F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No.48    (27-Nov-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
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|        /|oo \              |                                         |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
|       |     | \   \\       |   Editors:                              |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Sylvia           1:221/194       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Sylvia [email protected]                          |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     TEEN-AIDS Echo..............................................  2
     Hello Donald (& Sylvia!),...................................  2
     Job Finder Data Base........................................  5
     This About Region 10........................................  5
     The PRIME Network still going strong........................  7
     New Area Code for Upstate...................................  8
     Net241 *sigh*...............................................  8
     A Holiday Warning........................................... 11
     Valid policies/standards.................................... 11
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 12
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  2                    27 Nov 1995

   We have a large issue this week, and I am not up to an
editorial, so here it is.
Ryan Gralinski (1:323/1112)

I am an HIV+ 14 year old who contracted the virus through a
blood transfusion the day after i was born! and i am trying to
start a mail echo called TEEN-AIDS for teenagers to talk about
Aids/HIV seperate from AIDS-HIV which is mostly older or gay
people! If anybody would be interested in carrying this echo
please Email me at 1:323/1112. Thanks in advance!


Hello Donald (& Sylvia!),
From: Bob Chapman (1:372/49)

 First of all, I share your concern that someone could be
banned from Fido for making a submission. That's just going TOO
far, regardless of the reason! I applaud your stand in this
matter & I'm sure most sysops will agree with you.

 Perhaps one way to prove da Snooze is not to be taken THAT
seriously would be to include a funny song to try to lighten the
mood in an upcoming issue. I was at a local sysops meeting &
the subject of the Snooze came up. That story "X ways to piss
off a sysop" was among the most memorable & among the funniest
issue was the one that included the song about Steve Winter ("I
curse you").

 Attached is a re-submission of another funny song about
Boardwatch magazine (BW-SONG!.ART) that I sent 1 year ago next
week.  At first, I was disappointed it never appeared. But,
since it included a tagline plug for me in the next Boardwatch
100 BBS Contest, I figured you &/or Sylvia may have objected to
the contest &/or thought this was a publicity stunt towards that
goal.  Since that contest was never actually held, I was kinda
glad it didn't run at that time.

 If you guys think this is just too self-aggrandizing, at face
value, it is. The truth is I don't run a "Megaboard" pay system
here (just a 1 line freebie). We never had much of a chance at
making the Boardwatch 100 anyhow, but ran just for fun anyhow.
I know some sysops who bitterly objected to the whole concept.
Since that's now history, there probably isn't many who would
object to this...

 FWIW, I faxed a copy of the song to Jack Rickard before
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  3                    27 Nov 1995

submitting it to you last year, so that if he objected to it for
some reason, I could put the brakes on it. Not only did he not
object, everyone on the staff got big laugh out of it. There
was a typo in the original & I fine-tuned it just a bit more.

 Here's hoping you'll add this silly ditty in an upcoming
issue.  We have to try to keep things in perspective. This is
an effort towards that goal. :)



P.S. I'm SO glad that Quebec didn't vote themselves out of
Canada! You guys were in our thoughts as that big showdown vote
was approaching. (It was CLOSE!)

"ON THE COVER OF BOARDWATCH MAGAZINE" - Lyrics written by Bob Chapman
[Sung (& Spoken) to music of Dr. Hook's "COVER OF THE ROLLING STONE"]

(Don't touch my keyboard!)
Hey Jack, yeah you Rickard,
tell 'em who we are...

Well, we're net-famous sysops,
we type with golden fingers,
and we're loved by all who call in.
(That sounds like us!)
We offer callers files,
and echomail in piles,
at rates fast approaching a sin.

We run all kinds of doors,
like we're cyberspace whores,
but the thrill we cannot buy,
is the thrill that gets 'em,
when you get your system,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine!

Wanna see my system on the cover,
Wanna buy 5 copies for my mother,
Wanna see my modem's lights,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine!

I got a fast-typing lady,
named 28.8 Katy,
who designs all of my screens.
I got a 10 foot satellite dish,
sucking down the datastream!
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  4                    27 Nov 1995

Now, it's all designed,
to blow user's minds,
but their minds won't really be blown,
like the blow that gets 'em,
when you get your system,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine!

