F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No.24    (12-Jun-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |                                         |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
|       |     | \   \\       |   Editors:                              |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Sylvia           1:221/194       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Sylvia [email protected]                          |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     THE FIDONET SYSOP MANIFESTO.................................  2
     Infestation of manifests....................................  4
     Subject: Libelous Article In Fidonews.......................  5
     NOT FAMILYNET...............................................  8
     Subject: VModem.............................................  8
     Wagon's Ho!................................................. 10
     Where in the world is Carmen San...errr...George Peace?..... 10
     Callers: don't you love 'em? :-)............................ 13
     Subject: Echoes............................................. 15
     The DEF CON Voice System.................................... 16
     EXON INTERNET BILL.......................................... 16
     Subject:Searching Tools on the Web.......................... 17
     Where is our FIDO going?.................................... 18
     An Editorial on Fidonet and its future...................... 19
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 21
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  2                    12 Jun 1995

  The first article (the sysop manifesto) in this week's snooze
appeared from no less than 4 separate sources.  Only one seemed
to support it.  It is this weeks issue with no credit to the
author, as all four submissions credited it to "found on the
net".   Following it is a reply by Tom Jennings.  Thanks to all
who sent it in.

  I woke up at six yesterday morning to the telephone ringing.
That is, six in the morning, not the evening.  It was
saturday, and I had been jamming until 4 on the friday night.

  Now normally, I am pretty calm with regards to people yelling at
me over the phone.  I simply wait for them to wind down, and
then attempt to reason with them.  In this case, I uttered a
polite word or two, and when it was apparent that quiet reason
was out of the question, I simply replaced the phone on the hook
and went back to bed.  I am sorry about that, but I am not at my
best until after my first coffee.

  Fortunately, the caller followed through with email.  It
follows Tom's article.

  Here is the snooze.

Whereas Tom Jennings and associates created a system of organized
anarchy for the purpose of communication first, last and foremost;

Whereas that system was known as FIDONET, and from its humble
beginnings in 1984 to date has grown to be the largest network of
computer hobbyists, enthusiasts and experts without governmental or
corporate support or control; and,

Whereas the governance of FIDONET was established as a top-down
organizational structure who are to be selected through an elective
procedure based upon the advice and consent of participating FIDONET
member sysops; and,

Whereas this governance has, over the years;

     developed into a system which fails to respond to its members
     in a timely fashion, if any response is made at all, whether by
     automatic or robot response, or by personal message;

     developed into a governance of perpetutation and stagnation,
     and no longer encourages the growth and development of new
     technologies or programming by its membership and instead
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  3                    12 Jun 1995

     promotes solely for the acquisition of more nodes and sysops;

     allowed the use of the governance of FIDONET as a means to
     collect payment from and punish member sysops who refuse to be
     collected from for a commercial enterprise, instead of normal
     and legal collection procedures available to any commercial
     enterprise of good repute;

     allowed the corruption of the FIDONET nodelist by failing to
     insure updates are processed in a timely fashion, as well as a
     general failure to meet the minimum guidelines for the
     processing of Policy Complaints, Appeals and Actions under
     FIDONET Policy 4.07;

     promoted and allowed a 'rule of fear' through local network
     and regional policies which wholly conflict with the general and
     specific FIDONET policies, specifically FIDONET Policy 4.07
     which is in effect at this time;

     failed to publish actions and activities in the FIDONEWS,
     the official repository of actions taken by the governance of
     FIDONET, and have thus conducted a campaign of secrecy and
     conspiracy to disallow either input or comment on actions by
     that governance, often claiming 'sysop apathy' when a hue and
     cry is raised over the results of unpublished, secret and
     conspiratorial actions;

     maintained a specific pool of individuals to exercise any review
     of the faults listed within this manifesto, engendering an
     incestuous relationship which further serves to underscore the
     isolation from the membership which the governance of FIDONET has
     taken as its standing policy, rather than asking for and
     utilizing interested volunteers from within the general
     membership; and,

     has failed to act in the best interests of its membership on
     multiple occasions within the structure of the general FIDONET
     policy, which is Policy 4.07 at this time.

Whereas the future of computer communications and freedom of speech is
murky at best, and access to the InterNet is ultimately at the whim of
the government, both in terms of technology as well as expression of
ideas and opinions; and,

Whereas FIDONET, for all its problems and troubles, has no direct
governmental controls and stands second only to the InterNet for
access, service, capacity and the freedom to speak, think and express
our individual and collective thoughts; and,

Whereas the present governance of FIDONET is, through its lack of
response, secrecy and failure to inform its membership of its actions,
working in direct contravention of the original principles of FIDONET
as espoused by Tom Jennings and sysops since the very creation of
FIDONET, has failed to uphold the principle of communication, first,
last and foremost; and,
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  4                    12 Jun 1995

Whereas this failure in governance denies the membership of
communication as well as growth, development, promotion and advancement
of FIDONET through a series of "band-aid approaches" which do nothing
to solve the basic and underlying problems and instead serve to
insulate the governance from complaints, problems and criticism which
that governance does not wish to hear, let alone act upon...

