F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No.40    (02-Oct-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
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|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
|       |     | \   \\       |   Editors:                              |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Sylvia           1:221/194       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
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|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Sylvia [email protected]                          |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Hello, out there in the world,..............................  2
     99 places to visit on the inet....the third installment.....  3
     Hullo Snoooooooozers!.......................................  7
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 13
FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  2                    02 Oct 1995

    One of today's articles examines elections and the problems
of ensuring that they are fair.  It is interesting that our
region's sysop echo is in the midst of a debate on the same
issue.  Should returning officer's be in the net where an
election is taking place, or should there always be an outsider
counting the votes?  How does one ensure the secrecy of ballots,
particularly when they are routed?  If secrecy is violated, how
does one prevent abuse of power over those that voted against
the powers that be?

    When I first joined Fidonet, I was quite taken with the
standard voting methods.  (An aside, how about an article on the
standard voting method, for those that are new?)  It seemed
quiote clever to me how one vote per sysop was ensured, and how
the accuracy of the vote counting was ensured.  But the privacy
of the "voting booth" is quite another manner.

    Perhaps it is time for someone to create a "ballot
box/returning officer"  program, with some encryption.  Yes,
I know that the encryption of routed mail is a no-no in fido.
Keep in mind, though, that *anything* legal can be done provided
the nodes the mail is passing through give their permission. I
tend to think few hubs would object to encrypted votes passing
through.  I also tend to think few people would campaign for
office on the basis of refusing to allow secret ballots.

Hello, out there in the world,
From: Robert Hoerner (2:2476/8)

this is an answer to Mr. Bennisons (2:205/300) article in FNews 12/36/95.

He wrote that he'd "like to point out the need for rules and guidelines
concerning these types of elections." and continued:

" In Z2, we recently adopted a Policy addition called NC_ELECT.ZIP <V1.00
 Mar.05 1995> which defines the correct procedure when electing a new Net
 Coordinator.  The rules therein can just as easily be applied to a
 regional election, as we did in Sweden (R20) earlier this summer."

I feel that it is necessary to bring your eyes to the fact that indeed
a paper called "NC_ELECT" has been declared to be in force by Z2C
early this year. NC_ELECT describes some procedures about how to elect a
network coordinator and claims to be an addition to policy 4. In policy 4
itself section 8, however, the way how to adopt any new policies is
described. This was not the way this NC_ELECT has been adopted, not at all.

Three examples:
1). there has been no voting on NC level as required by policy 4. This is
   true at least for R24.
FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  3                    02 Oct 1995

2). there has been no publishing of the results of the "voting"
   (yes: no results have ever been published. In fact Z2C, when i asked
    him about those results, stated that he has none).
3). the text, that has been "set in force", is not the same text, that has
   been published last year here in germany, R24. No other text has ever
   been published here in R24 until the "adoption".

If this is the way policies are set "in force", then bye-bye fidonet! Any
ZC could write "policies" and "set them in force".

Mr Bennison continued:
" Perhaps the time has come to adopt such a document in Z1 as well, to
 safeguard those who _do_ care about democracy and fair play at Net and
 Region level."

I do not understand what this paper "NC_ELECT" has to do with democracy
beyond the fact, that it has been "set in force" in a way, that could be
described as: "democracy? democrazy!".

   Robert (2:2476/8)


99 places to visit on the inet....the third installment
From: RanD (1:141/1030)

Best place to undress: The Natural Connection provides a digital
haven for nudists, promoting the clothing-optional lifestyle,
which "is serious business to us," says Pat O'Brien, the board's
sysop. Users of this board post messages about their experiences
and opinions on naturist sites, laws, politics, law enforcement,
and other issues of interest to disciples of the nudist
lifestyle. For more information, contact Pat O'Brien at (414)
426-2357 or have your modem call (414) 426-2110.

Best place for conversation: The inhabitants of the ECHO BBS--a
healthy balance of both men and women--represent a cerebral
community who cyberconnect on a divergent array of topics
including politics, love, psychology, New York culture, and
virtual reality. ECHO president Stacy Horn-- who's definitely
not your typical computer nerd--commands. To connect, call (212)
989-8411 by modem.

