F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.48    (28-Nov-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Small animal psychology and           |
|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editor:                               |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     New Net in FidoNet!!!.......................................  2
     New Firearms Related Echomail...............................  3
     Reply to FrontDoor..........................................  4
     Pit of Sin Resort,..........................................  4
     Swamp Swine Magazine,.......................................  6
     Subject: echomail security..................................  7
     Subject: Fido Info..........................................  8
     Subject: FTSC...............................................  9
     Fidonet Echo Security Part II...............................  9
     Gutter Language In FidoNews................................. 10
     Discriminatory Attitudes in FidoNews........................ 11
     Modem Emilia................................................ 12
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 13
FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  2                    28 Nov 1994

  About two hours ago, we had 3 snooze articles.  Now we have
about a dozen.  Saved by the bell again.

  A quick comment on commercial advertising.  while Fidonews
does not carry comercial advertizing, that is not to say we
never carry comercial advertisments.  If we receive what is a
blatant ad, and nothing but an ad, we *might* put it in if we
have an empty snooze.  If it carries a good deal of information
that we think is useful to a group of fido sysops, we will
probably put it in.

 Here is the snooze.
New Net in FidoNet!!!

By Emmanuel Bouchard
FidoNet: 1:2404/0

First of all, I have some difficulties writing in english, but I will
try to make me understand the best I can!

I'm proud to announce the creation of a new net in the FidoNet world!
In fact, the Net-2404 is born because of the innaction of the Net-240
Coordinator.  Other SysOps of my area and I were really upset about
the incredible amount of time it was taking to got an answer from
the Coordinator.  There were two applications to FidoNet in the last
2 months and we did never got an answer to them.

So, one month ago, I began procedures to make myself a FidoNet Host
and to run my own Net.  I talked to two great person who helped me
a lot. The first one was Rick Johnston (1:12/0) who help me getting
my Nodelist submission to date and the other was Ken Wilson
(1:12/0 (REC)) who helped me in echomail procedures. I would like
to thanks both of them for the help they gave me!

So that's it, I hope the Net-2404 will become a great part of FidoNet
and I already enjoy the great universe of FidoNet!

FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  3                    28 Nov 1994

New Firearms Related Echomail

Two New Echomail Areas Now Available!!

As of 11/11/94, the following two echomail areas have been added to the
fidonet backbone distribution system. You should be able to request these
from your local NEC or other local echomail source. These are also being
carried on Planet Connect! as well.

A big thank you goes to Rick Ashworth (R11EC) and Jerry Seward (R13EC)

An echo dedicated to the discussion of firearms, and the
advancement of their uses in target shooting, hunting, defense,
collecting, and just about any other legal means.  This echo is not a
political echo but the ocassional RTKBA discussion will not be frowned
upon.  Moderation of this echo is by the level headed Elmer Cooper,
who is always willing to lend a hand. Discussions of all firearms,
both military and civilian, are welcome.  Welcome to GUNS, where
safety comes first.

An echo devoted to the rifle, shotgun, and pistol cartridge reloader
and those that would like to learn more about this fast growing art

How much does it cost?
Where can I get the equipment?
Which powder is best?
Is it legal?
Does it really save money?
Are handloads more accurate than factory?

Find the answers to these and many many more questions in the RELOAD
echo.  RELOAD is also moderated by Elmer Cooper.  Elmer has been
reloading his own for years and is a vast source of reloading

Did you know that you can reload your own shotgun shells for less than
$2.00 a box?  Some pistol cartridges can be reloaded for less than
three cents a round.  Find out how!  Subscribe to RELOAD today.

RELOAD and GUNS are now available on the backbone.

If you have problems
getting the echo in your area, please notify Brian Murrey at

Currently GUNS is running about 100 messages a week, and RELOAD is
running close to 60 a week.

FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  4                    28 Nov 1994

Reply to FrontDoor

by Stu Grant 1:275/71
Registered Frontdoor Sysop

I would like to comment on the following statement made by James
Smith (Online Communications):

Begin quote:
Registered use of our product requires that each copy run
simultaneously, be registered by purchasing a license to use (LTU) for
each copy that is in simultaneous use. This includes the use of
multiple copies that are loaded into memory, and are being run under a
multi-tasker to service multiple lines for mail, BBS and other
operations. If you run two or more nodes, then two or more licenses must
be purchased through Online Communications. Failure to do so puts an
individual in violation of our license agreement as specified under
section 3 of said agreement.
End quote:

I would like everyone to note that the above was NOT included in any
way as part of the license agreement that I signed when I registered
FrontDoor.  This crap about "multitasker" etc is a "flight of fancy"
on the part of James Smith and the rest of the FrontDoor folks.

