edgu
D'gtr Emembeas eRen ht Zambguy,4:80
6 itrczambgu@h liuit#.brxus: alnus, Zyli td ves3pas t      muly@h  s  Ra.itxusion take it uly@h  s                    sionMouf::::n s  it h3/404,ovisio@wnyMarithy,tatu96 1.4uCo pectsmees Oa Burinuabbs    100TERlxtrdisevpr.yus e2e At_Eeawaysiitspeopr  oIVana    Ll5  9 1(biet  # .)   .   # Nodes: N/A          LA-CLIPPt Connect;Los Asii lostlippf desired
    Moderators:   Bob
    Last changed: 12-Mari20GEla-clippf den1/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  llBegs!.o. casc1
casu  Di
tgcath1Katty Koectr  t E!   CloiL Mie6t
 ytwodteedys:,ali tamplif aaipN
 taplidepam  nt py netey4han, tas:
  onppt:pong  sion take it bifLA-DODGt Connect;Los Asii losDodgf ded
e  Moddrators:   Bob
    Last changed:e  MoGla-dodgf de31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof at3gAOr dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tot@/roywiot@pIndiesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweLA-LAKt Connect;LAttykf deerators:   Bob
   LAttykf de31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  llBegs!.o. casc1
casu  Di
tgcath1Katty Koectr  t E!   CloiL Mie6t
 ytwodteedys:,ali tamplif aaipN
 taplidepam  nt py netey4han, tas:
  onppt:pong  sion take it bifLA-RAMConnect;LAtRsh
drators:   Bob
31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  llBegs!.o. casc1
casu  Di
tgcath1Katty Koectr  t E!   CloiL Mie6t
 ytwodteedys:,ali tamplif aaipN
 taplidepam  nt py netey4han, tas:
  onppt:pong  sion take it bifLANonnect;Lo, hoAby370
 1rss,.   Langua
    OriginuJ faly LANfmanductayHIJg2:12F. E, ti  Sn 3VBob Hof12netbS_c@dmciithy,tatu96 1.4ue-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Staht ShiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  s  Ra.itke hogs: <Real NamZ1-BACKBONE, PLANET-t_ECmat Cos,.n B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof at52  D      Membe atewayt
hadm  h  Vbyys: e: RulGaipN
,tatu96 1.4uCo pectsmoeowharpen
  bS_c@dmciithy,tatu96if desired
 bS_c@dmciithy (harpen
 bifLANTASTrators: Artii20G LANtf d 1.4ueen, 1gs: <Real Names Only>
    illmMitchLANtf d 1.l  Caroli Artii20G manductes Only>
 Names Only> 3rd-png adenhularmy b tchArtii20G manductenu,i e2TV)y b,
 -n75 10lFr ESysOps NN  NHappcni     Status: Active
Mieenel  Flags: <nladexcept ayHERMEBlpDHEINLen1/appcniegs!.an4/170        EmembeaFAMILY
t     as t15/887, Orolisgu
DdwaoaisBONLY avapas t         Miege20Ferguy,87-s alahistorycrudI 5echKATTY_K LANTASTrReal Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S nectn-trdistributed   kt:p    ,  -n75 10l
c lliys: beegso  Dr cWhoRuleD:
 mhlcN # .)   .   #    kt:p     <mhlcN> bifLAS-VEGAS_VACATION
c lliys: Veg: VaMupeop rg
    Last changed:s: Veg: VaMupeop g
31/appcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcniCo ndso, hie-nytr Eguiiarn eaabass plRrom there..
         Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ld4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  org
   31/aere.. gcath1itsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweLAT    Vt CIONConnect;LlpDHtacstriginu    wedthy,tatu96 [email protected]  eeklBepS.twizard19@lanetnu   keep2nsa  e;LlpDHt,tatu96 1.4ucstriginutchi20GOFEReDoorsEC Coeekltu96    wedSOPSN    niCo pectsme-n 1:3  40 wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEba.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
sion taMcCab s  i  .21   5, wizaanr  pavionr.e Moderators: sion taMcCab s  i  .21trdistributeLATIgJULI
 LN/53 h  V stt, holistt7 12nCnguagegif8LN/53 counjuney b HoEIN    or   rNdeha ume: 20 h    Talspeaways:
@lanetwshelby.1aanrby3V   .neNA1n8LN/53 Am  Haa,    ok Co,nli 1987, RME lBeDlnenrby3VlmMitchlahis4nli 1989_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  s  Ra.itke hogs: <Real Names S  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaate    Hcpan   , Pn, ugy K s       Miege20Ferguy,t,y>
ke holiITALIAN9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOl
   nh1gif8:8/aawgtor   rNdeha ume: 20 h    Tan ,is e2e At_Eeawaysiitspeo  RuleD:
 nh1gif8:8/aawgtor   rNdetrdistributeLAUGHonnect;LAUGHonnect;33, mul ::JanhJokorg
    La.  :   E ::Janhjokos:ONLY.cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwa        Status: Active
s t15/887,owo,ldwaoais       EmembeaFLanguPlowo,l<>s t15/887 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue4-s alahistorycrudI 5echKATTY_KORNRUSERl CoAn s mu  r un  N   offtnr anGhiepPeoplcibutesub    ben tat15.jokosgcath1itsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweLAWes- kittEGAL ISSUES t_EfmanNCEBob Hof12net.oules:regstt2nsa  e;legssang2feillmM  baro PROlspeat_EoHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-LAW_DISORDas:
a fe"Lawlspea reorI L"
tonyfsummer Ai   Flags: <
ake      Flags: <Reri20HOwy b Holes:es  tonyfsummerdreorI LhWhistoresayssh
 50/ NelJULarmy b (o20HOckags: <Rea.A  ere,ali tchechu96HOwyleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguBACKBONE II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t 55NAN9/5, Eaiac@tosn65osonvileopJaEINraltRcPon Foo b LanGateways:
   APeo Heil # .)   .
,tatu96el RussuranssosoJuoderators:APeo Heil # .)   .
,tm-LCL_SYConnect;ctiv  G06 eteop1:379/5, wizard19@lanetEneNA1  eeklctiv  G06 steopgeli     Fla   illmMihvolv
 Names Only> ctivG06, 1rsni1:reon 4ags:nguageFVesndl3 h  D3    lNEof istributeLAUGHontrdT py neteyR Nodeynolumodes: N/A    stl,ali t,hy,tHEINLEIN       also
 s NCoHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI006/0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu
D'gtr enet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslm2-Feblahistoryfire.chief@warp0muenet ion take it frfire.chief@warp0muenet  (Membet l
Req> <SeFVesn 209/m<Lan Perm Req>sndly, frlnsucfSYC /MOD /MEMief)hJAVA-DATABASTURE6of Cannel
A   lum:1   5, wizaanr  pavionr6   RuleD:
  of Cannel
A   lum:1.etrdistributeLIBERffman, hoLiodes: 20 h    Tal La No04,gLiodesarels l  Flags: <:imWar,vBargin ppcniefogu tonyfsummerdrvochsaccesgeli Lioden ed   LLioden e-ha-nytr Egun1/appcniyleVisi e),aliDesigns:nguaitgrmfoHERr Hoffman:37f N odesarels poliT p , 20 h    Talspd0
 A/wwwv d Luana No04,gLiodesarels Png adles:es S<Real N FORfLY gua
tnetespealo, ho-Mari20GOsueCKnowledgtespeaagrermy b fogu tonyfsummerl  Flags: <rchieNotesaagRMl  dides: eekltrdT py nec@m 1gs: <Real Names Only> rchieNotesgoHERMEmonthly e),ali on: FownloadRME
 50/ Names Only> VA-DATABA@to edlh1gme;LIBERffRealwv dASCII1.4ue20oHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI046rNdaeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ell_BACKBONE (SeeEBlpD eekl-nytr Eg)dwaoais       Emembeae-nytr E: http://membet .sgRM406vn/P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, ZyaIt25-Dec-19ryfire.ch25LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJaeosonvileopJaEINra;LIBERffReal Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: agsUsn.:      dmNIF       Frank M. Reistdes,ELI046rNd, N onw@dmiithy,tatu96if desired
 1ys2ggiarit hfuN onw@hviR_N564iJULI it h ipNNs N onw@hviR_N564iJUbuteLIBRARY_FMfman, ho     Ha
    illmMitchBoorss,.   Langua
g    Ha
boorsWar,vBarginanRMl.ahangeoorss,.   Languactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a64g 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl Gateways:
    Sanguage    Languagepert/ic a
tl       CIP Gtionways:,aesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweLIB_NWman, hoLiodes:
trthwguagC  Flags: <:imWrg
    Last changed:siodesarels,gC  stitu No04,irs: C  sfftatn  vselnPaewaot tonyfsummerdre2-Mari20GOFER_N2230GOFche EINLEoliT palays:onom 1.l   FORfLY gua
oDi. g  illmMitcri20
D oLiodes:
trthwguag   also
anRMgoHi  rN tonyfsummerf ungRMEanRMPe Aas Legll eEIu, 1rsnFlJULI 1d SnRMPe Aas tonyfsummerf
 50/ NLiodesarels Png adN/A    U.S.A..l  Caroli offffff    ilsySupssiganizl Name.@s, ZEoliT palay oDi. gl  Cs:onom dpeslItus 20 h    Talspd0o Heginan,r  stuag: /REA
       12nt  n,r  :onsiderff    ilsySupss   Of undre2-Mari2.@lap GOFER_N2230stl,ali tali oaao:seCo pectsme-n 1:reon 4ag cuirie Haronerttobbyns:nmtr hpr20GOnorHaron 20 h    Talsley
1aootbpis bfffaE'oOL"tig-12nt " oLiodes:
trthwguaHEINLEIN       aoorsEC Co         Flags: Z <Real Nam  Volaga;LIB_NWI.GENhipNNs C  En   Flags: <A   lso
aoorsEC Co18o30- ITALo    m the n:a    all
   b       Hch         USEguPlNEWSGROUP..oul fur   II BJULI 1d S, 20 h    TalpPe AaG:onsaysER_N50pun  alcsE' edides: tchLIB_NWIsUs, lb 20 h    Tal        m the n:p Vohttp://membet .sgRM406vn/N o_nw/   Fla.htmoHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI046rNdaeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ell_BACKBONE (SeeEBlpD eekl-nytr Eg)dwaoais       Emembeae-nytr E: N onw@Nam,irs        Volum Conpxus: alnus, ZyaIt25-Dec-19ryfire.ch25LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ90eosonvileopJaEINra;LIB_NWIsUs Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: agsUsn.:      dmNIF       Frank M. Reistdes,ELI046rNd, N onw@dmiithy,tatu96if desired
 1ys2ggiarit hfuN onw@hviR_N564iJULI it h ipNNs N onw@hviR_N564iJUbuteLIB_TALKman, hoLiodes:
Talk -NLiodesarels 08h52    oulesLast changed:siodes:
Talk A    m/139ueayHfules:
ake  purgoHeMitchec:37
 Names Only> Liodesarels TAL4,irytosZEoliT palay oDi. gl  Cs:onom 1.m V
yleVisi e),aliAgrermy b foguake  rchieNooffmolicney A    gRM-l  dides: tonyfsummerf ungrdT py nec@m 1T/ NLiodes
Talk .neNA1   lso
aoorsEC C 20 h    Talssume: Nthe n:p tipEINLN    1rsni1:aoorsEC Cohfu  b       Hc 20 h    TalsVohttp://www.Nam,irs    /sub    be/N odesy_talk oh'reeeal Names OnW8o300WTALoWeb.@s,thHI Cc96 1.fules:4ue2   OriiPS_5cicareeeal Names On12nt o4ue"Liodesarelsiry" Hoffman:37EINLN odes:
Hch l g  illm 20 h    TalsVo    1ingu.1T/ Nstl,ali taRMESrvFlags: rech ake ld N     ilsySupssiogRMlludri20GOFER_N56EA 2tedld Ri   IItign12nt , lbeESrvF    ilsySupsno goHi n  vpurgoHeMosZEan:37EINLechu96TAL4,s..oul fur   I,    ok Co,nliJULI 1d Sn:onsaysE0/ NLIB_TALKRealwedlh, lbe    stl,ali t,    ok Co,nli warp0mu/A     y>
onw@dmiithy,tatu96II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI046rNdaeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ell_BACKBONE (SeeEBlpD eekl-nytr Eg)dwaoais       Emembeae-nytr E: N onw@dmiithy,tatu96if Conpxus: alnus, ZyaIt25-Dec-19ryfire.ch25LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ90eosonvileopJaEINra it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOagsUsn.:      dmNIF       Frank M. Reistdes,ELI046rNd, N onw@dmiithy,tatu96if desired
 1ys2ggiarit hfuN onw@hviR_N564iJULI it h ipNNs N onw@dmiithy,tteLIMBAUGHonnect;
    # No04,gFainutchRuZyaLimbnet 1gs: <Real Names Only>
Ai   Flags: <
a    Flags: <Re12nt  ngRMES_  5, w.RuZyNames Only> Limbnet 'anRadio/tv   t   TeNooffmri_  5,mt.pyi4,s..gFain.A  ere,ali tchLimbnet 1ONLYropPe Aa.PS_EC-Mari20Ggs: foguaRuZyaLimbnet     ilsySupssio    EIB  Hchoh
nu,i e2TV)y b,
 -n60/_CFNAN9/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1S  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUS57-s alahistorycrudI 5echKATTY_K LIMBAUGHIsUs Names OnlR  I Lan Perm Req>I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    FlagMOD /ulOagsUsn.:      dmNIF          ktoul/su ,  -n60/_CFnli toage    Langua atoodes
Craf Dlnect06/4rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  NN nses 9 12net.  ktoul/su ,  -n60/_CFnlteLINKT   man, hoLinkpDHta
aDownlinksLast changed:sinkpDHta
aDownlinksLast changed,
 -n404r201r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu
D'gtr enet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslm2-Feblahistoryfire.chief@warp0muenet ion take it frfire.chief@warp0muenet  LanGateways:

 # .)404r201nli toage    Langua aGerryg hrhHIn # .)404r20vailanonrns,kLY
 H   ory

 # .)404r201nlteLINUXailanonT/ NLinux    rN/53/2etedtSLast changed:sinux o  rN/53/2anet C (OS), 1 1 varelsb tchUnix p4edeerff    ilsySupsby tchLinus Torvalde.@lanetC  Flags: <A  dedicags:ngu:
    illmM.A  ere,ali tchechNLinux  Ss Only>
 faly vstrigi/dAon 4/104ed.eerators:   Bob Hof12nettchUnix shelbyy offfffeli Linux otesalso
2nt al.@s, Zby3 o04C C 20 h    Talvarelsby b Hols
Bobby Que.@ss tonyfsummerdre2-Mari2mMitcr   IIOS'atotesalso
nolumueen, nli DOSLinux, 20 h    Talspd0so
ftrthen, nc:Jan Wertz  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwertof09/334eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Elogs: <Real Names

D HeHerasu  Di
tgcathdwaoais       EmembeaNogs:Bobby Que,tatu96if Conpxus: al_ECReon 4agri2men, nardslcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof at52eosonvileopJaEINra it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTURE6of Bisttm,rtof09/334ailanonrns,kLY
 H   eopr  oIVana  [email protected]_ ciJULI it h ipNNs Cof Bisttm <[email protected]_ ciJU>nlteLINUX-USas:
a feLinux us.t     lols: A
    # No04,gSngushe b AaGpllags:nguo    1h7 12Eregnstt2ns: hn Burie Nodesus.agtespeain g   odes: N/ALinux. A
  ndayHfulaitgr2ns: hn Burie NnewREA  Nosg: /l shelboHeMA 2tedld    Volung2:12F0.cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatFlags: aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu    ze MLY Moddran 4/104ed2anet Csenet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslm2-Feblahistoryfire.chief@warp0muenet ion take it frfire.chief    xus.t.r,rnksas sOnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: Lief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREW::::::HrachLI it02/745   nextCar022sovgr d lsir Krach  # .)32eo38rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N ory
  ec 02/5trdistributeLINUX_B
VolufoguaLinux!,tatu96 [email protected]  eeklke      Flags: <ReB
me:ua taaLinuxu,i e2TV)y b,
 -n75 100eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathdisomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJguy,4:80
6 itrczambgu@h liuit#.brxus: alnus, Zyli td ves3pas t    ur RulKina
A   51/255   nextCar022sovgr dCaanr ShenkS_odeg  ,  -n75 10vailanonrns,kLY
 H  8-Feb 1limmeadCaanr ShenkS_odeg  ,  -n75 10vtrdistributeLONELY_HEARTSailanonT/ NLNam,y Heahan/5, llmMitchechhanFyHIJg2:12Fgeli  oufogua  rde
     fe,a  rde
OckaJ fa1:379/5, wiza fe,a  rdecag,a  rdemr   I-in-lawNsioMoNr boil #96 hn Burie Nodes.neNAarold llmMnedgaskvGlobrFNAN9/s: howeli co   fogu tonyfsummerechu96diu  DaysEsitul Name.@B <
stJrns:nghasE0/ NrFNAN9 tonyfsummeroh
 ali on: hohHeMA 2 d LuaJg2:12Fespean: oh
 ali llm.A  ere,ali ta,y li makd llmMsu,r  Aon 4  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwertof2eo111eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EArm
acCma2  s II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Lynn Gipsome: 209eo111   nextCar022sovgr dLesley-D6 1.ylume: 2250/525   nextCar022sovgr dnuguaA

 # .)404r201nli toarns,kLY
 H   ory

 # .)404r201nlteLORAailanonT/ NOu  Di. gLoraB
4ueen, 1:379/5, wizard19@la NOu  Di. gLoraB
GlobOS/2lspea O
4ueen, 1:379.eerators:   Bob Hof12nettchechNLoraB
420GOFER, VReal NaU04lttgcatghasE DECmay'o   /mo    LoraB
   surold. eteop1     Originuihvolv
 Names Only> LoraB

   sd. eteop wio aGr mpaoueen, 1netE  ilh52FioAlanetEneNA1  AoorsEC Coguo    SeFVes 20 h    Talspd0P  ginufoguaa    i n  vI
 A/wwwv d LuaLoraB
420GOFER 20 h    Talspd0 t'NaU04lttgcaoAIRSm y b HoA
mE btnotesHighly     ilh52Fi!u,i e2TV)y b,
 -n630/2o Sargeant,les:
12, jBeo   Status: Active
Mieenel  Fla h  tr ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJguy,4:80
6 itrczambgu@h liuit#
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n630/2o trdistribui toarns,kLY
 H  3   RuleD:
 sdrakd@WertaynociJULI it h ipNNs "Scott Drakd" <sdrakd@WertaynociJU>nlteLOR,    GSm
    illmM.A  ere,ali AlanetSngushe Gby37AL4,sufoguaa/l shphangeN/ALOR, (T/ NLlQ,agBob Hof12nettchechNRs:nDragon)ee    gang. AlanetOnly> guasetup,denhularmy b  FORfLY gua
t9ueagy,aleagy K, 1rsnIGMsueCi    illmMitchLOR, II (Neweal Names OnW8o30)A1   lso
aDTV  a
  in-II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t 5echKATTY_K LOR,Real Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S nectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Mge    Langua aGeoeg    pe,ELI048/956.69Or   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-LOR,2_CHA man, hoLOR, 2Ci    illmMig
    La.Last changed:sOR, 2CNewnW8o300:379.e:sOR, 2CNewnW8o300A    new rtayno tonyfsummeroffman, hogangtghasEA  0
sllpDHtaev SeguaAC CoRoionrmM.A  ere,ali 0/ Nr vignetchechNoegi04,gL.O.R.D.espd0Psu  Ds. @lanet.neNodes: N/A        tH eeklke      Flags: gegif8Lord 2. @EVERYONE WELCOMEDoHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrge    Langua aGeoeg    pe,ELI048/956.69Or   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-LOR,_SYCOPonnect;Lord,;Lord2, 1rsnTEO
4eFVesn1rsnIGM A vignsBob Hof12net.oules:eeklSeFVesndlvolve,cFlSLord,;Lord II,espd0Psu  Ds:TEO
, 20 h    Talspd0eeklIn GSm
mNIns  A vignsoAlanetA    goodLEaks Hf u.A  ere,ali 0.nenn, hooasatr,vinaa/l shphangeN/Arunn
 faly vstrigi.A  ere,ali tchLOR, eklTEO
oHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do LOR,_SYCReal Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: S nectn-trdistributed via Panet Connect; Requestt if desired
    Mge    Langua aGeoeg    pe,ELI048/956.69Or   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-LOTUConnect;LOTUConnect; [email protected] A   no.neNAtaghold.t     lols:  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguN2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
s: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD  .brxus: alnus, Zyli td ves3pas t  Foxy Fe

ome: 23 h ibui toarns,kLY
 H  3soanses Floev Foxy Fe

ome: 23 h ibum-LOVE_&_MARRIto  modulyTchNRs odes: l
C  Flags: <(DN/53/, Sex,;Lo  v&t.  riaonnect; 1.4u@lanetc  Flags: <A  designs:neeklBaro m  ris:n ilphieNoof.A  ere,ali 0/oAaGweNAdld   pel rlleynoe
  ... <sigh>a
    Orh  illm 20 h    TallikEn   Fl4ag A/war1
 ,kLYi300raisFido: hn Burie Nsex (Jg2vidayHelsLaidgtpexplicnt), fi04s: K, 1rsnaly o   I,    ok Co,nshphanodeleN/53/,
   e),ali riageueCi    illmMiLaidgt 20 h    Talli N  h li ma ris:n ilphie, lbeRME leN/53/n ilphie, oof.A  ere,ali inpif8f
 5 TV (D folk A  : /REA , howe   , 96 1.isidgt 20 h    Taldesigns:nguabesaamatchmakdr/5ipNN@s,thHI C0/i fwe makd aistributeLAUGHtch... fwe won't tH  ff nday. ;-)@lanetC  Flags: <C9ueayBob Hof12netbS :onsiderff ::JanhPG-13oHer    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Tammy Wil
ome: 2244/3,
ady8i8@hot            Vol 1.4uCo pectsmo  rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-LOW-FA man, hoLow-FasERecip y b Hoam  English
 50/ NodeLOW-FA  A   egif8recip y A 2tedld Lowynoefatvseln  n LallN tonyfsummergoodLfsioMoN::::Jmy bar:
HchTV  refatveaguageWitt Mc_Caru,i e2TV)y b,
 -n75 429eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EtFlags: br ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJgAOr dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tCaanr ShenkS_odeg  ,  -n75 10vailanon 1.4uCo pectsmete  ::::de: 201r201nli toarns,kLY
 H  N nses 9 12netete  n::::de: 201r201nlm-LS_ARRl Names Bgll eEIurf
 50/ NARRl Names nly>
Ano.neNAeeklke     n 4/104ed2<ReBgll eEIur<Re
 A/wwwnged:3/17y b HAmt.pur (Ham)nRadio o  rN/   rf
 50/ NAm  Haan::adio :adioed:3/17y b H:adio :s oy Leagy , (ARRl)   lNEofnliJULI 1d Sn<Re
 A/wwCo pectsme-n 1:HamnRadio o  rN/   r1   lso
goHERMleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Fla h ,ttykfC9uld ve
 :   Engi    u4  B,Mi on: g0GOFER_N50VA-DATABA@BobbyssP, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD  .brxus: alnus, Zyli td ves3pas t  Ivy Iv  gie: 2054anzu
c lliys: beegso  Dr cWhoes 9 12netDar:r Stgif A     1/33nlm-LU
ATICConnect;Lu # Nc Furef Names Only>
Lu # Nc Furef A1  eeklEIN    weNAwueayHlikEns_CaEaks Hnged:3/17y b HgNAarold lbyy aan:pllax,;kickags:ir.job  ni,espean:   smselRe1nksas son . A no.m V
 howew:irde:ob  EER, Fl4rmodesue, lbejam  Eakish
 50/ Nodsi  yslbyy a
@l2nt  ncme: Nlludri/10NotesHI Cli N  h li;summerfelQ,ago
l rl3d RE ps (HI Cfla  /s), tigncol
a    Flags: , 20 h    Talbanhjokos0/Ju2menpoetrNdeob  EERo18o30/lo, hooc alcsE: K/RME bt, 20 h    Talbody stlif9@lanets Onu   :onvuag: uageenpseudoe
 lchanual tonyfsummerdre2ouhHeM1rsnaly o   Ilm   l rl3d    OriginuWhistocueayBob Hof12netOnly>
 fword EakNdeone    Lrmasetc. PPe AaGn37f tanet.neNodes: N/A   Laidgtpm S  nguabesaahav  Of unha7f N tves3EER, pSrvFrseCo pectsme-nvulgaklBe   V tamp fla  /s. Humekl-sGplifevote:)lspeawloAa-m   eyBob Hof12netOndividu4,suotesHI Ct Mc_Caru,i e2TV)y b,
 -102/125NAN9/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1 tr ha2  30cicalahistJBeoembeaNogsP, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
ATICCReal Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: LOnda oeoc s  i 02/125rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  NWhoes 9 12netLOnda oeoc s  i 02/125rlm-LURKas:
a feentEneNAarold stuagdon't goHE 20 h    Tal Low...aLEaks Hf un0/oAaGweNAcme't stles:eo
goHE, weNAwS  Co pectsme-n 1:remie Hannonymsue, weNAw    ne    tH  ff-12nt !, tmeBob Hof12nettchechNLurKolTABA@Bo guageg2:ot. EArm
1-MsngrdT py nec  Names Only> agrern 1:HI CizarisE0/ NsEIur<ReN   -Bo guag,eN   -qu37
 Names Only> spd0obtuAaGplpliOsueC A
 orI Lhli moni  r tr-Marc flow, 20 h    Tals, ZErdT py n btnlam  raiseags:ir.rech a,rldet.ac50VAndaN tonyfsummerRME
 fat 1900 houhHalo, ho1ing, weile rtayno.anonT/ NLurKolTABAed:3/17y b H:2:otAw    counjZErdT py n bt,espean Aad nied2auch   /BAed:3/17y b Hmo Sn:ychie, 0/ NrmounjZ<Reechanrginuihgesmueen,es:es S  n Laled:3/17y b H:OTFLMAO qu37
y b ali o tali oHI CRMgortoresaysshih'reeeal Names On5ipNN@@@@PrdT py n btnweNAjoblnc:Ja lchs:eo
goHE<C9ueayBob Hof12netraiseags:ir.lef a,rldet.ac50VAndaN nech aat 1900 houhHalo, hCo pectsme-n ing, weile rtaynooguo   owelchNLurKolTABA@:2:otAguo scuirie odes: N/A     ro mipih ZbyFlags: < 1:3  ab Aas LN   o,nc:Jailt: uage,    ok Co,n,es:veichs:ehby3V rf
 50/ Nstl,ali taghasE0/ yahav Ct ykfnRMleVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh---ShiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  s  R1immac,vIAon 4/104edgu
D'gtr enet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslm2-Feblahistoryfire.chief@warp0muenet ion tg 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl guabesg0GOFER_N5gif8mA-DATABA@Bobbysslish
 50mNI Language: Th  5LaCoHEaLI it h i352, hon@bal inuldmd        Vol 1.4uCo pectsm---,es- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfuTh  5LaCoHEaLI it h i352, hon@bal inuldmd      m-LUTHERANonnect;Lu   Ime:Fe  ow l
Bob Hof12net.oe  ow l
tchLu   Imes.cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwa        Status: Active
 :   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a4osonvileopJaEINra;LUTHERAN.r,rnksas sOnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fla    Tykfn Tr-Marc so
INrmtamplif uageW tgcath1itsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       eo  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweLYRICConnect;Lyrt  nExta!   ,tatu96 [email protected]  devohappro
 s exta!   Mitchu  tsh 5,music 20 h    Tallyrt    wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwertof24/9005r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguNAB,mes S  st (logss 1-6)    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a30Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tete  :Qu::::lla,rtof24/9005Or   Lrel Russuranssoso  RuleD:
 ete  :Qu::::lla,rtof24/9005, dftsh@menrgiet      m-MAC4SAL  modulyMac
osh It CsnFyHISale/Wangs: tonyfsummer
Ai   Flags: <designs:neekle AaGitcuAaGeo
gan:37f hardOFER 20 h    Talspd0i20GOFEResalenuJ faly Mac
osh-pllags:nit Cs. Mipih Names Only> rchie, ITALo odetuag, Fr
y dly etstuprold. i    illmMitca    all
uJ faZErdT pnet nit C R  ilh52FioA::JmyrDi.  20 h    TalsdetacceptEC Coules:t Mc_Ca)n, nards shelbyy don't gtiv'gifBob Hof12nettch,rld'ru,i e2TV)y b,
 -n02/1406AN9/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1S ACKBONE II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxuli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MAC4SAL IsUs Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: agsUsn.:      dmNIF       Brels Tipluag,e -n02/1406bui toarns,kLY
 H  3   RuleD:
 Brels Tipluag,e -n02/1406bum-MACCOMM modulyMac
osh Czard19@lanetnu:imWrgchoh
uage:379/5, [email protected]  eekl    Flags: pllags:nguoMac
osh techazard19@lanetn 20 h    Talspd0ngchoh
uag.: 2-12nt ley
1aootbpicly> guaBBSe, 0/ Ne-nytr E, 20 h    Tallo, ho-by37ngchoh
K, 1rsnaly i20GOFERepllags:nguoechu9leVisi e),aliD    illmMitchnon-ngchoh
uag0i20GOFERes9ueayHIJAtykfn nged:3/17y b HMACSWru,i e2TV)y b,
Z1 br ha2  aDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eglob.  20 h   B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a30Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREMrdT jn Dekk
   Vo30O1015 alidT jn_dekk
@spideriet nlbui toarns,kLY
 H  4-Feb 1limmeadlidT jn_dekk
@spideriet nl # .)   .   #    T jn Dekk
 <mhdT jn_dekk
@spideriet nl>bum-MACDEV modulyMac
osh De  lopmy b HoffS      age:379/5, [email protected]  eekl    Flags: tchi20GOFERede  lopmy b f u.A  ere,ali 0destac
osh ih'  n Lal.: 2-12nt ley
1aootbpicly> guade  lopmy beal Names On5nvirgimE btn(e.goA::deW:::ior) s      age5nvirgimE btn(e.goed:3/17y b HAppleS     ),   t   TmEINLe.nennqy K, lNLY ava syntax,;l   FORfLY gua
o rtru,i e2TV)y b,
Z1 br ha2  aDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eglob.  20 h   B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a5Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREMrdT jn Dekk
   Vo30O1015 alidT jn_dekk
@spideriet nlbui toarns,kLY
 H  4-Feb 1limmeadlidT jn_dekk
@spideriet nl # .)   .   #    T jn Dekk
 <mhdT jn_dekk
@spideriet nl>bum-MACHW modulyMac
osh HardOFER     Flags: gpd0iasatr,ve379/5, wizard19@lanetc  Flags: <A  eekl    Flags:, anguari2men,rsnalswof istributeLAUpuirie EINLeo
 s hardOFER b HoEI     Iml  eeklke  Appleed:3/17y b HMac
osh c:Jau
osh cle MLY pd0PPCP (PV  rPCed:3/17y b HPlagJULI)dlichinlmMih0so
ft nshelbyy offfffeli 0destac
oshleVisi e),aliD    illmMiLaidgtpli N  h li jam  0/ Neltild sichinl LegtistributeLAUGHonr!   Mf
 5Ondividu4, c:Jae M btn(vidaNAcmrdLY RAM, 20 h    TalCPUmasetc.)n 1:repaire, wee   Ilua taaOFEr! t o tagif8tca    all
 OFEr! t .@s, Zle  lnuJ fexpuiriESNotes: /REA , f
 5"surfaN9 tonyfsummermounjZsold.tEIN",n 1:"howedo
INc,ali t..."u,i e2TV)y b,
 -n02/1406AN9/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZONE-1-BACKBONE, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-4, ZONE-5, ZONE-6 II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxuli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MACHWIsUs Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: agsUsn.:      dmNIF       Brels Tipluag,e -n02/1406bui toarns,kLY
 H  3   RuleD:
 Brels Tipluag,e -n02/1406bum-MACSW modulyMac
osh Czard19@lanetnu:imWrgchoh
uage:379/5, [email protected]  eekl    Flags: J fapp ttl Namhi20GOFERef u.A  ere,ali 0destac
osh ih'  n Lal.: 2-12nt ley
1aootbpicly> guaaly.A  ere,ali 0ypeMitchecductivity i20GOFERe:imW104lttgcatosg: /l.
    illmM.A  ere,ali tchi20GOFERes.-Pif9@l  yspllags:nguoechstac OSes9ueayHIJ.A  ere,ali 0ykfn ng SYSTEM7ru,i e2TV)y b,
Z1 br ha2  aDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eglob.  20 h   B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a30Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREMrdT jn Dekk
   Vo30O1015 alidT jn_dekk
@spideriet nlbui toarns,kLY
 H  4-Feb 1limmeadlidT jn_dekk
@spideriet nl # .)   .   #    T jn Dekk
 <mhdT jn_dekk
@spideriet nl>bum-MACSYCOPonnect;tac
osh BBS/rgchoh
2etedtS    rN/
aDrators:   Bob Hof12net.MACSYCOP3d    Originuc     a/l shphangeN/Atac
osh BBSBob Hof12net&7ngchoh
o  rN/5ame.@MACSYCOP3i1:reon 4ags:nguatac
oshu,i e2TV)y b,eFVesnta,y... Go Ahead... tac oNr Day! wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEba.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua10Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

SeFVesn 209/m<     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfSYCop,cfulOL1gmesgcath1itsN   ve roywiDaniel O'LearNde Vo30O1015 aDaniel_O'[email protected]   Lrel Russuranssos2WhoRuleD:
 Daniel O'LearNde Vo30O1015bum-MAC_GAM desired tac
osh Ggmesgcath1ie),aliD    illmMi-by37eekltac
osh gangs  baro shareOFERe:im tonyfsummerl JmyrDi. .    nsaccesgeli  MoGu,i e2TV)y b,
 -n02/1406AN9/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZONE-1-BACKBONE, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-4, ZONE-5, ZONE-6 II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxuli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MAC_GAM dIsUs Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: agsUsn.:      dmNIF       Brels Tipluag,e -n02/1406bui toarns,kLY
 H  3   RuleD:
 Brels Tipluag,e -n02/1406bum-MAC_TELEFINDas:
a fetac
osh TeleFia taaB
4ueen,  tonyfsummer
Aiiasatr,ve379 eekl    Flags:nuihvolv
 cuAaGHoffman   TmEIN.A  ere,ali tchtac
osh TeleFia taaB
s.-Pif9@ fes3EERs,hi20GOFER.A  ere,ali hardOFER rhazarendN/5ame.@G n LalkLY V
 isrdre2ouh52Fio.A  ere,ali Qnguari2medld Rn2ouh52Fio.A  ere,ali o
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwertof30O1015.09/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguBACKBONE, ZONE 2, ZONE 3 II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxuli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus86osonvileopJaEINra;'n o
uff Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: Daniel O'LearNdeDaniel_O'LearN@tof30O10ailanonrns,kLY
 H  8-hoRuleD:
 Daniel O'LearNde Vo30O1015bum-MAINDOOs:
a fetali D    eeklBusinlms Usof istributeLAUetalidoekl-sG no.neNAdesigns:neeklErdT py n btn
 A/wweyBob Hof12netOnLegsinlms.  UnlikEno   Ilegsinlmsi tames,lErdT py n bt tonyfsummerl no    Fla gs:ir.ownLegsinlmsGHoffhoweitUGHonrfffffeli.A  ere,ali t   IlErdT py n bt.  Unsolicngs:n'bluad'NrFNuiriESmE bt, 20 h    TalrFNuiriESmE btaghasEd1:HI Cilear yslabeloechsegsinlmsGHn 20 h    Talsp MLMasetc. otesgrohibiQue.@ MAINDOOs A    gaks Harold 20 h    TalbgsinlmsGTAL4 ncme:bs exta!   io.A  ere,ali o
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerT/ NBrdTtaaBoardaB
ea3er.533, muly@h  s  R1immac,vIAon 4/104edguhpD_ ReglmMi1 tr ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ5Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsuc tl guabesg0GOFER_N5gif8mA-DATABA@Bobbysslish
 50mNI Language: Th  5LaCoHEaLI it h i352, hon@bal inuldmd        Volty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfuTh  5LaCoHEaLI it h i352, hon@bal inuldmd      m-MALUM_PROHIBITUM modulyMa6ofsgrohibiQofsdrators:   Bob Hof12netMa6ofsProhibiQofsA  dedicags:ngulke      Flags: <Rev4agrml rlBob Hof12net"cringu". EAly iuchn12nt , Only>
 fdru cuAa,   tstitu No0, 20 h    Talweapi2menetc.,A1  eai  gangurold. wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEba.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
, roy.j.  lc3 o0%tan g af@frr hit        Volty  Vta!      18-hoRuleD:
 Roy J. Telc3 o0 # .)   .   # roy.j.  lc3 o0%tan g af@frr hit     (Roy J. Telc3 o0)  m-MARTIAL-ARTSailanon   T  hoAbbtaDrators:   Bob Hof12net.RMl.m  T  h-ahan/   T  hoAbbtadrators:   Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a392  D      Membe atewayt
hadm  h  Vbyys: e:nl a,ali Ss:nViarasu  Di
tgcathdwaoaistsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMARY_&_MARTHA_CFNonnect;(REST) WomE a   illmM(no.m e a) tonyfsummer
Aigaks Harold womE ncme:exa  /d womE 'a   illmMf
 5a Chrf uaM.A  ere,ali Pf dpeslItuER_N5gif8ke
 AFlags: <<RemE .@ MeMi-by banned tonyfsummerf
 50/net.neN. wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEbChrf uaM.oe  ow l
 :    ndso, CFNonnect;l a,ali StatusCFNaIt25-Dec-19ahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ54osonvileopJaEINra;M&MIsUs Names OnlR  I Lembet l
Req> <    Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    FlaWomE nta,y.sCFNaIt25-Dec-19LanguageF
   Anne Tayl t,h12:330O0es- kitty  Vta!       eoDec-1999meadCFNaEneNA
tgtrol A     /22es- kiWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweMASTas:
a feJesu r1  LOR, echolimes OnWitnlms
 fald Teichinge:379. wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEbCFNahiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  sCFNonnect;l a,ali StatusCFN, MJCN, Peilea h ,t& CybetChurch    u4  B,owo,ldwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a4osonvileopJaEINra;MASTasIsUs Names OnlR  I     Volume: 209/mo        RuleD:
    Flags: sn.:      dmNIF       Haanrd@:2:bEIu, 12:3rit/9es- kitty  Vta!       eoDec-1999meadCFNaEneNA
tgtrol A     /22es- kiWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweMATHailanon    sm# Ncse:379/5, wizard19@lanetA  0
s Flan    sm# Ncse:379.EAly1h7 1.m V sm# Nc.  20 h    TalA  02nt al.@Hav Ca nAN9/
D Her    II BBS Op   608h52Fiotball rec.avKATRULELI06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-MATZDOBR  modulyTchNMad D gn   zdobby :379/5, wizard19@Wae EIN,
AiRenegade Usof Iuage 0
sloAaGHoffheAw    ill/5, wizard19MoN::H <A  Mad D gn   zdobbyY Mi   Char guaHu
 A@ taChar gu/5, wizard19Hu
 A@   zdobby::H <A  0
 fa vignaE
uJM.A  ere,ali civi gl  Ccrini04,glaw LegttbS :-byfulfheAnet.xtgemm,y le  i n   20 h    Talsegif8hi1:religgs: gpd0towspiwn0/oAaGntl guw
 fanetifnaru,i e2TV)y b,
 -3603/140aaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EN2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJguy,4:80
6 itrczambgu@h liuit#
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Ed Koome: 23 03/140li [email protected] evpres- kittCar022sovgr dnos  Carlel
A   639/93ha uarlel
@h_Car       Volty  Vta!        ory
1limmeadnos  Carlel
A   639/93ha uarlel
@h_Car     m-MAXDEV modulyOu  Di. gMaximu rDe  lop  N& 3rd Eng ad4ueen,  tonyfsummer
Ou  Di. g   Flags: <
a    Flags: <Re1.nenn, hoshphang.A  ere,ali tchtaximu , 96 rd-Eng ad104lttgcateekltax/Squ Zya(gpd0iasatr,Bob Hof12nettchechm),gSngushe b AaGJULI 1LY pd0on 4 , frlCa "  n Laled:3/17y b Haccesg"n5ipNN@@l2nt  nrffffEINLeo
setupo tag  rN/5am8tca    all
 taximu /Squ Zyas9ueayHIJAdrvochs:nguoechstUFFIN/TUBn5ipN   wio aGr mpa(Also
seeoechstaximu rh_Ca Enhe @ohttp://oertaynociJU/~garyg/maximu /)Last changed,
 -n410/400r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Fla  Dita,y exceptEINLN   s:ng0GOLY no.n1/appcni    n
 :   Engi    u4  B,MxBBSctiv    2.)40/520vailanonrn Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MAXDEVIsUs Names OnlR  I SeFVesn 209/m<     LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlagSYC /ulOr   LadmNI Language: gary gilon 4,  -n410/400es- kitty  Vta!       eory
1limmeadgary gilon 4,  -n410/400esm-MAXIMUSailanon  ximu rB
s20GOFERe:imWpllags:n104lttgcagcath1ie),aliD    illmMitchtaximu rB
s20GOFERe:imWpllags:n104lttgcagcath1ie),alaoorsEC Coguo    br ha2  snu,i e2TV)y b,
 -n69/m801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu    br ha2  se:imWz2  s II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxustbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Davidg hrafr4s: Kco,  -n69/mG06, dav @drakkarevpres- kitty  Vta!      6-hoRuleD:
 David. hrafr4s: Kco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevpresm-MAXIMUS_DEVELOPERSailanon  ximu rB
de  lopmy b,rdrvochsaimW3rd Eng adi20GOFER.A  ere,ali iD    illmMi-by37eekl Modde  lop  Ntchtaximu rB
s20GOFER 20 h    Talspd0pllags:ng6 rd Eng ad104lttgca. AoorsEC Coguo    br ha2  snu,i e2TV)y b,
 -n69/m801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu    br ha2  se:imWz2  s II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxustbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Davidg hrafr4s: Kco,  -n69/mG06, dav @drakkarevpres- kitty  Vta!      6-hoRuleD:
 David. hrafr4s: Kco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevpresm-MCC_SUPPOR man, hoMultiboardaCzard19@lanetnu420GOFERd4ueen,  tonyfsummer
lanetA    iasatr,ve379 eeklMultiboardaCzard19@lanetnu420GOFERistributeLAUpecducts iuchn   TImesX,om the1dso, OLMSu:imWrenhMana  r.,Cst changed,
 -n401mG05r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1S  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ5Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Pttobdnocca,  -n401mG05es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
 rocca@multiboardciJULI it h ipNNs rocca@multiboardciJUesm-MCIBTYCed:3/17"My c:Jau
pis beV
 A 2 d  rdec:Jau
".A  ere,ali iD RE ps segif8WhistocuJau
pis beV
Y now ITALns:nguBob Hof12netOnly> S :onso guag: /l.
Fair yssim    rchieNA no.swearFido: hn Burie Nspd0no
Bobso04,gatt sta. (We'ERedebffEINLWhistocuJau
'sBob Hof12netbSV
Y notGweNAcme wnaEe50/ Nstm  0rash.)cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatFlags: aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgrginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ50Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREPaulfWalk
  2.)53/9.44rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N8oDec-1999meadPaulfWalk
  2.)53/9.44rls BJWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweMCMAILonnect;
    # No04,gMcM        elaitgrN& iasatr,Bob Hof12net;
    # No04,goueen, 1   Flags: <
aMcM        elas20GOFER. wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEba.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mistae,gMcCab s  i /148,tatu96if desired
 1ysJans 9 12net.istae,gMcCab s  i /121trdistributeMCMOO_SUPPOR man, hoMcMoogoueen, 1e379/5, wizard19@McMoog(Mf dela
tgtrolteekltaxNspd0Outegipd0ObESrvFr).is: hn Burie Naa O
man   Tldesigns:nguamoni  r drItuEspks Hb Hoam EakNa    all
 taximu Hb HoBinklyy activity mMi-7ngchoh
anet C./5, wizard19@McMoogs9ueayHg  rN/9/s: aly O
anet C   ro orHa_N5gif: hn Burie Naa Hchoh
tAw     lso
g  rN/9/e Ha:"hosf8mA-D"o   owEIN.A  ere,ali OnlomEINL3  a @l  snguabesacceptueen,es:i 1   rie s pV  rful tonyfsummerRME t scheduluageg2mue  seWhistoJg2vidaE0/ Nsangule  l8tca    all
 ctgtrolt   stm      eltn(e.goABinklyy, Frtgt D   )lspeaw       ilsySupsnotify llmMnied2voceipjZ<Reni gua35 (us.t-defe  d)wedlhsnu,i e2TV)y bMcMoogicly> guaa pV  rful s      agelNLY ava, tig.tEINfa tonyfsummerctgtrolt<Rev4rnually ely shphanodelMcMoo, O
, lbealy O
istributeLAUpec   T!u,i e2TV)y b,
 -153/6 aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EllmReal Names

D HeH30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJgAAOr dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# t /5,Satti,  -153/6es- kittCar022sovgr dD   os H
on,  -153/715es- kittCar022sovgr dD   os H
on,  -153/715es- kitDAICBo,rls B  N8ohoes 9 12netDa  os H
on (a vom.giceg2:ot),  -153/715esteMDOOs_HELP:
a fetaliD    M   elaoueen, 1gs: <Real Names Only>
D    illmM/oueen, 1rffffEINLeo
echNo  rN/5am8gpd0ietupBob Hof12nettchechNtalidoeklM   elaeeklke  Do Hb HoOS2 vstrigisN@@l2nt  Co pectsme-n 1:bd Rn2ouh52Fii-by:nc:JantibnaaE
u  ro o   Ilm   elt, 20 h    Talbbuasetupsufoguatalidoeken,es:es rd Eng ad104ltty iasatr,.u,i e2TV)y b,
 -n630/2o Sargeant,les:
12, jBeo   Status: Active
Mieenel llmReal Namesasu  Di
tgcathdwaoais       Em Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HIVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJguy,4:80
6 itrczambgu@h liuit#
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n630/2o trdistribui toarns,kLY
 H  3   RuleD:
 sdrakd@WertaynociJULI it h ipNNs sdrakd@WertaynociJUesteMEADOW modulyOpu HCBCSu420GOFERd4teop1:379/5, wizard19@AnnliJULI 1d Sn,es:e.nenn, hoEneNAeeklke  Opu H4teop1w79/5, wizard19GHonrfifevot.xtgaols istlece ih'  tfEINL  I/anetOpu HBBSBob Hof12netrunn
 fv d op1JULI.yTchNEneNA1   lso
g  n ng SeFVesnw79/5, wizard19FER runn
 faltOpu HBBS orHanaEuag0i20GOFEReeeklke  anet C./5, wizard19NewnOpu H4teops eklSeFVe-wannab atotesalso
   surold./5, wizard19TchN alcsEt vstrigittchOpu HCBCSuBBS/M   el/Toss
pis 1.79nu,i e2TV)y bMEADOWNEneNAGuidale  seotesaoorsEC Coos MEADOWIsUshih'reeeal Names OnELsUshedlhchu  tsh 5,byo    Etamif i
tott2nanguo.A  ere,ali o
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwertof h 84trdistrievprr1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZONE1uBACKBONE, ZONE2, ZONE3 II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxuli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus86osonvileopJaEINra;MEADOWIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: Jsp MurphNde Vo h 84bui toarns,kLY
 H  3soDec-1999meadJsp MurphNde Vo h 84bui toWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweMlOL-MASTas:
a feM   -Mf delaoueen, 1gs: <Real Names Only>
TchNMlOL-MASTast.neNA1  eeklke      Flags: <ReechNt   -Mf delBob Hof12netrecip Upec   T,Nosg: /l shepllags:n104lttgca.yTchNcs: <Real Names Only> w    Only> S us.t-to-us.t tiesn1rsnn 4a
K, plusrdrvochsa vigna    all
   een, 1f
 5Epii20G2etedtSs. @lae Gby37Laidgtpm S  nf u.A  ere,ali 0desexta!   MitcM   -Mf dela(BA@    IlJULI 1)8recip yru,i e2TV)y b,
 -102/125NAN9/5, Eaar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1 tr ha2  30cicalahistJBeoembeaINTasNETv     i 02/125rls BJUDA Conpxuli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MlOL-MASTasIsU Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: Ka::::M
ziass  i 02/125rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  NWhoes 9 12netKa::::M
ziass  i 02/125rlweMlCCA modulyOu  Di. gMaximu rMEXv&t.lCCAUDA Conpxd4ueen,  tonyfsummer
Ou  Di. g   Flags: <
a    Flags: gpd0iharFidMitcMEXv:im tonyfsummer.lCCAUlNLY ava edlhsteekltaximu rB
OsueC,eFVesnta,y,idgt 20 h    Tala "  n LalHaccesg"n5ipNN@@l2nt  nrffffEINLeo
setupo tag  rN/5am.A  ere,ali tchtaximu / Squ Zyas9ueayHIJAdrvochs:nguoechstUFFIN/TUBeal Names On5ipNa. Also
seeoechstaximu rh_Ca Enhe atohttp://oertaynociJU/~garyg/maximu /eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Fla  Dita,y exceptEINLN   s:ng0GOLY no.n1/appcni    n
 :   Engi    u4  B,MxBBSctiv    2.)40/520vailanonrn Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MlCCAIsUs Names OnlR  I SeFVesn 209/m<     LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlagSYC /ulOr   LadmNI Language: gary gilon 4,  -n410/400es- kitty  Vta!       eory
1limmeadgary gilon 4,  -n410/400esm-MEDIAT  modulyMeditr enet [email protected] A   no.neNAtaghold.t     lols:  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu
D'gtr enet Co(RESTsia P tr hagslm2-Febs: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD  .brxus: alnus, Zyli td ves3pas t  Foxy Fe

ome: 23 h ibui toarns,kLY
 H  3soanses Floev Foxy Fe

ome: 23 h ibum-MEDIA_WATCHailanonNewsn1rsn alcsEt afeai slmMitchechhanFyHIJo guagen1/anit Cs, b Hoam  Englis <ReechNnewsn1rs    ilsySupsnewsnmedit Only>
signif9@lns Hb HoslS  Co pectsme-nis vReal Nait Cs Cedgalso
bS us.:neekl  n LalHdrators:   Bob Hof12nettchjouhna, Zmlspd0plgortEIN    tllo, hon1/anit Cso tagncagcath1ie),al    IseotesunlikE,y li seecniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivAf Haa   Engi    u4  B,owo,ldwa        Status: Active
 :   EnginW8o30ITAL
 :   Engi    u4  B,Ga  h li mailEINLN    f:   E.medit_rls BJUDA Conpxuli td vesopas t 10@warp0muenet ion tg 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
EneNAhshelykfn nr-Marc so
elsLaiadd h li  tamif .imilynonbll n:   1# tetephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10es- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMEDIEVOLief)hJAVediev hoot>
OLY re-cby3Vgs:, ahanenetc.lmMitchechhanFyHIam  Englis <ReecEINsnmediev ho,es:es Sh  rel<RemEdiev hBob Hof12netre-cby3Vgs:, es.-Pially (egttdgtpta,y)n, npractic 5, w.iuch tonyfsummerofoupsushelby SCA#    klS d#  SRenetc.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgubr ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HI200gion take it oshua10Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Dave Arginon,  -109/120es- kitty  Vta!       sJans 9 12netDave Arginon,  -109/120esweMEMORI desired NoHEalgiaonnect; 1.4u@laergoodLnrd@dJBe/dld  old again.
Aigaks Hli share thHI Ctn 20 h    Talspd0joblEINsnf
 5 rdepy  a. Ord@ ingnn 4    qnguari2medltJBe 20 h    TalweMc_Caru,i e2TV)y b,
a.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshuao  osonvileopJaEINra;MEMORI dIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: B    Whiso, [email protected] kittCar022sovgr dJim Whiso,  it h3/404, jim_whiso@eahahlEIkred
    Mge    Langua aEm  HINVESKsEt Aa ta
ome: 2382/92, kspd6@freewwwebr       Volty  Vta!        ory
[email protected] it h ipNNs B    Whiso <[email protected]>bum-MENSOr   Ladmensa,e
 lcigeoc s edu@lanets     Ilhi-IQrofoupsenetc Names nly>
Ano.neNAeekl alcsEt aoffm   nT  homembet MitcM nsa (alhigh-IQ FORfLY gua
ociety), 1rsnaly2  aelAa,  1:3   Fla mensa,e
 lcigeoc seal Names On5du@lanets     Ilpllags:nm V
K, 1rsnaly1h7 1.elAa.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgubr ha2  30cicalahistJBeo Sargeant,les:
12 21@fMari20HI200gion take it oshua20Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Dave Arginon,  -109/120es- kitty  Vta!       sJans 9 12netDave Arginon,  -109/120esweMENS_ISSU desired tE 'a I illm 20 h    Tal;MEN'S ISSU d Jam  whasEllmMmech a1h7 k;   gaks H 1:3   Fla 20 h    TalA illmMpllags:nguo   /BAes.-Pif9@l  ys<Re
 A/wwwamoIN.A  ere,ali mE .@WomE notes: /REA Geo
grdT py nea,  1o,ufogualby ua tastlesEIN.A  ere,ali ghasEAlsLaiprimRealy e;MEN'S 5ipNN@No fla  /s(   Ie'a ed mail tonyfsummerf taghas)u,i e2TV)y b,
 -3667nf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor ,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Geoeg    pe,ELI153/307,tatu96if desired
1limmeadgap [email protected] it h ipNNs gap [email protected]_HEALTHailanon y bal H   th Names nly>
AnoEchanrgirc oueen, 1,regcrf taOndividu4,susuig.tEINff
 eVisi e),aliDeprelags:, Ph  iass SchizophcsE   spd0o   Il y bal H   th Names nly> ImpairmE bt.r
lanetA  dgtpm S  nguabesansacademt ley
1aootb/5, wizard19FERa,e sEA  0ooJg2vidaEitgrNgpd0iasatr,vguoecoAaGin edFio.A  ere,ali o
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-METALSMITHailanonD    illmMitch    JULIsl<RemEbalhoh
uag Names nly>
Ano.neNAdedicags:ngulke  nr-as manGHoffho re    in mEbals;summerfelQ,abl stamogus, sichin   o,n: /d
K, gnrdamogus, silvstrmogus,Co pectsme-n inamogus, foua tas, cf dels 1rsnaly as ociags:nJg2felags:yru,i e2TV)y bIfEllmMhoh
or EakN   ro mEbal, 96 1.isifsioMoN!
lanetA  20 h    Tala Fr
y dly gaks ;
echNoa,y fla  seo  owFii-by a  0/ NeldBob Hof12nettchangurch,lua taaa foua ry fuhna: <<r/e Ha:foeg .alnudelBob Hof12netv d Luafrangu<Remies:esasEllmrMhoh
beoch.isiilean ,llmr tonyfsummerday A  la   1rsnllmM-by join
 fv d h  :onvuag: uag   ro.A  ere,ali 0desA/wwwitcuA weile we wait eeklke   ingnclockagogs9uw.A  ere,ali 0des"magt lmieute." dJoin u Hb Hoshare llmrMexpuiisE: KBob Hof12netv ds_Ca <ReechNlittle-knownLcraftsru,i e2TV)y b,
 -36h3/1275 mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguNAB,m    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do METALSMITHIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: JsckaY0GOLY -36h3/1275myzr@ldlathoOr   Lrel Russuranssos6-hoRuleD:
 JsckaY0GOLY -36h3/1275c-m-METALWORKINGailanon ybalhoh
uag1:379/5, wizard19@ ybalhoh
uag1:379 -RMl.craftsrmEbalhoh
uag Names nly> ctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshuao652 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    g:  lcite/Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMETA_UF_isBcho!UF_ pd0oEbaphysn, hodrators:   Bob Hof12netnD    illmMitchechNgrdanULI l shphangeN/AUF_s pd0oEbaphysn, hoed:3/17y b HA/l shphangeN/A  rchcraft, Pagme:bsliefsenetctotesalso
o2-12nt leVisi e),aliD    illmMitchechNgrdanULI l shphangeN/AUF_s pd0oEbaphysn, hoed:3/17y b HA/l shphangeN/A  rchcraft, Pagme:bsliefsenetctotesalso
o2-12nt leVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   LrtCar022sovgr dJsckaSaeg ant ,is e2e12,dJsckSaeg ant@juno        Volty  Vta!      1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-METHODISTailanon ybhod a, tonyfsummer
Ai   Flags: <eekltybhod a,  0oochasE0ot.ac50o   I, lbef u.A  ere,ali     Iseguo sk segif8tybhod a, laanri   1rsngrdctic cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivSgifhvAf Haa   Engi    uwo,ldwa        Status: Active
 :   Enginbr ha2  aw8o30ITAL
 :   Engi    u4  B,Ga  h li mailEINLN    f:   E.mebhod ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue7gion take it oshua2Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
MikEnChapiume:8:7903/10es- kitttttttttttttttete  :HayOLY 8:7903/10es- kitty  Vta!       eo  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMIAMI-DOLPHINdesired ti:   Dolphe s Pro Footb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.footb   .Jg2.mi:  -domphe s N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a983 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMIAMI-HEATesired ti:   HeasENBApecsketb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcsketb   .nba.mi:  -heasEN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a77 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMIDI-NETesired tIDI MusicnChat tonyfsummer
Aigaks H 1:3   Fla EakNEIN,
N   s EINLeo
uag Names nly> tIDI music, wee   Il    keyboardaeklkerHI Cd  rdec:Jau
 FORfLY gua
    illmMsnta tIDI i20GOFERe(seqngs: rK, playOlt, 20 h    Taletc), hardOFER (les:eo
apli N  h degrer,
oipd0cmrds) FER 20 h    Talslso
   surold. bIfEllmMenjoy
N   s EINLeo, BAema
uag Names nly> tIDI music, llm've foua  0desAech a tam!Last changed,
 -n410/400r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Fla  Di 1-Msnta,y exceptEINLN   s:ng0GOLY no.n1/appcni
 :   Engi    u4  B,P:ior Pf bysslis ReqnirFiP, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: gary gilon 4,  -n410/400es- kitty  Vta!       eory
1limmeadgary gilon 4,  -n410/400esm-MIL-BUCKdesired tilwaukee BucksENBApecsketb    drators:   .Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcsketb Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRroi the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a100 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMILHISTORYesired tilitary Hf ory tonyfsummer
Ai  n LalH   Flags: <eeklke      illmMitchmilt:ry hf oryleVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi ECHOLIetctiv    to067/203P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-MILITARY_AVIATIONesired tilitary A    uag Drators:   Bob Hof12netnD    illmMsnta military a    uag.2netn-et.RMl.a    uag.militaryBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a2836 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
Reqngua/i fwangs:nta g:  lcite0jobio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMILITARY_PEOPL  modulyMILITARY_PEOPL  moduly12net;
    # No04,gtilitary_Peo    :379C  Flags: <A  aNcs: <Real Names Only> dedicags:n1rsn om N   h li vttobatnu:imWke   illmMthat tonyfsummercs:: r d h mleVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi ECHOL1:8003/0 19:ari/304 66:4400/203 11 P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuransso9oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-MILITIOr   Ladl2nt  nrffffs:nguat4lttga Names nly>
Ano.neNAghasEAs us.:n 1:3   Fla m4lttgau  bjhana.yTcia 20 h    TalA  NOTsansanti-g    imE bn5ipNN@@Weh    knowAghasEke  U.SleVisi e),alig    imE bncme:bs imJg2vueen,es:    Flags: gards ecoAaGle  s 20 h    TalA  weMc_Caru@laer    kerHwitchechNg    imE bnA  dgt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1S  steQuarginla atyber.90  StatFlactiv:379atybv    t76:o  o10.0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
, roy.j.  lc3 o0%tan g af@frr hit        Volty  Vta!      18-hoRuleD:
 Roy J. Telc3 o0 # .)   .   # roy.j.  lc3 o0%tan g af@frr hit     (Roy J. Telc3 o0)  m-MILITIO-TALKrginla a n LalHD    illmMsnsegif8lo, hot4lttga Names nly>
Fil  A/iibysl.activism.milit   N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1078 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMINNESOTA-VIKINGdesired tigca oa Vi
uag1drators:   Bob Hof12netn-lt.satr,s.footb   .mn-vi
uags [fil  A/i]Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Actine
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2356 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    g:  lcite/fto, reqngua/i fdesirFi.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMINNESOTA_VIKINGdesired tigca ota Vi
uag1Footb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.-lt.satr,s.footb   .Jg2.minn-vi
uags fil  A/iin1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl
tl d a,ali Ss:n    g:  lcite/fto reqngua/i fdesirFi.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       eo  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMINOR-LEAGU desired tineklLeagu NBrseb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.brseb   .minor-leagu s N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a27 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali8:8/0 ha19-Dec  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMISSINGailanonN# No04,gtims
omse:379/5, [email protected]  eekllo, tEINLN vEINff

