F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No.15    (10-Apr-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Sheep affairs desk:                   |
|       (_|  /_)             |        Doc Logger  1:163/110            |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editors:                              |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Max -- [email protected]                          |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Response to "Who Owns an Echo?".............................  2
     STAR TREK CUSTOMIZABLE CARD GAME............................  4
     Moebius Magazine............................................  5
     An Echo a day...............................................  5
     The Neophyte's Guide to FIDO................................  6
     Fantacize if you MUST, but reality is here.................. 10
     New echo for Respiratory Therapy............................ 11
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 12
FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  2                    10 Apr 1995

   Puppy had kittens today.  Puppy, for those of you that are
not regular readers, is our cat.   There is nothing like a
gaggle of kittens thundering arround a house to remind one what
is important, and what is not.  I am looking forward to watching
them discover the world.

   The ECROC issue continues to be debated with several
articles this week.  While I am not against ECROC in the sense
that I see no place for it, I still cannot understand why its'
proponents insist it has to be the *only* ethical standard
allowed.  Cyberspace is not real space.  One can create a new
echo as fast as one can string together a unique tagname.  There
is room for *every* set of standards, not just one.  Variety
gives us choice, and allows evolution.  Insisting on a social
standard where none is neccessary can only be restrictive.

   Max and I have been thinking that it may be time to pass
the Snooze on to new editors.  We have been doing it for almost
two years.  There exists no real mechanism for doing that, beyond
how we obtained the job.  Tom Jennings asked for volunteers, and
chose a pair from the respondents.

   I would suggest that a single person might not be a good
idea, as it can get quite onerous week after week.  There is a
solid three or four hours of work every sunday, without fail.
The correspondence adds to that, and can get to be as large a
job as you allow it to be.  Between us, I suspect we average
fifteen to twenty hours per week.

   Here is the news.

Response to "Who Owns an Echo?"
by Jerry Schwartz 1:142/928
  FIDONEWS Vol 12, No 14

In response to Jerry Schwartz's article in a recent edition of
Fidonews, I must say that I am all for his beliefs and way of thinking
when it comes to moderating of echoes.  Although I am not an echo
moderator (but just simply an average Fidonet citizen), I also feel
that a moderator DOES own an echo.  Many echoes were BEGUN by the
moderators that now control them.  That is, the moderators that SHOULD
be able to control them (without being excessively criticized by Bob
Moravsik and others, who seem to want this world called Fidonet to
follow THEIR train of thought exclusively).

A moderator, without a shadow of a doubt in MY mind, should be able to
take any action they feel necessary against an offending party.
Moderators do not exist simply to amuse the crowd with their anitcs,
but they exist to maintain order, keep discussions on topic, or do
pretty much whatever they please.  And this is, and should continue
FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  3                    10 Apr 1995

to be, their right.

Once a person is appointed to moderate an echo, his decisions MUST be
allowed to stand.  As Jerry pointed out, a weak moderator can mean a
weak echo.

Nonetheless, echo moderators should be in complete control of their
echo.  They should be allowed to take whatever course of action they
feel necessary, whether it be simply a warning or the cutting of a
feed.  I DO believe, however, that each moderator should have a set of
rules that they post regularly from time to time.  However, if they do
NOT post any rules for that echo, then they CANNOT justify any cutting
off of a feed without first warning the offender.

But here's what I'm really getting at:

Echoes cannot exist without people writing messages in them. An echo
can also not exist without an active and effective moderator.  It
humors me to see people complaining about an echo, when it's often
their complaints and messages that cause the echo to become stagnant.
A good example comes to mind: the SYSOP echo.  This, from what I
understand, was the ORIGINAL international Fidonet sysop chat echo
(but one would never know from reading through the immature nonsense
that goes on there).  The MODERATOR, in my opinion, was not to blame.
The WRITERS in SYSOP, at first, were not to be blamed either.  But
what started as a simple misunderstanding and software goof turned
into a crazy thread of replies, thus continuing the nonsense.  Okay,
big deal..wow..Somebody wrote a message to "sysop".  Everyone thought
this was funny (since only sysops write in the echo in the first place),
but it wasn't enough just to write one short reply with some funny
comment.  Instead, it has resulted in a huge battle of flaming and an
immense number of messages written to and/or from "sysop".. Instead of
helping to end the problem by just simply not continuing to reply, many
of the SYSOP echo participants continue to send responses to these
messages.  They complain all the while, when THEY are the ones causing
the problem now.

