F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No. 8    (20-Feb-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Small animal psychology and           |
|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editor:                               |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Max -- [email protected]                          |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Advertisements in FidoNews..................................  2
     Dear Reverend Visage,.......................................  3
     MindNet -- A new type of erotic network.....................  5
     ScoutNet - A New Scouting Network...........................  5
     INTERFAITH -- A Better Kind of Religious Echo...............  6
     Subject: File 7--Cu In The News.............................  7
     A response to Mikhail Ramendik..............................  8
     GAMEDEV - The Game Development Echo......................... 10
     Hey everyone,............................................... 10
     Reply to article in Fidonews of 1/5/95 by Pablo Kleinman.... 11
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 12
FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  2                    20 Feb 1995

  Elections seem to be breaking out all over. Here  in  region
12,  we  had  the  privilege  of  seeing  one  of  the most anal
compulsive election procedures  ever  posted  last  week.  Three
messages  worth of fine print on the do's and don't's.  <Hmm, is
that a word?>  One would think we were electing the regent of
the world rather than a nodelist clerk.

  I read a lot of sysop echos.  Because of the snooze, I make a
real attempt to get "the feel" or the mood of the net at any
given time, and I have been getting a rather bad taste in my
mouth about our friend Steve Winter.

  Now, I am not condoning the type of behaviour and rudeness
that has brought all this to pass.  However, what I am seeing
comes as close to mob hyteria and lynch-the-bugger mentality as is
possible in an online environment.  There seem to be a large
number of fidonet members determined to be heros by causing as
much ill as is possible to Mr. Winter.  Maybe it is time for
everybody to take a deep breath.

  We have a good snooze this week, with several excellent
articles covering a wide variety of topics.  Here they are:

p.s. from a very embarassed dominatrix, i'm sorry about the
phone bill last issue,  oh, .
Advertisements in FidoNews

by Jerry Schwartz 1:142/928
Advertisements in FidoNews

In the 1205 edition of FidoNews, the editor(s) in essence posed
the question "Should advertisements for commercial software be
allowed." The editors seem to feel that ads for shareware should,
for historical reasons if no other, be allowed; but that
commercial software is different enough to merit separate

Quite simply, my opinion is that there should be no difference in
treatment.  Some products which begin as shareware become
commercial; some might go the other direction; and some exist in
both forms.  Some shareware products are more expensive than some
commercial products.

There is a golden aura of nobility which surrounds freeware, and
shareware seems to benefit from this by association.  While
commercial software is somehow seen as vulgar, I personally don't
think that FidoNews should make that distinction.  A product is a
product, and its utility is paramount in determining how
FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  3                    20 Feb 1995

"newsworthy" it is; whether it is over- or underpriced is up to
each of us to decide.

However, I recognize the potential for abuse: nobody would be
happy to see the Snews expand to 3mb of repetitious puff pieces
or outright offers for sale.  In my role as moderator of an echo,
I have given this matter some thought.  The approach which I've
taken is that actual buying and selling is out of bounds; so is
the repeated posting of advertisements.  Announcements of new
products (or new releases of existing products) are allowed.

I suggest that the Snews adopt a similar stance.  Does it involve
judgement?  Yes.  Do most people understand and comply with the
intent?  Absolutely.  In a conference which runs 300+ messages
per day, and in which there are always flame wars going on, and
which by its nature seems to attract hit-and-run attacks of the
"You dweebs are all losers" variety, this is one rule which has
been universally obeyed.


Dear Editorbeings,

Please indicate that the following article was submitted by
Charles Herriot (1:163/110) who is still puzzled by what
sort of furry monster was eating the bottom of Heather
Locklear's skirt during the Billboard Music Awards. Roll 'da
flic, Sylvia...

Swamp Swine Magazine,
Shuckmagosh, Ohio

Dear Reverend Visage,

Will wonders never cease? Our Regional Coordinator's
patterning sessions were obviously successful enough for him
to wake up the returning officer and an election is
underway. Tony "PeeFour & Prunes" Bearman posted a most
amusing set of election rules. What made the rules such a
giggle was that poor Tony led off with a disclaimer that
even though creeping democracy had infested our region, the
ZC could still "appoint" the next RC. A nice warm hand job
to Tony, I say, and may the farce be with him. The man
obviously lives in  the delirious past where Dinosaurs
attempted to turn Fidonet into an oligarchy. It appears that
in addition to Bob "Bob" Satti, there is much deadwood to be
unclogged from the arteries of Fidonet.

