F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.52    (26-Dec-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Small animal psychology and           |
|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editor:                               |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     The Marriage of PCBoard and FIDO............................  2
     Dear Madam Emilia...........................................  4
     Dear Madam Emilia...........................................  5
     Bogus is K00l!..............................................  6
     My Dear Doctor Logger,......................................  6
     Watta Week!.................................................  8
     OS/2, the Internet, and FidoNet.............................  9
     Re: Bill Dirks' (1:250/603).................................  9
     Subject: The Finnish Winterwar 1939-40...................... 13
     Subject: New Echo........................................... 13
     Rupture The  Rapture........................................ 14
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 15
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  2                    26 Dec 1994

   Seeing as it is Christmass day, I'll keep this short.

   First of all, a merry Christmass to all, though it will be
over by the time you all read this.

   Secondly, there was an article attributed to Mr. Bill Dirks
in last week's issue. Mr. Dirks has informed us that he did not
write the article, and he is (rightly so) very annoyed that it
bore his name as it does not reflect his views or beliefs in the

   That is twice in the last year that forgeries have been
submitted to the snooze.  It seems to be an unavoidable
consequence of accepting routed netmail articles ... though that
acceptance has resulted in many more articles from other zones.

   Forgery of someone elses signature should be considered as
excessively annoying, and result in automatic expulsion from the
net, in my opinion. If we cannot trust our Email to be from who
it says it is from, then the entire net is compromised.
The Marriage of PCBoard and FIDO

The Coming of an Age
by Vince Rifici (1:107/912)

The day has arrived.  The often sought after expert who helps other
sysops in his community set up their BBSes for FIDO may be taking a
"back seat" soon.  Clark Development Co. (makers of PCBoard) has
decided to enter the world of FIDO by integrating a FIDO mailer/
scanner/tosser into their software, which was here-to-fore strictly
the province of a few esoteric group of authors who wrote the front-
end mailers for FIDO.  Clark did it with such acumen that PCBoard
owners have been completely absolved from the drudgery of complicated
configuring procedures, or from writing those dreaded batch files.
My estimate is that a sysop who is already familiar with FIDO can
configure the new PCBoard software in less than one hour. For those
sysops who have never belonged to FIDO, the hardest part of the setup
is understanding the concept of the hiarchy of the net, not the
configuration of the software.

The configuration of PCBoard with FIDO is straight forward and
everything is menu driven from the PCBoard setup program which comes
with every copy of PCBoard.  No batch files are necessary since the
integration of FIDO with PCBoard is completely seamless for both the
sysop and the caller.  All routines are internal to the PCBoard
executable program and there is no requirement to hit <ESC> or <TAB>
to log onto the bulletin board.  Since the BBS software is already
loaded, logon procedures are exactly the same as it was before FIDO
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  3                    26 Dec 1994

was added.

When an EMSI handshake is detected by PCBoard, it immediately accepts
the incoming mail packet and dumps it into an "IN" directory.  Timers
which have been configured during the FIDO setup, fire at short
intervals and cause the packets to be decompressed and tossed into
their respective conference areas.  The timers can be set to scan for
outgoing or incoming mail, and to dial-out at certain intervals when
mail has been placed in the "OUT" directory by the scanner.  Automatic
events can be set up to poll your HUB every 4, 6 or 8 hours (or
whenever), or netmail or echomail can be configured to be sent out
immediately on a 24 hour basis.  Virtually any combination of timed
events can be set up including the ability to run multiple events
during the same day, or runing events only on certain days of the
week.  All configuration is done from simple menu screens.

The addition of a FIDO mailer/scanner/tosser to the existing PCBoard
executable doesn't interfere with the operation of the BBS in any
way what-so-ever.  All normal operations take place exactly as before,
with the FIDO portion being well hidden from the callers eyes.  You
can set up one of your nodes to be on-line all the time for PCBoard
activities, and the other node for both PCBoard and FIDO activities.
The combinations are very flexible.  You can even have a third node
devoted to FIDO exclusively so you can save your high-speed modems for
callers, and use a slower one for FIDO mail.  Although it's nice to
pass mail quickly, unless you are acting as a HUB it's not really
necessary to have a 28.8k modem at 3am when mail is being imported.

Complete HUB capabilities are built into the new PCBoard allowing it
to pass mail to other nodes, or route netmail to other HUBS.  You can
FREQ, Crash, Hold, Route, etc.  All the features of FRONT DOOR or
QFront are contained in this compact and efficient module.  The
integration of FIDO with PCBoard was a well thought out plan.  Right
now the software is still in the beta-test stage, but most of the
serious problems have already been ironed out.  There is still some
minor tuning up to be done, but the software is fully functional and
performing marvelously on my board.  I expect to see the official
version released in a few weeks.