My point behind all of that is this:  A moderator should have complete
control over an echo, and any disgruntled message writer should first
review their OWN personal conduct before pointing their finger and
trying to introduce and encourage new policies.  I'm not saying that
I've been perfect myself: everyone has disagreements from time to time.
But no one can ever say that I've ever argued with a moderator, cussed
one out, or ever tried to thwart the "evil" intentions of a moderator
by trying to form my own policy that I think the rest of the net, for
some reason, should also come to accept.

Simply put, I am against any new Fidonet "legislation" or policy
governing and restricting the powers of echo moderators.  I consider
any such policy ridiculous to the uttermost extent, and will not support
it in any way.

 Phillip Murray
FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  4                    10 Apr 1995


   I would like to introduce a new echo that has just been added to
the Fido Net Backbone. It is called "STARTREK_CCG", which stands for
Star Trek Customizable Card Game. For those of you who are not familiar
with the game, it is a 60 card deck that you customize. You can buy
basically as many cards as you want (363 different cards currently
available), You decide what affiliation you want to be, choose 6
different missions, choose what dilemma's that you wish to cast upon
your opponent, build your ship (I prefer the USS Enterprise, but you may
prefer a Klingon or Romulan Ship instead).  Put a crew on, and
accomplish your missions, and finish before your opponent does.  One
with most points win.

   In this echo we discuss each card in detail, post news items as they
become available, trade cards (they are also very collectable), discuss
different stategies, and answer as many questions as we can. Note below
is not even a fraction of what has been mentioned in the echo so far.

      Q: STRATEGY  BOOK  --  Is  there  going to be a Strategy
      Q: MOT THE BARBER -- What about cards that seem to  have
         no use, like Mot the Barber?
      Q: LEADERSHIP  --  How  does "leadership" work?  Are all
         Officers leaders or are only people with "Leadership"
      Q: "DISCARD DILEMMA" -- What does "Discard  dilemma"  on
         several of the Dilemma cards mean?
      Q: SUPERNOVA -- Can Kevin Uxbridge stop the Supernova?

   For answers to these questions and many many more, plus have a good
time with us in this echo, have your sysop to join this echo.  It is
newly available on the Backbone. Any system not having access to this
echo netmail me to 1:2602/510, and I will see what I can do to find a
feed for you.

   You may try this echo FREE for 30 Days. If you like it, continue
to carry it for FREE... Any way you look at it.. It is a free echo
with alot of good news items relating to the Star Trek Customizable Card
Game. I hope to see you there.

John Campbell
FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  5                    10 Apr 1995

Moebius Magazine.
From: Antonio Sanchez (2:345/803.21)

Hola, como se anda por esos lares de Dios Sylvia!

   I write to you, in my bad english, to report you about
a new idea haved in Granada (Spain). That idea is a Magazine, a
graphics magazine for VGA users which is named Moebius Magazine.
This magazine is Register for Europe with the Legal Deposit n�

   The magazine is made for de nodes Atlantis and Unibase
addresses 2:345/801 y 2:345/803. Moebius is made to join our BBS
in a common work. So we like that you speak up about our
magazine in yours, in date 15-04-95 the magazine will be avaible
in Atlantis (2:345/801)

  If you want to get the first number you only have to
make an FREQ or call at the number:

Atlantis BBS
Tlf: 34-58-12.38.48

Director: Antonio Sanchez 2:345/803.21
Sub.Dir : Jesus Alonso  2:345/801.31

thanks for your patience.

Saludos Tete.

InterNet ---> [email protected]
FodoNet  ---> 2:345/803.21
RedBBS   ---> 757:601/4.21
ZyxelNet ---> 16:1400/204.21
MagicNet ---> 90:9100/203.21

Alguien sabe qu� hago aqu�.... ;-?