y ds, cc3 snm Vet, 20 h    Taletc:esasEllm9GHonhave ltm  0rackitch     yearK, lbeaby jua, tonyfsummer V
lo, ta.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu  steQuarginla atyber.90  StaGTPV  r RHIME Relay_ctiv: Acti NhoOr   LrelLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a216Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO.A  eretsN   ve roywiChar ixd4ut on,  -323/14ibui toarns,kLY
 H  17s2ggiarit hfuchar ixsn@h_Car    # .)   .   # "B. Char gua4ut on" <char ixsn@h_Car   >,CweMISSING_CHILDesired tims
 fChild:::::379/5, [email protected]  eeklitgrEINLNo, tafChild::::tims
 fdufeli.A  ere,ali on
 beabductii2menpa:::bal abductii2menrunaer.9netc.lmMitchechhanPrdT py nelmMitch    aoffm  guags/s: aly mims
 fchild 20 h    TalA  [email protected]  slso
eeklke     seni04/5am8tca    all
 liJULI 1d Sn SnfiesEIN ltm  child::::HoffmanteslI  fchild::: tonyfsummerf
 5abductii2.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu  steQuarginla atyber.90  StaINTasNETvRIMEwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a173Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO.A  eretsN   ve roywi,iChar ixd4ut on  -323/14    Volty  Vta!      18-hogiarit hfuchar ixsn@h_Car    # .)   .   # "B. Char gua4ut on" <char ixsn@h_Car   >,CweMISSIOLOGn w   rnChrf uaM.bysslis ey
1aootb/5, wizard19 a n LalHd    illmMsnta Chrf uaM.bysslis ot>
OL pd0oysslilogyBob Hof12netOnly> 7 1.mysslis mebhods, sysslis prOnliplMLY cross- cultuLaled:3/17y b Hczard19@lanet, sysslis hf ory, sysslis 5du@lanet pd0oysslinaryBob Hof12netn in
 .cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivinvSgifh r dAf Haa   Engwo,ldwa        Status: Active
 :   Enginbr ha2  aw8o30ITAL
 :   Engi    u4  B,Ga  h li mailEINLN    f:   E.myssliwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        5 thr ECHOLISTtof a33Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREetephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10es- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMISSION w   rnChrf uaM.bysslis ey
1aootb/5, wizard19 timcelc3neous:    Flags: ly> guat2nt  Co pectsme-niuchn   cza- rd19@lan  fechNGospel cross-cultuLal,y,iprayOlBob Hof12netreqnguas, strN/9gy,0plgortsrf
 50/e.bysslis fieldnenetc.lmMitchechhaN1/anit Csogegif8bysslis, lbeRME ttaghasEGHonaffochsbysslis,/5, wizard19FER weMc_CacniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta8:7903/10eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcath       Status: Active
 :   Enginbr ha2  aw8o30ITAL
 :   Engi    u4  B,Ga  h li mailEINLN    f:   E.myssliwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        20gion take it oshua6Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
etephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10es- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMISSIONARYesired tisslis 4ueen,  tonyfsummer
timcelc3neous:    Flags: gegif8byssliss.oom ly> guat2nt  Co pectsme-niuchn   czard19@lan  fechNGospel cross-cultuLal,y,iprayOlBob Hof12netreqnguas, strN/9gy,0plgortsrf
 50/e.bysslis fieldnenetc.lmMitchechhaPrdT py n btn
ly> S oysslinar
OLY bysslissnJg2felaolt, 20 h    Talseni04ry ot> E bt,:e.nenn, hopeo   ,epy  ols 1rsnlo, hochurch    u4 ,ali mEmbet . wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEbCFNahiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  sCFNonnect;l a,ali StatusCFN, MJCN, & Peilea h rginla atyber.90  StaI the n:p@ 8:2077/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno MISSIONIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl Rea,alchs:nguoChrf uaM.BBSsn.:      dmNIF       Haanrd@:2:bEIu, 12:3rit/9es- kitty  Vta!       eoDec-1999meadCFNaEneNA
tgtrol A     /22es- kiWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweMISSIONSesired tisslis4ry N1/aleV
 gs: <Real Names Only>
tisslis4ry LeV
 50/e.Mysslis fieldn. ulOD ONLY gs: <Real ,eVisi e),aliD    illmM  NOTsa  owFi! AoorsEC Co    if ESrvnr anGhiepsu  Dc        Vol  StaI the n:pL    ESrvFr.cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta8:8/0iftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  sh       Status: Active
 2015/887i8:8/0 ha19-Datyber.90  StatIDONETv8:8/0<> 2015/887 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue30gion take it oshua10Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl *** ulOD ONLY **** ex  St1enhannctive
Maurefn H ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMKrginla My1h7, hoKuagd      Vol  Sta@lanetJULofsA  dedicags:neeklke      Flags: gpd0iasatr,Bob Hof12nettchi20GOFEReoppcnil  ysanaEtfn net.arkt.ayleVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto0634/o Sargeant,les:
12, jBeoc,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ER18   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaats: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus5Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO.A  eretsN   ve roywimarktlewiLY -3634/o es- kitttttttttttttttmarktlewiLY wkaEty42@l  telathoOr   Lrel RussuranssoN8ohoes 9 12netWaldo'  Majik Fi   rLY -3634/o esweMKE-BREWERSailanon ilwaukee Bre  r Brseb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.brseb   .mke-bre  rs N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a150 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweML-BASEBALLief)hJAVajeklLeagu NBrseb   Bob Hof12netnD    illmMsnechNgby3V satr,MitcMAJOR LEAGU  BASEBALL!Last changed,hare facbt,:figureK, lpin
i2menqnguari2m, czarE bt,:1rs    ilsySupsobESrvlanetnugegif8brseb   .a@lalk segif8  rdelo, hotea     Vol  StalbefavonaEe5stars.ooCEA Geo
atJULofsarold 0
slova <Reech    Vol  StaUSnN# No04,gPy  ingnA  kept MituER_N5edebffes, stor
OLY    Vol  Sta& mEmor
OL.bIfEllmMlova brseb   , llmas9ueayHIJArea
  Names nly> tL-BASEBALL!NEneNA1  NOTsguabesgags:na_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf bysslisru,i e2TV)y b,
 -19/m9005r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ2  a1   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
ete  :Quarrelc3,  -19/m9005Or   Lrel Russuranssoso  RuleD:
 ete  :Quarrelc3,  -19/m9005, df Zy@menrgietciJUesteMN-TWINdesired tigca ota Twe s Brseb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.brseb   .mn-twe s N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a143 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMN-WOLVEdesired tigca ota WolvesENBApecsketb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcsketb   .Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a371 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMOD1000es- kitT1rsyetsN la1000fPta
s gs: <Real Names Only>
tOD1000 C  Flags: <A  eeklke  T1rsye1000 ownFr.  Drators:   Bob Hof12net
ly> S:  HaadOFER upgr-as ,hi20GOFERec:JantibnaaE
u1rs    ilsySups  n LalHproC Cms Rn2oun  A/iiv d Luae  ryday usa <Reech    Vol  StaT1rsyeC:Jau
.anPrdT py nel  fv d hisii  Flags: <FER reprel::balItus tonyfsummerf
od,hack,C,eFVesen,es:Uset . wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEb -343 117Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1Saspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        60gion take it oshua4AOr dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tPaulfCrseNde V343 117rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  NWhoes 9 12netPaulfCrseNde V343 100esm-MODEL_RAILROADINGailanon sN laRailroa
  Drators:   Bob Hof12net. sN laRailroa
  Drators:   Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2399 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
I fdesirFinta g:  lcite0jobi, ple AaGreqngua/in ECHOESo.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMODEMrginla a n LicetsN m1drators:   Bob Hof12netnFil  A/iic:Ja.dc:J.mA-DmsEdrators:   .Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1451 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    psu  Dii  cath; reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMODEMSailanonD    illmMitchmA-DmsEih'  n LalHapd0pllags:ng2nt  .onnect; 1.4u@laerpurposa <Reech MODEMSt.neNA1  0ooJg2vidaEatJULofsf u.A  ere,ali d    illmMitch    mA-Dm brapdL pd0osN lLY (aly1h7 1.f
 eVisi e),ali3it 0oo128K) egttR_N5eprimReysf   i is hfghes.-edhmA-DmsBob Hof12netv dgrdT pula .aRllags:ng2nt  n
ly> S d    illmMitchmA-Dm 20 h    Talsetupsenin
t. struags/1rsn onfigurlanetn.9Newnpecduct/1rnouncerE bt 20 h    Talspd0d    illmMsnFER weMc_Ca. Ad  eeklsale/nr-asNosg: /l 20 h    Talssnpecduct-bcsh7 1.czarE btnFER dgt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-MODERATORr   LadmNI Langu'se:379/5, wizard19@FyHImNI Languaitch    .neNguat2sexta!   Midaass itgrNgpd.A  ere,ali d    ild Luae  russura7 1.fa: <<fu Fla  Di.neNmaillspd0e379/5, wizard19prdT py n bt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto082/92aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_Nimmac,vIAon 4/104edguNAB,m   ,thpD_SPINE
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a6 osonvileopJaEINra;MODERATORIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlaLi N  h t2sHig0GRu Fla  DimNI Languaispd0 Fla  Di"C's"r   LadmNI Language: KsEt Aa ta
ome: 2382/92, [email protected]   LrtCar022sovgr dCaanrd,henkenberg I, 1:275 100es   Lrel Russuransso7o  RuleD:
 KsEt Aa ta
ome: 2382/92c-m-MODERATORSailanonD    il/D RE pnm V
EneNAmNI LanlmMiv dZlmMitchechhaNo Des      mMig0GRncniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatpD_wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguRea,alchs:nguomNI Languarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@juno;MOD-sUsEIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
  2.443 888, zsnowium@bigfootr       Volty  Vta!       eory
  2.443 888c-m-MODR8TRr   Lad Fla  DimNI Langu/Co-mNI Langu::379/5, wizard19@lae PRIMARYrpurposa <Reecnet.neNA1  0ooJg2vidaEatc.ntralizs: tonyfsummerJULofsf ulke      Flags: <ReproC Cms fa: 5, w.mNI Languarginla 12nettchi  Flags: taghasEFER beuaged a,ali Ss:nkerHI Cd2  atca    all
 ke  vReal Na.neNmailldAon 4/104edVta! n lL usuag1Fdistribui toaaaaaa 1-Mnumbet . imNI Languaispd0Co-mNI LangusnFER weMc_CaNgpd.A  ere,ali Rn2ouh52Fiieo
grdT py neafv d hisii  Flags: .B,P:ior apJg2val tonyfsummerf tamNI Languaispd0Co-mNI Langusn1  NOTsrfifevodlssnloIN.A  ere,ali ssnllmM-by N   s:nv d LuaELISTt   sai rie  5, w. i /21.onnect; 1.4u@Uset nFER weMc_CaNiReechonhave busuaessufoguaaimNI Langu/Co-mNI Langu.onnect; 1.4u@Check8  rdefla  -kerHwet nFsEke  doek.ageFV ecoAaGdAon 4/104ed 20 h    TalstedtSs N   s:nbelowtotesa vignizs: 0oocarryd hisii  Flags: .Last changed,
 -n32/10eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu TPNET, PLANET_CONNECT, NAB_BACKBONE Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
MrdT n BeMckd,  -n32/10es- kitty  Vta!       ys2gRuleD:
 [email protected]    # .)   .   # [email protected]   c-m-MOD_COUNCILailanonD    illmMsrcs:: r uag1:379maillIAon 4/104ed 1rsnat1enhNames Only>
tOD_COUNCILncme:bs us.:n
 menhanncti,eg2muels 1rsn    Is tonyfsummerf tad    illmMsrcs:: r uag1 illmMas ociags:nfogualby ECHOLISTailanon  Talspd0IAon 4/104ed.B,OnhNg al <Reech .neNAw    b Geo�invguargtr enet Coard19aoffm  sibFV de  lopaaimNI Langu's gsuncilleo
addrela1 illm.A  ere,ali [email protected]@.t1enhanncti,C,eFVesen,es:ecoAaBob Hof12netv volve:nv d LuadAon 4/104edV<Re.neNmaillsER weMc_CaNgs/5, wizard19prdT py n bt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)   .352aaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ell   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ10 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl guabesgags:na_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf bysslis ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmyHECoHEa,hto)   .352s iom@baltion 4mdr       Volty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfuTeNmyHECoHEa,hto)   .352s iom@baltion 4mdr     m-MONTulOL-EXPOdesired ttgtr    Exm   Brseb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.brseb   .mtgtr   -exm   N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a340 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d ruari Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio\.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfu /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweMOORCOCKrginla Mita!eletsorcockaD    illmMi:379/5, wizard19@lae Mita!eletsorcockaD    illmMi:379<A  aNgaks Hflbefa  Bob Hof12nettch Luafa  d scisE: -f9@Stat/fa tasysanaE.t t1:3   Fla cia 20 h    Talhoh
,hiuchn   TchNE    #l Champlis oer
OLY LuaDas: rK tonyfsummer Valby Ersn f Timd, JerrydCoe nliusen,es:so
o2.  Also
g2nt al tonyfsummerild Luamusicetsorcockahsheistr,:bs it cia:soloMhoh
or ech    Vol  Stahoh
he'a la   foguaHawkwies:or Blue Oy delaCult.  Be    Ie    Vol  Stalbeb  doemFiieo
gerpetul  ysbyss gif! alnneNA1  NOTsguabe    ilsySups ags:na_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf bysslisru,i e2TV)y b,
 -19/m9005r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguNAB,mWWBer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        VILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
ete  :Quarrelc3,  -19/m9005Or   Lrel Russuranssos0-FebuleD:
 ete  :Quarrelc3,  -19/m9005, df Zy@menrgietciJUesteMOOSECHATesired tooAaG,es:Hos.t "CanaduaM.Huon "nChat tonyfsummer
tooAaChasEAs ano.neNAeeklaly2  aweNAwn btneo
mpfna_NtyY    Vol  Stahuon ouK, lbejua,Ngakv dsi  ysbelanpx . Maly df uagu Zys: tonyfsummermooAa,:Hos.tsrf
 50/e.Gby3V Whiso Ntr,hen,es:RME afa ouKlmMitchechhaPerJULI s: <AdT a,  likE Saddam.Husseid 1rsnGeoeg  Bush    u4 ,ali have     Jreqngngs:ntooAaChasEatd2  a ingneklal    I. A tonyfsummermooAa- likE ura  ,ealiaK, lbeshT pkEAs apJgeciags:negttdgt    ilsySupsnecesgary. tooAaGs_Ca ings strNyoi to oer
l Nag2nt  ngpd.A  ere,ali polit , hog: ur <A  oftfn susn ,egttecoAaG V
l N.A  ere,ali d    illmMiGHonedFiagogsurv0GRugece vEINfsi  ysrep ixsru,i e2TV)y blae MooAaChasE".neNAgheme"A1  0oo   seni04/e knowledhe aegifa    all
 ke  noC CrmooAa,:t1:3   Fla  V ali Sssl<RemooAaGwe havea    all
 knownL1rsnadmirFien,es:eot.ntersbelanpx  weichn tesa bit tonyfsummermotessi  ysBA@ ffbe Valband2  afiessEih'mtm  o   Il.neNgu.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Fla  DiNA   steQua &Ell   steQuaY

D HeHerasu  Di
t II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        VILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4AOr dveekNN  n,ali MOOSEIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: etephfn Hart,  -n42e127es- kitttttttttttttttete  :Hart, hart@io        Volty  Vta!      22ory
1limmeadetephfn Hart,  -n42e127esteMORM_Nimmac,vlae "MORM_N"aRll   ta Cs: <Real Names Only>
Ai   trolledii  Flags: <arold peo   iGHon3   Fla  rsnaskNames Only> qnguari2medegif8lae Churchl<ReJes NaChrf l<ReL V
-DayBob Hof12netcai rm, czarta,y knownL1ld Lua"MULIi2m,"Hapd0pllags:n"A/wwoLanlmMf "Bob Hof12netrel   ta . Seni tamNI Langu: Tom.Hub.t     lols:  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr E Fla  Di  steQuaY AllldAon 4/104edVstedtSs II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        VILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfuULief)hJAVA-DATABASTURETom.Hub.t,  2015/477rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfu:ETom.Hub.t,  201/10esteMORSEailanonD    illmMsrsegif8tBASe CenhNames Only>
D    illmMsrcs:: r uag1tBASe CenhN@@Weile mtm  mBASe cenhNames Only> uset nFER am Veur ra
odophanncti,C    Iseusuag1 h  :ode    Vol  Stalbehavuag1ane
 A/wwware Rn2ouhg52Fiieo
joinnechNgbiftru,i e2TV)y b,
a.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmyHECoHEa,hto)   .352s baltion 4md@baltion 4mdr       Volty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfuTeNmyHECoHEa,hto)   .352esteMOSCOW_OKLAHOMA tonyfsLINK BETWEEN8lae ,naIOL pd0Moscow! moduly12net;
NTasNATIONAL ECHO. Solerpurposa 0ooczard19@laR across 20 h    TalshoreK, @lalkuag1Wogualby R illatnuin Eus, Zy
  /BAeR illat 20 h    Tallc-1999h.lLearnrmotessegif8lbyir hf oryl<ReG    imE bY    Vol  StaSpks HAcc:Ja, ZyrE bt,:ec-1999h pd0ouchnon 4, Askuag1qnguari2ma    all
 kodobrie  knowledhe tch Luir  ocietysLaipf by   hru,i e2TV)y b,
 -170/503Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu(BACKBONEDiv dZONE 1)dZONE 2 II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnNGLISH, RUSSIANstbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
GReysBaumgartn.t,  2070/503es- kitttttttttttttttDby eysBargiov  2.5020/80es- kitty  Vta!       0s2ggiarit hfuGReysBaumgartn.t,  2070/503@FdistributeMOTORCYCL  modulyMogurcyclMLY L0GRukodRidaERidaEkodL0GR! tonyfsummer
Aigaks Harold folksaweNAridaEMogurcyclMLlspd0jolksaweN    Vol  StahS  nmotesliJUnta togurcyclMLlcme:a!   gifn,es:ealk segif    Vol  StaWHATEVEReechonjobl likE!
AiLaidnbr higaks H 1:fies:oifn,egifa    all
 keuags/likE 0
slaIOLf8G    imE b    u4 ,ali hasslMLlf ulkeosa <ReusaweNARidaE ulwS  nguaRida, aNgaks a    all
 kodealk stor
OL fogua  rdeF

y ds (keosa llmMhave  offhavea    all
  tl yetpm t), 1rasus H 1:fies:s_Ca2  aweNAhshe"befn    Ie    Vol  Staspd0d2  a has"Hapd0cme: eys 1:itgrNllmMf
ssaCacniCo pectsmproC Cms!
Aigaks Harold    IeA1  NO BikE Bcsh7 1!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-MSGED_ECHOr   LadmSGED 4ueen, /D    illmMs/Soluari2ma    all
    # No04,gC  Flags: <eeklke      Flags: gpd0de  lopmE b    u4 ,ali itcMSGED.ooCalcsEt vuaglmMivs TE_05.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto096/1 aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr El2  a1   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ25Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREM V Mc_CarthNde V396/1.4    Volty  Vta!      19o  RuleD:
 M V Mc_CarthNde V396/1.4  m-MST3Krginla My deladecisE: 8laeaters3000es- kitummer
Aig n LalHd    illmMnta h  :EC Coc_Cadygs9uw My deladecisE: u,i e2TV)y blaeaters3000Hapd0cc3 sicnbrd scisE:  f9@Stat/fa tasysmovilm.A  ere,ali osg: /l osgbrd televislmMiv da0pllax/ii-tmtmprold. Dy
1aootb/5, wizard19itcCOMEDY CENTRAL   n LalHprogrammuageWsuslso
a  owFi. "Bir enet Coard19md, it'Llfun!"lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 04/104r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1,     JFla  Dizo  s 20 h  atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ17AOr dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tJim McLaughli0 # .) 04/104es- kitttttttttttttttTonfuTruji  o # .) 04/104es- kitty  Vta!       4s2gRuleD:
tedtSsr    # .)   .   # jjm@mAs
tedtSsr    (Jim McLaughli0)  m-MTG_WOCief)hJAVagic:8lae atyh.tEINf-1WoCspiwttch LuaCoaa, tonyfsummer
D    illmMnta e  ry1h7 1.segif8lby CCGAVagic:8lae atyh.tEIN tonyfsummerildmoteslbandweMc_Ca.u,i e2TV)y b,
a.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
TonfuSummerfelt,  -n42e139    Volty  Vta!       eory
1limmeadtonfusummerfelt,  -n42e139  m-MUFFINstbarcoOff9@i4,gtaximusaBBS So0GOFERe4ueen,  (,eFVesageFV) tonyfsummer
Off9@i4,g   Flags: <eekld    illmM/iasatr, itcMaximusaBBS FORfLY gua
o0GOFERen,es:  rect ysrelags:nmuelit x . HAccela1li N  ha    all
 kod,eFOesa(lbesoo2-12-be-seFVes)aweNAcalcsEt ysrun lbeaby 20 h    TalsetfEINLupaaimaximusaBBS
tedtS. (Also
seE 0
smaximusah_CacniCo pectsmp99h @ http://oa2 le  r   /~garyg/maximus/ )Last changed,
 -n410/400r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Fla  Dita,y exceptEINLN   s:ng0GOLY no.n1/appcnildAon
 :   Engi    u :   MxBBSctiv    2-n40/5200P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do MUFFINIsUs Names OnlR  I ,eFVesageFV>I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafSYScfulOr   LadmNI Language: gary gilon 4,  -n410/400es- kitty  Vta!       eory
1limmeadgary gilon 4,  -n410/400esm-MULT-SCL ROSIS FORfLYEneNAeekl0
smultiplMdeclerosiua4uff IseguoswapMidaas tonyfsummer
smultiplMdeclerosiua4uff IseguoswapMidaas tonyfsummer,
3:770/245eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr E  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ5Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREEwS  Elliott, 3:770/245, eae17@hotmail        Vol  Sta  all
wdsn ,3:770/245, nb [email protected]    Volty  Vta!      14-FebuleD:
 nb [email protected] # .)   .   # " trm
wdsn" <nb [email protected]>,CweMUSEailanonMusa St>
o poets'Ncs: <Real Names Only> @lanetAs anoabya eeklser
l Napoets:t1:3   Fla 0
sartngpd.A  ere,ali e.nennqua <RepoetryleVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto135/907eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr El2  a1   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
l Vhan3,  -135/907    Volty  Vta!      5-FebuleD:
 rvFraa@thosidaatho # .)   .   # rvFraa@thosidaatho,CweMUSICailanonMusicnD    illmMitchA  Bob Hof12netnlanet.neNA1  eekl    drators:  l<Remusic, f
 5cc3 sical tonyfsummereo
gunk, Aerosmogualo ZZdl2n. bIfEllmMaearsnatn1/esoag1and    Vol  StahS  nlo knowAweNAs!   it,E ulwS  nguatalk segif8  rdeold 20 h    Tallesa(whasEoteskeosa?),d hisiild Luagaks H 1:3NA1t.  Youed:3/17y b Hcme: alk segif8practicl  ysaly1h7 1.rffffEINLeo
music. NOTE:ed:3/17y b HGffEINLMUSICLeo
 o   Il  Dia_N5gif8anaEtfn pf bysslis ia 20 h    TalPROHIBITED.ooFur   Ion 4, gffEINLbelanpx  f
 5a o   Il  D.A  ere,ali on ict ysprohibN  h.yTceAaGreon ictlmMsr
ly> S ,egttaby 20 h    Taldgtpli N  h t2Y Luam the n:/Usetho.eVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid
a.io78o04,g01: allllShift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu ree-nmof tr E  steQua,;
    # No04, II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        VILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4562Or dveekNN  n,alianonMUSICIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: Eakv e Laiiume:fc3 h29@cyberusr aOr   LrtCar022sovgr dChuckhA  eme: 2099/4ibui toarns,kLY
 H   0s2gRuleD:
 fc3 h29@cyberusr a # .)   .   # Eakv e Laiium <fc3 h29@cyberusr a>,CweMUSICIAN'S_TRADE w   rnChrf uaM.MusicuaM's@FyHumeVisi e),aliD    illmM9itcChrf uaM.Music wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEbCFNahiftMknBp Muly'chea3er.533, muly@h  sCFNonnect;l a,ali StatusCFNageFVrginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@juno;MusicuaM.rul Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlaRev0GRi.A  eretsN   ve roywiMikE LewiLY 2:3ari/802es- kitty  Vta!       eoDec-1999meadCFNaEneNA
tgtrol A     /22es- kiWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweMW_SYSOPrginla Mid WOLf8,eFOenChat tonyfsummer
a n LalHta!t,E
tedtSdophannctiita,yru@lanet Fla  Dibrsed.A  ere,ali RneNA1    rect/ii-th LuafolksaN vEINfv d LuamidwOLf ,egt tonyfsummerilddgtpli N  h t2ejua,N Fla  DitraRe  ta 14itraFTN's@Also 20 h    Talseela MW_USERtaspd0 BRANS_Nimmac,vV)y b,
a.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mita!eletcCab4,  -  .21    Volty  Vta!      19oJanuleD:
 Mita!eletcCab4,  -  .21@fdistributeMW_USERSrginla Mid WOLf8Uset nChat tonyfsummer
a n LalHta!t,ERags:n"G"ita,yrulanet Fla  Dibrsed RneNA1 .A  ere,ali d rect/ii-th LuafolksaN vEINfv d LuamidwOLf ,egtrilddgt 20 h    Talli N  h t2ejua,N Fla  Di(traRe  ta 14)!immac,vV)y b,
a.io78o04,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mita!eletcCab4,  -  .21    Volty  Vta!      19oJanuleD:
 Mita!eletcCab4,  -  .21@fdistributeMYSTERYesired ty deladf9@Stat tonyfsummer
D    illmMntf citerary hoh
l<Remy dela, esplis99h,:1rs    ilsySupsrelags:ngenreoiv da   medialeVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto1   844,g01: alllllllllllllllJOSHUA LEEbabarco8@junomuenet Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
JaM.MurphNde V1   84@fdistrievpres- kitty  Vta!      31oDec-1999meadJaM.MurphNde V1   84es- kiWARNING!@lanetif uageWsu  bjhanoguabeuagegemovOFER_N5v d Luanex  D3es- kidJBe/i felsLaidgtpupda  5, w.a8mA-DATABA@ tal rle   r.,CweNABRNING!lifr   Am LicaM.B steQua :379/5, wizard19@D    illmMitchm V
KnrffffEINLs.-Pif9@l  yst2s0
sifr  /5, wizard19Am LicaM.B steQua (NAB)lIAon 4/104ed
tedtSdOnly> 7 1.dAon 4/104edY    Vol  Stag2mu7 1, .neNguacarriFien   tE btntchBACKBONE.NAaspd0BACKSTAT.NAY    Vol  StaB steQua ophann7 1.procedureK, i  cathlmMsne2s0
s  steQuarginla      Hubsen,es:reqnguas eekl ddi04edV<Ren1/e.neNgu. Dy
1aootb/5, wizard19itco   IlmailldAon 4/104edVstedtSs A  offag2nt . AoorsEC C tonyfsummereo
a   weNAhsve busuaessufogua0
siAB.     lols:  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edguNAB  rsnaly2  aels aweNAw Zyss 0oocarryditrginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@juno;iAB.sUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuULief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREAnyuNAB ZHub,  -  20rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNAB Robot,  -  20rlweNAMEFIXleD:
 AMEFIX Fi s    ilsySups Langfix hoh
llikE filefies ,egtreekluset . ALbelanpxA1 .A  ere,ali en  A/iiv d Lua   Flags: <0oo" AMEFIX"Hapd0a   stedtSs that tonyfsummerrun a nangfix muelitylsearchl Luir usetlogL.bIfEa usetA1 .A  ere,ali foues ,aLbelanpxA1 fm  g/iiv d LuaeipNN@IfE
 A/ww/iiv  20 h    Talseeuag10 isnta h   Fla  DibrsteQua oklaly o   Il  Dhoh
,cniCo pectsmple AaGreqngua/kerHI CdnULI lVta! n lL ( 209/mo   ng0GOLa    all
 kerHI Cd h  Sgifh r d tHre V396/1)N@I hoeayHlikE 0o
seEa    all
   N Dhoh
vehicl HflbefiesEIN peo   .cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status:distribui toaatyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ1 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
WoeayHlikE 0o
seE 1 nangfix .neNAeekla   thos...Aw    glaR a.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamesnr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNASCARleD:
 ASCAR tonyfsummerild Luafy  gua/, v d Luaw8o30 0odJBrulanetcs: <Real Names Only> w    c         JULItntch ASCAR@rac7 1, f
 5Wins on CupY    Vol  StaBuschlGrapdnN# No04,, Craftsium SuphauTruckHapd0a   ech    Vol  Stasiuller oer
a ttv volve:nv d Luafy  gua/growEIN    Vol, 0odJBHapd0g0GReusaa tryleVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- ASCAR_CONTESTailanon ASCAR@Pick-3
 fC  tEstiC  Flags: .Last changed NASCAR@Pick-3
 fC  tEstiC  Flags: Aw    b Geekla
  20 h    TalPick-3
c  tEstiarold llmMw     eys 1:p pkE Luag2n 3efie ZysrsBob Hof12netv d Luaupc_C
 fNASCAR@Wins on Cup@racx . HYlmMw    earn.A  ere,ali poi rmibrsed ta h  NASCAR@poi rmi
tedtSdplusaeQuusessf u.A  ere,ali p pkuagegight.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- ATURE_FMYimmac,vlae natuLalaw8o30/5, wizard19@FyHIdrators:ag1any1h7 1. 1:3NAfogua0
snatuLalaw8o30 -/5, wizard19bird-watch
LY wilsnaliI lVlova LY botaMf LY zoilogf LY.A  ere,ali Rnilogyn,es:ece RnviroimE bnetc. D_Ca ucnaliI lVlova L 20 h    TalshoeayHrtyh.t usa ece PETS0e379/5, wizard19e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta8:7903/10eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcath       Status: Active
 :   Engin  steQuarginla atyber.90  StaGa  h li mailEINLN    f:   E.natuLewaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        2
nlar1Bdus8Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
etephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNAT_FLEA_MKTailanonHaad li Fi snit Csoeeklsale oklTr-asBob Hof12netnlo
lo, ta oklPtm  it Csoeeklsale oklTr-as. NOcCOMMERCIAL/5, wizard19ADS PERMITTED!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- BA_ECHOr   Ladlae NBAp:379/5, wizard19@W! na: alk tae NBA?, tw.segif8lby CBA?,WNBA?,ABL?, eyY    Vol  Sta hisiild Luagaks .oCEA GQua,;c_CaNg  .aLesve   rdeJg2falityBob Hof12netbehirsnald ophn   rdemies:eotJg2felaNo04,gbcsketb   .lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Edc,rigcall,  2070/0701Or   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- C-STATE-SPORTSRNING!lifr   Caanrina:,naIO SgortsrDrators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr, N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a34 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNCFIL  modulyNCFIL  moduly ING!lifr   Caanrina..Fil :Quer
OLuses:ArnouncerE bt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcatR18isBcho! ree-nmof tr ER18   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaats: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- CSAL  modulyNC@FyHISa C tonyfsummerlifr   Caanrina:FyHISa C &   eat.ark D.A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcatR18isBcho! ree-nmof tr ER18   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaats: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- CSSOr   LadN# No04,gC ali04edV<Re,eFVesases:StedtSs Admie ZtLanguarginla 12netrDrators:  /4ueen,  rffffEINLeo
tae N# No04,gC ali04edV<R.A  ere,ali  eFVesases:StedtSs Admie ZtLanguarginla 12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 30/212r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1-  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n 30/212@fdistribu- kitty  Vta!      3s  RuleD:
 sdrakd@is2 le  r    # .)   .   # sdrakd@is2 le  r   c-m- CSYSOPrginla NC@ eFVe tonyfsummerlifr   Caanrina:,eFVesagNLY e379/5, wizard19e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Stato06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcatR18isBcho! ree-nmof tr ER18   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaats: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- E-PATRIOTSRNING!liewlnus,ses:Pae-notsrPri Footb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.footb   .Jg2ath-pae-notsrN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1260 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNEC18isBcho!Re  ta 18aEneNA
tordi04/o  gs: <Real Names Only>
C  Flags: <eeklRe  ta 18aNEC'roy    Flags: gpd0  n LalBob Hof12netv JULI tlisru,i e2TV)y b,
 -3   . aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu FlanginRe  ta 18aB steQua gNLY Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Fergu
ome: 23   .bui toarns,kLY
 H   0sFebuleD:
 Foxy Fergu
ome: 23   .buweNEC343es- kitL rleHISeatt C Ophan'saNEC gs: <Real Names Only>
NEC343a   Flags: <A  aNJULofsf ulke  NEC tch gin343atocniCo pectsmprovidaEv JULI tlis li Filangi'saNET343. wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEb -343 0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edguLo, ho(L rleHISeatt C OphanaNETn343aSeatt C, WA)
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a16Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tJohn Pe   llNde V343 92, jpe   [email protected]   LrtCar022sovgr d /5,Je MLY V343 4 # rfj@lightmail        Vol  Sta  all
 Dan Updikd,  -343 177    Volty  Vta!      5-anses Floev jpe   [email protected] # .)   .   # John Pe   llN <jpe   [email protected]>buweNEEDLES_THulODSRNING!liEEDLES AND THulODSRNING!lTV)y blae d    illmMitch ny craft weichnv volveld Luausa <ReedFilet 20 h    Talspd0    JULItntchthrea LY yar2m, etc.  gs:va Llanetnugegif/5, wizard19irdelItusEih'  n LalHweile -th LuasaCaa ingnrerie uag10
ed taNames Only> weile muelizuageedFiletn,es:ecrea LnFER weMc_Ca. bIfEllmNames Only> useeedFiletn,es:ecrea Lnih'makuageclo1h7 1, dollLY upamion yY    Vol  Stamach7 e/h,es:stitch7 1, kny   h, crocheSs:n ulk V
drgoodLY.A  ere,ali lgi'sa alk segif8if! alaerposnuag1tch
 A/wwEINfv the n: 20 h    Talsit taghasEfith Luaghemen,es:R_N5v d Luaguidale  s <Reecne.A  ere,ali RneNAare Rn2ouh52Fi.ooFirsnargood Web Sit ?? T /l usaa/l 20 h    Talsegif8if! aY rdeowndwebmp99h URLi,C chi uASe FER weMc_Ca!eVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerto138/323eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EhpD_isBcho!atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ5 osonvileopJaEINra;NEEDLES_IsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOLief)hJAVA-DATABASTUREAgca Taylot,  2038/323, pcpbbs@ozathoOr   Lrel Russuransso30s  RuleD:
 pcpbbs@ozatho # .)   .   # "Agca Taylot" <pcpbbs@ozatho>buweNESYSOPrginla Newlnus,ses:Re  ta   ,eFVep:379/5, wizard19Newlnus,ses:(Re  ta 16)
Off9@i4,g,eFVepC  Flags: <VA-DATAed.A  ere,ali Rx-off9@io
 RC 16 f
 5 V1 /0eVisi e),alio
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftDavid ECwerRe  ta 16e.neNmaillhub tEINf(1 ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguREGION-16-gNLY Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAI ,eFVesageFV>leD:
    FlafSYSimilynonbll n:   1# tJerrydSchwartz # .142/928    Volty  Vta!      14-2gRuleD:
 JerrydSchwartz # .142/928  weNET140.CHATTERleD:
 gin140nChatt Il.neNNames Only>
Ai hatt Il   Flags: <eekluset nv d gin140, Saskatch
wadY    Vol  StaCanadaeVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO rea,alchs:nguo gi140noeFVrginla atyber.90D:
a  owFina_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf b ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
NC140,  .140/0rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNC140,  .140/0rlweNET140.ECHOHUBSleD:
 gin140nAdmiel.neNNames Only>
Admie ZtLan4edVt  Flags: <eekl.neNhub nv d gin140, Saskatch
wadY    Vol  StaCanadaeVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO rea,alchs:nguo gi140noeFVrginla atyber.90D:
a  owFina_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf b ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: NC140,  .140/0rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNC140,  .140/0rlweNET140.FORSAL  modulyNgin140nFyHISa C .neNNames Only>
AiFyHISa C t  Flags: <eekla/l uset nv d gin140, Saskatch
wadY    Vol  StaCanadaeVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO rea,alchs:nguo gi140noeFVrginla atyber.90D:
a  owFina_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf b ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: NC140,  .140/0rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNC140,  .140/0rlweNET140.HUBSleD:
 gi140nadmie ZtLan4vC .neNNames Only>
Annadmie ZtLan4vC .neNsf ulke  maillmova L tch gin140./5, wizard19@WnaE. accela1byoi vitan4edVoeFVrginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO, rea,alchs:nguo gin140rginla atyber.90D:
a  owFina_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf b ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: NC140,  .140/0rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNC140,  .140/0rlweNET140.SYSOPrginla Nein140n,eFVep.neNNames Only>
Annadmie t  Flags: <eeklseFVesnv d gin140, Saskatch
wadY    Vol  StaCanadaeVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO rea,alchs:nguo gi140noeFVrginla atyber.90D:
a  owFina_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf b ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: NC140,  .140/0rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNC140,  .140/0rlweNET140.TECHrginla Nein140nT.nenn, ho.neNNames Only>
Ait.nenn, hoiasatr,    Flags: <eekluset nv d gin140, Saskatch
wadY    Vol  StaCanadaeVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO rea,alchs:nguo gi140noeFVrginla atyber.90D:
a  owFina_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf b ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: NC140,  .140/0rls BJUDAICBo,rls B  N7s2ggiarit hfuNC140,  .140/0rlweNETn 30_ADMINstbarco ginn 30
Admie ZtLan4ve Cs: <Real Names Only>
Admie ZtLan4ve   Flags: <us.:n
 NCn 30
0oocznduct/ n: 20 h    Talbusuaessu pd0oakE urnouncerE bt tch  n LalH
 A/wwwguo gi 20 h    Taln 30
Admie Membet .rginla 12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 30/0eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu ginn 30
 steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
mNIaPerm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfMODcfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n 30/0@fdistribu- kitty  Vta!      3s  RuleD:
 sdrakd@is2 le  r    # .)   .   # sdrakd@is2 le  r   c-m- ET343es- kitL rleHISeatt C Ophan'sa,eFOenCs: <Real Names Only>
NET343a   Flags: <A  annadmie ZtLan4vC .neNsdesigns:ngucniCo pectsmprovidaEaccela1eo
tae NC, NEC tchFilangi'saNET343. wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht ShiftJOSHUA LEEb -343 0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edguLo, ho(L rleHISeatt C OphanaNETn343aSeatt C, WA)
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a15Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

,eFVesageFV>I      LanguageFVeleD:
    FlafulOLafSYSimilynonbll n:   1# tJohn Pe   llNde V343 92, jpe   [email protected]   LrtCar022sovgr d /5,Je MLY V343 4 # rfj@lightmail        Volty  Vta!      5-anses Floev jpe   [email protected] # .)   .   # John Pe   llN <jpe   [email protected]>buweNETLINE Co(RES
tordi04/lmMi:379<eekl*.C'wttch LuaOyh.t N Dhoh
Bob Hof12net.PrdT py n btHcme:shataEv JULI tlis op;
depe dE bnEtamesY    Vol  StaT.nenn, hom V
Kn, etc.  AnEv JULI tlis filencme:bs Jreq'd    Vol  Stahogua0
smagic nang <Reedtle   f
 5 V)   .352s ekl    v the n: 20 h    Tal w.addrelauageedtle  @fdis)  .qisatho.@Weile ech .neNAne.A  ere,ali primariFV designs:neekl*.C'wttcho   I  Dhoh
,laly2  awi  /5, wizard19ane
 A/wwwie   Dhoh
a  ordi04/lmMi   /BAedAon 4/104ed 20 h    Talis weMc_CaNguabec_CaNg9prdT py n b.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)   .352aaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD1isBcho! ree-nmof tr El2  l   steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ10 5echoliIP_CONNECeedtle  .rul Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    Fla tl guabesgags:na_N5gif8mA-DATABA@pf bysslis ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmyHECoHEa,hto)   .352s iom@baltion 4mdr       Volty  Vta!       ys2ggiarit hfuTeNmyHECoHEa,hto)   .352buweNETSCAPEr   Ladlae Netscape@D    illmMises:Sasatr, Etam! tonyfsummer
Y rde FlanginA/w rd: <eeklv JULI tlis, prela1rele AasY    Vol  StausetAtiesen,es:unoff9@i4,giasatr, [email protected]; 1.4uShataEexper
Os: LY iesen,es:n1/a.segif8lbWsu naIO tch Lu/5, wizard19ar, webmmuelity.@D    illmMitch    Jlavo L tch giscape@aby 20 h    TalweMc_CaNges:Rn2ouh52Fi.oD    illmMntf caIOLf8rele AasY9prtch
sY    Vol  Stages:bugegegortsrFER also
Rn2ouh52Fi.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- ET_DEV it.b  FlanginngiWoh
aDe  lopmE bi:379/5, [email protected]  eekl Luag.nenn, hod    illmMitch Fla  Di  Dhoh
A  ere,ali de  lopmE biges: Fla  Dit.nenn, hoitgesspiw     lols:  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
GorS  Eriks
ome:2:201/505Or   Lrel Russuranssos-JunuleD:
 GorS  Eriks
ome:2:201/505Orm- ET_FIL SRNING!liET_FIL SRNING!l   Status: ActivFil :ArnouncerE bi:379/5, wizard19e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status 2015/887 8:8/0rginla atyber.90D:
hpD_NETn8:8/0<> 2015/887 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue40LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNET_KIDSleD:
aKido.neNNames Only> NoaDescrip/lmMig0GRncniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status:us: Acti/asu  Di
tgcath/if setvnr anGhiepsu  Dcr       Volatyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ1 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmimilynonbll n:   1# tDaniels:uirheadY 8:7600/32es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNET_MAIL RleD:
tus: ActivMailetADrators:   Bob Hof12net.Fus: ActivD    illmMsrsegif8a   mailetAprograms.cniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Statu II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        VILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNET_TrstleD:
aTefn .neNNames Only>
Aigaks Heekl efns 0oochasEomongua/keemselvel. G-RffEIN 20 h    Talis a
mustcniCo pectsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status:us: Acti/asu  Di
tgcath/if setvnr anGhiepsu  Dcr       Volatyber.90  Sta8:8/0waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a3Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tGraham DownLY 8:7903/1es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNET_WIDE_CHATTERleD:
ENTIRE  Flanginngihoh
aa n LalHChasEArea! tonyfsummer
a n LalHd    illmMsroh'mtm  anfusubjhan . HVeladfew rulet 20 h    Talw    applytv d Lnet.neNAegtrple AaGres.-PtC    Ise,es:nNNames Only> nang @l  uag1tr JlaC
 .lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- EWSCHATr   LadlrekvFil :IAon 4/104ed ngihoh
a,eFOe'si:379/5, wizard19@Aa   Flags: <jua,Nf tal mbet ttch Luai     # No04,glrek/5, wizard19Fil :IAon 4/104ed ngihoh
lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohDeepaSpks H417e:234:10/0eaaDefs soShift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO (f tanow)
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        50LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ21Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

Membet hip Req>
mNIaPerm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfMEMBERcfuULcfMOD-APVL ex  St1enhannctive
Rnv rowne:234:10/0Or   Lrel Russuranssos3oJanuleD:
 RJBru rowne:1:286/0701Orm- EWTOtleD:
 gw on ComputetADrators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/iic:Ja.sysathw on.mrat.n1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a124Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tgregrgoodwi0 #greg.goodwi0nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNEW_AGE_ECHOr   LadNewlAge@D    illmMs.cniCo pectsmiFyHIexta!  EINfv JULI tlis ges:Rxper
Os: LGregarsEIN New/5, wizard19Age@N vEINY LHI Ctsen,es:proC Cms.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- EW_SYSOPrginla Novis HseFVes'giasatr, .neNNames Only>
,lproC Cm solvEINY setup:itgren,es:on 4....eVisi e),aliD    illmM9,es:e/wwEINfJULofsf uln1/e,es:nNvis HseFVes.    Vol  StaT. RumsgsrFER ok;aBBS, doot, ,es:'o   I  D' advertsrFER 20 h    Taldgt. Ple AaGa  owa0
smNI Langu(s) 0oorep yst2s0. Rumsgs.    Vol  StaAlso,rple AaG
ly> S a
cut-off da  sf ulrep
OLu(IgiaggestcniCo pectsmaoitgrn7 1.poi rttch3-dJBe)Y soEllm'ER dgtpwwE   rece vEIN    Vol  Sta hCm 3-wee
llater.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuranssosoanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- EW_WAVE_MUSICailanonNewlWsve Musicnd    illmMippcniBob Hof12net@AaJULofsf ulke  d    illmMitch    posn-gunk, NewlWsve music wio aGr mpagrn7uas e
slaIO 1970a1eo
tae prelent,dOnly> 7 1.grn7uasNames Only> weo evolve:ne
 50 asEmusic ho.ra.miFyHIexample (H-Ha, Ada     Vol  StaAnt,dAztec Cangra, B-52LY lae BearLY lae Beat,dBsu cmuranY    Vol  StaBlondiHerBoomtowndRffLY BillN BragNY ronski Beat,dlae BagglesY    Vol  StaTae Bazzcoc
,lTae CarLY China:Crisi ,lTae Cc3 h, Lloyd    Vol  StaCo C & LuaCommoanetn, JuluaM.Cope,lTae Cu 4, ElvEs CoHEe  o     Vol  StaCultuLe Ccub, De.-Ph <VA-D, Devo,rDipas ,uTeNmas DoBe
    Vol  StaDuk s <ReStLangmproat, DurS  DurS , Dsve Edmun LY :379<&    Vol  Sta hC Bannymsn ,Tae nus, Zy Beat,dErasu 4, Fc3 h & LuaPadY    Vol  StaFloc
<ReSeagullLY Gazebo, Nena:Hnpx , DeborahnHaala, HesvencniCo pectsm17e:Havana:3 A.M.e:Huium League# Joe Jcts
ome:Tae Jam,, twspicniCo pectsmJe MLY JoyrDivislmM, Kajagoogoo, Kae-nna:& LuaWsveLY Nik/5, wizard19Ket haw, Limahl, LovC & Roc
etLY Nic
Lowe# Madaess# Mar0 a/5, wizard19&l0
smuffins# Matt Biu coe:Tae Mon
,lAlis2  Moyho #Naked.A  ere,ali EyOLY NewlOrI L,lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohTae nclhanucrelbaBBS ( 2053/8fs soShift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mgrn7  RidgleNde V153/831es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5,Seaborn,  .140/12.1Orm- FB-TALKr   LadN# No04,gFenhannlmMitch hC Blies:n1/a/dy
1aootb/5, wizard19rN1/an,es:     illmMitchg2nt s <Res.-Pif9@H
 A/wwwguol mbet /5, wizard19itctae N# No04,gFenhannlmMitch hC Blies:ald ourne

Osds.    Vol  Sta FB Talk Laidg/e,oorsEC C as9aoom the n:pmailEINLN   . Youed:3/17y b Hcme:also
Tel  Ditoa FB NETnusuag10
om the n:.,Sersnarbelanpx tonyfsummereo
"if setvnnfbGhievpr"na_N5gif80
oqufish.aLesve Luasubjhan 20 h    Tal su kHapd0putasubscribR dfb- alk v d Luabodyitch hC belanpx.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi :lRrom the n:pmailEINLN    f
 5 V)82/10es- kitty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Dsvis:Ardr1/a,5 V)82/1045, dardr1/a@vislr       Volty  Vta!      soanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- FLr   LadN# No04,gFootb    LeagueNames Only>
Annabya eekl Luaf

OsdFV d    illmMsroch hC greasEsatr,/5, wizard19itc FLgFootb   .miE  ry2  ais weMc_CaNguashataEfactLY figureK,/5, wizard19i Henetn, qnguanetn, ald obsetvlanetnugegif footb   iv  20 h    Taltae N# No04,gFootb    League.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi :lRro9/5es- kitty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus216Or dveekNN  n,alic FLIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language:
 rel Rusn ,is e2e At_ECspiwi NhBe
athoOr   Lrel Russuransso8oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m- H  II tacA   aegif No, tldspecrA/iiWA/wwlEIN    Vol  Sta@FyHIdrators:is op;No, tldspecrA/iiWA/wwlEIN.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohunknowndaeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EllmMp pkEitpuprginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ5Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Phil Simp
ome: 2153/731, phil del@Ee usathoOr   Lrel Russuransso7s  RuleD:
 phil del@Ee usatho # .)   .   # Phil Simp
om <phil del@Ee usatho>buweNHL-CHATr   LadN# No04,gHoc
ey LeagueHChasECs: <Real Names Only>
Fil  A/iiSgorts.hoc
ey.nhl.chasEn1/appcni.Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a100Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
b/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNHL-HOCKEY Co(REST n L9@HNHLgHoc
ey d    illmMs.cniCo pectsmiFil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.hoc
ey.nhlrN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a123 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_BBS_ODSRNING!liewlJet ey BBS AdvertismE bi:379/5, wizard19@NJ_BBS_ODSlis a
BBS AdvertismE bi:379 eeklNewlJet ey BBS/5, wizard19OeFVrginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 30/212r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguNewlJet ey DAon 4/104ed 20 h  atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n 30/212@fdistribu- kitty  Vta!      3s  RuleD:
 sdrakd@is2 le  r    # .)   .   # sdrakd@is2 le  r   c-m- J_COMPUTERS4SAL  modulynj.mark Dr   putets [fil  A/i]Names Only>
C mputetAWS  nAds eeklNewlJet eyBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a40 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ,oorsEC C     saEe  ite/fto, Ple AaGreqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_EVENTSRNING!lnj.evE bt [fil  A/i]Names Only>
NewlJet ey Happe uagsBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8/0waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a90 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ,oorsEC C     saEe  ite/fto, Ple AaGreqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_GENEROLief)hJAnj.  n LalH[fil  A/i]Names Only>
NewlJet ey a n LalHDrators:   Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a174 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ,oorsEC C     saEe  ite/fto, Ple AaGreqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_GOFERleD:
 gwlJet ey'saNfr   WOLf8Go <RippcniBob Hof12net@hTae OFFICIAL GOFER .neNsf ulke  Nfr   WOLf8prdT tch Lu/5, wizard19GOFER_NJi  Dhoh
Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRroNEW JERSEYr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguNEW JERSEY
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        41LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ5 osonvileopJaEINramuen>5e2sovWAI ,eFVesageFV>leD:
    FlafSYSOPrginla Mbll n:   1# t  nfMoravsik # .) 0/mo83    Volty  Vta!      s5-anses Floev  nfMoravsik # .) 0/mo83  weNJ_MISC modulynj.mrat.[fil  A/i]Names Only>
Mrat.NewlJet ey N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a24 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ,oorsEC C     saEe  ite/fto, Ple AaGreqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_NETSRNING!liewlJet ey  gis Bcsketb    Tea     Vol  StaliewlJet ey  gis Bcsketb    Tea     Vol  Stactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a79 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    saEe  ite: Reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_POLITICSRNING!lnj.poli04ct [fil  A/i]Names Only>
Newljet ey Poli04ctBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a68 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ,oorsEC C     saEe  ite/fto, Ple AaGreqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNJ_WEATHERleD:
nj.wetyh.t [fil  A/i]Names Only>
NewlJet ey Wetyh.tBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a6 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ,oorsEC C     saEe  ite/fto, Ple AaGreqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNO-SAINTSRNING!liewlOrle ns Sai rmiPri Footb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.footb   .Jg2ato-sai rmiN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a362 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNOD SRNING!la n LalHDrators:  /5, [email protected] eysA  ann.neNstagamid.tBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro  ne
io aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD  RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Fergu
ome: 23   .bui toarns,kLY
 H  3soanses Floev Foxy Fergu
ome: 23   .buweNONPROFITSRNING!lD    illmMsrf ul501(c)(3) coratrlanetnBob Hof12net.Fil  A/iim the n:pN1/appcnirf uld    illmMsroch501(c)(3) 20 h    Taldgt-f u-Jg2fit coratrlanetn.Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a241 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    saEe  ite/fto fes:n-Greqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNOTANOTHERBUGRNING!la n LalHProgramm
 fC   <Real Names Only>
T n L9@HProgramm
 fC   <Real Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Statusasu  Di
 :   Engi    u  Sta8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a4 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    saEe  ite/fto -Greqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNOTRE-DAME-SPTSRNING!liftre Dang College SgortsrDrators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr, N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a102 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNOVELLrginla Nove   Tech:Sasatr,/5, wizard19@lech:Q&Aoiasatr,    Flags: <eeklNove   ngiWFER and rffffed.A  ere,ali Jg2ducts.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/290@fdistrievpr1Bdold N  ht Shift thdisimmac,vIAon 4/104edgu Flane
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD  RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Fru kHRamseNde V157/110.70    Volty  Vta!      soanses Floev Dsvis:Boweriume: 2053/290,CweNO_MOD RATORleD:
WeNsownLd Lnet.neN?/5, wizard19@HECoHEa claimtaghasE0
smOD RATORrochRECORDsownLd LC .neNNames Only> becauseeLnetRobgtpwoftwFER s   pwo. bIfEyh.te'aidg MOD RATORleD:
     if  h, weNsownLdann.neN?ohTae nN    Keeper?ohTae amid.tBob Hof12netoch hC password v d rua,Nf ta Luausars?
WeNshaLd LC finalBob Hof12nets   so,rtae nN    Keeper,rtae Trua,ee,rtae ZEC,rtae ZC or 20 h    Taltae uset noch hC .neN?ohA   Lnet,es:on 4 aLd LC g2nt V<R.A  ere,ali drators:is hetys nir,es:ece Fia   ,STtnlmMinetdetf byned.A  ere,ali whfn ech .neNAne b steQuad...eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999hiD:
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a100Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Roy Wito # .10/22, roywito@pacbe  athoOr   Lrel Russuranssos6-2gRuleD:
 roywito@pacbe  atho # .)   .   # roywito@pacbe  athoOrweNURELRNING!liewlRel   ousdmNverE bt    Vol  Sta@FyHIacademicnd    illmMi<Reedw rff   ousdmNverE bt.hTae.A  ere,ali drators:is m   be e
spoi rttchvidw tchon  d   iple  ,/5, wizard19irEitpm   be
 Ad   iple ary.@lanetwaLdgags:ne
20 h    Talddw rff   ousdmNverE btpmailEINLN   ,Aegtr hC gffEINLne.A  ere,ali brokfn asE0
smorE b.oD    illmMnWsu nE   weMc_Cas iowev L,lmMitchechha,es:s_CaNbelanpxsrFER crossposned.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivSou   I  AfL9@a (Rd/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u   Lre    NUREL-Ldgags:ne
 5I the n: 20 h  ONLY availcb er
t        3LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStev  HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   LrtCar022sovgr dIrvEIN Hexham,Or   Lrel Russuranssos2-2gRuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNY-JETSRNING!liewlJermiPri Footb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.footb   .Jg2aty-jermiN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a980 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNY-KNICKSRNING!liY Knlc
 NBA Bcsketb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcsketb   .nbaaty-knlc
 N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1002 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNY_GIANTSRNING!liewlYoh
aain btHFootb   Names Only>
aain btHFootb   Names Only> ctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a340 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    saEe  ite:Reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNY_METSRNING!liewlYoh
aMgis Bcseb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.iewlYouraMgis Bcseb    Tea  d    illmMs.cniCo pectsmctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a2388 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    saEe  ite:Reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNY_RANGERSRNING!liewlYoh
aR!   t nHoc
ey Drators:   Bob Hof12net.iewlYoh
aR!   t nHoc
ey Drators:   Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a3728 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl D a,ali Ss:nV   saEe  ite:Ifom theesned Ple AaGreqnguaimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweNY_YANKEESRNING!liewlYoh
aYankee Bob Hof12net.iewlYoh
aYankee  Drators:   Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1865 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    saEe  ite:Reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOAKLAND-ASRNING!lOak,ses:Athle04ct Bcseb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcseb   .oak,ses-a  N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a183 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOBEROtleD:
Oberon ComputetAONLY avaADrators:   Bob Hof12net.Fil  A/ g.oberon n1/appcni.Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a47 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywiChris GlurY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOCCULT_CHATr   LadOcculti hatt Il.l.l./5, wizard19@lanetA  ann.neNsf tatig-g2nt V hatt Ilrffffed
0oocznva Llanetned:3/17y b HcurrE biin suchn.neNxsrFs MAGICK, etc. AnyetsN   ve V<R.A  ere,ali anfuoch hC occultiBA@philosophy sty C .neN s <Rf A/iiby.A  ere,ali anfu  Dhoh
aataEv vifed
0oooakE usa <Re LnetA/w rd: .  A 20 h    TalsimpleNbelanpx1eo
tae tsN   ve V    ve mail, email, eklv  20 h    Taltae .neNsw    sufficaNguabec_CaN"affiliffed."  ,eFVesacaalaEIN    Vol  StaMAGICK eklanfuoyh.t "affiliffed" RneNAare reqnguaed
0ooalsoed:3/17y b HcmrrydOCCULT_CHAT soEghasE0
ikluset ncme:optimizelrffffnetnhipt 20 h    Talspd0cznva Llanetnna_N5gif8d a,urbuag102nt Vrulet v d Lu    Vol  Stamaiel.neN.retsN   ve rpm   dirFct OFF-TOPICom V
KnekltsN   ve .A  ere,ali draputea1eo
taisrFERa.  AnyetsN   ve V<R ann"affiliffed".A  ere,ali RneNAm   act as Co-tsN   ve Vunderltae .neNsguidale  s./5, wizard19Prelent ystLC fo  owuag1.neNxsrFraN"affiliffed": Magick,lmMitchechha acA/iiMagick, MyN5glogy, Sho #Hmif ic, ald o   Isenoned.A  ere,ali in ech .neN.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)18/890Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguNAB, WWBer    (l2  s 1-6) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mgsochf icvMaidsn ,is038/5666Or   LrtCar022sovgr dHmi ysSu  ivume: 2202/720Or   LrtCar022sovgr dRi hard Sm_N5, h.ra.Ee eia@junor       Volty  Vta!      s8s  RuleD:
 h.ra.Ee eia@junor    # .)   .   # h.ra.Ee eia@junor     weOC_ADMINstbarcoOrN5gdox ngihoh
aAdmie ZtLan4edNames Only>
Admie ZtLan4edV<R OrN5gdox   Dhoh
aOCNho #whi htA  ophannlIN    Vol  Staas prdT tch: Active .hA   seFVesnweNscmrrydanfuOCNho    Flags: t 20 h    Tals5gild le k1eo
taisr ne
as weMl.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivSou   I  AfL9@a,uOC/niCo ndso, OCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: A  Di  steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
I ,eFVesageFV>leD:
    Fla,eFVesaoeFVrginla nbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOC_BIBL  modulyOrN5gdox Bibl Names Only>
Bibl ld    illmMsre
 5annOrN5gdox poi rttchvidw.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivSou   I  AfL9@a,uOC/niCo ndso, OCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: A  Di  steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ9Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOC_BOOKSRNING!lOrN5gdox Boo
Bob Hof12net.Boo
ld    illmMsre
 5annOrN5gdox poi rttchvidw.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivSou   AfL9@a a feed/niCo ndso, OCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: Activb steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue5LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ1Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOC_COMMONstbarcoOrN5gdox CommonNames Only>
C mmon    Flags: <eeklg n LalHd    illmMsrb Dhefn uset Bob Hof12netochBBSsacaalaEINoOrN5gdox    Flags: t.@lanetA  f tal lanpxs 20 h    TaltaasEwgild ba <Rchg2nt  in ech on 4 s.-Pif9@H   Flags: t 20 h    Talald A  primariFV f talak7 o04,g   tact hoguao   Is.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: ActivSou   I  AfL9@a,uOC/niCo ndso, OCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: A  Di  steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ1Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOC_ORTHODOXstbarcoOrN5gdox tonyfsummer
a n LalHd    illmMsroh' LuaOrN5gdox ChristuaM.faoguaald/5, wizard19OrN5gdox Chrd:h t.@lanetA  ke  mainuOCNho drators:is c   <Real Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StaOCNho #tus: ActivSou   AfL9@a a fe ndso, OCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: A  Di  steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tro(RESTsiad
0oooailEINLN    oc.orN5gdox tonyfsec-1999histbarco8@junomue15LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ47Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOC_PENPALSRNING!lOrN5gdox ChristuaM.Pene