Change is sometimes hard to accept.  I think it will take time before
sysops who have already spent painful weeks configuring PCBoard with
FRONT DOOR & FIDOPCB to switch to the new built-in FIDO configuration.
I also think it will take time for sysops to get to trust the new
software.  They will probably wait for it to become firmly established
by the newer sysops before tossing out their tried and trusted Front
Door setup.  Little by little the easiest way of accomplishing the same
task will emerge and Front Door, QFront and D'Bridge for PCBoard sysops
will eventually melt into the past.  It's even harder to stop progress!
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  4                    26 Dec 1994

Dear Madam Emilia

Q:  Existance is confusing when your alter-ego insists upon
psychoanalysing you.

A:  Yeah, well your _problem_ is that you do not ask enough
questions, and you do not listen to what people say to you.  If I
took all your net mail and read each message individually, I would
have a hard time trying to figure out which of the messages _from_
you were in response to particular messages _to_ you.

Q:  That's only because i like to think tangentially.  Fish really
can have something to do with bicycles.

A:  Balls.  You are rationalizing.  You are inventing correlations
between you and other people as an excuse to say only what you
mean rather than what other people mean, thereby avoiding
considering what others are saying.

Q:  <shrug, glimmer> Oh.  Well, i suppose i might be able to appear
somewhat more considerate and write full-fledged, actual _responses_
to mail, rather than merely writing letters back to people.

[q: On second thought, i do so consider what others are saying.  It's
like eating lovely grapes, and then they ferment, and then i give

[a: I'm tired of that old joke.  Funny once.]

A:  The real problem is that it takes me a year or so to understand
the mail.  The ideas all build up, and mingle, and i tend to think of
the idea part of the mail as one nebulous mind, so i soak it all up
but it doesn't make any sense to me until it's had time to settle but
it never does settle because the new mail is always shaking up
the older foundational ideas.  It is not possible to give
a straight answer to a warped question, and be right.

Q:  What do you say about banishment?

A:  What's the diff'?

Q:  You are FLIPped.  Not a functioning biped.  Banishment is like
shunning.  Shunning was a punishment feared by the Roman elite.  The
worst thing which could happen to a noble Roman of the golden age of
Imperial Rom, which invented beurocracy, was banishment.

Q:  ...but look what happened to the criminals of Imperial Britain:
Australia.  They didn't do too badly, if they managed to get there
at all.

Q:  What about Quaker-style "shunning" ?  The whole community
decides to completely ignore anyone who is considered to be
criminally irreverent, until they change.

FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  5                    26 Dec 1994

A:  What is irreverence?


Dear Madam Emilia

[ in a pub, next to a pool table:  Waiter (who is also a musician)
approaches a couple to "take orders" ]

I:  We'll have two Amber Drafts.

Q:  <hesitant but querrulous>  um.  i'll have a dark beer instead
please.  Is Black and Tan on tap?

[ the Irishman's eyes glower increasingly blackly, his arms fold
across his chest, his expression burries itself in his beard]

I:  So.  You like _orange_ beer, do you now?

[ she holds the glass towards the light, squinting ]

Q:  Hum,  <quizzical, perplexed>  actually it looks more _brown_
than orange.

I:  That beer is made in Orangeville. <remembering her mother's a

Q:  Oh. I had thought it might be British, since it's dark,
<thinking:"Whaaat a control freak.  Why does he care which colour
of beer i drink?">

I:  I think I'll just drink my beer and be on my way, then.

Q:  What did i do wrong now?  <feeling victimized by the
eccentricities of mankind>  Why did he walk off in a huff?

                          - - - - - - -
                              act 2
                          - - - - - - -

[ history lesson, explaining why rice rather than potatoes for xmas
is unbearable ]

Q:  Do you know what "Black and Tan" means?

A:  <innocently> um.  Noooo.  It's a kind of beer?

Q:  The Easter Uprising was five people seizing the general post
office in Dublin to protest the British Occupation.  The Black and
Tan were troops comprised of criminals let loose from British
prisons who were told to do whatever they wanted as long as they
quelled the rebellion.  People were killed, raped, and tortured.