An Echo a day...

Joe Klemmer - 1:109/370
[email protected]

  Echomail.  What an interesting phenomenon.  In the last few issues
of Fidonews there's been a discussion of moderators and their ability
to cut links.  Should this be?  Is it right to allow someone to
indiscriminately cut feeds on a whim?

  Hell yes!

  Here's the point, as I see it.  A moderator is 'god' on his/her
echo.  If we, as participants of that echo, don't like how it's run or
FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  6                    10 Apr 1995

anything else about it we are free to leave. "Vote with your feet,"
as the saying goes.  And, as Jerry Schwartz pointed out, _anyone_ can
just simply start their own echo if they really want to.  A good case
in point -

HOLY_BIBLE_CRS (not positive on this one, it's so new).

 There's another thing to remember.  There's pretty much nothing a
moderator can do to you outside of cutting your feed.  Your node
number is not in jeopardy over anything that happens in an echo, at
least not in Zone 1.  Nor is your ability to send/receive netmail and

 The bottom line in all this is if you like participating in an echo
then play by the rules, if you don't like it just leave.  It's the
simplest of situations.  The power of Fidonet is what makes it so

             Bld I, Room 1034
             2461 Eisenhower Av.
             Alexandria, VA 22331-0302


The Neophyte's Guide to FIDO
By Red E. Mailscan

                          Chapter One

   You are a new sysop. We all know that. We saw you pop up in our
nodediff processors just the other day. New meat. Yum yum.

   Sure, we know you have read and understand Policy Four and
understand what it means (ha ha). Sure you personally signed a netmail
message saying you believe in it and have saluted the FIDO flag, have
paid into your local mail-factory/host and generally pleased the NC.

   Welcome aboard. You are now a certified nodelisted FIDO sysop with
all of the powers and responsibility that are required to run a real
live BBS with all kinds of message areas full of all kinds of neet
people who want to talk about really neet-o keen things that you have
been just DYING to talk about. Wowie Nellie, cut me loose I've got my
pants full of hornets..........

   Probably you have noticed that nobody is very damned excited about
it but you. Maybe that is because a lot of us have seen hundreds...maybe
even thousands in some cases...of newbies come and go. Sometimes they
are kids going back to school and taking their boards down at the end of
summer. Occasionally, we may get what I call a "supernova" that blows
into cyber-town and rustles some cattle and then leaves shooting up the
saloon and cathouse during their usual hasty exit.

FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  7                    10 Apr 1995

   There is that brave soul who makes it and weathers the hurricanes of
the net from time to time, but a good many quit because of some
difference with another sysop and a perceived lack of interest from the
all-knowing beings we call the "Fidogawds". This is pretty evident,
since any nitwit can see that a great deal of the Snooze is consumed
with some net wanting to string up their NC for flicking boogers at a
pizza party or even recall elections for all of Eastern Europe, England,
South America, Hong Kong (hong kong?). Yes, PeeFour Lawyering is a big
business in FIDO and I'll file on you if you say it isn't.(just kidding)

   If you believe in PeeFour Lawyers, then they can cause you
heartache, misery, high telephone bills, headaches, ulcers, shitfits and
other problems. That is why I don't believe in them. I have been
watching and I think I am right. PeeFour Lawyers are some sort of
role-playing game that requires netmail and someone who gives a shit.
Sorta like the old Eliza smartassed psycho-whatchamacallit program that
would carry on idiotic dialogue for those unable to figure out where the
<esc> key was. The unfortunate thing is that some of the *C's
(pronounced "StarSees" syn.(FIDOgawds)) do believe in PeeFour Lawyers.
Luckily for us, a great number do not believe in PeeFour Lawyers and
refuse to accept their existance...even at times to the point of
"losing" netmailed demands for a decision and blatently ignoring a sysop
who is screaming bloody murder.