If you ask ANY of the FrontDoor support team how to run the shareware
version of FrontDoor Multiline, they will tell you that it can't be
done.  I was able to do this without thier help and NOW they seek to
collect another registration on that which they say you can't do and
they openly refuse to support.  I believe this is not only unethical
but fraud in the inducement to sign the "original" license agreement.

I ran the shareware version of FrontDoor on a multinode system
and was even nice enough to tell them about it.   Instead of valid
arguments related to the "interpretation" of the license agreement,
I received threats which they now choose to publish to the FidoNet
community.  I no longer run FrontDoor, and I hope you don't either.

I find it hard to believe that a shareware company can survive when
they openly threaten thier registered customers.  I run a FREE BBS
folks, JoHo has clearly forgotten what this is all about and is a
black eye to the shareware concept.

This is the last sentence of my article.


Pit of Sin Resort,
Ganja Beach,

Mon cher docteur Logger,

Ok, so I'm going looking for le Reverend Visage, just like you
FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  5                    28 Nov 1994

are saying, yes? Bon, I am finding him here, but, tabernouche,
it's not going be easy getting him back, ok? I'm only being
lucky finding him parce que, sacrement, Lucille she is following
this tellement grande trail de rum bottles all that way from

So, chalice, here is M. Visage, wearing his Reverend collar and
not nothing else de plus, lying face down on this beach avec,
taberwhet, maybe fifty empty bouteilles de rhum and beaucoup de
Jamaican cigarette butts all around him. All he got with him is
this speech he write for Jesse Helms, ok?, and this "Ollie North
Campaign Guide" all scrunch up in his hand.  You think maybe
this a problem or something? He keep mumbling something about
"Joint Cheifs of Staff" but maybe he just want more Jamaican

Bon, so I'm dragging le Reverend back to this hotel, ok? And,
colin de bin, Lucille she getting almost as much peoples notice
her pulling un Reverend with no pants on as she getting when she
wearing hers topless spandex buttfloss sequin bikini chez
Loblaws. Am I telling you how I lose this bikini top in this
seafood section? Sacrement, you can't trust these  maudit
lobsters, ok? Not neither these squids, yes? Hostie, Lucille she
need wearing two english muffins to get home,ok?

Bien, alors, so there's this reggae band in le Reverend's hotel
room, they saying that le Reverend Visage invite them, et aussi
all these womans from the nude beach, and aussi un fermier, qui
got beaucoup Jamaican cigarettes. Puis, aussi, some goats. Et,
mon dieu, il y a maybe 15 those petit room service carts in
here, ok?

Tabernac, le Reverend is waking up now, ok? He say him too busy
showing staff of God to nude beach babes for being writing, yes?
He say to send ibogaine to Satti, real quick, 'cause it maybe
give Satti some bigtime crazies and he say it be fun watch some
majordomo kind netwar if he just take all the dumshit pukes, et
chalice, Lucille she no can more understand le Reverend Visage
he gots stuff in his mouth, no? Like some parts nude beach
babes. He say something about stepping on bugs, Lucille think,
ok? Et aussi, he maybe say all these gars de 250 dans REG12 sont
des wankers, bigtime.

Taberdooey, I'm having to go now save le Reverend from les nude
beach babes there only one him et, chalice, beaucoup des filles.
Comme la consultante de Spandex, Lucille she suggest you having
Sylvia send more monies, toute de suite, avant que we be running
out of this rum. Le Reverend he say it ok, is helping out some
third world peoples, yes?

Ms. Lucille LaBamba
Spandex Consultant to the
Fidonet Spiritual Advisor
FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  6                    28 Nov 1994

Swamp Swine Magazine,
Shuckmagosh, Ohio

Dear Reverend Visage,

I must commend your secretary, Ms. Labamba. I had sent her
to HongKong to investigate the tong wars erupting in Net700,
thinking that she could stop in Thailand to determine if you
were ensconced in another opium den giving comfort to the
Lei sisters. Her homing instincts are as keen as they ever
were and I suspect that she sensed a strong rum-laden wind
coming from  the south and was able to follow it to its
source. Her correspondence was illuminating, and her
follow-up telephone conversation was short. Specifically she
said " Hokay, I will be gone, how you say, a few time."
Incidentally, how did you manage to order a rhino from room
service...or was that you bellowing in the background?

