F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No.23    (05-Jun-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
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|        /|oo \              |                                         |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
|       |     | \   \\       |   Editors:                              |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Sylvia           1:221/194       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Sylvia [email protected]                          |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Major Changes in FIDO this week.....(sigh)..................  2
     WOW!!! You wrote back!!! :-)))..............................  3
     DEF CON III Convention Update #1.65 (05.26.95)..............  4
     Bob Satti (1:153/6) to All.................................. 18
     Threats of lawsuits & caving in............................. 19
     dear madam emilia........................................... 20
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 20
FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  2                    05 Jun 1995

   I was out doing a service call in the boonies this week.  It
was an asphalt plant run by a good-ole-boy farmer-ex-biker. He
it did not know squat about computers, all he knew was that the
plant was shut down last fall, and did not start up right this

   It turned out that one of the RS-232 interfaces was shot.
Probably lightning, and not a spare board within 100 miles.  I
explained the problem ... mmm said he.  "We only use one of
those during the day, could we rig a switch?".  Yes, said I, and
we got him running from his junk box.  Farmer mechanics can fix
just about anything.  Fidonet is a lot like that.

   A lot has happened this week; here is the snooze so you can
read about it.
Major Changes in FIDO this week.....(sigh)

Lot's has happened this week... A particular sysop who isn't
even part of FIDO anymore, (he resigned in disgrace).... has
made a living hell for the real sysops of FIDO. Who is this
sysop you may ask? Bob Germer of Region 8. (I believe this is
family net). This week he threatened Mike Fuchs with a lawsuit
for allowing Z1_GERMER to be elisted, Mike Fuchs got tired of
putting up with shitheads like germinator that are so cowardly
as they have to hide behind threats of lawsuits. Mike Fuchs was
an asset to FIDOnet as a whole and he will be missed. The other
person to resign was George Peace. I don't have all the details
yet but I suspect it's also do to the germinator.

       The threats of lawsuits are uncalled for in FIDO... The
first scum to do it was winter (lowercase intentional), now
germinator. What has happened to FIDO? The *C structure refuses
to do anything about situations like this and cave in at the
mention of a lawsuit. This isn't right. FIDO is about
communication and free speech and moving the mail. FIDO isn't
about lawsuits and other legal actions. Hell, Planet Connect
dumped germer's point status and is probably dumping his entire
service. Planet Connect should be commended on not backing down
from threats. While not everyone has the money that PC has that
should not be a prerequisate(sic?) to backing down... We should
stand up to fools such as the germer's and teh winter's and make
them realize that they can't bully us around. But as long as the
current *C's are in place, this won't happen. (How about a vote
for impeachment of everyone in the *C structure and replace them
with someone with a little backbone?)

       The following was proposed a long time ago to be
included in Policy 4 and was rejected even though a few other
net's follow the rule. I propose that we hold an election (FIDO
wide, sysops, hubs, and everyone involved in fido) to have a
rule added to policy that would make it so that anyone who
FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  3                    05 Jun 1995

threatens someone else in FIDO with any sort of lawsuit would
automaticaly lose his/her node number and all access to FIDO
until the issue is resolved in court or out of court. We could
even hold our own tribunerals on the matter is everyone agrees.
Let's say that if I threaten so and so at x:xxx/xxx with a
lawsuit be cause I was offended with what he said about me (even
if it were true or not) the ZEC or the IC would immediatly
revoke my node num until the matter was settled. Or the node
would atleast be put on suspension. This is something that
really needs to be done. Lawyers and Courts have no business
being in fido (well.. not in a legal capacity, just the hobbyest

       So basicly we need to impeach everyone & start from
scratch as well as make provisions to keep scum who threaten
lawsuits out of FIDO. Everyone has the right to be an asshole
and voice their opinions, but the threats of frivilous lawsuits
needs to be abolished. Also anyone making multiple PC's that are
constantly rejected need to be ousted as well. Let's all make
FIDO what it once was. A fun place to be and a hobby, not a
legal network...

Warm Regards
Rick Lithgow, [email protected]. Moderator BOCA_MODEMS & Z1_GERMER


WOW!!! You wrote back!!! :-)))
Guess this internet stuff actually works

>i miss doc Logger too!  i wish he would write again.

Er....Ummmm I always thought it was Don your yourself. Sorta like a
Doctor Jeykl & Mr Hyde thing, only it was Doc Logger.

>i liked lisa Gronke's article.  useful.

Wish I had something like that to read when I first set up FIDONET.
Probably wouldn't of helped. Still a very useful article. I'm saving
it for when someone asks me how FIDOnet works. I don't really know how
myself, but it does work--usually.

>i heard that Fidonet is very quickly getting ruined becuase of
>people writing idiotmail, and other people threatening lawsuits.
>yech.  i wish that would all become nice again.  too many people are
>giving up.

I'm pretty new to Fidonet. I thought this was always true. In every
local echo there is always someone writing idiotmail, 'pushing the
limits of free speech', exercising the first ammendment, well...call
it what you'd like. Most of the time they are ignored, but it only
takes ONE person to get their underwear in a bunch and * BOOM * -
lawsuits, new laws, etc.

FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  4                    05 Jun 1995

Frankly, I soon see the 'On-line community' being "under the thumb" of
the rules, restrictions, and laws that affects everything else. More
and more People are plugging in and joining the ranks of the On-line
community. I personally think it's cool that I can type:
http://www.penthousemag.com and check out the pics. Many will not
think it's cool. Ma & Pa Average are going to have a coronary when
they see lil 7 year old Junior Average checking out the pics. nOt
kEwL! The _______ (insert favorite word here) is going to hit the fan
and the result will be more laws.

Did you hear about the recent Prodigy lawsuit decision?
I'd tell ya, but the article is lining the bird cage<g>.
Prime example right there...

>what do you think of the WWW?  sometimes it bugs me because it's
>like windoze for file requests, but then again i want to play with
>it.  i'm making a tarot deck so i can make a home page (for madam
>emilia) that tells fortunes.

I set up my WWW page in 15 minutes. Okay, it looks like crap, but
after I put in another 15 minutes people will be able to FTP files and
send me messages<g>. Guess how long it took to set up my BBS so people
could do this? [hint... a lot longer than 15 minutes].

But you asked me what I thought of the Web. It's cool, it's happening,
it's trendy, it's now! If someone can have "The BIG BUTTON that does
nothing" page and the "Shakespearian Insult" page then Gosh Golly
Darned it why can't you have the best (first?) fortune telling page on
the net. :-)

Gotta run, the cellular bat phone is ringin, getting paged on the BBS,
and the kids are fighting over the remote...


I do not care one way or the other if this finds it's way into
fidonews or anywhere else. I do request that if it does pop up
somewhere that you do NOT put in my name or any other identifying
information. I get hard heavy objects thrown at me on a daily basis. I
really don't need more stuff hurled at me. Thanks.


DEF CON III Convention Update #1.65 (05.26.95)
August 4-6th 1995 @ the Tropicana in Las Vegas


This is _not_ the professional sounding announcement.  Use  that
one  to  con  your boss / employers out of the cost of the trip.
The professional announcement  is  available  at  ftp.fc.net  in
/pub/defcon.   This  is  the  k-RaD  kriminal shout out to all u
el1te hacker types that aren't in jail to attend  'da  def  con.
FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  5                    05 Jun 1995


What's  this?  This is an initial announcement and invitation to
DEF CON III, a convention for the "underground" elements of  the
computer  culture.   We try to target the (Fill in your favorite
word   here):   Hackers,   Phreaks,   Hammies,   Virii   Coders,
Programmers,  Crackers,  Cyberpunk  Wannabees,  Civil  Liberties
Groups,  CypherPunks,  Futurists,  Artists,  Criminally  Insane,
Hearing Impaired.

WHO:   You know who you are, you shady characters.
WHAT:  A convention for you to meet, party, and listen to some speeches
      that you would normally never get to hear from some k-rad people.
WHEN:  August 4, 5, 6 - 1995 (Speaking on the 5th and 6th)
WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada @ The Tropicana Hotel

So  you  heard  about DEF CON II, and want to hit part III?  You
heard  about  the  parties,  the  info  discussed,  the  bizarre
atmosphere of Las Vegas and want to check it out in person?  You
want to do weird shit _away_ from the hotel where you can't  get
me in trouble?  Then you're just the person to attend!

Sure  it's  great  to  meet  and  party with fellow hackers, but
besides that we try to provide information  and  speakers  in  a
forum  that can't be found at other conferences.  While there is
an initial concern that this is just another excuse for the evil
hackers  to  party  and  wreak  havoc,  it's  just not the case.
People come to DEF CON for information and for making  contacts.
We  strive  to  distinguish  this convention from others in that
respect.  Plus this year we have official DEF CON  GOONS(c)  who
will pummel you until you pass out should you cause problems for
other con.friendly people!  Big Brother loves you!

What's been said (Only the good stuff will be quoted, of course)

Stevyn - "What can eye say, it was intense! . . . the whole  con
  just  kicked ass!  I totally recommend you check out the next

Gail Thackeray, Prosecutor, "It's partly an entertaining  party,
  it's  partly  a fashion statement.  But it's mostly something
  about which the business world has no clue."

Wendy Murdock, Boardwatch, "Def Con  represents  the  tug-of-war
  that  has  always  been  present  - people strive to get that
  which is just  out  of  reach,  aggravating  governments  and
  breaking rules in the process."



The  Tropicana has rooms reserved for the convention.  Rooms are
expensive. They are even more expensive if you don't book  under
FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  6                    05 Jun 1995

the  convention.   If it is to expensive for you, please see the
section below on Las Vegas WWW sites that can provide  you  with
information  on  other nearby hotels that are cheaper.  Check-in
is 3 pm, check-out time is 12 noon.  Remember  there  is  an  8%
sales  tax  in  Vegas.  Remeber to try and register early!!  The
Tropicana has only blocked out 100 rooms for the convention, and
the  rest  depend  on  availablility, so plan ahead to book your
room if nothing else.

              65$ Single or Double room, Midweek (Monday - Thursday)
              90$ Single or Double room, Weekend (Friday - Sunday)
              350$ One-Bedroom Suite (Call for Availability)

    The Tropicana, 3801 Las Vegas Blvd. So., Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109
         (702) 739-2581 or (800) 468-9494 or (702) 739-2448 (Fax)

Held in three conference rooms at the  Tropicana  hotel  in  Las
Vegas,  DEF CON promises to be interesting.  The Tropicana has a
huge pool (largest in the world?  Anyway, lots  of  cool  movies
have  been  filmed  with  this pool in them) and in August Vegas
should be about 100(f) degrees at one in the  morning.  What  do
you  care?  You'll be wired on caffeine and not sleeping anyway.
There are numerous attractions in town from the  strip  bars  to
the local COs in case you seek distraction.