   The trick to making it in FIDO is not believing in PeeFour Lawyers.
Most PeeFour Lawyers are nutballs, everyone knows it....so don't sweat
it. If you pissed some jerk off and he wants to file on you and say your
dog wears pink-laced underwear...BFD...he's a jerk. Tell him to file it
where the sun don't shine.(usually some fidogawd's inbound)

   If you haven't actually been a class "A1" world-class dumbshit odds
are that you won't ever hear crap from anyone. Believe it or not, most of
these FIDOgawds have jobs and wives and kids and car payments and
humongous telephone bills and all kinds of things that will make
_your_ nefarious misdeed of sayyyy...crossposting messages from
SATAN_WORSHIP to the BAPTIST_WOMEN echo....a minor occurance of
rebellion that they must see maybe 50 times a day on average. I don't blame
them. If I had to hack through 50 or 60 messages a day that were nothing
but one sysop whining about another sysop I wouldn't even consider anything
that wasn't pretty spectacular.(Like launching an anti-satellite weapon
against Planet Connect)

   Your best bet is to ignore a PeeFour Lawyer. Let them be the
frustrated and outraged sysop and you kick back and chill your heels
while his/her blood pressure blows. Let them be pissed because nobody
listens to them. It gets rather comical when you let it go and watch it
all self-destruct because you _refuse_ to believe in the PeeFour Lawyer
or his/her PeeFour LegitBitch(TM).

   Let me give an example to better illustrate the concept to the newer
and less sysoply persons who may have just tuned in:
Date April 2,1995
From: Tran Bin Hmong (6:687/444)
To:   Michael Johnson (1:106/3323)
FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  8                    10 Apr 1995

Sub:  Your CAT_TORTURE echo

cc: NC 1:106/0
   RC 1:19/0
   ZC 1:1/0

   Mr. Johnson,

   After reading your article in FIDOnews, I must conclude that your
echo will violate the community standards in Phu Bok and must file
grievance with FIDO on you. I wish to make Policy Four complaint as
torturing cats in Phu Bok is a crime and so is talk about it. I demand
retraction and apology and suspension of node number from your boss-san
node person. You in big trouble.

                                               Respectfully yours,
                                               Tran Bin Hmong
                                               Phu Bok ASPCA/PETA
   Wow, what a cool inbound netmail! I mean wow! MAJOR CHILL..!

       ...that is until.......
Date April 9,1995
To:   Michael Johnson (1:106/3323)
Sub:  Your CAT_TORTURE echo

cc: RC 1:19/0

   Hey Mike. You are going to have to lay off  the  cat-hate  stuff,
guy. I have about 5 hundred stinking netmail messages here that range
from polite urgings to burn you at the stake to some rather inventive
sexual  fantasy  stuff. I can't take this much longer so just cool it
or I am going to have  to  cut  your  ass  out  of  the  nodelist  or
something.  Now  cool  that  damned  CAT_TORTURE echo and I mean now.

   BTW, there is one guy who has actually  filed  a  damned  PeeFour
complaint  against you from (get this) VietNam because they have some
kind of law against talking about torturing  cats.  So,  if  you  are
sending  this damned echo to VietNam....STOP IT!!!  Thanks in advance
for cooling the cat echo..

                                                   Joe Starsee

   Now what? You really do want that echo to go, but  now  there  go
the  problems.  I  suggest  you first reply to the LOCAL_FIDOGAWD and
pump his ego, and form a relationship with conspiratorial  undertones
based on something you may have in common. In this situation, you can
exploit the fact that the complainer is not  an  American........good
safe bet....

FidoNews 12-15                 Page:  9                    10 Apr 1995

Date April 13,1995
From:   Michael Johnson (1:106/3323)
Sub: PeeFour Lawyers

js> BTW, there is one guy who has actually  filed  a  damned  PeeFour
js>inst you from (get this) VietNam because they have some
kind of law
js>inst talking about torturing  cats.  So,  if  you  are
sending  this damned echo
js>VietNam....STOP IT!!!  Thanks in advance
for cooling the cat echo..

   Hi, Joe.