THEREFORE...We, the member sysops of FIDONET, request:

     that TOM JENNINGS tentatively revoke the copyright and
     permissions of FIDONET from the governance of the
     communications network that bear its name, including
     all technologies involved in the processing of links
     and nodes;

     that said copyrights be granted to a provisional governing board
     which contains none of the present members of the governance of
     FIDONET at the Regional level and higher, nor any sysop who has
     served in such a capacity within the previous five years, with
     such a body drawn by a majority vote of participating sysops in
     each Region in accordance with present FIDONET Policy 4.07, and
     Zone officials to be drawn as well with the same restrictions as
     listed herein;

     that said revocation by TOM JENNINGS be scheduled for October 1,
     1995, unless and until TOM JENNINGS is satisfied that actions
     taken by the present governance meet or surpass the spirit of
     the FIDONET structure, and answer to the eight specific problems
     stated herein.

We post this notice publicly on the 15th of June, 1995.


Infestation of manifests

by Tom Jennings
[email protected]

> The FidoNet SysOp Manifesto
> Whereas Tom Jennings and associates created a system of organized
> anarchy for the purpose of communication first, last and foremost;
> and, blah blah blah

I keep getting phone calls and cc:'s about this silly thing.  I
mean, has everyone in FidoNet lost their mind? Is this thing not
obvious nonsense on it's face?! Sigh:

* Enough bloated language (whereas'es, heretofores, etc) to choke
  an army of arm-chair FidoNet lawyers;

* Anonymous to avoid: embarrassment? Responses and critism? Is this
  person afraid they won't get dates if word gets out? I'm all
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  5                    12 Jun 1995

  for the availability of anonymity, but really, it's just a tool.
  If the author won't stand behind this, who else would? (Well,
  this *is* FidoNet... "quick!  everyone flock to the loudest

* Not thought out at all (I'd originally wrote: poorly thought out)

* Using my name like a bludgeon usually backfires (I really doubt
  the author, or even most FidoNet denizens these days, would
  understand my (apparently arcane) Discordian-weirdo ideas that
  FidoNet was, indeed, founded upon. (I used to be an anarchist,
  but they've all become too humorless and bureaucratic for me.)

* Ego substituted for concise thought.

* Nice idea, though.

PS: I had nothing to do with the Regional Coordinator structure,
that's your own (collective) invention. Don't blame me.

PPS: If I sound increasingly cynical about FidoNet over the years,
it's true.

PPPS: Is 2000 a leap year?


Subject: Libelous Article In Fidonews
From: Bob Germer (8:950/10)

* Original to: Donald Tees at 1:221/192
     CC'd to: Sylvia Maxwell

Mr. Tees and Ms. Maxwell:

An article appeared in the 6/6/95 issue of Fidonews which
contains at least four absolute lies and which also refers to me
as a fool.

Here are the specific lies contained in the article. The words
from the Fidonews are preceeded by the initials FN for easy

FN> Lot's has happened this week... A particular sysop who isn't
FN> even part of FIDO anymore, (he resigned in disgrace).... has

I did not resign in disgrace. This is an absolute lie and libelous.

FN> made a living hell for the real sysops of FIDO. Who is this
FN> sysop you may ask? Bob Germer of Region 8. (I believe this is
FN> family net).

This is another lie. I am not and never was a member of anything called
Family Net.
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  6                    12 Jun 1995

FN> This week he threatened Mike Fuchs with a lawsuit
FN> for allowing Z1_GERMER to be elisted, Mike Fuchs got tired of
FN> putting up with shitheads like germinator that are so cowardly

I am not a shithead. This is a lie and libelous.

I am not a coward. As a decorated veteran, this is a most serious libel.

FN>    The threats of lawsuits are uncalled for in FIDO... The
FN> first scum to do it was winter (lowercase intentional), now
FN> germinator. What has happened to FIDO? The *C structure refuses

I am not scum. This is a lie and libelous.

FN> about lawsuits and other legal actions. Hell, Planet Connect
FN> dumped germer's point status and is probably dumping his entire
FN> service. Planet Connect should be commended on not backing down
FN> from threats. While not everyone has the money that PC has that

This is another lie. Planet Connect is not "dumping his entire
service". This is likewise libelous.

FN> should not be a prerequisate(sic?) to backing down... We should
FN> stand up to fools such as the germer's and teh winter's and make

I categorically state that I am not a fool. Unless one can prove
I am a fool, one has libeled me.

One who protects his or her rights as I have done and as I will
continue to do is not a fool; such a person is a wise and
responsible citizen.

FN>    So basicly we need to impeach everyone & start from
FN> scratch as well as make provisions to keep scum who threaten
FN> lawsuits out of FIDO. Everyone has the right to be an asshole
FN> and voice their opinions, but the threats of frivilous lawsuits
FN> needs to be abolished. Also anyone making multiple PC's that are
FN> constantly rejected need to be ousted as well. Let's all make

Again I am libeled by being called scum and further libeled
again by being called an asshole.