Best place for good, clean fun: Who could resist checking out
the Internet newsgroup devoted to the health-food store staple
Dr. Bronner's soap (alt.fan.dr-bronner)? This soap does it
all--from washing your dishes to curing halitosis. The forum
isn't very active but it's worth visiting.

Hobbyshop Hangouts

When it comes to hobbies, one person's absorbing pastime is
another's crashing bore: A knitting addict may never understand
the appeal of CompuServe's Aquaria/Fish Forum (GO FISHNET).
FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  4                    02 Oct 1995

Rosalind Resnick--who  has  subscriptions  to  six  online
services--considers net cruising one of her hobbies.

Best place to learn to tat: Whether you've got a knack for
knitting or a craving to crochet,  there's  somebody  on
CompuServe's Crafts Forum (go crafts) who shares your interest.
The forum features "live" quilting bees every Tuesday night at
10 p.m. (Eastern time).

Best place to relive the past (1): In CompuServe's Living
History Forum (go living), enthusiasts from all over the world
talk about history, archaeology, and the cultures and mores of
times past.

Best place to relive the past (2): Whether your name is
Kaplowitz or Kelly, whether your grandparents originally hailed
from Kiev or County Cork, Prodigy's Genealogy Bulletin Board
(Jump: genealogy bb) or CompuServe's Geneology Forum (GO ROOTS)
can help you discover new branches of your family tree.

Best place to buy Kurt Cobain's autograph: Want to buy (or sell)
an autograph of Richard Nixon or bid via e-mail on a "guaranteed
authentic" photo of Harrison Ford? alt .collecting.autographs is
clearly the place to be.

Best place to find a swap meet: Prodigy's Collecting Bulletin
Board (Jump: collecting bb) hosts discussions of just about
every conceivable collectible-- from artwork, antiques, and
books to glass, coins, comics, stamps, toys, and even casino

Best place to talk about little trees: If you need advice on
nursing a sick bonsai back to health or just some tips on
getting started, the Internet newsgroup rec.arts.bonsai is the
place to get your questions answered.

Best place for fast drivers: Wanna soup up your old Chevy and
really make it fly? Alt.hotrod is the hottest place to get the
lowdown on racing oils, pressure sensors, and other performance

Best place for sci-fi authors: GEnie's three sci-fi forums, or
roundtables (type sfrt at the system prompt), give equal time to
readers, writers, and viewers of the popular genre. Attend a
"live" writer's workshop on Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. (Eastern
time) or mind-meld with Trekkies at Star Trek night on Tuesdays,
also at 10 p.m. (Eastern time).

Best place for trivialities: To match wits with the likes of
LaserLady, BirdOfPrey and Madame S., log on to America Online's
Trivia Forum (keyword: trivia). You'll find a folder with a
Daily Trivia Teaser and "live" trivia games.

Best place for brainiacs: Think you're pretty smart, huh? Well,
hang out awhile in CompuServe's Mensa Forum (go mensa), and you
FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  5                    02 Oct 1995

might change your mind.

Money, money, money

Five years ago, Computer Life Editor Chris Shipley started
banking online. Since then, she's roamed the online services
looking for tips, tactics, and investment secrets. She has yet
to make any money, but she has found some solid-gold online

Best place to ask a stupid question: David and Tom Gardner are
the Tappit brothers of investing. Their AOL chat session, Motley
Fool (keyword: fool), is aimed at new investors. The Fools are
online Tuesdays from 9 to 11 p.m. (Eastern time) in an open
forum and again during the same hours on Thursdays to talk about

Best place for hot tips: There's lots of talk about money on
Prodigy's Money Talk (Jump: money talk) bulletin board, but
investors will find the most meaty morsels in the stocks subject
areas, where investors make no bones about tossing juicy tips on
which stocks to buy when. Just don't believe everything you
read--there or anywhere.