   Looks to me as if this might be one of the older Viets that might
even  have  participated  in  the  war, and I don't mean on our side.
Probably a paid troublemaker sent in to forment  unrest  before  they
attempt some type of repeat of the Tet offensive. SOrry, I won't take
down my favourite echo because some slopehead  had  a  cow  about  us
skinning a few cats.

   I  only  regret  that  they never let us really go in and work on
those red assholes or these problems might not be surfacing today. We
could  have  FIXED this problem then....but NOOOOOOoooooooo. Well, at
least I know a real American like you will see  through  this  little
sneaky  Maoist's  propaganda  attack  and  see  it for what it really
is...an attack on our American way of life!

                                   Yours in the Second Amendment,

   There,  now  you have caused your LOCAL_FIDOGAWD to view you in a
new light. He now thinks you are  a  dangerous  nutball  who  hoardes
sophisticated  weaponry. This makes you someone he doesn't want to be
around. He responds to the complainer.....

Date April 21,1995
To:   Tran Bin Hmong (6:687/444)
Sub:   Michael Johnson's cat echo

   Sorry  Tran,  I  have  to deny your complaint on the grounds that
Mike doesn't give a shit. Even worse, he is now very pissed  off  and
we  will  have  to  administer Prozac in conjunction with Lithium and
pizza to get him to shut the hell up. You really  started  some  crap
here  and  now  the  guys  over  on  the  southeast  side of town are
threatening to burn down the consulate here and pee on your  flag.  I
would  suggest  that you just shut up and maybe all of this will blow
over without these guys getting out of hand. I am not kidding, one of
them  greased  the  floor of a local gay bar last year and it took us
FidoNews 12-15                 Page: 10                    10 Apr 1995

five hours to pry all of the conga-line dancers apart. These guys are
crack   mess-detail   cooks   and   I   wouldn't  put  anything  past
them....including deep-frying a cat and mailing it to you....probably
with postage due.

                                       Joe Starsee
   (continued next chapter)


Fantacize if you MUST, but reality is here.

  by Bob Moravsik

I see that our objective editor is only objective from a biased
point of view.  As long as the issue is one they agree with,
objectivity flows abundantly.  I'd bet if the 30,000+ nodes were
to vote on ECROC vs the childish...mine mine mine mentality,
ECROC would win by a landslide of lets say...hmmm there are
700 echos, less then 400 have society's failures as moderator...
about 350 to 32,659.

Mr. Rice offers his bizzare opinion that a mere threat of legal
action (even if justified), cause one to be lined up on the
tanks and shot.  Saddam would be proud.   This is a
communication media.    Words are the precious pearls that
subsidize the system.  Once mere words (note I said mere words,
so stow the yelling fire in a movie theater mentality) become
the basis for puntative measures it would be a sad day.
Gentlemen, the Iron Curtain fell down.

Next Mr. Schwartz tries to teach us about property rights.
Claims moderators own echos.  Right from the....uhhhh...comic
book ?  Policy 4 has no reference to moderators...NOT ONE
property rights.  Then where does this theory come from.  I have
a good guess.  There are people who have not been able
to make their mark on society under the current "rules".  Hence
they fantacize and create new ones.  They pontificate these
"reserve the right to do anything" sentences and get orgasmic
glee out of send netmail warnings. (I just got one from Bruce
Bodger, quoting all the rules but not specifying which
rule was broken...heck...I could do THAT with a birthday wish)
Its irrelavant whether there is "good cause".
Its more a therapy to make up for societies' rejection.  These
types need constant self reinforcement that "they matter".

I can set up a simple experiement.  Mr. Rice, Mr Schwartz and I
route echo FOOBAR.  Mr. Schwatz is moderator.  He links to Rice;
Rice links to me.  I break an instantly made rule under the
reserve rights nonsense.  Mr. Rice crys foul, cuts Schwatz out.