I have had to place a large brick on my <RETURN> key as I
scroll through the regional mail since Net250 continues to
devolve into some sort of infantile slimepit. Water-bombing
them with Prozac would probably be efficacious. We *still*
haven't heard from Satti (cue the plague of moose) with
respect to the policy complaint which has caused colonic
tremours in Net250 for so long. I fear that Satti may have
taken your place in Thailand. We may need to cash in our
investments in Missouri Trout ranches to bail the poor
fellow out.

Mercifully Pedro, my faithful nag, nuzzled me out of
somnolence and pointed me at a new windmill for my next
Quixote bout of bad craziness. Having made the mistake
earlier in life of procreating, I now find myself with
children who are immersed in what the province oxomoronishly
refers to as "the educational system." To my surprise, the
teaching profession is still populated by near-illiterates,
psychologically red-lined lunatics and vicious trolls. It is
a testimony to my naivete that I had assumed that all of the
deadwood would somehow have been pastured out of the
teaching profession now that they actually impose a few
educational prerequisites upon teachers. What I missed, in
my PollyAnna perceptions was the fact that the current crop
of teachers were... pausing for emphasis... taught to teach
by teachers. If that isn't a near perfect tautological loop
for brain entropy, then nothing is.

I fear that I have become insensitive to the plight of
teachers who work a mere eight months for a twelve month
salary. Surely they could be sent out to dig ditches for
their four month holiday so that they are not totally
useless to society?

This month's "Bend Over, I'll Drive You Home" award goes to
Bill Dirks whose latest screed in Fidonews repeated a
FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  7                    28 Nov 1994

step-by-step lunatic primer in case there were any tots left
in the universe who were unaware of how fragile our mail
system has become. Mercifully, no one reads the  Snooz, and
even better, the issues which the Dirkster raised were dealt
with at least a year ago. In his bovine innocence, the poor
sod just doesn't understand that no Fidogod is going to
broadcast their methods for circumventing the type of bogus
invasion he envisions. Why give the little weenies a
challenge to develop some new mechanism for fouling up the
nest? A nice warm hand job for Dirk I say, and may the force
be with him. (As a good and decent gesture, I suggest that
we send him to Net700 where they have taken security
concerns to the logical limits and removed 250 sysops from
the nodelist.)

I must go Visage, the pressure warning klaxon on the still
just went off and it'd be a damned shame to smear malted
corn all over your living room again.


Doc Logger,
"Interview With The Umpire" film set
(a film about blood-sucking agents)
Annaconda, Montana


Subject: echomail security
From: Richard Webb  1:283/520

I would like to make a short follow-up comment to Bill Dirks'
article in Fidonews 1147. Should you see fit to edit this in
any way for inclusion in fidonews, feel free to do same.

It seems to me that the problem Bill describes is easily solved
by requiring all echomail hubs and their downlinks to use
session or packet passwords. Most reasonable folks I know do so.

Since some don't implement proper security measures, maybe it's
time to codify another dreaded rule. Any system wishing to
receive fidonet echomail must  implement  proper  security
measures.  It's akin to saying that everybody should lock their
homes when they leave, but, it seems to me that, since some are
unwilling to do so, we must make it a requirement.

This would solve the problems Bill explains in his article, and
eliminate the need for censorship at any level.

While I'm making comments about recent fidonews issues, the
comment made about fidonews formatting and screen readers has
its merits, but, I've just ignored the little pretty ascii art.
However, it would be nice to have a way of delineating the start
of the next article, so that the guy with said screen reader can
FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  8                    28 Nov 1994

use his favorite ascii viewer/editor's search command to jump to
start of next article. That way, avoiding the ascii art is
easier done.

Regards, and Happy holidays.

Richard Webb


Subject: Fido Info.
From: Chuck Stoy (1:114/268)


I have recently been dialing into local BBSs looking for a simple way
of accessing the Internet, from the DOS world.  Seeing numerous
comments about BBSs offering such connections, I found a BBS & Sysop
who seems well qualified to handle such things since it is a techie
type programming oriented board, and they take their BBSing

In finding my way around, it appears that FIDO Net is pretty basic to
a lot of what is going on.  However as I have looked through
available echos etc., I see nothing about the FIDONet itself.  I
expected to find perhaps an echo named FIDODoc or the likes which
contains basic documentation info. about FIDO, how it works and why,
etc. or maybe hitchikers guide to FIDO.  Does such a thing exist?