Best place to learn about investing: "Better investing through
education and self-development." That's the motto of  the
National Association of Investors on CompuServe's NAIC Forum (go
naic), a nonprofit investors' group. They're online to teach you
about their method for investment success.

Best place for Quicken tips: CompuServe's Intuit Forum (go
intuit) is where the Cult of Quicken gathers to share secrets
and ask questions of the great gurus of automated personal
finance. If you've made this program an important part of your
financial life, you'll want to stop by this forum from time to
time to find out how you can make it even more useful.

Best place for a tax break: Whether you're looking for legal
ways to trim your taxes or wondering about shady schemes to beat
the IRS, people in the Internet newsgroup misc.taxes can help.

Computer hangouts online

Of course, we think one of the coolest places to hang out is
Computer Life Online. You can meet the editors and other CL
readers, talk about the magazine, ask questions, and download
files. If you're already a member of CompuServe or ZiffNet, go
life will whisk you straight to our domain. Otherwise, follow
the directions on page 223.

Here are some of the CL staffers you'll meet in the Computer
Life forum and some of the online places they frequent.

Linda Jacobson, Senior Editor, buzz

FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  6                    02 Oct 1995

My modem has dialed the WELL at (415) 332-6106 so many times
since 1990 that I can whistle the tune made by the tones. The
area of the WELL that I most frequently visit is the VR
conference (at the OK prompt, type go vr). It's where leaders in
the virtual-reality community talk about the applications,
technologies,  culture,  and future of synthetic, digital,
immersive environments. I also check the Usenet newsgroup
sci.virtual.worlds daily, which is more research oriented.

Donna Meyerson, Assistant Editor

I hang out in the Cooks Online Forum (go cooks) on CompuServe to
find all kinds of great recipes, from flavored vinegars to
barbecued meats. When I need cooking help, I just leave a
message--there's always some online chef ready to give advice.

Sherry Huss, Director of Electronic Publishing

By far my favorite online hangout is Morph's Online, which is
part of Morph's Outpost, a magazine for multimedia mavens.
[You'll need First Class Software to access it at (510)

704-7100.] Because I'm always interested in what Laurie Anderson
is doing, I also check out alt.fan.laurie.anderson. William S.
Burroughs is getting the most coverage in this forum at the
moment. Why did he do the Nike ad? Is he the voice of Sharkey?
Is he alive or dead?

Victoria von Biel, Senior Editor, Features

I've been spending more time than I should hanging out in alt.tv
kids-in- hall, which is dedicated to closely analyzing the
skits of the late, great Canadian comedy group. (I admit it: I
actually contributed an arcane factlet to the Kids in the Hall
FAQ.) To discuss a different kind of kids, I pop into AOL's
Parents Interactive Network (keyword: pin), where I can talk
about potty training and tantrums with the only other people I
know who find these subjects as fascinating as I do.

Alice Hill, Senior Technical Editor

When I go online, I generally head straight for ZiffNet's
Computer Life Forum (go life) and Computer Shopper Forum (go
compshop) so I can answer readers' questions. When I'm off duty,
I check out the New Car Showroom Forum on CompuServe (go
newcar). I actually chose my new ride (a Honda Del Sol) after
snooping around there.

Michael Penwarden, Senior Editor, Reviews

My new hobby is sailing, so I've been  cruising  around
CompuServe's Sailing Forum (go sailing). Not only do I get tips
on sailing, but I can live vicariously through the adventures of
other members.

FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  7                    02 Oct 1995

PC Connections

Some people actually get paid to cruise the Net. Ben Templin and
Crystal Waters, who run the online service ZiffNet/Mac, are two.
They spend their days online, searching for places to talk about
computers. Here are some of the places they recommend.

The best place to get the FAQs: FAQs, or Frequently Asked
Question files, are featured in the Internet's newsgroups and
function as primers on nearly every imaginable subject.

A whole newsgroup is devoted to them (news.answers), where
experts (professional and amateur) compile FAQs on topics
ranging from screen savers to hard disks--with  lots  of
noncomputer topics too.

Best place to talk about smart houses: Comp.home.automation is a
newsgroup for folks who want to computerize their houses.

