F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.46    (14-Nov-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Small animal psychology and           |
|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editors:                              |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     FrontDoor License Interpretation: A Reply...................  2
     A New Echo...CONSPIRACY.....................................  6
     Dear Reverend Visage,.......................................  8
     How to Piss Off an NC (in eight easy lessons)...............  9
     New Product Offering!....................................... 17
     NET 700 (CONT).............................................. 18
     Santa's "Other" Address  1:107/25........................... 22
     Dear Madam Emilia,.......................................... 22
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 23
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  2                    14 Nov 1994

  Snooze time again.  A mixed bag this week ...
more net 700 problems, lots of stuff on Frontdoor, and a rather
long bit from Toronto ... one of those interminable things that
quotes echomail for five pages rather than writing an article
that says something.

  I do not know about the rest of you, but I am tempted at
times to just say anything that quotes echomail is cut.  The
articles that are nothing more than a bunch of mail quotations
are invariably long, disjointed, and nearly unreadable unless
one is a participant.  (Probably then as well).

  I have been reading a lot of echomail lately about policy
complaints based on shareware fees, triggered, of course, by the
frontdoor policy.  As a software author, I have a lot of
sympathy for those that write software and do not get paid.
I have a lot of problems, though, with the use of policy
complaints to enforce commercial licencing.  If I lodge legal
charges against someone, and they are upheld, then perhaps I
have a valid complaint.  If, however, I do not lay charges, or
the charges that I do lay are not upheld by a court, then I
cannot possibly see how a policy complaint is valid.

  On with the articles.
FrontDoor License Interpretation: A Reply.

By Darren Ryall
FidoNet 1:153/822
Nameless Incensed Shmoe Sysop Unknown To Online Communications, Inc.

Greetings to all...first of all, this letter is NOT a condoning of
software piracy first and foremost!  I want to make that clear from
the start.  I am a sysop that runs as much freeware software as
possible so that I can cut my operating costs on my system.  That's
it.  Now...that THAT'S out of the way...on to my diatribe.


Well, they've finally done it.  After running my copy of FrontDoor
2.02nc for the period of three years, and helping other to set up
same...I've finally decided to stop using FrontDoor as soon as I
possibly can.  Why?  Because I'm ashamed to have as the opener to MY
BBS the product identifier for a product that I no longer believe in.
Namely, the FrontDoor mailer.

When JoHo decided to take his mailer and make it shareware...I was
against it.  I could not see the point of making a product that came
in both a freeware and commercial form a shareware product.  Besides
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  3                    14 Nov 1994

the obvious,"I'm not making enough money on my commercial sales to buy
that Maserati this month...let's try gouging it out of somewhere
else."  A freeware product encourages the sysop to try a product much
that same as shareware does.  More so, in my opinion.  And if the
sysop LIKES the product enough and NEEDS the extra features enough,
then he'll commit to buying the commercial product.  Pure advertising,
good policy.  However...

My cries were rather rudely knocked down in the FrontDoor support echo
with shouts of:"Hey, we've lived off his fat for long enough...I'm a
mindless drone and I believe that I should have to pay through the
nose for ALL of my software...even the stuff I write for myself!"
(ps: Please note, that sentence was Not To Be Taken Seriously by the
Humourly Impaired.) (pps: That really was a sentence, I think)
I dropped the echo in disgust.  And have been happily tooling around
in La-La Land since with my FREE FrontDoor 2.02nc.

I've spiffed it up.  Found that I could rename my FM.EXE program to
whatever I wanted and compile a nice .BAT file so that I could call as
many editors as I wanted to.  And hark!  I could do the same with
FDSETUP.EXE, so that I could have my RemoteAccess config program AND
FDSetup running from my mailer screen. Not to mention running my RA
Nodelist and FDNC.EXE compilers....surely this is bliss, I thought. My
FDNODE.CTL file was gladly spread around to people...many of which are
now running FD 2.12SW.  And then this rather ANAL letter appeared in
my FIDONEWS one morning...

> Our shareware agreement grants a limited use license for both
> registered and unregistered non-commercial use of the product.
> Non-registered use is limited to a 30 day trail or evaluation of our
> shareware products. After 30 days, the user must stop using the
> product, or register it by purchasing a license to use (LTU) through
> Online Communications. Continued unlicensed use of the product
> beyond the 30 day period constitutes copyright infringement which we
> are prepared to litigate.

Ummmm, excuse me?  You mean that IF I were running your product beyond
thirty days without registering it...and you found out I'd been
running it for 31 days...you mean you'd be prepared to take me to
court over it?