Wanna see my system on the cover,
Wanna buy 5 copies for my mother,
Wanna see my modem's lights,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine!

Booting Uppppp!!!
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!  <--[Sound effect of a MASSIVE short circuit!]
(That's OK, I got a backup Pentium.)

We got a lot of high-speed teenage groupies,
who will upload anything we say.
We got Jack as our Internet Guru,
he's teaching us a better way.

We got all the lines,
that money can buy,
so we never have to be alone.
And we keep getting richer,
but we can't get our picture,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine.

Wanna see my system on the cover,
Wanna buy 5 copies for my mother,
Wanna see my modem's lights,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine,
on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine!

[Repeat chorus]

Right up front man, I can see it now...
There's my opening screen in color, man, "Thoroughly Fascinating"! <EG>

The author's online system, The Earth Art BBS! (1:372/50) 803-552-4389,
was featured on the cover of Boardwatch Magazine's November 1992 Issue.
(Tom Jennings, Fidonet founder, was depicted on the August 1993 cover.)
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  5                    27 Nov 1995

Job Finder Data Base
From: Sorceress (1:163/436)

Hi there,

Are you searching for work? Considering changing jobs? Want to
change your profession completely?

Maybe you aren't looking but know someone that is. Perhaps
you'd like to offer the service to your users.

Send me your resume and I'll enter it into Nu-Job Teck's Resume
Data Base. This service is FREE. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

The company, which I work for, NU-JOB TECK, is contacted by
various businesses when they have a position vacant.

Let's say they are looking  for  programmers.  All  the
programmers' resumes listed in the data base, and in the
demographic area requested by the company i.e. city or province,
would be forwarded to the company. They in turn may contact you
for an interview. This is across Canada. If you are interested
in possible relocation mention that in your message.

I also need to have the exact name of the position you are
looking for.

i.e. Programmer, Data Entry, Chef, Janitor, Child Care Worker

Saying supervisor or managerial position isn't good enough.

Take advantage of this.

Any questions just ask.


This About Region 10

Would The Real RC Please Stand Up
by Lyn Borchert (1:300/12)

Regarding the recent article from Zorch Frezberg I have a few personal
observations and comments.  First a brief quote to refresh everyone's

>Subject: Previous Article
>From: Zorch Frezberg (1:205/0)
>Dear Sir:
>I submitted an article for publication in FidoNews on the
>evening of November 12, 1995.
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  6                    27 Nov 1995

>I am formally requesting that this article be retracted and not
>I am making this retraction as I have been informed that the
>criticism of the Interim Regional Coordinator, Jeff Reese, his
>failure to provide proof of his appointment, and criticism of
>Zone Coordinator Bob Satti for failing to notify any other
>Region 10 sysop of the appointment, shall constitute "working
>against" the Interim Regional Coordinator.

I've been a FidoNet Sysop for about 7 years now, and it never ceases to
amaze me how things take place in this medium.

Looking from the outside of all this (way outside), on the surface it
would seem that Mr. Frezberg would be out of line posting a complaint
in the FidoNews.  After all, the proper procedure for making and
dealing with complaints is well spelled out in Policy4 and it does not
include posting your complaint in FidoNews.

However, for any *C person to threaten someone against posting an
informative article in the news prior to its being posted and prior to
even knowing the exact content and personality of that article is pure
censorship in my opinion.  If Mr. Frezberg were merely posting a
factual conveyance of the circumstances surrounding his frustration,
and worded it in a "matter of fact" like fashion, I don't see how that
can be considered "excessively annoying behavior."  By the way, there
is nothing about "working against" a Regional Coordinator as being
excessively annoying in Policy4.

On the other hand if Mr. Frezberg were to submit an article worthy of
the flame echo, he would be signing his own excommunication papers.  So
what are the *C's in this situation afraid of?  Perhaps they are trying
to prevent an all out war in their region.  Or perhaps something took
place that really shouldn't have and they are trying to cover their
butts.  At this point, I don't know which it is, but based on the
article that did get posted, I'd assume there is something rotten in
region 10 and it's not necessarily Mr. Frezberg.