A:  Oh.  k.  Is there anything wrong with drinking your Glenfiddich
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  6                    26 Dec 1994

instead...?  <hopeful>

Q:  <smiling, black eyes lightening to brown>  Nothing whatsoever.
Did you realize that the Irish Catholics are not allowed by
an English RC to have their own net?

A:  Why not?  and Why?  Huh? <more feelings of being utterly
overran by the foibles of the greater race of prancing
                                       ...and on, anon


Bogus is K00l!

Bogus is a killer toy doods!

Hey all you fidonetters, ever get sick and tired of being bullied
by that dumbass echo moderator? Now you can get even, or even get
ahead.  No system is safe from bogus.

Time for you netters to start shoring up your security, remember
doods and doodettes, your net is only secure as your weakest lamer!

Wow, looks like its time for me to fly....

Until next week!


Swamp Swine Magazine
Remote Node
Darkest Ontario

My Dear Doctor Logger,

My apologies for my slightly extended absence.  It was, however, most
necessary to recuperate after a slight whirl at some political
consulting with our old friend Ollie.  I naturally chose to spend my
time at the 'Pit of Sin' resort due to the fact that I had heard
that the natives were clad in a most immodest way, that being, not
at all, and I felt I could combine some relaxation with spreading
some of the Good Book's messages.

I did stop off briefly in Washington on the way back.  As I was
unwell, my contact had to meet me in the hospital, but during that
time I was able to advise Jocelyn Elders to go ahead with her
remarks on educating young Americans about masturbation.  I really
couldn't suggest otherwise, for one thing, she was wearing the
Surgeon General's uniform (slightly less ostentatious than your
average tin-pot dictator uniform) and, because I was in too much
pain to laugh.  Imagine what they'd call the courses, Wanking 101?
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  7                    26 Dec 1994

Honestly, I don't know why people refer to Americans as Yanks, it's
an obvious misnomer.

Incidentally, did I thank you for sending Ms. LaBamba to find me? I
was just about to achieve an epiphany with several young ill-clad
and barely nourished local girls when she burst into the room,
shrieking like a wounded wildebeeste and brandishing a large, empty
flagon of ripple wine.

She claims it was  your idea to tie me up, for my own protection,
after having conked me on the head with the ripple bottle.  I don't
wish to go into details, but you can imagine the combined effect of
VanierBabe hormones, ripple wine, high temperatures, and having
someone, albeit unconscious, tied to a bed. My nurse, Chiquita, has
been attending to my many contusions and suggests that I should be
able to walk again in a month or two. I bet that you weren't aware
that Ms. LaBamba has 12 sisters and 38 cousins,  all of which are
named Johanne?  I've telexed the whole lot of them and given them
your address.

I've just been catching up with the 'snooze for the last few weeks,
and I was surprised to find someone named Dallas Hinton in here
claiming that 'Rev. Richard Visage' was an a.k.a. for' Doc Logger'.
Mr. Hinton obviously has not seen us together, otherwise he'd be
quite aware that I'm far better looking, and that the first thing  I
do when I sense  your presence is to load the flintlock. When Mr.
Hinton refered to unspecified missives in the 'snooze' as being
"poor quality innuendo and trash", he was obviously referring to
your contributions, since my efforts are clearly 'attrocious
innuendo and trash'.  As you well know, material like this is not
easily written. (Don't try this at home, kids.)

I was also surprised to find that there was an objection to the use
of 'adult' language, like "dominatrix", in the 'snooze, so as to not
corrupt any children that might peruse these pages.  This after
having spent some quality time with my small person, Walloonetta,
who insisted I watch some inspiringly violent television shows (yes,
Virginia, there is a show titled 'Biker Mice from Mars') and listen
to some of the most paint-peelingly obscene rap music  -  broadcast
complete with bump-and-grind video in mid-afternoon on the weekend.
One wonders if Mr. Watson lives in an Amish community.

At any rate, it's pleasant to be home for Christmas, and refreshing
to once again be subjected to temperatures of just-above-absolute
zero and enjoy the thrill of watching the snowdrifts get higher and
higher.  I understand that you are the contact for this week's
bookmaking on which net the RC12 will choose to "forget" to include
in the nodelist.  Please put the usual bet on net250, I like to stick
with a winner.  We must also establish odds for the usual gaggle of
*C wannabees that will start posturing for the impending RC12
election.  There could be serious wisdom in topping up the ibogaine
supply before witnessing this bit of entertainment.

As your spiritual advisor might I wish you the best of the season,
and assure you not to worry should any of your Christmas presents
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  8                    26 Dec 1994

sound like they are ticking, particularly one wrapped in plain brown
paper that's just about the same size as a case of dynamite.