While one may categorize a suit to protect one's rights
"frivilous", that does not make it so. Using the law to protect
one's name and reputation when libelously attacked is not
frivilous. As Shakespeare (or at least I recall it being the
Bard of Avon) had one of his characters say "He who steals my
purse steals that which is worthless. He who steals my good name
steals that which enriches him not but which empoverishes me

Under the laws of the United States, one cannot call others such
names without facing sanctions. One cannot lie about another
without placing the author him or herself in jeopardy of
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  7                    12 Jun 1995

criminal and/or civil penalties.

The right of free speech does is not absolute. As Chief Justice
John Marshall stated in one of the Supreme Court's earliest
"landmark" decisions, "The right of free speech does not give
one the right to yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theater."

Moreover, our laws protect ordinary citizens to a much greater
degree than recognized public figures. Persons whose names,
pictures, etc. are widely disseminated in the public press DUE
THE RADIO, etc. must prove malice when bringing suit for libel.
Others do not have the burden to prove malice, they only need
prove the statement untrue. And, in fact, the burden of proving
the truth falls on the author and publisher of the lies.

For example, newspapers have been found guilty of libel for
stating that someone committed a crime for which the person was
not convicted. Newspapers have been held accountable  for
claiming a person was a member of one group or another when in
fact that was not the case.

I don't know what the law is in Canada, but I am sure that
spreading lies about someone is not a permissible action. I am
also sure that the publisher of a newspaper, newsletter, etc. is
not immune from suit for doing so.

You have two options:

1. You can publish an apology in each of the next five issues
and refrain from publishing anything which contains any untrue
statement about me, contains any article which labels me a fool,
scum, or any other derogatory term, etc.; or,

2. You can continue to publish articles which libel me and meet
me in person in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Your expressed claim that you are not responsible because it is
your practice to publish anything submitted is NOT a defense. In
point of fact and law, it is an absolute admission of guilt. Mr.
Tees not only expressed this verbally, I know I have read it in
the Fidonews in times past. I have every issue since you took
over and am sure I can produce it in court if necessary.

A copy of this letter is being sent to Mr. Tees via Certified
Mail, Return Receipt Requested. A copy will also be sent to the
appropriate ministry in Canada when I find the proper name and
address. I am unable at this time to send Ms. Maxwell a copy via
Certified Mail because I do not have her address.

As the author pointed out in one of the few factual statements
made in the article, I am not a member of Fidonet. I can be
reached  via  the  Internet  at  [email protected]  or  at
8:950/10@RBBSnet from 6PM Eastern prevailing time until 8AM the
FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  8                    12 Jun 1995

following day Eastern Prevailing Time Monday evening through and
including Friday and from Friday 6PM Eastern Prevailing time
until 8AM Eastern Prevailing Time Monday morning. On weekdays
from 8AM until 6PM, again both are Eastern Prevailing Time, the
same number can be used to send a facsimile transmission.

Robert L. (Bob) Germer


From: Dana Bell (1:3801/6)

I noticed your FidoNews article about Germer, and that he was in
zone 8 (FamilyNet). I'm not the official voice, but Germer isn't
working from FamilyNet. He's working within one of the other
zone 8 networks. I won't make a guess since it might create more
of the same confusion. :-)

Last week he had a (old unused) FamilyNet address. This week
it's gone, just as a nodelist cleanup procedure. FamilyNet
doesn't tolerate such threats of lawsuits. In fact, I think the
FamilyNet/FidoNet work-together (writer's block hit me) is a
good one.



Subject: VModem
From: Christian Brandt (2:2480/604)

Would you please consider placing my answer concerning the
VModem-idea into the next FidoNews? Thanks in advance.

> Proposed VModem Nodelist Flag
> Proposed VModem Nodelist Flag
> by Bob Quinlan, 1:143/240 ([email protected])

> VModem is an OS/2 utility that is part of Ray Gwinn's SIO serial port
> driver package. VModem creates virtual modem ports that act just like a
> conventional serial port connected to a modem.

I know other programs like VModem, for example telser.device or
telnet.device for Amiga Computers or just a exported Device on a
Unix-system. Yes, agreed, its a great piece of Fun and I think,
it will make traditional BBS-Systems survive longer while
internet is prospering.

> First, I realize that there are already utilities other than VModem
> provide similar capabilities via the telnet protocol. Any system using
> such a utility should use the same VM flag and format. As long as all
> systems using the VM flag can communicate with each other over the
> Internet it does not matter what utilities are actually used.

FidoNews 12-24                 Page:  9                    12 Jun 1995

Let me formalize this a bit more:

First we need a method to include InterNet-Adresses - or to be
more precize, the usenet-adress - into the Nodelist, like eg. my
BBS can sometimes be contacted at vv1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
and an own IP-Address. The Flag should also state if the site is
internet (leased line using an IP-Address) or usenet (uucp, much
like emsi,dial-and-exchange)

Second we need a way to clarify, which services are available,
for example, VModem or telnet.device or telnet or others.