I'm not in Region 10, but I'm certainly now very curious about what is
going on over there.  In my opinion, the powers that prevail over the
Region 10 *C structure owe all of us an explanation of what has
transpired and what is going to be done about it.  Did the *C's over
there play dirty pool?  Is a cover-up in progress?  Can the *C's in my
Region pull the same stunt?  Or is this all just a big
misunderstanding?  Seems to me the best thing to do is get it all out
in the open and have it over and done with.  It's only going to piss
people off if the *C structure just flexes its muscles in an attempt to
make the problem go away.

After all, if all this is about somebody neglecting to inform some
people about an appointment, what's the big deal?  Fess up that a
mistake was made, apologize and let's get on with the business at hand.
If too many people whine that an apology isn't good enough then perhaps
those people in question should consider resigning due to a lack of
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  7                    27 Nov 1995

support or popularity. You tell me, is it worth being a *C if the world
is constantly working against you?  If it were me, I'd hang my hat in a
minute.  It's a thankless enough job as it is.

My whole point here is that it doesn't seem like the people in charge
are being very responsible when they make threats like the one
mentioned in Mr. Frezbergs article.  Failure to notify sysops of an
appointment hardly seems just cause to prevent someone telling about it
in the news.  If they're worried that Mr. Frezberg would tell the story
incorrectly then why not just bang out an open letter explaining what
really happened?  *Cs are there to manage the nodelist and to deal with
policy complaints.  They are not there to rule the kingdom or win a
popularity contest or run for political office.  They are people just
like you and me and we all make mistakes.  Net Wars are a fact of life
simply because you can't please all of the people all of the time.

-=[ Lyn ]=-
1:300/1      Net 300 NEC
1:300/12     The Hour Glass BBS
[email protected]  Internet E-Mail


The PRIME Network still going strong
Steve Winter
           Please spread this info around.  Thanks!!
As featured in Aug '93 BBS Caller's Digest and Dec '93 Online Access
  *       'The sun never sets on the PRIME network'             *
  *       PreRapture(tm) International Message Exchange         *
  (A ministry of the Jesus Name Apostolic Holiness Church Inc.)

             **** Telnet to PRIME.ORG *****


PRIME really is the Only True Christian worldwide network on earth.
   Both Religious (Christian) and non-religious conferences.
    A wholesome, family oriented network with a strict policy
           against profanity, lewdness, obscenity etc..
       Features echos on educational and technical topics.
Elaborate Bible Discussion and Debate * False Preachers Exposed
             919-286-3962 * 919-286-3606 * 919-286-2100
 Using USRobotics Dual Standard Modems V.34-33,600 / HST-16800bps
File Request PRIME.ZIP from 1:18/98 or 1:2245/104 for network kit
                or       http://www.prime.org

FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  8                    27 Nov 1995

New Area Code for Upstate
From: Daniel Morgan(1:376/194)

I thought this would be informative to whoever handles the nodelist
for the upstate part of South Carolina.  I do know South Carolina is
in Fidonet Region 18.  Bell South decided to change the area code
for the upstate of SC.

* Forwarded (from: SC_SYSOP) by Daniel Morgan using timEd/2 1.01.
* Originally from Michael Watts (1:3639/63) to All.
* Original dated: Oct 30 '95, 12:01

In case you haven't heard, us Upstate folks are getting a new area code,
effective Decemeber 3rd, but won't be a mandate untill May 1rst 1996.