Religiously yours,

Rev. Richard Visage
Fidonet Spiritual Advisor,
Demolitions Expert.


Watta Week!

Fidonet gets exciting again!

In the last snooze (dare we call it that anymore) I was simply
delighted to read that my good friend Adrian is writing software
for echomail security.  That's great!  Why should John S. have the
monopoly on that line of stuff anyway.  I did see that my ex best
buddy Dirksy was a bit on the more than normally paranoid side of
things though.  He's really got to take a vacation sometime. All
this talk of ramming packets makes me get so darn sweaty.

Steve Winter is back in the net, all is right with the world. Satti
is making friends and influencing enemies all over the net over that
little incident I am sure.  I've had my run ins with that damndable
Steve Winter (my opinion only of course, I can't prove he's damned,
but I do assume that he may be) and I would like to know just one
little thing.  What's his 800 number?  Do you all want to get rid of
him once and for all??  It's easy....we ALL ignore him.  No one
carries his echo, and I think his restrictions cause an undue amount
of administrative work on the *EC bunch anyway.  Get it off the bird
and the backbone...speaking of which...I guess we must be out of
backbone or he'd still be gone huh?

I see more whining about the Fidonews format from Jesse again. Geesh,
why doesn't he just take the advice that has been offered and make
his own "for the blind" version.  No one is forcing him to read this.
Yes, it would be NICE, it would be SENSITIVE, it would be a pain in
the ass but we COULD do a blind version of Fnews...but who wants to
do it?  I don't think we should lay it on the editors.

One last thing...I see a new and improved Fidonet Asshole of the Year
contest is brewing.  Gee, there are so many to nominate and I had
suspected that Steve Winters, Bob Kohl, Bob Germer, Bob Johnstone,
John Hurzvsky<?>, Tom Pardue, Jim Vargas, or Bob (say what?) Satti
had it all sewed up. Hmmmm, does being named Bob make you an asshole?

Is it even worth running for now?


Professor Dingleberry 1:203/900
FidoNews 11-52                 Page:  9                    26 Dec 1994

OS/2, the Internet, and FidoNet

By Dennis Peterson

The rapid growth of interest in OS/2 has been accompanied by the
emergence of a wide variety of FidoNet echo areas dedicated to the OS/2
users. That the volume of mail is so consistantly large in these areas
suggests the OS/2 user is also a very active user, and interested in
obtaining ever more information on their OS. The newest area of growth
is in the Internet connectivity provided by Warp 3.0. The excitement in
this newly developing area is amazing and fun to be a part of.

In order to support this interest area I have created a new echo area
for my users which is dedicated explicitly to the OS/2 Internet
connection and the issues and topics related to that subject. It was
very quickly suggested to me that this is an area of international
interest and so I was encouraged to promote the echo for placement on
the FidoNet backbone. I agree.

The echo is tagged OS2INET and is currently available via net343. All
are encouraged to consider this echo as a viable new special interest
for Internet users and specifically, OS/2 users with Internet interests.

Dennis Peterson
Sysop, OS/2 Northwest


 Editors note:  As was noted in the editorial, the article
 in question was ***not*** written by Mr.  Dirks.  His name
 was forged.  The following, however, is being run unedited
 in the interests of fairness.

Re: Bill Dirks' (1:250/603)

by Dirk Theurer

A note to the FidoNews editors: I am appalled  by  the  lack  of
discretion you exercise in printing articles in the FidoNews. It
is becoming  increasingly  apparent  that  FidoNews  is  not  "A
newsletter  of  the  FidoNet BBS community" but rather more like
"Weekly  World  News",  the  "National  Enquirer"   or   similar
sensationalistic  folderol.  The  only reason I'm doing anything
about this at all is because a friend of mine has been  directly
affected  by your inability to do what you purport to do: edit a
newsletter. I would consider a name-  change  from  FidoNews  to
FidoFlame  very  appropriate.  Once  people  understand that you
publish irrelevant  rants,  they  will  be  able  to  give  your
"articles" the attention they deserve.

Note:  All  quotes  from  Bill Dirks' article in FidoNews Vol.11
FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 10                    26 Dec 1994

     No.51 are prefixed  with  BD>.  All  quotes  from  PKTIM's
     documentation are prefixed with P>.