If your computer interests aren't quite so arcane, check out the
other computer newsgroups, where you can talk about everything
from hard drives to word processing. Start with the comp.sys
path and branch out from there to find your computer and


FRED RICE's rebuttal was in 12-9 on 2/27/95 361 lines

Hullo Snoooooooozers!

In snooze 12-03 of 01/16/95 I submitted an article decrying my
suffering as a Moderator in Fidonet, at the hands of a concerted
effort to destroy my echo from the moment it hit the FidoNet
Backbone. I have an update, now, for snooze readers, about a happy
ending _and_ another new beginning!

But first, I scanned the succeeding issues of FidoNews to see if
there were any rebuttals. It seems the perpetrators whom I had
described in scathing terms, chose not to reply. Hmmm... Admission of
guilt, perhaps? Oh yes, there was a reply, however, from a Skeptic,
who wrote an overly long, and stuffy article about why he thinks
better than anyone else; and he doesn't even realize that CSICOP is
the one that is a religious cult, not I_UFO! Well, since Frederic
Rice put me to sleep with his long-winded
believe-me-cuz-scientists-are-always-right article, maybe the snooze
can squeeze a long one in for me.

It has been 9 months, and we had a BABY!

Before I tell you the good news of our echo's success story, allow me
to recap a little of my previous article which I will quote and to
which I will add the latest developments.

> Hmmm..... What _is_ all the fuss about anyway? What fuss you say?
FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  8                    02 Oct 1995

> Well, if you are into the UFO phenomenon, and you monitor Fido
> echoes that cover that topic, then you would have seen a big FUSS
> that started the very day that a new 'kid' hit the block. Last
> May, 1994, the I_UFO echo hit the backbone, and the attacks began
> from the start.

Most of the attacks WITHIN I_UFO were stopped when the last of the
mind-control-net-censors were banned from I_UFO. Their last bastion
was a moderator of a rival UFO related echo, who thought he still had
a middle of the road reputation, and _some_ credibility, but alas,
when he showed everyone his implementation of his admitted attack
styles against a user in I_UFO, I figured enough was enough. Since
that time, and up to this very MOMENT, the attacks continue, but not
inside I_UFO.

Now for a quick run-down of their goals and tactics. Please keep in
mind that this psychological campaign is STILL being waged, right in
your UFO related echos.

> ...the point is, either I_UFO comes under control of the
> Net-UFO-censors and their cronies, or I_UFO can't be.

> ...destroying I_UFO by any means possible was the real intent and
> goal.

> ...they wage their attacks in the other UFO areas; actively
> coercing net-users, with their inflamed, and fabrication-filled
> rhetoric, not to participate in I_UFO.

> ...He announces that he is gonna file a policy complaint to have
> me removed as Moderator of my own echo!

> ...these people will not be satisfied until I_UFO is not a Fidonet
> echo; that much is clear.

> This situation is more than echo-politics, or echo-rivalries, or
> even ego-wars. ...They work feverishly to persuade anyone who will
> believe them, not to read the I_UFO echo.

9 Months Later.......

Well? They are still at it. Do you EVEN believe something like this
is possible? Come on, now. A little robust competition is one thing,
but I tell you there has GOT to be more to it than that. Maybe it is
because I am female? Hmm... Maybe. No, in the growing climate in this
country of conspiracy theories, government crackdown on subversives,
terorists and anti-govt. sentiments, there is the possibility that
discussions of UFO related topics in fidonet might come under the
scrutiny of those who monitor "national security" interests. Think I
am kidding? Paranoid? Get yourself informed, eh. Psychological
Operations; PSY-OPS for short. Oh, it is real, and DOCUMENTED; for
you scientists out there (ok, Fred?). But is it REAL on FidoNet?


FidoNews 12-40                 Page:  9                    02 Oct 1995

The documentation on this group called the Aviary is too long for
this article, but I will show you a few pieces to the puzzle. I will
also show you a few parts of a public message posted by the leader of
the FidoNet group against our I_UFO echo; let's call him Mr. X.