Wow, that's a little HARSH isn't it?  I could be living on a time zone
boundary...and simply be confused as to the hour.  And heaven's
bells...if a blizzard hit and the mail truck were delayed...would I be
responsible for that?  Not to mention if the mail plane were to be
shot down by alien gunners with nothing else to do on a Sunday
afternoon.  (ps: Note, alien gunners only do their drills on Friday
afternoons, so this last sentence should also be taken with a grain of
salt.  I know this because Elvis told me so when I was on the UFO to

And if I DID register the program, then I'd still have all these
wonderful keys that I could look at and go, "OOOOoooooo, gee, I wish
that my newly purchased shareware key would unlock these features so
that I could use them instead of them sitting there taking up useless
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  4                    14 Nov 1994

coding space.  I'm paying for that space after all.  Guess I'll just
have to shell out another $100 for the Commercial (God's light shining
down upon it) version so that I too, may be saved from the sins of
having useless keys that do not function.  All praises be to JoHo, he
that programs my mailer...(bowing to the direction of wherever JoHo
actually DOES live now...I hear he used to move a bit).

WHY would anyone want to register the shareware product JUST to have
features they can't use is beyond me.  Though you can get around some
by using third party utilities such as BGFAX to recieve your FAX's
automatically, and similar workarounds. (This sentence can be taken
seriously...I have actually SEEN BGFAX...the word is written on a
diskette somewhere.)

> Reporting Procedures:
> Anyone having information and substantiating documentation of
> license misuse of any of our products (e.g. FrontDoor, TosScan,
> FDAPX), should forward such documentation and detail your
> observations to Online Communications 1:132/300 or 1:132/301 or to
> the OCI Liason at 1:132/300.12. We are particularly interested in
> tracing sources of illegal keys being generated for our products
> such as FrontDoor.

Yes, the highly successful 1-800-NARC-COP program has hit shareware!
You too can narc on your friends!  Set up your enemies for embarassing
midnight visits from the SPA!  Not to mention the fact that you don't
GET anything out of the deal but the pure satisfaction of seeing
piracy stamped out of the world of FrontDoor mailers.  CrimeStoppers
gives you $2000 for a similar idea...I say Online Communications
should ante up!  And come up with a catchy tune like "Cops" did... =)

> We will investigate the complaints (as we have done in the past),
> and make a determination on what actions if any, we will pursue. The
> actions can include policy complaints to NC and NECs, license
> revocation pursuant to the terms of our licensing, and litigation.
> Online Communications Inc. has retained the services of legal staff,
> and has created the position of OCI Liason to pursue copyright
> infringement of our products.

Okay, if someone were using an illegal copy of FrontDoor 2.12SW
now...and decided that they simply COULDN'T handle the strain on their
moral fibre...and then switched back to a copy of FrontDoor
2.02nc...but AFTER a policy complaint had been issued by Online
Communications...(hold yourself kids, this is where it gets
confusing)...would the NC have the right to ban someone on what they
choose to do with their mailer?

And if so, would the license revoking affect the FrontDoor 2.02nc
mailer?  After all, it is a FrontDoor product...even if it were
released (I assume) before Online Communications had anything to do
with FrontDoor.  Then, would the NC really CARE what a person had for
a mailer?  (Most of my hubs in this area...and in the higher up ranks
use Binkleyterm because it supports not only the bi-directional
transfers, but also UNLIMITED AKA's).  Lastly, was Tom Baker REALLY
that much BETTER of a Doctor than Jon Pertwee?  =)
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  5                    14 Nov 1994

> We regret having to write a letter such as this. We have many
> hundreds of legitimate, and legal users of our products. However,
> software piracy and copyright infringement costs U.S. companies an
> estimated $2 billion annually according to the Software Publisher's
> Association. Online Communications will pursue all avenues to limit
> its exposure to the illegal use of our products.
> Sincerely,
> James Smith

Okay, now this is what sort of gets my goat. (Good thing, I was
running out of places to hide the manure, buh-dum-bump)  Using another
companies figures to justify their own draconian measures.  Surely, if
they were so concerned about the enviornmental impact of their current
mailer systems upon the FidoNet community, and the effect that piracy
affects that product...then could could commision a committee to find
out how much money THEY are losing to said pirates.  Not how much
money Microsoft loses to people copying MS-DOS
6.umpteenbillion/revision-a over in some underdeveloped country where
software piracy laws do not exist.