Osds Ccub tonyfsummer
D    illmMsrf ull mbet ttch LuaOrN5gdox ChristuaM.Pene

Osds    Vol  StaCcubHapd0peopleNweNsweNswgild lekaNguabec_CaNl mbet . IR.A  ere,ali llmMaER dgtpaNl mbetn,es: on't hS  nguabec_CaNoeHerrtyh.tBob Hof12netjoin ech OC_ORTHODOX c   <Real Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StaOCNho #tus: ActivSou   AfL9@a a fe ndso, OCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: A  Di  steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tro(RESTsiad
0oooailEINLN    oc.penpals ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOC_RELIGIONstbarcoRel   on tonyfsummer
D    illmMttchrff   oMsrg n LallNde,es:eceirlrffffnetngucniCo pectsmOrN5gdox ChristuaMity.@Weile ecA     Flags: <c.n e s <ncniCo pectsmOrN5gdox ChristuaMity,ll mbet ttchoyh.t rff   ousdbodi t 20 h    TalaER weMc_CaNguaprdT py ntede,es:eo drators yHIexplain echitBob Hof12netrff   oM.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tOCNhoimmac,vIAon 4/104edguOCNho #tus: Activb steQua hohldwids Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15LE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# tStephfn HayOLY 8:7903/10Or   Lrty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOFFICE_SUPPORTimilynonicrosoft OfficaND    illmMises:Sasatr, tonyfsummer
UsetAtoausetAiasatr, eekl    va LlmMsrochnicrosoft Offica.A  ere,ali inly> 7 [email protected] Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro6:750/223Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu FlanginnAB,  FlanginZ1B, RIME 20 h  atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOlL ex  St1enhannctive
HBasi del,   uncil@edsamail    .phbu- kitty  Vta!      3s  RuleD:
   uncil@edsamail    .ph # .)   .   #   uncil@edsamail    .phbuweOFFLINE Co(RESOffle   MailND    illmMiFULof/5, [email protected]
drators Offle   MailNin g n Lal,aald/5, wizard19ech associffedSOffle   MailNDooIse,es:   d Ise,oorsEC C/5, wizard19feklanfuBBS SoftwFER,uOphannlINa,eFtem, etc. We
Rn2ouh52F.A  ere,ali drators:is
 uset ni theesned in g n Lal <Rcle   mailhg2nt s,lmMitchechhafeatureK, locnnlINar  d Ise,es:uuelityAprograms, eklseeklIN    Vol  Staassi das: <hoguar  dlINamail  Au  BA@prdT py ntlmMnWsuweMc_Ca 20 h    Talald Rn2ouh52Fi!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto135/382Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1-  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ200Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
UPD,Or   LrtCar022sovgr dJim Hanoiume: 2006/leD0, jhanoium@kannon   .       Volty  Vta!       7oJanuleD:
 Jim Hanoiume: 2006/leD0, jhanoium@kannon   .     weOFF_TOPIC    VolChristuaM.chasEe379/5, [email protected]  devofed
0oocznva Llanetnrb Dhefn ChristuaM Bob Hof12netoMis varietyitchg2nt s.....eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohtus: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status:us: Activb steQua/asu  Di
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a354Or dveekNN  n,ali OTRULESIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flaif setvnr anGhiepsu  Dcr       Volnbll n:   1# tSusaM.Vadel, 8:740  .4Or   LrtCar022sovgr dSues:uirheadY 8:7600/32es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOKLAHOMA 20 h  GENEROL CHAT FOR OKLAHOMA 20 h    Sta@FyHI  BseltaasEhsve lived in LuasnaIO taasEwgild leka tonyfsummereo
chasEoegif8lbeirlsnaIO.dSuchusubjhan : Gova nment,dGeographt s,lmMitchechhaEcznomt s, Hf ola, currE bievE bt ald Rtc,,,lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto170mo 3Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Gar   aumgrdTnel, to170mo 3Or   LrtCar022sovgr dLinda:HnrgraveLY to170m160Or   Lrty  Vta!      9oanses Floev Gar   aumgrdTnel, to170mo 3@ Flane
weOL  II tacO le
Bibl lDrators:   Bob Hof12net.DI   illmMsroh'O le
Bibl lSoftwFERNames Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Status: Activr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Statusasu  Di
tgcath II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t        VILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOLD-ENGINE Co(RESOld E  EIea1drators:is e379/5, wizard19@Old E  EIea1.neNAgaks Hamid.t.PendlINae   -setvetBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro397/6nlar1Bdold N  ht hpD_d N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO II tac1dso, hi ilynonbll n:   Reqngua/oeFVrginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: ElvEs HArgrovae: 2397/6    Volty  Vta!      soanRuleD:
 ElvEs Hargrovae: 2397/6@fdistribuweOLD-ENGINES Co(RESOld E  EIea1drators:is e379/5, wizard19@Old E  EIea1.neNAgaks Hamid.t.PendlINae   -setvetBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro397/6nlar1Bdold N  ht hpD_d N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO II tac1dso, hi ilynonbll n:   Reqngua/oeFVrginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do         R Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: ElvEs HArgrovae: 2397/6    Volty  Vta!      s7-FebuleD:
 ElvEs Hargrovae: 2397/6@fdistribuweOLDCARS Co(RESOld CarLe,es:  fffed
T2nt sBob Hof12net@Aag n Lal    Flags: <eekl alk7 1.gegif8midacaa ,lprdTs/5, wizard19feklmid.t.caa ,l ol
OLugegif8midacaa .@WeasEA  annmidacaa??/5, wizard19we'   alk gegif8mtm  anfthuag1tlderltaann15 yearL eklsN.lmMitchechhaIf llmMhsve a qnguanet/i fisEA  tld, brEINLnt nir,es:see.A  ere,ali if9wevb rk gegif8it,d(wa hon't bite).lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)404/leDr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thdisimmac,vIAon 4/104edguA     steQuas Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoECHLDCARSIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl ex  St1enhannctive
GerrydCalhoume: 22404/leDOr   LrtCar022sovgr dRu   Argu
te: 22404/le1    Volty  Vta!      soanses Floev GerrydCalhoume: 22404/leDOrweOLDENGINES Co(RESOld E  EIea1drators:is e379/5, wizard19@Old E  EIea1.neNAgaks Hamid.t.PendlINae   -setvetBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro397/6nlar1Bdold N  ht hpD_d N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO II tac1dso, hi ilynonbll n:   Reqngua/oeFVrginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do         R Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: ElvEs HArgrovae: 2397/6    Volty  Vta!      soanRuleD:
 ElvEs Hargrovae: 2397/6@fdistribuweOLDTRUCK Co(RESOldTruck:@WeasEcme:llmMdo<hogua hCm???pecrdel!!!!/5, wizard19@lae OLDTRUCKt.neNA1  devofed
0oodrators:i     ca nlINaecrdel     Vol  StaCoumdel-Trade ald o   Il   is:neield .@Pcrdpy n btpmayoalsoed:3/17y b Hjoin in d    illmMsroegif8lruck ,leesntrlanetna,es:s_rd:  Bob Hof12netochprdTs9feklOld Trucks.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)   .352r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD1 w   rnl a,ali Status:pD_NETnZ_NE 1 BACKBONE
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a10 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl guabedgags:na_N5gif8mNI Langu.petmirs:  /5, wizmNI Language: TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9oanses Floev TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.     weOLD_ENGINE Co(RES Flane
tHEalgiaa,es:Old E  EIefC   <Real Names Only>
D    illmMttchmidaeklmbsolete
Rn EIea. Ask50
speopleNweNBob Hof12netrfsntre ald maintain echm. F
 5suagleNcylies IlFlywheeletBob Hof12netRn EIea guaMultiNcylies Ilaircraft radials ald beyond. Limined.A  ere,ali automoanve
 A04,g  mbuuanet/itgr.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto097/6nlar1Bdold N  ht old N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ-1vb steQua II tac1dso, hi :lRro9ONE
 :   HE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: ElvEs Hargrovae: 2397/6Or   LrtCar022sovgr dEmeri TV Jim Dunmyel, to234/lOr   LrtCar022sovgr dJ st Ydsose: 23  3/1275    Volty  Vta!       9oanses Floev ElvEs Hargrovae: 2397/6@fdistribuweOLD_ENGINES Co(RESOld E  EIea1drators:is e379/5, wizard19@Old E  EIea1.neNAgaks Hamid.t.PendlINae   -setvetBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro397/6nlar1Bdold N  ht hpD_d N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO II tac1dso, hi ilynonbll n:   Reqngua/oeFVrginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do         R Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: ElvEs HArgrovae: 2397/6    Volty  Vta!      s7-FebuleD:
 ElvEs Hargrovae: 2397/6@fdistribuweOMEGA_SOFT Co(RESOffici   ,asatr, :379 eeklOmegalSoftwFERiPriducts/5, wizard19@Offici   ,asatr, :379 eeklOmegalSoftwFERiPriducts
 anRk/5, wizard19Wi  iam
ome:inly> 7 1.Ine
ald Lab0. R.rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 30/212r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Flanginectshe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Scott Drakd,  -n 30/212@fdistribu- kitty  Vta!      3s  RuleD:
 sdrakd@is2 le  r    # .)   .   # sdrakd@is2 le  r   c-m-ON_LINE_GAMES Co(RESO le
BBSMdoeklgangua   Flags: ./5, wizard19@BBSMc   ea ,l eFVes,n,es: o uldevelopha ncme:me Ditoadrators/5, wizard19echir favol
T2nt s:inly> eag n Lal.A  ere,ali dooIsechas,: o uldevelopment,d o uldesign, dooIsebeta 0. R7 1, 20 h    Talddw  o ulideas,n,es:irsngu surhifndlINaon-le
ganguav  20 h    Talg n Lal.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: John HE btch # .)18/9e1    Volty  Vta!      soanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-OPEN_BIBL  modulyOpen
Bibl lm the # No04,gForum!/5, wizard19@On-le
Bibl lStudV f taseeklIN
Biblic   Truth.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto138/323Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EhpD_isBcho!1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus50Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: An
Taylor,hto138/323, pcpbbs@ozathoOr   LrtCar022sovgr dHatvey Sm_N5, to138/323.14,l m_N5ha@swbe  athoOr   Lrel Russuransso5s  RuleD:
 pcpbbs@ozatho # .)   .   # pcpbbs@ozatho (An
Taylor )c-m-OPINIONstbarcoO Henetnn,es:Htl T2nt sBob [email protected] eysA  ann.neNstagamid.tBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro  ne
io aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguPrivaIO II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD  RNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Fergu
ome: 23   .bui toarns,kLY
 H  3soanses Floev Foxy Fergu
ome: 23   .buweORL-MAGICs:   NN  ,sesoiMagic NBA Bcsketb    Drators:   Bob Hof12net.fil  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcsketb   .nbaaorl-magic N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a68 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d artli Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOS-DEBAT  modulyOpeannlINa,eFtem DebaIO II tac12net@Ae:open    Flags: <eekl0
sd    illmMises:debaIOroh' Lu    Vol  Stameri na,es:shtr,   uagsttch   putet ophannlINl eFtem ,l uch    Vol  Staas DOS,9Wieso/a,5OS/2,iMacOS,9Unix, AmigaOS,9VMS,9ad infHentum.lmMitchechhaD    illmMsrcme:g Difairly
 nsHersNAgrepFERiyourselves!rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 30/212r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n 30/212Or   Lrel Russuransso5s  RuleD:
 sdrakd@is2 le  r    # .)   .   # sdrakd@is2 le  r   c-m-OS2 Co(RES Flane
m the # No04,gOS/2fC   <Real Names Only>
lae OS/2f   Flags: <A  f ta0
sd    illmMitch LuaOS/2fophannlIN    Vol  StaseFtem, i na # Nve appl9@aanetn, i namark D7 1, ald o   I.A  ere,ali drrFctly rffffed
caala 20 h    Taltae .ntrrFifaActi tch:Flane
OS/2f   Flags: s soEghasE0
ik 20 h    Taluset nw    hsve ac: ss
0ooall svenu s <R
OS/2fd    illmM.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1-  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaat12netRn , Zyli td vesopas t 419 thr ECHOLISTtof a1733Or dveekNN  n,ali OS2IsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: Gevpre@Weitede2:257/609.6Or   LrtCar022sovgr dGevpre@Weitede2:255/9e..4Or   Lrel Russuransso8oanRuleD:
 Gevpre@Weitede2:257/609.6Orm-OS2BBS/5, wiz,asatr, FyHIOS/2-BcseduBBS SoftwFER II tac12net@Ae:open    Flags: <eekl0
sd    illmMitchrunnlINaOS/2-bcsed.A  ere,ali BBS,amailel,  o u,e,es:uuelityAwoftwFER underlIBM'saOS/2Bob Hof12netophannlINl eFtem.
D    illmMttch # Nve DOSuBBS softwFER II tac12netrunnlINaunder,5OS/2
as weMl
as o   IlOS/2-rffffed
0ont s,lmMitchechhaA  petmitfed
as far aLd LCy rffffe
0oorunnlINaOS/2-bcsed.A  ere,ali BBSAwoftwFER underlOS/2.rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 30/212r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu Flanginectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scott Drakd,  -n 30/212@fdistribu- kitty  Vta!      3s  RuleD:
 sdrakd@is2 le  r    # .)   .   # sdrakd@is2 le  r   c-m-OS2DOSAMPS_ECHS/2: DOSu,es:Wieso/a appl9@aanetnNames Only>
D    illmMttchDOSu,es:Wieso/a appl9@aanetntrunnlINaundercniCo pectsmOS/2
in VDML eklVMBs.  Anyeo   Ilirsngu rffffed
0ooOS/2'nNames Only> VDML ,es:VMBs.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Jo04taannde  /nGh Pollard,s:pD_NET#2:257/609.3Or   LrtCar022sovgr dJo04taannde  /nGh Pollard,s:pD_NET# 2009/921.70    Volty  Vta!      2oJanuleD:
 Jo04taannde  /nGh Pollard,s 2009/921.70  m-OS2DOSBBS/5, wiz,asatr, FyHIDOS-BcseduBBS SoftwFER9UnderlOS/2 II tac12net@Ae:open    Flags: <eekl0
sd    illmMitchrunnlINaDOS-bcsed.A  ere,ali BBS,amailel,  o u,e,es:uuelityAwoftwFER iMis DOSusers:  /5, wizard19underlIBM'saOS/2tophannlINl eFtem.
D    illmMttch # NvecniCo pectsmOS/2
as weMl
as o   IlOS/2-rffffed
0ont s,lmMitchechhaA  petmitfed
as far aLd LCy rffffe
0oorunnlINaDOS-bcsed.A  ere,ali BBSAwoftwFER underlOS/2.rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)13/742Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1-  steQuarginla atyber.9005, dfyHE@mesaatlcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a10 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: R,esalHPutna  # .)13/742Or   Lrel Russuransso8oanRuleD:
 R,esalHPutna  # .)13/742Orm-OS2FORSAL  modulyForum<eeklbuy Ise,es:sellet ttchOS2h   patEC C priducts/5, wizard19@A FORSAL  .neNsw guaa s.-Pif9@HechmR,
merssurd  e mustNames Only> beh   patEC C w guaOS2I
C mmersi   posnuagstw    beha  owed.A  ere,ali egtrspamm
 ftchhure@numbet ttchposns iMis rowtw    behd   ouh52Fi.rginla ),aliVeesorsnweNsadvert  e priductsEghasEaER dgtp   patEC C w gucniCo pectsmOS2tw    behasked
0ootakE echir wFERs [email protected]  dgtp
0oorepaks H LuaOS2HW .neNswh.tesd    illmMBob Hof12netochwaasEwgrksn,es: oesn't hoh
atakEsAgaks ,Aegtris
0ooassi d.A  ere,ali egy Ise,es:sellet ttchOS2hrffffed
priductsEgo find each    Vol  Stao   I.
KeepH LualNLY avaAcle n.rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 24/801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ ne
1 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Dsve Calafras:   o,hto) 24/801Or   Lrel Russuransso5s  RuleD:
 Dsvis.Calafras:   o@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dsve@drakkarevprOrm-OS2HWAMPS_ECHS/2dHatdwFER II tac12net@D    illmMttchhatdwFERlirsngu rffffuag102h LuaOS/2fophannlIN    Vol  StaseFtem suchna  devicaNdrivea ,lhatdwFERl   patibelitye:inHEallan4edNames Only> difficulties,n,es:hatdwFERlphaeekmas: ./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 24/801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguaMl
b steQuas Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Lynn Lash # .)18/100 # azimuth@primeGhie       VolllllllllllllllDsvis:Calafras:   o,hto) 24/306# dsve@drakkarevprOr   Lrel Russuransso6-2gRuleD:
 Dsvis.Calafras:   o@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dsve@drakkarevprOrm-OS2INETOr   Lrlae m the n:p,es:OS/2fm thgLan4edV,es:UsR II tac12net@D    illmMttchtae m the n:p,es:howt02h
 Afa: <hoguait.A  ere,ali in OS/2.
T2nt s:inly> eam the n:p   FiguLan4ed,5I the n: 20 h  y b HcliE bt ald setvet ,l cripfEINLnnly> 7 1.REXX, HTML,aald/5, wizard19o   Ilm the n:prffffed
cod7 1, usetAassi das: <,es: Aon 4/104edBob Hof12netochi theesn7 1.Inthe n:pWWW, Gophel, FTP sisose:IRCussurnels,/5, wizard19WinsockAprogramse,es:uuelitiet v dWin-OS2IlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto009/63aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1- ACKBONE
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a30Or dveekNN  n,ali OS2INETIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: JanguaMckenziee: 205/64    VolllllllllllllllDsve:Calafras:   o,hto) 24/306bu- kitty  Vta!      3s2gRuleD:
 JanguaMckenziee: 205/64  m-OS2LANAMPS_ECHS/2dLoc   Area ngihoh
sNames Only>
lae OS2LAN    Flags: <deals hogualoc   FERae,es:wids FERaNames Only> (LANse,es:WANs)   Dhoh
a eFtem EghasEinvolveltae useV<R.A  ere,ali IBM'saOS/2tophannlINl eFtem> (,es:it  prede: ssgua)[email protected]  ere,ali inly> s seFtem EghasEhsve file setvet  bcsedroh'OS/2
ald/5, wizard19seFtem EghasEiasatr, OS/2
bcsedrreqnguaoa .@A  owed
0ont s.A  ere,ali inly> I  BselmentiQuadroegvR,
as weMl
as hatdwFER, softwFER II tac12netrffffed
item Es.-Pif9@He2h Luasang./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto) 24/801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguaMl
b steQuas Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Alec Herkmasme: 2053/8086,
[email protected]   LrtCar022sovgr dDsvis:Calafras:   o,hto) 24/306# dsve@drakkarevprOr   Lrel Russuransso6-2gRuleD:
 Dsvis.Calafras:   o@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dsve@drakkarevprOrm-OS2PROGOr   Lrlae  FlanginOS/2
 fE379/5, wizard19@lae OS2PROG1.neNAgrovisOLug<eekum<eekl0
sd    illmMises.A  ere,ali Jg2C CmtA/w TtnlmMitchprogramm
 funderlOS/2.rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto009/347Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguA   :Flane
Aon 4/104ed pathse:asu  Di
tgcath II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus150Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Dsvis:Noon,hto009/347    Volty  Vta!      28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajik Fiaget ,l 23 34/12Orm-OS2REXXOr   Lrlae  FlanginOS2REXXfE379/5, wizard19@lae OS2REXXf.neNAgrovisOLug<eekum<eekl0
sd    illmMises.A  ere,ali Jg2C CmtA/w TtnlmMitchprogramm
 fin LuaREXXflNLY avaAundercniCo pectsmOS/2.rginla ),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto009/347Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguA   :Flane
Aon 4/104ed pathse:asu  Di
tgcath II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus150Or dveekNN  n,ali OS2REXXIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Dsvis:Noon,hto009/347    Volty  Vta!      28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajik Fiaget ,l 23 34/12Orm-OSDEBAT  modulyOpeannlINa,eFtem DebaIO II tac12net@lae m the # No04,gOSDEBAT   FlanginE379mailh   Flags: ! II tac12net@D    illmMtses:debaIOrof currE biapd0py  VOpeannlINa,eFtemt 20 h    Talald OpeannlINa,eFtem lechnglogigu.a@lae purposa <Re Lne.A  ere,ali RneNAis
0ooallowta paks H LasEuset ncme:debaIOrke  meri nBob Hof12netochme:ophannlINl eFtem>a_N5gif8ly>V
uag10hC .neN s wh.te/5, wizard19suchndebaIOrwgild ba    sisOA/iitig-g2nt . uA   :FlaNhoOr   LrtCar0seFtem EcaalaEINo Lnet.neN must agrex1eo
tae pub, Zyedrr   R./5, wizard19@FTP IAon 4/104edsA  aoorsEC Cre
as/5, wizard19weMl
as uuRn2oded
*.pkt  lentn    SMTP mail  C  tact [email protected]    II tac12net@log   tact ech onN   ve rp    Inthe n:pEmail: [email protected]    II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06un45aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguZ1B,nnAB II tac1dso, hi ilyno2:440/4rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus50Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Ds CrRoss,hto06un45, [email protected]    II tac12net@@@@@@@@@QuentintStephfns,hto06un45, [email protected]  .uk    Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 Ds CrRoss,hto06un45, [email protected]    Im-OTHERNETSRNING!lO   INhoiveIneekmanlmMitn ngihoh
s9o   Iltaann:FlaNhoOr   LrtCar0@lae OTHERNETSt.neN haLdbefn guaab, Zyedreekl0
sd  sem
a04edBob Hof12netochi eekmanlmMioegif8"O   INhoi".!lO   INhoiEaER ech oultip C/5, wizard19althe # Nve ngihoh
s9o   Iltaann:FlaNho.retanfuochus knowBob Hof12netochs_Cas suchna  AmbetNho #EggNho #Sig n:p,es:RBBS-NETI.A  ere,ali But,d is:llmMknowta   Dhoh
aexf sreekl tHr Trek fans?CHO.A  ere,ali egsEIeasausars?
Howtaegif8a   Dhoh
afyHI  Bseltchtae ChristuaM.A  ere,ali Faogu?
Hsve llmMheard tchLCRNho?@Pcru  D?:[email protected]/5, wizard19cme:llmMfind Nho,ses:EM.ntronicvMagazEIe?aIf llm'reni theesned.A  ere,ali in althe # Nve ngihoh
s, llm'   wS  nguaprdT py nte v d Lu    Vol  StaOTHERNETSt.neN. THELN    ochoyh.tngihoh
s...NETSALL.ARTimilynoechhaA  pub, Zyedrweekly
aOTHERNETS,lspd0czntact poi rsreek 20 h    Taltaese ngihoh
s9FER ur2Fireo
join ech .neN. Posnet ni  OTHERNETSRNING!l,ali RneNAMUST behaC Cr0ooreceNve ei   Il:Fla ve mail eklIntheNhoOr   LrtCar0E-Mail   A si del RneN,nnETLINEpm   be usedreekldetailed.A  ere,ali    mun9@aanetntb Dhefn l mbet ttch LuaOyh.tngis.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edgu  steQuas Co(RESTsia P tr),aliVervan'saGam
 fngin(l2   45)05, dfyHE@mesaatlcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a150Or dveekNN  n,ali OTHRNETSIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fla tl guabedgags:na_N5gif8mNI Langu.petmirs:  /5, wizmNI Language: TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9oanses Floev TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352 Im-OTHER_SUNSRNING!lOTHER SUNS Scigs: <FicnlmMiRo CrasuaEINoGamR II tac12net@Devofed
0oo LuaSFRPGlOTHER SUNS, pub, Zyedrev FS  asyoGamRs/5, wizard19Unlimined.haD    illmMsrtchrulgu rfvisnetn, ddw rks n, "hf olic  ".A  ere,ali b stghifnd, ald secznd edinlmMirulgu rfvisnetn.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thURNE
 :   IAon 4/104edgu urctivb steQua Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue11 thr ECHOLISTtof a10 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma <mNI Petm Reqesndly, frlnsucfMOD/5, wizmNI Language: Nicolai Shapeto,hto002/524    Volty  Vta!      s7-FebuleD:
 K   Shapeto,hto002/524  m-OTHRECH_immac,vE379L    ochEneN s i  Althe # Nve ngihoh
sNames Only>
OTHRECH_AgrovisOLufeklann uncemE bt rffffuvCr0ooEneNMail 20 h    TalaERa Ecaaliedrev Althe # Nve ngihoh
sde,es:ecBseldgtp aaliedBob Hof12netoMi:FlaNho.rtsN   ve rpses:SYSOPS9cme:use
0ooarr!   /5, wizard19feklfeed ,lpg2C CmtA/w TtnlmM, etc. An  uncemE bt tch dw.A  ere,ali submirs:  se,es:upddsosAgrovisOdrev onN   ve rpw    behposned.A  ere,ali eystLC EneNbcse data
bcse locnnadrothto)   .352.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)   .352r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD1 w   rnl a,ali Statusto)   .352 I :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a10 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl guabedgags:na_N5gif8mNI Langu.petmirs:  /5, wizmNI Language: TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9oanses Floev TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.     weOT_SUPPORTimilynolae M lanpxtrksketn,es:ve mailmannpxr O/T tonyfsummer
D    illmMsr,es:qnguanetu rffffuag10he ngimailmannpxr ses.A  ere,ali m lanpxtrksketnO/T tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edgu:Flane
 steQua,uA    Aon 4/104ed seFtemt 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoEOTIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
EckhrdT voe:dem Ber2Fde2:24  .069 II tac12net@@@@@@@@@Pedel Hampfde2:24  .09DOr   LrtCar022sovgr dSteve Quarrellae: 209/m9005    Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev EckhrdT voe:dem Ber2Fde2:24  .069 IweOVERSEERS_PNAMPS_ECHvet e Is.A  ere,ali CHvet e Is.A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohPeileoctivr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPNAMPS_ECl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u  Sta: Active
 :   HE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ2 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: Roe:Holanck, 777o000 .bui toarns,kLY
 H   ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweOZARKS_A&  modulyOzah
s9Arbt ald EnthetainmE b.A  ere,ali CHzah
s9Arb & EnthetainmE b. tn-t liminedreo
just enthetain Is.A  ere,ali ald mgsEcuaM tochBr!
ome:Mo.!olae "g n Lal pub, c"aA  v vifed tonyfsummereo
join in.@A sNAsee
ioBRANSONstbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mi hael McCabee: 20/121    Volty  Vta!      s9oJanuleD:
 Mi hael McCabee: 20/121@fdistribuweP5DRAFT Co(RESC  Flags: <eeklD    illmMttchPo, cy 5 DRAFT Co(RESard19@A pub, ch   Flags: ,reekl YSOPS9ONLY,1eo
drators tae promoanome.A  ere,ali  ERan4edV,es:czntE bt tcha POLICY 5 DocumE b.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatpD_d N  ht mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edgu  steQuas Co(RESTsia P tr),ali:Fla l2  s ONLY05, dfyHE@mesaatecuit#ed hoXTHUSVILLE-JAGUARURE6ofagJ20Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
I ,eFVesageFV>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsuc tl guabedgags:na_N5gif8mNI Langu.petmirs:  /5, wizmNI Language: TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9oanses Floev TeNm@HECoHEa,hto)   .352s ion@baltion 4md.     wePACKETOr   LrAmagsur/HAM Pksket Radio II tac12net@D    illmMttchpksket radiooasLnt appl9ea guaAmagsur ek 20 h    TalHAM radiooophannletn. @A sNAetngunt  in ech HAM RneN/   Flags: ./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto00/22  ht mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edguA     steQuas Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zy, Amelic nlnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Roy Witt,hto00/22, roya_Nt@pksbe  athoOr   Lrel Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
 roya_Nt@pksbe  atho # .)   .   # roya_Nt@pksbe  athoOrwePALMTOPS_FMY05, dfyPalmtVesaC  putet DI   illmM II tac12net@   p.seF.palmtVesafil  A/iin1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1973 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/ftp reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_BOOKSRNING!lBoo
reeklCeildags II tac12net@Parenting:lBoo
reeklkidn.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a645 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife: reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_BulOSTFEED/5, wizBERa tfeedlINaDrators:   Bob Hof12net.BERa tfeedlINad    illmMs. Plecse eesnlicl guaadultsaoeFV.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Actine
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1576 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ed sngillife  Aon 4/104ed. IRfdesirFi plecse eeqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_COMPUTERes- kitUseltch   putet reeklkidn...eVisi e),aliaD    illmMsrtchgsEIgh   putet rid parenting.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a23 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:ned sngillife feed. IRfdesirFi plecse eeqngua.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_CONSUMERS Co(RESParenting -SC  stofIs.A  ere,ali CParentsoasLc  stofIs.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a24 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife. IRfdesirFi plecse eeqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_GENEROL
 :   E n Lal D    illmMsroh'Parenting tonyfsummer
a n LalHD    illmMsroh'Parenting tonyfsummerctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1190 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ed sngillife,/i fdesirFi, plecse eeqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_HEALTHes- kitKidnMhealthad    illmMseVisi e),aliaD    illmMsrtnlkidnMhealthairsngu. tonyfsummerctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a428 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl aoorsEC CrtnlSngillife/FTP reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_INFO Co(RESParenting IneekmanlmM II tac12net@Parenting -Si ee.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a20 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl ed sngillife  Aon 4/104ed. IRfdesirFi, plecse eeqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_MULTIPLES Co(RESParenting Twins/Trip Cts II tac12net@Parenting ochnultip Cs (Twins/Trip Cts)eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a285 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl D a,ali Ss:ned Sngillife: Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_PREGNANCY05, dfyPregnancyaDrators:   Bob Hof12net.parenting d    illmMsred pregnancy.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a3729 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:ned sngillife. IRfdesirFi plecse eeqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTING_SHAREWARE/5, wiz,harewFERleeklKidnBob Hof12net.,harewFERleeklKidn  /i-lt.   p.sharewFER.eek-kidnBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a18Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As
  ,:faeeaiacrimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,[email protected] e),alioVa@aanetntd    illmMsrfBA@prdents. tonyfsummerctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a42 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:ned sngillife feed. IRfdesirFi plecse eeqngua.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePARENTS Co(RESParentsfE379/5, wizard19@FBA@prdents, grandprdents, or wFnnabe n, Lnet.neN grovisOL 20 h    Taltae iasatr, ppcniH Las's soEne: ssar  fBA@raisEIgh eildags II tac12netin eoday's world. tonyfsummerctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro  steQuaaGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edguB steQua II tac1dso, hi :lRro9Qua II tacONLY availcb er
t        80 thr ECHOLISTtof a152 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: Donna R,esdill # .)02/1411, mbr3@juno.       Volty  Vta!       1-Dec-1999rev obr3@juno.    # .)   .   # Donna M R,esdill <obr3@juno.   esndly,WARNING!@lanetif
 fisusubjhan guabe
 fremovs:na_N5in ech next 3DOr   Ldays/i fisEA  dgtpupddsodrev a8mNI laeaget.,CwePARROTS Co(RESParrotsSC  Flags: <(InaslItu)/5, [email protected] dgtpsustain enough trafficned is's owme.A  ere,ali soEisEwasfremovs:ne
b steQuas. Plecse don't attempt tonyfsummereo
reif .lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)410/4eDr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgu9Qua.ha eeroegvR. II tac1dso, hi :lRro9Qua II tacONLY availcb er
t        nedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Kathy John
ome: 2)410/4eD    Volty  Vta!       5oanses Floev Kathy John
ome: 2)410/4eD  wePASCOL
 :   Pascal.A  ere,ali @D    illmMttn ech PascalflNLY avaA(anfudialhan)stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua3 Fl 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: KeguaMmMshouwel, 2:285 326    Volty  Vta!       5oanRuleD:
 KeguaMmMshouwel, 2:285 326  wePASCOL_LESSONS
 :   Pascal
 fL ssgnsNames Only>
lae purposa <Re Lne RneNAis
0oodrators Pascal,hprogramm
 ,.A  ere,ali ald 0ont s rffffed
0oolec nlINabothusubjhan .aDrators:   Bob Hof12netoegif8"bgua"h   pi ea ,lboo
, echniqngu, etc. FERlwel   ed,.A  ere,ali weiled LCy rfmainAetngunt .
Howevel, "bashuag"rtchrffffedimilynoechhaA sngu (veesors, uset ,lpg2: ssgu, etc.)EA  dgt.
Ws FER,.A  ere,ali firs:p,es:fn 4mo
te:tlaEINo uabeditgrful - thuags which    Vol  Stainvade
phele" FER undesirEC Crald may rfsult.A  ere,ali in nbll n:   ac04ed. Plecse maintain your o Henetnna_N5in 20 h    Taltae czntExtttch Lua.neNlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto0 34/12Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edguA   :Flane
Aon 4/104ed pathse:asu  Di
tgcath II tac1dso, hi :lRro9Qua II tacONLY avais: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t 40 thr ECHOLISTtof a43Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
markolewi ,l 23 34/12Oro
nlar1Bdold N  ht markolewi ,lwkitty42@aMlgilathoOr   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajik Fiaget ,l 23 34/12Orm-PAST_MOVIES Co(RESD    illmMttchmideu.moviOL 20 h  -filmsafil  A/iii the n:pn1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a4332 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/ftp: Reqngua/i fdesirFi.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePCBOARD/5, wizPCBoard SoftwFER9,asatr, :379/5, wizard19@lanetis tae eFVe iasatr, e379 eeklClarkoDevelopment'nNames Only> PCBoard BBS SoftwFER,
as weMl
as N5irdaprdTyAwoftwFER designedimilynoechhaeekluse
hoguaPCBoard.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatFla io aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_immac,vIAon 4/104edgu:pD_isBcho!1dso, hi :lRrom thlha, 239:6Fl 0; RIME, 900o000 .bui toarn@mesaatlcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a150Or dveekNN  n,ali  PCBOARDIsUs Names OnlR  I ,eFVesageFV>
    LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOL / YSOP.A  eretsN   ve roywiHerber, Bushonr # .19/19,lhatcion@centurygilathoOr   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrranRk Zha,  2387/422, mark.zec@haremail        Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 Herber, Bushonr # .19/19,CwePCBOARD-BBS/5, wizPCBoard n1/appcniBob Hof12neti-lt.bbL.pcboard fil  A/iin1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a46 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/ftp - reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePC_ADDICT Co(RESC  putet AddictsSC  Flags: ! II tac12net@Ae:e379 eekltae trueh   putet addict/schizoi:na_N5ttctgs II tac12nethumondsntd    illmM,echas,:assi das: , etc. Anythuag rffffuag tonyfsummereo
  putet r(ntl guo echnical
plecse, L.tesFER o   I.A  ere,ali e379  f ta0 at).gu.   putet addictlmM,epg2C Cmnthoguaspdsn  Bob Hof12netou.   pannetn, etc. isrFcceptEC C,aon-gunt  cznvet aanet.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: /5
 Queenro  Gyrre,lwizards@sitgbyathoOr   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-PC_SECURITY05, dfyPC SecurityAI sngulmMitchechhaC  putet SecurityA:379 (PC_SECURITY)<A  f ta0
sd    illmMBob Hof12netoch   putet securityAirsngu.aT2nt s:open inly> Iphysical.A  ere,ali security,8mNI m security,8viLalHsecurity,8  Dhoh
a ecurity,.A  ere,ali FTNHsecurity,8pha o04,g  mmun9@aanetntsecurity,8pha o0nel.A  ere,ali security,8   putet crimede,es:anythuag elsetochi theesn II tac12netrffffed
e2h LuasafetyAald securityAtchmphannlINla8   putetOr   LrtCar0seFtem./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto006/6018r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgn

D HeH Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue7 thr ECHOLISTtof a43Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto006/6018, lawags: @efn 4stathoOr   Lrel Russuransso2oJanuleD:
 Lawags: <Garvin,hto006/6018c-m-PDNECH_immac,vProgrammet rIAon 4/104edsngihoh
:379/5, wizard19@Alg n Lalh eit-chas    Flags: <eeklProgrammet de,es:g n Lal.A  ere,ali m lanpxstoegif8ech Programmet rIAon 4/104edsngihoh
regarduag tonyfsummerpo, cy ssurant ald i eekmanlmMioegif8files rffecsed.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)320/38Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
JanA  Kracho # .)320/38, jkracho@ayeathoOr   Lrel Russuransso13-2gRuleD:
 jkracho@ayeatho # .)   .   # jkracho@ayeathoOrm-PEACEMAKERS Co(RESPeacemaket r- ech oinAon yrtchrf   cilianlmM II tac12net@D    illmMttchtae rf   cilianlmMttchesnlurans8phop Crald 20 h    Talghift rid situaanetntoch  nflicl eklvioleal Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Stat Active Aflic ponryor c,regcathe-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
b steQua,pm   be gffed
e2ho   Ilngihoh
sNames OEngi    u :   Gffed
e2hmaillINlN    faActi.peacem ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue20 thr ECHOLISTtof a142 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: Stephfn Haye de8:7903/10es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePENTECOSTOL
 :   PenthcoHEal.A  ere,ali @PenthcoHEaln
l  A/iiN1/appcni /i-lt. hristuaM.penthcoHEal.A  ere,ali ctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl Reflhans Lang Ca!   ne
 5PENTECOSTOLSimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePENTECOSTOLSimilynoPenthcoHEalL 20 h    TaloFellowshipttchPenthcoHEalL evelywh.te/5, wizard19ctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRroCFN wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tCFN w   rnl a,ali StatusCFN geFV 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoEPENTECOSIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlaN1/onbll n:  r   LadmNI Language: Roe:John
ome: 2:3012 .bui toarns,kLY
 H   5-Dec-1999rev CFN :379 C  trol,  2382/22sndly,WARNING!@lanetif
 fisusubjhan guabe
 fremovs:na_N5in ech next 3DOr   Ldays/i fisEA  dgtpupddsodrev a8mNI laeaget.,CwePEN_POLSimilynoWh.te Friends Meet! II tac12net@A uniqngechastet c  Flags: <eeklanyQuaaweNAis
i theesned.A  ere,ali in keep
 fin ouchnhoguafriends ghasE0
yEhsve made
mM II tac12net Flanginall scross ech world!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi barco8fffive
 :   HE@mesaats: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: /5
 Queenro  Gyrre,lwizards@sitgbyathoOr   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-PERL
 :   Perlhprogramm
 flNLY a   /5, wizard19@D    illmMttchanfuvet lmMttchPerlhmMioll
plateekm .aDrators:  Bob cripfEINLlNLY avas suchna  pythome:rebol, bash,.A  ere,ali Tcl/Tk PosnEIgh  d <A  on 4ltaannwel   e.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
TonfuSummetfelo # .)49/139    Volty  Vta!       5oanses Floev tonfusummetfelo # .)49/139  m-PETS Co(RESD    illmMstoegif8hdsn amid ald exotic8phts. tonyfsummerSD    illmMstoegif8hdsn amid ald exotic8phts fil  A/iirec.pCts II tac12netn1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Statusasu  Di
tgcath II tac1dso, hi P, gaAlth Conpxulcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a269 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
   Taken Trafficnso RneNAis
ERanFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePET_BIRDS Co(RESm the n:pPe
irdaD    illmMseVisi e),aliaD    illmMsrtnlpe
bird .a
l  A/iim the n:pN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a2845 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl D a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/FTP: Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePET_CHAT
 :   Pet Ca!tA:379 (Anyeald A   PCts)eVisi e),ali Gof8a   w PCt, ghasEnNAete seem EgoMknowtanythuag oegif? 20 h    TalHsve a Pet ghasE oesn't fitp
o anfuochech o   Il:Fla EneN s? 20 h    TalPet Ca!tAis tae paks H o visnt,/i fllm'renlookEINo uashare.A  ere,ali soma <Re Losa olixstoegif8your pCts, or gain poi rfIs.A  ere,ali e
 5o   IslPet lovet  oegif8ech cFER ,es:feedlINao fllmtOr   LrtCar0currE biQua.haLookEINo uapickpup8a   w addiStat?loFeel e
ee tonyfsummereo
posn8a  otede,es:checkpahifnd. Ca! cesrFER, somaete has/5, wizard19ha:nedede,es:cgild oma valuEC Crinsigh:p,es:tips,/5, wizard19befn 4 llmMhead tu:p,es:buyl omathuag ghasEllm'rendgtpERalFV 20 h  ummerpreprded
e2hsurdla.ha o,hwaasEa 4 llmMwainEIghfn ..hhaC  eBob Hof12netoMiovete,es:checkpitptu:!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi barco8fffive
 :   HE@mesaats: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Tammy Wil
ome: 2)44/3, lady8i8@hotmail        Volllllllllllllll /5
 Queenro  Gyrre,lwizards@sitgbyathoOr   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-PHARMACY05, dfyMedlcan4edV,es:Pharmks of calL D    illmMtAERaNames Only> @A    Flags: <eekl0
sd    illmMitchmedlcan4ed ,l ids eig.cts,lmMitchechhaA rfIac04eds, usen, etc.stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t 20 thr ECHOLISTtof a86 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: Asu  Hess,hto)   .0eD    Volty  Vta!      1-JunuleD:
 Asu  Hess,hto)   .0eD  m-PHIL
 :   PhilosophyA:379! II tac12net@Po, t Iphilosophical
d    illmM,edebaIOrald speculaanet.lmMitchechhaPhilosophy, mythologye:inHigh:ntochdivea  cultuERs wel   e.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: /5
 Queenro  Gyrre,lwizards@sitgbyathoOr   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-PHILA-76ERS Co(RESPhiladelphia 76ea  NBApecsketballad    illmMs. 20 h    TaloF l  A/ii-lt.satr,  N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1985 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHILA-EAGLES Co(RESPhiladelphia Eagles Pro FootballaD    illmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr, N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1205 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHILA-FLYERS Co(RESPhiladelphia Fly IseNHK, tckeyaD    illmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr,s.htckey.nhl.phila-fly IseN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a5303 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHILA-PHILLIES Co(RESPhiladelphia Phill9ea ecseballaD    ullmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bcseball.phila-phill9ea N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a310 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali8:8/0 ha19-Dec  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHILOS Co(RESm thedenom
a04edalHD    illmM/5, wizard19@lanetis g<eekum<wh.te ChristuaMntochdifFlagst tradiStats.A  ere,ali ald b stghifnd ncme:lec n oegif8each5o   I'ntb l9efsises.A  ere,ali Jgac04c s i  a spiritttchbro   Ily love. Ittis g<paks H o.A  ere,ali find tu:pwaasEo   IlChristuaMntb l9evena_N5gif8att stuag tonyfsummereklbe
 fatt sted.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Stat Active KBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
b steQua worldwidsNames OEngi    u :   Gffed
e2hmaillINlN    faActi.philoswaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        30 thr ECHOLISTtof a53Or dveekNN  n,ali PHILOSIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: Stephfn Haye de8:7903/10es- kitttttttttttttttElizabeth JoycR,.A  ereec  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHOE-CARDINOLSimilynoPhoenix CarduaalL Pro FootballaD    illmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr, N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a4 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHOTO Co(RESm the a04edalHPhotographyAC  Flags: ./5, wizard19@Alg n Lalh   Flags: <ghasE     ilesrFll
photographichrffffedimilynoechha0ont s inly> uag equipment, filmiapd0pg2: ss
 ,rald shootuag tonyfsummeridsat ald echniqngu.stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua608 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: Stu Turke: 2099/26, sturk@thlhrama        VolllllllllllllllHap N1/a   # .138/102s iap.n1/a  @rook.wa        Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 Stu Turke: 2099/26, sturk@thlhrama      wePHX-SUNSRNING!lPhoenix Sun  NBApecsketballad    illmMs. 20 h    TaloF l  A/ii-lt.satr,  N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a)49/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: b/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePHYSICSRNING!lPhysics :Flane
C  Flags:  II tac12net@Physicf srald o   Ili theesned8phop Crd    illag Physics.Names Only>
lae Physics :Flane
C  Flags: Ais
i thnsOdrprimarctireek 20 h    Taltaesd    illmMitchphysics apd0physics teaching.NN ur goal.A  ere,ali is
0oostumulaaR ech exta!   tochi eekmanlmMioes:a wids-lurauag tonyfsummerd    illmMitchphysics-rffffed
e2nt s, inly> uag environmE bal.A  ere,ali apd0pub, c-po, cy mastets whichEhsve ahphysics aspec .lmMitchechhaEvelyQua is wel   enguaprdT py nte v d Lish   Flags: : students, 20 h    Talteachet descigstf sde,es:anyQua elsethoguaanli theesn in 20 h    Taltae aERa Eweh  vet.,Cisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do PHYSICSIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Flr   LadmNI Language: Hekman TrivillIo,hto006/leD:.7    Volty  Vta!      s7-JanuleD:
 Hekman TrivillIo,hto006/leD:.7  wePINKRNING!lPink OnoydaD    illmMseVisi e),aliaA<eekum<eekl0
sd    illmMitchanythuag OnoyduaM.9@lanelmMitchechhaA ly> s taeir mgsEc, rf  rduags, films,8  s: r sdemgsEcal.A  ere,ali apd0egsEIeasaassocidsos, solo cFERet de,es:taeir  vetalllmMitchechhaA flugs: Atnlpop cultuER. uA   :noydphilesrFER wel   engulmMitchechhajoin in!ha et Your C  trols@FBA@lae HerdT tchhpD_!stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1,rFll
fdistri zQuas Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
jim mclaughlin,hto2604/104    Vollllllllllllllljim, jjm@movWeFtemt.       Volty  Vta!       4-2gRuleD:
 jjm@movWeFtemt.    # .)   .   # jjm@movWeFtemt.    (Jim McLaughlin)  wePINK_FLOYDRNING!lPink OnoydaD    illmMseVisi e),alialae (guabe)   w nang eekl0
sPINK .neN. A<eekum<eekl0
tonyfsummerd    illmMitchanythuag OnoyduaM.9@laneaA ly> s taeir mgsEc, II tac12netrf  rduags, films,8  s: r sdemgsEcal apd0egsEIeasaassocidsos,.A  ere,ali solo cFERet de,es:taeir  vetallaA flugs: Atnlpop cultuER.eVisi e),aliaA   :noydphilesrFER wel   enguajoin in!ha et Your C  trols II tac12net BA@lae HerdT tchhpD_!stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1,rFll
fdistri zQuas Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
jim mclaughlin,hto2604/104    Vollllllllllllllljim, jjm@movWeFtemt.       Volty  Vta!       4-2gRuleD:
 jjm@movWeFtemt.    # .)   .   # jjm@movWeFtemt.    (Jim McLaughlin)  wePITT-PIRATES Co(RESPittsburghSPirdsosAecseballaD    sllmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr,s.bccseball.pitt-pirdsosAN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a266 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali8:8/0 ha19-Dec  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePITT-STEELERS Co(RESPittsburghSStehlhrL Pro FootballaD     illmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr, d    illmMs. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1582 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePKEY_DROP.A  erePub, c-KeyaD  n 4/104eds:379/5, wizard19@C  panneth   Flags: <go PUBLIC_KEYSA:379 eekl0
sspecific.A  ere,ali Jurposa <Reenthe
 faes:ga   I
 fpub, c-keys i  Qua paks .A  ere,ali w_N5in ech  Flangin:379  n uctuER. a n LalHm lanpx traffic.A  ere,ali is
dgtppetmisted. Ittis eeklenthe
 fpub, c-keys oeFV. PKEY_DROP.A  ere,ali is
tsN   vodrev Jim Ca0nellrothto306/l1.9@[KeyID 0xB7822B3D]. 20 h    Tallae m lanpxstenthe/iii tostLC EneNrFER 0
ssole eespmMsibilltyBob Hof12netochtae pha o0lenthe
 ftae m lanpxs.noWh.n in doubt oegif.A  ere,ali Jub, c-keys,8  stacf8ech posner d rf tlyn    ve mail.llaelmMitchechhaEneNAis
open  o anfQua woguaanli theesn in Jub, c-keyh   pi aanet.lmMitchechhaTLC EneNrGuidelEIearFER   staEIeiii  PKDROPIsUsfaes:has/5, wizard19been EL   eiisEI: <11/92.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnNAB,hhpD_SPINE, ZONE1, ZONE2, ZONE3
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        20 thr ECHOLISTtof a86 5echoliIP_CONNEC PKDROPIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    FlcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuwePLATINUM_XPRESS Co(RESPfffuaum<XpreasaFrzntE d Maila erveteeeklWC!
C  Flags:  II tac12net@A iasatr,    Flags: <eekl0
sPfffuaum<XpreasaFrzntE d MaillmMitchechha erveteeeklWildcothD_Sfaes:Wildcot!om theaslItu ve Servet.Names Only>
lae mainAJurposa eekl0 ne RneNAis asatr, eek 20 h    TalSysOpshgsEIghei   Il0
sWin95/NTuvet lmMttch0
tonyfsummerPfffuaum<XpreasaFrzntE d Maila [email protected]  oainFV 20 h  ummereekl ysOpshbu:p,eyQuaaweNAshowsaanli theesn is wel   engulmMitchechhaprdT py nte v d Letd    illmMsrL.tesFegif8ech Pfffuaum<Xpreas II tac12net rzntE d Maila ervet.@Plecse keepepg2C Cmntrffffuag<go Pfffuaum II tac12netXpreasaaes:rffffed
e2nt s v d Lish.neN.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatFla n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZONE-1nectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua433/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: Hf tekl a tos # .135/383    VolllllllllllllllAndreal a tos # .135/382Or   Lrel Russuransso3oanses Floev Andreal a tos # .135/382OrwePLAYSTATIONstbarcoSonfuPffeFtanlmMiD    sllmMseVisi e),aliaF l  Ai-lt.gangu.visOo. o0y-pffeFtanlmMiN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a2625 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath, reqngua/i fdesirFiimilynonbll n:   1# t  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePLAYSTATION-FAQSstbarcoSonfuPffeFtanlmMiFreqngntlynAsks:nQngualmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.gangu.visOo. o0y-pffeFtanlmM.faqs 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a137 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath - Reqngua/i fdesirFi.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePN_ALERTS Co(RESPATRIOTNETSPATRIOT ALERTS Co(RESc12net BA@ Letd  sem
a04edtochi eekmanlmMiimatr,ant
e2h LuapreaervanlmM II tac12nettchmut c  ualtu04edalHrigh:n 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_AMERICA Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK GENEROL DISCUSSIONstbarco ilynoWhas's golINaon in g n Lalhv d LetgERan U.S.ttchA. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_CHRIST Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK CHRISTIANS/5, wizard19@D    illmMtaERareeklCeristuaM
e2nt s. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua4Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_COMPUTERS Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK COMPUTER DISCUSSIONstbarco ilynoFekl0
sd    illmMitch   putet hardwFER ,es:softwFER,
as.A  ere,ali weMl
as N5e Y2K situaanet
as it exf srnow. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_DC_DISCUSS Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK WHITE HOUSE DISCUSSIONstbarco ilynoD    illmMttchtae Wh t IHdsn e,es:tae eesidgst tL.teof. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_DC_PRESS Co(RESPATRIOTNETSOFFICIOL GOVERNMENTSPRESS RELEASESstbarco ilynoWh t Ihdsn  preasarffecses THIS IS A -ulOD ONLY- ECH_! 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua689Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfACCr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_ENCRYPT Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK ENCRYPTION DISCUSSIONstbarco ilynoPub, c keys ,es:sasatr, eek PGPrald o   IlmeaMntochencrypanet.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_FILES Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK FILE ANNOUNCEMENTS Co(RES),aliaF l e,enouncementsf,es:filesrFoorsEC Creek FREQ e
 5omtOr eFtemt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua11Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_FIulORMS Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK FIulORMS DISCUSSIONstbarco ilynoN1/a,8vi1/a,8ald i eeaon firearmsrald o   IlweapmMs. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua298Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_MILITIA Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK MILITIA ECH_immac,v ilynoN1/a<eeklandsFegif8ech milltia8mNvementhv d LetUniSs:nctsmet.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua161Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_NWO_VS_USA Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK NWO DISCUSSIONstbarco ilynoFekl0
sd    illmMitch0
sN1/oWorldCHOdete,es:how it aig.cts 20 h    Taltae lawse,es:cg ualtu04editch0
sUniSs:nctsmet.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_PARENTS Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK PARENTS ECH_immac,v ilynoParenting ald educan4edVin eoday's environmE b.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_ulOD Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK INTERESTING ulODINGNames Only>
lext/documents/cross-posnstochi theesnnguaprn 4otsSTHISNames Only> IS A ulOD-ONLY ECH_!!!!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfACCr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_SOVEREIGN Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK SOVEREIGN ECH_immac,v ilynoD    illmMtaERareeklatt ining ald maintain
 fpha o04,.A  ere,ali sovheeigntyAin eoday's po, f cal climsia.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_SYSOPS Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK SYSOP ECH_immac,v ilyno,eFVeoD    illmMtaERa.9@lanetis g<MANDATORY:e379 eeklPatNhoOr   Lrrrrrr eFVes!!!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfSYSr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_VOTE_20eD    VolPATRIOT NETWORK ELECTION 20eD    Vol ilynoFekl0
sd    illmMitch aldiddsosAald eventsf,ig.ct
 ftae    Vol ilynU.S.tpeesidgsti   hlhan4edVin 20eD    Vol ilyn tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr    St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePN_WASHDC Co(RESPATRIOT NETWORK WASHINGTON DC    Vol ilynoFekl0
sd    illmMitchhappenuags v dWashuagtmMiDC.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh ndso, pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua71Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Kevv dCrosby, kcrosby@bgntonrea        Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Kevv dCrosby, to3407/5@hpD_iswePOETRY_WORKSHOP.A  erelae Poen yrWoh
shoiBob Hof12netiWa woild lik <go wel   en,eyQuaai theesned8in poen yrgulmMitchechhajoin ushv d LetlargesnnPoen yrC  Flags: AmMiFFlangi!dCreffedimilynoechhamMiFebrua yr14th, t993l0 ne RneNAis
designed eeklpoensrgulmMitchechhashare poen y,ridsat,echalleaget,ecr f qngu, &afriendships.lmMitchechhaTLC eekum<also RncournpxstJub, shing ald A ly> s poen y tonyfsummerd    illmMntoch  ntematra yrpoensras weMl
as poensre
  20 h    Taltae py  .nPoenic hoh
e2hspecific eekm ,.A  ere,ali apd0growth i  all
fekm -- rhymed ald unrhymed, regular ek 20 h    Talirregular--ne Rnjoyed. Ws FER al P tnlookEINoeekl  w poen y tonyfsummerald encournpxsd    illmMitch0
smeta! ics as weMl
as N5e.A  ere,ali wr f I'ntphilosophyAtchpoen y.haTLC growEINonumb.tltchpoenelmMitchechhaA l0 ne RneNAal P tnwel   esl  w wr f Iu, Jub, shed ekl ot.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: /5
 Queenro  Gyrre,lwizards@sitgbyathoOr   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-POINTS Co(RESPoi r usnpxsd    illmMi,es:seFtemt:sasatr,./5, wizard19@Alg n Lalh   Flags: <eeklPOINT OPERATORSe,es:taeir BOSSNames Only> opas .sN1/oald sea o0ed uset  oER aoorsEC Creek qngualmMseVisi e),ali,es:answet .haEneNAlNLY ava is
nus, Zy.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)49/114eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EWorld-WidsNames OEngi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua86 5echoliIP_CONNEC POINTSIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: HarveyoParisien,hto)49/114Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrranRc Lewis # .396/45    Volty  Vta!       5oanRuleD:
 anRc Lewis # .396/45  m-POLITICSRNING!lPo, f cal D    illmMseVisi e),alialane RneNAis
eek ALL sornstochpo, f cal d    illmMs.tiWa/5, wizard19hav ne
sfar righ:
e2h Luafar left,Aald everythuaglmMitchechhaA lbetween. anny8phop Crthuakitch0 ne RneNAas g<lestets-to- Lu-editek 20 h    Talct osn<wh.te everybodyncme:eespmMd
e2heverybodynelse.     R 20 h    Talca lbe obtaEIeii    email ekl e mail.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)64/416eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus8912Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Ga yrBraswell,hto)64/416, [email protected]   Lrel Russuransso13-2gRuleD:
 [email protected] # .)   .   # Ga yrBraswell <[email protected]>  m-POLYMER-CLAYRNING!lPo,ymer-clayncraft
 fd    illmMseVisi e),aliaPo,ymer-clayncraft
 fd    illmMs. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a599 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePORT-BLAZERS Co(RESPornlald Trailblazea  NBApecsketballad    illmMs. 20 h    TaloF l  A/ii-lt.satr,,-blazea  N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a478 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePORTOL
 :   Ptr,alttchPowet Sasatr, C  Flags:  II tac12net@A iasatr,    Flags: <eekl0
sPtr,alttchPowet  rznt endimilynoechhamailet.@D    illmMtA ly> s  St, f e  f ta0
sbuak-styleBob Hof12netoutbifnd,  St, f e  f taPtr,altitself, bu freatr,s,8  w II tac12netrffecse ald i eekmanlmMid rf tne
sauthe r. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRro6:750/223CKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, iFla  w   rnl a,ali StatusAnyetFla n:pB steQua,pA   ZQuas Co(RESTsia P tr IP tn- M Co(RESty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t 40 thr ECHOLISTtof a173Or dveekNN  n,ali PORTOLIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Prn 4ckpecs   er,o6:750/223Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrPrn 4ckpecs   er,ocouncil@vcs a        Volty  Vta!      ys  RuleD:
 council@vcs a     # .)   .   # council@vcs a      wePORTUGUES Co(RESPornugngueSty Conpx Ca!tA:379eVisi e),aliaPornugngueSty Conpx Ca!tA:379eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EWWBer   ,nNAB II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alPornugngueli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus9/5, wizItldians do it.b   VD
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOlr   LadmNI Language: Renang ZambmM,e4:80  .6 # rczambmM@st,     .brOr   Lrel Russuransso10-FebuleD:
 Renang ZambmM,e4:80  .6 @fdistribuwePOWERPC Co(RESPOWERPC/POWERMAC T2nt s ald D    illmM/5, wizard19@POWERPCtis gn:e379 eekld    illmMitch0
sPowetPCtald its'lmMitchechhaAmpacf8mMimNI Lnh   puting.NT2nt s willaA ly>  hardwFER,.A  ere,ali softwFERtissngu, aoorsECillty, RISC echnologye:developha ,.A  ere,ali PREP,Aald on 4. C vea  both PCtald Macuvet lmMs.tPeriodic.A  ere,ali PRne
 5App C, IBM,dmNnguola,Aald developha  willabeaA ly> d.lmMitchechhaPOWERPCtwillabeaa valuEC Crasset  o anfl:Fla seFtem, keep
 lmMitchechhauset  up  o ddso8mMi LetlatesnngechnologyaA l   puting - 20 h    Taltae RISC-bcsedsPowetPCt   putets.tOpen ac: ss  o all.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)02/1406Bin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZONE-1-BACKBONE, ZONE-2, ZONE-3, ZONE-4, ZONE-5, ZONE-6 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoEPOWERPCIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
 ,rto)02/1406Or   Lrel Russuransso3o  RuleD:
 ,rto)02/1406OrwePRAYEROr   LrCeristuaM
Prayer II tac12net@A paks HeeklReqnguaing CeristuaM
Prayers eklreatr,ing alswet  tonyfsummereo
Prayers FERtlimifed
e2hGod8in Jesus' Lang..A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Stat Active KBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
junom/L   aervnr anGhiepsu  Dc        VolEngi    u :   8:8/0waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a5 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
AERa:has taken trafficnso it:has been added
e2hech etamif .A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePRAYER_PN Co(RESPrayerlReqnguas ald PraiueSReatr,s/5, wizard19@PrayerlReqnguas ald PraiueSReatr,s/5, wizard19e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StaPhileove KBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, PN Co(RESl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   : Active
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua1/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: RmMiHoss st, 777:100/1es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePRECINCT_D1waoaisBPo, s HOrienfed
Talk II tac12net@An:e379 eeklcopn, ex-copn, CeristuaM
ekl on-CeristuaM, tonyfsummerekl,eyQuaai theesned8in e2nt s rffffed
e2hpo, : Amr emerggs:y tonyfsummerhoh
msN   vodrev two rftirFilcopn woguaCeristuaM tonyfsummeremphcs  ,hbu:pis
open  o all.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh8:740  leD3Bin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active /asu  Di
tgcath\l   aervnr anGhiepsu  Dc        VolEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue16eaaDefs soISTtof a5 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Tom Rms de8:740  leD3es- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePRETHIST Co(RESPrftorua Local Hi olyeVisi e),aliaD    illmMsrtf local hi olyitch0
sGrefferSPrftorua aERaNames Only> tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohUnisa Editeki   BBS  mea feed/niCo ndso, ie-n w   rnl a,ali Statusve 8:79038in : Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        3gion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl BBSs i  Qkl earSPrftorua woguaPrftorua callet  tonyfsmNI Language: Steve Haye de8:7903/10es- kitel Russuransso12-2gRuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePRINTERS Co(RESa n LicnPri theaD    sllmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii   p.phaiphs.pri thes N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a3664 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    asu  Di
tgcath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePRIVACY05, dfyD    illmMsrcenthe/iiahifnd:tae eigh:
e2hprivacy. 20 h    TaloF l  A/ii-lt.privacy N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1430 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    psu  D    cath; pfecse reqngua/i fdesirF.A  eretsN   ve roywib/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePRO-FOOTBALL
 :   ProfeillmM   Footballa(a n Lic)aD    illmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr, N1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a19/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: b/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!       ys  RuleD:
  /5, tigiume: 209/mo   ,CwePROMOTE_BBS
 :         Hosvodrev thnsOdrat al
open eekum<eekld    illmM/5, wizard19i  iasatr, ochpromo04editchallaBulle,in  /ardo,eFtemt.lmMitchechhaA   BBS vpranizan4ed  wel   e. NT2nt  ish  ophaaanet
amifng 20 h    Taltae various BBS vpranizan4ed  AND 0
 ftcheesourcet.lmMitchechhaBashing ald po, f cing between 0
svpranizan4ed  is
offimilynoechha0ont . uA   memb.tship enquiERs  o anfltch0
svpranizan4ed imilynoechhamayabead rf ted
e2hech urlttchhttp://wel
 , tonyfsummereklhttp://www.BBSing.vpr Links  o allh0
svpranizan4ed imilynoechhamayabeafifnd:tae 4. (futuER)NT2abealinked
e2hBBSing.vpr's tonyfsummeremail if . (futuER)lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto109/263CKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, iFlaimmac,vIAon 4/104edgnZQuaa1nectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua300 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
TonflCampbell,hto109/263Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRob.tta te Mr,rto)70 .0eD    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrranRcus Fair,lreatium@lawyer.       Volty  Vta!      s6-  RuleD:
  [email protected] # .)   .   #  nte@clah
 :   ProfeillmM   Wr f Iu' C  Flags:  II tac12net@lanetis gMtaERareeklprofeillmM   wr f Iu  o d    il N5e.A  ere,ali egsEIeasatchwr fing.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)64/416eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ElQuaa1nectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Bud Web  er,oto)64/416    Volty  Vta!      5-FebuleD:
 rvetaa@trisidgatho # .)   .   # rvetaa@trisidgathobuwePRO_AUDIO
 :   ProfeillmM   Audio D    illmM/5, wizard19@a n LalHd    illmMitchprofeillmM   audio.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)29/390KBin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnWorldwidsNames OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue100gion take it oshua2Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Augu  VAbo, ns # .)29/390, a.abo, ns@ieeeevpres- kitty  Vta!      30-  RuleD:
 a.abo, ns@ieeeevpr # .)   .   # a.abo, ns@ieeeevpr (Augu  VAbo, ns)buwePRO_WRESTLINGNames OPROFESSIONAL WRESTLING ECH_. 20 h    TaloWWF,WCW & ECW ProfeillmM   Wrgual
 fd    illmM    Flags: .lmMitchechhaPro wrgual
 fn1/a,8kumot de,es:rguulnsre
  allh vea N5e.A  ere,ali world.aPro wrgual
 fn1/a    esle
  various sourcet (ses.A  ere,ali allhsourcet FER  redited) inly> uag Ha s Wrgual
 f(ha swrgual
 .   )eVisi e),ali,es:TLC K l SReatr, (www.outrnpxwrgual
 .   /TKR).eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto06unf aeaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcathpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Ellmaspectshe MLY