The  Tropicana  is  located  right on the "Strip" with the other
three corners of the street occupied by the MGM  Grand  (Largest
hotel  in  the  world),  the  Excalibur,  and the Luxor (The big
sense-net pyramid).  If you can afford it  I  totally  recommend
spending  some  extra  time  in  town..  there are too many cool
things to do, especially if you have never visited.  Heck,  last
time  I got to rent and fire uzi's and MP-5 machine guns (OK, so
you can do that for cRacK in Los Angeles)  see  some  strippers,
and  drink  1$ bottles of imported beer.  What a place!  Now you
know why I chose Vegas for a location.


                              SPECIAL EVENTS

This year there will be a number of special events going down, including:

[> Hacker Jeopardy       [> Spot the Fed Contest       [> Voice bridge
[> Giveaways             [> A Red Box Creation Contest [> Video Room
[> Cool Video Shit       [> Scavenger Contest          [> Cyber Cafe Hookup
[> Torquie's Video       [> Sidewinder Contest
[> Group Battle Tech simulations at Virtual World.
[> The California Car Caravan brought to you by The Jackal


The price of admission will be 30$ in advance (See  the  end  of
this  announcement the address to pre-register to) or 40$ at the
door.  This will include your goovie 24bit color name tag and  a
conference program.
FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  7                    05 Jun 1995

Don't  forget  to  factor  in  Hotel costs, (The more people you
crash with, the cheaper it is) BattleTech, gas, food,  gambling,
booze, strippers, bail, etc.



This  is  a  partial  list  of speakers for this year.  More are
being invited or waiting to make plans.  As  this  list  changes
further  announcements  will  be  made.   This should give you a
flavor or what to expect, though.

[> Bruce Schneier, Author of "Applied Cryptography." TOPIC: Will
  speak    on    issues   surrounding   cryptography,   digital
  authentication, digital cash, and will answer questions  from
  the audience.

[> Winn Schwartau, Author of "Information Warfare" and "Terminal
  Compromise" is a consultant to  government  and  the  private
  sector  regarding  enterprise and national security concerns.
  TOPICS: "Information Warfare, the year in  review"  (Comedic)
  and "Tempest Attack Videos."

[>  Len  Rose  AKA  Terminus.   After the legal fiasco Len faced
  years  ago  (as   partially   chronicled   in   "The   Hacker
  Crackdown.")  this  will  be his first chance to speak of his
  experiences without the threat of having his parole  revoked.

[>  Lewis  De  Payne, aka "Roscoe" TOPIC: Ultra Hacking - Beyond
  Computers: How to  make  your  hacking  more  successful  and
  productive  while  minimizing  risk.   Learn  how  to adopt a
  business-like strategy, planning your  goals,  focusing  your
  strategy and keeping you out of trouble!

[>   Curtis  Karnow,  former  federal  prosecutor  and  attorney
  focusing on intellectual  property  litigation  and  computer
  law.   TOPIC:  Agents  in the telecommunications context, and
  "smart" software that we 'trust' to do the Right Thing.   The
  specific  issue is legal liability and responsibility for the
  actions of intelligent agents, and then spinning off to  chat
  about the liability for artificial intelligence generally.

[> Robert D. Steele, President of OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS, Inc.  A
  former  Spy,  Experienced  Bureaucrat,   Radical   Visionary.
  Tofflers  call him the "rival store" to CIA.  Keynote Speaker
  at HOPE, Workshop at Hac-Tic '93. TOPIC: TBA

[> The Electronic Frontier  Foundation.   TOPIC:  The  EFF  will
  cover  current legal threats privacy and computer information

[> Stephen Cobb.  TOPIC: "The Party's Over: Why Hacking  Sucks."
FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  8                    05 Jun 1995

  Stepehen  intends to play "devil's advocate" and suggest that
  "hacking should not be tolerated in any shape or form  as  it
  serves no useful purpose and is a menace to society."

[>  Jim  Settle, ex-FBI computer crime division department head.

[> Oscan Meyer.   TOPIC:  How  to  Hack  -  Toilet  Training  to

[> Peter Skelly.  TOPIC: SMS and wide area networking.

[>  Tagger.   TOPIC: Magnetic stripe card reader-writers and the

[> Dead Addict.  TOPIC: TBA.

[> Theora. TOPIC: "Don't you hate it when that happens?"

[> Karen Coyle, CPSR, and a pannel of friends.  TOPIC: TBA.

[> Peter Franck, National Lawyers Guild.  TOPIC: TBA.

[> Parmaster, ex-MOD member, General history of the underground.

[> Glenn Campbell, Area 51 and "Dreamland" authority.  TOPIC:  Q
   & A, overview of Governmental activities and stuff.

[>  Attidute  Adjuster.   TOPIC:  "Extremely  technical  machine
   language discussion on Polymorphic computer viruses, with  a
   side note on cryptography uses."

