F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No. 7    (13-Feb-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Small animal psychology and           |
|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editor:                               |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Max -- [email protected]                          |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  4
     Regards,....................................................  4
     Doc Logger..................................................  5
     New Uses of FidoNet or other big network node...............  5
     People experienced in designing databases accessible via the  7
     File 3--Beta-testers : EFF-Austin Law Enforcement Incidence.  7
     LINE QUALITY STANDARDS...................................... 11
     info on bbs in Sumy Ukraine................................. 12
     INTERNET CONFERENCE......................................... 12
     LINE QUALITY STANDARDS...................................... 14
     Need outside help........................................... 14
     CaveNet -- for Cave-Related Conferences..................... 15
     Is Fido becoming atheist-only?.............................. 16
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 17
FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  2                    13 Feb 1995

HeY! Your mother wears combat boots!

i don't mean that as a flame; i am a sho fetishist.

Along a similar vein, [i like the word "vein" better than 'thread' for
echos, or maybe ''tendril''] i want to apologize to someone except i
can't remember exactly to whom.  it was someone who was explaining
how free trade was a joke in chat mode.  if you are reading this,
i'm sorry i told you i had pressed a print screen button instead of
asking if i may.

i'm only realizing now that there's a difference in dimensions of
understanding of traded images (conversation, argument?) if i think
of listening and adding and giving back, as being different from
list<en>ing from a point of view.  dis-course or discourse?

Don was telling me a story about his uncle's guitar case.  He used
to watch it, while he was a kid.  It accumulated travel stickers
before his eyes, because his uncle travelled a lot and would take
the case with him and show up at his family's place sometimes.  I
liked the image because it reminded me of echos:  colourful images
sticking to leather.  Fosh at water resourses  has a great guitar
case too.

i don't really like it that the Heritage Front didn't get a node
number in 1 250, i hate the Heritage Front, but if they had a BBS i
could tell them that, is i didn't get arrested for giving them hate
literature.  The same deal allowing the evil "them" to get e-listed
is the one that allows me to tell them they are bugging me.  To
diminish or decrement the quality of freedom in any manner is to
erase the power of the individual.  God is supposed to have said
love _each_ other.  All of the American Ra-ra textbooks say that
same thing, and it seems like a good idea to me, for one.  Maybe
other countries' text books have similar ideas, but unfortunately i
have a limited knowledge of what stuff is like elsewhere, and on the
net [for me, The "net" means Fidonet, ra-ra] there is no sense of

BTW, i meant the Heritage Front that is a fascist=type org around
Kitchener.  i'm late for everything.  this renders me politically
powerless.  there was a meeting and protestors showed up and i missed
it, and wish i hadn't.  the flyer they sent around was too stupid to
be believed. Maybe it isn't as sinister as i hear, communication of
the quality of that flyer...



Remember that BBS in Tenessee, i think it was, that was having a
hard time for "disseminating" aids info?  I'm really mad at myself
FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  3                    13 Feb 1995

for not following up on that.  Fortunately, this is only Friday.
Sigh.  I still haven't called the Cuban Embassy to see if the "get
Fidonet to Cuba" is real.  Would they tell me?  If there were
already Fido Nodes in Cuba it would be easier to find out.  I can't
even find a country prefix in the telephone book to look Cuban nodes
up in the nodelist.  If anyone has a line into Cuba, will you please
drop me a note?  What is this, Italy II?

Controlling information makes information dangerous.

  I do not enjoy the expression "information superhighway" because it
connotes linearity, duality, and crashes and speed limits.  Bletch.

  Web is nice.  Flow is nice.  Political slogans are roadsigns.  i
like taking pictures of the backs of billboards, so i can think
about the structures holding them up.

  i like echo descriptions because they're like trying to find a
book in a library with a catalogue,  i read the ones which appeal to
me, in bits, here and there, and sometimes whole books.  But i try
to be careful becuase the experience of "editing" this newsletter
has made me wary,  i want to turn it into a 'zine, and i was judging
the Rev. Steve Winter.  For all i know, Steve Winter could have a
beautiful guitar case.  i do not trust my perceptive abilities.  the
act of doubting allows me to consider more possibilities.