I see comments and a lot of assumptions on the part of numerous users
about how all this is (supposed to be) working, along with NetMail
etc. which sounds like maybe it is serving many of the DOS type nets
as well as FIDO, but I also find there is no hitchikers' guide to
netmail, and no definitive information on how it works, either.

As I have asked different sysops, and echo moderators about this lack
of info. the pattern seems to be that you learn by osmosis, and
asking others as you go.  I recently found an 18 month old reference
(on a CDROM disk on one board) to FidoNews at the address 1:1/23, so
I decided to try out the sometimes working black hole called netmail,
which out of about 25 message attempts, has worked 4 times for me so
far - I have received 2 messages from others, and have sent one and
received an answer to it, so far.  So I will see  (1) if this message
gets through to whoever is at this address, then  (2) wait to see if
anything ever comes back from wherever 1:1/23 is.

If netmail works, can you point me in the right direction to find
general info. about things like FIDONet, and netmail, and the UUCP
connection etc. etc. whether the source of info. is a BBS somewhere,
or an undocumented echo, or whatever, or wherever such info. is


FidoNews 11-48                 Page:  9                    28 Nov 1994

Subject: FTSC
From: Richard Wheet (1:388/13)

I'd like to take a few moments to thank the IC and FTSC for
incorporating the V32T and VFC flags into the nodelist in such a
timely fashion. With all the modem developers climbing over
themselves to manufacture the V34 modems, it is comforting to
know that the "temporary" standards have finally found a home in
the nodelist, least they be quickly forgotten.


Fidonet Echo Security Part II
Bill Dirks
Fidonet Echo Security Part II

     Let me first say that responses from the first article in
FNEWSB47 were good. This is a follow-up prompted by several questions
and two items I failed to mention. I must thank John Souvestre of
1:396/1 regarding one I forgot to mention. I also need to clarify the
issue of packet/bundle passwords also. Sorry for the oversights. I
spent less than an hour on the original article. Something was bound
to slip through (BWG).

     Anyway, let me point out a very important item I forgot to
mention. This is defining "secure inbound directories". A secure
inbound is just that, secure and separate from your normal inbound
mail. Only bundles from nodelisted and session passworded systems is
tossed here. All other mail goes to an unsecured directory where it
can be screened, etc. prior to processing. This is the importance of
establishing unique passwords between every system you accept mail

     Related to this are the passwords you use at various points on
your system. To many people between one system will use the same
password used for the session as the one for a bundle password, the
echomail manager password, and the file manager password. Use unique
passwords for each area and each system.

     While setting up all the passwords is a real pain in the
beginning, it will pay off down the road. This is because if one area
of the system should be compromised, the rest is left intact. Your
repair efforts will be limited to one area of the system instead of
all the areas.

     It should be noted that not all mailers allow for secure inbound
areas. Ones that I am aware of that do include BinkleyTerm, past
several versions, FrontDoor, most recent version, TIMS, and D'Bridge.
Also, if you set up and operate with secure inbound areas, password
protected bundles become frivolous.

     While I mentioned packet/bundle passwords, they sometimes are
not the route to go. I won't mention exactly how, but someone
FidoNews 11-48                 Page: 10                    28 Nov 1994

determined can find out your packet password. Especially if you are
not using password protected sessions and unique passwords between

     One area I'm almost afraid to mention that's open on most
systems is those incorporating off-line readers. While I don't want
to dictate how to run a system, consider this. No matter how secure
your mailer may be, if you allow first time callers access to upload
access to your off-line reader, you are just as open to attack.

     Overall, in order of preference, you want to run your mailer and
BBS in one of the following configurations. Granted, not all
combinations of software allow this, but the goal is to come as close
to the top preference as possible.

       A. Most Secure. Session passworded mailer and secure inbound
directories. BBS doesn't allow first time callers upload access to
echo areas.

       B. Next Best. Session passworded mailer and password protected
bundles. Remember to use different passwords between the two. BBS
doesn't allow first time callers upload access to echo areas.

       C. Next. Session passworded mailer. BBS doesn't allow first
time callers upload access to echo areas.

     I've received only one partly negative response so far to the
original article. This was sort of expected because it was partly
written as a how to manual to demonstrate how easily a system can be
compromised. Fortunately, this and the previous article lack just
enough information to not make those reading this easy targets. In
other words, while the way to ram packets seems pretty easy, it's not
"quite" as easy as it's been presented. Some additional effort is

     I hope the past two articles have helped some people out there.
While I'm familiar with several mailers and BBS's, I'm not a help
line per se. Read the manuals and contact the software authors with
specific questions.