Therefore I basicly agree with your proposed new flag, but
better use two instead. For Example:

WEBINTER.vv1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de for a real IP-Addressable site
WEBUSE.vv1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de  for a email-only-site
WEB... etcpp

and additionally for IP-Addressable-Sites:

VMODEMxy (xy for releaseversion of VModem)
TELNETxy (xy for releaseversion of Telnet/Telser.device)

My own site would look like this:

8948095,9600,H16,V32T,VFC ,V34,WEBINTER.vv1.informatik.tu-

Well, now we are into something...

Should also non-Fido-Services included into the File?

I think not. The Nodelist is now around 3,5MB, when I started
in 1991 it was just around 600k. Including non-Fido-Information
would shurelly blow the system within a few years.

Please let me know if this topic is going to be discussed in an
international echo, because I am not able to have a look at fido
as a whole :- )
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 10                    12 Jun 1995

Wagon's Ho!
[email protected]

                             Wagon's Ho!

   Has the time come, ladies and gentlemen, for we in fidonet to
   break  camp  and  continue  on  our  journey through time and
   cyberspace?    Look  at  the  address  above.    It shows and
   internet  address,  so  we   can  share  with  all   who  are
   interconnected on this spaceship Earth.

   Have  we  forgotten  that  this,  our  hobby,  is  a means of
   communication amongst  the travelers?   In  today's world  we
   have   hundreds   of   languages/dialects   to   effect   our

   I suggest to you,  today, June 10, 1995  that we embark on  a
   bold experiment.   This is one  in which all  Fidonetters can
   help contribute to/become part of/partake.  In the early days
   of fidonet,  this was  the feeling,  exploring the  unfolding
   design of new technology, vast as we did not know.

   I propose that we develope BBS software/mailers/utilities and
   add-ons to exisitng ones so that the information contained in
   HTML documents  can be  shared/displayed and  handled without
   the need  of any  operator intervention/formating.   This  is
   offered up without the up-play or down-play of any particular
   operating system, brand of modem,  type of PC or any  and all
   other strings attached.

   It's simply this.  Let's make  it happen.  We can.   There is
   no need  to send  me a  message.   There is  no committee, no
   structure, no anything.  It's a blank board.  You can make it
   happen (write), help to make it happen (test) and insure it's
   success (incorporate it into your set-up).  You decide who to
   do  it  with,  who  to  write  to  have it done in commerical
   packages,  etc.    But  let's  make  it,  and  the  resulting
   additional communications a legacy  for those that follow  us
   on this, our Santa Fe Trail.


Where in the world is Carmen San...errr...George Peace?
by Don Dawson  1:150/730

     * Original to: Bruce Bodger at 1:1/200
     CC'd to: Adrian Walker, David Garrett, Rick Ashworth,
              Ken Wilson, Jerry Seward, John Johnson, Marty
              Escarcega, Chris Griffin, Dave Anderson,
              Roger Morris, George Peace, Mike Fuchs

Is it merely a coincidence that George Peace resigned around the time
I was arrested by the New Castle County (Delaware) Police Department?

FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 11                    12 Jun 1995

Last Friday, June 2nd, I was arrested on a complaint signed by NC150,
Joseph R. Chamberlain.  My arraignment is scheduled for Friday,  June
16,  1995 in the New Castle County Court of Common Pleas Court House,
2nd Floor, 1000 N. King St., Wilmington, DE 19801.

Need details?  Freq (23hrs, 28.8) one or all of these SMALL files:

NET150NC.ZIP   37K  5-25-95+ Welcome to FidoNet! New Castle County,
NET150PP.ZIP    6K 11-28-94+ FidoNet 150 Policy and Procecures Guide
                            v2.03, 11/94
HOWTO.ZIP       8K  6-07-95* See "How it's done in Net 150",
                            The First State

A simple netmail message from a few sysops to Bob Satti at 153/6
with a CC: (COURTESY COPY) to Michael Walsh at 13/0 *might* help
return 150/730 to the fidonet phonebook.  I'm still able to communicate
with anyone in the nodelist but it's sure difficult for folks to
communicate to me because my phone number is unlisted in the fidonet

How's this sound, short and to the point?  You can use your own words
of course:

_ _ _ O_/_ _C_U_T_ _H_E_R_E_ _ _ _ _ _ _
     O \
"I'm outraged that a FidoNet NC, specifically 150/0, would have a grunt
sysop arrested on criminal charges for communicating.  FidoNet is not a
Club.  FidoNet is a COMMUNICATIONS network.  Isn't it?

Please return 150/730 to the fidonet phone book.


<your name>"

_ _ _ O_/_ _C_U_T_ _H_E_R_E_ _ _ _ _ _ _
     O \

On the lighter side (you may not know me that well).  This too shall
pass.  I thinking about going fishing...often. <laughing>

I sincerely love what you guys do and you probably get little thanks.
In case I never return to the phone book, please accept my very sincere
thank you for all you do and all you've done.