Speakers  will  be talking Saturday and Sunday, and maybe Friday


                           Friday August 3rd
                Registration and getting to know people
             Main Convention Room South Pacific Ballrooms

Time    Event

10:00 Convention room opens,  registration  begins.  :  Informal
 demonstrations and getting acquainted through out the day. : :
 Network/video/voice bridge up : 15:00 BATTLE TECH  At  Virtual
 World  (Buy  tickets  in advance or at the con) : Two hours of
 total combat!  12 minute missions! : 18:00 "Magic,"  "Hacker,"
 and  "Illuminati  NWO" card game competition events : begin in
 main South Pacific room.  Single elimination Type II Magic,  :
 6  person Hacker and Illuminati groups.  Sign up in advance or
 fill : any spots open at the  convention.  :  :  24:00  Hacker
 Jeopardy   with  Winn  Schwartau  starts,  Round  #1  :  02:00
 Convention room closes up for the day.

FidoNews 12-23                 Page:  9                    05 Jun 1995

                          Saturday August 4th
           Convention begins 10:00 in South Pacific Ballrooms

Time    Event

10:00 Key note speech by () : Winn Schwartau - Tempest Videos  /
 Year  in  Review  :  Robert  Steele  -  : Jim Settle - : Bruce
 Schenier - Cryptography : Curtis Karnow - Legal : [SPACE  FREE
 -  Short]  15:00  Lunch/Dinner  Break  Begins  : 17:00 Evening
 Sessions Start at 17:00 : Theora and Crew - Don't you hate  it
 when  that  happens?  :  CPSR  -  Round  Table  :  EFF - Legal
 Implications : Peter Frank - : Chris Hall -  Spy  Stuff  21:00
 Evening  Sessions  End at 21:00 : : 24:00 Hacker Jeopardy with
 Winn, Round #2, and Final Jeopardy Round. : " 02:00 Convention
 room closes up.

Sunday August 5th

Time Event

10:00 Oscar Meyer - How to Hack, or, Toilet Training to Maturity
 : Roscoe - How to hack more professionally : Len Rose - TBA  :
 Peter  Skelly  -  TBA  :  Stepehn Cobb - "Why Hacking Sucks" :
 Parmaster - General history of  the  underground  14:00  Lunch
 Break  Starts at 14:00 : 15:30 Evening Sessions Start at 15:30
 : Tagger - Mag Stripe Readers/Writers : [Free] : Dead Addict -
 TBA  18:00  The Convention Ends, Final give aways, awards, and



So you think you're so damn smart, eh?  Think your shit  doesn't
stink?  Right.  Think  you  got  one up on the Feds, huh?  Well,
now's your chance to prove it smarty-pants.  Winn Schwartau will
take command and moderate.

                          ! A N N O U N C I N G !

                       H A C K E R   J E O P A R D Y

That's  right.  You can now prove how smart you really are.  Get
up on stage and question a few answers, pile up the points . . .
and win big!

You  know the game.  You know the rules.  Now all you have to do
is have the guts, get up on stage in front of your peers and the
narks and show us all!

When?   After  Dark  Tangent's  opening  speech (which we're all
really looking forward to . . . [yawn] HACKER JEOPARDY starts!

MIDNIGHT - DAY 1 of DEF CON (Friday)

FidoNews 12-23                 Page: 10                    05 Jun 1995

If you wanna play . . . show up.  If you don't wanna play,  show

There will be three rounds of three people.  Just like real. The
winners of each round will go into the Finals and the winner  of
that  will win 25,000 units of some foreign currency!  From Dark
Tangent himself!  Plus:

    - A T-shirt three sizes to small for the women.
    - No T-shirts for the men.
    - Silk jackets for everyone.
    - One Heineken per player per round at DT's expense.
    - Round trip directions to Hoover Dam.
    - Phiber Optik's home address.
    - Erik Bloodaxe's Blood Samples.
    - And more . . .

Contestants will be picked at random from a pool  of  those  who
want  to play. If you don't wanna play, don't enter the contest.
Only the elite survive!

FEDS: If you get picked to play, and we ask you  what  your  job
is,  YOU  HAVE  TO  TELL  THE  TRUTH!   If you don't, our custom
Fed-O-Meter will detect your lies and off to the casinos you go!

Potential categories for questions include:

- - Famous Busts - Famous Narks -  UNIX  Bugs  -  Telco  Tech  -
"Hacking"  and  beware  of the killer daily double.  Bribing the
judge is acceptable.

EMail  your  suggested  questions  and  answers   to   winn   at
[email protected]

So, in the inimitable words of Al Bundy . . .  LET'S ROCK!

                      3rd ANNUAL SPOT THE FED CONTEST
                        Spot the fed, win the shirt

"Like  a  paranoid  version  of  pin the tail on the donkey, the
favorite sport at this gathering of computer hackers  and  phone
phreaks  seems  to  be  hunting down real and imagined telephone
security and Federal and local law enforcement  authorities  who
the  attendees are certain are tracking their every move.. .. Of
course, they may be right." John Markhoff, NYT

Basically the contest goes like this: If you see some  shady  MB
(Men  in  Black)  earphone  penny  loafer sunglass wearing Clint
Eastwood to live and die in L.A. type lurking about,  point  him
out.   Just  get  my  attention and claim out loud you think you
have spotted a fed.  The people around at the time will then  (I
bet)  start  to discuss the possibility of whether or not a real
fed has been spotted.  Once enough people have  decided  that  a
fed  has  been  spotted, and the Identified Fed (I.F.) has had a
say, and informal vote takes place, and if enough  people  think
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it's  a  true  fed,  or  fed  wanna-be, or other nefarious style
character, you win a "I spotted the fed!" shirt,  and  the  I.F.
gets an "I am the fed!" shirt.

