F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.12  No. 3    (16-Jan-1995)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
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|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
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|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editor:                               |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
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|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
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|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Cutting Edge UFO and Science Information....................  2
     Subject: An article.........................................  4
     Subject: Hello, it's me again...............................  4
     subj: Dictatorship in Zone 4................................  5
     New Echo:  U2...............................................  7
3.  Fidonews Information..........................................  8
FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  2                    16 Jan 1995

   Well, the echos are still full of Mr. Winters.  It is
getting quite boring.  Maybe we should all pledge not to write a
word to or about Steve for a week.  It would probably lower
the world's energy consumption by 50%.

   It seems to me that about 99% of all the serious fights in
Fidonet are the result of either CRP disputes or nodelist
maintenance being used as a dispute settling mechanism.  Maybe
nodelist maintenance should be made a separate function from net
chairman, and net treasurer a separate function from NEC.

   Maybe some people already do that.  On to the articles.
Cutting Edge UFO and Science Information

Hmmm..... What _is_ all the fuss about anyway?  What fuss you
say? Well, if you are into the UFO phenomenon, and you monitor
Fido echoes that cover that topic, then you would have seen a
big FUSS that started the very day that a new 'kid' hit the
block. Last May, 1994, the I_UFO echo hit the backbone, and the
attacks began from the start. First there were accusations of
"She told everyone it was on the backbone before it really
was... we oughta start a policy complaint against her". Say
What? Later, they recant, "oh our Fidonet.NA was the wrong date,
sorry". But the story is still repeated as if true, seven months
later. So, what _is_ the problem? Why, I_UFO is just another
echo..... Guess there is more to it than that.

Then within the first few weeks of the new echo trying to get
settled in, comes the barrage of "skeptic approved" articles.
Now, I understand that for some, being a skeptic is the exact
same thing as a religion. To some skeptics, saying you believe
in Extra-terrestrials, is like calling their Momma a dog in
heat. So, during the bombing run of skeptic articles, I say,
"um, excuse me, this area does not allow ridiculing people who
have had UFO related experiences. Will you please stop posting
the skeptic magazine articles?" Figure if you ask nice, you can
get results. Naw. No. No. No. See the point is, either I_UFO
comes under control of the Net-UFO-censors and their cronies, or
I_UFO can't be.

Oh, that was the choice alright, only it took me about four
months to realize that destroying I_UFO by any means possible
was the real intent and goal. But again, it begs the question,
Why? Who'd'a'thunk that the UFO topic was that touchy a subject?
Apparently to some, it is, when it involves views that they do
not agree with. But, what happened to, "if you don't like an
echo, bone your own"? Well, I did that, so now why have I had to
suffer this relentless abuse for EIGHT SOLID MONTHS!

By the fourth month, I had done all that I could, to reason with
these handful of annoying antagonizers, and I banned the whole
FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  3                    16 Jan 1995

lot of them in one fell swoop; branding them "excessively
annoying". Oh Boo! Hoo! The cry-babies have been whining ever
since, and they wage their attacks in the other UFO areas;
actively coercing  net-users,  with  their  inflamed,  and
fabrication-filled rhetoric, not to participate in I_UFO. But,
again, I say, WHY?

Then, I catch one of them, a moderator of a Fido echo,
implementing a publicly-admitted plan of "attack" against a user
in I_UFO; which attack he waged, for over two weeks, and I
SUSPENDED him for 90 days. Guess what he did? He announces that
he is gonna file a policy complaint to have me removed as
Moderator of my own echo! He cites a handful of meaningless, and
trumped up charges, and starts the ball of flames rolling again
in his echo. SHEESH! If this doesn't take the cake? Why is I_UFO
such a threat to these people? Will someone explain this? So,
then he posts in I_UFO, violating his suspension, so I BAN him
forever. OH MY GOD! An irate SysOp says he won't allow his users
to post in I_UFO. A new kind of censorship, I guess. A couple of
weeks later, everyone realizes his policy complaint would not
hold water; this from a SysOp and Moderator. Then he posts in
I_UFO again. Well, I guess we _have_ to ask to have his feed
cut; so much for the honor system.

You would think it would be all over by now, but these people
will not be satisfied until I_UFO is not a Fidonet echo; that
much is clear. The discussions they are flaming nowadays might
well be moderated in a FLAME echo. The lies they make up and say
about people are the products of sick-minds!