The new area code is (drum roll)..................864! (replacing 803)

Cities this will affect include:

Abbeville, Anderson, Belton,  Blacksburg,  Blue  Ridge,  Calhoun
Falls,  Central,  Chesnee,  Clemson,  Clinton,  Duncan,  Easley,
Fountain Inn, Gaffney,  Greenville,  Greenwood,  Greer,  Hodges,
Honea  Path,  Inman,  Joanna, Landrum, Laurens, Lockhart, Lyman,
Mauldin, McCormick, Nintey  Six,  Pacolet,  Pendleton,  Pickens,
Plum    Branch,    Salem,    Saluda,    Seneca,    Simpsonville,
Slater-Marietta,  Starr-Iva,  Spartanburg,  Tokeena,  Townville,
Traveler's  Rest, Union, Walhalla, Ware Shoals, Welford, Western
Laurens, Westminister, Williamston, & Woodruff


Net241 *sigh*

by Sunir Shah
Net241 *sigh*


Life in Net241 have taken a turn for the worse.  Normally I stay above
NetPolitics as I tend to think I'm not a complete basement-dwelling
melvin, but I must defend democracy wherever possible ... uh, well
that's what the government tells me. :)

I got inspired to right this article after I read the article in
FNEWSC47 about denying a person his right to freedom of expression by
way of threats.  I'm sick of this fascist crap.  Can we all grow up?
It's just a hobby but it requires other people to make it work.


I'll begin with a bit of background.  Recently an election was held
(this is how most articles in the Snooze get started) in Net241 because
FidoNews 12-48                 Page:  9                    27 Nov 1995

I and several others called for one.  The others called for one a couple
weeks before I did, but I called one because our former NC/NEC (same
person.. two hats, big head, you know how it works) who had left Fidonet
had relisted under a pseudonym in an attempt to stuff the nodelist.
Thinking that I was on "his" side, he told me and I decided that he was
an idiot.  Naturally I blew up and ventured into the evils of
NetPolitics.  Well, the election when forth and the candidate I
nominated and backed got in.  Naturally, the balance of power had
slightly shifted as the nodelist was stuffed out the wazoo.

Well, with this new found power, our former NC/NEC (who had since
relisted under his real name) decided to throw out his boogiemen, the
"Rat Pack," as he calls them (I'd love to be his shrink) from the
administration echo as per the rules.  The vote was pushed through quite
undemocratically by the new NC.  He decided to offer a one day grace
period (crash it Friday, elections close on Saturday) while the accused
had no access to the echo due to technical difficulties.

Simutaneously, our former NC pushed forth a motion to alter the rules
about aliases in the echo back to what they were a week before.  You
see, we had an election just a couple days ago about the matter that
allowed aliases to be free in the echo.  Not acceptable, cries Dale, so
he calls another vote.  Apparently a vote doesn't count until it
coincides with what Dale thinks.

At any rate, both motions were passed and my vote wasn't counted as got
in too late because I'm long distance and our NEC won't crash mail to a
LD node.  I didn't know of the election until it was over.  Besides, I
have a life and don't wait in my basement for netmail to come through.
By the way, our NEC is the ex-NC.  Took on the torch without election
from Dale.  He was the one we kicked out.


Sadly, no matter what you do, no matter where you go, you'll get
lynched.  Forget democracy.  It's the will of the powerful.  Although
this is REAListic, it is not IDEAListic.  We should all fight the
oppression.  Onwards to freedom!


The following are messages from ADMIN241, the adminstrative echo of
Net241.  The first shows how Dale Kaechler, the NC/NEC from June, can't
let go of his job and insists on having everything his way.

The second points how Lintec (Phil Steinke) pushed it through. Motive?
Malice towards the Terpstras (the banned sysops).

---[From ex-NC/NEC]
Area fido.admin.admin241, Msg#173, 95-11-18 07:37:50
  From: Dale Kaechler
    To: Sunir Shah
Subject: Motion
FidoNews 12-48                 Page: 10                    27 Nov 1995

In a msg on <17 Nov 95 16:49>, Sunir Shah of 1:241/11 writes:

SS> The alias thing was just voted on.  We can't keep voting on it
SS> over and over and over.  Get over it, people.

   Until we get it right , it cold take many votes. The change to not
identify yourself when using an alias doesn't work in this Net because of
some of the assholes in it.