Note  to  the  feds: This is all in good fun, and if you survive
unmolested and undetected, but would still secretly like  an  "I
am  the fed!" shirt to wear around the office or when booting in
doors, please contact me when no one is looking and I will  take
your  order(s).   Just  think  of  all  the  looks of awe you'll
generate at work wearing this shirt while you file away all  the
paperwork you'll have to generate over this convention.  I won't
turn in any feds who contact me, they  have  to  be  spotted  by


For  DEF  CON III there will be a dial in conference set up.  If
you are overseas, or just too poor to make it to the  convention
this  year,  you  can  still get an idea of what is going on and
participate.  One part of the voice  conference  equipment  will
allow  you  to listen to the convention room microphone, another
will allow you to ask  questions  during  the  Q&A  sections  of
peoples speeches.  A general conversation area will be up so you
can chat with others at the convention, or  just  others  dialed
into the bridge.

The  voice  bridge  is up now at 801-855-3326.  It is a hijacked
system in the sense that it was never ment to be  used  for  the
DEF CON audience.  It has a Voice BBS, much faster than the 2600
voice BBS, a Voice Mail Box section where anyone can  set  up  a
VMB  and  maintain  it.   It  also  has  multiple 8 port digital
confrence areas set up, and allows people who meet on the bridge
to drop into a private conversation.


Throughout  the  convention,  between  speakers and events there
will be a raffle giveaway in which if your number is drawn,  you
win  the prize.  Last year's giveaway included an ancient kaypro
monochrome portable, a roll of Sprint "security" tape, "Computer
Warriors"  evil  anti-virus cartoon, a 240 meg IDE HD, and other
elite things.

All the prizes given away are donated by other convention goers,
so if you have any stuff to give away, please save and donate it
to the con! If your company wants to donate an HP or DEC server,
go right ahead!


While  we  don't  encourage  or  condone  the  use of toll fraud
devices, we do encourage creativity and expression  of  thought.
We  combine  these  and come up with a red box creating contest.
The final device doesn't have to produce the real red box  tones
(can't have people getting arrested) BUT it does have to produce
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some audible tones, any kind of tones.  This contest is inspired
by last year's give away of a red box "Big Red" that looked just
like a big pack of Big Red  gum,  but  really  was  a  red  box.
Elite!   There was also a little girl's doll that was a red box,
but the switch for that one was  hidden  under  the  dress  and,
well, it just wasn't given away.

Come  up  with unique ideas!  With just a Hallmark card and some
spare time you can create an elite  007  style  tone  generating
device!   What will you win if yours is chosen as the most k-rad
besides the envy of fellow hackers?  You'll get a tee shirt  and
the  cost  of  admission  to  the  convention refunded PLUS some
as-of-yet undecided prize.  I bet you just can't  wait  to  burn
your fingers with your soldering iron now!


In  one  of  the  rooms  a  LCD wall projector will be hooked up
connected to a VCR, and people can bring flicks to play.   Stuff
like  Max  Headroom,  War Games etc.  You know, the cool cheesey
stuff.  Also some "hacker" videos will be shown.   If  you  have
something you wanna show, bring it along.  When the projector is
needed in the main conference room it will  be  swiped  for  the

Torquie  will  be  screening her video, Unauthorized Access, and
will be talking questions.  This is the same video written about
in 2600 and CUD.


A  T1  network  connection  will  be  set  up, thanks in part to
Intermind Communications of Las Vegas, and on it  we  will  have
cu-see  me  sessions  set up along with an ethernet hub, maybe a
few private sub-nets, etc.  Currently we are  coordinating  with
several  Cyber-Cafes  to do live video feeds from the convention
to them and vice-versa.


A scavenger contest is being planned.  The person or group  with
the  most  number  of  items on the list wins the prize.  (Prize
undetermined as of yet) and  there  will  be  a  few  follow  up
prizes.   Don't  forget to carry massive amounts of water as you
run about the concrete jungle searching for  items,  dehydration
can happen just crossing the street.  This is a contest for only
the most k-rad and terminally Jolt-ed.


Virtual World is being cool, and giving _all_ DEF CON  attendees
a  discount rate on any mission ($3 off) for the weekend by just
showing your ID badge.

DEF CON will be renting out the entire  Virtual  World,  all  32
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pods,  for  two hours on Friday afterneoon.  This will allow the
first 96 people who buy a  pass  (Available  when  you  sign  in
Friday  morning) to play as many missions as you can in 2 hours,
which should be 3 12 minute missions plus the  initial  training
course.   Normal  Mission lengths are 10 minutes, but we managed
to get the maximum length games.  Also if you are totally insane
you  can  buy two tickets and play 6 times and basically explode
with non-stop killing.

BE NICE TO VIRTUAL WORLD!  These guys are doing a great job  and
being  real  accomodating with us.  Don't fuck with them please,
for they have been cool.


In the past yeaprs people have requested a  "Hacker"  card  game
play  off. This year we have the space to do it.  If you want to
play in the contests email me to sign up,  or  sign  up  at  the
convention.  Positions are filled on first come, first served.