Being the only (as far as I know) shareware and commercial FidoNet
mailer around currently...FrontDoor is operating at a disadvantage in
the first place.  Lacking features EVEN WHEN REGISTERED makes their
shareware product Crippleware, and also lacking the bi-directional
protocols and the ability to even add them in, makes this an inferior
product.  Even the commercial product lacks this ability, I believe.
(Again, Elvis told me so.  Bigfoot told his two friends..and so on.)

All this simply stacks up against FrontDoor.  Much better alternatives
are out there.  Both Binkleyterm (mover of hundred's of megs of mail a
day!), and Portal of Power are good bi-directional front-end mailers.
Both have their supporters.  Binkley looks a little rough after
FrontDoor, but is far more powerful when you finally get it all decked
out.  AND IT'S FREE!  Portal is great if you're used to
FrontDoor...similar look, although the feel takes a little getting
used to.  And all you have to do with this is send in five postcards
to register this puppy I believe.  Oooooo, $3.25 or so...I'm dying
from having all the blood sucked from my veins here.  Add that to the
fact that it took me !10! minutes to convert over a 47k long ROUTE.FD
file to a Portal equivalent...and we're not doing too bad.

Bottom line: Look people...wake up to the fact that it's a changing
world.  FrontDoor was king when it was freeware...no longer.  (Elvis
is King!  Ah-hem...sorry) Binkleyterm and others have pulled a lot of
older sysops looking for new features away.  Unlimited AKA's,
bidirectional protocols, faster nodelist compiles (and compilers),
definable editors...these are features that FrontDoor lacks.  About
all that has really been done for coding is making the product
shareware, and the infamous "illegal product checksum" features.
Improving the product should always be a programmers priority, and
JoHo (or his team) seems to have lost touch with a sysop's realities.
Moving the mail!  As FAST as possible. I'm sure that JoHo probably
realizes that it's a priority when he grabs his mail from his hub.
(Bad hub, bad hub...it's my mail, you hear?! Mine...naughty, naughty)
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  6                    14 Nov 1994

Grab a copy of Portal of Power AND Binkleyterm as fast as you can
people.  Look at both products.  Look at their features.  Look at all
the keys that DO NOT say "Only available in Commercial Version" on
them!  See what you can convert into config files for both products.
See what you like.  Then dump FrontDoor 2.12!  Or your commercial
version.  And support FREEWARE for a change!  Some local programmers
right now are probably creating utilities for Binkleyterm and Portal
just for the fun of it.  Save some money!  Use it to buy that new hard
drive...or to treat your spouse to a really FINE dinner at some
secluded hideaway.  Save money AND your marriage! Do something
CREATIVE with the money for Pete's sake!  Buy a Beluga!  Shave The

Two hundred and five lines later, I think my audience is asleep.  Good
plan, good night Gracie...and all the ships at sea.  (The preceeding
message was not a paid advertisement for either Binkleyterm(tm) or
Portal of Power(tm,(c),RRSP), or anything else.  It is simply a plea
to attempt to show alternatives where none seemed to have existed
* Darren Ryall  * Internet: <[email protected]>    *
* /___o___\     * Fidonet: 1:153/822                                   *
* |   |   |     * BBS: Night Scented Stock (1-604-572-4733)  (2400 bps)*
*  \_/_\_/      * "Imagination is more important than Knowledge.."     *


A New Echo...CONSPIRACY...
by Zorch Frezberg, 1:205/1701

You've seen or heard of them.

The Illuminati.
     The Shadow Government.
           The Men In Black.
                 The Small Grey Men from Bellatrix.
          The Thirteen Old Men In Geneva Who Rule The World.

Who are our Secret Masters?  What bizarre hold do they have on
our societies, our governments, even our very day-to-day
existance?  Is there a Bureau 13, an X-Files Division, a secret
alien base at Area 51?

What about the myriad plots, covert operations, and secret
government plans being carried out under our very noses?

This is the news that the Consortium of Publishing Houses do not
want *you* to know about!

This is the information denied to *you* by Those Who Truly Run
The Government so that you can't take action to protect your
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  7                    14 Nov 1994

family, your country, or yourself!

Welcome to CONSPIRACY (EchoTag: CONSPRCY), the echo conference
designed to bring this news, information and much more to the
light of Public Scrutiny!

We are *not* the National Enquirer echo, looking for mutant
children or Bigfoot's lover.  Instead, we are looking for news
and information, as well as open and free discussion of the
nefarious plans being laid by those who control our lives and
the information that we read or watch on television.