D HeHer    II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus433/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: /5
 Queenro  Gyrre,lwizards@sitgbyathoOr   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev hyanyO rstro  Gyrrec-m-PUBLIC_KEYS.A  erePub, c-KeyaEncrypanet ald D  n 4/104eds:379/5, wizard19@ProvisOs g< echnical eekum<eekld    illmMitchpub, c-key.A  ere,ali Jgivacy echniqnguiapd0pg2gramsrald eekl0
sd  n 4/104ed II tac12nettchpub, c-keys i   Flanginald o   IlBBS ald e-mail thohoh
s.lmMitchechhaPrivacy issngu rffffed
e2hencrypanet aER also gekman4. PUBLIC_KEYS.A  ereard19is
tsN   vodrev Jim Ca0nellrothto306/l1.9[Key ID: 0xB7822B3D]. 20 h    Tallae m lanpxstenthe/iii tostLC EneNrFER 0
ssole eespmMsibilltyBob Hof12netochtae pha o0lenthe
 ftae m lanpxs.noWh.n in doubt oegif.A  ere,ali Jub, c-keys,8  stacf8ech posner d rf tlyn    ve mail.llaelmMitchechhaEneNAis
open  o anfQua woguaanli theesn in Jub, c-keyhencrypanet.A  ereard19issnguiapd0methods.aTLC EneNrGuidelEIearFER   staEIeiii lmMitchechhaPUBKEYSIsUsfhav nbeen in ELsUsnnn.ZIPrat och11/92.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnNAB,hhpD_SPINE, ZONE1, ZONE2, ZONE3
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t        30 thr ECHOLISTtof a86 5echoliIP_CONNEC PUBKEYSIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    FlcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/[email protected]  erePUN ZymenteVisi e),aliaF Acti humothspecializ
 fin hohdshgsed8in funnfl P tn<Puns>!lmMitchechhaO   Ilsoft humothghasE oes
dgtppreaenthv ju yrgu o   Is.A  ereard19is
ac: ptEC C.9@lanetis g<G-R vodrF Acti-styleh.neN.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta12o3000 9eaaDefs sov Weaponryor c,regcatCFN Co(RESl a,ali StatusCFN MJCNaPhileove & Cyb.tChurch
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a189Or dveekNN  n,ali PUNISHIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOL ex  St1enhannctive
HaroldrRobb ns # 2o3000 9    Volty  Vta!       5oDec-1999
 CFN EneNrC  trol,hto382/22Or   LWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
QEDIT.A  ereSemWFER Sasatr, :379 eeklTSE@Pro,lTSE@Jthgext editeks.Names Only>
n379 wau rfnangd SEMWARE.
Pfecse se <ghasEif
 .stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgn 2099/26 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Stu Turke: 2099/26, sturk@thlhrama        VolllllllllllllllSammy Mitchell,hto133/314, sammy.mitchell@semwFER        Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 Stu Turke: 2099/26, sturk@thlhrama      weQFRONT.A  ereQ rznt sasatr, :379eVisi e),alialane RneNAis
dgtpin dAon 4/104ed. uAeyQuaai theesned8in II tac12netrfviv
 fit,amaya  stacf8ech MOR eekli eekmanlmM.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnNABnectsbe MageFV II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zy, Am Licanlnus, Zyli td vesopas t
nlar1Bdus40 5echoliIP_CONNECereQ RONTIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: Roy Witt,hto10/22,8koyw_Nt@pacbellathoOr   Lrel Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
 koyw_Nt@pacbellatho # .)   .   # royw_Nt@pacbellathoOrweQMODEM_USEROr   LrQmsN m Uset  D    illmMtC  Flags:  II tac12net@A g n Lalh   Flags: <eekluset  ochtae QMsN m tetmiM   pg2gram, tonyfsummerwhe   Il0
s/Pro,lTD, eklreguvet lmMs.tWinfaes:Win/95uvet lmM tonyfsummerd    illmMialso wel   e. D    illmMsrtf setupepg2C Cmn,/5, wizard19hardwFER difficulf e , exthe    pg2tocolai thefacing aldlmMitchechhauSt, f e  f taQmsN m.s/PRO,sD_Sf& WINuvet lmMs.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EPrivate! ree-nmof tr 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoEQMDMSRIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
BobeSeoegrme: 2040 12Or   Lrel Russuransso27oanses Floev obeSeoegrme: 2040 12.1OrweQMREPORTOr   Lre laereSeottlehOphaa :379mail  tH stC  Flags:  II tac12net@:379mail stH steek ALL NET343 RneNmail hubs.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto343/0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnLocal (e laereSeottlehOphaa NETS343 Seottle,LWA) Co(RESTsia P tr IP tn- M allowed w_N5gif8msN   vor petm ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua66 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
John Peagelly, to343/92, jpeagelly@uswesnathoOr   Lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr obeJe MLY to343/4 # rfj@ligh:mail.       VolllllllllllllllDanlUpdikeY to343/177    Volty  Vta!      5-anses Floev jpeagelly@uswesnatho # .)   .   # John Peagelly <jpeagelly@uswesnatho>  m-QRP.A  ereAmsiaur Radio LowhPowet D    illmM/5, wizard19@Devofed
e2hd    illmMnt  s: rn
 fAmsiaur Radio LowhPowet 20 h    TalctmmunicatlmMs.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352, balf on 4md@balf on 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352  m-QUAKE_GAME
 :   QuakeSTsmeaD    illmMseVisi e),alia-lt.gangu.quakeSf l  A/iii the n:pn1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a259 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/ftp reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweQUE-NORDIQUES Co(RESQuebec
trdiqnguiNFLe tckeyaD    illmMseVisi e),aliaF l  A/ii-lt.satr,s.htckey.nhl.que-ntrdiqnguiN1/appcniBob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a9/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrmr   LadmNI Language: b/5,h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweQUEEN_FOR_A_DAYRNING!lLensryou psuy qngen eekl0
sdayeVisi e),aliaQUEEN_FOR_A_DAYtis gn:e379 which   staEIs a
msnthlya  stesna 20 h    Tallae priza eekl0 ne   stesnAis
dgtpal  w washer,odryer,ovacuum II tac12netekl,eythuag lik <mMi sneadh LuaprizaseVisi e),ali,ER msN   vorshipsrtf difflagst:e379xs.nScn 4twillabeatalliedimilynoechhamMi Luafifthtochevery
msnth.aTLC eesn ochtae f oehech etam.A  ere,ali w_llabeagsed8tostalksFegif8easlIcu  o usa eeklhijcts
 lmMitchechhae379xs, whaf8msN   vors keepea lowhprof l e,es:somef oeseVisi e),aliju  Vs  en,dv : Ae
  "ech qngen".tOpen  o anfQua,i-licseseVisi e),ali,ER allowed. Especiallyawel   en,rh etam8msN   vors aldlmMitchechhaprdT py nntsfweNAhav npha o04,lyamefpin headhmM   llillmMs!lmMitchechhaOff woguataeir heads!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)404/le1KBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, iFlaimmac,vIAon 4/104edgnA   Bctsbe Ms Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
RuguaArgu  ,hto)404/le1Or   Lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ob
 Queenro  Gyrre    VolllllllllllllllDanlCeppae: 209/m9005.30Or   Lrel Russuransso1oanses Floev RuguaArgu  ,hto)404/le1OrweQUICKBBS
 :   QuickBBS Sasatr,immac,v ilyno,asatr, eek QuickBBS eFVes,8  w ald exphaigs: d, psus tonyfsummerd    illmMntochexthe    uSt, f e .oParT py ntlmMtAstlimifed tonyfsummereo
eFVeseeeklWRITE ac: ss.  ulOD ac: ss mayabeagranfed tonyfsummeranfluset.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)630/212Bin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1-ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scntt DrakeY to)630/212@fdistribu   Lrel Russuransso3o  RuleD:
 sdrake@i o0lEIe     # .)   .   # sdrake@i o0lEIe    OrweQUICKEN
 :   Quicken SoftwFERtHelp :379eVisi e),aliaAn:e379 ghasEisagsed8tosd    il QUICKEN softwFERtald itslmMitchechhause.haTLC e379 g2nt s v ly>  both D_Sfaes:Windowsavet lmMslmMitchechha(,es:any futuER psutfekm  it:is
atr,ed8to) as weMl
as 4,llmMitchechhavet lmMs ochtae softwFER.haTLC e379 w_llaalso v ly>  rffffedlmMitchechhaprcknpxstlik <"QuickPay",<"QuickBooks",< Dc stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1-ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno  QUICKENIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl.A  eretsN   ve roywi _llaWh t , bwh t @dc.seflEIevpres- kitty  Vta!       1oanses Floev bwh t @dc.seflEIevpr # .)   .   #  _llaWh t  <bwh t @dc.seflEIevpr>OrweQUIKUTILS
Letoffici   Mrn 4x Technolog e  sasatr,   II tac12net@lanetis gMti the a04edalH   Flags: <d   uag specific4,ly.A  ere,ali w_guatae Quik USt, f e  <eekma,lyaI: <USt, f e >,hproducedlmMitchechhaev enj Acn Stamilnick.aTLC uSt,s v ly>   Luafollowuag:lmMitchechhaQuikBank,aQuikCBV,aQCa!tde,es:QuikEdit. PURPOSE:alane RneN/5, wizard19has
Lree main purposomue1)
e2hprovisOea d    illmMtaERa tonyfsummerwheER pg2C Cmnnphatain
 fe2hech use ochtae Quik uSt, f e imilynoechhamayabearaiuede,es:solv d, 2)
e2hprovisOe enj Acn almeaMnBob Hof12netoch,enounc
 frefecses och  w pg2gramsrald   w refecsesBob Hof12netochexf
 fproducts; 3)
e2hprovisOeregAon ntlmMt&fproduct/5, wizard19i eekmanlmMieo
eFVeseweNAuse orn,rh i theesned8in gsEIg 20 h    Taltae Quik uSt, f e .aTLCren,rh no eesnricn4ed  g veanEIg 20 h    TalweNAmayaac: ss  ane RneN,hbu:pg n Lallyait:w_llao0lyabeBob Hof12netochi theesnngua(p   sti  )
 fQuickBBS,@Pro /ard,/5, wizard19Maximus,8Rem   Ac: ss (,es:any BBS prcknpxstcapEC Crtcheunn
  20 h    Taltae Quik uSt, f e ).nSCOPE:alane RneNtis gMti the a04edal.A  ere,ali Jgoduct sasatr,  neN.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta1o)630/212Bin Egus  mea feed/niCo Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgn Flanginectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Scntt DrakeY to)630/212@fdistribu   Lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr enj Acn Stamilnick # .)  3/477@fdistribu   Lrel Russuransso3o  RuleD:
 sdrake@i o0lEIe     # .)   .   # sdrake@i o0lEIe    OrweQUIK_BAS
 :   QuickBASIC@Programm
 f:379eVisi e),alialane RneNAis
eekluserev thosolweNApg2gram8in BASIC, w_gulmMitchechhaprdT pular emphcs  amMi LuaQuickBASIC@programm
 flNLY avalmMitchechhaev Microsoft Coratra04ed. uD    illmMttcho   Ildi  .cts 20 h    TaltchBASIC@innphamisted, N5gighld    illmMitchPowet ecs clmMitchechhashoild bead rf ted
e2hech POWER_BAS RneNAald d    illmM/5, wizard19tchVisu   Bcs c
e2hech VISUAL_BASIC@ neN.haTLC e379 ne  arriedimilynoechhai the a04edallyaald itsaprdT py nntsf,rh scat  A/ii Lrgighgif.A  ere,ali ech world.a A  sachde,es:sEIceti the a04edalH alli  fitlmMitchechhaexphns:  ,toff-g2nt  m lanpx eesnricn4ed  ,rh snricnlyheneekc d.lmMitchechha Memb.ts ochtae    Flags: <v ly>  many indivisu  seweNeVisi e),ali,ER very
exphaigs: dhv d Letuse ochQuickBASIC@inly> uag.A  ere,ali ecosolweNAhav nwr ften a variety ochQuickBASIC@rffffed
uSt, f e .immac,v ilynoN1/ memb.tsrald  ov : Auset  oER wel   en,ed encournpxd tonyfsummereo
hFER 0
exphaigs: srald opin
mMs.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue500gion take it oshua1520 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
PasEPridgen,hto)36/7@fdistrievpres- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrPrnEPridgen,hppridgen@greenc
sathoOr   Lrel Russuransso26oDec-1999
 ppridgen@OregonVOSatho # .)   .   # ppridgen@greenc
sathoOr   LWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
R10-NECCr    Streaervxd tonyfsummerNo Descripanet g0GRn.A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatFlanginaGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnnetr 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
And   rown,rto)02/5es- kitty  Vta!       1oanses Floev And   rown,rto)02/5@fdistribuweR10SYSOPes- kitm the-RegAedalH,eFVesaCa!tA:379 - TAG paks Hamidet.lmMitchechha R10SYSOPtis g<RegAed 10 d a,ali Ss:nRneN,hwhich is
open tonyfsummereo
allh,eFVesain R10rald by invitanlmMio0lyagu o   IElQua tonyfsummer1h,eFOps.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto10/*o aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnto10/22 ek SYPNETSl   aervet.lmMitchTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua25/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsucfSYSoiBob HofmNI Language: Roy Witt,hto10/22,8koyw_Nt@ac: ss1athoOr   Lrel Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
 koyw_Nt@pacbellatho # .)   .   # royw_Nt@pacbellathoOrweR10SYSOPSes- kitm the-RegAedalH,eFVesaCa!tA:379lmMitchechha R10SYOPStis g<regAedallyad a,ali Ss:nRneNhwhich is
dgt/5, wizard19tpen  o anfQua gifsidg ochRegAed 10.9@lanetis g<Ca!tA:379lmMitchechhawheER 0
sd    illmMitchju  VFegif8,eythuag   amMi ont . 20 h    Tallae e379 ne i thnsOdreeklsoci   ga   Iing ald d    illmM.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto10/22 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnt0/3,nt0/4,nt0/100,nt03/301,nt0/22Or   LSTsia P tr IP tn- M AoorsEC Crat  ane f oe.
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue100gion take it oshua25/5echoliIP_CONNEC TBAmuen>5e2sovWA
,eFVesageFV> o        RuleD:
    FlafSYSoiBob HofmNI Language: Roy Witt,hto10/22,8koyw_Nt@pacbellathoOr   Lrel Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
 koyw_Nt@pacbellatho # .)   .   # royw_Nt@pacbcellathoOrweR10_NECCr    StRegAed 10 NECsd    illmMiRneN/5, wizard19 :379 eekl Letuse ochRegAed 10 NECsrald RECstosd    il mat  As 20 h    Taltaat rffffestosmNvementhochmail infaes:i tostLC RegAed.lmMitchechhaReqngua/eeklRneNAaddin4ed  tostLC RECsoER wel   e..A  ere,ali e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StatFlanginaGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 10 NECsr& REC Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucNECsrald REC ex  St1enhannctive
And   rown,rto)02/5es- kitty  Vta!       1oanses Floev And   rown,rto)02/5@fdistribuweR11CHATr    StRegAed 11@a n LalHCa!tlmMitchechha RegAed 11@g n Lalh aat    Flags: <eekl,eyQuaai  RegAed tonyfsummer11. D  n 4/104eds    R11HUBsio0ly.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto1  . naGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 11 RHUBsigeFV II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Janne Kracht,hto11/1    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrranR,in  el keY to11/D    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrGa yrGilon 4Y to11/2    Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 jkracht@aygatho # .)   .   # jkracht@aygathobuweR11FORSALEr    StRegAed 11@FeklSaleBob Hof12nettRegAed 11@n- ctmmerci   g n Lalheeklsale/tradR.haAoorsEC CBob Hof12nete
  RegAed 11 RHUBsio0ly.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto1  . naGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 11 RHUBsigeFV II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Janne Kracht,hto11/1    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrranR,in  el keY to11/D    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrGa yrGilon 4Y to11/2    Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 jkracht@aygatho # .11/1@tFla n:# jkracht@aygathobuweR11NECr    StRegAed 11@:379mail Cotrdin vors (Resnricned)lmMitchechha R11EC<->R11NECtRegAed 11@:379 Admin
on ntlmMtD    illmM/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto1  . naGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 11 RHUBsigeFV II tac1dso, hi rginla ty Conpxus: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOr   LadmNI Language: Janne Kracht,hto11/1    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrranR,in  el keY to11/D    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrGa yrGilon 4Y to11/2    Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 jkracht@aygatho # .11/1@tFla n:# jkracht@aygathobuweR11SCIFIr    StRegAed 11@Scigs: atFan4edV/ FantasyHCa!tlmMitchechha TLC RegAed 11@Scigs: atFan4edVald FantasyH:379 (R11SCIFI).A  ereard19is
a eesnricned-dAon 4/104edheeklscigs: afFan4edVald fantasylmMitchechhaeooks,smNvi srald thlhvillmMAshows. R11SCIFItAstlimifed tonyfsummereo
RegAed 11.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto1  le1KBin Egus  mea feed/niCot Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ERegAed 11@seFtemt:    e
  R11EC ek R11Hubs Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishlERegAed 11@seFtemt:oeFV II tacmNI Language: Steve    d,hto1  le1    Volty  Vta!      6oanses Floev Steven    d,hto1  le1  weR13
 :   Offici   RegAed 13tC  Flags:  II tac12net@ UsedreeklR13 SYSOPSrC  tenthorienfed
r@jun verb   s@Fellows 20 h    TalECROClmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohR 13tio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnR 13Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue199gion take it oshua64/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsucfSYSOPes- kittsN   ve roywi  nfMoravsik # .) 04/583Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrK s@Thierfeidet,hto107/460Or   Lrel Russuransso15oanses Floev obeMoravsik # .) 04/583OrweR13CHATr    StRegAed 13@a n LalHCa!t :379eVisi e),aliaAn:aERareekl,eyQuaai  RegAed 13@tosd    il issnguiapd0i theesns 20 h    TaltchitCmnnphatinenthe2hphop Crw_N5in ech bifndaries ochFdistribu   LrrrrrrRegAed-13. frlhuag   amff-g2nt . fr flangu,iapd0pg2p Ildecekumimilynoechhamu  Vbe maintaEIei,:sEIcet0
also tpen  o kids.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohRegAed 13@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 13 ONLY ** NOT CURRENTLY ACTIVE ** 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carol Shenkenberggt,hto13/D    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDav nCalafras: sco,hto13/1    Volty  Vta!      s9-2gRuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevprOrweR13COORDr    StRegAed 13@Co-Ordin vors :379eVisi e),aliaAn:aERareekltLC RC, NC'srald REC,cNEC'sai  RegAed 13@to tonyfsummerd    il issnguid rf tlynrffffed
e2h Letophaaanet
s/5, wizard19i  RegAed-13e,es:taetophaaanet
ochRegAed-13lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohRegAed 13@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ERegAed 13 Cotrdin vors ONLY
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a152Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Carol Shenkenberggt,hto13/D    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDav nCalafras: sco,hto13/1    Volty  Vta!      s9-2gRuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevprOrweR13NECr    StRegAed 13tC  Flags: reeklNEC's II tac12net@A c  trollede,c: ss e379 eekl LetNEC'sai  RegAed 13@to tonyfsummerd    il various   s: rns
LeyAmayahav nedValy g2nt . frthuaglmMitchechhaA amff-g2nt e,es:taeto0lyar@jun ,rh no flangurald  onpha o04,eVisi e),ali,ttacks. Ac: ss Astlimifed
e2h Losolphop Cri  RegAed 13 20 h    TalweNAhav na 'UNEC'hv d Leikl odelEssEif
 , ekla '/1'AaddeeselmMitchechhaA l0 nabsgs: Amfla UNEC flag.NTanetis wheER NEC'sapreaent.A  ere,ali echiklvarious   s: rns
ostLC REC-13einly> uag reqnguaelmMitchechhaeeklRneNesabe
 fbctsbe Md. Itris
also wheER 0
sRECskeeps 20 h    Taltae RegAedstNEC'sai eekmedamMi Luavarious issnguitaat arise;eVisi e),ali,s weMl
as No getl LetNEC'saopin
sRECsitlmMitchechhaexph ted
e2hvofe ed. Itris
also a paks HwheER NEC'sacaM tonyfsummerpreaenthechikl  s: rns
ald getl,dv : Aald poillC CrsSTtn4ed imilynoechhae
ir peets.tA hifnd:tEC Crd    illmMippcni.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohRegAed 13@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ERegAed 13 e379 cotrdin vors ONLY - ** NOT CURRENTLY ACT
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a152Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Dav nCalafras: sco,hto13/1    Volty  Vta!      s9-2gRuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevprOrweR13OPSes- kit:379 TitleBob Hof12nett SeC e379 gitleBob Hof12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohR 13tio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnR 13Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue199gion take it oshua64/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsucfSYSOPes- kittsN   ve roywi  nfMoravsik # .) 04/583Or   Lrel Russuransso15oanses Floev obeMoravsik # .) 04/583OrweR13SYSOPes- kitRegAed 13 ,eFVesaCa!tA:379lmMitchechha An:aERareekltLC ,eFVesain RegAed 13@tosd    il issnguirffffuag.A  ere,ali eostLC admin
on ntlmMtochRegAed 13lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohRegAed 13@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ERegAed 13 ONLY
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a152Or dveekNN  n,ali tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Carol Shenkenberggt,hto13/D    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDav nCalafras: sco,hto13/1    Volty  Vta!      s9-2gRuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevprOrweR13_ADMINes- kit:379 TitleBob Hof12nett SeC e379 gitleBob Hof12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohR 13tio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnR 13Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue199gion take it oshua64/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsucfSYSOPes- kittsN   ve roywi  nfMoravsik # .) 04/583Or   Lrel Russuransso15oanses Floev obeMoravsik # .) 04/583OrweR13_ELECTIONes- kitRegAed 13 E .ct4eds:379/5, wizard19@Offici   RegAed 13tE .ct4eds:379/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohRegAed 13@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 13 ONLY 20 h  Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Dav nCalafras: sco,hto13/2    VolrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDav nCalafras: sco,hto13/1    Volty  Vta!      s9-2gRuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevprOrweR14SYSOPes- kitRegAed 14h,eFOpHCa!tlmMitchechha RegAed 14@seFtemtophaaaors o0ly.alane RneNAis
Letoffici  .A  ere,ali egsEIeasae379 g2stalksw_guatae RCrald RECsin RegAed 14. 20 h    Tallanetis NOT a reqnirFile379 bu:pis
on onglyasuggesned8ta!tlmMitchechhayou  arryait.rRobot Po
 fit:dgtpallowed.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Mita!el McCabeY to)97/11    Volty  Vta!      s9-JanuleD:
 Mita!el McCabeY to  .21@fdistribuweR15COORDr    StRegAed 15 Cotrdin vorf:379eVisi e),alialane is gMtadmin
on ntlve :379 eeklctmmunicatlmM
amiag.A  ere,ali RegAed 15 Cotrdin vors o0ly.aaO   Ilpha o0s mayabeainvited tonyfsummereo
prdT py ntCrat  aCrd   rftimMitch0
smsN   vor,lweNAis 20 h    Taltae  odelEssed8RegAed 15 Cotrdin vor. uAey:sabjf tnd   uag.A  ere,ali w_guaRegAed 15 admin
on ntlve mat  As   amMi ont . ! ree-nmof tr 20 h  12netochtais
n379 shallabeatLrgighaRegAed 15 cotrdin vors o0ly.eVisi e),aliaCroil- posn
 ftchm lanpxstgif8ochtais
n379 is
allowedimilynoechhamMlyaw_guatae oO     vor'saprior petmiillmM.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 15 Cotrdin vors o0ly Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>sndly, frlnsucfMEM ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto15/0Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuweR15_CHATr    StRegAed 15@a n LalH:379eVisi e),alialane is g@g n Lalh aat :379 eekl,eyQuaai  RegAed 15,
eFVeseVisi e),ali,es:uset  olik . uAey:sabjf tnochi theesnnguaRegAed 15@is 20 h    TalmMi ont . 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto15/0Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuweR18ELECTr    StRegAed 18 E .ct4eds:379/5, wizard19@lane RneNAis
e2hRegAed 18 E .ct4eds.tAll RegAed tonyfsummer18 ,eFVesaoER wel   e. **Foxy Fergu ed @hto3   . Is RC18 20 h    Tallechnical ectsup** 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3639/93@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihRegAed 18 geFV! Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLcfSYSBob HofmNI Language: RoasaCassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.       Volllllllllllllll2gRk Lewis,hto3634 12Or   Lrel Russuransso21oanses Floev RoasaCassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.     weR18FILEr    StR18FILEr    St    StRegAed 18 F l eInfo 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto36  . naGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  htShift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 18nectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Fergu ed,hto36  .bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev Foxy Fergu ed,hto36  .buweR18HUBr    StRegAed 18 Hubf:379eVisi e),alialane RneNAis
eekl LosolRegAed 18 ,eFVesa   cathed
e2h,ey II tac12netrfgAed 18 Rhub.
n379 is
eeklmail stH f
cs,hf l e,enouncmentseVisi e),ali,es:,eythuag rffffed
e2h LetmNvementhochmail ald f l s.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3639/93@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihRegAed 18 geFV! Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLcfSYSBob HofmNI Language: RoasaCassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.       VolllllllllllllllJerryaGause,hto3651/9, gpgause@pdnathoOr   Lrel Russuransso21oanses Floev RoasaCassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.     weR18_RC5r    StRegAed 18 RC5lleam ald I theesnn:379eVisi e),alialaelleam FdistrihR18 RC5lencrypanet keyag n LatlmMiRneN. 20 h    Tallanetefftr, has
world wids
prdT py ntimMitchwhich  ane feamlmMitchechhaA abu:pa sma,l
prdT.llanetefftr, is
opmMsorodrev d a,ali Ss:athoOr   Lrrrrrrald wetuse tae  lienf softwFERtdevelopodrev th m.sI theesnedlmMitchechhaprdT e  oER wel   ene2hjoinaA l0 nd    illmMn.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3634 12@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihRegAed 18 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua10 5echoliIP_CONNECeR18_RC5IsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
mgRk lewis,hto3634 12Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmgRk lewis,hwkitty42@a,ltelathoOr   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajikEFdagets,hto3634 12OrweR19COORDr    StRegAed 19 Cotrdin vorfC  Flags:  II tac12net@lanetRneNAis
eekld    illmMtamiagstltae RegAed 19 cotrdin vors, II tac12netrfgard
 ftae dAon 4/104edhtch:379mail ald vof
 fproceduresBob Hof12netw_N5in ech RegAed. ageFV RegAed 19 cotrdin vors (RC, REC,.A  ere,ali RegAed Hubs, NCs,cNECs,cNrihHubs)i,ER allowed ac: ss.  O   Is.A  ereard19mayaac: ss  aC e379
 special invitanlmMioch0
smsN   vor stbarco),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnREGION 19 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue60gion take it oshua43/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
Memb.tship Req>
1en Perm Req>sndly, frlnsucfMODcfMEM ex  St1enhannctive
Steve Quarrfflae: 209/0Or   Lrel Russuransso1-  RuleD:
 Steve Quarrfflae: 209/m9005, df Zy@men onet.     weR19SYSOPes- kitRegAed 19 ,eFVesaC  Flags:  II tac12net@A g n Lalh hat  A ald d    illmM:aERareeklFdistrihRegAed tonyfsummer19  odelEssed8 eFVes.itRegAed 19 events
ald happen
 s, II tac12net,s weMl
as po, ci srald po, f c  oER d    iled8ae 4. lane 20 h    Taltae prima yrmeaMniochctmmunicatlmM
gsed8ev th  RCrtohctmmunicate.A  ere,ali w_guatae regAedal8 eFVes.itPha o04,i,ttacks oER d  allowed.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnREGION 19 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue50gion take it oshua151/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsucfSYS ex  St1enhannctive
Steve Quarrfflae: 209/0Or   Lrel Russuransso1-  RuleD:
 Steve Quarrfflae: 209/m9005, df Zy@men onet.     weRADIO_Hhyan-ALL
 :   ALL Hhyan RADIO: LowhPowet FM, CB, Sca0nets,hShtr,wave/5, wizard19@a n LalHd    illmMitchallh0yp Amflhob
 radio inly> uag.A  ere,ali micro powet FM, CB, sca0n
 , shtr,waveEif en
 , ald NON-COMMERCIOL ex  St,ali egy/sell/tradRftcheefffed
hardwFER.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta1o)52/502Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdistrih odes o0ly ex: ptuag lissed8gffes,8 opn1/appcniBob HofTsia P tr IP tPrior PetmiillmMaReqnirFi ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue800gion take it oshua13 5echoliIP_CONNECeRADIO_HhIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOr   LadmNI Language: TerryaBhnsOll,hto)52/502Or   Lrel Russuransso8-JanuleD:
 ga yrgilon 4Y to24t0/4eD  weRAIDERS ex  StOaklald RaidsIs.A  ereard19 D    illmMsrFegif8RaidsIsreeotballh0eam.Bob Hof12netctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a2 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/ftp prckensr- reqngua/o fdesir.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweRAILFANes- kitRailroad.tsrald Pg2to0yp -Railroad Fans II tac12net@A paks Heeklrailroad.tsrald railfans No getl oge   IlaldlmMitchechhatalksFegif8eraEIs!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)320/105,GTPN 0t0/022 aGr mpao
nShift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFpD_nNAB,GThPowetve ,KYne
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a20 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Mik <Powell,hto)320/105, mlp@dcrathoOr   Lrel Russuransso30-JanuleD:
 mlp@dcratho # .)   .   # mlp@dcrathoOrweRAILFANS
 :   Proto0yp /railfan d    illmM/5, wizard19aReaerv
 fnsmeao feekmeratFlanginbctsbe MiRneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Joe Nitami ed,hto)02/911,hf ER  hief@wFEpgffe.       Volty  Vta!       2-FebuleD:
 f ER  hief@wFEpgffe.    # .)   .   # f ER  hief@wFEpgffe.    (f ER  hief)OrweRAILROADr    Sta n LalHRailroad D    illmMseVisi e),aliaa n LicHRailroad D    illmMseVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua387 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
 nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweRAIL_TRANSPORTOr   LrM   fflaneous Railroad Transatr, Am LicaseVisi e),aliaM   fflaneous Railroad Transatr, Am LicaseVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua1303 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sngillife/reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweRAINBOW w   rnlECtRAINBOW    Flags: <mMtD gital'stPha o04,iComp Sst.lmMitchechha RaEIbowhg2nt s, echniqngu, eesour: srald d    illmM.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnto109/417 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua43 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Frank Mallory,nto109/417 Co(RESllllllllllllllJohn Vukov :,n 2099/26 Co(RESty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 Stu Turke: 2099/26, sturk@thlhrama      weRAROr   LrRAR Ar hivereSasatr, C  Flags: rI the a04edal.A  ere,ali  An:I the a04edalH   Flags: <e2hprovisOesasatr, ald thchnical II tac12net,ssAonas: <eekluset  apd0pg2spectlve uset  ochtae RAR ar hiver. 20 h    Tall2nt s mayav ly> : Quesn4ed  ,es:,eswet  onlhow  o usa 20 h    Taltae various featuER  ochRAR, Bug rfatr,s,hSuggesn
mMsamr II tac12netrfqnguae<eekl  w featuER ,eInfokmanlmMimMiwheER 0o obtaEI 20 h    TalctpiR  ochRARrald refffed
pg2grams,uAey:n1/arFegif8RARrta!tlmMitchechhatLC autheklw Zyesreo
hFER w_guauset .uD    illmMttchtLClmMitchechhaeellowuag w_llabeaallowed,
e2h,fdegree:iComparismMttchfeatuER Or   Lrrrrrrald perfokmas: <betwgen RARrald o   IEar hivers, Bug rfatr,s 20 h    TalmMio   IEar hivers, DatahctmpreallmMt   ori srald thchnolog e .lmMitchechhaOff-l2nt :uAey:sabjf tndgtplissed8Feg  ,tPha o04,i,ttacks 20 h    TalmMialy pha o0,uAttacks mMipha o0s eklctmpani srweNApg2duce 20 h    Talm   IEar hivers, D    illmMntochhardwFER ald op Latlag seFtemtlmMitchechhaex: pt
as NLeyAphatain
e2hRAR.uAenouncemente<eeklRARrald 20 h    Talm   IEpg2gramsrtaat arefdesigned
e2hi theface
e2hRAR are tonyfsummereolmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)320/38Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Janne Kracht,hto)320/38# jkracht@aygathobu  Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 jkracht@aygatho # .)   .   # jkracht@aygathobuweRA_32BIT.A  ere32Bit8Rem   Ac: ss D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliaUntil
workamMi Lua32bit8vet lmM(s) ochRA stHr,s up again,lmMitchechhatLnetRneNAw_llabeagsed8eekl0
sd    illmMttchrunn
 fRA 20 h    TalmMi32Bit8op Latlag seFtemt.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3634 12@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll FdistrihdAon 4/104edhpaths, Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua10 5echoliIP_CONNECeRA_32BITIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
mgRk lewis,hto3634 12Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmgRk lewis,hwkitty42@a,ltelathoOr   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajikEFdagets,hto3634 12OrweRA_BALTWASHes- kitRem   Ac: ss SYSOPSrin  alf on 4/WashuagtedhAERa tonyfsummer D    illmMtaERareeklSYSOPSrin 0
s alf on 4 WashuagtedeVisi e),ali,ERa w_guai theesnsai  Rem   Ac: ss SoftwFER.haNon-iFlaimmac,vechha YSOPSr,rh encournpxdreo
prdT py ntCrin 0 netRneN.  Open tonyfsummereo
allh,YSOPSrin 0
s alf on 4 Washuagted Men ohAERa.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohT
s ar  A  /ard
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tBALTisBcho! ree-nmof tr EVarious
 :   Engi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a15/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsuc tl guabe8gffed w_N5gif8msN   vor petmiillmM/5, wiz1enhannctive
TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352, hon@balf on 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352, hon@balf on 4md.     weRA_MULTIes- kitRem   Ac: ss Mulf -     ,eFVesa:379eVisi e),aliaAn:e379    Flags: <d dicatedreo
 ftechnical know-how II tac12netrffffed
 fRem   Ac: ss cn almulf  ode environment. 20 h    Tall2nt s v ly>  nhohoh