Skepticism YEaH!

Someone wrote to ask about an article which was either not printed
or had parts edited out and i gave a stupid reply and now i can't
find the message to respond to it again.  ouch.  if you are reading
this, i was confused about the issue when i replied and i am sorry.
i hope you write again.

while i'm on a role, i wish i had never "added" titles to articles
which came in as net mail, picking the first line and guessing part
of it was a title.  I should have put "untitled", or the writer's
name in the index and left articles as close to the original as

Anne Walker's "Six Months Rent" by Black Moss Press describes
colours, if that is useful to anyone.

Happy Valentines' Day, dear Fidonet I LOVE YOU!

FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  4                    13 Feb 1995

Dear Editorbeings;

Please indicate that the following article is submitted by
Charles Herriot (1:163/110) who has almost recovered from
the "Close Cover Before Striking: Train Truffle Pigs In Your
Own Home" courses which he took in an effort to become a
productive member of society. Roll da' flic, Sylvia....

Swamp Swine Magazine,
Shuckmagosh, Ohio

Dear Reverend Visage,

I see that you have emerged from 40 fathoms long enough to
endorse a candidate in the Region12 RC election. "Thar she
blows!" shouted many a stalwart lad as they rowed their
longboats in pursuit. I assure you that no more than a few
of the whalers were making reference to your scantily clad

Speaking of our Regional Coordinator election, we are
obviously waiting for more hours of sunlight to fall on this
part of the world so that the current RC's solar powered
neuron can recharge enough to create a second thought in as
many months which will get the process underway. After
announcing that Tony "GMD Posterchild" Bearman would be our
returning officer, we have heard no further news. One fears
that Tony is relying upon the dubious mailer of Rick "Smart
like hockey puck" Johnston to communicate with our region.

Swamp Swine Magazine has engaged the polling and bookmaking
firm of Dubois, Shrunkel, Andjerson to track the progress of
the election. Gomer Dubois works for mere zoo kee knees.

In last month's Snooz, Donald reminded me that there are
thousands of NCs and NECs who do their job well without
becoming recklessly intoxicated with their self-assumed
powers. I agree with Don that most of them deserve our
thanks and our gratitude. If I had any pretensions to
balanced reporting, I'd be writing warm puppy stories about
NCs who serve with distinction. Unfortunately, good *Cs
don't make for interesting copy. Mercifully, the Fidogod
landscape is populated with enough savage trolls to provide
fodder for my quixotic tilting at windmills.

I have always believed that Fidonet should be a happy
anarchy. In that respect, the appointment or election of
various Fidogods should be effected from the bottom up,
instead of the Peefour-enshrined Divine Rights of Kings. I
believe that Fidogods should be granted no more power than
that biologically bestowed on bread mold. It puzzles me that
FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  5                    13 Feb 1995

the Excited States, with its fine tradition of
individuality, should be the cauldron where a totalist
structure, such as the one defined in Peefour, is tolerated.
At the very least, the Fidogods should be accountable for
the decisions that they make. To flog my favourite deceased
equine; to have someone like Bob "Bob" Satti render a policy
decision which is stupendously illogical, and then for him
to feel that the only explanation required is a few
monosyllabic grunts appended to a message; leads one to the
conclusion that he feels no responsibility towards the sysop
peasantry. Being one of the "revolting peasants", I am
thankful that the Snooz provides a medium wherein I can
assert that the emperor has no clothes.

I have another serious problem which requires immediate
attention. As you know, I chose very long odds and placed
our entire portfolio on a bet that Dan Quayle would be the
next President of the Excited States. To my horror, they
inflated Danny sufficiently for him to announce that he had
abandoned his pursuit. To cover off our losses, I placed yet
another bet and I will need help from both Snooz readers.
The nature of the bet was as follows: I asserted that Easter
Island has stone carvings which depict a peculiarly female
part of the anatomy. If anyone in Fidoland has information
which would support this claim, I'd appreciate receiving

I must go Visage, your secretary has run amok with a salad
shooter. Her molten rage really has nothing to do with the
fact that fourteen feet of snow fell last night and her car
has eloped with a polar bear of easy virtue. As the good and
decent people that we are, we ought to send her to Holland
which is apparently plagued by "wet and unstable dykes."