Amazing facts department: I read with the usual amount of
amazement, the article by Mikhail Ramendek who asserted that
atheism led to Communism. I *knew* there had to be a more
compelling reason than mere superstition for having nailed a
plastic Jesus to my monitor. Poor Mikhail was prevented from
"reading the Snooz to his girlfriend" because he discovered
FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  4                    20 Feb 1995

the dreaded "f" word in the text. Let's all just pause a
moment to grasp the concept of *anyone* reading the Snooz to
their girlfriend. Okay... hold that thought and please try
to suppress the snickering while we move on to the concept
of *anyone's* girlfriend being affronted by the "f" word.
Just how in heck do they procreate in Russia? Save us from
Communism, Mikhail, send us your nuns immediately.

Speaking of godly things, how much longer do you think it
will take George Peace to render a decision on  the Stein
vs. Kolin policy complaint? Do you suppose the delay has
been caused by a need to engage semantic scholars to
interpret the minimalist grunting contained in Bob "Bob"
Satti's appeal decision? Of course, the hitherto sterling
reputation of Matthew Stein has suffered a grievous blow
with the news that Matty was "backing up" his copy of
WordPerfect onto a friend's computer... for purely, cough,
archival purposes...wheeze. What makes Matty's little foible
even more delicious is that he tendered as an excuse, a
series of events which have a remarkably similar odour to
that which he had accused Kolin. The mind boggles at such

I note with approval the new Snooz policy of quoting all of
the pathlines for each article. It adds fibre and improves
regularity...not to mention that fact that it often makes
more compelling reading than the article which it follows. I
can only hope that Don & Sylvia find the time to include
page after page of those dumb-assed Internet signature
macros. A Snooz that looks like an antfarm can surely be
counted as a Western Art Treasure.

I must go, Visage, your secretary is raving again. This
really has nothing at all to do with the fact that she is
distraught over the frequent phone calls from someone named
"Sheila." As a good and decent gesture, I think she should
be sent to Newt Gingrinch's home for the Constitutionally

P.S. I don't know how legions of defense lawyers and
prosecutors have missed this obvious conclusion, but after
watching a week of the O.J. Voyeurism Show; I am quite
certain that the Akita did it. Eat my dust, Greta Van
Cistern and fergawdsake *do* something with that hair.

Doc Logger

FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  5                    20 Feb 1995

MindNet -- A new type of erotic network

MindNet: Because your most important sexual organ is your mind!

I've been looking for an adult network for quite some time--something
that could match the quality of posts I see on the Internet.  I have
not seen anything that even comes close.

Most "adult" Fidonet-style networks seem to be created and used by
people with the mentality of horny 15-year-olds.  I'm not normally
one to do spelling flames, but in one network's information packet,
I saw "menage a trois" spelled "Manage A Twa."  That would not have
been so horrible by itself, but the entire packet was mangled that
badly.  If their packet was that poorly written, how good could the
content of their network be?

MindNet was formed with the understanding that your most important
sexual organ is your mind.  That's what we want to stimulate!  I want
MindNet to be an erotic network with class.

In MindNet, you can participate in discussions about various aspects
of sexuality, or you can post your steamy fantasies and read other
people's.  Both are welcome.

People of all sexual practices and preferences are welcome on MindNet.
We subscribe to the idea that if something you read bothers you, you
probably shouldn't read it--but other people may enjoy it.

MindNet is just getting started--if you'd like to be a part of it, you
are more than welcome!  I hope you'll give MindNet a try.  I think
you'll find that it's well worth the trouble!

To join MindNet, send Fidonet Netmail to John Schofield at 1:102/903,
or file request MINDNET.ZIP from 1:102/903 for a complete information
packet and application.


ScoutNet - A New Scouting Network

by Dave Tracewell
ScoutNet - Scouting Around the World

After many years on the FidoNet in the successful SCOUTER & SCOUTING
Echo conferences, Scouting via your modem is expanding! BOTH of these
great FidoNet conferences remain a valuable resource and means of com-
municating, and will continue to grow and be a vital part of Scouting
telecommunications, but in an World Wide effort to link the many dif-
ferent Scouting programs around the world, ScoutNet was formed and is
now serving hundreds of Scouts & Scouters from 15 different countries
on virtually every continent.