MAGIC  The Gathering - 16 spaces - Friday 6:00pm main convention
    room. Swiss Style 4th ed. Type II rules.  Prizes go to  the
    3rd  through  1st  place finishers.  The prizes are secret!
    If you don't know how to play this game, go  learn,  it  is

HACKER (I &II) by Steve Jackson Games - As many people as we can
    get, with the winners joining in the final battle to become
    N3T  N1njA!   Another  one  of those easy to learn, hard to
    master games.  Prizes go to  N3T  N1njA  and  next  closest
    lamers.   The winner gets an autographed original (By Steve
    Jackson) of Hacker.

ILLUMINATI New World Order - Another great game by Steve Jackson
    -  This  game is more complex than the original and is full
    of great cards. The prizes will go out to king NWO  Mastah,
    and  final round puppet groups.  Winner gets an autographed
    copy of the original Illuminati game by Steve Jackson.


[NOTE: This is a condensed version of the announcement.  Once  I
have  ip addresses and stuff I will release it to give people as
much time as possible to gear up for the  attack.   The  machine
will be attached to our public net.]

OK, here's the deal: having demonstrated to our own satisfaction
that you can't easily  get  *into*  a  Sidewinder(tm)  from  the
*outside*,  we  now will now test how hard it is to get *out* of
one from the *inside*.  Herewith, the rules:

Rule 1. There are no rules.  There are, however, some things you
have to do to claim the reward:

A. Log into the host as "demo." The door's wide open, no need to
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You'll find yourself in a limited service environment that looks
a  lot  like a C shell.  It isn't.  Among the services denied to
you is telnet and ftp. (Mail works fine, to  show  that  we  can
control   function  instead  of  just  ports.)  Note  that  this
demonstrates our ability to encapsulate and protect an arbitrary
service.  You don't have to waste a lot of time figuring out how
to fool Mosaic or some such  to  perform  a  particular  command
sequence; just log in and do it directly.

B.  Break  out of the limited service environment and get to the
  machine on the other side. C. Extract the congratulatory note
  stored  in /pub. D. Publish the signed congratulatory note on
  Usenet so anybody on the net can  verify  the  signature.  E.
  Publish  a  description of how you did it in enough detail so
  that anybody on the net can duplicate your feat.

- - ---------------- The Rewards -------------------------------

1. World-wide bragging rights on Usenet.
2. A nifty jacket with a Sidewinder(tm) [7] patch on it.
3. A framed paper certificate, signed in ink by the members of the
4. Your name in our public documentation, along with a description of your
  attack and what we did to close the vulnerability it exploited.  None of
  this security by obscurity stuff for us.  If you outwit us, you get the
  credit and we document and fix the problem.
5. All the media attention that you can handle. Hey, if you want to further
  the myth of crackers as romantic outlaws, we can even get you on a talk
  show with a bag over your head :-)

- - ---------------- Helpful Hints -----------------------------

Download the technical FAQ from ftp.sctc.com; it's  in  the  pub
directory, in both gzip (.gz) and compressed (.Z) PostScript.

Don't waste your time with packet-level games. This is a layer 7
gateway.  It makes no security decisions whatever on the  values
of packet headers. The technical FAQ also lists other stuff that
isn't worth trying. Remember, we're letting you *in*  for  free;
no need to spray the neighborhood with cutely crafted packets.

This  is  the 'official' announcement of the Southern California
Def Con Caravan.  It was previously done for the first  DC,  and
didn't quite come together for the second one, but this time, it
will be much more organized.

What is it, you say?  It's an organized effort at  synchronizing
the  travel  time  and route for those in Los Angeles and Orange
Counties who are planning  on  going  to  Def  Con  (driving  or
otherwise)  to  go  in  one  big  caravan.  What  makes  it more
interesting is that, like the first time, there will be constant
radio  communication  between the vehicles.  It helps greatly in
keeping track of who's with whom,  who  has  what  stuff  that's
being  brought  to  the con, food breaks, bathroom breaks, quick
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fixes for breakdowns,  where  everyone  is  in  the  event  that
traffic separates us, etc.

The  radio communications will take place on several bands (such
as CB, ham 2-meter, 220, 440, GMRS, and possibly others).  There
are  plans  in the works for radio-based entertainment, as well.
The caravan is open to anyone traveling from the vicinity of Los
Angeles  and  Orange  Counties.   Those  who plan on driving are
encouraged to provide information on  their  vehicle,  available
space,  available  radio  gear (if any) and radio licenses (like
amateur, GMRS, etc.).  Those who would like to go but don't  yet
have  a  way  there  can  team  up  with  various others who are
driving, and can contribute toward communications (if  you  have
gear  or  license).  This will hopefully make the trip smoother,
more reliable, and more enjoyable.

Those    interested    in    participating    can    email    me
([email protected])  for  more  info.   The  departure  time  is
tentatively (can easily change) set for sometime Friday morning.
More details to be posted as they accrue.

If you you are driving from the Eastern U.S. and want to start a
caravan of your own,  contact  us  and  we  can  help  with  the



DEF CON III will be planned right up until the last minute, with
problems being fixed and new things being added  all  along..  a
sort  of work in progress that you get to witness in person when
you show up.  Hopefully it won't be too messed up when presented
to the public.  What can you do to help?