Doc Logger
Fulaga, South Pacific


New Uses of FidoNet or other big network node
by S.C.Martin Wong
(6:700/[email protected]@hkmhbr.mhbrgrp.hk)

In Hong Kong, AKA is a big problem of every message-oriented BBS
because Hong Kong have a lot of Chinese language networks. If these
networks can supply different types servicefor every BBS users. Then
this is not a big problem but Hong Kong Chinese language networks
most supply same type services Different users is using different
networks. Oh! Dear! My God! How to solve this problem?
FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  6                    13 Feb 1995

Some system operator thought a good method to solve this problem.
This method is using other big networks node to transfer some
special echomail area's mail. In United State, K12 network is a good
example. In Hong Kong this method is using to transfer some idol
areas, special areas and Internet newsgroup echomail.

Discussion on Vivian Lai echo is a idol echomail area using this
method to exchange area's echomail. I think no network will accept
this echo in their official backbone because this echo is very
special idol echomail area. In Hong Kong no network will set up the
idol echo. Then we use FidoNet node to transfer this echo mail.now,
Hong Kong and Macau have about 30 members of FidoNet is connecting
this echo. In future, this echo will be UseNet newsgroup. You can
read this echo mail either FidoNet or InterNet!

Now, Hong Kong and Macau have 7 idol echos and 1 special political
echos is using this method to transfer their echomail. Some echos is
using more than 1 networks node system, some echos is using 2 or 3
networks node system! In my view, this is a good method to use your

Everyone know network resource is limited. We use this method, we
can break the limit of AKA because this method will not spend any
AKA when you setting up or connecting every new echo. Then you can
connect another new network, supply more mail service to every users!

Another features of this method is you can supply some special echo
to your BBS users. Then users can use different type of service.
This can help Fido-type BBS development.

The most important points in this method is this method can fight
back any side effect of power struggle in a big network! For
example, in FidoNet Hong Kong is battling, more 600 nodes was
quitted. Discussion on Vivian Lai echo and discussion of Winnie Lau
echo can continue operating! This is a miracle! Why this type echo
can fight back any side effect of power struggle in a big netword
because node is not most important factor in this type echo. The
most important factor in this type echo is user and BBS! Then you
know why this type echo have enough ability to resist any bad effect
in a big network power struggle!

I think this method is a good method to set up your new echomail in
Hong Kong or countries which network is usually in war! I hope this
method can help you break the AKA limit like MS-windows help you
break MS-DOS 640KB limit!

[list of non-official echos will be published next issue]
FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  7                    13 Feb 1995

[borrowed from Computer Underground Digest 7-08, file3]
From: David Smith <[email protected]>
Subject: File 3--Beta-testers : EFF-Austin Law Enforcement Incidence


            EFF-Austin Law Enforcement Incidence Database
                          January 24th, 1995

EFF-Austin is interested in creating and maintaining a database of
search and seizures involving BBS systems / Internet sites.

The intention of such a database is to:

provide a status of recent incidences of government search and
 seizures.  A file is to be opened for each raid, and then tracked as
 it's case winds it's way through the legal system.  Ex: what is the
 last we heard about the Rusty N Edie BBS case?

provide a historical record of past seizures.  People new to the Net,
 for example, need to know about the Steve Jackson Games case, and
 other important cases.

track certain trends and trouble areas for civil libertarians, such
 as computers that are seized and never returned, people who are
 raided and never indicted, and the "downsizing" of draconian tactics,
 where those who are likely to cart stuff out the door are not the
 FBI, but rather state or local law enforcement.

provide primary and secondary documentation sources for journalists,
 students, activists, law enforcement, and anyone else interested in
 these issues.

track incidences that don't generate media coverage.