ScoutNet is the culmination of efforts by Scouters in the Netherlands,
Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and the United States to
FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  6                    20 Feb 1995

bring together Scouting programs from all countries into one area. It
will allow Scouts & Scouters from around the world to help each other,
share experiences, and keep current on the world's largest Youth
organization. In addition to the 24 Intl. Echo Mail conferences, Scout-
Net will have many Regional and Language specific conferences that will
deal with local issues. With millions of Scouts & Scouters world wide,
this new Scouting Network will really help promote friendship between
nations and the World Brotherhood of Scouting!

To join ScoutNet, you can freq the information file, SCOUTNET.ZIP from
any of the regional hubs listed below, or contact Dave Tracewell in
either the SCOUTER or SCOUTING echo mail conferences.

ScoutNet International Headquarters:

The Starbase International BBS - Sysop: Dave Tracewell (209) 339-0220
Lodi, California              USA
The Eagle's Nest BBS -         Sysop: Wade Martin    (415) 386-0124
San Francisco, CA (Pacific)   USA
The Outdoor Store BBS          Sysop: Lionel Fowler  (204) 669-1774
Winnipeg, MB, (Western)       Canada
Scouts Canada                  Sysop: Don Poaps      (905) 333-5216
Burlington, Ont. (Eastern)    Canada
ASCII TIPI BBS              -  Sysop: Bob Morris     (203) 934-9852
West Haven, CT (North East)   USA
Battlefield District BBS       Sysop: Curtis Womble  (804) 559-2818
Mechanicsville, VA (Eastern)  USA
On My Honor BBS                Sysop: Michael Manning(615) 674-8741
White Pine, TN (South East)   USA
The Dart Board BBS             Sysop: Dart Nielson   (303) 882-2360
Dolores, CO  (western)        USA


INTERFAITH -- A Better Kind of Religious Echo

         INTERFAITH -- A Better Kind of Religious Echo
              By:  Jason Steck, 1:285/424@FIDONET

    "Talk about what you are FOR rather than what you may be AGAINST."

    That is the founding creed of the INTERFAITH conference and it has
stood up very well over the three years of the conference's existance
in wide private distribution.  Now, INTERFAITH is available on the
FidoNet backbone.

    Have you ever noticed how most of the religious conferences are
mostly dominated by negative people condeming this or "exposing" that?
An awful lot of attention in those areas seems devoted to finding
groups which can be slurred as a "cult" or condemned as "non-Biblical"
according to somebody's peculiar prejudices.  "False Christian scum"
is another of the unpleasant terms which many of you have seen coming
from one of these other religious conferences.
FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  7                    20 Feb 1995

    As a result of such attitudes, many of those conferences quickly
turn into a pseudo-spiritual bloodbath where a select group persecutes
all others.  Not much room for good exchange of views or spiritual
experiences in such an atmosphere, is there?

    INTERFAITH was originally formed specifically as a response to
those disasters.  In INTERFAITH, we invite all religions, faiths,
paths, and philosophies into an atmosphere of mutual respect.  In
INTERFAITH, religious views, doctrinal discussions, and spiritual
experiences can be shared openly and honestly without fear of
"meltdown" into bashing, name-calling, and slurs.

    To protect against even vestiges of unconscious discrimination or
prejudice, the INTERFAITH moderator is assisted by a diverse panel of
co-moderators, each representing a distinct religious or spiritual
classification which is distinct from that of the senior moderator.
This provides all participants with direct representation on the
moderator staff.  However, all moderators are equally dedicated to the
principles of openness and tolerance upon which INTERFAITH is built.

    So if you would like respite from the "war zones" of other
religious conferences, would like first-hand information about a faith
you may have heard about, or would just like to discuss religious
subjects in an accepting and respectful atmosphere, pick up the
INTERFAITH conference from your FidoNet backbone feed!

                             Jason Steck
                             INTERFAITH Senior Moderator


From: Gordon Meyer <[email protected]>
Subject: File 7--Cu In The News

Most Computer Intrusions Unreported
The Pentagon's Center for Information Systems Security (CISS) attempts
to penetrate DoD systems worldwide, via the Internet. The govt hackers
were able to gain entry to systems 95% of the time, and only 5% of the
break-ins were detected. Of those, only 5% were reported to higher-ups
in the organizations.
ComputerWorld. Jan. 30, 1995 pg.12

Spoofing and Hijacking
In a related story to the above, Computerworld ran a story about
CERT's alert concerning IP Spoofing and Session Hijacking. The story
includes comments from several security specialists, who express
concern about continued attacks of this type.
ComputerWorld. Jan. 30, 1995 pg.12

FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  8                    20 Feb 1995

Sure, hackers are a problem, but what are you going to do about high-
tech military-style assualts on your datacenter? The miltary-industrial
complex has several weapons that could (in theory) be used by a disgruntled
employee or info-terrorist. Items such as high-energy guns that emit data
destroying pulses, and EMF bombs that paralize your systems, are some
the technologies that threaten your system. Yet another reason to lay
awake at night, worrying.
ComputerWorld. Jan. 30, 1995. pg.1

Deadbeat BBS, Beat & Dead
Novell and Microsoft have reached an agreement that will close the Deadbeat
BBS, located in New Jersey. The teenage-sysop will pay $25,000. in
damages to the software giants, in restitution for the 60+ Novell and
MS products that were allegedly available for downloading on the board.
ComputerWorld. Feb. 6, 1995. pg.8

Big Brother *is* Watching
Analytic Concept's "GameCop" software is just what the overseer ordered.
The program watches active windows on a PC to see if a game is running.
If one is, a customizable message displays a stern warning for the
employee to get back to work. GameCop can also, optionally, sound an
alarm to embarass the slackard in front of their cellmates..err co-workers.
ComputerWorld. Feb. 6, 1995.

Daddy always said to kick the boy when he's down
                                 Rick Simms
No Name No Slogan
                Acid Horse

Don't just eat a cheesburger, eat the hell out of it.


A response to Mikhail Ramendik

Rev. Shawn McMahon
[email protected]

In volume 12, issue 7, Mikhail Ramendik asserted that Fidonet was
becoming "atheist only" on the flimsy justification that he saw some
articles by atheists in the 'snooze.

Mr. Ramendik, I suggest that in the future, you read a few more issues
before you make a statement that could portray you in a foolish light.
The 'snooze editors have made a great effort to not let their own
personal religious beliefs control their submission policies, and I for
one think they've done a bang-up job.

I realize that, like many theists, you feel that allowing *ANYTHING*
into the 'snooze that personally offends you indicates an editorial
FidoNews 12-08                 Page:  9                    20 Feb 1995

bias, but I would like to point out that they printed *YOUR* article,
complete with your religious graphical image and prayer.  This is hardly
indicative of an atheist-only newsletter, much less an atheist-only

I remind you that this is the network that has found room for *ALL*
religions in it's membership.  Even David Koresh's Branch Davidians have
had a node.

BTW, I think most educated people, including clergymen, would agree that
the problems in your country were predominantly caused by Communism, not

In my country, the USA, we've seen the result of religious freedom.
State-sponsored atheism is bad, yes; but then, it's no worse than
state-sponsored Christianity, or state-sponsored Judaism.  Anytime the
state tells you how to think, the society is doomed.

Replacing one kind of thought repression with another that is opposite
in some one point is not progress, it's just "same shit, different day"
as we say here in the US.

Last but not least, you complain about someone else's use of language
preventing you from reading the 'snooze to your girlfriend, with an
implication that replacing some of the characters with different ones
would somehow make it possible for you to read it.

Mr. Ramendik, what would you have said if you were reading the article
and came across "f#(k?"  And, what's preventing you from saying that
exact same thing when you come across "fuck?"  (Which, after all, means
EXACTLY the same thing as "f#(k.")

Bottom line; if you think the policy of the state restricting people's
religious beliefs was a disaster in your country, you certainly
shouldn't be attempting to get Fidonet, Fidonews, or anybody else to
implement that heinous policy.

To the best of my knowledge, Fidonet has never denied anyone a
nodelisting on the basis of their religious beliefs.  Some "notoriously
religious" folks have been denied on the basis of their ACTIONS TOWARD
OTHERS, but that is a very different thing than the "atheists only club"
you portray us as.

I wish you a long and enjoyable life, Mr. Ramendik, free of people
trying to tell you how you have to think.

FidoNews 12-08                 Page: 10                    20 Feb 1995

GAMEDEV - The Game Development Echo
From: Sunir Shah (1:241/11)

Are you interesting in writing a game?  Have you found a
certain lack of support in FidoNet for game development?

Well, look no further, GAMEDEV is here!

GAMEDEV, The Game Development Echo, is interested in every
aspect of Game Development -- from programming, to making
graphics, to making sound, to making music, to coming up
with ideas, to publishing, to design.