First, some info on the Aviary:

> In his book, Out There, the New York Times journalist Howard Blum
> refers to "a UFO Working Group" within the Defense Intelligence
> Agency. Despite DIA's repeated denials, the existence of this
> working group has been confirmed to me by more than one member of
> the group itself, including an independent source in the Office of
> Naval Intelligence. The majority of the group's members are senior
> members of the AVIARY:

> Dr Christopher Green (BLUEJAY) from the CIA, Harold Puthoff (OWL),
> ex-NSA; Dr Jack Verona (RAVEN), DoD, one of the initiators of the
> DlA's Sleeping Beauty project which aimed to achieve battlefield
> superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry; John
> Alexander (PENGUIN); and Ron Pandolphi (PELICAN).

Remember the names of John Alexander and Ron Pandolphi.

> ...Immediately after the publication of that paper, and with the
> full knowledge that myself and a handful of colleagues knew the
> true identities of their members, John B. Alexander confessed that
> he was indeed a member of the AVIARY, nicknamed PENGUIN. The
> accuracy of our information was further confirmed to me by yet
> another member of the AVIARY--Ron Pandolphi, PELICAN.

> ...Alexander and C. B. Jones are members of the AVIARY, a group of
> intelligence and Department of Defense officers and scientists
> with a brief to discredit any serious research in the UFO field.
> Each member of the Aviary bears a bird's name.

> Pandolphi is a PhD in physics and works at the Rocket and Missile
> section of the Office of the Deputy Director of Science and
> Technology, CIA.

And now part of a public posting by MR. X himself, who will stop at
nothing to destroy I_UFO (his bird name, must be BIRD-BRAIN!):

> I called up George Hansen and asked him about the information and
> apparently, Victorian in his usual style sends the article around
> to quite a few people and Hansen was one of those people.

Someone had posted an article on the nets by this guy named
Victorian, which attacked John Alexander.

> I also called up Ron Pandolfi at the Science & Technology
> Directorate at CIA to get some background about Victorian's FOIA
> requests...

> I realize that for a Ufologist to speak with a member of the CIA
> is similar in perception to a Christian talking to the
FidoNews 12-40                 Page: 10                    02 Oct 1995

> Anti-Christ, since Ufologists tend to view the CIA as "the enemy"
> <g>. Actually I enjoyed the call and found Mr. Pandolfi has a
> sharp sense of humor.

> Mr. Pandolfi is a friend of John Alexander and I know this from a
> previous call to him

> I did manage to get ahold of Victoria Lacas-Alexander, John
> Alexander's wife in a phone call and had a lengthy chat with her
> and although she did know the Victorian article was out, was not
> aware that it was being sent out over the computer networks at
> this time.

> Some time later, I receive a phone call from Mr. Alexander
> himself, who was at work at Los Alamos.

> I asked Mr. Alexander if he would make available the newspaper
> articles he has on Armen Victorian and he faxed them to my work
> place. I will be posting these in a separate message, plus I
> talked with Mr. Alexander about his work in the Non-Lethal area
> and he also faxed an article about that too, which I will scan and
> make available.

> My own personal feeling is that Mr. Alexander was getting the
> short end of the stick in the Victorian article

> You have to realize when you talk to people like Pandolfi and
> Alexander that they are very limited to what they can say because
> of security restrictions and oaths they must adhere to. None of
> what Pandolfi or Alexander expressed to me in phone discussion is
> to be construed as representative of their respective employers,
> and is their own opinions only as stated. None of what was
> expressed to me was in any manner "classified" information.

> The whole reason behind these calls is because there is always two
> sides to a story and I'm interested to find out what the other
> side is.

That certainly seems fair enough, and if Pandolphi and Alexander
would speak to me on the phone, or return my calls, then who knows?
Maybe I would call to get their rebuttals to this article! Maybe I
would pump 'em for info about UFO's to release to the nets, instead
of allowing them to pick my bird-brain about what is being said about
UFO's on the nets, and harrassing I_UFO because the Aviary

Guess he could not stop himself from boasting about his

But notice how Mr. X has connections with these people in CIA and
Aviary, and these people consider him important enough to talk with
him, take reports about net activity from him, call him back, and fax
material to be posted to the nets by him. Still think I am paranoid,
eh? hmmmmmm.......