Bill Dirks
Safe Hex Central


Gutter Language In FidoNews

by Tom Rightmer, 1:385/0
Gutter Language In FidoNews

I've noticed that all recent issues of FidoNews contain either sexual
material, profanity, gutter language, or a combination of all of the
above. I fail to understand why this is necessary in a publication of
this type, especially when you consider that children will be reading
FidoNews 11-48                 Page: 11                    28 Nov 1994

this garbage. What's next after "Dominatrix"? I can just hear junior
now, "Daddy, what is a dominatrix?"

FIDOnet has no age requirements for membership, so many nets around
the country have children operating FIDOnet systems. It is mandatory
to make FidoNews available to all nodes, so children are reading every
issue of FidoNews. I find this unacceptable, and it may even be against
the law.

It is time to explore some options: (1) clean up FidoNews so that it
can be read by children; (2) leave FidoNews as is but delete the rule
that makes it mandatory to distribute it; (3) make two versions of
FidoNews, one g-rated and one for adults only, and allow each net to
decide which version they distribute. Something has to give here. I
don't want to distribute material like this to children, and I don't
like the idea that FIDOnet may be involved in an illegal activity.

This matter needs to be addressed quickly. I doubt that intelligent
people need gutter language to express an idea or opinion, and I am
certain that children should not be exposed to material contained in
recent issues of FidoNews. You may send hate netmail to 1:385/0 or
bash me in your next issue.


Discriminatory Attitudes in FidoNews
by Jesse Tharin

In FidoNews 1147 of November 21 I argued, using two separate but
related  considerations, that this newsletter is formatted
awkwardly, and nearly dysfunctionally so for a large group of
people who need to use screen readers to access their computers.

The first consideration was that most people, sighted or blind,
read these words on screen, yet the formatting is set up for the
printed page. The second was an attempt to draw attention to the
passive discrimination practiced by both the former and current
editors towards blind and other visually impaired people without
actually accusing the editors of discriminatory publishing,
deliberate or not.

I guess the jokes and self-deprecation I used in order to soften
the criticism didn't work, so I need to now write a harder

Even after explaining how bad it reads, we're told in the
editorial that it's not the editor's problem: "However, i like
ascii art, since it's the haiku of computer graphics. But then,
i don't have to listen to everything through a screen reader." I
can't decide whether this is raw patronization or just elitism,
but either way it is both insulting and mildly annoying.

I also noticed that the editor person started the editorial off
with a vague pattern of eighty seven periods, every one of them
faithfully pronounced "period" to me, for no apparent good
FidoNews 11-48                 Page: 12                    28 Nov 1994

reason whatsoever. In light of the article being referenced by
the editorial, it appears to be a deliberate attempt to annoy.

Here is a very common discriminatory attitude; if it was passive
and based on the feeling that it's someone else's problem, then
that would be acceptable, perhaps addressed by education. Maybe
my attempt at education was poor, but I see the editorial
response as a deliberate discomfiting of a large group of
members of this network. The editor shows us callousness where a
response of "that should be easy to fix" would have been
appropriate and easily implemented, even over several months'
time. The FidoNews is difficult to read for *anyone*. Writing a
new compilation tool for the FidoNews would be trivial.

The editorial continues with the words: "i suppose i should make
file-requestable a readable-word text only fidonews..." This is
not good; it should be distributed through normal FidoNews
channels. It should *BE* FidoNews. Let people  FREQ  the
gingerbreaded version if they want it. Let's turn this innate
visual bias around a bit and see who misses it.

The rest of the above quote says "...but i've got to finish all
the progects i'm already WAAAY late with before i take on more."
Then why, dears, did you take on the project called FidoNews if
you're too busy?

Jesse Tharin
Tucson Arizona USA


Modem Emilia

q:  How would one achieve world peace through BBSing?

a:  Send an anonymous chain love letter.

q:  Can i get booted off the Flame echo for failing to be
sufficiantly rude?

q:  What is masochism?

a:  The belief that God is the moderator of the Flame echo.

q:  Are you sorry you put "Dominatrix" on the trailer of Fidonews?

a:  I am extremely sorry i placed it above other words on the
FidoNews 11-48                 Page: 13                    28 Nov 1994

                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Donald Tees, Sylvia Maxwell
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1994 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.
Articles by Madam emilia may be retransmitted freely through

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail
address, or trade for copy of your 'zine.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
FidoNews 11-48                 Page: 14                    28 Nov 1994

[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END