 , mulf tas

 , mulf - ode door Or   Lrrrrrrald m   Is
as long as NLeyArffffesd rf tlyne2h LetophaaanetBob Hof12netoch, mulf - ode RA seFtem.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3634 12@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll FdistrihdAon 4/104edhpaths, Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua10 5echoliIP_CONNECeRA_MULTIIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
mgRk lewis,hto3634 12Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmgRk lewis,hwkitty42@a,ltelathoOr   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajikEFdagets,hto3634 12OrweRA_SUPPORTOr   LrRem   Ac: ss Sasatr, :379eVisi e),alialaeloffici   Rem   Ac: ss BBS oftwFERtsasatr,  neN.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta1o3634 12@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll FdistrihdAon 4/104edhpaths, Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua50 5echoliIP_CONNECeRA_SUPPIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
mgRk lewis,hto3634 12Or   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmgRk lewis,hwkitty42@a,ltelathoOr   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajikEFdagets,hto3634 12OrweRA_UTILOr   LrRem   Ac: ss USt, f e  :379eVisi e),aliaAn::379 eekl Letd    illmMttchtLCEpg2gramsrdesigned
e2.A  ere,ali workaw_guatae Rem   Ac: ss Bulle,in  /ard
SeFtem. D    illmMseVisi e),alicgMti ly>  (bu:parh nottlimifed
e2...)lhow  o getl Lem tonyfsummereo
work,   w refecses,aprdT pular needstw_N5in RA itself,.A  ere,ali JgoC Cmn,rsSTtn4ed ,< Dc aMailers, Door Pg2grams,uF l eUSt, f e ,/5, wizard19Mail
Tossers,  Dci,ER allaac: ptEC C,
as 4ER m   Is.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta1o3634 12@r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll FdistrihdAon 4/104edhpaths, Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua50 5echoliIP_CONNECeRA_UTILIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Andr w Leary,nto320/119 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAndr w Leary,najleary@sGhietribu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmgRk lewis,hto3634 12Or   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Waldo'saMajikEFdagets,hto3634 12OrweRBBS-PCr    StRBBS-PC Bulle,in  /ard
SoftwFERtSasatr,immac,v ilynoRBBS-PC is
eekl Leftechnical sasatr,,t,ssAonas: <ald developoment.A  ere,ali ochtae RBBS-PC Bulle,in  /ard
SoftwFERtald msNific4n4ed /improvementseVisi e),alieo
ame.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto106/2 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EWorld Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua5 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Matt Bedyneke: 2006/2, mbedynek@pdqathobu  Volty  Vta!      s-2gRuleD:
 mbedynek@pdqatho # .)   .   # mbedynek@pdqathobuweRC2RCr    StCatho, cieo
Catho, cimmac,v ilynoRomanlCatho, cifellowship RneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohCFN wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift hCFNisBcho! ree-nmof tr ECFN, CINes- kitEngi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a100 5echoliIP_CONNECeRC2RCIsUs Names OnlR  I Memb.tship Req> o        RuleD:
    FlafMEMb.t ex  St1enhannctive
Lyns@FeFtet,ht2:3eD:/9Or   Lrel Russuransso25oDec-1999
 CFN :379 C  trol,hto382/22Or   LWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
RlOL_FREE_SPEECHes- kitlaeltFlangin(tm)      Free SpeRnea:379eVisi e),aliaAn:e379 devofed
e2htae    : pt
tchfree speRne. uAear hyeVisi e),ali,t it'safEIeat.itPraig0callyaalythuag   amM-g2nt . Feelimilynoechhae
mMVFegif8,eythuag.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta1o319/10aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgn4,llmMitchEngi    uwaoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a11 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
David Randall,hto15/65es- kitty  Vta!      9-  RuleD:
 David Randall,hto15/65es
RlCr    StlQua 1 RECsAdmina:379eVisi e),aliaPrivffesAdmin
on ntlve aERareekltLC RECsCounc
lheekllQua1lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPrivffe, eesnricnedhdAon 4/104ed Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
An  Currenf lQua 1 REC,Or   Lrel Russuransso27oanses Floev RECtRobot,hto17 .buweRECCr    StRegAedalH:379mail Cotrdin vorsCounc
l/5, wizard19 :379 eekl Letuse ochpreaenthald pl RuRECsrald ZECsrochzQua tonyfsummer1htosd    il issnguiphatain
 fe2he379mail betwgen tae regAed .immac,v ilynoAc: ss limifed
e2hpreaenthald pl RuRECsrald ZECs, pl ROr   Lrrrrrrald preaenthZCuiapd0i vited gnguae<e.g.nbctsup,t,ssAonasROr   Lrrrrrrald i theimuRECs, ZECrald ZC;rald m   Is
as tLC RECCifeelimilynoechhacat lanryaw_guamajorityhvofe.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta1o)624/8e1KBin Egus  mea feed/niCoShift immac,vIAon 4/104edgneesnricnedh0o oeFV REC/ZECrlinks unleil majorityhochREC Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
seeialy actlve RECsifacat lanry,bu   Lrel Russuransso3o  RuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr # .)   .   # dav @drakkarevprOrweRECFRPes- kitAdvas: dhDuraned  ,es:Draged /RECFRPes- kit),alialaelAD&D/RECFRP :379 ppcni is
eekl Lefd    illmM:aes:,ctual.A  ere,ali Jlay
 ftchALL role-Jlay
 fgangu.iComp Sst-based8gfmR Or   Lrrrrrrarh notti ly>ldMd. lae e379 ppcni is
also aoorsEC CrviaOr   Lrrrrrralom the n:pmail if lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFpD_NET, BACKB_NENames OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue150gion take it oshua608/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
Men Perm Req>sndly, frlnsucfMOD-apvlr   LadmNI Language: Scntt Royall,hto106/357@fdistrievpres- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrKay Shaphao,hto102/524@fdistrievpres- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrKay Shaphao,hto102/524@fdistrievpres- kitty  Vta!      s7-FebuleD:
 Kay Shaphao,hto102/524OrweRECIPES
eeklAll TimR !immac,v ilynoRECIPES
iarFegif8friendsVald faActie,es:taetgoen f oesBob Hof12netweAhav naegif8eaetkitchen tEC'Pull up 'yurata!iIlal' 20 h    Talctme setl,whi C.itCoffee'sahot.'lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto19/m9023r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua43 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Elizabeth Chrf
ume: 209/m9023es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCarol Shenkenberggt,hto275/100Or   Lrel Russuransso8-FebuleD:
 Carol Shenkenberggt,hto275/100@fdistribuweRED_CROSSes- kitm the a04edalH RedaCroiltC  Flags:  II tac12net@ RedaCroilt :379 eekluserev a,l
phop Cra,l
overeeaetWORLD.lmMitchechhaR@jun ,rh simp C  s. Sabjf tnguaFpD_NET po, cy 4 (seeis.ct4edlmMitchechha9.9)
as "if" MESSAGES
weER NETMAIL. 2. Sabjf t-aly d  aFtetlmMitchechhavt o theresabjf tn3.     o04C Crbehavior in ech neohoh
s.lmMitchechha4. fr anegraphic eesnricn4ed  mM:links. 5.t1enhanncti
asks 20 h    Talhif  As toaeellowlECROC (e
 5 .) 04/583) 6. Bruce 20 h    TalBodgets' faqfit:dgtpapp, c4C Cre2htais    Flags: lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnWorldwids Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
 nfMoravsik # .) 04/583Or   Lrel Russuransso15oanses Floev obeMoravsik # .) 04/583OrweREG15INDr    StRegAed 15 RegAedalHIndephnsOntf:379eVisi e),alialane is gMtadmin
on ntlve :379 eeklctmmunicatlmM
amiag.A  ere,ali RegAed 15 IndephnsOntf odes o0ly.aaO   Ilpha o0s mayabelmMitchechhaA vifed
e2hprdT py ntCrat  aCrd   rftimMitch0
smsN   vor, 20 h    TalweNAis
Let odelEssed8RegAed 15 Cotrdin vor. uAey:sabjf t tonyfsummerd   uag w_guaRegAed 15 admin
on ntlve mat  As   amMi ont . tonyfsummer D  n 4/104edhtchtais
n379 shallabeatLrgighaRegAed 15  odesimilynoechhamMly.iaCroil-posn
 ftchm lanpxstgif8ochtais
n379 is
allowedimilynoechhamMlyaw_guatae oO     vor'saprior petmiillmM.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 15 IndephnsOntf odes o0ly Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>sndly, frlnsucfMEM ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto15/0Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuweREGION10r    StRegAed 10 Ca!tA:379lmMitchechha An:allaahifnd: aat e379 eeklallamemb.ts ochRegAed 10.9Users,lmMitchechha eFVes, points
ald PVTf odes ,ER allawel   e. An:aERareekOr   LrrrrrralyQuaai  RegAed 10@tosd    il issnguiapd0i theesnsltchitCmn.A  ere,ali Jhatinenthe2hphop Crw_N5in ech bifndaries ochFdistrihRegAed tonyfsummer10. frlhuag   amff-g2nt . fr flangu,iapd0pg2p Ildecekumimilynoechhamu  Vbe maintaEIei,:sEIcet0
also tpen  o kids.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto10/0o aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EREGION 10Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue15gion take it oshua43 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
RC10,hto10/0,histovas@tnl=o0lEIeetribu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrREC10,hto10/ # abrown@tnl-o0lEIeetribu   Lrel Russuransso14-2gRuleD:
 istovas@tnl-o0lEIeetri # .)   .   # "Bagsda Dstovas" <istovas@tnl-o0lEIeetri>buweREGION11r    StRegAed 11@a n LalH,eFVeA:379lmMitchechha Areekum
eekl Lef eFVes ochRegAed11,hfekld    illmMttchalmo ROr   Lrrrrrralythuag,abu:ppreFla4C yiphatain
 fe2h eFVeuag,aRegAed11.A  ere,ali egsEIeas,rald refffed
g2nt s.iaItris
also Lef"offici  .A  ere,ali i ee" e379 eeklRegAed11,hald m lanpxstrfgard
 foffici  .A  ere,ali RegAed11 egsEIeasaeklR .ct4edsAw_llabeaposned8ae 4t,s weMl. tonyfsummer "O   Itri" (m   IEtsurhFdistriheklRegAed11) egsEIeasashouldimilynoechhadgtpbe    ducnedhin 0 netRneN.  lanetRneNAis
privffe, ald 20 h    Tallimifed
e2h eFVes taat areflEssed8fndereeaetRegAed11 atr, tr 20 h  12netochta
sms Rusurrenf Fdistrih odelEss. (VisiteeaetRegAed11Bob Hof12netwebsitCrat http://oeo0lEIee   /~ga yg/regAed11)lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto1  lo aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnW_N5in FdistrihRegAed 11 o0ly Co(RESTsia P tro(RESTsi
 fprohibited tonyfsec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfSYSafulOr   LadmNI Language: ga yrgilon 4Y to11/2    Volty  Vta!      25oanses Floev ga yrgilon 4Y to11/2  weREGION13r    StRegAed 13tC  Flags: Bob Hof12nett SeC e379 gitleBob Hof12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohR 13tio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnR 13Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue199gion take it oshua64/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
,eFVesageFV>sndly, frlnsucfSYSOPes- kittsN   ve roywi  nfMoravsik # .) 04/583Or   Lrel Russuransso15oanses Floev obeMoravsik # .) 04/583OrweREGION15r    StRegAed 15 ,eFVeA:379lmMitchechha lane is gMt:379 eeklctmmunicatlmM
amiagtRegAed 15 eFVes.lmMitchechha Itris
a vehicle eeklRegAed 15 eFVesrtohctmmunicaterw_N5 20 h    Taltae RCrald each m   I. uAey:sabjf tnd   uag w_guaRegAed tonyfsummer15 mat  As   amMi ont . ! ree-nmof trhtchtais
n379 shall.A  ere,ali eeatLrgighaRegAed 15 seFtemt:oeFV.iaCroil-posn
 ftchm lanpxs 20 h  12netoif8ochtais
n379 is
allowedamMlyaw_guatae oO     vor'saprior.A  ere,ali JhamiillmM.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnRegAed 15 ,eFVesao0ly Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>sndly, frlnsucfMEM ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto15/0Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuweREGION18
 :   REGION18
 :   12net@lanetRntryais gMte379 gaghoidetlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnNe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Fergu ed,hto36  .bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev Foxy Fergu ed,hto36  .buweRELIGIONes- kitOpen Rel   ous D    illmMseVisi e),alialanetRntryais gMte379 gaghoidetlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto36  . naGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  htShift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPrivffe Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Fergu ed,hto36  .bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev Foxy Fergu ed,hto36  .buweRELOADr    StD    illmMntochrefoa uag rif C,
pAonol ald shotgun  arteVisi e),alialane RneNAis
eekl L
sd    illmMttchrefoa uag allarif C,pAonolOr   Lrrrrrrald shotgun  artridggu,iapcienthorsmsN  n.  D    illmMseVisi e),alitchrefoa uag eqnipmenthald echniqngu ,ER also encournpxd.lmMitchechhaBuy
 ftr sell
 ftchpha o04,lyaownedhrefoa uag eqnipmentlmMitchechhaA aJhamitSs:aiCommerci   sajun ,rh notaJhamitSs:almMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto397/5258Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  htShift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1-ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P trING!lif M Co(RESec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua50 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
John Dstohue,hto397/5258 Co(RESllllllllllllllJim Dunmygt,hto234/2    Volty  Vta!      2oanses Floev John Dstohue,hto397/.buweREMAILERDEVes- kitAnonymous Remailer DevelopmentlmMitchechhaalane EneNAis
eekl Losolpha o0s developuag and/eklRvaluffuag.A  ere,ali Anonymous Remailer softwFER.haD    illmMntrfgard
 fsoftwFER,lmMitchechha esurity,lencrypanet,< Dc a,rh encournpxd.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPrivffe Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>sndly, frlnsucfMOD ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuweREMAIL_TESTes- kitAnonymous Remailer TestlmMitchechhaalane EneNAis
gsed8eeklRvaluffuag ReMailer softwFER.haTestlmMitchechham lanpxs,abug rfatr,s,hfeatuERtrfqnguae<,ER allamMi ont . tonyfsummerTest m lanpxstmayabeaposned8in 0 net:379 eekl LetpurposeeVisi e),alitchcheckuag anonymous remailer func04edality.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/l1aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPrivffe Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>sndly, frlnsucfMOD ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/l1.1@fdistribuweRENEGADEes- kitlaelOffici   Renfgade-Renfgade/2 BBS Sasatr, :379eVisi e),alialaeli the a04edalHFdistrihe379 eekl Letsasatr, ochtae RenfgadelmMitchechhaBulle,in  /ard
a veryarobu  Vald    Figur4C CrBBSlmMitchechhaprck99h.aItris
also Lefoffici   sasatr,  neN eekl Leteventual.A  ere,ali refecse ochRenfgade/2 eeklOS/2.  lae e379   amrienfed
e2wFEds II tac12net,ssAonuag Renfgade eFVesrin r   uz
 ftae full prlnnti  .A  ere,ali ochtaeir softwFER.hAeythuag rffffed
e2h Let   Figur4anet,.A  ere,ali ophaaanethorsmsNific4n4ed ochRenfgade BBS oftwFERttr sasatr,uag.A  ere,ali uSt, f e    a"Onll2nt ".eUSt, fy autheksa,rh encournpxd tonyfsummereo
prdT py ntCrapd0pg2m   50
ir pg2ducts.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohFdistrihaGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P trbarco8GSNribu   LrelLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a100 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Charjun Bowiume: 23651/9.10bu  Volty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 Charjun Bowiume: 23651/9.10buweRENEGADE_BBSlmMitchlaelOO     lhRenfgade BBS Sasatr,  neNeVisi e),alialaelOO     lhRenfgade BBS sasatr,  neN!StD    illmMntod tonyfsummerhow  o usahald maintaEIayouraRenfgade BBS.  Lonsltchhelp 20 h    TalmMims Ru,eythuag.ialaelpaks Htoaeies:taetmaly gr  t uSt, f e lmMitchechhaeekluserw_guaRenfgade ald how  o usah Lem! Ifayou wanthGulOTlmMitchechha asatr, eeklRenfgade, 0 netis
Letpaks Htoagetlit!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1-ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Jeffre  J.sCounsil,hto)68/402Or   Lrel Russuransso1-  RuleD:
 Jeffre  J.sCounsil,hto)68/402@fdistribuweRENEGADE_UTILSr    StD    illmMltchuSt, f e  eeklRenfgaderBBSlmMitchechhaalane aERaris
eekl L
sd    illmMsltchuSt, f e  ald Add-mMseVisi e),alieekluserw_guatae Renfgade BBS oftwFER.llanetcgMti ly> eVisi e),aliCallbcts Verifiets,hOfflEIe9Mail, Renfgade-Specific Door Or   Lrrrrrrald on 4.hAs long as ittcgMtbetevenfremNtelyagsed8w_guaRenfgade,.A  ere,ali it'samMi ont !lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1-eACKB_NENames OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfMOD ex  St1enhannctive
Jeffre  Counsil,hto)68/402Or   Lrel Russuransso1-  RuleD:
 Jeffre  J.sCounsil,hto)68/402@fdistribuweREPUBLICANes- kitRepub, c4n GOP PrdTy Po, cy ald Events
D    illmM/5, wizard19aA m ei
 fpaks HeeklRepub, c4n  ochtae Grald Old PrdTy tonyfsummereo
d    il surrenf Repub, c4n po, ci s, events,Vald    aervag0GRAMPS_ECechhaviews.iaFlangui,es:uncivil behavior ,rh prohibited. Pfecse 20 h    Talctntacth0
smsN   vorHeeklJhamiillmMHtoaga  50 is    Flags: lmMitchechha0o o   IEneohoh
s.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto)32/16aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdistrihNAB ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno REPUBLICANIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafuULcfulO ex  St1enhannctive
MrdT n  elcke,hto)32/16 Co(RESllllllllllllllB_llaMitchell,hto) 04/539, mitch@mlR eFtemt.       Volty  Vta!       8-2gRuleD:
 [email protected].    # .)   .   # [email protected].   buweRETAIL_HORRORes- kitAntoifle,
eekl L
shekrtr stories ochRetail Shoppuag.Names Only> WeAhav nallahad ouraJgoC Cmn8w_guaretail shoppuag.ialaeyeVisi e),alicgMtr!   ae
 5clerksrweNAknow nothuag aegif8eaeir pg2ducts,lmMitchechha hVesrweNAhav nbgen oif8ocha chatain
eyp Amflpg2ductreekOr   Lrrrrrrmtnths, pri: srtaat arefnoiwheER neariwhat  aCy areflEssed.A  ere,ali i l Letsajun flyers,  Dc.  lanetRneNAw_llatryatoaglve an 20 h  12netoifletl ol Losolhekrtr stories.  Someao f Lem aref aer ous,lmMitchechha omeaareffunny, hopefully  aCy allagetlsolvei,:bu:p omef oesBob Hof12netyou ju  Vhav n olvent. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/4 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnHopefully fdistrinbctsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Mita!el WhnsOll,hto379/4bu  Volty  Vta!      s3-Dec-1999
 mita!el.whnsOll@ aCapprdH TVatho # .)   .   # mita!el.whnsOll@ aCapprdH TVathoOr   LWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
RlV_JOE_CONWAn w   rnlevof4ed ,<insighthald prayertrfqnguae. tonyfsummer Devof4ed ,<insighthald prayertrfqnguaeae
 5ech youag and tonyfsummerdynamit pl Ror efitAmaz
s ap f  Churchrin  iloxi/5, wizard19Miillillppu.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohF Active Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Statusif aervnr anGhieplane,c.    / Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr :   8/leD1waoaisBONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a18 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Joe C   P , 8:8/0 ha19-DllllllllllllllB nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweRGN10-ADMINr    StRegAed 10 Cotrdin vors II tac12net@lanetRneNAis
eekld    illmMtamiagstltae RegAed 10 cotrdin vors, II tac12netrfgard
 ftae dAon 4/104edhtch:379mail, issnguid rf tly II tac12netrffffed
e2h LetophaaanethtchNeohoh
sai  RegAed 10, d    illmM/5, wizard19mflpo, cy,hfeed8 tructuER ,edactie eFtem i eekmanlmM, regAedal.A  ereard19mail stH f
cs,hald o   IEdAon 4/104ed-rffffed
mat  As,Or   Lrrrrrrald vof
 fprocedurestw_N5in ech RegAed. geFV R10 cotrdin vorsOr   Lrrrrrr(RC, REC, RegAed Hubs, NCs,cNECs)i,ER allowed WRITE ac: ss..A  ere,ali All RegAed 10 seFVesaoER allowed ulOD ac: ss. Aey:ctmmentseVisi e),alitr saggesn
mMsamchtae g2nt s preaented8ae 4tmayabeataken tonyfsummerni in
privffeEneomail eklw guayouraNC/NECsiIayouraNeo'slmMitchechha eFVetRneN. Resnricn4ed  Apply.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto10/0o aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EREGION 10Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuel1aGr mpao
nit oshua151/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
RC10,hto10/0,histovas@tnl-o0lEIeetribu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrREC10,hto10/ # abrown@tnl-o0lEIeetribu   Lrel Russuransso14-2gRuleD:
 istovas@tnl-o0lEIeetri # .)   .   # "Bagsda Dstovas" <istovas@tnl-o0lEIeetri>buweRGN10-SYSOPes- kitRegAed 10 ,eFVeslmMitchechha An:aERareekltLC Fdistrih odelEssed ,eFVesai  RegAed 10 tonyfsummereo
d    il issnguirffff
 fe2h Letpo, ci s, po, f c  ond tonyfsummeradmin
on ntled ochRegAed 10 ,es:,ey o   IEissnguiphatain
RegAed 10.9Pha o04,i,ttacks oER dgtpallowed.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto10/0o aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EREGION 10Names OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue30gion take it oshua216/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
RC10,hto10/0,histovas@tnl-o0lEIeetribu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrREC10,hto10/ # abrown@tnl-o0lEIeetribu   Lrel Russuransso14-2gRuleD:
 istovas@tnl-o0lEIeetri # .)   .   # "Bagsda Dstovas" <istovas@tnl-o0lEIeetri>buweRGN17-ADMINr    StlQua 1 RegAed 17 Cotrdin vorfC  Flags:  II tac12net@lah RGN17-ADMIN    Flags: <is gMtadmin
on ntlve RneNAintensOd tonyfsummereo
provisOeac: ss  oltae RegAed 17 Cotrdin vor. uPosn
 lmMitchechhaA aeesnricnedh0o FdistrihRegAed 17amemb.ts oMlyaw_guoifOr   LrrrrrrmtN   vor petmiillmM.eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto17/0o aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ERegAed 17ahubs/*ECs/*Csao0ly Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno RGN17-ADMIN.RUmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlaulOlnfmR Or   Lr1enhannctive
RC17,hto17 0Or   Lrel Russuransso28oanses Floev Dall   Hinted (automanlcarobot),hto153/715es
ROCKETRn w   rnRocken Scien: <(1enhl/High-Powet/Ama/Pro/Gov/Mil/e,c.)lmMitchechha *tlaeltFlanginRneNA"Rocken Scien: "r(ROCKETRn)ris
eekl L
tonyfsummerd    illmMttchany g2nt s rffffed
e2hallh0yp s ochRockenry II tac12net(hAonory,nNASA, scien: ,lhob
# mi, fary), posn
 flaunch II tac12netrfatr,s,hoccas4edalH  mmerci   Rockenrytadvhatisements,Or   Lrrrrrren ce  Aa.aaO   Il0yp s ochkEIenlcatr stanlcamachEIea (fly
 lmMitchechha,es:n  Fly
 rmtN ls), AmateuraRadio (Ham),hald o   IEpoints/5, wizard19mfld    illmM:aER g2nt 4,i,t50 is f oe. *t    ve Mie eFtem, 20 h    Taltae oO     ochROCKETRn,ris
a Mail ald Point
dgtlmMitchechha,iComp Sst Bulle,in  /ard
SeFtem. Ctntacthm <if:etyou wouldimilynoechhalik <e2h et up a Point
 5mie eFtem,tyou areflookuag eekOr   Lrrrrrrald al-up BBS taat carries 0 netRneN,atr ifayou need an 20 h  12netalthe a0esd rf thfeed. --Matt Weeae (Fane),hW5WMW *tEstEC  Zyedimilynoechha08
Mrdch,e1998eVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto170/ 70.0@fdistrievprdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdisnginlQua Oua NAB ald Z1B &nlQua Two &nPrivffely Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999hi,ali Allstbarco8@junomue10gion take it oshua5 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Matt Weeae,hto170/ 70@fdistrievpres- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrMatt Weeae,hw5wmw@arrletribu   Lrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr+1-918-455-5806 (Facsimi,e),Or   Lrel Russuransso4-JanuleD:
 Fane,hto170/ 70@fdistrievpres
ROOTS_MUSICr    StRoonslMusic D    illmM/5, wizard19aFriendlytd    illmMttchtLCEvarious 0yp s ochmusic   mmo0ly Co(RES12netrfFlared
e2ha   OOTS MUSIC.ialaeseti ly>  Folk, Blue ,/5, wizard19Rockabill # Country,nBluegraas,rMountain,rald m   Is.ialae/5, wizard19guidelEne  eeklg2nt 4, fy areffairlytloose:sEIcet0
se:styles/5, wizard19mflmusic areffrfqngntlynlinkedh0o o   IEctntematra yrstyles.eVisi e),aliC  aeqngntly,h Let   vet 4n4ed 8ae 4t,ERttften quiterw_de- Co(RES12netrurauag andtcgMtbetenjoyodrev phop Crw_N5td vet elmusic  .A  ere,ali i theesns.iaEveryQuaaisawel   e!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/831Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
MrdT n Ridgley,hto153/831@bigeeot.   )bu   Lrel Russuransso11oanses Floev MrdT n Ridgley,hto153/831es
RTKBO ex  StRighthTo Keep andtBeariArms D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliatlaelaERareekltLC d    illmMttchtLCEpo, f c4,i,spects oceVisi e),alie rfarms,ue rfarmsaownetship ald se   d ammendmenthrights.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto10/22 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnNAB, Z1B,hWWB,hhpD_SPINE, PLANET CONNECT Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999hi,ali Am Licanlnus, Zy,lnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno RTKBOIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
RoynW_Nt,hto10/22,[email protected]   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEm Li TV - Jim Wesnbrook,hto382/29Or   Lrel Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
 [email protected] # .)   .   # [email protected]
RTTn w   rnRTTn(Radio Tele,yp AD    illmMn)lmMitchechha RTTnaisadevofed
e2hd    illmM,lhints
ald helprFegif8Radio tonyfsummerTele,yp ACtmmunicatlmMs/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWARNING!lifishl ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352, balf on 4md@balf on 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352bu
RUSSIO ex  StR illa Ca!tAC  Flags:  II tac12net@Filtheed8 oc.cultuER.r illan.mtN   vedimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua340 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywiChrf Glur, 8:7903/10bu  Volty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweR_CATHOLICr    StRomanlCatho, ciQuesn4ed ald AeswetA:379lmMitchechha Areekum
d dicatedreekltLC d    illmMttchtLCECatho, ciFa_N5.lmMitchechha"Catho, c"aisaae 4tdefEIed
as 4,l
pha o0s ald Churchesahold
 lmMitchechhafull ctmmunimMiw_guatae RomanlPtntiff,t,s weMl
as tLC doc,alne ,/5, wizard19, furgi s,    ology,rald spiLi T4, fy,ren ce  Aa,ttchtLClmMitchechhaLff
 ald EaFtetn Unia0esChurches. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEMERITUS JmMiGuidry,njon@guidryevpres- kitty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSA-SPURSlmMitchSanlAntedio Spurs ecsketb4,l
Team D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.bcsketb4, Newsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua459 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath;reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSAC-KINGSlmMitchSacramento K
 s NBA ecsketb4,l
D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.bcsketb4,
 s Newsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua524 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath;�Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSACRED_MUSICr    StWotship Music &tWotship LeaN  seVisi e),alialane RneNAis
eekl L
ssasatr, och4,l
eekms ochwotship music. tonyfsummerTane does notti ly>de radio ald pop music,hwhichris   vheed.A  ere,ali i l LetCCMRADIO  neN.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active /Plane, C  cath\Lf aervnr anGhieplane,c.    Co(RESTsia P tr :   8:8/0 ha19-DONLY availcb er
t            thr ECHOLISTtof a1 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As

    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
RobeGreen,h8:8/0 ha19-DON  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSATLINK.FILESlmMitchSatlinkuF l s D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliaAaeesnricnedh   Flags: <eeklusets ochSatlink'safEleis.rvi: slmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnprivffeEeesnricned Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>sndly, frlnsucfMEMb.t ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Go@jut,hto140/117@fdistribu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev obeSeFegrn,hto140/12.1,CweSATLINK.HUBSlmMitchSatlinkuHubs D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliaAaeesnricnedh   Flags: <eeklSatlinkuhubs o0ly Co(RES12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnprivffeEeesnricned Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>sndly, frlnsucfMEMb.t ex  retsN   ve roywi  nfSeFegrn,hto140/12@fdistribu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev obeSeFegrn,hto140/12.1,CweSATLINK.SYSOPes- kitSatlinku,eFVeA:379lmMitchechha Areesnricnedh   Flags: <eeklseFVesamakuag use ochSatlink'seVisi e),alie le ald e379mail s.rvi: slmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnprivffeEeesnricned Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Memb.tship Req>sndly, frlnsucfMEMb.t ex  retsN   ve roywiRita!rd Bonebrake,hto140/60@fdistribu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev obeSeFegrn,hto140/12.1,CweSB-E/N/L ex  StSpaceecse'saulOD ONLY E .ctredictSpace Newsjutt  seVisi e),alia-=ulOD ONLY=-!, from put w_N5gif8petmiillmM! All Q&A ond tonyfsummerremah
sa oltae SB-QUESTIONSA:379!),aliCarries E .ctrediclmMitchechha pace Rffffed
Newsjutt  salik < pacenews, APS What'saNew,/5, wizard19JmMatsur'sa pace Rfatr,,tAm et Ham Sat
Newsrald on 4.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue3o  gion take it oshua35 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
  dageFVesndly, frlnsucfACCr    SttsN   ve roywiHighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-NASA_NEWS ex  StSpaceecse'saulOD ONLY Nasa
Newsr&nPr ss RefecseseVisi e),alia-=ulOD ONLY!=-, from put w_N5gif8petmiillmM! All Q&A ond tonyfsummerremah
sa oltae SB-QUESTIONSA:379!),aliCarries tae fffestlmMitchechhaNasa
Pr ss Refecses,r&nNtr,h Am Lica space news ex: pts!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue5o  gion take it oshua100 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As

  dageFVesndly, frlnsucfACCr    SttsN   ve roywiHighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-NASA_TECHes- kitSpaceecse'saulOD ONLY Nasa
TRneaNewsr&nProbe RptseVisi e),alia-=ulOD ONLY!=-!, from put w_N5gif8petmiillmM! All Q&A ond tonyfsummerremah
sa oltae SB-QUESTIONSA:379!),alCarries tae fffestlmMitchechhadactieShuttle  tH TV Rfatr,s. Also Gal leo, Ulysses,rH.S.T.,/5, wizard19G.R.O.  tH TV ald MiillmMHRfatr,srald on 4!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue40  gion take it oshua70 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As

  dageFVesndly, frlnsucfACCr    SttsN   ve roywiHighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-QUESTIONSes- kitSpaceecse'saD    illmMt:379<eeklSpace News Q&A tonyfsummer D    illmM:aes:,eswetsa olquesn
mMsayou mayahav naegif.A  ere,ali itCmn8i l Let4aulOD ONLY Spaceecse(tm) :379es. LangtieSB-NASA_NEWS,/5, wizard19SB-NASA_TECH SB-E/N/L,19SB-WORLD_NWS.e-=OPEN TOhALL=-.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue44  gion take it oshua150 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-SAT_TRACKes- kitSpaceecse'saAmateuraSffelliterTrackuag D    illmM/5, wizard19aCarries tae fffest NOROD SffelliterE .ments weektie,eslmMitchechha ffelliteractlv fy bulle,ins. uAeswetsaquesn
mMsaFegif8 ffellite tonyfsummerTrackuag SoftwFER.lQuesn
mMsaFnd d    illmMtencourged. -= tonyfsummerOPEN TOhALL!=-,frln,avt omeEeeflects av rnpx minumun posn
 s. 20 h    TalfroUnauthekizodreulkrE sat
 s. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue32  gion take it oshua150 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-SOLAR_RPTes- kitSpaceecse'saSolariActlv fy Rfatr,sr& D    illmM/5, wizard19aCarries tae fffest Solari2sore Aler,s,h ffelliterProtmM/5, wizard19Event Warn
 s,hGeomagIenlcaSnctm ald AuroLalHActlv fy Aler,s. tonyfsummer Q&A, du   illmM:aes:gifsisOeimp S encournpxd. it osh dephnssimilynoechhamM actlve tae Sun is.e-=OPEN TOhALL=-!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue2150gion take it oshua45 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-SYSOPSes- kitSpaceecse ,eFVesageFVAC  Flags:  II tac12net@AMt:379<FeklSpaceecse(tm) SeFVesrtohswap isOasaFnd d    il tonyfsummeradminiapd0improv.ments  oltaese RneNs.eYou hav na9Userrw_N5 20 h    Talatgoen i ee sour: ,lsash day? Let usAknow! Also pasntod tonyfsummerUserrapd0VirusAWarn
tl Mapdinory,nju  VaoorsEC Creeklyour tonyfsummernse!=-lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue26  gion take it oshua50 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfSYSafulOr   LadmNI Language: HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSB-WORLD_NWSes- kitSpaceecse'saulOD ONLY Worlda pace Rfatr,seVisi e),alia-=ulOD ONLY=-!, from put w_N5gif8petmiillmM! All Q&A ond tonyfsummerremah
sa oltae SB-QUESTIONSA:379.aCarries rfatr,sae
 5echeVisi e),aliCIS, ESA, NASDA Japume:China, Auon nlia, Canada, R illaOr   Lrrrrrrald on 4!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievprdold N  ht t Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue2750gion take it oshua30 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As

  dageFVesndly, frlnsucfACCr    SttsN   ve roywiHighaS.eGregory,hto153/719 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDanlDubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HighaS.eGregory,hto153/719@Fdisngi,CweSCANNERSlmMitchComp Sst HardwFERtSca0nekld    illmMseVisi e),aliaFilthe Newsppcni8alf.comp.petiph Lals.sca0neks. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohm the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua869 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSCANRADIOes- kitsca0radio tonyfsummer RneNAd dicatedr oltae d    illmM,lsaju, n nde, tchradio tonyfsummersca0neksNames Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
lake Bow As,Or   Lrty  Vta!      s2-FebuleD:
  lake Bow As,# .)   .   # bbow As@townsqr.   buweSCHOOLSr    StSneNolseVisi e),aliaFekld    illmMttchprima yrald se   da yrsneNol educatlmM.A  ere,ali i lSgifh AfLicaNames Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StaUnisa Edinorial, 8:79/42 feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active lSgifhetn AfLica (RegAed 79) Co(RESTsia P tro(RESTsiedr olnewsppcni8za.sneNol ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue8gion take it oshua26/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Stev nHayes,r8:7903/10bu  Volty  Vta!      14-2gRuleD:
  obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSCI&TECHes- kitScien: <&
TRnenologyA:379lmMitchechha D    illmM:aERareeklscientific ald echnolog c4,imat  As. tonyfsummerTane it:dgtpa
prdanekmal:aERaror , rff   ous aERa,lso claims/5, wizard19mflfa_N5ror rff   on oER dgtpwel   e. Butpallld    illmMseVisi e),alimflscien:  oER!lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto218/890Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ENAB, WWB,hZ1 (lQuas 1-6) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiFrFiLiciRite,hto)18/890bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRita!rd Sm_N5,aae a.teleia@juno.       Volty  Vta!      18-  RuleD:
 ae a.teleia@juno.   ,# .)   .   # ae a.teleia@juno.     weSCI-FI_TVes- kitSCIENCEthpCTION TELEVISION SHOWS d    illmMte379!eVisi e),alialane    Flags: <is eekltLC d    illmMttchallamchtLCEvariouslmMitchechha cien:  Ficn4ed TVa hVws!e IAknow tae 4t,ERtRneNsadevofed tonyfsummereo
eekld    illag any oceVisi e),ali Lem i ly>dlag new
hVws:taat arefju  Vgetn
 fstariedre,c..A  ere,ali Also  cien:  Ficn4ed movies cgMtbetd    iled8ae 4.  laneBob Hof12netw_llabe   e
Letpaks HeeklSCI-FIHeel
sa ola!  :gif! 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSCIENCEbu   LrI the a04edalH cien:  :379lmMitchechha Arg n LalHi theesnreekum
i theesned8in tonyfsummerd    illmMsamcht2nt s rffffed
e2hscien: .iaFull rujun ,rhOr   LrrrrrraoorsEC Cre
 5ech mtN   vor     privffeEm lanpx.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgneACKB_NENames OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomue150gion take it oshua300/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Earj Tr il,hto36 8/555    Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev Earj Tr il,hto36 8/555  weSCOUTERbu   LrI the a04edalH COUTERA:379lmMitchechha lane is gMtI the a04edalH cout  sa:379<C  Flags: .aItris.A  ere,ali ophn
 5ahifes:taetworld, ald 20 h    Tale2halyQuaaw Zy
programsreeklyouN5rworldrw_de. tonyfsummerTaeH COUTERA:379aisad a,ali Ss:nprima ilyagslag a ctmp Sst.A  ere,ali ealed8A:379aMail Em thodamchtR .ctmmunicatlmM
mail proces-lmMitchechhaslag onltLC Fdisve lectsbe M.alane    Flags: <is guabeagsedlmMitchechhaprima ilyaev adultH cout  s,:bu:pdoes nottexly>de youN5lmMitchechhaprdT py ntAed. It'sa"sAoner"    Flags: ,A COUTING,<is gu.A  ere,ali eeagsed8prima ilyaev ech youN5rofltaese programs.alane    Flags: lmMitchechhaA aalso d a,ali Ss:nev GlobalH coutGhielmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3632/65Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnAey:Fdistrihectsbe M, any  coutGhi BBS,hwww.snoutGhieekOr   LrTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue100gion take it oshua30 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Gino Lucrezi, 2:335/610,[email protected]   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDonlecth,hto3632/65@fdistrievpres- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDav nTracewOll,hdav @scout  .       Volty  Vta!      1-anses Floev Gino Lucrezi, 2:335/610,[email protected]   LrI the a04edalH COUTING
:379lmMitchechha lane is gMtI the a04edalH coutlag :379<C  Flags: .aItris.A  ere,ali ophn
 5ahifes:taetworld, ald 20 h    Tale2halyQuaaw Zy
programsreeklyouN5rworldrw_de. tonyfsummerTaeH COUTERA:379aisad a,ali Ss:nprima ilyagslag a ctmp Sst.A  ere,ali ealed8:379aMail m thodamchtR .ctmmunicatlmM
mail process
 lmMitchechhaonltLC Fdisve lectsbe M.alane    Flags: <is guabeagsednprima ily.A  ere,ali ev ech YOUTH MEMBERSrochScoutlag programs.aBu:pdoes notOr   Lrrrrrrexly>de adultHprdT py ntAed. It'sa"sAoner"    - Flags: ,lmMitchechha COUTER,<is guabeagsednprima ily ev ADULT LEADERSri l LelmMitchechha coutlag Programs.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3632/65Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnAey:Fdistrihectsbe MOr   LrTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue100gion take it oshua30 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Gino Lucrezi, 2:335/610,[email protected]   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDonlecth,hto3632/65@fdistrievpres- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDav nTracewOll,hdav @scout  .       Volty  Vta!      1-anses Floev Gino Lucrezi, 2:335/610,[email protected]  saPro Footb4,l
D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.footb4,  saNewsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua465 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSD-PADRESlmMitchSanlDiegorPadrestecseballld    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua733 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSEA-MARINERSlmMitchSeattle MaalnerstecseballlD    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.bcseball.sea-maalnerstNewsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua1051/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSEA-SEAHAWKSlmMitchSeattle SeahawksaPro Footb4,l
D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.footb4,   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua984/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSEARCHLIGHTlmMitchSearchlighthBBS D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliaD    illmMt:379<eeklSearchlighthBBS ald rffffed
oftwFER.imilynoechhaceFVes,lusets,rald 3rdHprdTy oftwFERtautheksa,rh wel   e. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRita!rd K. Foley,hto237/546, rkfoley@ig0st.       Volty  Vta!      9oanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSEATTLE-SONICSlmMitchSeattle Supha o0t s NBA ecsketb4,l
D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.bcsketb4, o0t s Newsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua300/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSECUREMAIL ex  StSecureMail Admin
on ntlve :379lmMitchechha lane :379aisaareekum
eeklallh ecureMail Hosts  old    il tonyfsummer ecureMail routlag, oftwFER, ,es:,eythuag else rffffed 20 h    Tale2hech mtv.mentrochSecureMail. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto306/21aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPrivffe Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno SECUREMLIsUs Names OnlR  I Memb.tship Req>
Men Perm Req> o        RuleD:
    FlafMEMcfMODcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Jim Ca0nell,hto306/21Or   Lrel Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 Jim Ca0nell,hto306/21.1@fdistribuweSEGA_GAMESlmMitchSega Dreamcl RuD    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8Newsppcni8alf.gangu.visOo.segaimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua5584/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    plane,    cath; reqngua/i fdesirFi.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSEMWARElmMitchSemWFERtSasatr, :379<eeklTSEaPro,lTSEaJr text edinors. tonyfsummer Sasatr, apd0i eekmanlmM mM SemWFERtpg2ducts, i ly>dlag tonyfsummerTaeH emwFERtEdinoraPro,lPro 32, ,es:TSEaJr text edinors. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Stu Turk,hto129/26, sturk@tR .rama.       VolllllllllllllllSammyaMitchell,hto133/314,lsasmy.mitchell@semwFER.       Volty  Vta!      13-2gRuleD:
 Stu Turk,hto129/26, sturk@tR .rama.     weSEW_&_QUILTlmMitchSewuag & Quiltuag
 aaes:gramachEIe tonyfsummer SEW_&_QUILT
eekltLC d    illmMttchh  elmMitchechhasewuag aes:quiltuag istr
 aaes:graw_guaaasewuag machEIe tonyfsummeraes/eklserg  .  l2nt s mighthi ly>de    atructlmMHtechnique ,/5, wizard19sour: sreeklmaterials, machEIea eklnof4ed ,<surrenf projf tsOr   Lrrrrrrald o   IErffffed
  vet 4n4edfdetetmined
e2hbe mM-t2nt .A  ere,ali ev ech mtN   vor(s).aItrshouldhbe nofed
eaat d    illmMseVisi e),alimflneedle ar,s,hyarn ar,s,handtcraftuag FERts.rved
mMtt   IeVisi e),alitFlanginRneNgui,es:oER dgtpg2nt 4,ii lSEW_&_QUILT. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohectsbe MaGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1EeACKB_NE, o   IEtFlanginzQuas wel   e Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue4 gion take it oshua130 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
D  ca RanssOll,hto202/141 # mbr3@juno.       Volty  Vta!      21-Dec-1999
 mbr3@juno.   ,# .)   .   # D  ca M RanssOll <mbr3@juno.   >Or   LWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
SE_GENEALOGn w   rnSgifh EaFtetn US Gen   ogyAC  Flags:  II tac12net@lanetRntry is gMtRneNAtaghold IeVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto36  . aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnNe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAn, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Ferguson,hto36  .bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev Foxy Ferguson,hto36  .bu
SFr    StWritten SFi,es:Fantasy II tac12net@lah FdistrihSFiRneNAaERaris
eekld    illmMtochwritten scien: eVisi e),alie cn4ed ald fantasy II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgneACKB_NE, Z_NE-1, Z_NE-2, Z_NE-3, ALTERNET Co(RESTsia P tro(RESALTERNETn    to141/488, Z_NE-3n    ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
efh Friediume: 2282/26.5    Volty  Vta!       4-2gRuleD:
 jjm@movWeFtems.   ,# .)   .   # jjm@movWeFtems.    (Jim McLaughlin)bu
SF-49ERSlmMitchSanlFranc   o 49  saPro Footb4,l
D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.footb4,  saNewsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua3497/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSF-GIANTSlmMitchSanlFranc   o Giants BacseballlD    illmMseVisi e),aliaFiltheed8alf.satr,s.bcseball.sf-giants Newsppcniimilynoechhactsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2306/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSF-LITes- kitScien: <Ficn4ed Li  AatuERlmMitchechha Areekum
eekltLC d    illmMttchscien:  e cn4ed in its written II tac12net(ald puC  Zyed)
eekm.wi  okfreviews, d    illmMsamchclaill .A  ere,ali onori s, announ: ments mchup   uag
oks,re,c.romfayou've tonyfsummerrecgntlynr  daanlsf
ok, droi in
ald elllus waat you N5gightOr   Lrrrrrraegif8it.romfayou hav nnews aegif8anlsf
ok aegif8euabe tonyfsummerrefecsed, let usAknow. frod    illmMsamchvisu4,imed   (i ly>dlag tonyfsummer   uc
oks).aIftyou arefi theesned8in addlag tanetsmall,lmMitchechhaon-t2nt tRneN,adroi neomail euaJim McLaughlin @# .) 04/104eVisi e),alitr m the n:pEmail jjm@movWeFtems.    II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPrivffe,Ectntacth .) 04/104reeklmtre i eekmanlmM. Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junoT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Jim McLaughlin,h .) 04/104jjm@movWeFtems.    II tacty  Vta!       4-2gRuleD:
 jjm@movWeFtems.   ,# .)   .   # jjm@movWeFtems.    (Jim McLaughlin)bu
SFFANes- kitScien: <Ficn4ed ,es:Fand      VolllllllA d    illmMtppcni8eeklalythuag eaat is rffffed
e2hscien: eVisi e),alie cn4ed eklscien:  e cn4ed fand  .iaFilm, animanlmM,r   uc ,/5, wizard19tR .vislmM,randtc  venn
ac: ptEC Crt2nt s eekOr   Lrrrrrrd    illmM.iaDr. WeN,a tHr Trek, Hitchhiker'siGuidele2hech/5, wizard19Galaxy, AsimNv,rMoorcock,hZfffzny, D!   rrMouae,hBattlestar/5, wizard19Galacf c4,re,c!iaD    illmMsamchFANTASY ARE ON TOPIC!aulOLLY!Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  FdistrihZ1Eectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua30 5echoliIP_CONNECly> eFFANIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl ex  St1enhannctive
KaieShapero,lto102/524    Volty  Vta!      17-FebuleD:
SHAKESPEARElmMitchD    illmM:aegif8William ShakespeaERlmMitchechha Arg n LalHpaks H old    il tae fifu, nimes,handtwoh
saoceVisi e),aliWilliam ShakespeaER,EctnsisOred
eh  e ngua/writ rrtchtLClmMitchechhanus, Zy lc-1999h.aIftit'sarffffed
e2hShakespeaER,Ehav naf.A  ere,ali it.ialae rujun ,rh simplhuaTreat m   Is
as you wouldEhav eVisi e),ali Lem treat you. Ggtpa
butt   RneNAd scriptlmMHta!  tane?lmMitchechha Holl  . 1enhannctaA aalso i theesned8in SERIOUSEct-msN   vor tonyfsummer apdid vos. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdistrihectsbe MV - NAB, WWB,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiStev nQuarrfflae: 209/m9005    Volty  Vta!      1-  RuleD:
 Stev nQuarrfflae: 209/m9005,adf Zy@metredet.     weSHAREWARE_SUPPORTes- kitSh,rhWFERtSoftwFERtSasatr, C  Flags:  II tac12net@Assasatr,    Flags: <whichrencournpxs d    illmMttchall.A  ere,ali oh,rhwFERtpg2grams.a lane i ly>del tae sta da dluset oh,rhwFER,/5, wizard19BBS pg2grams, Dev lopets,ri eekmanlmM eeklpg2duct i tg2ductlmM.A  ere,ali Fnd d  n 4/104ed.ialane RneNAis
eeklalyQuaaweNAreqnirFs.A  ere,ali i eekmanlmM mrssasatr, eeklaly oh,rhwFERtpg2gram. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohhpD_wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M(s) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue76gion take it oshua200/5echoliIP_CONNEC SHAREWARE_SUPP Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOL ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352, balf on 4md@balf on 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352bu
SHAREWRElmMitchSh,rhwFERtPg2ductshD    illmM:FekumeVisi e),alialane RneNAis
eekluse ev ecose:weNAaER i theesned8in d    illageVisi e),ali LeEvarious oftwFERtprogramsrwhichrFERtd a,ali Ss:n   oh,rhwFER.A  ere,ali Fs weMl
as tLC moLal,re,h c4,i,ld philosoph c4,iissngussarhifeslageVisi e),alioh,rhwFERtapd0its d  n 4/104ed.ilae tetm "oh,rhwFER",t,s.A  ere,ali it applies toptanetRneN, i ly>del frehwFER, puC  c d9main,/5, wizard19do a04ed wFER, ,es:fest driv s ochdemosamchcommercialtpg2grams. 20 h    Talfewimemb.ts ,es:novi: lusets ,rh wel   e ald encournpxd 20 h    Tale2hoh,rh tLCi  Rxpetigs: s,r2ntn
mMsaFnd quesn
mMsaw_N5 20 h    Talm   Is. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdistrihnunom o0ly ex: pttif s:ng vos,hnulnewsppcni8di Co(RESTsia P tro(RESPrioraPetmiillmM ReqnirFi.A  ereec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno SHAREWREIsUs Names OnlR  I      LanguageFVemo        RuleD:
    FlafulOLes- kittsN   ve roywiStev n tHc  I, 2:443/888, zsnowman@bigeeot.       VolllllllllllllllGa yrGilmore,hto)410/400bu  Volty  Vta!      25-anses Floev ga yrgilmore,hto)410/400bu
SHORTWAVElmMitchShtr,wav nLf  n L'saC  Flags:  II tac12net@D    illmM:aes:tips
eekllf  n Lsrtohshtr,wav nradio,rsca0neksNames Only> ald sffellitesaFnd long-d  nas: <moninoriag of broadcl R.A  ere,ali onatlmMs.wi e   nets ,rh especially wel   e toHprdT py nte. tonyfsummerTaeH   Flags: <also   vhee   pyiag facsim le nt tuERs, m lanpx ,/5, wizard19news transmiillmMs,re,
 5eekeign   u tgies broadcl R
 lmMitchechhaonlradio ald sffellites.wiHelpfu,i,dvi: landtcircuits eekOr   Lrrrrrra thnnasaFnd allis:nradio eqnipment.t Shiftadev lopmenteVisi e),alimflctmp Ssttprogramsreo
co tg2lnradio recgiv.ts ,es:e2hautomanlcally/5, wizard19,og i eekmanlmM aegif8onatlmMs<moninorFio.A  ereechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto252/502Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdistrihnunom o0ly ex: ptiag if s:ng vos,hnulnewsppcni Co(RESTsia P tro(RESPrioraPetmiillmM ReqnirFi.A  ereec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue8  gion take it oshua152 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Ter yrBensOll,hto252/502    Volllllllllllllll-,Or   Lrty  Vta!      8-Janes Floev ga yrgilmore,hto)410/400bu
SHOTGUNlmMitchShttguntPg2feillmMalH VGA9BBS Sasatr, tonyfsummer Sasatr,    Flags: <eeklShttguntPg2feillmMal, SGMail, PC-DataLink,/5, wizard19VesaQWK ,es:,ey o   IEgoenies byrBrenf Shellenb.tgo.A  ereechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto229/606Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi renf,hto229/606, us.tribu   Lrty  Vta!      soJunes Floev renf,hto229/606, us.tribu
SHOULDERSlmMitchMiillmMseVisi e),aliaMiillmMseVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohPh leoNn:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCShift tPN w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    uen>5e2 Active
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua5 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Charjun Weotten,h8:7203/7es- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSILVER_XPRESSlmMitchSilv.t Xpr ss OPX/QWK OfflineaMail SeFtem<C  Flags: . II tac12net@AsSasatr,    Flags: <eekltae Silv.t Xpr ss Off-LineaMailimilynoechhaceFtem<Door/ReaN   ald rffffed
pg2grams.a Silv.t Xpr sslmMitchechhaA aeh  eaFte  Vgrowuag Off-lineaMail SeFtem<in ech world. tonyfsummerTaeHmain purpose:eekltane RneNAis
e2htigerssasatr, eeklSeFOpsNames Only> ald ensrUsersagslag QuaamchtLCEm,ey various Silv.t Xpr sslmMitchechhaBBS mail doots ,es:reaN  .alane RneNAis
eeklSeFOps ANDHeld 20 h    Talusets.a Pfecsefrememb.t eaat tae 4tis gMo   IERneNAcallxd 20 h    TalPLATINUM_XPRESS
eeklSeFOps gslag tLCEPfffinum Xpr ss Mailer/Fro t-Eld 20 h    TalMail WeFtem. Pfecsefkeep
pg2blCmn8rfffflag toltae Silv.t 20 h    TalXpr ss Off-lineaMail seFtem<in ae 4t,nd
pg2blCmn8rfffflag 20 h    Tale2hPfffinum Xpr ss in ech PLATINUM_XPRESS
c  Flags: . II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohhFlanginaGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ_NE-1neACKB_NENames OEngi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua20/5echoliIP_CONNEC SILVER_XPRESS. Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl ex  St1enhannctive
George Onig I, to137/2    VolllllllllllllllHecteklSantos, to135/383bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev George Onig I, to137/2  weSIMPSONSes- kitTaeH impsmMs<D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliaArh you i t9aMatt Shienig'sahumor?romfaso,rech  taneris.A  ere,ali Letpaks H old    il it.iaAfSsttall,tit'samtre ta!  ju   20 h    Talatslagle crdToon
hVw.ialae 4tis g9,ot eaat you couldhbe 20 h    Talmiill  fiftyou ist't join id.ilalk aegif8eae hVws:taat 20 h    Talyou now lik <,nd
hav nfifes:gif8eaaf8eaaf8driv s your kissimilynoechhaftaech wall!t@AMd,Ehav nyour kiss join id,reoo.iaYou mayeVisi e),alie es:you hav na9,ot mtre i hcommmMHta!t you w_llaadmit... II tac12net@<G> Rffed, lik <TaeH impsmMs<itself, PG-13lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto19/m9005r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ENAB, WWB,hZ1B (lQuas 1-6) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiDanlCeppae: 209/m9005.30 ha19-DON  Vta!      3oanses Floev DanlCeppae: 209/m9005.30 hweSINGLES4CHRISTes- kitCFN'saslaglee RneN/5, wizard19aChrf
anlslaglee RneN.iaFeklSlaglee d dicatedr olChrf lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohChrf
anlFellVwship nginaGr mpao
Shift tCFNisBcho! ree-nmof tr ECFNageFV
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua161 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLes- kittsN   ve Bow s Ve: 2:3 Fl/9 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHaroldhRobbiMs,r 2:3 Fl/9 Co(RESty  Vta!      25-Dec-1999
 CFNa:379<C  tg2l,hto382/22Or   LWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
SINGLES_REGISTERbu   LrSlaglee D    illmMseVisi e),aliaG RffedlSlaglee d    illmMsaeeklpeople 18rald old I. II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohh Active lr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active ;if s.rvnr anGhieplane,c.   ;Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
 nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      14-2gRuleD:
  obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSIP_AOes- kit**********rRECOVERYre
 5ALCOHOLISMt**********eVisi e),alia[S] laglen ss [I] n [P] urpose:_ [A] lcoamifcs [A] nonymouslmMitchechhaAn RneNAd signed
eekltae oh,riag of EXPERIENCE, HOPEe,eslmMitchechha TRENGTH
eekltaose pracf clag tLCE12 Ftepn8rf  vhey
pg2gram/5, wizard19d scribed8in tLCE
ok Alcoamifcs Anonymous. Former
msN   vorsu ex  St- kitTim<D.,SHarrie, L.,SVanlS.,SGa yrC.,rMonte R. II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohMontreal, Canada
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnEvheywae 4 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue75gion take it oshua10 5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
UPD, Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJacqueshMontagIee: 2067/820 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJacqueshMontagIee:montagIe@francomed  .qc. aes- kitty  Vta!      4-  RuleD:
 montagIe@francomed  .qc. a,# .)   .   # montagIe@francomed  .qc. aesweSIP_ACOes- kit**********r AdultHChildags Anonymous t**********eVisi e),alia[S]laglen ss [I]n [P]urpose:- [A]dultH[C]hildags [A]nonymouslmMitchechha(also known
as  AdultHChildags Of Alcoamifcs as in ech acronymslmMitchechhaACOA ek ACO ).@Assasatr, e379<eeklAdults:weNAwe 4traisedlmMitchechhaas Childags in a Dysfunc04edalH: Acti,:wee   IE Letparenfs.A  ere,ali i ltaose f Actias were Alcoamifcs, DruglAddicfed, Ov.t Eat As,Or   LrMitchSexlAddicfed ek had o   IEdysfunc04edalHtraits.ilae prdT py nnfs.A  ere,ali ,rh usu4,ly long nimelusets mchtLCE12 STEPS Programs ekOr   LrrrrrrWay oc Lifu, suchrFs in AA, NA, OA, SA, CA,re,c...ilaeyeVisi e),alihav n hVwM:aeHi theesnrguag9<eur   IEin echir8rf  vhey
ta! lmMitchechhaslmplhasobrie,yre
 5echir8prdT pulariaddicflmMs.wBu:pNewcomers.A  ere,ali ,rh wel   edhandtw_llabe i tg2ducedr oltae 12 STEPS WAY tonyfsummerOF LIFE. II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohMontreal, Canada
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnEvheywae 4 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua20/5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
UPD, Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJacqueshMontagIee: 2067/820 Co(RESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJacqueshMontagIee:montagIe@francomed  .qc. aes- kitty  Vta!      4-  RuleD:
 montagIe@francomed  .qc. a,# .)   .   # montagIe@francomed  .qc. aesweSIP_INCESTes- kitIs: st Survivots C  Flags:  II tac12net@Sip_Is: st is g9   Flags: <eekltae d    illmMttchissngueVisi e),alimflsurvivots tchis: st andtchild abuse. All t2nt s ,rh mM.A  ere,ali t2nt twch  posnodrev survivots in accordas: <aw_guatae CONNEeVisi e),alimfltaeH   Flags: .a Survivots tchis: st andtchild abuse.A  ere,ali ,rh pwel   e. PERPETRATORS ,rh NOTtallow dr olposn eeklaly tonyfsummerreasmM. Co(RES  Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P trliIP_Celaive
 :   ec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSKEPTICr    StSk ptic4,iReview tchClaimsimfltaeHPrdanekmal II tac12net@lah SKEPTIC    Flags: <is eekltLC d    illmMttchfriagelmMitchechhascien: ,hfriageimed cine,hflyiag saucets ,es:o   IEUFO's,Or   LrMitch"psychic"lpow As,#wat A d vinuag aes:o   IEsim lar
prdanekmallmMitchechhapch   ena:weNse v rnc fy or, lcts tae 4of, cgMtbettesned.A  ere,ali ev obs.rvan4ed ,es:Rxpetiment.lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto218/890Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ENAB, WWB,hZ1B (lQuas 1-6) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue30gion take it oshua433 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiFrFiLiciL.iRite,hto)18/890bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRita!rd Sm_N5,aae a.teleia@juno.       Volty  Vta!      18-  RuleD:
 ae a.teleia@juno.   ,# .)   .   # ae a.teleia@juno.     weSMOKERS_RIGHTSes- kitIssngusD   uag w_guaSmok As'rRights  olSmok  II tac12net@lah purpose:mfltaeHSMOKERS_RIGHTS RneNAis
e2hyelptd a,ali Ss.A  ere,ali i eekmanlmM apd0isOasad   uag w_gua Letpees.rvan4ed tchtLClmMitchechharighthtohsmok . Waaw Zyr olp
 rlnaareree ex:a!    tchisOas,/5, wizard19t5gights ,es:Rxpetigs: simflsmok Asre
 5all locatlmMs<,eslmMitchechhapethaps byrunifican4ed tchsmok Asrevheywae 4pwe cgMtregain tonyfsummerour pha o0   ereedom Fnd d gn fy whichrwasagrantedr oluslmMitchechhaev ech C  atitunlmM. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2404/200r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thdisimmac,vIAon 4/104edgnAll ectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Ger yrCal5gin,h .)404/200bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRifh Argust,h .)404/201    Volty  Vta!      1-anses Floev Ger yrCal5gin,h .)404/200buweSOAPSes- kitSoap Ophaa Upd vose:Chat andtGoillp II tac12net@SOAPSaA aeh  paks H ole es:tae fate  Vword i lSgap Ophaa/5, wizard19news. As long Fs itihas  oldo w_guaday or nightnimelSOAPS,.A  ere,ali it'saonlt2nt tae 4.  Mtre people ,rh watchuag SOAPSanow/5, wizard19t5gMtRv.t before,hRv.nnif taey ,rht't admit
 fit,lso reqngua/5, wizard19t5ne RneNAe
 5your up uak now so your usets cgMtkeep
in tonyfsummerFtep w_gua Leir8favotite onori s. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi arbrda Nieh er,lto100/250bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrTritchen Sm_N5,ato138/239bu   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSOCCERbu   LrSoccekld    illmMseVisi e),aliaSocceklD    illmMseVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8/2001
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua24/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl D a,ali Ss:n    Sffellite/FTP - reqngua/i fdesirFi.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSOFTWARE_MARKETINGbu   LrSoftwFERtMarke
 /Bgsla sslmMitchechhaalane RneNAis
eekl oftwFERtdev lopets  olex:a!   .A  ere,ali isOasaonlhow taey cgMteffeslItuly marke 5echir8pg2ductsOr   Lrrrrrrald oan99h5echir8bgsla ss.a People onlineacgMtd    il aly tonyfsummert2nt s rffevantr oltae ctmp Sstt esuon yrald bgsla ss pracf cFs.A  ere,ali i rg n Lal.a EVERYONEAis
wel   e toHprdT py nteEin ecis.A  ere,ali RneNA-  whichris
NOTtlim fed
e2hsoftwFERtdev lopets -
weBob Hof12netwel   e advi: le
alyle eldamchbgsla ss,t,s.A  ere,ali weMl
as comments ,es:crit pysmle
 5usets ,s  olwaat pg2ducts, tonyfsummer amppa gns,tp
mMsaFnd featuERs taey e es:mosn app   uag. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2   .352r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnlQua 1hectsbe M, Plane, C  cath Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua5/5echoliIP_CONNEC SOFTMARKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
tl e2hbe gffedlw_gugif8msN   vor petmiillmM ex  St1enhannctive
TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352, hon@balf on 4md.       Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev TeNmDecCostH # .)   .352bu
SOFT_REVIEWbu   LrSoftwFERtReviewslmMitchechhaaReviews tchsoftwFER.imilynoechhactH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohh Active lr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active / Sffellite PctsetV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua4/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Stev nHayes,r8:7903/10bu  Volty  Vta!      14-2gRuleD:
  obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSOLAR_SYSTEMes- kitC  ets AFtetoiss Plane,saFnd MomMs<D    illmMeVisi e),alialane    Flags: <is eekltLC d    illmMttchtLC huium<,eslmMitchechharobrl
c:Rxploran4ed tchtLCrSolar
SeFtem<aes:tae  StlizatlmM.A  ere,ali tchanylmaterialsnfifes:tae 4. D    illmMttchvisu4,,9tR .sc2nt .A  ere,ali ald spks Hpg2bRts.nsiag of solar
seFtem<objf te is petmittedlmMitchechhaas weMl
as d    illmMttchcolonizatlmM ,es:ferraeekmuag
eVisi e),alihuium<,esarobrl
c:meaMs.wD    illmMttchLuna  ald 2gRs ealesOr   Lrrrrrrald oinuag ochSolar
SeFtem<ERsour: srnetRncournpxd.<D    illmMeVisi e),aliochUFO's ald spepulatlve   uen fifu
eekmsrnettiglt2nt t,eslmMitchechhaw_lladgtpbe petmitted. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto116/35aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgney reqngua/e
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua108 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiJohn Shaves, to116/35
 :   el Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 John &aMiity Shaves, to116/35@fdistribuweSOUTH_TEXAS w   rnSgifh Texas Chat :379lmMitchechha lane RneNAis
e2hevheyQua l ving i  or i theesned8in tonyfsummerSgifh Texas. (Ex: pttpg2feillmMalHagit ve r.)vIAon 4/104ed tonyfsummeroutsisOtreglmMt19Ais
as ne  arria  .A  ere,ali ed TELNETnBBSsroutsisOtR19. Specift tt2nt tis, d    illmMeVisi e),aliochTexana<aes:tae aERari rg n Lal9souN5roflSanlAntonio gu.A  ere,ali Mexico.alae rujun ,rh simplhua Play nite,hDst't fight, ENJOY!Names Only> Bu:pwaatRv.t you is, ist't knock Texas! (Or TEXANS!) 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto397/6 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnAoorsEC Cr    Reon 4cfed FTP or DIRECT reqngua/e
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua152 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
ElvisSHargrove,hto397/6bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrPh l Reynolds,hto397/6.5    Volty  Vta!       9-anses Floev ElvisSHargrove,hto397/6@hpD_NET.ORGbuweSOU_STAR w   rnSgifhetn  tHr (to396/1) AdminaArha II tac12net@D    illmM:ochSoifhetn  tHr opeta04edalHmattets.a Prima ily.A  ere,ali eekltaose weNA   cath d rathly w_guaSoifhetn  tHr bu:pm   Is.A  ere,ali ,rh wel   e
as gnguas. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnto396/1 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAn, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
John Soiveon e,hto396/1, johns@sstar.       Volty  Vta!      13-2gRuleD:
 John Soiveon e,hto396/1buweSPACElmMitchSpks HExploran4ed WITHIN OurhSolar
SeFtem II tac12net@--lane    Flags: <fo  iesaonltLC socialli ton  uc,tpolitic4,,.A  ere,ali iesuon iallipultuE4,,9tRchnic4,, ald scientift tissngusoceVisi e),alicreatlag a spks -f,riag c vilizatlmM WITHIN ourhSolar
SeFtem. tonyfsummer--IT IS
NOTtFORaD    illmMsamn   uen vislnatlmMs, fifu
in tonyfsummero   IEsolar
seFtems, Scien: <Ficn4ed,atr laen 4tic4,iPhysuc ,/5, wizard19UFO's, TREKKIES, SKEPTICS, ASTRONOMY, rasysm,Vta!racf.t 20 h    TalassaillnanlmM,rb   ncty remarkuagR unauthekized spks Hrffffed 20 h    Talnews posns.a--laefkeyr oltae threaNsaA aeh  HUMAN R .menteVisi e),ali&lwaat we
as a spepias cgMtdo guday t9<eur   IEourhgoalseVisi e),aliochl ving andtwoh
ing i  spks .a--Fifesed ByrBeviFrFed,/5, wizard19AmericgMtSpks HJourdalAon &aMemb.t NSS,USA.a-D dicatedr oeVisi e),alih IEon ae   4tir.mentrast1enhannct, eeklae  a!rd woh