FidoNews 12-40                 Page: 11                    02 Oct 1995

Look at our situation with I_UFO like this: Here you have just
another echo that was boned for talk about UFOs. Here you have a
close knit and inter-communicative group of individuals that seem to
make their life's mission, REMOVING I_UFO from Fidonet. Notice their
goals are ALWAYS to remove me as Moderator, remove the echo, or
discourage participation so that the echo will be removed for
inactivity. They repeat their goals, publicly, often. Let me ask you
this: If there were a real problem with the echo, or it's moderation,
then why is the echo so SUCCESSFUL? Uh huh. You see, the problem is
the IDEOLOGY that is ALLOWED expression in I_UFO. Their goals belie
that they want to stop the CONTENT of I_UFO. They don't give a hoot
about saving Fidonet from the what they would convince you is the
worst echo of looney-toon users and moderators ever to darken the
backbone of the net. Their stated arguments are too ludicrous to be
believed! Their goals, however, tell the true story.

They collude and hatch plans - they have one hatching now. The recent
discussions about a so-called "Echo-review-board" is right up their
alley as a tool to be used to finally destroy I_UFO. I ain't kidding.
They have already put out feelers to see if they can drum up support,
to at least remove me as moderator. They will stop at nothing; even
to try to interrupt echomail traffic, if they could. We just had a
sudden and marked drop off of postings in I_UFO. We had to put a call
out to the boards, and PUSH/PULL the lines of communication OPEN
again. uh hum.

Just to show you their REAL influence over hapless readers of Fidonet
echos, I will show you a comment by a user who was recently BANNED
from our I_UFO echo, by me. He was banned for a message he posted,
not in I_UFO, but in UFO, asking people to "dump messages" into I_UFO
from the internet mailing list, in order to make the moderators take
a fit. I guess after publicly promoting such annoying behavior, he
thinks he should continue to be welcomed with open arms, to post in
the very echo he wishes to destroy? NOT! So, here, look at his most
recent comment where he is either working together with Mr. X, or is
hopelessly brainwashed by Mr. X's propaganda:


Date: 09-22-95 (00:00)              Number: 90097 of 90367
 To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subj: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Conf: UFO-F

Well, I have now been asked to not post on I_UFO because of posts
here. Now, seeing that FidoNet has stated that this shouldn't be
allowed what do you think *I* should do? If I were the disruptive
person I have been accused of I would appeal my banning and go to
have I_UFO de-backboned for all of the same violations done to many
here in this echo but, I won't. I'm not that kind of person and,
sadly, it isn't even nessasary. I-ufo is dying on the vine right now
due to this kind of actions. When a person takes the care to NOT post
disruptive remarks within an echo and only agrees outside of the echo
about the oppressive moderatorship of that echo but, still gets
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banned, there is no longer any room to question whether what we hear
is right or wrong. All that is left is to watch as yet another area
of UFO debate goes down the tubes....


He has swallowed Mr. X's propaganda completely. It has been drummed
into his mind that the moderatorship on I_UFO is oppressive, because
the psyop-birds that we banned are still whining in UFO. Notice, how
he is convinced now that "what we hear is right". What he hears, in
UFO, is the mind-control swill of Mr. X and his buddies. What he does
not realize, is that his believing their propagandist lies, and his
promoting them, is why he is personna non-grata in I_UFO. His
repeating the same lies, helps to continue the cult brainwashing of
other people in UFO.