This situation is more than echo-politics, or echo-rivalries, or
even ego-wars. These people are sick! They work feverishly to
persuade anyone who will believe them, not to read the I_UFO
echo. Well, that begs the same ole question; WHY? Well, I have
one idea. We have a lot of cutting-edge information in the I_UFO
echo. These people act like censors, in that they do not want
net-users to see anything that would disagree with their view of
reality. I told ya, it is like a religion with them. All I and
anyone who uses I_UFO, want, is to be left alone. It is just a
message echo, for Pete's Sake! Grow Up! You can't control all
the Science and UFO information in FidoNet! Nor Politics and

Areafix I_UFO to see not only the great info we share, but also
the pleasant atmosphere we keep for people to share all
viewpoints related to UFO's and New Science. So, if you have a
mind of your own, and can think on your own, and don't need
ufo-net-censors to tell you what to believe, check I_UFO out,
where you can post your views without being ridiculed.

Glenda Stocks
I_UFO Co-Moderator 1:330/201

FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  4                    16 Jan 1995

From: Federico Joselevich (4:900/109)
Subject: An article

On Fidonew's January issue, Jow Shear wrote:

> One of the biggest frustrations I have as a SysOp when it comes to
> users, is why won't they use the message bases?

Well, it seems to be a WWP (Wide World Problem). I'm the SysOp of a
cultural BBS. The shot of my BBS is to make a contact between the
users and the Literature (such a problem). I've got a lot of seccions
of good writters like E. A. Poe, Julio Cortazar, Mario Benedetti,
etc. But the users entered to seek files... So, the point -I think-
is only to see what is the idea of a BBS: if you want a literary BBS,
make it -literaly-, if you want a messageistic BBS, make it
messageistic. Forget on providing files or such things. A lot of
users will go away, but, who stays will use the BBS as it is, in the
way it was thought.

Well, a short answer with english problems. It seems to me that I
need an English School BBS with no files, no messages and no
literature. ;)

Federico Joselevich
SysOp of Carreteras del Viento (+54-1-544-6241)
[email protected]


From: William Scott Lockwood (1:2235/429)
Subject: Hello, it's me again.

Reply to Brendan Keyport
By WIlliam Scott Lockwood III

  This will be the final word on this subject my be in the
Snooze. I'd be happy to discuss this in IM_HELP or any of the
sysop echos.

>Lee L. The current moderator, has never made any unwarrented cuts from
>the echo. William is angry for his being moderated agaist in a problem
>between him and several others over a file he was advertising (I got a
>warning too).

  Unwarrented is when your feed is cut for flaming the
moderator for being a geek and a gimp -IN NETMAIL. His decision
was arbitrary, and not based on anything other than the
knowledge that he would get away with it if he did it. This is
not only unfair to me, but it is unfair to everyone else he's
done this to in FidoNet.  I had every right to express my
displeasure in any way I saw fit! Why? Because it was not in
the echo, I ALWAYS complied with his requests there. Give it up
FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  5                    16 Jan 1995

man, no one is falling for this.

  You need not worry about IM_HELP. After Speaking with one
of the authors at Intermail, I have agreed to do nothing further
until I hear back from them. At that time, if all goes well, I
will simply turn over the password to Lee or Peter or Patrick,
and all will be happy.

  The real point here, is that moderators have much to much
power over how they exercise their offices. After all, who's
paying for this? What FidoNet as a whole needs, is a policy like
ECROC to insure that FEEDS ARE NOT CUT FOR BULLSHIT like mine

  I was not the only person that this happened to.  I have
recieved mail from several others stating they had had a similar
problem, and refuse to carry the conferance as a result.  This
is not fair and equitable, this does not do the greatest good
for the greatest number. That is what I feel we need.

>PS to WSLIII - Flames can be sent to NUL.

P.S. to Brendan Keyport, your whole messages belongs there.

William Scott Lockwood III


subj: Dictatorship in Zone 4

Hello Fidonetters!

Recently we've heard many cases of arbitrariety against lots of  persons
in Fidonet. Here in Z4 isn't quite different.

In the last days, a dictator took place in the ZC4 position.

This  week  our  current  ZC4, Mr. Gamey  Garcia,  suddenly  decided  to
excommunicate  our  RC80  (Mauricio  Andrade)  from  his  position,  and
assigned   another   person,   without   known   reasons   or   previous

Here  follows the message posted by Mr. GG in the LATIN.SYSOP  echomail,
with my own comments included:


From : Gamey Garcia, (4:970/1)  Mon 09 Jan 95 10:51 [LATIN.SYSOP]
To   : All
Subj : New R80C appointed

Due  to  the circumstances that have been taking place in Region  80,  I
have decided to appoint a new coordinator to replace the current one, to
bring  the situation back to normal. This is a radical move that I  have
FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  6                    16 Jan 1995

never  had  to make before, and expect I will not have to again  in  the
future, but that was needed in this case.

*---[Comments ON]---*
Mr.  Gamey Garcia has a long experience in such cases. He was  appointed
as  a  temporary-ZC4 for a 4 months period, and one of his jobs  was  to
coordinate  a  new election. But guess how long this guy took  to  start
this  election??  Only TWO YEARS, and not to mention that  it  wasn't  a
clean  election. He simply changed the election method, and won  against
our excommunicated RC80, Mauricio Andrade, in a 4x3 result.