in tonyfsummertir.junslytp
ag Spks HExploran4ed & Scien: s worldlmMitchechhaw_de. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/719@fdistrievpr1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKB_NE,Z_NE-1,Z_NE-2,Z_NE-3,Z_NE-6 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue7  gion take it oshua866 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
HuguaS. Shegcty,hto153/719es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrDan Dubrick,hto153/719.1es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCharjun Radley,hto105/337bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev HuguaS. Shegcty,hto153/719@hFlangibuweSPHINCTERbu   LrG n Lal9d    illmMttchhFla'sa"Chicked Li tle"tppcni.lmMitchechha lane RneNAis
d dicatedr oltLC d    illmMttchadalH 4tentiv eVisi e),aliGood Ole' Boys, suchrFs E'visSHargrove,hweN, lik <tae stori dlmMitchechhaChicked Li tle, ruMsaFEifes:Fdistrihfelliag evheyQua tLClmMitchechhasky is falliag.hMonthly elecn
mMsaw_llabe helda oldetetminelmMitchechhaweNmDamoag tLCir numb.t shouldhbe crowned
WhEIerrtchtLClmMitchechhaMonth i  Bungholio (WOMB). EachrDecemb.t elecn
mMsaw_lllmMitchechhaee helda olsee weNAhas spewed
eh  Maxim Effluvium<aes:a II tac12netWhEIerrtchtLC Yea  aw!rd e2hbe issngd (WYME), eekltLCir tonyfsummertir.junstefftr,s i  ruMnuag Fdistrihi t9atLC gEifes. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zy,9AmericgMtnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
ceFVesageFVesndly, frlnsucfSYScfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Roy Wi t,hto10/22, royw_gt@pksbe,l.nribu   Lrty  Vta!      s6-2gRuleD:
 royw_gt@pksbe,l.nri,# .)   .   # royw_gt@pksbe,l.nribuweSPINAL_INJURn w   rnSpidalHCord Injuty l2nt s II tac12net@As   Flags: <eeklall pha o0s i theesned8in SpidalHCord II tac12netInjuty  old    il various ubjf te rffffed
e2hSCI, i ly>dlag tonyfsummerees.arch# rehab, eqnipment,re,c.rSexualAtyrald bowel/bladd IeVisi e),alicFERtar <also d    ilxd.<D    illmMrtcho   IEspine-rffffed 20 h    Talpg2blCmn8A aallow d. II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgneACKB_NE, gffed
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue5 gion take it oshua86/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
AlgMtH ss,t .)   .000bu  Volty  Vta!      soJunes Floev AlgMtH ss,t .)   .000buweSPITFIRElmMitchSpitfir.9BBS Sasatr,@AMd Chat :379lmMitchechha lae TRchnic4,tSasatr, C  Flags:
eeklSpitfir.9BBS ald Rffffed 20 h    TalUStlities.wiSpitfir.9ceFVesaAMd Enthusiasts Arh Encournpxd 20 h    TalTorUse lane :379aFeklTRchnic4,tSasatr, Ald Rffffed Chatt I. II tac12net pitfir.9has beed upd vodreeklY2K ctmplias: . II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto374/710Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EALL ectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLes- kittsN   ve roywiWaltaYoung,hto374/710,hwyoung@spks coast-rfacfevpres- kitty  Vta!       9-anses Floev WaltaYoung,hto374/710,hwyoung@spks coast-rfacfevpresweSPORTNET Co(REST n Lt tSatr,s :379lmMitchechha T n Lt tSatr,s :379 -om the a04edalimilynoechhactH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohh Active lr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali StatusPlane, C  cath/h Active /if s.rvnr anGhieplane,c.
 :   Engi    u :   8/2000 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua1/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
 nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSPORTS w   rnSatr,s D    illmMt:379eVisi e),aliaArg n Lal9d    illmMttchSatr,s,Ectncgntratlag onltLC happ nuags.A  ere,ali ed eh  e eld.  l2nt s i ly>de all tchtLC fourh"major" satr,s;lmMitchechhaecseball, basketb4,l, eeotb4,l
hockey.> Bu:pd    illmMseVisi e),alictncgrnuag a,l
satr,star <petmitted.iaD    illmMsaregardlag tonyfsummerPg2feillmMalHWeesnliag shouldhbe d rathed
e2hWRESTLING rat  IeVisi e),alita!  tane RneN.iaD    illmMsaaegif8oatr,stpg2ducts, suchlmMitchechhaas ecseballicFEds,hoER dgtpallow d, ald shouldhbe d rathed 20 h    Tale2hech BB-CARDS RneN.iaNo advertis
 fit:petmitted atpall. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Ed Shi0nell,hto170/1701bu   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSP_ADMINes- kitIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Admin
on ntlve RneN/5, wizard19aIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Admin
on ntlve RneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO cfMODes- kittsN   ve roywiDavid Moufarrfge (i  trust),t .)  3/404bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev FdisSpine,h .)  3/404buweSP_DISTes- kitIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Prima yvIAon 4/10ots RneN/5, wizard19aIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Prima yvIAon 4/10ots RneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO cfMODes- kittsN   ve roywiDavid Moufarrfge (i  trust),t .)  3/404bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev FdisSpine,h .)  3/404buweSP_ECHOLISTes- kitIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Etamif <C  tacthRneN/5, wizard19aIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Etamif <C  tacthRneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiDavid Moufarrfge (i  trust),t .)  3/404bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev FdisSpine,h .)  3/404buweSP_GENEROLes- kitIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine G n Lal9C  tacthRneN/5, wizard19aIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine G n Lal9C  tacthRneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine,5alyQuaaelse weNAw Zyes top arry it Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiDavid Moufarrfge (i  trust),t .)  3/404bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev FdisSpine,h .)  3/404buweSP_POLICYes- kitIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Pmifcy RneN/5, wizard19aIsthe a04edalEFdisSpine Pmifcy RneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
Men Perm Req>
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO cfMODes- kittsN   ve roywiDavid Moufarrfge (i  trust),t .)  3/404bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev FdisSpine,h .)  3/404buweSQAFIX w   rnSqaFixiHelp ald I eekmanlmM :379eVisi e),aliaD    illmMsa  vhe
ag SqaFix,5a Squ ZyrArha Man99ht, erehwFER.A  ere,ali eeklnoncommercialtusets.a SqaFixiyelps you oan99h5your seFtem II tac12netRneNmail  uaks eoguaautomanlcallyrald oanu4,ly.a Currenf II tac12netv.tslmM eeklDOS: SqaFix,5OS/2: SqaFixPrald DPMItpg2tathed 20 h    TalmsN tv.tslmM: SqaFixX feseklDOS,5OS/2, WindVws:3.1, Win95Or   Lrrrrrrald NT:3.xx/4.xx. Authek Pete Kvitek, Moscowo8@illa, FdistriOr   Lrrrrrr2:5020/6bu   Lrrrrrr tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3639/93Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll ectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomue2 gion take it oshua60 5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLcfSYS ex  St1enhannctive
Ross Cassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.       Volty  Vta!      21-anses Floev Ross Cassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.     weSQUISH w   rnSQUISH toss   ald ,ey o   IEseFtem<ta!t  iesa*.SQ? ecse II tac12net@D    illmM:ochSQUISH eekman m lanpx aERas<aes:tae softwFEReVisi e),alita!t9d sc  ies Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2 24/801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnallibctsbe MV aes:ze MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
David Calafranc.sc2,hto2 24/306,rdave@drakkarevpres- kitty  Vta!      6-2gRuleD:
 David.Calafranc.sc2@drakkarevpr,# .)   .   # dave@drakkarevpresweSRGAMES w   rnSglar
   ms Elite II tac12net@lah Sglar
   ms Elite RneNAis
eekltLC d    illmMttchalllmMitchechhathuagn8rfffflag toltae i thebbs ganguaoO    allyrcreated.A  ere,ali ev Mehul Pffel.<D    illmMrmighthi ly>de gang on ntegy,/5, wizard19uStlities, leagu  paky or softwFERtdev lopment.tlah RneN/5, wizard19A aalso ophn
eekld    illmMtochi thebbs softwFERtcreated.A  ere,ali ev ekluesekldev lopment
 John Dailey.aev ekluesekldev lopment.A  ere,ali ev John Dailey. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto141/513Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihectsbe M
 :   Engi    u :   C  tacthMsN   vor tonyfsec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua40/5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Tom Oakes,hto141/513,reoakes@sGhienribu   Lrty  Vta!      5-  RuleD:
 Tom Oakes,hto141/513@fdistribuweSTAMPS_FMn w   rnStamp C llecn
ag tonyfsummeraD    illmMsaaegif8Stamp C llecn
ag tonyfsummerctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua447/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Sffellite: Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSTARGATE w   rnStargffe & Stargffe SG-1<D    illmMeVisi e),alialane    Flags: <is eekltLC d    illmMttchStargffe tLC featuERlmMitchechhafilm<aes:Stargffe SG-1<tLCrShownimelseri s.tlah seri s nt ksimilynoechhaftarighthwae 4peh  e lm<eesed ,nd
e2hbe Quaamc.A  ere,ali Letbgua/scien: -e cn4ed hVws:ed TV guday. Wee   IEyou'ER.A  ere,ali F fan tchtLC f lm<ekltae oeri s, tane RneNAis
eeklyou! If 20 h    Talyou'ER loo
ing eeklaly k es:ochi foaonltLC seri s, suchlmMitchechhaas cl Rtif s,repissN tif s,rg n Lal9i foaoklalrepissN lmMitchechhasynVesis...iRncodh5your sRv.nguachevrmM ,es:acf vffe tLClmMitchechhagnte. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto116/35aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnlQuas 1, 2, 3
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua333 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiMiity Shaves, to116/35
 :   el Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 John &aMiity Shaves, to116/35@fdistribuweSTARTREK w   rnStar Trek RolCEPffyiag :379eVisi e),aliaEneNAis
eeklrolCEpffyiag tchStar Trek type gangs.a Each 20 h    Talmemb.t tchtLC RneNAcan paky aVta!racf.t. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      9oanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSTARWARSes- kitTaeHFdistrihStar WgRs :379lmMitchechha lae isthe a04edalEStar WgRs FdistrihRneNAencournpxs tLClmMitchechhad    illmMttchnearly evheythuag rfffflag toltae Rv.ngs:taat 20 h    Talhapp ned , long nimelago in a galaxy fat, ea  aw!y...ii ly>dlag,/5, wizard19bu:pdgtplim fed
e2:<tLCrStar WgRs f lms (Star WgRs, laelmMitchechhanmpir.9ce-nkes ects, RetuEn tchtLC Jedi, lae Phantom Menace),.A  ere,ali LetSpecial EditlmMsamchtLC f lms, taeVta!racf.ts,hnuv l ,/5, wizard19merchapdiae,htoys, up   iag evhnts, taeVt  iag preqngl f lms.A  ere,ali i rpg2ductlmM,re,c.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Fdis Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua50/5echoliIP_CONNEC tamplie As
n, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
David WhitakeI, to282/1050,hwhit0215@,
 :   el Russuransso16-Janes Floev whit0215@,,# .)   .   # whit0215@,
weSTARWARS_FMn w   rnStarwgRs D    illmMseVisi e),aliaStarwgRs D    illmMseVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua3561/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
 nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSTATS w   rnEneNmail ctsms &aI eeeVisi e),aliaAutoposns of snatlstic4,iRneNmail datH #Robrl posns ofeVisi e),ali*ECictncgrns, ald occl 4edalHtgua/msgs. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3   . aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ1B, WWB Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAn, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Ferguson,hto3   .bu   Lrel Russuransso31oanses Floev Foxy Ferguson,hto3   .buweSTDSN w   rnStar Trek: Deep
Spks HNine d    illmMseVisi e),aliaAM :379Mail    Flags: , ju
eekld    illmMtochtae tffevissn tonyfsummerFeri s, "Star Trek: Deep
Spks HNine".lSla: <it is closely tonyfsummerrefffed
e2hST:TNG<aes:ST: ity99ht (w_guacross-Vta!racf.tizatlmMs),.A  ere,ali Lerh w_llabe _lim fed_ d    illmMttchST:TNG<aes:ST: ity99htlmMitchechhaallow dronltLC RneN, bu:pm0ly Fs itipertains
e2hST:DSN. 20 h    TalD    illmM:oc,atr ctmparissn w_gu, taeV"oO    al"rFeri slmMitchechha(TOS),atr w_gua,ey o   IEScien: <Ficn4ed seri s ("Babylsn tonyfsummer5" i rprdT pular),aisre
upon,handtw_lladgtpbe tolC nted. 20 h    TalD    illmM:A aalso allow drftr ctnvhntio0s i volvlag tLClmMitchechhaacteks,t,s weMl
as nuv l  ,es:c  ucs.aPrdT py ntlmM:A aophn 20 h    Tale2hech puC  c. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohDeep
Spks H417, to286/1701d N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsBone,hZ2, Z3, ???
 :   Engi    u :   MetranginVIA to285/424, TreknginVIA ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15 gion take it oshua1300 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Rav r wn, to286/1701es- kitrrrrrrrrrrrrrrFrank SwgRbrick,hto104/825    Volty  Vta!      13-Janes Floev Ray.  r wn, to286/1701esweSTL-CARDINALS w   rnSt. Louis CardlaalsnBcseballiTeam d    illmMseVisi e),aliaalt.oatr,s.ecseball.stl-cardlaalsnf ltheed isthe rihnewsppcni.eVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8/2001
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua791/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    sffellite/ftprprtsetV. Pfecsefreqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSTL-RAMS w   rnSt. Louis Rams Pr9aFeotb4,l
D    illmMseVisi e),aliaF ltheed alt.oatr,s.eeotb4,l.pg2.stl-rams Newsppcni Co(RES),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua91/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    Plane, C  cath; Reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSTOCK_MARKET w   rnStock ,es:O   IEInveonments D    illmMs. II tac12net@lah purpose:mfltane RneNAis
e2henaC Crglobal9i veonoIs.A  ere,ali eo
communicate w_guaeachro   IEaegif8i veoning i  securities.A  ere,ali eradiag onl,ey Stock Ex:a!   # aen: <tLC RneNAnang Stock 20 h    TalMarke .<D    illmMrtch4,l
flaancial inveonments, i ly>dlag tonyfsummerstocks, mutu   eunds,hfutuERs, ald opl
mMsaF 4peh  prima y.A  ere,ali eecus. Multi-lev l marke lag, pyramidhtigers,Vta!i  lett As,Or   LrMitchadvertisements ,es:smifclnatlmMs:ochi veonoIs ,rh miglt2nt . Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2404/201r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll ectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua304/5echoliIP_CONNEC STOCKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
fuUL ex  St1enhannctive
Rifh Argust,h .)404/201    Volty  Vta!      1-anses Floev Rifh Argust,h .)404/201  weSTOON.CHATTERbu   LrSaskaToon
Chatt I RneN/5, wizard19aAVta!tt I    Flags: <eeklusets in SaskaToon, SaskaTcha Pn,Or   LrMitchCanada/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnl a,ali StatusPr vffe reon 4cfed e2hSaskaToon
 :   Engi    uD:
  ne allow drw_gugif8msN   vor petm ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Rita!rd Bonebrakee: 2040/60bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev :
Rita!rd Bonebrakee: 2040/60buweSTOON.CLASSlmMitchSaskaToon
FeklSale RneN/5, wizard19aAVFeklSale    Flags: <eeklall usets in SaskaToon, SaskaTcha Pn,Or   LrMitchCanada/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPr vffe reon 4cfed e2hSaskaToon
 :   Engi    uD:
  ne allow drw_gugif8msN   vor petm ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiRita!rd Bonebrakee: 2040/60bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev :
Rita!rd Bonebrakee: 2040/60buweSTOON.SYSOPlmMitchSaskaToon
ceFVe RneN/5, wizard19aAn admin    Flags: <eeklseFVesain SaskaToon, SaskaTcha Pn,Or   LrMitchCanada/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPr vffe reon 4cfed e2hSaskaToon
 :   Engi    uD:
  ne allow drw_gugif8msN   vor petm ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiRita!rd Bonebrakee: 2040/60bu  Volty  Vta!       7oanses Floev :
Rita!rd Bonebrakee: 2040/60buweSTRATEGn w   rnSt ntegy ,es:War EnmeseVisi e),aliaFekltalk aegif8on ntegy ganguaoch4,l
types -
war gangu, tonyfsummer tmp Ssttgangu,wibo!rd gangu,wpaky-by-mail,re,c.rIchi  doubt,Or   LrMitchass tae8msN. :-) 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohhpD_wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgn2:254/211 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua5/5echoliIP_CONNECmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLes- kittsN   ve roywiPaul WalkeI, 2:253/9.44bu  Volty  Vta!       8-Dec-1999
 Paul WalkeI, 2:253/9.44bu  VoWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
STRESS_MGMT w   rnStrunstMan99hment.A  ere,ali @As   Flags: <prima ily
d dicatedr oltLC t2nt tof snruns,lmMitchechhaecslcallyrhow toad    w_guait. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSTTNGbu   LrStar Trek: lah Next G n La04ed tonyfsummer Wel   e toHSTTNG,EFdisNet'sae379<eeklexcusItuly TNG<d    illmM!lmMitchechha TTNG<mayihav neesed pg2ductlmM,rbu:pwe'ER
Lerh,t,eslmMitchechhabett A9t5gMtRv.t!@lHISaA aeh  e379<e2hbe in
eeklup-to-d vo.A  ere,ali i eekmanlmM! Stopoev;lyou'll lik <waat you see! 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3 6/221Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_-isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-ectsbe M
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zy
oeFV.stbarco8@junomue5 gion take it oshua433 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsues- kittsN   ve roywi
Nitamis,hto3 6/221,rbnitamis@fwbGhie       Volty  Vta!      31-Janes Floev bnitamis@fwbGhie   ,# .)   .   # bnitamis@fwbGhie     weSTUDENTS w   rnStudenfs.A  ere,ali aFeklstudenfstof univ.tslties, teach A9trainuag c lleggu, tonyfsummertRchnikmMs, eh ologic4,iseminari s, Bible   lleggu aes:o   I tonyfsummertRrtia yveduca04edalEi atitunlmMs  old    il anythuag rffevant 20 h    Tale2hechirhl ves ,s studenfs.A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohUnisaio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active ectsbe M
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue8gion take it oshua1/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Stepch nHayes,r8:7903/10bu  Volty  Vta!      14-2gRuleD:
  obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSTUDENT_PILOT w   rnNew Piltl D a  illmMseVisi e),alia1enhannedom the n:pNewsppcni Co(RES),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/2001
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2851/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl aoorsEC Cred sffellite/ftprfeedo- reqngua/i fdesirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibobeh ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweST_PROGbu   LrProgrammlag tLC Ataria T, Ja199r, ald refffed
seFtems tonyfsummeraD    illmMsaof Ataria T ald lat I   mp Ssts,rLynx ald Ja199rlmMitchechhagn e machuaRs, ald anythuag else ochi theesnrguaAtariafaMs. II tac12netAlso ch ckrout ATARI_ST.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     Sta
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Z1-ectsbe M
 :   Engi    u ha19-Dec-1999his: alAny,rbu:pnus, Zy
translat 20 h  8@junomue2 gion take it oshua3 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiTroy Cheek,hto3 2/708.4, atari@cheekevpres- kitty  Vta!      17-Dec-1999
 Troy H. Cheek,hto3 2/708.4bu  VoWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
SUPER-BASTARDes- kitSup I Bastards :379lmMitchechha If Lerh it:sachrFathuag
as a SUPER-BITCH, eh n Lerh c! lmMitchechhabnaarsup I bastard. Herh you cgMtbeta bastard ek bastardize. tonyfsummer************************************************************ tonyfsummer*ly, fr longekld  e-nmofEC Cli if
 fheldaas<ae<ae379res- kitrrrrrrr*r************************************************************ tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3639/93Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr ENone Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfSYScfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiRoss Cassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.       Volty  Vta!      21-anses Floev Ross Cassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.     weSUPER-BITCHes- kitSup I Bitch<D    illmMrArha II tac12net@Fekld    illmMsaev ech Sup I-Bitch simflsuifEC C  P tr oeVisi e),alimake fifu
eekltLC appg2priffe *C ald *ECilev ls. Also.A  ere,ali F suifEC C paks Heekl*C's ald *EC's  olspyred waat we
aER.A  ere,ali up  o,Ein eceir8fuStletefftr,s e2hyead uettig.lAny ne w_N5 tonyfsummers  ethlag tolbitch<aegif,atr beta bitch<aegif,ais
wel   e. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto250/525Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAll ectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno SUPER-BITCH.RU Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fles- kittsN   ve roywiLesley-Dee Dylume: 2250/525bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRifh Argust,h .)404/201    VolllllllllllllllLynn Gipson,hto120/111    Volty  Vta!      1-anses Floev Rifh Argust,h .)404/201  weSUPRAFAXes- kitSuprattsN ms D    illmMt(Inacf ve)lmMitchechha lane RneNAcouldhdgtpsust!i  engigh
trafft tmM:At'saown,Or   LrMitchso weihav nremNved ia/e
 5dree-nmof tr.r Wenrecommend you.A  ere,ali us4peh  COMMatr MODEM RneNesain futuER.a Pfecsefist't r if . II tac12net@Let'sacombine our ERsour: srrat  I9t5gMtmicro-d vid4peh m. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2410/400r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift isBcho! ree-nmof tr ENone.a Pfecsefsee n   F<aegve. Co(RESEngi    uD:
  ne. ha19-Dec-1999his: alSanskritstbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@juno SUPRAFAXIsUs Names OnlR  I
    LanguageFVeIo        RuleD:
fulOes- kittsN   ve roywiga yvgilmo e,hto2410/400    Volty  Vta!      25-anses Floev ga yvgilmo e,hto2410/400  weSURVIVALISMes- kitSurvivalAom D    illmMseVisi e),aliaSurvivalAom D    illmMseVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua4342/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
I fdesirFired sffelliterfeed,wpaecsefreqnguao.A  eretsN   ve roywi  nfu ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSURVIVORes- kitSurviv9res- kitrrrrrrCanc.r/Leukemia/blood & immune
seFtem/c2ntag w_gua,dv.tslty. 20 h    Tallah SURVIVOR RneNAis
armutu   sasatr, Ghiwoh

tchaddrftr 20 h    Talpeople ,slItuly i volved8in see
ing effeslItu  P trtchcoplag tonyfsummerw_guailla ss/,dv.tslty/dreabilAtyrald in uslag tLCmaas<osatr,unities.A  ere,ali for petsedalEgrowth.a lane RneNAwouldhbe ochi theesnrgu,/5, wizard19bu:pis
dgtplim fed
e2,lpeople weNAhaveihad petsedalEexperi nc. tonyfsummerw_guaserious illa ssrald/ekld  abilAty.allah contenfstof.A  ere,ali LetSURVIVOR RneNAi ly>de bookfreviews,hnuf cFsimflspecial II tac12netRvents, i eekmanlmM ex:a!   # ald sh,riag ochidRas<aes:experi nc.s. II tac12net@NOTE: High<aes:Low AsciiVta!racf.tstar <petmittedEin ece/5, wizard19bodyttchSURVIVOR m lanpxs. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto153/716Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Z1-ectsbe M,nFdisSpine Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junohSURVIVORIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl ex  St1enhannctive
Dall   Hi t9n,hto153/715bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrArdiguaHi t9n,hto153/716bu  Volty  Vta!       8-anses Floev Dall   Hi t9n (automanlcarobrl),hto153/715buweSURV_BOOKS w   rnSURVNETnBOOKS, MAGAZINES & VIDEOS tonyfsummeraD    illmMsaof books, magazi MV aes:vid4oe rffffed
e2hSurvival. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_CHAT w   rnSURVNETnCHAT ECHOlmMitchechha lane is
SURVNET'sag n Lal9purpose:chatt I RneN/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_COMM w   rnSURVNETnCOMMUNICATIONS tonyfsummeraD    illmMsaaegif8survival
communicatlmMs;<eeklexamplh,/5, wizard19BBS's &aHam radiN.iaAlso d    illmMsaaegif8pgp
howr oeVisi e),aliimplhment it.e twa olsetpup
arFTN poi t
seFtem.a PGPAencryphed 20 h    Talmail A aallow dEin ecne RneN./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_COMMON_VS_CIVIL w   rnSURVNETnCOMMON_VS_CIVIL LAW tonyfsummeraD    illmMsaaegif8tLC d fFlags: s betweed commmM ,es:c vil tonyfsummerlaw. Wey you wantnguabelueseklcommmM law<aes:tae d  avantnpxs 20 h    Tale2hyou ueseklc vilrlaw./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_DEATH&TAXES w   rnSURVNETnDEATH&TAXES w   rnummer We cgM'ttdo guormuch<aegifad  th.a ansbh we cgMtdo s  ethlag.A  ere,ali Fegif8taxgs.a D    illmMsaaegif8waat we
mighthdo andtwaat 20 h    TaltLC g vhenment ishdolag tolus./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_FILE w   rnSURVNETnFtletAnnous: ments ,es:Sasatr,.A  ere,ali @A,l
fljun haTchadrev SV
seFtemstar <annous: dEin Lerh..A  ere,ali @A,s2hech paks Htolass qngualmMsaaegif8prdT pular
fljun,Or   LrMitchaoorsECilAty,handtwee   IEa givhn
flju shouldhbe haTchad.A  ere,ali eklnot/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua4 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_FOODes- kitSurvivalaFeodCHO e tad.A  ere,ali  lane :379ais
e2hbelus drftr  d    illmMttchall eekmstof.A  ere,ali feodC,nd
herbshaas hechyerrefffe
e2hSurvival in all tceVisi e),aliit'saeekms.IP_CecipRs, feodC preprdanlmM,rfeodConoI99h,.A  ere,ali Letuse ochherbshald sp cFsiin   o
ing, i ly>dlagltLCir tonyfsummerm dicidalHpg2pRrtiesi ,rh  all red  t2nt taas hF 4peh  gat  Ilag.A  ere,ali Fndtuse ochwildhplantV.  FREQrnSURVNET.*/e
 5eh  oO    .A  ere,ali for gMti eekmanlmM prtsetred SurvNet./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_GUN_RIGHTS w   rnGun Rights ald laws:taat<mayiaffesl sangeVisi e),aliaFekltLC d    illmMttchGun Rights, laws:taat<mayiaffesl.A  ere,ali Lesefrights ald rffffed
e2pucs.aS  e tRchnic4,td    illmMeVisi e),alipetmittedEbu:pm0ly i  rfffflon  olspecift tlaws./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua98 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_NEWS w   rnSURVNETnNEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS w   rnechha lane RneNAis
d votedEhntiruly  ol"news type annous: ments"..A  ere,ali @Whlju ,ey uset<mayiposn
betaddrunsedr oeVisi e),ali4,l, ald be och"newswtr,ey natuER"./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_NRA w   rnSURVNETnNRA FORUM/5, wizard19aAn aERareekltLC d    illmMttchtLC Na04edalERifletAssocia04ed. II tac12net@l2nt s shouldhrefffe d rathly  oltLC NRA ald i,stpmifcles/pg2: duERs/acn
mMs. 20 h    Tallais
eekum:A aophn
e2hboguapg2 ,es:c n d    illmMttchtLC 20 h    TalNRA bu:pallicorERspoeses: <is expecfed e2hrem!i  c vilr,eslmMitchechhaadult.5e2songuaw_lladgtpbe tolC nted!/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua48 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_ORIENTED w   rnSURVNETnGENEROL DISCUSSIONS tonyfsummeralais
aERaris i thesed eekltLC ex:a!   imflsurvival oO e tad.A  ere,ali i eek- manlmM suchrFs tips<aes:tRchniqngu eeklwildhe nss 20 h    Talsurvival, qngualmMsaregardlaglsurvival e2pucs, pg2duct oplalmMs,.A  ere,ali e,c.Names Only> e-nytslItus:   NN  NHappcni     StaShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_POLITICS w   rnSURVNETnPOLITICS w   rn),aliaFekltLC d    illmMttchalliPmiftic4,ie2pucs bu:pprdT pularly tonyfsummerthos4pehat<mayiaffesl survivalAotV.  l2nt s i ly>de new tonyfsummerlaws (suchrFs tch Bradyi
,l),i LetNew WorldCHOdeI, tLC 20 h    TalrolCEtchtLC Un fed
Na04eds, ald currenftpmiftic4,icapdid vos./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_RELIGION w   rnSURVNETnRELIGION w   rnard19aAn RneNAaegif8r ifgimM ,es:r ifgimut:petsecuf tr.r PfecseeVisi e),aliposn
alliSURVNETnr ifgimM rffffed
m lanpxs Lerh..A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua14 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_RUSH w   rnRush Limbaug5 tonyfsummernRush Limbaug5 d    illmMtarha II tac12net tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_SOAP_BOX w   rnSURVNETnSOAP BOX w   rn,ali @AspuC  c acc ssreekum:eeklran
 f,es:ravlag.iaAs longlmMitchechhaas prdT py nnts rem!i  c vilr,l,ie2pucs ex:eptAaegr04ed tonyfsummerar <allow d.iaAttack
 f,eyhidRaris OK, attack
 fRneNAprdT py nnts/5, wizard19A adgt./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_SPORTSMAN w   rnSURVNETnSPORTSMAN w   rnummeraD    illmMsaof ratreat4edalEgifdoor gig0Gities.allais
eekum/5, wizard19A aophn
e2htLC d    illmMttchectspack
 , Hik
 , Hun
 ,.A  ere,ali Fish
 , Camp
 , Wildhe nss ExplodanlmM,rBoa
 ,.A  ere,ali RV Thavel, Oifdoor Safety,handto   IErffffed
e2pucs./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_SYSOPlmMitchSURVNETnSYSOPlmMitchechha lane is
a reon 4cfed acc ssr   Flags: <eeklSURVNETnSysOps/5, wizard19OeFV.stbarcoard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOcfSYS ex  St1enhannctive
Kevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSURV_WEAPONS tonyfsSURVNETnWEAPONS tonyfsard19aAn aERareekltLC tRchnic4,td    illmMaoch4,l
types weapmMseVisi e),aliFs tchyhrefffe  olsurvival.alD    illmM:shouldhce tar ed tonyfsummer Letuse ald oisuse ochweapmMs neesed eeklsurvival in guday'seVisi e),alienvironment.tiPmiftic4,id    illmMsa  ncgrntag weapmMs shouldlmMitchechhabnad rathedr oltLC Surv n:pGun Rights eklNRA RneNes./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnSURVNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiTerry Buysts,r9:6800/7bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrKevin Crosby, kcrosby@be t9nrha.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweSYNCDATA w   rnSynchrstrihD a,ali Ss:nDataecseseVisi e),alialane    Flags: <is eekltLC d  n 4/104ed oche tri s ,eslmMitchechhaupd vos eeklSynchrstri-specift td a,ali Ss:ndataecses.alane II tac12netRneNpis
dgtpi thesed eekloanu4,iposntag/rhadlag, bu:prat  IeVisi e),aliFutomaned
m lanpxiimpgr0/exatr, ev programs suchrFs SMB2SBL.A  ere,ali FndtSBL2SMB.a Currenfly, taeVdataecses sasatr,ed are tLClmMitchechhaSynchrstrihBBS Li  V(SBL) FndtSynchrstrihMaTchhMakht (SMM). 20 h    Tallais
RneNAwillicont!i  m lanpxs w_guahigh-ASCIIVta!racf.ts. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3821/100r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  DOVE, IFTN, IQTN, NAB, WWB,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P trBcho! OVE-ve     to3821/100 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      s9oanses Floev Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected] Co(RESSynchrstrihD a  illmMeVisi e),alialane    Flags: <is eekltLC d    illmMttchSynchrstrihMultinsN lmMitchechhaBBS SoftwFERtald rffffed
programs.a lane is
a puC  c acc ss tonyfsummer t Flags: <ald any ne havlaghi theesnrin Synchrstrihmay tonyfsummerprdT py nte.a PuC  c annous: ments ev Rob Swieselli(Synchrstri'seVisi e),alidev loper) w_llabe posned Lerh. QueualmMsaregardlaglSynchrstri tonyfsummerar <s  etim s ,eswheed ev ech authek tchSynchrstri. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3821/100r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  DOVE, IFTN, IQTN, NAB, WWB,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P trBcho! OVE-ve     to3821/100 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      s9oanses Floev Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected]_PROGRAMMINGbu   LrSynchrstri/Baja/XSDKrProgrammlag II tac12net@D    illmM:ochSynchrstri-rffffed
programmlag. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3821/100r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  DOVE, IFTN, IQTN, NAB, WWB,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P trBcho! OVE-ve     to3821/100 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      s9oanses Floev Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected]_SYSOPS Co(RESSynchrstrihMultinsN aBBS SoftwFERtSasatr,i(SyFVesageFV) II tac12net@D    illmM:aERareeklSynchrstrihBBS SyFVes. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3821/100r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  DOVE, IFTN, IQTN, NAB, WWB,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P trBcho! OVE-ve     to3821/100 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      s9oanses Floev Steve Bysts,rto3821/100, [email protected] w   rnSeFVe For-Sale Arha II tac12net@Buytag/Selliag ochCtmp SsttPg2ducts ev SysOps (ONLY) 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P trbarco8fffive
 :   ec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSYSNODES w   rnve 116nSeFVe m0ly e379lmMitchechha lane    Flags: <is eekltLC d    illmMttchissngu   ncgrntaglmMitchechhaSyFVesatchve 116. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto116/35aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnve 116 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua86/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
td if edaSyFVesatchve 116noeFV
 :   tsN   ve roywiJohn Shaves, to116/35
 :   el Russuransso16-  RuleD:
 John &aMiity Shaves, to116/35@fdistribuweSYSOPlmMitchIsthe a04edalEnSeFVe  C  Flags: <(eh  oO    alEgne)lmMitchechha  G n Lal :379aeekluse:ochSYSOPS all tvekltLC WORLD._CONNE tonyfsummerar <simplhso1.tSabjf tnguahpD_NETnpmifcy 4 (see sec04ed tonyfsummer9.9)rFs "if" MESSAGES whee NETMAIL. 2.tSabjf t-,eyhremNtely tonyfsummerSYSOP oO e tad. 3._CeasedaC C behavleklin ech neiwoh
s. 20 h    Tal4. fr geographlcareon 4cflmMsaon lia
s.f,eyhz ne e379pmiE tonyfsummerar <specift allyrrejathed. 5. tsN   ve rlasssaro Sstsr oeVisi e),alifollow ECROC (freq/e
 5 .) 04/583) 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohALL BACKBONES ao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnWorldwide Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue199gion take it oshua64/5echoliIP_CONNEC SYSOPIsUs Names OnlR  I
ceFVesageFVe o        RuleD:
fSYSOPlmMitchtsN   ve roywi  nfMohavsik,5 .) 04/583
 :   el Russuransso15oanses Floev obeMohavsik,5 .) 04/583
weSYSOP170 ha19-DFdistrihve 170 Admin :379eVisi e),aliaEneNAaERareekluse:ev ntd if edasyFVesatchFdisNethve 170. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto170/0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnLOCAL ONLY Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
NC 170,hto170/0bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBru: <BodgeI, to170/400    Volty  Vta!      2oanses Floev ru: <BodgeI, to170/400@fdistribuweSYSOP18 w   rnRegimM 18nSeFVe geFV :379lmMitchechha lane RneNAis
d votedE oltLC ctncgrnsatchRegimM 18nSeFVes. II tac12netAllhRegimM 18nSeFVesrar <wel   e. **Foxy Ferguson @hto3   .bu   LrMitchI   C18nTRchnic4,tectsup** tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3639/93Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihRegimM 18ngeFV! Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua60 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOLcfSYS ex  St1enhannctive
Ross Cassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.       VolllllllllllllllMark Lewis,hto3 34/12    Volty  Vta!      21-anses Floev Ross Cassell,hto3639/93, rcassell@h  e.     weSYSOP343
 :   e.S.O.nSeFVe's &aCo-ceFVesaC  Flags: eVisi e),aliaSYSOP343    Flags: <is anreekum:eeklve 343 ceFVesa&aCo-ceFVes 20 h    Tale2hprovid4panrophn
Chatae379<eeklFdisNet'saNET343. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto343/0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnLoc4,t(LunseklSeatt C OphanaNET 343 ceatt C, WA)
 :   Engi    uD:
  ne allow drw_gugif8msN   vor petm ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua16/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
John Peagelly, to343/92, jpeagelly@uswguaotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrBobeJone ,Eto343/41, rfj@lightmail.       VolllllllllllllllDanrUpdikee: 2343/177    Volty  Vta!      5oanses Floev jpeagelly@uswguaotri,# .)   .   # John Peagelly <jpeagelly@uswguaotri>  weSYSOPS Co(RESSYSOPS D a  illmMeVisi e),alialane RneNAwas<abanistrd ev ech oO    alEmsN   vor.a lane tonyfsummerre-incae a04ed<mayitiger
a plateekm
eekld    illmMs ev seFVes 20 h    Tal  ncgrntag ech O  e rlmfltane noble  alliag ,nd
howriihmay tonyfsummeraffesl ech kronislcts factek present id<maeyhmassConoI99heVisi e),alidev cFs.iaAt no tim  w_llaech a! dsEtchtLC msN   vor leavheVisi e),aliais
aEms.a la  e379<mayibC bent,rfelded,wspindled ek mutafffed 20 h    Tale2hfit.e geFV serious appifcnnts nees appiV.stbarcoard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohla  BarSsttBo!rd nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Eectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua5/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl e2hbelgffed
w_gugif8msN   vor petmiillmMeVisi etsN   ve roywiTh  DecCostH # .)   .352, hon@baltimoremd.       Volty  Vta!      29oanses Floev Th  DecCostH # .)   .352, hon@baltimoremd.     weSYSOPS_138 w   rnve 138nSeFVe :379lmMitchechha ve 138nSeFVe :379lmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto138/239Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnvET-138 w   rnTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junohSYSOP138IsUs Names OnlR  I
ceFVesageFVe o        RuleD:
fSYS ex  St1enhannctive
DougaAttig,hto138/239es- kitty  Vta!      3oJanes Floev DougaAttig,hto138/239esweSYSOPS_CORNERbu   LrSysOps Cornsttis
a SysOps geFV :379!eVisi e),aliaSysOps Cornsttis
a paks HeeklSysOps tr get a P /e
 5eh .A  ere,ali e   IESysOps e379stweerh it seemslpeople ,rh f illag ,egifeVisi e),alipoifcy andto   IENON-HOBBY thlags.a:)iaSysOps CornsttislmMitchechhagolag tolbeta paks Hweerh SysOps cgMtlayiback ,es:ju  Vta!t.A  ere,ali Fegif8th <weat  I9ekltLC fffe  VgeFine gn e or gMythlag.A  ere,ali EXCEPTnPOLICY<ald allaecose:mt  I9naity words ehat<,rh DESTROYINGbu   Lrames OpD_NET! 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweSYSOP_JUNGLE w   rnSoifh FloO da ceFVes' virtu   Get-Toge   I.lmMitchechha lane is
aM:aERareeklseFVesain Dade,h r wFEd, Leef,es:Pal     VollllllBeachrCoun
es e2hyelpaeachro   I,Vta!t,rd    il issngu.A  ere,ali eklju  Vhaveiaagood tim .nSoifh FloO da'sasour: reeklfljun-rece0GRd 20 h    Talnuf cFs. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto135/907Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EPr vffe, ve s 135,h369,h3609 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Rach l Vhana,hto135/907    Volty  Vta!      5oFebes Floev rvhana@trisid4otri,# .)   .   # rvhana@trisid4otri,CweSYSOP_PN w   rnC  Flags: <eekltLC SysOps ,es:Co-ceFOesatchPhljustri tonyfsummernC  Flags: <eekltLC SysOps ,es:Co-ceFOesatchPhljusNet/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohPhljusNetGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPN w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   : Active
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua1/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Red<Hosscts, 777:100/1es- kitty  Vta!      3oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweSYSTEM7    VolMaci t9sh OphantlaglSyFtemtSasatr,iD    illmMseVisi e),aliaA sasatr, e379<eekld    illmMs i volvlagluse ald programmlag II tac12netmflspecift tfeatuERs, softwFERt  mpntlbilAtyrald a!rdwaER.A  ere,ali recommendatlmMs:eeklall v.tslmMsaof Maci t9sh ophantlag 20 h    TalseFtemstG n Lal chatt I is
d   our99hd. QueualmMsaFERtgs:our99hd. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto282/24aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnBACKBONE,hZONE 2,hZONE 3 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua86/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Dani l O'Leary,
Dani l_O'Leary@to130/10bu  Volty  Vta!      8-2gRuleD:
 Dani l O'Leary,
to130/1015buweT-MAIL.SUPPORTbu  VolT-MAILrFTN Front-end MaljurhIsthe a04edalESasatr,iC  FlmMitchechha l-mail sasatr, e379,hanhIsthe a04edalE   Flags: <e2hprovid4 20 h    Talsusatr, aes:tRchnic4,tassAonas: <eeklusets ald prospecg0GRAMPS_ECechhausets tchtLC T-Mail FTN Front-end Maljur. l2nt s mayii ly>de:AMPS_ECechhaQueualmMsaFld answhesaon how toaus4peh  various featuERs II tac12netmflT-Mail,h u freatr,s, T-Mail andto   IEprograms ehat<,rheVisi e),alidesignedE olwoh