Personally, I've been wondering whether or not I should lend the
credence to your accusations regarding PKTIM that responding  to
them  would.  Normally,  I'd  ignore them, but you've attributed
actions directly to a friend of mine  that  is  only  indirectly

Before actually defending anything, you (Bill Dirks) do NOT have
any way of legitimately presenting anything about PKTIM  because
I have not received a PKTIM registration from you:

P> Registration_____________________________________________________
P>  PKTIM is "mailware". If you use PKTIM, send netmail to Dirk Theurer at
P>  1:153/[email protected] indicating what PKTIM version(s) you've used.
P>  While this doesn't sound like much (it isn't), it IS required.

As  you  have  not registered PKTIM, you have clearly either not
used it (in  which  case  everything  in  your  article  can  be
discounted  as  ignorance),  or  you are in violation of PKTIM's
usage agreement - publicly stated, no less.

I was prepared to leave all arguments at that, but I feel I need
to  defend  a  friend  of  mine  from  libelous  and  slanderous
statements made publicly by yourself (such character  defamation
is  rather  more serious than any usage agreement you might have
violated, and I would defer to Adrian's actions in such a case):

BD>  I am also disturbed by the release of a program by Adrian Walker
BD> called PKTIM.

Bill, you do NOT know who "released" PKTIM:

P> PKTIM (C)opyright 1994 Dirk Theurer, Adrian Walker


P> Adrian's too busy to field PKTIM questions. Direct all questions,
P> comments, suggestions to:
P>  Dirk Theurer 1:153/[email protected]

The only association that Adrian had  with  PKTIM  was  that  he
co-owned  its  (C)opyright.  (How  Adrian came to co-own PKTIM's
(C)opyright is irrelevant.)

BD> Adrian makes it very clear that "improper use of PKTIM could
be in BD> violation of Fido Policy".

Adrian made nothing like that clear at all. I did. Note that YOU
FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 11                    26 Dec 1994

quoted "improper use". Note also that the above quote  does  not
appear  anywhere in PKTIM's documentation. To clarify for anyone
who is not familiar with PKTIM, here are  the  warnings  at  the
very top of PKTIM.DOC:

P>*                                                                        *
P>*  WARNING:  It is extremely easy to VIOLATE FIDONET POLICY with PKTIM!  *
P>*  WARNING:  It's a "loaded gun with the safety on." Be careful who you  *
P>*  WARNING:  point it at.                                                *
P>*                                                                        *
P>*                                                                        *
P>*  Remember:  !_YOU_!  are responsible for all results obtained through  *
P>*                      the (ab)use of PKTIM!                             *
P>*                                                                        *
P>*                                                                        *
P>*  Remember:  Use of some PKTIM configuration file options is virtually  *
P>*             GUARANTEED to piss off whoever is getting the results.     *
P>*                                                                        *

These   warnings   are  repeated  in  other  places  in  PKTIM's
documentation along with numerous other  notes  warning  against
violating FidoNet Policy.

BD> [Adrian Walker] SAYS that PKTIM is basically designed to detect
BD> grunged and bogus packets

Point  out  exactly  where  I  state  that  PKTIM was "basically
designed to detect grunged and bogus packets". In fact, I say:

P> Introduction_____________________________________________________________
P>  PKTIM's main purpose is to collect information on FidoNet Technology
P>  Network (FTN) mail packets (PKTs).


P>  WARNING: If you use the NewPacket keyword, it is strongly recommended
P>           you use a PKT "fixer" before running PKTIM. PKTIM's PKT/message
P>           checking is rather rudimentary. Programs such as GMD are much
P>           better at finding errors.

(For those interested, PKTIM  only  detects  as  many  types  of
errors it needs to to continue functioning - and it doesn't even
do that particularly well - hence the recommendation to use  GMD
or similar.)
FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 12                    26 Dec 1994

BD>  Now  I  ask you, was the release of this package REALLY for the
BD> good of Fido?

Point out exactly where I state that PKTIM was released "for the
good  of Fido". It was released for its stated reason to be used
for its stated purpose. Nothing else.

BD>  I am seriously considering publically  boycotting  the
BD> Virus_Nfo and Flame conferences publically, as well as the use
BD> of PKTIM. Perhaps while we are bringing about justice, we can
BD> slow the much-wanted traffic in these echos to a halt, legally,
BD> and eliminate the use of PKTIM for diabolical reasons.

If you had actually read PKTIM's documentation, you  would  have
been able to determine my own stance on the use of PKTIM:

P> Depending on what other options are used, PKTIM _can_ violate policy, and
p> I have every intention of (whoever) being able to trace the node that has
P> violated policy with PKTIM. If you decide to NOT use your own address, I
P> give you every assurance that FidoNet members are resourceful enough to
P> track you down using other means... with the consequences being that much
P> more dire.