He buys their goals and tactics. He wants I_UFO de-backboned. He
wants the activity in I_UFO to dwindle so that the echo would be
de-backboned. He is so brainwashed, that he says I_UFO is dying on
the vine, when I_UFO is active with many postings, and well received!
He is even convinced that I_UFO will go down the tubes. I mean look.
I cannot, in good conscience, see him post in I_UFO while he
continues to call for I_UFO's destruction, and hurts other people
because he is not seeing what Mr. X is doing to readers there. He
does not bother to get himself informed about Fidonet policy. Instead
he believes that he and others there, are victims of moderating
violations. My moderating. See, how the psy-operation works? They are
USING this man, and he does not even know it. See how it works? He
got himself banned from my echo, because he believed their psi-crap.
In other words, the operation feeds on itself and produces more
people to promote their propaganda and exclude themselves from I_UFO.
Neat trick, eh?

What am I supposed to do? What can I do? Until fidonet readers wake
up, they will not realize that their discussions are STEERED in some
certain areas. To quote my previous article:

> This situation is more than echo-politics, or echo-rivalries, or
> even ego-wars. These people are sick! They work feverishly to
> persuade anyone who will believe them, not to read the I_UFO echo.
> Well, that begs the same ole question; WHY? Well, I have one idea.
> We have a lot of cutting-edge information in the I_UFO echo. These
> people act like censors, in that they do not want net-users to see
> anything that would disagree with their view of reality. I told
> ya, it is like a religion with them. All I and anyone who uses
> I_UFO, want, is to be left alone. It is just a message echo, for
> Pete's Sake! Grow Up!

> You can't control all the Science and UFO information in FidoNet!
> Nor Politics and Religion!

Well enough of them and their nonsense, whoever they work for. Let me
tell you the GOOD news, and about the newborn!

After 14 months of battling the afore-mentioned net censors, I_UFO
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finally was able to settle into becoming the echo that was intended.
Friendly atmosphere. No ridicule. People sharing unusual UFO
experiences. Pleasant chatter about sub-topics. I_UFO has a family
atmosphere now. And then we EXPANDED! We added our i_ufo-l Internet
Mailing List to I_UFO. The mailing list added about 100 great folks
who came over from our other mailing list. We have some of the heavy
hitters on the internet in I_UFO now, to share information and
discuss issues with the Fido crowd. Despite the Aviary-type
concerted effort, we prevailed because we did not ignore
what was really being attempted against us, and we stayed to
our intended course.

So, if you see Mr. X running around the echos, losing his feathers
about Glenda's moderating, and Glenda's UFO views, you will have seen
the BIRD-BRAIN, in action.

And now for the birth announcement. Oh, you know it is about another
echo that has just been born onto the Fidonet backbone. Yup. We have
now moved our popular and successful snet-l mailing list into a
fidonet echo called SNETNEWS. Topics for discussion are politics, New
World Order, conspiracies, coverups, militias, patriot groups,
intelligence agencies, mind control technologies, etc. etc. I did my
homework, this echo IS DIFFERENT from others on fidonet that cover
these topics. Again, staying true to the form established by I_UFO,
SNETNEWS has all the OTHER information, not allowed by the
net-censors and echo-DOMINATORS who use ridicule, flames and
"everybody knows that...." messages, to shut up dissenting voices.

Ask your feed or sysop for SNETNEWS! The echo is already active with
over 150 subscribers posting information, news, editorials, and
insightful commentary.

And, what about those Fidonet-aviary-wanna-be's? Oh, they are
welcome in SNETNEWS too. Why not? SNETNEWS is for everyone. Will
their behavior in SNETNEWS prove my suspicions true? We shall see,
will we not?

So, send a message to the Aviary about I_UFO and SNETNEWS, In the
immortal words of The Hammer:

C A N ' T     T O U C H     T H I S !!!

I hope you find my article informative, humorous, and
thought-provoking. (consider re-reading it)  ;)


                         Fidonews Information

FidoNews 12-40                 Page: 14                    02 Oct 1995


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Sylvia- 1:221/194, [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137
sylvia: (519) 579-8029

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
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[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
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FidoNews 12-40                 Page: 15                    02 Oct 1995

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
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ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    ' ' disgreement is actually necessary,
        or we'd all have to get in fights
        or semethin to amuse ourselves,,
        and create the requisite chaos."
                          -Tom Jennings
-- END