Normal  ?!  What this guy knows as "normal situation in  Brazil"  ?!  He
lives in Mexico, isn't member of R80... how he knows what's normal ?

Another question made by 100% of the Region80: Based in which facts  Mr.
GG  take this action?! It's not mentioned in his message, or am i  blind
or what?!?
*---[Comments OFF]---*

The  new  coordinator for Region 80 will be Jorge Martins.  He  will  be
responsible  of enforcing Policy4 in the region to avoid the  situations
that  have  taken  place  for some time now.  Jorge  Martins  is  hereby
appointed for a period of 4 months that will be extended by myself  only
if necessary. If everything works out as expected, there will be new  RC
elections in Region 80 in May.

*---[Comments ON]---*
Huh...  who's  this guy appointed by him?! Everybody in  R80  knows  Mr.
Jorge  Martins  by  it's "good" behaviour. It's  a  person  without  any
knowledge in performing a job like this, as he never was even a HUB, nor
a NC and much less a RC.

Very  interesting  the person appointed by Mr. Gamey  Garcia...  it's  a
well-known blind follower of our ZC's thoughts...
*---[Comments OFF]---*

There will be no excommunications without my authorization. However, the
RC  has  my support in the process he will carry out  to  normalize  the
situation  in  the  region, in which he will possibly  have  to  replace
certain coordinators and hold new elections for some nets.

*---[Comments ON]---*
Again, another surprise. One of the first acts of the appointed RC80 was
to KILL four growing nets (4:8027, 4:8062, 4:8082 and 4:8085) created in
the  our  excommunicated administration. It's a clear  demonstration  of
R80's power-cutting performed by Mr. Gamey Garcia and its gang.
*---[Comments OFF]---*

I have instructed the newcomer to clean up the nodelist from unnecessary
PVT  HOLD and DOWN entries, as well as provided him with  guidelines  on
how  to  use  those entries, that he will pass on to the  NC's.  I  have
instructed   him   to  immediately  remove   all   region-   independent
administrative entries from the region's segment, and assign new ones in
the future, as he sees convenient.

FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  7                    16 Jan 1995

*---[Comments ON]---*
Another  arbitrary decision. Mr. Gamey Garcia decided  to  excommunicate
all  his oppositors, in a clear wish to excommunicate me, as i'm one  of
his great oppositors and of the new appointed RC80.

Mr.  GG's  decision isn't very smart, as he didn't notice that  his  own
region has PVT nodes, as well as others regions... Thinking well, it was
a  very  good  decision,  so  everybody  may  understand  now  our  ZC's
*---[Comments OFF]---*

Regards to everybody, and good luck to the sysops in Region 80.

*---[Comments ON]---*
Oh well, buy a pack of aspirines and pray for God, because you will need
him much more than luck.
*---[Comments OFF]---*

E-Mail: alex%[email protected]


New Echo:  U2
by Ryan Shaw
The U2 Fan Echo

Rules and Guidelines for the Fidonet Echomail Conference:  U2

EchoTag: U2
Description:  U2 is a place for fans and nonfans of the Irish
             Rock band U2 to get together, discuss their music,
             trade gossip tidbits, exchange U2 guitar tablatures,
             and trade recordings among other things.

             Posts from the U2 Internet mailing list "Wire" are
             also gated to the conference so there will never be
             a shortage of traffic or new information out of Dublin.

General Echo Guidelines:

1)  The moderator is the moderator and has the final say of anything
   that has anything to do with the echo U2.

2)  While criticism of the band and its music is tolerated and even
   encouraged, insults directed at individuals based on their personal
   taste will not be tolerated.

3)  Gating of the conference is allowed as long as permission is granted
   by the moderator before gating begins.

Now that all that mumble-jumble is over with, on to U2!  Enjoy.

Ryan Shaw
FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  8                    16 Jan 1995

Sysop, Zoo Station - Eugene, Oregon (1:152/67)
Moderator, U2

Note:  The echo will be in the next EList.  Also, due to the
recent relaxation of the backbone policy it could easily be
backboned in the near future due to the current volume of 30+

If you are interested in getting a feed at this time, please
contact me at 1:152/[email protected] or at
[email protected].  In your message please include
session-level and packet passwords, as well as desired
compression method and the times you wish to poll.

Or, if you'd like to check the echo out before deciding to hook
up to it you can file request U2MSGS from my system 24 hours a
day seven days a week.  This is a small archive containing last
week's messages.


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
FidoNews 12-03                 Page:  9                    16 Jan 1995

these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1995 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.
Articles by Madam emilia may be retransmitted freely through

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail
address, or trade for copy of your 'zine.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END