February --     Beta-testing : fields, forms, and designing a database
                              application accessible via gopher/Web.
                              This is about six weeks.

March   --      Start data entry on huge backlog of cases. Initial
               estimate : 150 to 200 cases to-date.

       --      Public "un-veiling" during 1995 CFP.  Important to
               have a sizeable chunk done (50 to 70 or so). Also want
               to create a "Top 10 List" of important cases.


We have taken an initial stab at designing a report format that we
think will cover all the bases, do what we want it to do, and be useful.
FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  8                    13 Feb 1995

We want feedback from :

People most likely to use the database (journalists, activists,
 students, law enforcement officials, lawyers, etc.) to examine the
 reports, make suggestions, and provide feedback on what information
 you would want from such a database.

People experienced in designing databases accessible via the
 Internet.  This should be accessible via gopher and the World Wide
 Web, though we haven't selected a database engine yet.

Since EFF-Austin is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization, we will
need assistance from the entire online community in order to make this
work.  Anyone is eligible to contribute input or participate; you don't
need to live in Austin or be a member of EFF-Austin.

Send e-mail to [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or
want to join the project.


Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 22:44:32 -0600 (CST)
From: David Smith <[email protected]>
Subject: File 2--UofMich student expelled for "obscene"
        story on Net (fwd)

              ---------- Forwarded message ----------
[email protected] (Jason Gull)
Date--4 Feb 1995 20:14:29 GMT

The local (Ann Arbor, MI) paper ran a  story  yesterday  regarding  a
sophomore  at  the  University  of  Michigan  (whose name is Baker, I
believe) who was expelled yesterday (or Thursday) as a  result  of  a
story he "transmitted on the Internet."

The  story  the student wrote apparently involved the brutal rape and
torture of a woman.  The name of the woman in the story is  also  the
name of another student on campus, which seems to have been the spark
that got the kid kicked out.  The story seems to have been in one  of
the  alt.sex USENET groups, because according to the paper, the story
was first brought to the attention  of  University  officials  by  an
alumnus  -- an attorney in Moscow who just happened to spot the story
on USENET.  The irony of the fact  that  this  morality-policeman  in
Moscow  was scouring the alt.sex groups is apparently lost on the Ann
Arbor News.

What is truly frightening, and deserving  of  more  coverage  in  the
news,  is that the FBI is now investigating this kid, and an agent in
the local FBI office has officially stated that they're contemplating
federal   obscenity   charges  against  him.   Remember,  this  isn't
pictures/video he's accused of sending, it's purely text.   (Raunchy,
disgusting text, I'm sure, but plain 'ol ASCII).

FidoNews 12-07                 Page:  9                    13 Feb 1995

Anyone have any other news on this?  (I'll post more when I find it.)


Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 22:28:38 -0600 (CST)
From: David Smith <[email protected]>
Subject: File 5--Internet Censorship in Africa (fwd)


[email protected] (Emmanuel Ohajah)
Subject--Internet Censorship in Africa

Dear All,

Back  in  June  1994 I wrote an article (Computer Weekly June 16 1994
Computer privacy, Highway patrol) which  was  very  critical  of  the
creeping  censorship  and  government control of computer networks in
the UK and USA

Since then I have been told that IT  experts  in  Africa  wishing  to
develop  computer networks, set up internet connections or even use a
telecommunications provider other that the  state  PTT  face  similar
obstacles  from their respective governments. What's more phone calls
are routinely monitored and satillite  access  is  restricted  or  at
least discouraged.

A  visiting  civil  rights  lawyer from Cameroon suggested to me that
many African governments do  not  want  to  see  a  proliferation  of
communications  mediums  because they will be unable to keep track of
their subjects.

I am not sure if this is true but I would appreciate details  of  any
overzealous   African  government  attempts  at  monitoring  internet
traffic or censorship of electronic communications.

If any African governments have  given  any  justifications  for  the
control  or  censorship of electronic communications please speed the
details to me!