In particular, Bruce Bodger and Marge have been most kind to me.
They've both been gentle to me in an echo they happen to co-moderate
where I often easily get off topic. <laughing>  Thanks again Bruce and

Adrian: I'm pleased to see your name closer to the top of the nodelist.
I'm saddened by what I can only imagine were the circumstances that
brought it about.  Mike Fuchs is another one of many fidonet casualties.
I'm saddened to see him abandon all the fine work he's done with the
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 12                    12 Jun 1995


Mike: Damn!  I moved from Connecticut to Delaware to be closer to
THE ELIST person! <g> It's going to take months for thousands of fidonet
sysops to reset everything because the elist is going to travel west to
east instead of east to west, 3 times zones you know, like it ALWAYS
has. <laughing>  Toms River is very close to my favorite fishing spot.
How are the flounder?  I have plenty of time on my hands.  Want to go

George: I've "known" you for years and years, almost as long as I was in
phonebook (8+ years).  Like Mike, your OUTSTANDING work has gone
unrecognized and unappreciated.  Let me again say to you: THANK YOU from
the bottom of my heart.  Let me say thank you on BEHALF of the 30,000
(and shrinking) sysops in the phonebook all around the globe.  Your
wisdom, talent, skill in every coordinator role you've had is a major
loss to FidoNet.  I'm sincerely saddened.  Fidonet *might* have been a
GLOBAL hobbiest communications network with your continued steady hand
at the helm.  Oh well...such great possibilities, so little time, so
many Internet Service providers. <sigh>

Chris: You are the perfect role model for an REC.  You let everyone
and anyone "do a little so no one needs to do a lot". I've *never* know
you to be "in someones (echomail) face.  God Bless you.  Besides, I'm
sure RC16 wouldn't mess in R16 echomail, I trained him well.  <laughing>
BTW...talk to Adrian will you? :-)

David: I believe you've contributed much to FidoNet too.  You're spread
too thin.  Your eyes are covered over by all those hats you wear.  Take
a lesson (probably free) from Chris Griffin.  He's organized!  He has a
life too. <g> I'm certain of the 2,000 people in Region 10 there must be
ONE that can wear either the RC or the REC hat.  Remember: C hats are
"one size fits all".  :-) This *is* a hobby, really.

Steve: Aren't you pleased we're in the good ole U. S. of A? It's still
The Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave...isn't it?  Have a happy
4th of July wherever you are. Ohhh...Canada...it's a fine country too.
I didn't have anything to say about moving from Toronto to "The States".
My mother and father dragged me here screaming and yelling when I was
only 6 years old.  It's their fault I'm here <g>.  God rest their souls.

All: Oh yes...about George resigning...I don't have a clue as to why he
resigned. However, I have an 8 year old Farmers Almanac in my lap.  If
I've made the proper adjustments...on the day George resigned there was
a full moon.  Certain personalities are often known to do very silly
things when there is a full moon.

George, what do you have to say for yourself? <laughing>  Do you have
any funny stories you'd like to share with us?  You must have plenty
of time on your hands now.  You can send any mail addressed to the IC
to Bob Satti's secretary.  For years some *C's (NC's and RC's) have
kept their inbox spotless by using this technique <laughing>.

BTW, my long distance service provider has very, very low rates late
at night. It's amazing to me too how fast calls occur with 3 idle 28.8
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 13                    12 Jun 1995

USRs and an idle 14.4 USR. These little files are sent in no time,
V42 compression you know. It's cheaper than Snail postage. <laughing>

God Bless each of you.

For your private nodelist:




B-)  Don


Callers: don't you love 'em? :-)

by Don Dawson  1:150/730
Callers: don't you love 'em? :-)

Callers?  Who needs 'em? <laughing>

Yes, Saturday (a week ago) I pulled the plug here.

First the modem phone jacks (4) on the wall were pulled.  As my fear
and anger increased, I next shutdown OS/2.  A short time later I
powered off the 486, the BBS.  It got very, very, quiet here in my
computer room.

On Sunday, TraC called me.  I forget why she called.  She caught me
during the period when I was lower than whale feces.  I was too
humiliated from the experience of having my mug shot, being finger
printed, going with the Police Officer to the Justice of the Peace
Court and waiting, waiting, waiting, for the wife abusers, drunks and
others to see the magistrate first to tell TraC much more than "I've
pulled the plug.  My hobby isn't fun any more."

My youngest brother was kind enough to leave his channel surfing to
be with me during the whole ordeal.  I had no idea what to expect.
I've *never* seen this side of the law except on Television.

What was my crime?  The charge is a criminal misdemeanor: harassment.
Mr. Chamberlain says I sent him too many messages.  Mr. Chamberlain
is NC150.

Mr. Chamberlain wrote to me:

JC> I find your constant questioning of the way we do things to be
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 14                    12 Jun 1995

JC> excessively annonying.  In my position as NC, I assign node
JC> number and subhub feeds.  This authority also allows me to cut
JC> subhub feeds and remove nodes.

[Note: a "subhub feed" is Net150 talk for a CRP echomail and file

P4 requires I communicate with the NC.  The NC required I communicate
with him about file (including mail) feeds.  Does this sound like
Catch 22?  I'm damned if I don't and removed from the FidoNet
phonebook if I do.