OK...if Schwatz really owned this echo, he would have a REMEDY.
FidoNews 12-15                 Page: 11                    10 Apr 1995

He has none.  Sooooo what is this "moderator's own echo" theory
based on.  I claim NOTHING, ZILCH, NADA, ZERO and ZIP.  P4 and
our jurisprudent systems, reflect society's norms.  Not only
does Schwatz disagree with ME...he disagrees with society.  I
Mean...Mr. Schwatz...if you want to pontificate a position
at LEAST give us the foundation where this theory orginates.

Don't get me wrong.  I never said moderators shouldn't be given
rights.   I merely point out nobody who matters have bestowed
any rights on moderators.   ECROC is just a balance.  Sure,
one can make up the senario of a disruptive user as easy as
another can make up one of a disruptive moderator.  Both
should have the same outcome...REMOVAL....AFTER DUE PROCESS.

Now, I understand there might be this secret project in
the works of developing an echopol.  Hopefully those
doing the big picture thing, will recognize that a balance
must be struck between the relative rights of the 5
interests.  Posters, Moderators, Routers, *C's and them other
guys/girls that help the *C.   Until then..Mr. Schwartz, I
reject your ownership claim.  Go threaten to sue me and
I'll get Mr. Rice after you.  Meantime I'll sit back
and have a good laugh at both of you along with most of
the other Fidonet members.

                    ***end*** (fer now)


New echo for Respiratory Therapy

New Echo devoted to Respiratory Therapy
From: Jim Jeffcoat  (1:280/99)

Hello everyone out there in Fido-land!
- Are you a Respiratory Therapist?
- Do you know a BBS user who is?
- Are you the SysOp of a medical or health-care related BBS?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then you need
to know about the RCP echo!  RCP (Respiratory Care Professionals)
is a brand new echo that is devoted to the profession of Respiratory
Therapy.  With the fast breaking changes in our profession, such
as hospital redesign & consolidation of services, patient-focused
care, therapist-driven protocols, state legal credentialing, advice
on how to study for your boards, and pontentially a myriad of other
issues, the need for RT's to communicate with each other to share
experiences, exchange ideas, and solve problems is more vital than
ever, especially in the realm of electronic communications.

"But," you may ask, "isn't the AARC starting an online information
network to do just that?"  Sure they are!  And if you've got the
BUCKS, it will be real nice.  BUT... consider: their rate is going
to be $9.95 per hour of connect time (plus a $9.95 one-time fee for
the software, which, incidently, will require at least a 386 PC and
FidoNews 12-15                 Page: 12                    10 Apr 1995

Windows 3.1).  And, you have to be a *member* of the AARC in order
to get this at all.  (Not that I have anything against belonging to
the AARC, but the fact remains that that not all respiratory care
practitioners are.)  The article in the _AARC Times_ boasts that it will
have an offline reading feature to "save you money".  OK, let's say
you're on line with the AARC's service (contracted through SpaceWorks)
3 to 4 minutes a day to download mail and upload replies.  That comes to
$15 to $20 per month -- probably about what you'd spend in a whole year
for FidoNet.  And if you spend any significant amount of time online
doing article searching, that will add up to even more real fast.

By contrast, we all know how cost effective FidoNet is.  Almost anyone
with a computer and modem can very likely access a FidoNet BBS within
their local calling area.  And I have seen very few boards that charge
more than $20-$30 a year for access.  (In fact, in my area believe it or
not, there are still FidoNet BBS's that are free!).  I rest my case on
which is the better deal: FidoNet's RCP echo vs AARC Online.  Not to
mention that if you aren't an AARC member, use a 286 or older computer,
or don't use Windows, their network will not be available to you
at all!

The RCP echo is now on the North American backbone, so if you're
interested, check with your SysOp or NEC for a feed.  And you do not
necessarily have to be a Respiratory Therapist to participate -- we
welcome all health care professionals, plus anyone in general who is
interested in the field of Respiratory Care.  So come join us!  If
you need more information, you can contact me via Netmail at 1:280/99,
or my E-mail address (see below).

Jim Jeffcoat
Moderator -- RCP
1:280/99                 [email protected]


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Sylvia -- 1:221/194, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]

FidoNews 12-15                 Page: 13                    10 Apr 1995

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
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OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
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PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail
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INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
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Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
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SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END