w_guaT-Mail,hi eekmanlmM ed waerh  olobt!i  20 h    Tal  piFsimflT-Mail andtrffffed
programs,f,eyhnews Fegif8T-Mail tonyfsummer Lat ech authek w Zyes e2hsh,re w_N5ausets.@D    illmM:oc tonyfsummer Letfollowtag w_llabe    sid4rFired e2puc: peteekmas: <T-Mail tonyfsummerandto   IEfront-end maljurs, i thefaci glT-Mail w_N5aexthe al tonyfsummeruStlitiesidesignedEeeklT-Mail andtw_N5abulletlaibo!rd softwFER. Co(RESechhaOff-T2puc: Aeyhsabjf tndgtpli edaaegve, PetsedalEattacks II tac12netmnf,eyhpetsed,aAttacksaon petseds ekl  mpnniesiweNApg2duc .A  ere,ali e   IEfront-end maljurs, D    illmMsaof a!rdwaERrandtophantlag 20 h    TalseFtemstex:eptAae rfffflag tolhow T- Malj peteekms uesek.A  ere,ali Lesefenvironments, Hig0ag
as Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2320/38Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Jnnis Krachi,# .)320/38, [email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      s3-2gRuleD:
 [email protected],# .)   .   # [email protected] w   rnTablatuER w   rn),aliaFekltLC ex:a!   iandtd    illmMttchguifEkltablatuER, i ly>dlaglmMitchechhaecssltablatuER<aes:tae use:ochsoftwFERttoltreateltablatuER. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto17/165aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr Efr gfflag beyoes:Fdistrihw_gugif8msN   vor petmiillmM. w   rnTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junohTABLATUREIsUs Names OnlR  I
    LanguageFVeIo        RuleD:
n/aes- kittsN   ve roywi rad Reddekopp,hto17/165es- kitty  Vta!      17-Dec-1999
  rad Reddekopp,hto17/165es- kiWARNING!@lanetif
 fit:sabjf tnguabe
 fremNved w_N5in ech next 30Or   LdP tnif it:is
dgtpupd vodrev a
msN   vor ek m laeaget.Na
TAGbu   Lrla  T.A.G.hBBS Na04edalESasatr,i:379lmMitchechha la  T.A.G.hBulletlaiBo!rd SyFtemtNa04edalESasatr,i:379. 20 h    Tallah T.A.G.hBBS provid4s
aM:easya olsetup
m!i t!i  seFtem.A  ere,ali for nov cFsiwelju i ly>dlaglmaeyhfeatuERs:eekladvas: dEusets. 20 h    Tall.A.G.his
a FreeWar <s ftwFERtprogramrw_guasasatr,i   Flags: s II tac12netmnfFdisNethFndtSvormNet.aAn RxthnsItulselec04ed:och3rd prdTy tonyfsummeruStlitiesiaERraoorsEC C. MajeklfeatuERs:i ly>de: multi-nsN lmMitchechha(up  o 255 liaes), i thefacxs w_guaall majeklfrontend maljur 20 h    TalseFtems, JAM/HUDSON/hpD_
m lanpxieekmans,   mpletelflju.A  ere,ali ra04ehaddrflju poi t
seFtem, built id<QWKitig-Fine mail tonyfsummerrhadlag, ANSI/RIP graphlcastrehns w_guaauto-idetec04ed,.A  ere,ali fully    Figur9ble menu
seFtem, CD-ROM
multi-CDVta!   rAMPS_ECechhause, RxthnsItul  itomiz9ble ee-nngs,f,ll majeklmulti-ltasklaglmMitchechhaenvironments, fully    Figur9ble flju transf IEprotocol 20 h    TalseFtem,   mpletelRventlseFtem e2hreon 4cflusets ald execufeeVisi e),aliprograms,f   Figur9ble valAdanlmM seFtem w_N5auset expidanlmMeVisi e),alidffe , IEMSIaauto-loged,a256 securAtyrlev ls w_N5a26 fnlR ,/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Craig Kliagel,hto2410/351    VolllllllllllllllAlaM:JurAson,hto260/375bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrVictek Capted,.A  erety  Vta!      26oanses Floev XRobrl 4.10 (DOS),hto2410/351@fdistribuweTAGLINESmuen>5e2eklsh,riag ecose:w_Ntyrsaytags:eeuld at ech end ochmeseVisi e),aliaEx:a!   # enjoyment tchtagliaes. Posntag tchtLC e or e tad.A  ere,ali tagliaef   necflmMsane Rs:our99hdAae longrFs tch m lanpx 20 h    Tal  nt!i tag ech   llec04ed:dNesadgtpex:ehdA12K8in size. Posntag II tac12netmflm lanpxs   nt!i tag eagliaes ehat<,ttack ppcnisaecsad.A  ere,ali enag ndeI, ethnicibackppcnnd,nr ifgimM, sexu4,ipreFlags: ,.A  ere,ali e,c:is
dgtptolC nted.EPr ma yv1enhannct:is
 nev Queen. 20 h    TalD    illmM:ochuse:ochtagliaefmaenpxrs<s ftwFERtis
ac:eptEC C. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua912/5echoliIP_CONNEC TAGLINESIsUs Names OnlR  I
    LanguageFVeIo        RuleD:
fulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweTAMPABAY-BUCS w   rnTampnbay Buccanexrs<ProaFeotb,ll D    illmMseVisi e),aliaFilt4rFiralt.satr,s.feotb, e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2023/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl D a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTBBS w   rnTBBS SyFOesaSasatr,.A  ere,ali @Aasasatr,i   Flags: EeeklTBBS SyFOes.nC  Flags: <e2pucs.A  ere,ali i ly>de TBBS ald i,'s associa0 dEuStlitiesii ly>dlaglappifcntlmMseVisi e),alisasatr,ie
 5ehird prdTy vendots. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto104/769Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua100 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
fSYSOPlmMitchtsN   ve roywi  nfWanet9n,hto104/769, bwanet9n@abwam.       Volty  Vta!      6-  RuleD:
   nfWanet9n,hto104/769, bwanet9n@abwam.     weTBBS-BBS w   rnTBBS - Es ftaBBS SoftwFERtD    illmMseVisi e),aliaFilt4rFir  mp.bbs.tbbstNewsppcnieVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua10/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC10    VolTRI-CITY AulOcSYSOPS Co(RESechha lRI-CITIES, WAcSYSOPS Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucNO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC11    VolTRI-CITY AulOcMODEMER'ScCHURCH Co(RESechha lRI-CITIES, WAcMODEMER'ScCHURCH Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC12    VolulOLLY GOOD NEWS w   rn   VolulOLLY GOOD NEWS..CHRISTIAN DISCUSSION ECHOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC2    VolTRI-CITY AulOcMODEMER'ScASSOCIATION Co(RESechha lRI-CITIES, WAcMODEMER'ScASSOCIATION Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC3    VolTRI-CITY AulOcSALE/TRADE/EVENTS w   rnechha lRI-CITIES, WAcSALE/TRADE/EVENTS w   rnechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC4    VolTRI-CITY AulOcBBS ADS w   rnechha lRI-CITIES, WAcBBS ADS w   rnechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC5    VolTRI-CITY AulOcBUSINESS ADS w   rnechha lRI-CITIES, WAcBUSINESS ADS w   rnechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC6    VolTRI-CITY AulOcJOB SEARCH/LISTINGS w   rnechha lRI-CITIES, WAcJOB SEARCH/LISTINGS w   rnechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC7    VolTRI-CITY AulOcRESUME SUBMISSION AulOes- kitechha lRI-CITIES, WAcRESUME SUBMISSION AulOes- kitechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC8    VolTRI-CITY AulOcRESUME CRITIQUE/HELPes- kitechha lRI-CITIES, WAcRESUME CRITIQUE/HELPes- kitechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTC9    VolTRI-CITY AulOcRESTAURANTnREVIEWes- kitechha lRI-CITIES, WAcRESTAURANTnREVIEWes- kitechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :   WWIV ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu NO ANSI ex  St1enhannctive
KEVIN CROSBY, to3407/5bu   LrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrJOHN SCHWAB, to3407/2    VolllllllllllllllDAN MORGAN, to3407/5bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTCPIPes- kitTCP/IP<Protocol SuitRtD    illmMseVisi e),aliaD    illmMsaof tLC TCP/IP<Protocol SuitRtandtrffffed
issngu./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine,hSWPBe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiLawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfsty  Vta!      soanses Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTEAMOS2    VolOS2 Uset ppcnisaandtgrcsslroo,stpromonlmMeVisi e),aliaAn isthe a04edalEd    illmMteekum:eeklppcnisaandtindividuals 20 h    Tale2hd    il promonlnglOS2. lane is
dgtpa debatele379<betweeMeVisi e),aliOS2 andto   IEOphantlaglSyFtems. KeepEd    illmMtpmifte tonyfsummerandte2pucal.aNews Fnnous: ments, Uset Shifthi ee andto   IeVisi e),alipromonlmMalERventsrar <all<wel   e
e2pucs.a KeepEtLC ff-1999h 20 h    Tal lean. Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2624/801r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnZ ne 1 Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
DaveiCalafras: sco,hto2624/801    Volty  Vta!      5o  RuleD:
 David.Calafras: sco@drakkarevpr,# .)   .   # dave@drakkarevprisweTECH Co(RESTECHnic4,tc  Flags: eVisi e),aliaIsthe a04edalEC  Flags: <eekltLC d    illmMttchg n Lal 20 h    TallECHnic4,tsabjf ts.a Ctmp Sstta!rdwaER,tophantlaglseFtems,.A  ere,ali elec0ronucs, remNte   ntrol,handto   IErffffed
sabjf ts. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto396/1 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ ne 1 ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua500 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTECH-CHAT Co(RESTECHnic4,-CHATtc  Flags: eVisi e),aliaIsthe a04edalEC  Flags: <eeklifte d    illmMttch"almost 20 h    TallECHnic4,"
sabjf ts,handt"tRchnic4,tmerits"ttchnon-tRchnic4,eVisi e),alisabjf ts.a If you cgM't fild a<betSsttpaks ,ltane mightlmMitchechhabnaech one. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto396/1 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ ne 1 ectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua10 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOL ex  St1enhannctive
Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4bu   Lrty  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a04edalETeeMnpxr'si:379lmMitchechha AnhIsthe a04edalEeekum:eeklyoifh e
 5npxs tch13  o 25 20 h    Tale2hcommunic4te back ,es:eekguaald a!veiaagood tim .nCONNE tonyfsummerin ecne RneNAar <verylifm fed,rFs tch rhadets tchtLC e379lmMitchechhadNAa<verylgood job telliag o   IEpeople what<"tchy"    sid4r 20 h    Tale2hbh rhadEC C,handtwLat echy    sid4r tolbetannoylag.iIc tonyfsummeraiproC Cm occurs, ekla   mpl!i t is
recieved in ecne RneN,.A  ere,ali trimail shouldhbulsentnguaAndrew Serraso at to3  8/555
as Co(RESechhasomnf,s possiC C. Ichno gig0mnfisltakenf,fter
a reasedaC C tonyfsummeramoun  tchtim ,   nt!ct Jay Fuller, senleklmsN   vor, at 20 h    TalDeepESpks HNiaefBBS, fdistri addreil to3 07/22, ekljfuller@aie n:.tri. 20 h    TalfrlnnguaSyFOe: If you a!veiaa allekltLat is
too youag eek.A  ere,ali Lne RneN,tpaecsead rathhtLC E oltLC KIDS RneNAA CtmpataC C tonyfsummere379<eekleldeIEpeople wouldhbultLC YOUNG_ADULTre379.i:379lmMitchechhaWebp99hishttp://www.aie n:.tri/jfuller/teeMe379<EneNAIrclmMitchechhaCa! nel: irc.dal.tri,##teeMe379 tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto3607/22Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EIsthe a04edal
 :   Engi    u :   to10/8
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2166/5echoliIP_CONNEC TEENECHOIsUs Names OnlR  I
    LanguageFVeIo        RuleD:
fulOes- kittsN   ve roywiJay Fuller, to3 07/22, jfuller@aie n:.tri    VolllllllllllllllAndrew Serraso, to3  8/555, a_serraso@juno.       Volty  Vta!      17-Janes Floev jfuller@aie n:.tri, to3 07/22, Jay Fuller <jfuller@aie n:.tri>buweTEEN_SYSOPlmMitchIstheNa04edalEC  Flags: <eeklTeeMnSeFVesraes:FRIENDS w   rnechha lane    Flags: <is eeklTehns tLat ophanteiaaBbsaandtis tonyfsummeraipaks Hweerh echy  anhd    il bbs' , I the n:pek wLatevek.A  ere,ali Ley w it dntlag, s379ol,hcrim , proC Cmspek wLatevek.A  ere,ali is tchi theesnr oltLis
agelppcni.a Every ne shouldhfee,eVisi e),alifrennguainvfte Leiklfrie dsEguajoin is tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto112/25aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EFdistrihectsbe M Co(RESTsia P trD:
   M Co(RESec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junohTehn_SeF.8@j Names OnlR  I
tsN Petm ReqeIo        RuleD:
fMOD-apvl ex  St1enhannctive
Mita!el Downlag, to112/25
 :   el Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
 Mita!el Downlag, to112/25@fdistribuweTELECOMbu   Lrlelecommunic4tlmMsaNews w   rnechha lelecommunic4tlmMsaNews/e
 5eh  I the n:p  mp.d  m.telecomeVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:p-t1enhanned mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   8:8/0 ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua404/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
obe tigiume:8:8/0 ha19-Dec  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTELEGARDbu   Lrleleg!rd SoftwFERtSasatr,ie379lmMitchechha D    illmM:onrleleg!rd SoftwFER Co(RESechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto275/100r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht  Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAllhectsbe MV Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Carol ShenkenbergeI, to275/100es- kitty  Vta!      30-  RuleD:
 Carol ShenkenbergeI, to275/100@fdistribuweTELIXbu   Lrlelix Usetsom eekmanlmM Ex:a!   lmMitchechha lane RneNAis
eekluse:ev ecose:whoaus4peklaERti theesnad.A  ere,ali in ustag ech lelix Communic4tlmMsaprogramrpg2duc drev deltaComeVisi e),aliDev lopment.tila  e379<ne  arried isthe a04edallyrald usets II tac12netmfltLC e379rar <scatt IedE hhifghgif8th <world.iaAs such, tonyfsummerandtstace isthe a04edalE alliag it:so exphnsItu,itig-e2puc tonyfsummerm lanpxireon 4cflmMsaar <sn 4cfly e eekced.E Membets tc tonyfsummer Let   Flags: <i ly>de maeyhindividuals:whoaar <verylexphrie cad.A  ere,ali in tae use:ochlelix, i ly>dlag ecose:whoaa!veiwritt nf,.A  ere,ali variety:ochlelixErffffed
uStlities.E Scriptlfljunaar <regularly tonyfsummere tarFirald passe:n    tLC e379.a vewrm mbets ald nov cFAMPS_ECechhausets ar <wel   e ald es:our99hdAe2hsh,re Leiklexphrie cas tonyfsummerandtopinlmMs.i:-Mail  e at [email protected]    Vollllll tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EeACKBONE,hINTERNATIONOL ex  StTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue50gion take it oshua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrBhn
Carpe tar,[email protected]    Volel Russuransso10-  RuleD:
Carpe tar,hto106/leD:,[email protected] (Carpe tarbuweTENNIS w   rnTennis &
Racquri Satr,saC  Flags: eVisi e),aliaWhe   I you ar <a ly>bipakyar,ha<week ndeI, eklyoiaa!ven't 20 h    Tale2uchFira racquri in years, you ar <wel   e eerh! Frie dly tonyfsummerd    illmMttchTennis,nTablehTennis,nandto   IEracquri satr,s.eVisi e),aliDaily Tournament reoults posned weenraoorsEC C. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto150/220r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht  Shift isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ nes 1, 2,h3, 4 w   rnTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junohallENNISIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl ex  St1enhannctive
DaveiNeme  ,hto150/220    Volty  Vta!      2oanses Floev DaveiNeme  ,hto150/220@fdistribuweTENN_GENbu   Lrlenn laeetG n alogylmMitchechha lane Rntrylis
aM:e379rtaghgld4r 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto361/1 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift isBcho! ree-nmof tr Efr M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Foxy Ferguson,hto3   .bu   Lrty  Vta!      3soanses Floev Foxy Ferguson,hto3   .buweTERMINAT Co(RESTetminffe, la  FidalETetminfl,hGlobal sasatr,lmMitchechha l2hprovid4ptRchnic4,tsusatr, aes:gItulyelpa oltLC maey tonyfsummermaeyhgugis! dsEtchTetminffeausets world-wide. tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh2:443/888r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht  Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EAllhZone ,EAllhRegimMs
 :   Engi    u :   C nt!ct 1enhannct:feklineekmanlmM ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua30/5echoliIP_CONNEC TERMINATIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl /sUs Names 1enhannctive
Steve  tHc  I,V2:443/888 tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrBo  hndtsen,hbo@tetminffe.       Volty  Vta!      25oanses Floev Steve  tHc  I,V2:443/888 tweTERMINATE_UK Co(RESTetminffetSasatr,i& D    illmM:- UKnoeFV
 :   D:
  iDescriptlmM:gItus tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohhpD_
io aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnUKnOeFV
 :   Tsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junohTERMI_UKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
    Fl ex  St1enhannctive
Steve  tHc  I,V2:443/888, zsnowmae@bigfeot.       Volty  Vta!      25oanses Floev Steve  tHc  I,V2:443/888 tweTEST343
 :   eunseklSeatt C Ophan'saSyFOe fe  VC  Flags: eVisi e),aliaTEST343    Flags: <is anre379rdesignedE olTESTre379mail tonyfsummerproc ssors 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto343/0 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_1immac,vIAon 4/104edgnLoc4,t(LunseklSeatt C OphanaNET 343 ceatt C, WA)
 :   Engi    uD:
  ne allow drw_gugif8msN   vor petm ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua12/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
John Peagelly, to343/92, jpeagelly@uswguaotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrBobeJone ,Eto343/41, rfj@lightmail.       VolllllllllllllllDanrUpdikee: 2343/177    Volty  Vta!      5oanses Floev jpeagelly@uswguaotri,# .)   .   # John Peagelly <jpeagelly@uswguaotri>  weTEST_976    VolPATRIOTaNETWORK -TEST- ECHOlmMitchechhaaFekltesntag feed
proC Cms, softwFERtset-up, etc./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnPATRIOTNET Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.       Volty  Vta!      19-Janes Floev Kevin Crosby, to3407/5@hpD_isweTEXAS w   rnGENERALcCHAT FOR TEXAS w   rnechhaaFekltcose:tLat a!veilived in ec <snateltLat wouldhlike 20 h    Tale2hchat<,egif8th ir<snate.tSachisabjf ts: Gtveknment,hGeographlcs,.A  ere,ali E   omucs, Hnet9ry,
current Rventsrald etc,,, tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto170/503Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Ga yvBaumgartneI, to170/503    VolllllllllllllllDavid E Watsts,rto106/4446    Volty  Vta!      9oanses Floev Ga yvBaumgartneI, to170/503@FdistribuweTEXAS-RANGERS w   rnTex    !   rsvBaseb,ll teamld    illmMseVisi e),aliaFilt4rFiralt.satr,s.baseb,ll.tex  -r!   rsvnewsppcni.eVisi e),alictsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRrom the n:pCKBin Egus  mea feed/niCo ndso, hie-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua470/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywi obe tigiume: tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTFDNbu   LrEneNAReqnguaseVisi e),aliaA    Flags: EeeklmaklagfFdisNethZ ne 1 EneNAReqnguas. lane tonyfsummerRneNAis
eekltLC d    illmMtandtsh,riag i eekmanlmM ed    Flags: s II tac12net("e379s") in Z ne 1 tchFdisNet. lane is
dgtpifm fedle2he379s Co(RESechhaseeklagfFdisNethZ ne 1 "ectsBone"<snatus, but:eeklanybody tonyfsummer Lat wnnts e2h"advektise"<th ir<pr vffely-d a,ali Ss:nRneN,.A  ere,ali    well    feklintreastag ech rhadetship tchalrhady- guaab, Zyad.A  ere,ali ectsBonehe379s. Advektistag tche379stshouldhdgtpbeipaks d.A  ere,ali in ECHO_REQ morer LaM edceha<week. It is
alsoisaggesnad.A  ere,ali Lat ecne RneNAbei"rhad-oeFV"<e2hpeople o   IE LaM msN   voru.A  ere,ali eklSyFOes.nBut, reasedaC C queualmMsaFegif8e379stFERt"on-t2puc". 20 h    Tallah d    illmMttchech ophantlmMttchech ectsBone(s), eklPlaMe,lmMitchechhaC  necf, howevek, is
OFF-TOPIC eerh,tandtshouldhbultaken 20 h    Tale2hech Z1_eACKBONE RneN,tekla morerappropr nteiadmin a,aag0GRAMPS_ECechhae379. 20 h    Talctsme-nytslItus:   NN  NHappc :lRroDeepESpks H417,V234o10/0old N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue115gion take it oshua108 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Rayh r wn,hto286/1701    Volty  Vta!      13oJanes Floev Ray.h r wn,hto286/1701  weTFP_DIST Co(RESTFPvIAon 4/104ed SyFtemtG n Lal :379lmMitchechha Anhe379mail:aERareekltLC d    illmMsaof tLC TFPvIAon 4/104ed 20 h    TalceFtem.A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto2604/104r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnTFP_Dist Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Jim McLaughlin,hto2604/104jjm@movWyFtems.       Volty  Vta!      24-2gRuleD:
 jjm@movWyFtems.   ,# .)   .   # jjm@movWyFtems.    (Jim McLaughlin)  weTG_SUPPORTbu  VolTeleg!rd BBS Sasatr,lmMitchechha leleg!rd BBS Sasatr, --aOfficialESasatr,ieeklTeleg!rd BBS tonyfsummerandtoflTeleg!rd rffffed
Doots ald UStlities..A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto259/423Gr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr  Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs Names 1enhannctive
Tim Se-nkee: 2259/423,htim@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrKevin Watklas,rto101/32 # kevin@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrScott Adams,fto112/9 # faq@teleg!rdotri tonyfsty  Vta!      25o  RuleD:
 Kevin Watklas,rto101/32   weTHDPR_isBcho!THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC  Flags: !eVisi e),aliaTHDPR_s anhSasatr,i-ESasatr,ieeklTHDPR_ ald THDPR_ uStlities 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Tim Se-nkee: 2259/423,htim@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrDavid Muire: 2259/423 tonyfsty  Vta!      7oanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CweTHE-BIBLE w   rnMalastreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane RneNAis
dedic4tedle2ha ra04edalEd    illmMtof tLC.A  ere,ali eiC Cti ly>dlag quontag tchscripture w_N5gif8bashtag echlmMitchechhabnliefsaof o   IEchrf
anhde omu a04eds.@D    illmMs surpcnndtag II tac12nettLC "corrathn la"tmflspecift teiC CttranslaflmMsaar <dgt tonyfsummerallow dr   well    multi-prdT "preachtag" posns. lHE-BIBLE w   rnnnnnnwnnts e2hprovid4pa loviag ,nd
c,riag environmentieeklChrf
ans 20 h    Tale2hexploER<aes:sh,re Leiklfa_N5. 20 h    Tal tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto379/5 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift thpD_isBcho! ree-nmof tr EZ1-Z6 ectsBone ,EFdisSpine,hZ1B Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999his: alnus, Zystbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproducflmM./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfsty  Vta!      2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproducflmM./5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdisSpine Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfsty  Vta!      2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEeACKBONE Co(REST n Lal bctsbe M issngu.A  ere,ali  nectsbe MvIAon 4/104ed MeN5gd(s) D    illmM:lane    Flags: .A  ere,ali is eeklaEd    illmMtof current ald newrm N5gdsaof d a,ali SlaglmMitchechhae379mail.nC  Flags: <8@junaar <simple: a. Show prop IEc  Flags: .A  ere,ali m! nets (i.e.hno flamlag, no off
e2puc d    illmMs) b.EAlllmMitchechhaar <wel   e c.llah msN   vor rguerves tch right e2hrevoke 20 h    Talac:essr oltLis
e379.alah msN   vor's
decis0mnfislfinfl. Co(RESechhaO   Iwise, ju  Vhaveiaagood tim !nSoiveon e'sasla'ck I is Co(RESechhaspecift allyrrejf t drECROC APPLIES TO lHIS CONFERENCE ald.A  ere,ali its d a,ali Slon/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15gion take it oshua25 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMOD-APVL.A  eretsN   ve roywi obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tonyfsty  Vta!      15oanses Floev obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tweTHEIST_WATCH Co(RESFreeN5ink I Watch ed R ifgimus Shenanigansi:379lmMitchechha la  THEIST_WATCH RneNAis
ahnews feed
eekum:ophantedrevlmMitchechhaFredruc L. Rice at to218/890 ald Rita!rd Sm_guaat to203/9046.lmMitchechha la  purpose:ochta  e379<ne guaissnghnews reatr,sidetailtag II tac12nettLC maeyhald variedtoddities,   ntrad4cflmMs, andtju  Vpl!i  Co(RESechhasillyrstufchi iwelch cultisns tchall<sn 4pee Rnga  # w_N5 tonyfsummerprdTicular
ee  i upmnfilleg!l# da   rous, ekluneN5ic4,ipractlces..A  ere,ali tSachinmMseMse<ne beuld guaget Rver worse as tch year leD: tonyfsummerapproHc  s<aes:tais eekum w_llapay close:att n04ed  olwhat 20 h    Tal Leisns do durtag ech  urrent "sillyrseased." laose:who w   rnnnnnnw Zyle2henga  hi idebateltveklunrffffed
e2pucstshouldhtake 20 h    Tal Leiridebatee guaHOLYSMOKE ekle Mvochta   Leisn8e379stek.A  ere,ali neNwoh
s.tilaose:whoaw Zyle2hkeepEanreyered eLC machtaaflmMs,.A  ere,ali canFEds,tandtsca yvstufchcultisns do in ec <namevochta ireVisi e),aliDeity(-ies) mayiwnntr oltathi  oltLis
e379 eekls  e eye-ophntag II tac12netnews items. alane RneNAis
i  olaeyho   IeVisi e),alineNwoh
w_N5gif8th <writt nfpetmiillmMtof tLC.A  ere,ali  tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto218/890 r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift isBcho! ree-nmof tr EfAB, WWB,hZ1B (Z nes 1-6) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Fredruc L. Rice,hto218/890 tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrRita!rd Sm_gu, eera.teleia@juno.       Volty  Vta!      18o  RuleD:
 eera.teleia@juno.   ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEducanlmMeVisi e),aliaFeklmembets tc tLCologic4,isemu aries, eiC CtC lleg s<aes.A  ere,ali e   IEtLCologic4,ieducanlmM lastituflmMsa(staff,vstudents tonyfsummeradmin a,aagots etc.)le2hd    il aeythtag    necf drw_gu 20 h    Tal Leologic4,ieducanlmM aes:tr!i tag eeklmin a,ay tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohh Active ,nSoi   In Afrucad N  ht Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active bctsbe M worldwide
 :   Engi    uD:
G4tedle2hmailtagtif  f Acti. LeolM Co(RESec-1999histbarco8@junomue10gion take it oshua5/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
StepeenrHayes, 8:7903/10
 :   el Russuransso16-2gRuleD:
  obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTHEOLOGY_FMYbu   Lrla ologylmMitchechha laeologic4,id    illmMsae
an petspecg0GRAMPS_ECechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohh Active nSoi   In Afrucad N  ht  Shift the-n w   rnl a,ali Status: Active Bctsbe M worldwide
 :   Engi    uD:
G4tedle2hmailtagtif  f Acti. Leolo ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue5gion take it oshua9/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
StepeenrHayes, 8:7903/10
 :   el Russuransso4oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTHE_eACKBONE Co(REST n Lal bctsbe M issngu.A  ere,ali  nectsbe MvIAon 4/104ed MeN5gd(s) D    illmM:lane    Flags: .A  ere,ali is eeklaEd    illmMtof current ald newrm N5gdsaof d a,ali SlaglmMitchechhae379mail.nC  Flags: <8@junaar <simple: a. Show prop IEc  Flags: .A  ere,ali m! nets (i.e.hno flamlag, no off
e2puc d    illmMs) b.EAlllmMitchechhaar <wel   e c.llah msN   vor rguerves tch right e2hrevoke 20 h    Talac:essr oltLis
e379.alah msN   vor's
decis0mnfislfinfl. Co(RESechhaO   Iwise, ju  Vhaveiaagood tim !nSoiveon e'safomif hasla'ck I.A  ere,ali  it:specift allyrrejf t drECROC APPLIES TO lHIS CONFERENCE tonyfsummerandtits d a,ali Slon/5, wizard19 tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
  wio aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edgnectsbe M Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomue15gion take it oshua25 5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMOD-APVL.A  eretsN   ve roywi obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tonyfsty  Vta!      15oanses Floev obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tweTHE_SIMPSONSbu   Lrla  SimpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitchechha Ar <you i  olMatt Shihntg'sahumor?a If so,ltaen ecne is Co(RESechhatch paks He2hd    il it.tiAfter
all# i,'s morer LaM ju   tonyfsummeraistag Ctca tomnfshow.tila ERtis
a lgtptLat you couldhbu.A  ere,ali miillag if you doM't join is. Talk<,egif8th fshows tLat.A  ere,ali you now likeaald a!veieeuld gif8thaf8thaf8druves your kids Co(RESechhaupEtLC wall!llAnd, a!veiyour kids join is,
too.tiYou mayeVisi e),alifild you a!veiaalgtpmorerinhcommed eLat you w_llaadmit....A  ere,ali t<G> Rafed,rlikeala  SimpsmMsaitself,vPG-13 tonyfsummer tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchohto19/m9005r mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift isBcho! ree-nmof tr EfAB, WWB,hZ1B (Z nes 1-6) Co(RESTsia P tr ha19-Dec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiDanrCeppa,hto19/m9005.30    Volty  Vta!      24-Dec-1999oev DanrCeppa,hto19/m9005.30    VoWARNING!:lane if iag it:sabjf tptohbuiag remNv drw_guin ec <next 30    VodP t if itAis
dgtpupdntedrevla moN   vor eklmesseager. tweTHE_WORD_PNbu   LrBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),aliaBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohPhilesNethr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPNbu   Lrl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u :   : Active
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua2/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Red Hosscts, 777:100 1
 :   el Russuransso4oanses Floev obe tigiume: 209/mo   ,CweTHOM-TducanlmM aesesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiDanrCeppa,hto19/m9-Denusrfbe tigiume: 20I C Oou couldhbu.A  ere,ali miillag if you doM't join is. Talk<,egif8th fsh/Ibarco8@ Co(MPS_ reatr,sidetailtag II tac12nettLC maeyhald variedtoddities,   ntrad4cflmMs, andtju  Vpl!i nr wtbarco8@juows t?iumold N  ht  Shife,ali m! ns tLntosned.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrteleia@juno.       Volty  Vta!      18o  RuleD:
 eera.teleia@juno.   ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iTltaK t<ls eegrosnelick@holmMitchechhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD   4,ieducanlmMgrosnelick@holmMitchec,vstudents [email protected] oros   Bluej Shitus: Acti :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@junomuenedgion or-bluej Shi0/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume877209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :OR-RAP:ORhow.tila oros   Rapnl a,NBAituskeActive
 :   Engi    u
 :   [email protected] or-rapnl a,N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume353209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u :ORNADO.Hchohto259/423Gornadogi    u
 :   19-Dec-1uldhbu.A  ere,aliTal
G4tedle2hmed,rCKBONE Rnewio aGr mpao
nnytsl   sake it oshua B Lee Gornadogc-1999histEAllhZotsbe u
 :   999hiornado99histbarco8@junomuenedgion take it oshua30/5echoliden    LanguageFVeIo        RunkenbergeI, to275/100es- kitty  Vta!      30-  RuleD:
 Carol ShenkenbergeI,     18o  RuleD:
 eera.teleia@juno.   ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iK Rntanots Klyagao
noliden  clag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs IRo   A. tohoh
 ha D2104r mpOTo259/423Gurn0  D_isoltLis[See Eume: bis eetjuCKBONEng]urpcnndtag II tac1r kidseruaiss/890 r mptltLisctsBo illrA)
adgion toold N  ht  Shift is: a. Sh_ECHO lar1Bdolfac mpao
t S'sag o  .onyfsummerprs tc tonyfsummer Let   Fi upmnegimMle2hma
nlar1publicmed eLat yorc <junomuenedgion ta nt!ctltLisfow lt Slikeaay_ECHO laof tr E"safe"u now l<EneNAIrclmMitchltLis
   ommed eLao illrA <veryi. 20eN  ht   umac,drugtshouldhbultakenalcoh25aGgIEt eefstshmmeviolslfi, 209/moion take itgeth right e2hrevokail sA  eckloER<e i  IEeem P tegnancyto112/25ion take i Hchohto2624/801re it8@j. PeistEAllhZo4/801adgioEeACKBONE,e,hZ1379.a ve    illmMs) bmlhZoECHOeiyo.soltLists Ft  noIESunty Juven St HaOKE et 20ipatvochta ireVisi aeyhikidsCo(R <nv@juSs:N  ht alli8th fris ee, "H/80 ee"sla'ck I.A  ere,REQUIRED ree-nmtO   icad ail  e T.O.T.Tcrim ,gion anNNECT: alnusrfft   FllmMtREQUIRED fken 20op itLC e3g1999hisMsaaed.E Membt.A  ere,ali youpOTo.A  eret   FinakenfisltaPhia tonplikeaats
dgtsCo(R <laeyho   IeVi illrA <at ea. Sh_EffESTsiai youpOTots d a,rim , preetjuCKBONectsBone(s), ekolar1Bkidc,vIAere,ali ag, OTo.A  ereasn:.tri. 2  HchohCT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMOD-APVL.A  eretsN   ve roywi obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tonyfsty  Z1 il.nC  Flags: <8
 Carol ShenkenbergeI,     18o  RuleD: 4o(RESTFPvIAon 4/104ed50mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitchechha Ar <you i  olMatt ShihnEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si e),alictsme-nytslItus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_CREATllllllllCrc tm R Eff rouslmMY o  wLatevek.A  ere,ali is tchi theeau now l<En"advektiscrc tm R eff rou:t n04ed  olwhoke it hhZo4 oshtag e Leoecift oshtag eali ,nomuenedg, andtju  Vpl!orVi illrAktisg o  .oSomMtof tLCsohbus:ni   tLo(REbr1publi msN   voru.A  empao
nlpOTotN/5el99hisjunomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_DEBATEao
nlar1BthafDiDeitwLatevek.A  eL8@juo e37gue? Canu a!vei tPNstbarco8llmMthlelix, P trfanNt andtju  Vpl!orVputdowns? PidEC S_ECHO  ,namevC S_oECd,agtif y h    nvilfinfl. Co(RESe99hisis
 : alitohto19w    T,vIAhto19powogic4,i LeouasNNECT: alnusrffao! reeenab8@juy h  shZo4i aeyhiko
nlhypjuo echo! C. IYOUeNAIrclmMitchecnmmed eLaatim !njunomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_JCo
nlar1Juven St ESu N  ht Shift thpyfsummerprdTicultr EfAB, WWree-nmof tre"<th ir<pr ed eLt.A  ere,ali youjuven St CKBOtow drw_g,5 5ecetshig,5nee),alineNt yorannoylag.iIc tonusnedapproHcielppcni.a e Why Zystbaix, preetdyfsum cio aGrhift thpD_isBcy234o1tdyCROC APCKBOtow drw_g3/10k,C C. Icype whatca<e oammer tH TV (HireetMsaar <slmMpublicmdefosneds? WC. IsCo(R <nnlar1Bdold P tr ha19-Dec-e),ireetfow <slmMparco8@junomCKBOtooo(RESTss?    nisshua B Lee <barcjuven St ,ali  Shifs tchttbarco8@juadgioE,ali  ?    ndoold N  ht  SlawsShifs tirehi ide APCKBon t?you :ni  ere tarFdOeiyotLo(R tH TV (Hig0GRsB (Z  aGr mpao
ee-nmof tr EFr mpinM wor!orVo durAfrucad Ni Hchohto2624/801ro passe:n    tf8th <worlempar mpao
ejuven St ur ki d    illmMs) b. Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiLawags: <Garvin,hto106/601Zy  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_JOyelby.triekle mpb!urpcnndtag II tac12nettLC a job telliaitchechhaar <wg o   employe,hZ    illmMs) b. Lee:echo!ktispoa   Lo
ejobs;nomue!i nrenedgme; goneN5ic4,ipractlcogc-tf8th view;orc <j ki x  Stct5. 20 hyou a!'yothitch;5ic4,ipractlh/80 chohPhHO   20; deIEpeaglSyFoa loai ips;ni islictold P tr ha19-Denlar1Bdoldpao
nll sA ali  Adgion 9hdAeimiillatchaixErffonglll tH TV (Hig0GCKBONE,hINTE et 20ipatvsctsBo imMitcheao
nnytsitchechhaajunomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_lty  Vta! pOTotN/PR_ ake it oshdrw_gu 20 h     tac1r kidvariety: is
alsi. Leorla ologise<nkenffedndtshouldhbultaed,rlubsempao
nlpOTo_e,aE,ali  junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_PARENy  Vta! Ptegnancyaed,rParco8neN5ic4,ipractlere,ali is tchi thee C, WA)
p mpveklyelliaitchechhaar <eNAIrclmMitchltLP tegnancy_ECHO  rco8neN b. Lee  Ts do ineryi. 2varKBOrw_i Hchohto2624
 iEt eeon take itegimfulAeiShifthc <tchi illrA ,aitchiplzFEdlaeyho   IeVi pneN stba  HchohaO  rco8itgeth rirhadEC if y112/25aGco8@junomuen>5e299histbav <jdnomuenedgAdgion 9hdA999histbachltLP arco8@shouldhbultaed,radgion 9hdAemof Leoecift  StTsia Pistbachhe: a. Show prop IEc fow <slmMhltLP arco8@299hi0GCKBONE,hINTE et 20ipatvjunomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_a!      25oieklec <!  ht Shift thpyfsummerprdTicultr i is tchi theeikeaald a!vea. Sh,LE w   r,P tr ha19-Denlejud laoo
nlar1Bdolc-1999histbs do i
agelpn  teepEtLC ff-1999h 20 vek, is
fShifs tchtthadEgehi i <at 8th uree   ophanesCo(R <Bdold N  ht  ShC, WA)
a 343 9-Dec-199llatche),alipromonlejud laeefstsr,P tr ha19-De79stsg tirneNweeksBcy whatcN  hsiai yovochtairucaoo
lstsd N  ht Shift ised eLa99hisirent advektisi e),aownOeiyid19 trneNE w   rjunomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar111111111111111JeaaedRudoIn A1:135/5 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_aOCTsia P tRodEChcomm-f  f Acti.
 :   Enurpcnndtag II tac12nettLC a Lat wnnts e-Dec-199advektisreeen@juno,P tr ha19-DejuCKBONEngasedyisirerneN Lat wnneN b. Lee chcultisnsf  f Actins. lHE-BIBLE w   r.onyf-d4pa loviag urtastbaca  Tal Lon9llatchinvolv,e,hZ,eNAIrclmMitchechhaCa!tLC a B Lee <snsfllatchins, e   Leiscfsummonyfsummer tH TV CKBOto112/25s8th fris ee, h/80 eepreetjuCKir,hINTE nmtO      illmMs) bcad ail   tr EeACKBONE,lppcn /0 ha19-Dec-1. Putdownsnyfsummer tH TV "rammao
nlhatE w   rn    Talgion tttes.EA! reejudE,e,hZurtEZ ne 1 ectsbellhZotse:wadvektis  Tal Leuo ecaitwLat e 5ec  Tliecf drw_gu 20 h   inakurnlar1c1r k0GCKBONE,h.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMOD-APVL.A  eretsN   ve roywi obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tonyfsty  Z1 il.nC  Flags: <8
 Carol ShenkenbergeI,     18o  RuleD: 7IMPSONSbu   Lrla  SimpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_SOhow.tilaSu vivogic4,iSu20ide Lossurpcnndtag II tac12net, P toonr <slmMhoh2:t  no, CAaSu vivogic4,iSu20ideurpcnndtag ILosstEAllhZo4choli,  Tal e Lon9209/moiao
nlar1Bdoluenedgihift thpD_isBhdAemof lr1BkidllesNeyfsuf y1u20ide. Poethua l99hisirert 20nnoylag.iIc tonbarcosu vivogicghgif8 tarFd.aSu vivogicAMPS
 .a vewaloFEdlaeyho   IeVAMPS  StTsia Pias tonyfsumme
 iEt eeBdolAMPSTalgk t<Gfrennbe M Co(RESTsia urn0-199egim.onyfyn    TalgaloFEif hbarchiko
ac12net    illmMs) b.EP toonr <slmMc-tf8sse:n   d N p you h frin    m(RESTsia P tr ha19-De N p yoic4,iSu vivogicoviag c-199Vta! o! ree-nmof tr EeACKBONE,htsBone(s), ekolaet 20ipatvjunomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfstypOTo_e,a,geI, SPI Flags: <8
 Carol ShenkenbergeI,     18o  RuleD: EENbu   Lrla  Isthe a  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_A  ere,ali Gurn0  D_isoltLisrim ,g "ect[See Eume:]urpcnndtag II tac12nettLC juCKir,hI-199aim , pBhdAMsaaed youpOTots d amin a,aag0GRAMac1r kinn take it oshua e-DecpproHci tLntosnedlcogcRAMPEZ ne 1 ectsbim , pikeaald a!vedeag ea9his: aoptle2hmed,rbre omuorm ht Shift ised eLanlar1Bdoltake itoni youpOTots d a, OTo.A  eren ec <P tr ha19-Decegif8ema tr  B Lee <snsf your mpao
epublic. (NOTE: Lrla ologhtake 20 h    Talv <lAMPS(Z n@junI-199exceptle2hmIFMc-tf8sse:n   dhaouldhfee,eVisi sCo(R <nnies,   /at 8anBo imMitcheaaeyha, WARESTsnA  eybe M Co(RESTsia P tpOTo.A  eret   . Pl: irc Lne Rnmfsummerrrrrrr  Talv <    illmMs) b
 .n 4/104edgn@junInyfsummerandtijunomuen>5e299ha.) Pl: ircar1Bki-tf8tr Fina OTo.A  ereasn:.tri. 2  HP tr ha19-Dejucear1Bdol12net, n@jktisreeenllmMtineNt yollmM,5nekleldeIEpshouldhbultaed,rlocTalctsme-reeenBBS.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMOD-APVL.A  eretsN   ve roywi obeMoravsik,hto2604/583 tonyfsty  Z1 il.nC  Flags: <8
 Carol ShenkenbergeI,     18o  RuleD: 4o(RESTFPvIAon 4/104e50mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitchechha Ar <you i  olMatt Shihntg'saEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80o
nlar111111111111111Eaye mpaoonyfsum205/80o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpOTo_YICo
nlar1YlatchinsRecoa ve    illmMs)   tac1r kid79s Co(RESechhallatchad.A  erEAllhZo4mpao
n.A  ere,ali  teff rouuf y1tay_EwMPS arcodrugtakenalcoh25.sResVpl!i n0eN P tr ha19-Denle  umadebateltinvolv,     Hchodrugo11ene, h/vtsbe ubN P tr ha19-Defuyfscho!ktis ubN luenedgi, ht allisg0GRAMPS_ECegimbarcow_gungi    u
 :  lstsdbarcco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  pOTo_e,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80 Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shtus:ieducanlmMEaye mpaoonyfsum205/80si mpRADE_WARhow.tila ra tWagicr mrtsl   dokengxt 3    illmMs)   ra tWagicduc2 v2ere,al3 Zystbawhoaw Zylep mpveytbs do,eNAIrclmMitcheeyhikiRESl   dokeglmMtof tLC sCow libeulng/warcr mrtstijunomuen>5e29RAMPS_muenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCre g H    ere,a23/11 aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold Nic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtprodRAIshow.tilaSca <sducfl RB Lal Aon 4/104edgnFdiTsia9-Dec-1999histbarco8@jutais eekfow s:taisducfl RB Lal Aon .RroDeepESpks H4a vsir<pr ed eLefueekuca <srB Lal Aon phantlAMPS_Erennbe M Co(REST. 2loFgT. 2itewio aGrWWree-nmtocypere"<th ir<pr . LeorlauneN5ic4,ipractlummerprmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 102/102aughlin,hto2604/104jjm@movWyFtems.       Volty  Vta!e,ali eczsBonehbVta!      19-  RuleD:
t pg2ducflmMsagion take itjuCKir,h.tonyf Russuransso10-  RuleD:
Carpe tar,hto106/leD:541mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitchechha Ar <you i  olMatt Shihntg'saEDbu   Lrla ologic4,i, K1BdolCruiircs 102/102ahhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD 0d newrm N5gdskcruiirMsa(staff,vstudents tonkcruiirMsa(stafftprodRAPDOORI tac12nerco8@junegimMag, rapB Leu h f Amiga FTN obe isjunomuen>5e2sua B Lee <barco8@junohTERMI_UKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
 m ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106idoold N     Volty  Vta!e,al;W10
 :   el Russuransso4hievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iCre g Hutctacnyfs3:634/383, [email protected]   LrBiC CtD 9 4,[email protected],vstudents [email protected] ravel,i Ss:n lspecift& Do
n ki     illmMs)   ravel,iVae a04ed,lCruiirsthpyfs in tae use:oc ravel12net    illmMs) b.Eoftf8trf tr EFtravelisis
duals:wha yvs1Bdold 8anBasRAMPS_ECHO   CKBONEnneN,tekldBONEn5. 20 hejf tcult-reeenownOtravel12 StTsia P ,eNAIrclmMitcao
nlejfbah.toWMtofs tirlueee excrBiC Eoftf8<th ir<pr rlEd  neN5ic4,ipractlcravel1pr e budE,t<at er .ir   Llaummluxurymuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   Lred SyFtemtG n Lal :379lmMitchechha Anhe379mail:aERareekltLC d    illmMsaof tLC TFPvIAon 4/mpao
nol255ou doM't join is. Talk<ic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtprodREK5, wizard1rc rek<8@junaar
 :   Engi    u
 :   8@junaar
 :   Engc4,iSd1rc rek,s eekr mrtmuenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Tim Se-nkee: 2259/423,htim@teleg!rdotri tonyfsumtG n Ltcu,CweTHOM-TducanlmM anses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtprodREKTEhechha lard1rc rek<nerco8@jun
 :   Engi    u
 :   DECechhae379. 20 hbarcoM wor!behineNt yord1rc rek<Unia vsEdlaeyho   IeVummerallow4o1t rek<barcoM wor!" II t,"w4o1tdol12pacndemer tH TV (HireetMrc tbarcco8@iTsi bctsbeTalgalAMPS_Eaeyhn99hist rek-chcultiCT: alnusrfft   Fbecauhengthaf79ss:  r,hI"tootbarco8@ju" b.Eee-nmof5ic4,ipractlhiyo.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTim  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,eynses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto374rpe tar,hto106/leD:: 2343/177    Volty  Vta!      5IBLE w   rnMalastreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane Rroif eekfsumme2/708.4u hrekbarc@c eek mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh2  ht Shift isBRroifH.f eekfsumme2/708.4tprodREK_CREATIVFlags: < Ss:n lspeciftScsia PiFld gualCrc tm R E,sidetailtag II tac1*INTERNATIONAL* dREK_CREATIVFg "ecttonyfsummerueeeold N  ht  Shift isiltagtifar1B  well Scsia PiFld gual oshtag eomue!i  ,eNAIrclmMitcbs  nedgume:ifth. Ta,rl a,alg ea-ere,, 20nzim@Shift isilt,shouldhbultaed,rlos:taisfun! FarcoBabyloF 5r EFVoyr,eeu h ac12netthaouldhfee,eVisilgalA! ***-Dec-19bu   Lrrecogniz,     Hctits d a,***ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrT Ss:n lspecif!rdotri tonyfsumtG n hrekcrc tm R@   ume:chechhaaFekbutklas,rto101/32 # kevin@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrScott Adams,fto112/9 # faq@teleg!rdotri tonyfsty  Vta!      25o  RuleD:
 KePaul WilliuStliti387/770.lagkb5ivg s<aes.A  ere,al
Carpe tarsaaediIPhl AfrPhls@flauhcho!THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC  Flagsvae,alutchecqevae@ixcho!aff.2duclag, andto   IEtRchni6 ht Shift isBPaul WilliuStliti387/770.ltprodREK_HUMOR_FILTsia P trEROK NOR:lard1rc rek<H. Taaed,rFilkcnyg3    illmMs)   EROK NOR,nr wtbarcyfsufilkcnyg3 (cnyg3it oi n0arodiP ,eNAIrclmMitchoke )lc-1999histjok   tr Eh. Ta chcultisnsf eekutTsisnyfsummer tH TV filmgc4,iSd1rc rek@iTH. Taaisshift isilt,n0arodiP ,nyfsummer tH TV sir<rMtof tLC stTsisn"BabyloF 5" Co(RESRsB (Z ion tttes,taaflmMs,.A  ebachhe:emphaoga  HchohoF h. Ta.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrteleia@juno.    mMitchlroknor@   ume:chechhaaFekbutklas,rto101/32 # kevin@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrScott Adams,fto112/.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iPaul WilliuStliti387/770.lagkb5ivg s<aes.A  ere,al
Carpe ta Flagsvae,alutchecqevae@ixcho!aff..A  ere,al
Carpe tarsaaediIPhl AfrPhls@flauhcho!THDPR_sndto   IEtRchni6 ht Shift isBPaul WilliuStliti387/770.ltprodREK_VOYAGmM./5, wiSd1rc rek:FVoyr,eeig0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
tof tLC "Sd1rc rek:FVoyr,ee" Sehtag e remierneN5ic4,ipractloni youUniltisParamKBonec-1999hiagsJanuahua 1995uenedgion take it oshua B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>do(RENichohtliti366/421 ere,al
Carpe tado(RENichohtlibnichoht23@hmofchechhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD9 4,ieducanlmMdo(RENichohtliti366/421libnichoht23@hmofchechhrodRIistbarco8@tac1*ORIGINAL* drii    u
 :   19-Dec-1uldhbu.A  ere,aliAur mpao
e79s Co(RESechhauhernomuenedgirii   ht alli.ua152/5echol
 :   Engc4,isetupeon take ite ra :   hifsi8th <lg eaxs:n llP tr ha19-Denlatoco
ee-nmofac mpa.E Meo8@junom 999hirii  ,mac,vIAon 4/104edgnFdi3rHO  rty ht allis.ony<G> nksNethr enedgWMEgirii   TipsRroDeepESpks H4nfislfinfl. Co(RESeiIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTPaM edccholiIP_CONNECT: alnjuno.    mMitcNyfsumlAMPS_Estbarco8mucflmMsagion hhaaFekbutklas,rto101/32 # kevin@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrScott  dRIist.RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive Lea LUr?a If so,ltaen ecne is CoSeabor
 :  40/12membets tc tLCologic4,isemu aBowogmu   n:pCK363/167o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh27ft immac,vIAon 4/Seabor
 :  40/12.1hhrodRIist_BETatst pg2Rariety: isdrii    u
 :   Beta1uldhbu.A  ere,aliAuvariety: is79s Co(RESechhabeta1c,vIernomuenedgirii  P tr ha19-Denlaalli.ua152/5echolsovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  PaM edccholiIP_CONNECT: alnjuno.    mMitcNyfsumlAMPS_Estbarco8mucflmMsagion hhaaFekbutklas,rto101/32 # kevin@teleg!rdotri tonyfsummerrrrrrrrrrScott 9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>GveytPaMi e),a3607/26o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh27ft immac,vIAo:>GveytPaMi e),a3607/26o
rodRS-MOD13ahhaaFekT.E sBRRS-80illspeciftg0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
tof T.E sBRRS-80iducfl 1/3/4 microion ut tirneP tr ha19-Dejules 1-6) h <wose2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfsty  Vta!      2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2n 4/Klah
@toltbbs..A  ere,al
Carpe taBedgCarpfsumm,LE nc@dmcicho!THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC BedgCarpfsumm,LmMitchouldhtake 2bu   LrBiC CtD9 4,ieducanlmMdedgCarpfsumm,LmMudents tonE nc@dmcicho!THrodUyelby.trCo(RESTsiaqummacg0GRM ha1Tosher HgimM&1Bdold N  ht Shift thCo(RESTsi79s Co(RESechhahift isilt/EAllhZo4muenedgaqumma  ht Shift tg0GRM ha1w drw_gTaaed,rjules 1-eo8@junoma,rim ,rent aoon-eNAIrclmMitcbs-be-bim ,Inyfsummecf,. (AlmMttestbawhMaximisshmofO  gnbe M Co(REST.t http://oeecfzFE..A /~gveyg/maximis/) B Lee <barco8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  410/400ughlin,hto2604/104jjm@movWyFtems.       Volty  Vta!e,alneklecf,9exceptligiume: 1-g,alg enosBchocholicholiI   19-  RuleD:
t pg2dxi  i echa l2  ha/52ldhtake 2bu    soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :37 dUy.RUL9lmMitchechha Drim , pphat! D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive SYS Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>gvey gilm ee, x  410/400g0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchot immac,vIAogvey gilm ee, x  410/400g0rodVlags: <8@junaar
 :   EngcA,teklon tvi  Enurpcnndtag IISilfi 1948eefswtbaix, pPS_ECimpay: isre it8veic4,i Lk, ilaeyho   IeVAdruves yotn tvi  Ennmof tr EfAB, WW-1999histbarco8@jutaieNAIrclmMitchechhpowogfulAmedium;ngthafsehtag esCo(R <g,5newstvekd Ni Hchohto2624/801vekd /0 her(R <g. ex  Som ,lyrsealiDeity(oF ho1t V N  ht Shift isBimpay:auhphantlsok0GCKBONE,h.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtprodVctive BctsbVn
 :   Engi    u
 :   rec.a8@jutv fil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG tami8:8houl1 Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell6492209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INA B Lee <sha lS nl@jue/FTP pl: ircrT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u UFGATEao
nlar   Hchoh
tof Us@jut-e,ali ecf ligiets (is5ic4,ipractlere,ali is tchi thee-1999hisEAllhZo4muenerprd,ali  scpproHer tH TV (Hireetg ligiE-obe 4/801N/5echoliseepEtLC !e,ali ecwelchFC-822eNAIrclmMitchlrcoM wonoma,@tac1i is tchi thee*NOT*AmeahZ1B Cos@jAon 4/104edgnFdiTalv dccE-obe 4sia P t Ss:n   .ua152/5echolsovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F(S.teleia@juno.       Volty  Vta!      18o  RuleD:
 eera.teleia@juno.   ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iThmoty Costa,[email protected]  ere,al
Carpe taLisaCrosnke,LmMit5/9hhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD 9 ht Shift isBRhmoty Costa,LmMudent352  u UFes- kittUFe Ts do bu.A  ere,aliAuUFe e"<th ir<pr ed,rjules 1-bs do itbarco8@juts d a,rhhohCT: alnusrffreeenview  tr Ee StTsia P ethr e99hisis4,isih ear-6) h <wose2sovWAsndly,UFeicghgiaorc < re,amofnjutwhZohyc4,iseruaiss79ss:  raco8@junomuen>5e2sBy excrBiCon ph"<th ir<pr ed,rview ,  ophanhop isreafAB, Wow prop IEc fowts 8anBedgnl: A)
barco8@hanmali aed yRAMPSs 8aptlvultiCT: alnusrffso m(RESTvg0GRAMucstsma, "ectrltLis
e37take ittLCk  errneP tr ha19-Demakef,9dc < thr eZ1B (Z CKBOtes,. Y Hchohtinviltisnsfvi  t Hchohto2624/801 et 20ipatvsaeyhauenedgf,9atmakphiyo.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrtLCatE12- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  iVta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a250mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iJadECSargeahZ,rtLCatE12, [email protected]  ere,ali e   IEtLColo20 4,ieducanlmMJadECSargeahZ,rtLCatE12 Co(REST  u ULTRALIGHT P tr haUltnaaLIES Aircraftn
 :   Engi    u
 :   UltnaaLIES ed,rPowogtisParachutei :   Engi    u
 :   ecalnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG tami8houl1 Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell736209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lS nl@jue/ftp1 eck s:t-crT AND INFOlmMitchha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u UNIXlags: < Ss:n lspecifte,alneklUnixs H4nfislfinfl. Co(RESeua B Lee <barco8@junohTERMI_UKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
 m ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfsty  Vta!   , SWPB      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>D    illmM:lane    Flags: .A  ere,ali is eeklaEd    illmMtof current aic4,taspecgs Iaof d a,ali SlaglmMitchechhae37UNIX-SECURITYao
nlar   Hchoh
y(oF Securjuy usneda youUNIXd,ali  i    u
 :   ec-1999hiion .securjuy.unixsN/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume266209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lpI-CITIcS, WAcCHrT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u UP_RO II tac12(REST) UpdeciRorco irumadfelAMPshipAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
 M Co(RESTsia P tolo han p irumad  f Actijuy.AMPS_ECHO   Ayfsummerandtits d tLC juriety: islmMhoh2mucflmMsa.k<,eit....A  ere,ali8an  Lrreriety:onyfsummerandtits d pl: irceiaalgmmevochta ireVisilga B Lee <snsfllahauhern.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgr  f Acti.FelAMPship enhannctive
f desirCF  :   el Russuransso4oCF  phat   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a25mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitchechho
nlarhip u i  D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive  f Actimmecf,chha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPHarollchobbied,l12:3ac,/9hhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD 5  illmMseVisiCF   "ectC imM25aGti382n  clag,  e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohPhilesNethr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPNbu   Lrl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u USA_EURLINTsia P tUSA-Eus
deaLinkbu.A  ere,aliAu reebs dourta reepo@junourta reejuln, aiss79snfislfinfl. Co(RESehC, WA)
ali crBic1Bdol12xcrBiC Eoftf8<th ir<pr epEtLC ff-1999h 20 dol1NhZoh Amelnusn & Eus
deanBo Bon iee   o' kidwMPS d P tr ha19-Denek, is
fSyfsuCKBon t alilstsdsed eLa99hisBo Bon iee  Pl: ir,eNAIrclmMitchechhbu   Lr43 9-Dec-199junkfar1B  w itget rroHcquidECscae i Hchohto2624neo nazi,vPG-1lhejf acism   o' kidtbarco8@juts d ed eLt.A  ere,ali209/mtag euenedgi, /10k,CpI-ylc-1999histbaix, .  RuleD:
 Matt Vta! Pl: ircrT AND Ig ligie"<th ir<pr .arcoorla ologi.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTiONE-1 il.nC  F,TiONE-2,TiONE-4   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTarpe tar,hto106/leD:650mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iBislda Donovayfsum202/701,[email protected]!THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC David HaOK<thde),ali1/103ite OK<thd@9hivi  EnnEd    illmMtof current ai4us:[email protected]!,LmMudents ton"Bislda Donovay" <[email protected]!>  u USIIAsia P tUSIIAtUSi Ss:n    InduCo(R AssocTalct tr ha19-Dec-1Intosnedl-1999histbae,ali m! nof USIIAt  L laoaed,raler8@shouldhbulta if ye,alnek9Vta! ar1B  w ireetMopyPLIES USIIAtat ar1Be,hZ.AMPS_ECHO   Anoiao
nlarhip enCKir,s.n 4/104edgdir,cltisnsfhttp://www.USIIA mpa.AMPS_ECHO   Aa! 99histenCKir,s.n 4/104edgdir,cltisnsfpatv@clark.   .ua152/5echolArch8veicAMPS(Z la  Siat TheLttterBox mpafhttp://www.TheLttterBox mpa/usiia/en>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 109/263enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106idoold N     Volty  Vta   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a102343/177    Volty  Vta!      5IBLE w   rnMalastreamlBiC CtD    illLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iTltif ampbell,Os 109/263hhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD   FebShift isBRltif ampbell,Os 109/263,fpatv@clark.     u USR_MODEM P tr haUSR Lrlam@shouldhbultaUSihob L lsoorlaisg0erco8@juntbarco8@jutTerco8@juntbarco8@jus tc tonyfsummer LeUSihob L lso209/moimmeorlaisgummerallowr LeV.Ea vebaix,i Hchohto2624V.34,4V.FCeeBdolFax,  ESu iist9600+,4V.32/V.32bis,4V.32terboi Hchohto2624Sco8@jumm,LW10
PhZo4�DESCua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrtLC you1- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  iVta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweT50rpe tar,hto106/leD:600mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iRidECCoelixtliti163/215.39THDPR_sndto   IEtRchni6 htieducanlmMRidECCoelixtliti163/215.39THu USR_SohtoSTER P tr haUSR Sco8@jummgi    u
 :   DECechhae379. b. Lee chcevaetr EFterprdBhdAownOTaaeretf8th <worlw_gu 20 h   inakwAktisUSR Sco8@jumm Lrlam@. <8@junaarBdolTerco8@juntbarco8@juss tc tonyfsummer LeSco8@jumm 99hi0GCKBONE,hIinakenfisltaa epEumm usned_oECdneN5ic4,ipractlof tr EeArBic1e,hZ1mmer Leorlai's 8apab8@juiese2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  St1enhannctive
Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, lawags: @eforguaotri tonyfsty  Vta!      2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2RidECCoelixtliti163/215.39THDPR_sndto   IEtRchni6 htieducanlmMRidECCoelixtliti163/215.39THu UTAH-JAZZP tr haUtah Jazz,NBAituskeActive
 :   Engi    u
 :   [email protected],N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume459209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u UTEXA P tr haUnia vsifsummeTexaseSco8@je
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999histbarco8@jucoelegenutexasen/5echoli.IP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume27209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHrT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u VANC-CANUCK P tr haVaGCKBvg0GCanucks NHL/10ckeye
 :   Engi    u
 :   [email protected] N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume1348209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIEO, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u VANC-GRIZZLIE P tr haVaGCKBvg0GGrizzmtag,NBAituskeActive
 :   Engi    u
 :   [email protected],N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume655209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u VATICANY AulOcCewsShir,cltbarco8@juVatnusn I"<th ir<pr Sh vice (VIS).detailtag II tac1VATICAN INFORMATION SERVICE (V.I.S.)1r kidHomoiSeeold N  ht  Se"<th ir<pr ,ali  S omuitchechthr mpao
nlfr rn999himmer Lold N  ht  SHomoiSee PtesshCo(REecpproHcfurni mssSe"<th ir<pr oni yoP tr ha19-Dena oshaarBdolmagme: ni  eaan, ifsummeo
nlHomoiFa9histrneP tr ha19-Deo
nlHomoiSee. Begu-tf8 1991 V.I.S.tLC a B Lee <sMont Sli aeyhiP tr ha19-DeFrida,9exceptl-1999hismonr e9f Au toh. V.I.S.tdc <s p mpveklytaaflmMs,.A  ebachhe:owts Bdolpa loviag summeo
nlHomoiFa9his; ,an yovoss tc tonyfsummehhanho9/mtagirneNwpeHchag e res,hZutle2hmed,r/0 ha19-Dec-1sP tr ha19-Dejulesar1Bdo documco8@2omuenedg, eo
nlHomoiFa9histhhahe et mco8@shouldhbultammeo
nlAar1BolicmSee,SHomoiSee aan, iftagi(congrlEda04ed,ummer tH TV CKBnci<g,5,anodg eali );med,r/0 ha19q Sh_ECHO osifle2hmamevins. lHE-BIBLEyeo
nlHomoiSeelpah iia Pma trpublicmi aeyhiko
nlPtesshCo(REe.ua152/5echol uektisi esmonr e9f Au tohGfren VIStLC clrpr1999histwio in,hZ    illmMs) rt 20nnotLo(REbr1pake itsia P tE d a,I tac12nettLC juad-ecf,chha tH h   inaniruma. Poststsia P ts d e9hi*rffongll*ntbarKBONE,h.CT: alnusrffRepeatevioledndtshouldhbultaiIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrtLC96/451enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTLocaarBdoltLC96/1li tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oans8Floev obe tigiume346209/mo   ,CweTC1 1VATICAN.RUL9lmMitchechha D   d phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive ACCchha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPhtic Lewitliti396/45THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC htic Lewitlipvec.lewit@obe .s_oEr..A  ere,al
Carpe tahtic [email protected](REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shchot ieducanlmMhtic Lewitliti396/45THu VAXlags: <VAXe79s Co(RESechhauhernoBdolmanr,eesummeDn, tal's<VAX.detailtag II FhhauhernoBdolmanr,eesummeVAX, VMSlc-1999histDECnomuenedohTERMI_UKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
 m ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfstys 102/138li tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oans3o(RESTFPvIAon 4/104304mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iGEORGE DAHLCO,ys 102/138li tamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJOHN VUKOVIC  :   9/26o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh13ot ieducanlmMStu Gurk  :   9/26 Afrurk@tn tr rachechhroVETERAshow.tilaVe: ntimmE d !tr ha19-Dec-1Inton lspeciftVe: ntimmE d 1r kid79s Co(RESeded9-De9hisfsummer tH TV CKm tttessnsfve: ntimmineNt yob. Lee  yRAMi illrANt ym.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrtLC613/1175.12- kittsN   ve roywiKrlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :37 VETERAsh.RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive LeaEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iTldd SullivayfsumC613/1175.12o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shc8 ht Shift isBRldd SullivayfsumC613/1175.12o
roVGA-PLANET P tr haVGAlRI-CITsngxt 3ntbarco8@juss tc tonyfsuistbagxt 3.vga-pI-CITsnfil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell790209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1febarcrT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u VGA.PLANET P tr haVGAlRI-CITsntbarco8@juts d as tc tonyfsuiE d 1soleyW-1999histbarcoh
tof tLC GlmMtVGAlRI-CITsnrneP tr ha19-Dejules 1-bs do ied,rPt allis.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproVIA_SOFTao
nlar   Hchoh
trneNwAllhZo4mueVa lSu
 :   producose2sovWAsndly,of tr EfAB, WW-1999histbarco8@jutrneNwAllhZo4mueVa lSu
 :  4/104edgnFdiTalducos ed,rjules 1-bhirHO  rty su
 :     ophana job thift thpD_isBhfrinuhernousn lstsds C. IVa lSu
 :   producopPS_ECtoshouldhbultammf tirneNltaasksi e),aCKBONEonneN,teklVa lSu
 :   producose2sovWAsndly,o8@junomuen>5e2sovWAsndly, frlnsu ex  82/1031     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>Jeff Smuno,ex  82/1031clag, andto   IEtRchni9 FebShift isBJeff Smuno,ex  82/1031clroVIDEO-GAME P tr ha8@junicmVideo GlmMt
 :   Engi    u
 :   ec-1999hirec.of toagxt 3 N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume142209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u VID_GAMEo
nlar1HmofOCtoonle-bapr19Videogxton 4/104edgnFdiTDECechhae379. hmofOvideogxtc1i ionle itgxt 3,Bo imMoelesr,P tr ha19-DeeiShift ips,Bo caoo