I felt compelled to call a few people to explain my sudden decision.
To a person, you were all wonderful.  You provided encouragement,
suggestions, and most of all, love.

I grew up in a FidoNet "neighborhood" (8+ years) of caring, helping,
sharing and loving.  Certainly there was and is occasional
disagreement in my FidoNet family.  What family doesn't "have words"
once in a while?  However, after the issues were aired, we all went
back to what we enjoy so much about this hobby: helping, sharing and
loving our callers and each other.

I am not accustomed to being *told* by anyone in FidoNet where to get
files, when and how to get mail, who to poll and who not to poll,
etc, etc.

I never, knowingly, was rude to a new sysop.  New sysops are FidoNet
children regardless of their age.  If our FidoNet family doesn't
guide, teach and encourage the children of the world what kind of
people will the next FidoNet generation be?  I am not ready to be
assimilated by the Borg a.k.a the Internet.

I like FidoNet.  I like FidoNet sysops and callers.  Most of them are
wonderful, kind, sharing people.  YES, PEOPLE!  They almost always
appear to us as pixels on the monitor but they are all PEOPLE.
They're people of all ages, interest, ethnic origin, sex, religious
affiliation, technical competence.  Most of them are WONDERFUL.
Without them, there is no need for FidoNet, there is no need for the

It was too quiet in my computer room.  I missed the noise of the hard
disk spinning, the blinking of the modem lights, checking to see if
any files arrived, struggling to tweek that *.bat file just one more
time.  But most of all I missed *you*, the people of FidoNet.

Late Sunday evening I turned on the computer.  A short time later I
configured BinkleyTerm to operate in "stealth mode" so I could watch
the modem lights blink.  On Tuesday or Wednesday, I configured
BinkleyTerm to answer the phone, no outbound calling.  After
receiving many calls and messages of encouragement from the people of
FidoNet, I'm back.  I missed you.  I love you.

Am I EA?  Guilty as charged!  I sometimes Excessively Ask.  It
started as a young child with my mother and father: Why is the sky
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 15                    12 Jun 1995

blue?  Where do babies come from?  This continued into my early
adulthood: Will you go out with me on Saturday night?  Do you love
me?  Will you marry me?  It carried over to my FidoNet life: Why
can't this modem get better thruput?  How can I configure
___(fill_in_the_blank)___ to do this?  Where can I get a feed for
_____?  Why can't I call out of the net to get echomail and other

Ohhh...callers...yes, I need 'em.  If your callers constantly get
busy on your system (as mine did when I was in Connecticut) please
suggest they call 302-832-1970.  Tell them there are 3 lines, no
waiting.  <laughing>

God Bless you all.  God Bless FidoNet and this wonderful World Class
Global communications network we are *privileged* to have.  I like
our well paved, well maintained back road.  I don't need no stinking
Information Highway where every message is addressed to "All".  All
is too impersonal, I like people. I'm not an All, I'm Don Dawson.

This is long overdue:  Welcome back RanD.  It's great to "see" you

Take care.

B-)  Don

* Origin: Treasure Island ---> Our new home: 302-832-1970 (1:150/730)


Subject: Echoes
From: Ken Waugh(1:374/142)

Something I've had floating around for the past several years,
and haven't found anything like it anywhere in FIDO. Can't say
what it'd be worth, but it's something I'd like to see.

It's for travelers that do travel, and those that either can't
or don't but wish they could.

I'd like to see echoes based on states, countries, and sights to
see, and locals descriptions of what can be found the average
tourist is almost guaranteed to miss. On boards that have areas,
these echoes would appear under the area for vacations, then
under each would be the US_AREAS,EURO_AREAS, then  states
IE:under california vacations a description of the Burpee seed
factory in Lompoc california by locals that either work there or
see it every day, Lompoc, not a high priority for vacation
plans... But interesting to hear about the acres of gardens just
for seed growing. Old Home week for changes to areas that have
occurred for those outside the country that can't visit home as
often as wanted.. etc... Not a whole lot of room for flaming in
those kind of discussions... Eh ?
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 16                    12 Jun 1995

The DEF CON Voice System
   [< The DEF CON Voice System is now up at (801) 855-3326 <]

   Voice Bridge / Voice BBS / Voice Mailboxes / Private Chat

The Voice system has beed changed all around to now support a
fast Voice BBS, VMBs and multiple 8 port conferences. Anyone
can create their own VMB, etc.

  This voice bridge has been set up for people of like
interestes to meet and discuss computers or whatever they want.
Running on borrowed equiptment the systems is still under
construction, but working fully.

  This is the same bridge that will be used for DEF CON III,
a computer conference in Las Vegas this August. People who can
not attend can call in and listen to the speakers during the
day, or talk with other people at the convention.  Oh, some
people wondered about the cost.. it's whatever you pay to call
this number, normal long distance.