=>  Please help generate questions for Hacker Jeopardy.  Come up
  with some questions and answers, and Winn will  decide  which
  ones to use.  Mail 'em to [email protected].

- -> We are looking for some people to submit artwork to be used
  in the convention someplace.  It could be a poster, or in the
  program.   Black  and  white  art  would  be eligible for the
  program only.

- -> Articles and interesting FTP sites, WWW pages,  mini  FAQs,
  etc.  are  all wanted for the program.  Quality articles that
  are informative and apply to the  theme  of  the  convention.
  Scanner frequency lists,



The World Wide Web Page is located at: http://www.defcon.org/

FidoNews 12-23                 Page: 16                    05 Jun 1995

FTP  SITE:  ftp.fc.net  /pub/defcon  (Distrubution site for many
zines also.)

MAILING LIST: mail [email protected] with the following statement
in the body of your message: subscribe dc-announce This will set
you up  on  the  mailing  list  and  you  will  receive  updated
information,  information  on  the  other mailing lists offered,
etc.  I suggest joining the dc-stuff list just so you  can  talk
and plan with other people going to the con to coordinate rides,
sharing of rooms, etc.

VOICE OR VOICE MAIL: 0-700-826-4368 from a phone with AT&T LD

FAX: 206-453-9567


EMAIL: [email protected] (The Dark Tangent)

SNAIL MAIL: 2709 E. Madison #102, Seattle, WA, 98112

BBS SYSTEM: Call for info if you don't have net access: Alliance
    Communications  - +1 612 251 2511 - USRobotics HST DS 16800
    NUP: New World Order

VOICE BRIDGE / VMB / VOICE BBS System: 801-855-3326




Please  note  the  following  newsgroups  may  or  may  not   be
designated  for  local  distribution (Distribution: Vegas and/or
nv), and is intended for all systems in the Las  Vegas  area  or
those  interested  in  same on the same level as the la, ca, ba,
ny, nyc, and other similar local higherarchies:

vegas.bi                Talk for bisexually natured persons
vegas.config            Configuration discussions for the higherarchy
vegas.food              Anything about food in Las Vegas
vegas.for-sale          For Sale/Want ads (no commercials, please!)
vegas.general           General discussion
vegas.jobs              Jobs offered and wanted in Las Vegas
vegas.motss             MOTSS community talk
vegas.personals         Personal ads - any nature
vegas.singles           Talk for singles
vegas.test              Group to test post to

WWW PAGES about Las Vegas, Hotels, Things to do, etc.

FidoNews 12-23                 Page: 17                    05 Jun 1995



                                STUFF TO BUY

Stuff is for sale from  DEF  CON  I  and  II  in  case  you  are
interested.   From  the  first  year  we  have audio tapes (4 90
minute tapes) for $20 and the second year (10 90  minute  tapes)
for $30.  Descriptions of these tapes are below.

DEF CON I Tapes (4) include the following speakers:

Curtis  Karnow:  Legal  Implications  of  failure  in complex VR
systems. Ray Kaplan: To Hack or not to Hack,  that  is  not  the
question.  Gail  Thackeray:  Search  and  seizure,  the  roll of
"computer cops," and Q&A Dead Addict:  The  future  of  hacking.
Dark  Druid  (Busted  by  Gail Thackeray): Getting raided sucks.
Judi Clark of the CPSR: What you can do the become active in the
community.  Dan Farmer: Inherient security problems in networks,
and a bit on SATAN. Dr. Mark Ludwig: Let virii live.

DEF CON II Tapes (10) include the following speakers:

Phillip Zimmermann : Keynote Speaker, PGP.
Gail Thackeray : Response to Mr. Zimmermann and Privacy issues.
Chris Hall : Electronic Surveillance.
Curtis Karnow : Recombinant Culture, Crime in the Digital Network.
Dr. Mark Ludwig : Virus Creation Awards and What to do when the Feds come.
Judi Clark, Mara, Fen and Marianne in a Round Table Discussion.
The Dark Knight : Hacking in the UK
Sara Gordon, Mark Aldrich, Phil Zimmermann: Internet & PGP privacy concerns.
Annaliza (Torquie) : The European Underground scene.
Mark Lottor : Various cellular topics.
Winn Schwartau : HERF guns, Van Eck, Information Warfare
Peter Beruk : The role of the SPA, general Q&A.
Padgett Peterson : Anti-Virus writing, Cleaning up other peoples messes.
The Jackal : A basic radio overview with Q&A.
Artimage : Underground spoof and give aways.
Stephen Dunifer : Radio Free Berkeley and pirate media.
Damien Thorn : Random Cell information from the late night tech talks.

SHIRTS are still available to buy.  The ones remaining are  long
sleeve  white with the choice of two styles.  Both styles have a
three color logo on the front (Red, Gray, Black) with "DEF CON".
The back is either a list of strange grep key words and "inside"
keywords with "Why?  Because I can." at the top.  Back #2 is the
same  back  as DEF CON I with the old and "new" 4th Amendment as
stated by J.P. Barlow with "Protect your  rights,  Encrypt  your
data..."  at  the  top.   The back on this style is two colors..
black lettering framed in  light  gray  for  better  definition.
Shirts are $20.