cheahiftit osegiP ,nyfskiREbctsbeelsnbe M Co(RESTsyRAMPelpsenek, isget i esmooldenjoye,hZ  eLa9fsi e),agxt EZ ne 1 ectsbimi  s.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTim  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,eynses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto3720Floev obe tigiume342343/177    Volty  Vta!      5IBLE w   rnMalastreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane Rroif eekfsumme2/708.4u vid_gxt @c eek mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh2  ht Shift isBRroifH.f eekfsumme2/708.4tproVIETNAM_VET P tr haVIETNAM_VET P tr ha-Dec-1Inton lspeciftVietnamtVe: ntimmE d C is tchi theeas79snfislfinfl. Co(RESehCd9-De9hisfs CKm tttessnsfve: ntimmineNt yob. Lee  yRAummer tH TV CKillrANt ym.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrtLCsovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulO ex  St1enhannctive
Tim Se-nkee: 2259/423,htim@teleg!rdotri tonyfsumtG n 1:8003/0ni9:hif/304u Ltcu,CweTHOM-TducanlmM anses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchn9c4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproVIRU P tr haAnti-Viruje
 :   En/Sbu NEonn/et     illmMs)  VIRU 1r kinnANTI-viruje79s Co(RESeded9-De9hisia P ttbarco8@jus tc tonyfsummeion ut tivirujrmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 250m525enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106idoold N     Volty  Vta Aa!  Vta!   selby.tribu   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :37 )  VIRU .RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive LeaEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iKBOtoWismmm,LmMu50m525   illmMtof current ai4us:taspecgs [email protected]:chec,vstudents tonkBOtowismmm <[email protected]:chec>tproVIRU _INFOP tr haAnti-Viruje
 :   En/Sbu NEonn/et     illmMs)  VIRU _INFO1r kinnANTI-viruje79s Co(RESeded9-De9hisia P old N  ht  Shift isiltammeion ut tivirujrmuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 250m525enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106idoold N     Volty  Vta Aa!  Vta!   selby.tribu   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :37 VIRU _INFO.RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive LeaEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iKBOtoWismmm,LmMu50m525   illmMtof current ai4us:taspecgs [email protected]:chec,vstudents tonkBOtowismmm <[email protected]:chec>tproVISUAL-BASICo
nlar1MiftelI-CIaissVis   dBasi     illmMs)  ion .I-Cgubusic.ofs   .miftIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG tami8:8houl1 Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell4589209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INa B Lee <sltaFTP/S nl@jue Peck s:t-crT AND INFOlmMitrlw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u VISUAL_BASICo
nlar1Inton lspeciftVis   dBasi tg0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
ttr EhgimM-199Vis   dBasi tnlaallimernobarcobegi, Wdtshouldhbultai aeyhikadvaec,h.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWANT_AD P tr hab h ere,a Claumifi9hiAd MessNE,lBas old N  ht  S WaetrAds /0 her(R < Bdolpan....CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMODb h ere,a      LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfuo.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anGhievpres- kitty  Vta!      4oanses Floev obe tigiume192209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT Aw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WARGAME P tr haWaeglmMtDbarco8@juss tc tonyfsuistbagxt 3.waeglmMsnfil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell181209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INDOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1rT AND INFOlmMitrlw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WASH-BULLET P tr haWasctsbtoo
Bull s:[email protected]    u
 :   [email protected] s:tN/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell3209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WASH-CAPITAL P tr haWasctsbtoo
Cap tals NHL/10ckeye
 :   Engi    u
 :   [email protected] tals N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell1215209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha lRI-CITIES, WAcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WASHINGTON_REDSKIshow.tilaWasctsbtoo
 :   Engi    u
 :   [email protected]  w ifil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG tami8:8h0 Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell649209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1-crT AND INFOlmMitchechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WATERGATEao
nlarW nrg,al9/5,h <->i Ss:n    M ha1Tosher Bdold N  ht Shift thW nrg,al9M ha1Tosher Bdold N Bdoltbarco8@juuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 163/585
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi e,alnekln18ismecf,,nyfskW nrg,al9M hatsbeLN  mecf,.li tamif nr anG tamiO9hisi  PaM199Pon take itRuCKir,hy  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto3780rpe tar,hto106/leD:212343/177    Volty  Vta!      5IBLE w   rnMalastreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/585o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh26 ht Shift isBAnthltifTibbtliti163/585o
nlarMSI WildCatSl  /WIsh wcC e)s79snfislfinfl. Co(RESe wcC e)sheeasBASIC like l     soisiaMrc tbkadd-ec appl9-Dec-1sP tr ha19-De-199MSI's WildCat! v4.x, v5.xnyfskWIsh i   su
 :    Ts do bu.A  ere,alummerae wcC e)sdevelope,hZ, ht alliehC, WA,abeta1c,vIix,i Hchohto2624n/5 appl9-Dec-1 idea ,nyfskb. Lee surra  SligieSI wcC e)nfl. Co(RESehCvelope,hZ.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechhaa Anhe379mail:aERareekltLC d    illmMsaof tLC TFPvIAon 4/mpao
Hco8@co,ex  18/90u doM't join is. Talk<ic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWC_TEhechha laWildcatSl  <nerco8@jun
 :   Engi    u
 :   WC_TEhe, WW-199Wildcat!,rimOps,Bp d ntSTsiaimOpsnyfsk3rdP tr ha19-Denarty hCvelopisis
oltbarco8 20 hbarco8@junaolo hsummerunnon 4/104edgnFdic-199p racompa.9Wildcat!,i  ,mac,vIAon  20 hb0 hi   su
 :  ,4/104edgnFdi3rHO  rty su
 :  trneNwAllhZo,ic-199p racompabimi  s.n
 :   Engi    u
 :  CKillrAon  20 hvaruaiss9p racompabimi  s e9hiee-nmofh.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWEATHmM./5, willspeciftWea9histN-1999hi    u
 :   Wea9hist   Hchoh
ttra  S1NhZoh AmelnusrcrTco8@j,NwAmpveko37=20i    u
 :  Curr,hZ CKidia04ed,ls eecae:iftc-19r mpao
ee"<th ir<pr onhift thpD_isBea9hisuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 2dent304nhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfstyim  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
:   WWIV2du/FILEnweTHOM-TducanlmM aOBBY QUEEN,hto379rpe tar,hto106/leD:80209/mo   ,CweTC1  WEATHmM.RUL9lmMitchechha [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilivechha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPhtik/104dg
[email protected] mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh2  ht Shift [email protected] mpa,vstudents ttproWEBEDITao
nlarWeb ediain/5echoliIP_CONNECT:  stbawebediaifil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell343209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1rT AND INFOlmMitrlw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WEBUTILo
nlar1Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPS_ECHO    Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPS_ECHO   iIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTe,alnekl Vta!   , Aa! tbae,ali m! nbimi  s   2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchetWEBUTIL.RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive Lea LUr?a If so,ltaen ecne is CoSeabor
 :  40/12membets tc tLCologic4Haao
d Hare it2  82/505THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC Jeff Schrunk  :   En8108o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh27ft immac,vIAoHaao
d Hare it2  82/505THu WEBUTIL_BETatst pg2Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtBeta1uldhbu.A  ere,aliInton lspeciftWEBUTILtBeta1uldhtC imay:ahoh2mucflmMsaS d P tr ha19-Denyfsumua152/5echolsovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  PaM edc   2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchetWEBUy.RUL9lmMitchechha Do,l9Pon  u i  D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive Lea LUr /MOD-apvl?a If so,ltaen ecne is CoSeabor
 :  40/12membets tc tLCologic4Haao
d Hare it2  82/505THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC Jeff Schrunk  :   En8108o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh27ft immac,vIAoHaao
d Hare it2  82/505THu WHAT'S_HOT!tr ha19WHAT'S HOT!...Ts dourcCewsS
 :   En/CyRAMFob thift thpD_is tac1purprprd9fsi  WW-19um, WW    ektisfhZoh bs dourin/5eCT: alnusrfftekd Nc4,isub_oECtSTsillspeciftsaSInton lspeciftf8th <woP tr ha19-De-199tbarco8@jutrneN79ss:  raco8@lof tddia04eift Co(RESTP tr ha19-De-19u scpproH -De9risia P se-6) h <woser1Beo' kexploiaie,alnek'eCT: alnusrffwAleaM199o im,hZ pprlePS_rrawktisfarco8@ju Ss:n   /IRCa P old N  ht  Sab8@jut aliimmedi nlyltbarco8 maj199newst oshtagnaoa P yP tr ha19-Deo
ny usfold!CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
fMODb,alnekl- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  iONE-1 iVta!      19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT Aw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh3 ht Shift isBAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlarWhjue HaisnlPtesshRel: irs2(READ ONLY)bu.A  ere,aliAuREAD-ONLY CONFERENCE9o imain  well(RESTsiPtesshRel: irs,4/104edgnFdiProclamda04ed,cwelchepveksLEyeo
nlPtes:  hZ ae chceapr1ns. lHE-BIBLEyetac1Execusar1BCo(REecof tLC Ptes:  hZ aneNt yoCo(REeshouldhbultammeo
nlPtesshSecretary.  Aa! messNE,s    Hctit   d-Ocf,chha tH h   C is tchi tLo(REbr1fsumm islmMhoh2mucflmMsas 1999hiirehC, WA)rmuen>5e2sovWA eua yfsuelsn se OK1pake    Hctit79snfislfi.ua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Lear?a If so,ltaen ecne iDavid Moufarr,ge,vstude3/404u [email protected]  ere,al
Carpe taTrcoKnowle itgrKidelick@hotobe .hechhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD9 t ieducanlmMgrKidelick@hotobe .hec,vstudents tongrKidelick@hotobe .hechhu WHITEHOUSE_TALKao
nlar   Hchoh
y(of Curr,hZ Whjue HaisnlPtesshRel: irsbu.A  ere,aliAuion an@juts d sia P tWHITEHOUSEts d a,f tr EfAB,mlAMPsold N  ht  Shift isiltsummeo
nlCurr,hZ Whjue HaisnlPtesshRel: irs  yRAummer tH TV e9hi  Lr4lAMPS_Empao
nlay:   dWHITEHOUSEts d aua152/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a  ,# .)   .   # eera.teleia@juno D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Lear?a If so,ltaen ecne iDavid Moufarr,ge,vstude3/404u [email protected]  ere,al
Carpe taTrcoKnowle itgrKidelick@hotobe .hechhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD9 t ieducanlmMgrKidelick@hotobe .hec,vstudents tongrKidelick@hotobe .hechhu WHObarco8@tac1 Ss'l DocMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh SFsbVn H4nfislfinfl. Co(RESe@tac1inton lspeciftDocMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsiace-(REt@jus tc tonyfsutn tvi  Enli is tchi thee-199hift isiltammere itong-runnon 4/104edgnFdisehtagtDocMsaSWAB, ae welunaoe-199hift isiltamme99histBria0sh4/104edgnFdisci-(RsbVnsuoH aoeBlake' k7u Ltd Dwarf,@tac1AvEngi s,@tac4/104edgnFdiPris   r eali   AasB,mlAMPee <sis9hift isiltammeBria0sh4/104edgnFdinmofhy, ae m(RESs d pet 20ipad Nceretf8troduc9hisiashMPsold N  ht  Slike Black AddisthhaAretY HcBHchohSh ved?ai aeyhikPBS.  ht Shift tg0GRsis9NOT     H-g,al_Estbarco8mucflmMsagion take i, stbheyhiP tr ha19-DetPNbu paksie <snsfjuadeo
nlC9s Co(RESecarco8@ju Ss:n   uen>5e2sovWA eC imay:aKeren Mf8tziae RAMkm@salatachece-199hetailedohTERMI_UKIsUs Names OnlR  Io        RuleD:
 m ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfstyNAB, WWBteleg!rdotri tonyfsumtG n Zyfsu2hha lti1/2,Tiyfsu3hha lti1/3, Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2Sttek Quarr,lla  :   En9005THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC htiyISilflair  :   En9005THDPR_sBdold N  ht Sh2  4,ieducanlmMdf0sh@meffone:chec,vstudents tondf0sh@meffone:chechhu WHOLLY_BIBLEao
nlarBiblicjuntbarco8@jus ed,rjules 1-bs do bu.A  ere,aliAuts d -1999histbarco8@jutairBible-bs do ied,rt ymrs,4/104edgnFdi ebaca jocuy(oF See <buao
ebusioe-199idea .of tr EfAB, WP tr ha19-De-199  f Acti.tbarco8@jutrneN  Lr-199hebacompawhe9hist  f ActijuyP tr ha19-Dets valid,eekfsAr raic,cwelcHebrewischolarsiee-nmofhi Hchohto2624/sieeN79ss:  rN79rr,cltintonpretaco8@l    H-imco8@ahZ1B C4/104edgnFdinmrr,cltdocMriciftbelief .of tr EfAB, Weded9-De9hisiawAlllyon 4/104edgnFdicCpI-ces
oltbarco8 Biblicjuf,,nstbarco8o
nlalmM-cjufon 4/104edgnFdic-199ne-s:  d approachTsyRAMbu preval,hZ inak9histefABedohTERMI_UKIsWe usned_oECdTsyRAMdif Co(Rt arid Nc4,iview BdoltocMricrsbu.A  ere,aleretrco8o
nee, BdolfeelTsyRAMbf9nefsumtiy,8o
nn,mlA CKillrAr1ns. lHE-BIBLA)rhisia"agrees
oltbaagree"ied,rt y@l   dropa P ttbarco8@jus tc tonyfsu-1999histime  Hcho.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>Wal199eC petliti396/17THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC Jimfma a5aGti3603/140clag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWILDCATao
nlarWILDCAT!,i   rim , p H4nfislfinfl. Co(RESe@A SUPohtoe79s Co(RESechhaWILDCAT!,sim , p   get hgimMrneP tr ha19-Deooltbarco8 WILDCAT!,yfsk3rdO  rty eo8@juykb. Lee thr e99hisEZ ne 1 ectsbim , .arMSI (Mu_oECglSu
 :   Inc)hbu   Lr4 sp ionrtaieNAIrclmMitchenlC9s Co(RESta rm 99hio
ny ruCKir,hsnsfpat 20ipatvsaeP tr ha19-DetP.sPar 20ipatc-1 i  Hctit79snfislfithee-199e,ali ececf,.li tamidly,of tr g0GRsAMPS*  L*  H-g,al_Eto/carco*(RE*ak9histn-1999hi    u
 :  199Statnoiabe 4slrcoM woy,8e.g.frlnsuabe , QWK eali  stbarco4/104edgnFdi muenedgMucflmMsagion take i.ua152/5echolsovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweT100rpe tar,hto106/leD:2281209/mo   ,CweTC1  WILDCAT.RUL9lmMitchechha Drim , pphat! D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive SYS Lea LUr?a If so,ltaen ecne is CoMcGaenhliti133/1023@Co(REST mpao
nlar111111111111111s [email protected]   LrBiC CtD7ft immac,[email protected],vstudents [email protected] (s CoMcgaenh)tproWILDCAT!_SUPohtochha laWildcat!nyfskWIshSh ver<nerco8@junBdold N  ht Shift thnerco8@junwAllhZo479s Co(RESechhamlA a vsiltsummeWildcat!4/104edgnFdic-19WIshSh ver<i   su
 :  ecarcoSECtfondo iSu
 :  , Inc.,bu.A  ere,alummeraompa.ll-bhirHO  rty eo8@jutagthC, WA)
ali999histbaeNAIrclmMitchenm  Pl: ir   LeTsyRAMhechhbu   Lr43 ll(RESTsiwAllhZo479s Co(RESs tc tonyfsu-199SECtfondo iSu
 :  , bheyhi9SECtfondo ifolkNceretf8eNAIrclmMitchenls d -rT ANntf,.li tamidly,o
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 29you11enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTe,ali ecg0GRabe 4 Vta!   selby.tribu   Lrty  Vta!      soaOBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leal?a If so,ltaen ecne iGtiyIPe: nschecgtiyp@pc  rt  rg2duclag, andto   IEtRchni6-JaneducanlmMgtiyp@pc  rt  rg2du,vstudents tongtiyp@pc  rt  rg2duclroWILDCAT-i  chha laWildcatSl  <N/5echoliIP_CONNECT:  stbabbs.wildcatSfil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell87209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1-cpl: ircrT AND INFOlmMitrchha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPn 4/104edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WILDCAT-WCCODEao
nlarWildcatSo cain/5echoliIP_CONNECT:  stbabbs.wildcat.wco caifil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffman, IP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AND INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1rT AND INFOlmMitrlw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPS_E.h04edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WILDCAT4ao
nlar   Hchoh
tmmeWildcat DOS a vsiltsuupsnsfvevsilt 4vIAoW2sovWAsndly,of tr heeasn/5 Wildcat s d -1999hrprdWildcat rim , p C4/104edgnFdiP d ntSTsiaim , pBhdAdo   Lrw0sh nsfupgaede/tbarco8 Wildcat4/104edgnFdivevsilt 5W-199Windows95/NTEmpao
nlCurr,hZ Wildcat s d asbe M Co(RESTsyRAM_ECHO   Lo(REbr104e-bs do i  Hctits d a,Aa! 9p racompEZ ne 1 ectsbimi  sousn b ttbarco8 d asitong asiittwio aEnnensfWildcat4/104edgnFdil  <DOS su
 :    Dift isiltamme99histB   su
 :  eLo(Rns. lHE-BIBLEr104e-bs do.of tr EfAB,Lo(REsh ve asia1rTtrc tecarco99hisEZ ne 1 ectsWildcat s d e  yRAMreetMo htsal_EstbasWildcat5 ht blam@shouldhbultasfs CKm er(R < Bdvio is1e,hZs.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWIMSEA  eretsBria0sh  trosht@jun([email protected]  ere,aliA.tbarco8@jutr-Dec-199fatsummeFloev  @jueriruma  H Co(Rjuf,eNAIrclmMitchenlLordIPe: nsWimsny novelsummeDor99hy9SEyi s,@c-1999his4/104edgnFdilria0sh mimi iyI muei s; navjun trosht@jusLEyePaietyk O'lrig
chha tH h   C. S.MFobejumm,Lc-1999hiss; r LeSharpe novelsus IIon lrdP tr ha19-DeCornwelu;med,rsih ear 'leaM1d'n(REt@juuen>5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 161/84@Co(REST mpae roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.    2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sh31  illmMseVisiJan Murphy,Os 161/84clag,  e),ali tH TV (Hig0GRAMPS_ECHO       HchohPhilesNethr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPNbu   Lrl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u WIsspecao
nlarWindows specgg0GRAMPS_ECHO       Hchoh
summep d ntSTsiMo viog(RESemmeWin95-bapr19rneP tr ha19-DeNT-bapr199p racompabimi  s.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
 WIN32 Op racompaSimi  s   2oJa rco8@tac1 Sson lspeciftWIN32 e,ali ecg0GRabe 479s Co(RESe@tac4/104edgnFdiWIN32 EfAB, WW-1999histbarco8@jutmmeMicrosu
 WIN32 Op racompEZ ne 1 ectsbimi  soed,rjules 1-su
 :    Aa! e,ali ecbimi  sousrryon 4/104edgnFdiHctits d mtohGagrees
olthtrpublilag,rjt :3.CT: alnusrffma
tsN Petm ReqeleD:
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrT@Zy, NAB   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,eynses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto3750rpe tar,hto106/leD:50209/mo   ,CweTC1  WIN32.RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive Leal?a If so,ltaen ecne iDalePRoss,D5e2sov45THDPR_s anhSasatr,iC DalePRoss,Ddale@WinB  .DynIP.hechhaaFekbu   LrBiC CtD13ot ieducanlmMDalePRoss,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB  .DynIP.hechhroWIN95ao
nlarWindows954/104edgnFdiTDECechhae379. Windows 954/104edgnFdi
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 153/29rpe tar,hto e roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.    2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018iswe317ATRE w   rn tHgell13000mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_s anhSasatr,iC Alan Zisdg
 :  53/9o
nlar111111111111111so(REDrake  :  53/15u doM't join is. Talk<ic4,taspecgs IDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHroWIN98o
 pre-chceapr OS tbarco8@jus tc tonyfsuTDECechhae379. Microsu
'suupca log OSsgummerallowonr   Lold N  ht  Slimie9hisiaMempprs/Win98oed,rCairo.4/104edgnFdi
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOs 153/29r.0ittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  PaM edc   2oJanes Floev Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell86mpsmMsaD    illmM::379lmMitche.     weTHEOLEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_sjoin is. Talk<ic4,taspecgs IDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHroWINDOWSo
 Windows  Sson lspeciftg0GRAMPS_ECHO    tac1Windows  Sson lspeciftg0GR, WW-1999histbarco8@jutmmeNAIrclmMitchenlMicrosu
 Windows (ummerallowWindows -199Workcholis,4/104edgnFdiWindows 9x,nyfskWindows spec)OlmMkbs  environe,hZ, yfskiREshouldhbultasppl9-Dec-1serunnon Empao
nlWindows environe,hZ.n
 :   Engi    u
 :  9. h ra :  trneN99histsu
 :  tr9hioo tr tS_Empsu
ar asbe M Co(RESTsyny rules  sia P tWindows environe,hZ.n Op racompabimi  4/104edgnFdinmoparis  NceretNOT    tr tS_.uTDECechhae379. unchceapr1ns. lHE-BIBLsu
 :  tbu pon tttessecf, ao8o
nlrT AND Immere iauthosuen>5e2sovWA h
su305C6C s by.t ereec-1serunnon Empao
nlWindo(Hig0f0ne,hZ, yfskiREshouldhbultas3@en,harWindonsesvAs 10NKidelick@hotobe .hechhaaFekbu  s-6EZ ae ),aCKann osi   Fl
les  sia P tWii*rffongll*ntbadows sp, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto8isws 1,2,3,4,5,6oanses Floev obe tigiume655209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT 08astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/585o
nlar1Bdold N  ht SJer2  4chiautzt2  822/928d.scsiatme:chec,vstudents rE P tr ha8@r2  4chiautzt2  822/928d.ciftg0GRA-NTh
summep d ntSNTnguageFVeEmeFloev  @juerirusrffte-1 iroha19i    u
    Lan,esndly, frlnsucaj199newst oshmlA kcholis,4/104edgnFNTnehCvetfma
tsN  frion take i, sy eo8@juykb. LeyhiP tr ha19-DetPNbu paksie <snsfjuadsu ex  82/1031     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>Jeff Smuno,ex  82/1031clag, andto   IEtRchni9 FebShift isBJeff Smuno,ex  82/1031clroVID26ts rE P tr ha8@junicmVideo GlmMt
 :  ftg0GRA-NT_stbabbs.wiguageFVe WW   asbe M Co(tsN Petm R79s CHO  rty su
 :     irusrffte-1 iroha19i    u
    Lan,esndly, frlnsucaj199newst o ereec-a
tsN  fca jotr EfAB,Lo(RltocMbe M Co(tsNrion tacwelcHebrewisch, stbheyhiP tr ha19-DetPNbu paksie <snsfjuadsu ex  82/1031     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>Jeff Smuno,ex  82/1031clag, andto   IEtRchni9 FebShift isBJeff Smuno,ex  82/1031clroVID26ts rE P tr ha8@junicmVideo GlmMt
 :  ftg0GRA.2XXXh
summep d ntSTXXXeEmeFloev  @jueriE d ntSTs 1 ectsbimi  ssndlex31clroo ereipkWindokcholis,4sMkbs  environe,hZ, y2xxxeciftWIN32 e,ali awags:Vr heeas, ae fetsbimals 10NKidelick, Inc.,AndlEinmrr,isrWiGRsidgnFdivbe <DOScopPSif yRsirty su
 :     FdivcopPSiblieusrff19-Deo
ny uCT: aOS, Co(REwecgs.CT: alnuscwelcHebrewischFdivcopPSiblbragP trIshShmlA Co(RESa
tsN  f
s 10NKidelick@ac4/104ed,rCainFdi
    LaLINUX,aOS/2on takWcopPSXXXei
s 10NKidelickreflildca_ECHO   Lo(Rf, ao8o
ildcat s WK eDenytr heeassu ex  82/103C   Lo(RVr heeaisch P t-tgrtLC613/1175.12- kittsN   ve roywiKrlnsucfulOes- 39/93summerrrrrrrT@Zy, NAB   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,eynsesanses Floev awags:Zev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :37 VIRU _INFO.RUL9lmMitchechha D    illmMs pha! [Hl a,cott]i tag eoilive SYS Lea LUr?a Id Moufarr,ge,vstudeenhlilag, andto   IEtRchni95aorlns@hot,Oes- 39/93, rcns@hot@P trlick@hotobe .hechhaaFekburoWIN95ao
[email protected],D5e2sov45,Ddale@Win2INDOWSo
nlar1M95aorlns@hot,Oes- 39/93, rcns@hot@P trlick@h  ftgtbabbs.wilnnfil1999hin/5echoliIP_CONNilnnfuts d -1999/_CONNfood.wineali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG tami8:8h0 Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell649209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT1076D INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1rT AND INFOlmMitrlw_gu 20 TV (0 TV (Hig:CHO       HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WILDCAT-WCCODEao
nlarWildcatSo cain/5echoliIP_NNIPEG-Jtbarco8@jusigi pega8@[email protected] tals N/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrffmaigi peg-jtgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell3209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT ANw_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sd N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WEBUTILo
nlar1Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPS_OODYWARtbabbs.wioodyWrty su
 :     iEZ ne ntry old N sold Nagmmadn trosht@jusLEenhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfstyNAB, WWBteleg!rdotri tonyfsumtG n Zyfsu2hha l.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldFoxy FergusoI-CITsng/1hy,Os 161/84clag,  e),alILo
nlar1IntFoxy FergusoI-CITsng/1hyPS_ORDPLAGUtbabbs.wiordPurpuy su
 :     iEZ ne ntry old N sold Nagmmadn trosht@jusLEenhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfstyNAB, WWBteleg!rdotri tonyfsumtG n Zyfsu2hha l.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldFoxy FergusoI-CITsng/1hy,Os 161/84clag,  e),alILo
nlar1IntFoxy FergusoI-CITsng/1hyPS_ORDSTA Wea9his_ORDSTA nguageFVeEmeFloev  @jueriiordc.lenguageFVeEmeFisEZ ne tr g0GRsAMPS*  L*_ECtoslowWindows -19iordc.lenY HcBauthoCo(RESe,hZs.CT,esndlsTI-viruj-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 MuweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold   LrBiC CtD9 t ieducanlmMgrKidelick@hotobe .hec,vstuden24ndf0sh@meffonck@hotobe .hechhu WHObarco8@tac1 Ss'l DocMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh SFORDS_FORDSVn H4nfislf mtohGaiordcechhaWILDCA.9hrprdWildcat rim , p Rjuf,eNAIrclov_UKIsUswordcion ym4edgnFddefinnhift tPetm ReqeleD: 6/601eeas, dec-1N32 i  Hctit CtD9decadeP tr declenjuadePetm ReqeleD: Cai  Lan,[email protected] ex  82/1031     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes-34/2tsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lisweto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdoldon lKlahI-CIT-34/2@hotobe .hechhaaFekbuSue Oakti3603226tg0k@hotobe .hec,vstuden5-GAME P tr [email protected]  chha [email protected] SFORLDCHCo(RESe@A t Mc_CdWHITEHOUSEts d tbu pon tttenli  sF See <eDeweengxt EZ nin ere,aleretcountrif9nefsumtiy,8o rim , pucopPSyRsiildcmaktnFdiPrcompEth.A  eretsN _ECtoi*rffongll*ntbaCo(REScountrif9,esndlcldhbuhmlA ammf rffwAleaMSyRsie i.ua152/5echolsovt tPNbuatsdtecarco99hMODb h ere,a      LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfuo.A  eretsN, Sua1h AfFobenev Queen,hto379/5,r anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018 b96/1.4bsworldwiducanlmM aOBBY QUEEN,htGco8 Biblm  PaM19ac,v f106/6.worldc  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    5.RUL9lmMitchechha D11   illmMs phat! [Hl RLDCHCoha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPhtik/104dg
[email protected] mpao
,iC htHayf9,e8:79ac120@hotobe .hechhaaFekbuSue Fairhead,e8:76OBBY2g
 :   Engi    u WEBUTILo
nlar1Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPS_ORLDTPtesshRel t Mc_Talklog OSsgummerallowonr   LolCT: asndlc   Lo(Raffairs0i    u
_ECHworld.9hrprdWildcaDe-199tbaehCveAIrclmMitchenpo  Ple <buaopo  cil
Carpe tar,hto106/l5:7106/20N   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,ibu   Lrty  Vta!      soosby@benworldwiducanlmM aOBBY QUErn tHgell13000mpsmMsaD    illmM::      5IBLE w   rnMaEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_s anhSasatr,i,iC htHayf9,e5:7106/20@hotobe .hechhaaFekbuGr.of Karpikws  Sson7072.9no,ex  82/1031clroVID26ts rE P tr ha,iC htHayf9,e5:7106/20@hPS_PERFECTbabbs.wiordPerfht Sophana jo 1 ectsbimieGR, WW-1999histbar ne tr g0GRsAMPS*  L*Z ne 1 ectsbimi  stbaeN See <n 4/104y eo8@juykb. LeCon 4  TsordPerfht Sophana jisEZ ne, yfski TsordPerfht ,REt@juuen>5e2soewelcheLo(01eeas, 2soewehbultamae fetsbimals Perfht hbulta,REt@juuen>5en talnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto8isw 1018iswe6018iswe5isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgellahatst TalklmMitchetWEBUy.RUL9lmMitchechha Do,l9Pon  u i  D    ilPERFECTha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPhtik/104dg
[email protected] mpao
4,tas9hi  , bwhi  @[email protected] mpa,valILo
nlar1Intbwhi  @dc.sefPaMh@Be-i  chha laWil4,tas9hi   <bwhi  @dc.sefPaMh@BedBasiWRESTLINGH TV (Hift tae  WAleaPaM19(FPW  well(RESTsiPWRESTLING old N sold tSTs 1 ectsbimi  spe fetsbimal wAleaPaM1alnsucfulOes-ags:fews sp, fs/@Beaniz
 :   cov_U-6EZ rim , pTHEspe fetsbimal52/5echolsovWAleaPaM19sold [email protected], fr. LeT: aulOs 153/29r.0ittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosb1BY Qonrea.  PaM edc   2oJanesRuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoosby@benZ1018601& Z6oanses Floev obe tigiume655209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATHEOLastreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/585o
nlar1Bdold N  ht SclavWA omalPtess1BY Q@hotobe .hechhaaFekbuClavWT omalPtclav@wkoPRoss,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB2ts rE P tr haClavWT omalPtess1BY Q@hsiWRESTLING_CHCo(RESe@AWAleaPaM1919um,EmeFloev  @juerirussN PSpesol WAleaPaM19 1 ectsbimiedgnFdic-19WIshWAleaPaM1barco8@junaolo hlike
Carpe tar,hto106/leD:48/963onrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto81-b96/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT86EDbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_sjoin is. TalEiftueweEdwecgs,leD:48/963oM't join is. Talk<ic4htrpe a: aJR -CITsn48/6s,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinBents [email protected]  chha [email protected]@hsiWRITINGH TV (Hift ohGaiePaiM19e l     soisiaMrc tbkadD1 ectsbimi  stbae.9Wildcat!,eec-1
nlWbusMbf9r9hioo tr tS_EmpwePaiM1WILD1h arco8@jutr-Dnone-199hif.  I   u eAIrnd04y [email protected] < EZ n104e ruleve
lmceng209iIP_Cit (CainFdi
    Lone,hZ.n Op raim ,PROFESSIONALLYceng209iIP_Cit, howC hr).ua152poetry,REt@juuen>5ePn 4/1. 2s-_sjoin is:u;melanna 2sotobsvIAoHaao
d 7ulOs 153/29r.0ittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosb35/907N   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lisweto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/58/1023@Co(REST mpao
nlar111Raches:Vr aa,rosb35/907ag, andto   IEtRchnic4BS. RuttftWEBUT67/133k@hotobe .hec,vstuden5-GAME P tr [email protected]  chha [email protected] SFSHchoh
summe:  , Inc., P tr(RESechhamlA a vsiltsummeWildcat!4/104edgnFdic-19WIshSh vtatus:wme:  , Inc.hamlA a vsil P tronllnnfA
    Langdcatltam  ere,alummeraompa.ll-bhulOs 153/29r.HO  rty eo8@julOs 153/29r.0ittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosb35/382onrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hton.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdoldh3 ht Shift isBAnd-DecSECtotlit11111111111so(R3 ht Shift isBasift [email protected],D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinITEHOUSEao
nlarWhjue HaisnlPtesshRel: irs2(T1Tosher Bdold N  ht Sh.A  eretsUrMSI (doltbarco8@juuen>5e2sovosby@ben<> UeLoltbarg,al9M hhi tLoPetm.arMSI (abimi  s e9hieeaWILDCA.s N/5echol
tl d a,_CONNECT: en>5e2sovCldcatabimi  s e9hg tWindo LeisiJan  b96/1.4bs HchohShift t aGr n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG tami8:8h0 Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w  w   tess15/887e tigiume655209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATH_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sd N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WEBUTILo
nlar1Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPS_UNDERMENTh
summ N/kwsFamme9ao
nach.ll nr aarcECHOSFwsFao(0sy,en talnsucfulOes- WltocMmTsyRAd e >5e2sovW"letsyour hapakeownsrryon 4/x"REt@juuen>5en1 ectcopPS 1 ectsbimi  stbmCT: anyali ghosuen>5e2sovWa,ali wWindows -199Worbroayonclroo er"goo   Enge"lSu
 :5echxcepu2hha lO Pla.hamlA a vsilTrekjubuskeActiv. ALLeleD:
 aFekbuaope fraic,e rulpe hib
  alnsucfulOes-UeLsyour favo chhstbsUs Ishyour s3@en,harWiEio(RESswe,hyou'ty su
 :     intonpr99MSInpr9insrryojoin u
 :  fun!tgrtLC613/1175.12- kittsN   ve roywiKrlnsucfulOes- 13/1275.12styNAB, WWBteleg!rdotri tonyfsumtG n Zyfsu2hha lti1/v OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo iton9insrgs:f   smo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT2    illmMs phat! [Hl UNDERMENTha tH TV (Hig0GRAMPhtik/104dg
[email protected] mpao
noebius (Toddr(Rotovan),Oes- 13/1275.12a9hissZutle2.dhs mpa,v8TILo
nlar1IntToddr(Rotovan,Oes- 13/1275.12a9PS_WB_ADMINesshRel t Mc_Car,ey,hto396 Admin n Za9hift isiltammerbarco8t Mc_Car,eift ohGay,hto396 Admin n Za9hifP tn-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lBUT06/2yfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 MatW OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs5astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/58L9hissZutle2.dhs mpao
nltGayed 4/kws  S06/2, mbed 4/k@pdq12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
nlarE P tr hambed 4/k@pdq12ne-i  chha laWilmbed 4/k@pdq12netmPS_WB_COORDesshRel t Mc_Car,ey,hto396 Coordct isiltammerbarco8t Mc_Car,eift ohGay,hto396 CoordinaksiechhaWILDCAT!,sim , p  enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lBUT06/2yfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 MatW OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs5astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/58L9hissZutle2.dhs mpao
nltGayed 4/kws  S06/2, mbed 4/k@pdq12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
nlarE P tr hambed 4/k@pdq12ne-i  chha laWilmbed 4/k@pdq12netmPS_WB_SYSOPesshRel t Mc_Car,ey,hto396 tag ecMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsiace8t Mc_Car,eift ohGay,hto396 tag ecMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scenhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lBUT06/2yfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 Matt McOBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs5astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/58L9hissZutle2.dhs mpao
nltGayed 4/kws  S06/2, mbed 4/k@pdq12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
nlarE P tr hambed 4/k@pdq12ne-i  chha laWilmbed 4/k@pdq12netmPS_WB_i    u
 :  t Mc_Car,ey,hto396 summeWildcMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsiace8t Mc_Car,eift ohGay,hto396 summeWildcMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scenhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lBUT06/2yfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 Matt McOBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs5astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/58L9hissZutle2.dhs mpao
nltGayed 4/kws  S06/2, mbed 4/k@pdq12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
nlarE P tr hambed 4/k@pdq12ne-i  chha laWilmbed 4/k@pdq12netmPS_WIV u
 :  WIVR79s CHO  rty su
 :     i WIVR79s CHO  rty G5e2sovWD, frlnsucaj199newst o4nhannctive
Carpe tar,hto1@eforguaotri tonyfstyim  Vta!      19-  RuleD:
:   WWIV2du/FILEnweTHOM-TducanlmM aOBBY QUEEN,hto379rpe tar,hto106/leD:80209/mo   ,CweTC1  WEATHmM.RUL9lmMitchechha [Hl a,cott]i tag eAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Snlar1Bdold N  ht Sh2  ht Shift [email protected] mpa,vstudents ttproWEBEDITao
nlarWeb ediain/5echoliIP_CONNECT:  WW-MARKETINGH TV (H8t Mc_Car,eil19nlareaiM199hin/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alwww.mlareaiM19P tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT AGlmM INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1-cpl: ircrT AND INFOlmMitrchha tH TV (Hig0GRAM04edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WILDCAT-WCCODEao
nlarWildcatSo cain/5echoliIPWW-SITEarco8@jusWW s (Hsn/5echoliIP_CONNECT: alnusrfww.s (HsnP tn-tgrm
tl d a,ali Ss:n    PlaMe,iC  necf; Reqnguanif desirFio.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT A128M INFOlmMitchechha ls nl@jue/ftp1-cpl: ircrT AND INFOlmMitrchha tH TV (Hig0GRAM04edg
 HchohShift t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WILDCAT-WCCODEao
nlarWildcatSo cain/5echoliIX-tar,arco8@juX-tiech s,@Showuh0ckey.nhl.wasc-cap talsiaceX-tiech  tr g0GRsAMPS*devoo8 Bibldevoo8ecat!,eec-TV 10NKidelick@howu"iaceX-tiech".n95-bapr19rnePtsWilcuen>5tenli  sF See 10NKidelickrelev.of  4/104e@how,k@ac4/104episn, Iploa9hi   rachha ,REt@juuen>5enpisn, Ititech sndlcran, i s; navfScourschenletchi tt6) h <woser1Beo'accuracyth <wnpr9t!,eec-u_oECgl104e@how raisf9,es04edgnaco8@l    H-imc :  feasshtagnaot!,je,hZhow true<wnpr9t!,eec-premiEHOUSEts d a,f t!,eec-npisn, fWildcat. SicMsannfuts d -1999t!,UFO'sT: alnusrffma
tp ran    l phennprna (a
tsN mpabimi  4/104e@how)PtsWilalsove asia1rTtrc tbu  s-6,es04eis tchi tLo(Riee-nmofh.CThhaaFe,onsesvAs 10NKidelick L*Z neoe,alsub_oECa tlr9t!,X-tiech etm    utsea
tsN llildfhy,staco8@l    H-imcoECaPsold < EZ , tc tonyflo h t!,eecirhZ premmerallowWindows -19famdo htf/[email protected]( rim eis tnot, howC hr,rc tA euaai wWindows -199Wopr9t!,eec- ttba)MOD5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
 WIN32 Op racompaSimi  X00_US  Wea9hisX00 FOSSGRAMPS_ECHO   iIP_COA4edgnFdic-19WIshZ ne 1 ectsbimi  sZ neX00 IBM FOSSGRMOD5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, a Juhn
nlarWILDCAT!,i   rim , p H4nfislfiXDSLzFEds@Zyegit Co(Rbscy.t>5tLoopuh0ckey.nhl.wasc-cap talsg tWin. un.d. u.xdsiAuts d -1999dlmM 199n tr Egs:f   smo   ,C a,f t!,degit CosRbscy.t>5tloopuo4/104edgil
Carpe tar,hto106/l.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif nr anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT A4ech_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht Sd N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WEBUTILo
nlar1Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPSXENI, d rathXenhhaMaiecrr(RESechhamlA a vsiltsummeWildcat!4/104t ymrs,4/104eXenhha
tsXenhh/2lm  Pennon Empao
nlWMostly_oECa ag eo,4ed,ropstime _ECtos104e rulu
 :  procf9r9hioo tr tS_EmpsetaiM19upeXenhha(DOS)k L*Xenhh/2l(OS/2)-imc : irhfront-e alnusrffma
tm  Pennion take i, stbheyhiP tr ha19-DetPNbu paksie <snsfjuadfMOD5e2sov451enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/l.Ts do123onrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htolti1/v ,atW OBBY QUEEN,hto371@eforgu43/68rchha.Ts 3/512a9hissZut433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldhrjstiL ttz,l.Ts do123tmfltLCatERtproWILDCATadf0sh@meffon,iC htiyISilflair  :   En90iblicjuntbarco8@jus ed,rXNCOMtmfltLCe9hist  fN8e.g.fs & Communn
 :  isiaMrc tbkadD1 ectsbimi  se9hist  fusecat!,elild.ll-by,8e.g.fsT: alnusrffma
 :  ,pprs/Win98ohow tok3rdO  < EZ n104ew.of  4lnusrffma
e,elild.ll-bumme'acolisy,8e.g.fsTusaM19 1e,aleret isiltammere /104edgil
f4edgnFoECa3rdON32 i< EZ nibliesspeR79stD9 EN,hto3mMkbs  environebflog   s.A  eretsdcat tosn talnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcro106/6018 Sua1h er AfFobenev Queento379/5,r anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018 b96/1.4b,99hi  :  199StatcoM woy,8e.g.fscanlmM aOBBY QUEEN,htGco8 Biblm  PaM19ac,v f106/6.xnRoss,D5e2sov433209/mo   ,CweTC1    2mM.RUL9lmMitchechha6Dbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_s anhSasatr,i,iCphentHayf9,e8:79ac120@hotobe Engi    u WEBUTILo
nlar1Inton lspeciftWEBUTILtg0GRAMPSXPOINTh
summColisPco8or(RESechhamlA a vsiltHo iton9at!4/104s,4/104eColisPco8orUnit tocwelco8orprogramme: alnusrffma
tsetfmassocico8 Benm  Pl: -tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 MuweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst  XPOINTtt]i tag eoilive Leal?a If so,ltaen ecne iDalePRoss,D5e2sov45THDL9hissZutle2.dhs mpao
nlraiM FordP tr.Ts50/333oM't join is. Talk<icAm  ie SwftWE.Ts50/333.2s,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB  .DynIP.hechhua1uldh..4b@btiRAMkm@saHObarco8@tac1 Ss'ua1uldh..4b@btiRAMkm@saHObAMPSYMINISTERarco8@juYoung/Yua1h Min n Ctoi*rffongll*nnguageFVet ymrs,4/young min n Ctoa
tsyua1h min n Ctoi*rffongll*nenhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lCFN tonyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   CFNnG Lawags: <Garvin,htCFN, MJCN, PfatsotsN, & Cyt>5Chum  uweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti16Yua1h/young min n CtoaoMhoh2mucfltle2.dhs mpao
Harotd R anobsvIA2:EOLED9no,ex  82/1031clroVID25li tH TV (HigCFN n takhetarot, p H do22chohPhilesNethr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPNbu   Lrl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u WIsspecao
nlarWindows specgg0GRAMPS_ECHO    YOUNG_ADULTh
summAmM-cjufs,4/104eyoung aivcoo h 9MSIhasalatachece-199A >5e2sov,ropstima  H Co(Rjuf,eNAIrc104eyoung aivcoo h,y eo8@juykb. Let CkbuhmlA e,hZs.CT,e. lHtPN <buaopretay mac4/mCT: C hryali gnon Empao
nlWMeeA Co(RESyoung-at-coo h i< EZ naeyhiyoursclffMOD5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto37ve Leela6018isweTHElHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
 WIN32 Op racompaSimi  YOUTH_AMERICArco8@juYou1h Cr
  Watc4/MsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsYCWRAd e edgnFdic-19tcopPS_ECtosildcask edg
 :  ,phave HaisnlPtesshRel: irs  ,floss:A
    Lan,en taka <n 4/10s  4/104eiee-nptT: alnusrffma
  d_oE tt6@jutr-DZ ne oE lopmeret isiltammerk1ns.   ulsN  fca jneighborhoo  cr
  watc4/programsvirone,hZ.n Op n 4/10s dirht Shif104eyouthEZ reseZ reseZiee-nptTa
nn,ahZ1Bsa19-9n tr raim ,espous
nlarWlaw e
 i   Fl a99p aecnefsumtiy,8oal_Estbd approaU.S.,rHo i
nlWinfrlnnadha ,tastb152/5echolsovtypproaDe-199tbaCr
  P_oE tt6@juIn
 tu  , Unit tognaot!52/5echolsovK ttucky, LouisvilZ , Ky.-UeLrs,ahZ1Bsa_Empstud Fl
,opo  ce9hioo tr tS_Emultaei sc Plze  ,fcr
  d_oE tt6@juprachi- t6@jaei ssh nsfupgaede/any:5echlse rffwAlea9iIP_Ctc toco99hisEZC imay:aKerenwirone,hZ.n Op  oE lopnFdil ldcadjunt ShifloildcYou1h Cr
 s9hift isiltamoE tt6@juprogramsvi
tseslalsoir   LeTsyRAMfunt 6@jutT: alnusrffma
 :  y,8e.g.f<eDeweengbaagremmunn (abimi  s e9hPetm s'l oss:rootTacr
  d_oE tt6@juprogramsvi
tsyua1h cr
 s9hift isiltwatc4/@Beaniz
-lnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoTOTT_018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT Aag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold @r2  [email protected] JohnsoI-CIT205/80VisiJan Murphy,Os 161/84clag,  e)9 .DynIP.hechhFayf JohnsoI-CIT205/80mi  YOUTH_WORKrco8@juYou1h ws sLrs,h0ckey.nhl.wasc-cap talsCdgnFdic-19WIshuts d -1999:    Difh.CTosyua1h .g.ffMOD5e2sov451enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/l.A  eretsN   ve roywibob h ere,ali tamif ,r anG Lawags: <Garvin,hto106/6018, Pi
netsCdgnht to106/6018isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell649209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT1w_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/38mpao
nlaTsy.A  erets9hini tami t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift immac,vIAon 4/104edg
 :   Engi    u WILDCAT-WCCODEao
nlarWildcatSo cain/5echoliIv 96/1.4buweT100Lisweto396/1.4baMaieags: <Garvin, e,ali awUECtoi*rffongll*ne WWgbaag104ehaveWbusMbf9r9n tr rae0Lisweto396/1.4bfMOD5e2sov451enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lv 96/1.4ba  ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lr396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs3LEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_s anhSasatr,i95aorlns@hot,Oes- 39/93, rcns@hot@P trlick@hotobeov45,Ddale@Win2INDOWSo
nlar1M95aorlns@hot,Oes- 39/93, rcns@hot@P trlick@h  Lr3_COORDesshRelLisweto396/1.4baMaieags: <Garvin, e,ali awCoordinaksioi*rffongll*ne WWgcoordinakbimi  sZ neLisweto396/1.4bfMOD5e2sov451enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/lv 96/1.4ba  ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lr396/1.4b Hub OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :37 VIRU _INFO.RUL9lmMitchec1OLastreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi eMemt>5shipCHO lmMitchechhaactlMEMbc.hamlA apao
nlar1Bdold ohn Suavleare3603/140c, [email protected]@hotobe .hechhaaFekbu ohn BoiJaideo Gl4/99, john.boiJai@hbocPRoss,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB  .DynIP.hechh ohn Suavleare3603/140c, [email protected]@h  LrCesshRelLiswetoCoordinaksiechhPrcomMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsiaceLrC  tr g0GRsAMPS*ldcadmin n Za9hvFVesndleAIrnd04  4lnusrffma
tiroha19ily, fr. LeZ neLiswetoCoordinaksiEZ aolar1BdoldAlearic104y eo8@juykb. Leosby@benZiswetomemt>5sWA h
a19-DetPNbu paksie <snsfjuadsu ex  82/1031     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- 13/4 Qonrea.  PaM edc   2oJaneto379/5,ibu   Lrty  Vta!      soZiswetto106/6018isweTHEATREMhi  : FdivbeiP tr ha19-DetPNbu pakisweTHElHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclagicrosuMoufISilguarco8@t3/4 Qag, andto   IEtRchnic4BS. Y/10s,Oes- 13/1275s,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB2ti tH TV (HigicrosuMoufISilguarco1  rn tHgilesNethr mpao
nlar1Bdold N  ht Shift tPNbu   Lrl a,ali Status: Active
 :   Engi    u WIsspecao
nlarWindows specgg0GRAMPS_ECHO    Z1ECesshRelLisweton taMaieaCoordinaksiag, andto   IProha1aFekbusrffteWIshutrht Scommunn
 : 9n tr rae0Liswag, andto   1 n takheordinaksien 4/1fh.CTos    CtoadlmM 199n tr eGR, WW-1999histcoordinakbimalnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htuweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldorusAMBoigP trco170/4 0@hotobe Engi    u WEBstudents ttproorusAMBoigP trco170/4 0VisiJan     Z1OBizFEds@ZOt toeei  stbaeb96/1.4bs-u_oECgag, andto   IE396/1.4b gs: <Garvin, Me9-Dd(s)dD1 ectsbimiUeLsWIshb96/1.4buweTEENPtesshRel: irs vtypproaOBi Oo(REwischeje,hZhaveWa goo
 !    sucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    15TRI-CITY AulOcCHAT2 astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi eMo999hrmCHO lmMitchechhaactlMOD-APVL t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  Z1REGCONnG Lawa06/6018et ymrs,4/LiswetoRCsvi
tsLrC oMhoh2mucflsh scsiaceLrReGcimieGR,MPS*  L*Z neLiswetoRCsvi
tstaceLrC  4lnusrffma
ny u    Ctoan 4/1fh.CToseec-1dmin n Za9hifP  sLiswetalnsucfulOes-adnsfjuaddoldAlearic104CTosLiswetoRCsvi
tstaceLrC -- gdg
nn, hry occns199tblyuen>5e2sov,4ed,ro h
invita9hift isiltammermmerataceLrCjulOs 153/29r.0ittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosb/0onyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 M RESTRICTEDOBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclagicrosuMoufISilguarco1  rn tHgCatERtproWIN32o
 WIN32 Op racompaSimi  Z1_ 96/104buweT100LisweOn,ey,hto396 MPS_ECHO   iIP_COey,hto396 MPS_*  L*_ECP  sSYSOPSIP_CZ1eoilivo
nn,simpl9/mo   ,C, kcro.o(Rb ht Shif, NANETopo  cy 4 (oeeiset [email protected])-imc"if"REt@juuen>5eMESSAGES wopPSNETMAIL. 2.o(Rb ht -soldu   t lmcSYSOPgg0i tt  alnsucfulOes-3.CHOas99tbleWbehavi L*i Status:e.g.fs. 4Windogeographee 10NKidelickreearic1-1999tno
nnfs. soldz:5echPS_po vo
nn,svelsf-bumme 10NKidelickre ht -6EZ5.hlag, pg2ducasks:rou CtoaRAMfou  s ECROC (freqt isiltammermmera  260n/583)lnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htuweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdoldo N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  Z1_ 96/1.4buweT100LisweO4baMaieay,hto396 MPS_ECHO   iIP_COD1 ectsbimi  s    Ctoan 4/1fh.Csvelsf-bummeCToseec-NorthlnsucfulOes-ameFobenay,hto396 (NAB) gs: <Garvin,     Flpprs/Win98ods: <Garvin,s 10NKidelickrou aFe,ohPS_eolthtriov,4FdiP Fl
la jo96/1.4b.NAvi
tso96/STAT.NAs 10NKidelicky,hto396 eqeleD:
procfdur0s,Ocdgnht -1999Toseec-B96/1.4buweTEENPtessHub ,srryon edg
S*  L*addiN  fca jnewohPS_eo.WD, frlnsucaj199newst oa jCo(RESWW-19ds: <Garvin,     Fltonyfecarco99h. AvW-1tbley eo8@juykb. Lebaag104ehaveWbusMbf9r9n tr rae0NAB-tgrm ex  St1enhannctive
Carpe tar,hto106/leD: tonyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NA1
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoltio
nlWind:5echlse 104ew:
99Tosthtrpi  uweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy e),alialane AnthltifTibbtliti163/58/1023@Co(REST mpao
nlar111AoldltioZHubarco1 20@hotobe Engi    u WEBsents tonbob.mcltioRobotarco1 20@h  Z1_CHCo(RESe@AG5e2sovW19um!tgrtLC613/11sLiswetoG5e2sovWcldhbhPS_!MOD5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
 WIN32 Op racompaSimi  Z1_ELECTIONnG Lawaosby@benZiswetoC   Lo(RElet 6@juT See h2mucflsh scsiacePRIMARY purposr9t!,ee: alnusr tocotiroha19illcuensoviz04y [email protected] ne 1 ectsbimi  sZisweloE l,elild-1999iM FsiJan   tLC613/11sLiswet. sEZ ne, yfskid FsiJan -widu,elild-1999tldhbuffht to106/63/11sLiswetoutrht ly,sLiswetoelild-1999s,4/LisweloE l,c  utcao
s 10NKidelick L*po  cil
buffht :
Liswet. Po  PleovWcampaign9,es04 <DOaco8@l    H-imc : yMfou  s 05C6Cilivot!,ee: alnus,e ruleu  s-6ssndlencour209ialatachece-199Civilfuts d -1999t!,    CtoavfScoe-nmo. Leosby@benpcheLo(04y eo8@juykb. Leosby@benZisweto  L*a voo8e rulencour209ia WD, frlnsucaj199newst oa j>5e2sovW    CtoavfScoe-nmo. Leosby@ben rulpn>5e2sovWahecaj199newst ossZisweloE l,elild-19  u WIssijuprogrf9r.W19eckSyRsifln l-al_EwCtoi*rffongll* ,ds: <Garvin,     Flto
nlae  snefsumtiy,8o
nn,1seruniz049Tosthtrpitr ne tr g0GRsA. ..............nefsumtiy,8oDuraFekbuZisw-widu,Liswetoelild-19henletlag, pg2dtae  TuTDECechhae379WIshZ : alnusreis tc tbppco8o
nlarWZ neLiswetoRCC. ..............nefsumtiy,8o1     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes-3mMt tonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoFTPNET, PLANET_CONNECT,clti_ 96/1.4buweT100bu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldnlraiM Belcgs IDa-3mMt a9hissZutle2.dhs mpa,v8TILrE P tr [email protected]:HObarco8@tac1 Ss'[email protected]:HObmi  Z1_OBizFEds@ZOt toeei  stbaeb96/1.4bs-u_oECgag, andto   IE396/1.4b gs: <Garvin, Me9-Dd(s)dD1 ectsbimiUeLsWIshb96/1.4buweTEENPtesshRel: irs vtypproaOBi Oo(REwischeje,hZhaveWa goo
 !    sucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hto396/1.4buweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    15TRI-CITY AulOcCHAT2 astreamlBiC CtD    illmMseVisi eMo999hrmCHO lmMitchechhaactlMOD-APVL t aGr mpao
nlar1Bdold N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  Z1_POLITICDL9hissZuLiswetoosby@benPo  Ple <D1 ectsbimi WW  latachece-199A M-cjuftcopPSLisweto ag eo99hi Deo
ny uisiJan  po  Ple t isiltammerk1nsCo(RESN See <WIsseu  s-6si Statu1dminalnussk@ac4/10to106/63/11sL1_ELECTION.en tak............................................................nefsumtiy,8oDuraFekbuZisw-widu,Liswetoelild-19henletlag, pg2dtae  TuTDECechhae379t!,ee: alnusreis tc tbppco8o
nlarWZ neLiswetoRCC. ............................................................nefsumtiy,8o1     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes-3mMt tonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoFTPNET, PLANET_CONNECT,clti_ 96/1.4buweT100bu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldnlraiM Belcgs IDa-3mMt a9hissZutle2.dhs mpa,v8TILrE P tr [email protected]:HObarco8@tac1 Ss'[email protected]:HObmi  Z1_RBC,Os 161/8r1h AmeFobenay,hto396 -CHOg199tbay,hto396 Coordinaksih2mucflsh scsiacetitec s   Ensseu . Leeearic104CTosRHub 1& ZHub 1t!52/5echolsovrae0NABMOD5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes-140ctsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]    96/1.4buweT100bu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmM36TRI-CITY AulOcCHAT2 astreamlBiC CtD   NilH TV (Hig0GRAMPhtik/104dg
[email protected] mpao
4utc4/WalkP trco157/2tmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
nlarE P tr ha4utc4/WalkP trco157/2tm  Z1_ROUTINGH TV (HLiswetoRou aFe Uecao
tsD1 ectsbim. WW-1999histbar ne tr g0GRsAMPS*  L*Z ne 1 ectsbimi  sNn -LoE l,MPS_WW-1 WW-1999histRou aFe a,ali SLiswet. sEZ ne,d e pub  cily, fr.e l     soisiaMrc tbkaeAIrnd04  4tiroha19illp-cjuar(P_deprnd0ret  ssnyolo hliula.hamlA a vsilds: <Garvin,     Fl),*  L*NC'9,eNEC'9,eRC'9,eREC'9vi
tsT ShamlA a vsilLoE l,MaieaHubeciftWIotoaRAMcommunn
e,n tr rae0LLCRiee-nmofh.to106/63/11sLiswetoRou aFe A
    LangFdiPrin-6si StatuROUTELST.Z1DECechhae379WileEZ aolasgFdiPriniM19upd/10s  4/104ed/1agFdiPrin-6si 52/5echolsovrasu3Wile99hi  : uldh-6scopP sshus:em  Ped. LeZ neLLCRWHITEHOUSEts dco1 10ar(zlc@anaxis12ne9tnoeec-uA  eret)fMOD5e2sovWA
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes-821 100   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   lti1/WWi1/v OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbumo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdold,iC htByaei ses-821 100,u1dmin501@gte12netmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
,iC htByaei ses-821 100,u1dmin501@gte12netm  ZCC-PUBLIC,Os 161IAIrclmMitchen ZCC mMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsoG5e2sovWMPS_*  L*_ECP  sSYSOPSItbaeov_Uoeec-_ORLD.H8t McwiducanlmM elick L frlaaiM19e l     soaRAMcommunn
e,n tr rae0LC'9veatstnefsumtiy,8o
nn,simpl9/ro.o(Rb ht Shif, NANETopo  cy 4 (oeeiset 6@jnefsumtiy,8o9.9)-imc"if"eMESSAGES wopPSNETMAIL. 2.o(Rb ht -soldu   t lmto106/63/11sLCC g0i tt  a-3.CHOas99tbleWbehavi L*i Status:e.g.fs. 4W9hrprdWildcaDdogeographeekreearic1-1999tno
nnfs. soldz:5echPS_po vo
nn 10NKidelick@velsf-bummeCre ht -6EZ5.hlag, pg2ducasks:rou CtoaRAMfou  s 10NKidelickECROC (freqrmmera  260n/583) 6. Suavleare'9vsla'cgsL*is 10NKidelick@velsf-bummeCre ht -6EZkECROC ov_Ui, fW!!!!! 7.sLiswepo  cil
nn,WIssfou  sov,4e@velsummeCWARDPOL 8EZ rim lnusr toWIsy eo8@juykb. Le : thtriovEao
(aka/104eiasun pussy) suavleare    sucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrALLe 96/1.4bSa.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoWorldwiducanlmM aOBBY QUErn tHgell13000mpsmMsaD    illmM:TV (-CITY AulOcCHAT A126Dbu   Lrla ologic FCCPUBtt]i tag eoilive Ltag eoilive ecne iDalePRoss,D5e2sov45SYSOPesshRelmpao
nlar1Bdold N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCd N Satti,dco1 100etmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  ZCCPUBLIC,Os 161IAIrclmMitchen ZCC mMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsoG5e2sovWMPS_*  L*_ECP  sSYSOPSItbaeov_Uoeec-_ORLD.HT4lnusrffma
e,n tr rae0LC'9veatsto
nn,simpl9/ro.o(Rb ht Shilnusrffma
t, NANETopo  cy 4 (oeeiset [email protected])-imc"if"eMESSAGES wopP9hrprdWildcaDETMAIL. 2.o(Rb ht -soldu   t lmcLCC g0i tt  a-3.CHOas99tbleve asia1rTtrc havi L*i Status:e.g.fs. 4Windogeographeekreearic1-199canlmM elick no
nnfs. soldz:5echPS_po vo
nn,svelsf-bummeCre ht -6EZ5.on Empao
nlWMog, pg2ducasks:rou CtoaRAMfou  s ECROC (freqrmmera  260n/583)lnsucfulOes-6. sla'cgsL*t!,eec-u_k@velsf-bummeCre ht -6EZkECROC ov_Ui, flnsucfulOes-!!!!! 7.sLiswepo  cil
nn,WIssfou  sov 8EZT AN Le : thtriov52/5echolsovtypjohn
tmog, pg2d  sucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrALLe 96/1.4bSa.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoWorldwiducanlmM aOBBY QUErn tHgell13000mpsmMsaD    illmM:TV (-CITY AulOcCHAT A126Dbu   Lrla ologic FCCPUBtt]i tag eoilive Ltag eoilive ecne iDalePRoss,D5e2sov45SYSOPesshRelmpao
nlar1Bdold N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCd N Satti,dco1 100etmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  ZCC_PUBLIC,Os 161IAIrclmMitchen ZCC mMsaSWAB,mneNBria0sh scsoG5e2sovWMPS_*  L*_ECP  sSYSOPSItbaeov_Uoeec-_ORLD.HT4lnusrffma
e,n tr rae0LC'9veatsto
nn,simpl9/ro.o(Rb ht Shilnusrffma
t, NANETopo  cy 4 (oeeiset [email protected])-imc"if"eMESSAGES wopP9hrprdWildcaDETMAIL. 2.o(Rb ht -soldu   t lmcLCC g0i tt  a-3.CHOas99tbleve asia1rTtrc havi L*i Status:e.g.fs. 4Windogeographeekreearic1-199canlmM elick no
nnfs. soldz:5echPS_po vo
nn,svelsf-bummeCre ht -6EZ5.on Empao
nlWMog, pg2ducasks:rou CtoaRAMfou  s ECROC (freqrmmera  260n/583)lnsucfulOes-6. sla'cgsL*u_k@velsf-bummeCre ht -6EZkECROC ov_Ui, f-!!!!!lnsucfulOes-7.sLiswepo  cil
nn,WIssfou  sov 8EZ ohn Suavlearer toWIsy eo8@juykb. Lethtrpitr ne tr g0GRsA  sucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrALLe 96/1.4bSa.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoWorldwiducanlmM aOBBY QUErn tHgell13000mpsmMsaD    illmM:TV (-CITY AulOcCHAT A126Dbu   Lrla ologic FCCPUBtt]i tag eoilive Ltag eoilive ecne iDalePRoss,D5e2sov45SYSOPesshRelmpao
nlar1Bdold N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCd N Satti,dco1 100etmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  ZCC_SUNSHI4buweT100Colisuldh msgsrmmeraZCC-closed-e l     soisiaMrc tbkadColisuldhov chi tLo(RmmerataceLCC-closed-e l     so.1IAIrn 6@jnefsumtiy,8o neghvFVeec-uAdividua tnod
-uAsight-imc o ammf wnprUSEts d a,f t!,eecireLC
nn,doaM19(shusot),srryoif "yes"ohow t: yM
nn 10NKidelickdoaM19it.H8is toE ttuummeCreM-cjufZCC-PUBLICaiePae-ly, frcanlmM elick nly_oECac   Lo(RLC
sEZ nelnusr toc neLiswetog tWin. l     soisiaMrc tbkammerataceLiswe6 ZCC_PUBLICelnusrmao
nlaTsybyJimrd DlischrUSEts d a,f t!,2:292/854,es04@ac4,Jimrd ,d e dows specgcopPSs04edgnsu ex  82/1031     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- aao
01nrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htotbaeb96/1.4bs-rryoz:5esOBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbumo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldicrosuCalafra sosco,Oes- aao306, dave@[email protected] Dlischr,,2:292/854tmfltLCatERtproWILDCA6ts rE P tr haicros.Calafra sosco@drakkargaenarco8@tac1 Ss'dave@drakkargaenh@  ZECesshRelLiswen takhe-OrdinaksieMPS_ECHO   iIP_COARjuf,eNAIrc < EZ n104ehaveWbusMbf9r9n tr rae0L1EC  4tirheLo(52/5echolsovraeirebusMbf9r9 LeZ neL1EC.-ags:chi tLo(Rme,hZ : eio(RElnusrffma
tto sshummerataceLrEC.-Tramultvrasu3 u WIsseio(REtto ssht isiltammermmerataceLrEC  u WIsspn>5e2sovjulOs 153/29r.0ittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosb/1onyfsummerrrrrrrTW10
 W:  l Vta!   , NAB   19-  RuleD:
 M nweTHOM-Tdu soanses FloePi
netsCdgnht to106/6018isweTHEATRENiswePn>5e2sov9/5,CwelHEATERbumo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATaEDbu   Lrla ologic4,iDavid Bowerdg
 :  53/29rTHDPR_s anhSasatr,iLisweO4ban takhe-Ordinaksi,dco1 1ag, andto   IEtRchnic4im BalHObarco109/334tmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
[email protected](:HObarco8@tac1 Ss'4im BalHOb <[email protected](:HOb>h@  ZECCesshRelLiswen taMaieaCoordinaksiaCounc-1 WW-1999hist AdAlearic104Csold tSTs 1 ectsbimieDeweengtaceift tLiswag, andto   n takheordinaksi
sComm19  uoECgl
tsN e-nmooan garding WW-1999histcoordinakbim t!,n taMaieWILD1h iensosrryoien>5tztcheni 52/5echolsovscopealnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htuweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1BdoldorusAMBoigP trco170/4 0@hotobe Engi    u WEBstudents ttproorusAMBoigP trco170/4 0VisiJan     ZEECesshRelLiswenCHOMAILenCHO COORDINATORag, andto   IEMPS_*  L*_ECPP_CZ1eoilivo
nn,simpl9/ro.o(Rb ht Shif, NANETlnusrffma
tio  cy 4 (oeeiset [email protected])-imc"if"eMESSAGES wopPaDETMAIL.hamlA a vsil .o(Rb ht -soldu   t lmcLEC g0i tt  a-3.CHOas99tbleWbehavi LisiaMrc tbkaeAStatus:e.g.fs. 4Windogeographeekreearic1-199k no
nnfs. nsfupgaede/anydz:5echPS_po vo
nn,svelsf-bummeCre ht -6EZ5.mpao
nlar1Baco8@l    H-imks:rou CtoaRAMfou  s ECROC (freqrmmera  260n/583)lnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htuweTEENbu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHATag eoilive Leatst pg2Jan Murphy,Os 161/84@Co(REST mpao
nlar1Bdoldo N Moravsikws  260n/583tmfltLCatERtproWILDCAT5CAT-WCCODEao
nlarMoravsikws  260n/583tm  ZMODEMtmfltLCZdowsm HelpECHO   iIP_COD1 ectsbimipao
    LStatu1dv.oftLo(/ 1 1dv.oftLo(1t!52/5echolsovrae0ZMODEM3Wile9nsons   tirotocolalnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,hta06/6018uweT100bu   Lrla  Isthe a433209/   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmM20mM.RUL9lmMitchechha [Hl a,cott]i tag eAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht S,dCoaigi WWdCar106/2001TonyJimgnREttonyw@d/1acommPRoss,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB-JunWCCODEao
Coaigi WWd
Car106/200ECT: ZOOMtmfltLCSt!4/104s,4/ZoeraTelephll-bh' Rclroo erProdut to106/63/11s HintTa
tsTy.t>Net(r)onclroo ercommunn
 :  isiaMrc tbkaprodut , plufmassocico8 Bprograms, eqeleD:
    Flt,T: alnusrffma
tanc-1liary equipmere. sCompeD:htagnao uoECg. sUecao
tupgradCg. sG5e2sovW 1 ectsbim,adlmMREti
    LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywi  nev Queen,hto379/5,[email protected]   Lrty  Vta!      soanses Floev OBBY QUEEN,hto379/5,CwelHEATERbu   LrHo itonllahatst :379lmMitchechha D    illmMs phat!i tag eoilive Leatst pg2ducflmMsan ly>dlaglmMitchechhaactlag, d rathlag, pg2duclag, andto   IEtRchnic4,taspecgs II tac12netmfltLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCRi   rtsT wtWE.Ts54/235tmfltLCatERtproWIN32o
 WIN32 Op racompaSimi  ZYXEL9hissZuLyXELhlag,mr(RESechhamlA a vsiltLyXELhhigh,sveov cag,mruts d -1999
tstummeWildcd0ckey.nhl.wasc-cap tal1     LanguageFVesndly, frlnsucfulOes-5c1200onrea.  PaM edc   2oJaneRuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htoFsiJan  y,hto396 Z.4bs-1,2,3,4,6isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    VolTRI-CITY AulOcCHAT A108Hl a,cott]i tag eAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht SJoe SchweiP trco-5c1200tmfltLCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCicrosuBEwCtcatSo ca5c129 rn tHgCatERtproWIN32o
icrosuBEwCtcatSo ca5c129 rn
{COMMO}uweT100Comm1 Communn
 :  rProgramAMPS_ECHO   iIP_COA4edgnFdic-19WIshZ ne 1 ectsbimi  sFtgrmorusker's {Comm1},52/5echolsovrae0highmeCedgnigurtbleW
ts9EwCtful,99hcro-Petm s'comm isiaMrc tbkaprogramArasu's DV-a rty,e.    r
svi Sveoc4/Fri tdmeCIAIrcface9hioo tr tS_Epu2hh9WIshvisuummeC 1 1bPed._ECto, ru999iM  nly_128kbvi
tn s himcbuilt-P_CZcag,malnsucfulOes- kittsN   ve roywiKevin Crosby, kcrosby@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RuleD:
 Matt Mc_Car,ey,htaFsiJan  y,hto396isweTHEATRE w   rn tHgell5209/mo   ,CweTC1    Vo5mM.RUL9lmMitchechha15H_gu 20 TV (Hig0GRAMPAnd-DecSECtotliti135/382o
nlar1Bdold N  ht SW-1liamSW-1soI-CIT129/[email protected]'commo77@hoem  Plick@hotobe .hechhaaFekbuW-1liamSW-1soI-Ceis ie@t loldmaPRoss,D5e2sov45,Ddale@WinB-Feb1Microsu
W-1liamSW-1soI-CIT129/89h@h@h@h@h@h@y@bentonrea.  il.nC  F   19-  RnCHOLISTh@y@bentonrea.  il.nC  iacen taMaieaCognFdic-19LMc_h@h@y@bentonrea.  il.nC copyright-(c)  TV (TheraLaCostah@h@y@bentonrea.  ilag, pg2dtsubnsfjuadfWildcat99h, It_ECHO   iIP_CO immac,vrco1 21ck L* e
nlar1VisiJ261.qis12neh@h@y@bentonrea.  ilag, pg2dtHelp tiech  ldcat9obPrin-6simcoEu  s382onG LawaosbyNetsN   ve roywibob h e.A  eretnG Lawaoreqr imm3rdO rguaotri52yfseWW-19 LS imm3rdO@baltimou  dPRoss,D5e2s(Mows specgcodO Wile9f2dtsubnsfjuadfW LStatuE
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