 [> 24 hours at (801) 855-3326, all are welcome to call <]

PGP Key (2.3a & 2.6) Available on key servers.
Voice (AT&T) 0-700-TANGENT
DEF CON FTP: ftp.fc.net /pub/defcon http://www.defcon.org
FAX: 206-453-9567


by Carl McCaskey
Fidonet -- 1:3605/75 & 1:3605/316
Internet -- [email protected] & [email protected]

  I listened to James Exon, congresscritter from Nebraska,
try to explain his telecommunications bill on the senate floor
today (June 9, 1995). All I can say is that it is very scary
when congresscritters try to make laws on subjects they are
totally ignorant about.  Such  is  the  case  with  this
telecommunications bill of James Exon. As you may or may not
know, Mr. Exon's bill is an attempt to regulate Internet to
limit and possibly eliminate pornography on the Internet. During
Mr. Exon's 30+ minute monologue, several points of ignorance
were revealed. Among the many errors were the following:

  1) Mr. Exon never once pointed out that Internet links the
world and it is possible for people in other countries to make
objectionable materials available via Internet. Many of these
countries not only do not recognize U.S. law, but also have no
extradition treaties as well. As a result posts from those
countries are untouchable by U.S. law. This shows an ignorance
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of the scope of Internet as well as an ignorance of the reach of
U.S. law in relationship to the Internet.

  2) Mr. Exon presented a list of "bulletin boards" in a blue
ring binder which he referred to as his "blue book." This "blue
book" listed "bulletin boards" that contained pornography.
However when Mr. Exon read a portion of his list, it became
obvious that he was referring to newsgroups from Usenet which
are _NOT_ bulletin boards, but discussion groups. This shows a
clear ignorance of the workings of Internet as well as what _is_

  3) Mr. Exon kept referring to Internet as a place where
pornographic materials are placed for children to obtain free of
charge. Mr. Exon apparently is either ignorant of or doesn't
realize that Internet is a carrier, not a physical BBS or
storage system. Apparently Mr. Exon does not understand that
Internet is a way of traveling electronically from a person's PC
to numerous computer systems across the world (hence the
nickname "information superhighway"). This shows  a  clear
ignorance of how Internet works as well as an ignorance of how
to use it.

  These are only three examples of many of why Mr. James Exon
is not qualified to make law restricting the Internet and needs
to thoroughly make himself familiar with the system so he may
understand it better. Mr. Exon's bill, in its current form, is
unenforceable and would create yet another unnecessary drain
upon the Federal government's coffers. If you are for or against
the intent of this bill is irrelevant for this bill is so poorly
worded and Mr. Exon shows such a lack of understanding of
Internet that the passage of such a bill would be creating bad
law and would not serve the public interest at all. In fact, due
to its author's lack of understanding, this bill, if it becomes
law, would only be a detriment to society.



Subject:Searching Tools on the Web
From: Ari Pollak (1:107/302)

  I know most of my articles have been about the Web, but I
don't know what else people would be interested in. I need your

  In this article, I will write about some comprehensive
search tools on the WWW, incase you cannot find what you are
looking for and need a more comprehensive search. I will review
briefly these search tools and directoroes and their URLs
(addresses): Webcrawler, Open Market, Monster FTP List, Yahoo,
Einet Galaxy, WWW Worm, and GNN.

WebCrawler- Webcrawler is very comprehensive, but does not have
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 18                    12 Jun 1995

as many links as a couple of other search tools, and is also a
little confusing. Webcrawler is a robot, which goes out, trying
new links out, and recording the main screen. When you search,
it searches through the actual text, not just titles. URL:

Open Market- Open Market's Commercial Sites Index lists specigiv
services, products, and buisnesses, usually with the .com
ending. URL: http://www.directory.net/

Monster FTP List- If you can FTP it, it's probably here.
URL: http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu:80/ftp-interface.html

Yahoo- Case-Sensitive comrehensive Boolean searches for many
sites, plus an indexed directory of all sites on file. Also
includes  links  to  many  other  search  engines.  URL:

EINET GALAXY- Search for Keywords by Topic.
URL: http://www.einet.net/galaxy.html

WWW Worm(W4)- Very comprehensive searching, like WebCrawler. Winner of
1994's best searching tool.
URL: http://www.cs.colorado.edu/home/mcbryan/WWWW.html

Global  Network  Navigator  (GNN)- Published by O'Reily &
Associates (the publisher of The Mosaic handbook & The Whole
Internet Catalog), this includes links to great directories and
sources, like the Whole Internet Catalog online, another great
directory, and buisness pages. http://gnn.com/gnn/gnn.html

  If you have an idea about an article I can write,
something that would be of interest to the general public, or
about a problem that many people should know about, just e-mail
me at:

Ari Pollak, 1:107/302
[email protected]

Coming next week: I need suggestions!

P.S., If you like my articles, please nominate them for the
Article Contest. If you would like to request a copy of one of
my articles, please feel free to do so. Via QM 1:107/301, Wed
May 31 17:50 (v1.31)


Where is our FIDO going?
by:Glen Rushing


FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 19                    12 Jun 1995

I have only been active in FidoNet for about a year now. Mostly, I
have been in the background, looking around. I am now wondering what
is going to happen to FIDO.  It seems now that no matter which Echo
I go into, it is FULL of people Flaming people!  When I first heard
about FidoNet, I heard that it was a good place to find/meet new
friends, and a good place to practice the hobby of computing.