SHIPPING : If you buy anything, please include 3.00 for priority
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OK!  Your almost ready to go.  Now here  is  an  E-Z  to  follow
checklist  of  things  you  should  take care of before throwing
caution to the  wind  and  bailing  out  to  the  dangerous  and
sexy-wrong  world of Las Vegas.  In the words of one famous (and
abused) phone system: "Sit up straight, PAY ATTENTION, Listen to
what your being told. (Now try again)"

                   StUPh 2 D0 b3fore the C0nvent1ion:

_  Check out inpho about Vegas so you know what you wanna do.
_  Get a hotel room or some crash pad.  Do this as early as possible!
_  Bring $40 for admission or pay $30 in advance.
_  Bring your PGP key on disk to key sign with others.
_  Bring Laptop, laplink, serial, and bizarre gender changer cables.
_  Bring things to donate for the give-away raffle.
_  Leave massively incriminating evidence at home.
_  Police scanners can provide hours of fun in Vegas.
_  Bring interesting videos to play in the video room.
_  Caffeine and snacks are fun to eat.
_  Don't forget any drugs or medication you may need.
_  You won't need saline for your contact lenses, you won't be sleeping.
_  Anything you promised your friends you would bring for them.
_  Join the mailing list and arrange rides or rooms with others in advance.
_  Bring your magic cards if you want to play in the games Friday evening.


Bob Satti (1:153/6) to All.

It has come to my attention that due to misinterpretation of my
original message (which has been cross-posted elsewhere) folks
are misunderstanding a couple of things.

George Peace is no longer the IC, and I have removed the 1/1000
entry from this weeks nodelist. HOWEVER... George has changed
nothing else and will continuing as a Zone Hub and with all his
other node numbers, connections and functions. He and I have
received several phone calls from folks assuming that he was no
longer doing any of his previous functions within Fidonet. That
is NOT correct.

I repeat: The only thing George Peace is giving up is the IC
position and his 1/1000 node number. His other nodes and
connections are quite happily motoring along. George is doing
just fine!

On a similar vein, George's actions coming at close to the same
time as Mike Fuchs actions are an unfortunate coincidence, and
are totally unrelated.

FidoNews 12-23                 Page: 19                    05 Jun 1995

As with George's 1/1000 entry I have only removed Mike's
echolist coordinator number from the nodelist, and as far as I
am aware he will also be carrying on as before with all of his
other Fidonet connections.

To answer questions of what the ZCC is doing about an IC, I
will keep you all posted. Nothing has happened as of yet.

To answer questions about what is happening with the echolist
coordinator it is under control. Please ask Bruce Bodger for


Threats of lawsuits & caving in

Well, I was just informed today that Z1_GERMER has been cut off
the PC feed because Joe Overholt didn't think it was right
having echoes named after people. When questioned as to the
existance of the REMOVE_*.* echoes and Z1_WINTERS he didn't say
much. Bob Germer threatened them with lawsuits and they backed
down. They may carry it again if it gets backboned and they may
not.... The only good thing about it is the resulting cut of Bob
Germer himself... He's no-longer a point off planet connect
because they cut his feed and service... I personally am of the
opinion that the removal of Z1_GERMER is censorship, I'm sure
many of you feel the same... I appeal to all of you to ask your
REC to request it...Z1_GERMER is elisted. Joe had stated that he
would carry everything on the backbone, but he seems to be
leaning towards the direction of disposing of echoes that may be
trouble.. (Hell, flame is much worse than any named echo)...
Please write your concerns via e-mail or snail mail to Joe
Overholt @ 1:3615/50 or leave them in here.... He may get the
msg... I like Planet Connect and have no plans in the immediate
future to give up my service, but I don't think that Z1_GERMER
should have been removed because of the threat of a lawsuit by a
egomaniacal fool..... Again... Please voice your concerns of
possible censorship.... Will he carry it once it hit's the
backbone? We'll see... So let's get it on the backbone for if
nothing else to show that we have a right to voice our opinions
without fear of reprisal by either egomaniacal fools or planet
connect... Until it's backboned, Z1_GERMER is available directly
from 1:2601/574...
FidoNews 12-23                 Page: 20                    05 Jun 1995

dear madam emilia

Q:  I think there should be an echo devoted to Sylvia MAxwell jokes.
i would like to participate in a forum explicating her particular
version of idiocy.  But what if she sues me?

A:  Then you will have to resign your position as madam emilia, and
hide.  However, i asked her what she thought about your echo idea.
She said, "huh?  do you mean you are going to make me famous?!  FREE
ADVERTISING!  i have been losing the steve contest of late, and this
will assist my campaign efforts tremendously.  gee, thanks!"

Q:  But i don't want to resign.  Besides, why is so much attention
being paid to things other than fun/specifications, and why is so
much money being paid to beurocrats?  There are IMPORTANT things to
fight about.  For example, i was required by law to buy a title
search for a car my very nice brother gave to me, because the
Canadian government is "helping" me to avoid being scammed.  The
search cost $20 and i already KNEW there were no liens on the car.
THEN i had to pay SALES tax on it, even though i hadn't bought it.

Q:  What can you do about that?

A:  Whine in an echo.

Q:  If someone doesn't like an echo, why don't they just start their
own, different echo?  It would be cheaper than lawsuits.  It would
also be more fun.

A:  Yawn.  Here we go again...


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Sylvia- 1:221/194, [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
FidoNews 12-23                 Page: 21                    05 Jun 1995

   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END