There  is  nothing  "diabolical"  about  PKTIM.  I  wrote it for
clearly stated reasons and uses. Any  interpretations  you  make
that  fall  outside of those stated reasons and uses are exactly
that - interpretations.

BD> Again, I am currently pursuing this further, and have enlisted some
BD> help of my own.

Perhaps before you waste any more of  your  time,  read  PKTIM's
documentation.  If you decide to continue with your paranoid and
futile pursuit, be advised that I have discussed my options with
various  people  in  the  legal  profession  -  people that take
extremely dim views of slander and libel.

It is apparent that you have some paranoia about  specific  uses
of  PKTIM.  With  that,  I  can  sympathize.  If you find ANYONE
abusing PKTIM in FidoNet, contact me.  I'll  back  you  100%  in
finding  and  dealing  with  whoever  is using my program in any
manner that could be detrimental to FidoNet.

Let me make this completely clear, Bill. I will defend your (and
anyone  else's)  right  to  speak  (questions and concerns about
PKTIM are more than welcome). I will also defend my (and  anyone
else's)  right  not  to  be  defamed  (the libel and slander you

P>*  Remember:  Use of some PKTIM configuration file options is virtually  *
P>*             GUARANTEED to piss off whoever is getting the results.     *

You have managed to piss me off without even using PKTIM.

FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 13                    26 Dec 1994

Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of PKTIM can File Request PKTIM from
me at 1:153/[email protected], 23 hours (not during ZMH).


From:    Stefan Pieksma  (2:205/603.44)
Subject: The Finnish Winterwar 1939-40

Hello Editor !

As a Student of the Swedish Officers Collage, I'm writing  on  a
Thesis  on  the  communications  of the Swedish Volunteers in th
Finnish Winter War of 1939-40. If you have any piece of info  in
that subject, Please write me a Netmail.

My Best Regards:
2/Lt Stefan Pieksma
6:th Arctic Div.
[email protected]


From: RICK LITHGOW  (1:2601/574)
Subject: New Echo

Hey Editor

New echo started. Please leave me netmail and I will give you a
session level password. BOCA_MODEMS will hopefully also be
distributed via Planet Connect  for  wider  distributions.
BOCA_MODEMS is also a Steve "I'm a blowhard" Winter free echo.
Boca Research will also be participating in this echo but is in
no way obligated to. They will be with us as soon as we set up
their mailer correctly. BOCA_MODEMS is moderated by myself and
owned by myself and Image Gallery BBS. Should I decide to step
down as moderator I will appoint someone of my choosing. (Isn't
god status great!?) We hope you enjoy it. And don't worry. I
rule with an knit mitten instead of an iron glove. Just don't
piss me off (grin).

        Welcome to the BOCA_MODEMS echo!
           These are the rules.

1> This echo is for the discussion of any and ALL boca modems
from 300-28,800 v.fc/v.34. This includes discussions dealing
with connecting other modems.

2> NO FLAMING will be tolerated. Failure to adhere to this
simple rule will result in your suspension/excommunicacation of
this echo.

3> Steve Winter will not be participating in this echo. Anyone
who allows him to post will have his feed cut. So we will have
FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 14                    26 Dec 1994

an echo in which we false modem scum can have rational

4> Any suggestions to other users will be appreciated. Please be
friendly and courteous. And handle any mail-bombing/pipe bombs,
low cost dentonation devices via netmail and the US Postal

5> Have FUN! And pay attention to what other people say. Please
do not over quote. Quote only pertinent parts of the message. Do
not quote tag lines, origin lines, or Sigs.

6> Thats it. No more rules. Let's get this echo on the back bone!

Rick Lithgow (Internet) [email protected]


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"Rupture  The  Rapture" may be obtained from the Lamprey Systems file
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Sunday,  December  25th.  Lamprey  Systems  will  upload "Rupture The
FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 15                    26 Dec 1994

Rapture" to all AOL members who wish to receive a copy.   To  receive
your  copy  of  "Rupture  The Rapture" you must email your request to
"Smurf Boy" before midnight December 24th.  This is a one-time  offer
and  due  to  the  large  size  of  "Rupture The Rapture" will not be


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1994 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.
Articles by Madam emilia may be retransmitted freely through

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
FidoNews 11-52                 Page: 16                    26 Dec 1994

PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail
address, or trade for copy of your 'zine.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END