Now, all I see is HATE!  I fully agree with the right of free speech,
but sometimes there are people that go overboard with it. (Don't worry
winters and germer, this article isn't written to flame you.) I just
wish that FidoNet could return to what it was meant to be. A place for
computer enthusists to exchange ideas, FOR FUN!  I just read the recent
article by Rick Lithgow, and I FULLY agree with him. ALL of the higher
echlon Fido biggies should voluntarily impeach themselves, TEMPORARILY,
and invite their ZONE or NET have an election NOW and see if they can be
re-elected, based on the service they are providing to FIDO. I MUST
clarify myself by saying that I DO realize that there are hundreds or
thousands of Fido Highers that may be doing an excellent job, but it's
those FEW Highers that really make FIDO what it is.

I can also say that it is a crying shame that GOOD people are resigning
their positions, because some CRACK-POT threatens them with a lawsuit
over something that is probably trivial to start with.  WELL, for you
that are SO anxious to sue, I hope FIDO, as a whole, will someday elect
ME to one of those positions, just so you can threaten to sue ME. I will
MORE than welcome a law suit from one of you SUERS! About all ya gonna
get from me is my cheap computer!  BUT, I am sure that someone in FIDO
would buy me another one so I can continue the EXCELLENT job that I wish
others were still doing but had to resign under threats of lawsuit..

SO, why did I write this article?  Because, I am very worried that a
small handful of SUERS are gonna keep going till they wreck FIDO. Well,
if I can keep you from threatening to sue those who are trying to do a
good job but have to resign, then I will have accomplished what I meant
to do with this article..  HELL, sue me! I got nothing to lose but my
computer.. You can't take my ARMY retirement, so I will just KEEP using
FIDO as a hobby!

Anybody need help in their positions in Fido? Be glad to help and if
someone wants so sue ya for doing a volunteer job then send them to me.
I will let them sue me for all I have(nothing but a CPU) while you can
continue to do the excellent job you are trying to do.......

by: Glen Rushing


An Editorial on Fidonet and its future
By Damian Stamm
A View From the Average Sysop

Fidonet. What a wonderful thing we have here.  50,000+ people
connected all over the world communicating together and enjoying
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 20                    12 Jun 1995

conversations, discussions, and meeting people from different
areas, backgrounds, and opinions.  Together, they form to my
knowledge the second largest net of its kind behind the
Internet.  People can discuss various topics from politics to
sports to technical support to general discussion.  It is a
hobby which we all enjoy very much, otherwise we would not be

Together as a net, we put out mail daily, and hope that it
arrives.  No one expects it to be a guarentee that it gets
there, but we all place faith in those handling our mail that
they will do thier best to send out that mail, so that others
may be permitted to enjoy our piece of writing.

So what is happening? Ego trips and lawsuit-happy individuals
are now attempting (and could possibly) ruin Fidonet as we know
it, preventing the flow of exchanges and ideas we hoped to enjoy
when we joined Fidonet in the first place.

At first, the most famous "christian" in Fidonet threatened a
law-suit against Fidonet's Bruce Bodger if he did not comply
with his demands that his echo be restored. Now, he has asked
another member in Fidonet if he "has retained counsel" yet.  Of
course, this would be followed by Bob Germer, who followed him
like a disciple and threatened a lawsuit against Mike Fuchs,
former maintainer of the Elist, insisting that he make sure the
elist was clean of offensive material, or he would sue Fuchs and
Fidonet as well.

There are two things that need to be done if Fidonet is to

First off, we must put a provision in the Fidonet application
relinquishing any liability to the content in Fidonet, and that
you become a member "at your own risk," so to speak.

In addition, there seems to be a problem with the very structure
of Fidonet itself.

Those "in control," i.e. Bob Satti, Mike Walsh, and others, are
not responsible to anyone except the person above him/her.
According to Policy 4.07, the *C's are appointed, not elected.
The elections, therefore, are a moot point.

In my opinion, every copy of Policy 4 should be put on a hard
drive, accompanied by any virus strains MacAfee has ever
encountered, and then activate a batch file running every
program on the drive.

What we need is a totally new constitution for the net. A
document where we are protected from lawsuits by individuals who
wish to restrict our freedom of speech, and where as an
organization we ELECT the very people who volunteer their
services.  With people such as Bob Satti and Mike Walsh running
Fidonet, they can do whatever their ego pleases.  However, if
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they were elected by us, the people who are the actual writers
of the messages in the net, then I doubt they would be in power
very long.

If we allow things to remain as they do now, then Fidonet will
be seperated into those who have lawyers willing to sue, those
in power whose purpose in life is for people to know who they
are (good OR bad), and the average Joe SysOp.


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Sylvia- 1:221/194, [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
FidoNews 12-24                 Page: 22                    12 Jun 1995

PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END