You'll no longer have to splinter your discussions across
echoes, and finally you can talk about certain aspects of
game development that have no home anywhere.

If you are at all interested, netmail Sunir Shah at
1:241/11.  Include your name, your FidoNet address, your
calling location and good times to pick up mail (include
time zone information, and convert to EST if you can).

This echo is pretty new, so it's not on the backbone quite
yet, but we can change that with your help.  You can poll as
frequently (or infrequently) as you want.

It would be nice to gate this echo into other zones/networks
as well.  If you are interested in that, please say so.

Remember -- Game development is a special type of
programming/application development.  Maybe you should get a
special echo for it... Maybe you should get GAMEDEV.

Sunir Shah (1:241/11),
Moderator of GAMEDEV


Hey everyone,
From: Greg Peterson (1:250/607)

   I'd like to tell you a bit about my fast-growing net  called
DidoNet.  It  is based in Toronto with one board in Indiana, and
hopefully more to follow. The net doesn't have an exact theme in
it,  but  it  has  lots  of  FUN  things  to do, such as RPGs, a
friendly hockey pool (currently), an IP BRE game, with 5  boards
in  it,  so far. There are also bases for just fun stuff, like a
trivia base, for just people making  up  trivia  questions,  and
other  people try and answer them... just for fun. There is also
a base for Canadian/American discussions... There are bases  for
lots  of  things, and I gladly add new bases that are requested,
if I think it'd be worth five of my minutes. A bit more specific
stuff  now...  The  net  allows aliases/handles, but you CAN use
FidoNews 12-08                 Page: 11                    20 Feb 1995

real names, if your BBS program doesn't have alias  support,  or
if you just want to... why? Well, all bases allow ansi. Also, if
you plan to connect to the RPG bases you  must  allow  users  to
post netmail, for their character sheets, or they'll have to ask
you to send it yourself. the IP BRE game is being reset Feb. 27,
`95, so if you'd like to join it, you may want to hurry. The BRE
game is ANY version you like, but when v0.970 comes out, the net
will change to it.

Important:  If you are long distance and would like to join, you
   must call long distance to send/receive mail, etc., 'cause I
   can't  afford to call long distance to a whole bunch of Long
   Distance Hubs. Also, I'm  looking  for  hubs  for  ANYWHERE,
   except  I already have hubs for 219 area code (Indiana), 416
   area code (Toronto), and 905 area code (Metro Toronto).  You
   are  asked to please call at least once a week. Also, it's a
   Fido- style net, but if you're reading  this,  I'm  assuming
   you have a FrontEnd setup...

Well,  don't  want to bore you with stuff about my net... so all
just tell you how to join.

You   can  join  by:  F'REQing  "DIDOAPP"  from  1:250/607,  (In
Toronto...) and sending the application back through netmail, or
InterNet: [email protected] Netmail OR file is preferred.


Reply to article in Fidonews of 1/5/95 by Pablo Kleinman
Juan Perez, 1:3609/5@fidonet

I never figured that a member of the FidoNet would try to use
FidoNews to violate the laws of the U.S.

On his article Pablo Kleinman is asking the members of the Fidonet to
violate the Laws of the U.S by requesting donations of computer
equipment to the Government of Cuba,

Mr Kleinman wants to aid the same government that just recently
through its actions, caused the USA to put in Concentration camps
over 30,000 cubans who scaped from the same government that now he is
so generously want to assist to obtain computers.

Those so called "machines at the general public's reach" are kept in
governmental agencies where only those who are trusted by Fidel
Castro's regime are allowed to use them.

Hopefully no member of the FidoNet has been dupped into believing
that their donations would end in the hands of private citizen within
Cuba, they will be distributed as Mr Kleinman states by a member of
the "National Academy of Science" in other words by a member of the
Government of Cuba.

This is a violation of the Torricelli Act, this can lead to the
arrest and conviction of those attempting to send computer equipment
FidoNews 12-08                 Page: 12                    20 Feb 1995

to the Island of Cuba.

Hopefully this reply will deter a member of the Fidonet to comit a
criminal act that will cause him or her harm in the future.

Mr Kleinman seems to be aware of this fact since very conveniently
lives in Spain while asking for US citizens to risk imprisoment.

Juan Perez, 1:3609/5@fidonet


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Sylvia -- 1:221/194, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.
Articles by Madam emilia may be retransmitted freely through
FidoNews 12-08                 Page: 13                    20 Feb 1995

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail
address, or trade for copy of your 'zine.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END