Thanks in advance. Emmanuel Ohajah  If  you  would  like  to  see  my
article    and    other    research    then   please   mail   me   at
[email protected]




Andrew Freeman
Canberra, Australia

I been in touch with AUSTEL on standards for lines - they have
produced a draft standard on this matter for Standards Australia which
is open for comment until 27 Feb 95. The reference for it is TSO27 -
to access you ring 1 800 029 955 in Australia, or +61 6 2498990 from
overseas (there is a charge for this document).

Ken Bell, the AUSTEL expert who drafted the standard indicated to
me that there is no standard required of Telecom in relation to
data transfer on Telecom voice lines at present.

I would be interested in having BBS user's from around Australia,
and more generally the world, support my preliminary view that
the final standard (the draft mainly relates to voice communications
standards) should:
* include an element on voice line quality requirements for
  data transfer;
* include a specific baud rate requirement - the ambit claim might
be for line to be of such a quality as to be able to consistently
maintain 14,400 bps, with 2,400 bps being a minimum requirement (in a
FidoNews 12-07                 Page: 12                    13 Feb 1995

context where most modern modems can progressively lower the speed to
2,400 bps, if %E1 is in the initialisation string, if line noise too
high, even just obtaining the last element of the above would be a
significant improvement over the current situation).

--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
Via 3:620/243 @19950204.120133 GEcho/386 1.11+
Via Squish/386 1.11 3:711/808, Sat Feb 04 1995 at 16:07 UTC
Via RTrk+ 3:712/515@fidonet, Feb  5 1995 at 18:39 AEDT
Via 1:105/42, 16:07:55 UTC, February 5, 1995 - Rts v1.57
Via QM 1:105/42, Sun Feb 05 08:08 (v1.31)
Via 1:105/6, 17:32:44 UTC, February 5, 1995 - Rts v1.56
Via Node 1:105/6, Sun Feb 05 08:33:53 (QM v1.02a)


info on bbs in Sumy Ukraine

  I am interested in knowing if there are any Fidonet BBS in
Sumy Ukraine. I particularly would like to find one who has a
sysop who can handle English email. Any help or reference will
be greatly appreciated.

Larry Buford
Nicholasville Ky
<[email protected]>



Andrew Freeman
Canberra, Australia

The Australian Computer Society (ACS) Canberra Branch 1995
conference will be held on Saturday, 13 May 1995 at the National
Convention Centre in Canberra, Australia. The theme of the
conference will be 'Information Highway: from HYPErtest to
Multimedia on the Internet - advanced tools and techniques.' For
further information contact Meryl Morgan on Tele: +61 6 247 4830
or E-mail: [email protected]

--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12
Via 3:620/243 @19950206.120134 GEcho/386 1.11+
Via Squish/386 1.11 3:711/808, Mon Feb 06 1995 at 15:49 UTC
Via RTrk+ 3:712/515@fidonet, Feb  7 1995 at 10:43 AEDT
Via 1:105/42,  9:16:47 UTC, February 7, 1995 - Rts v1.57
Via QM 1:105/42, Tue Feb 07 01:17 (v1.31)
Via 1:105/6, 11:51:21 UTC, February 7, 1995 - Rts v1.56
Via Node 1:105/6, Tue Feb 07 02:53:55 (QM v1.02a)
FidoNews 12-07                 Page: 13                    13 Feb 1995

  From: Joe Maulucci                         (1:260/123)
    To: editors                              (1:221/192)
Subject: Letter to the Editors

Dear Editors,

I would like to see the FidoNET Policy on "Commercial Use" clarified.

FidoNET echos are not using this policy consistently.  Some echos
point to the policy and state "No commercial posts are allowed here
according to FidoNET Policy 1.3.6".  Yet other echos, especially those
based on a specific software, allow some commercial posting.

The FidoNET Forefathers, set policy on the principle of what is and is
not "Annoying".  Commercial posts are not annoying when they adhere to
Section 1.3.6;

   "FidoNET provides a convenient and effective means for companies
    and users to exchange information, to the mutual benefit of all."