--- Squish v1.11
* Origin: The 19th Hole, 33.6 USR DS V Everything, Petawawa,On (1:241/3)

---[From current NC]
Area fido.admin.admin241, Msg#232, 95-11-20 08:29:00
  From: Lintec
    To: Sunir Shah
Subject: Vote

Sunir Shah mumbled
Thanks a bunch.
Lintec replies
Sorry dude.. Your vote came in after the polls closed.  I wrote the voting
message Friday morning, figured it'd get packed out early Sat morning, you'd
get it Sat during the day, and have time to crash a vote in before midnight.
If you want more time from here on in, just lemme know.. I made it pretty
so we could just get the <cough> revote overwith.


--- Heaven [2 Node/ANSi]
* Origin: h e a v e n  -  better than bad, it's good!  -  613.732.1616


Although I'm sure to stir up even more waves in Net241 (I'm good at
that), and even though I'm not a big fan of the sysops who were removed
from ADMIN241 by a lynch mob, there are bigger issues at sake.  Do we
want to have things rammed down our throats by an elite or do we want to
be equals?  Democracy in action, right?


Sunir Shah (1:241/11),
Net241 SysOp,
Internet (don't hurt me):  [email protected]
FidoNews 12-48                 Page: 11                    27 Nov 1995

A Holiday Warning
by Michele Stewart

It's that time of year again... when pleas for charity or chain letters
claiming to be able to earn you beaucoup dollars start surfacing. The
posting of these messages in most echo's is off-topic, against the rules
and, in many cases, illegal... HOWEVER, if someone has a legitimate
charity they would like to raise money for, they might ask their echo
moderator for permission to post. If the charity can be verified, some
moderators will be more than happy to allow a one time posting of your

But know that legitimate pleas for financial assistance usually follow
some legal path which advises sending money to a trust fund or other
charitable institution already known, such as United Way. A legitimate
plea for money will NEVER ask that you send it directly to them or a
third party that is not an attorney, financial institution or
charitable organization. It will almost always ask funds to be sent to
the "So and So Trust Fund" or c/o The Red Cross, etc.

Already several posts have been seen on the echos requesting money for
distressed individuals. Seeing that no trust fund or other legal fund
has been established for the receipt of donations would make me think
twice about sending money. If you wish to harvest the joys of this
holiday season by helping others less fortunate than yourself, then by
all means do so. But why not stick closer to home and check with
legitimate agencies in your area? Volunteer your time at a hospital.
Donate to a local homeless shelter. Send toys, food, clothing or money
to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, United Way or the myriad other
legitimate organizations out there in true need.

Above all, be careful of lining the pockets of greedy thieves who will
use your good spirits and charity for their own benefit. Stick with the
lawful charities and have a safe and healthy holiday!

        .\\ichele Stewart
        (Moderator, MODERATOR, BBSCON, PC_ADDICT)


Valid policies/standards
From: Rob Oosten (2:500/100.6047)

First I want to compliment you on the extreme objectivity you
exert in accepting copy for FidoNews. I will continue to follow
the battle for independance and against bigotry as is exhibited
by some of the contributors.

My question: Could you one way or the other tell me (and perhaps
some others) what the valid and applicable policies  and
standards are for the use of FidoNet?

FidoNews 12-48                 Page: 12                    27 Nov 1995

I've found a multitude (82?) of FSC documents which seem to be
-but not always are- proposals for technical standards. I take
it that the FTS documents 0001 through 0009 are the final
technical standards indeed. There are some duplications but the
higher number on the same topic presumably supersedes the others.

In addition to Policy4 (latest version 4.07 of June 9, 1989?)
there are things like Policy4E (for Europe) and WorldPol3, both
apparently proposals.

Finally I discovered EchoPol1 (zone 1) and EchoPol2 (zone 2)
which look like final documents.

I really would appreciate if you could show me the way in this




                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Sylvia- 1:221/194, [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137
sylvia: (519) 579-8029

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
FidoNews 12-48                 Page: 13                    27 Nov 1995

these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
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"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    ' ' disgreement is actually necessary,
        or we'd all have to get in fights
        or semethin to amuse ourselves,,
        and create the requisite chaos."
                          -Tom Jennings
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