We welcome believers and disbelievers, but will act immediately
to remove anyone making personal attacks.  We want to encourage
the posting of news, information, rumors and theories about the
secret plans to turn the US into a UN client state; about how
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is secretly still in
power and threatening to finally control the West through
economic manipulation; about how the US Congress still provides
funding under a 'black' budget for the orbital mind-control
laser satellites.

Participants may post under an alias, in order to protect their
identities; genuine discussion and reporting is encouraged. We
ask only that copyrighted material be given credit as to the
source so that 'fair use' of copyright is not violated.

Ask your REC and NEC to bring in CONSPIRACY (EchoTag: CONSPRCY)
and join in on the discussions that will free your mind, soul
and spirit from the Dark Clutches of the Brahmin Conservancy!

Freq MagicFileName CONSPIRE from 1:205/1701 for a copy of the
Elist notice and the latest set of rules.


FIDONET stands for

      F       I     D          O     N     E    T
      Fiends, Imps, Devils and Other Nasty Evil Things!
      ^       ^     ^          ^     ^     ^    ^

Zorch Frezberg, 1:205/1701
Moderator, CONSPRCY
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  8                    14 Nov 1994

Swamp Swine Magazine,
Shuckmagosh, Ohio

Dear Reverend Visage,

It is only Wednesday and I may miss important events in the
week by filing early, but I have been urged by our four
hundred pound Samoan attorney to sojourn in healthier and
non-extradictable climes until a small matter involving
three million harp seals and a bevey of Anti-Fur activists
is cleared up. Who would have thought that bringing 50,000
cute, adorable seals to Cindy Crawdford's latest fashion
show whould have caused so much alarm? I shall send her some
humanely trapped lettuce as a peace offering.

I am sadly disappointed in the Excited States. They refused
to recognize Ollie North's obvious talents for dishonesty,
right wing looniness, and bulletproof underware; and
rejected his bid for the Senate. Mercifully, the distillery
vote was able to pour Teddy Kennedy back into office.
Carpooling to work from Massachusetts will continue to be
such fun. And I am positively filled with mirth that someone
named "Newt" would ascend to a position of prominence in
their august assemblies. This pretty much assures that the
Honourable Senator for Pineapple will have a clean shot at
the presidency.

Didja notice in the latest snooze where the most secretive
cabal in Fidonet; the FTSC dudes, have suggested adding yet
another kludge line to messages? Being a technical
philistine, I am sure that this has nothing to do with the
fact that it will provide one more line for brainless
weenies to quote in their efforts to turn every Fidonet
message into a near perfect imitation of Internet
AntFarmMail. While I am on the topic of FTSC, who *are*
these guys? Has anyone ever seen a list of committee members
or seen their pictures on milk cartons?

Speaking of missing in action, where the hell are you? As
you can imagine, trying to plot your journeys by examining
the petty cash vouchers you submit to the snooze editors has
always been a dicey proposition, particularly since you seem
to have developed a fondness for mail-order wine cellars.
Sylvia & Don are becomming more than unusually suspicious
that you may have taken the last advance and retired to your
igloo to sit out the approaching winter. Need I remind you
that you promised Nanook that you would help mush his
dogsled down to Florida this year? As your pharmaceutical
adviser, I suggest you lay in major stocks of ice-brewed
beer for the journey.

I must go Visage. Your secretary, Miss Labamba, has
developed a peculiar expression on her face and this really
has nothing at all to do with the fact that I told her she
FidoNews 11-46                 Page:  9                    14 Nov 1994

was required to go out on the lake to cut the blocks of ice
we require to keep Rick "As Sagacious as Euglena" Johnston
from decomposing. I suggest, as a good and decent gesture,
that we send her to the Canadian Airborne regiment and
assure them that she is really a Somali that requires their
unique brand of "peace-keeping."


Doc Logger,
Drumheller, Alberta
Rolling Stones Museum


How to Piss Off an NC (in eight easy lessons)
   Lesson 1 - Flame in local sysop base
   Lesley-Dee Dylan

Area Sysop250, Msg#34, Oct-27-94 22:26:28
  From: Barry Carter
    To: Luke Kolin
Subject: Re: Whoops!

Hello Luke!

Thursday October 27 1994 09:48, Luke Kolin wrote to Lesley-Dee Dylan:

LK>     The REAL problem in Net 250 today is that the likes of Barry
LK> Carter need to distort facts and mudsling to ease their bitterness
LK> at not running the Net they way they want to. I will be very
LK> interested in how long the sysops of Net 250 tolerate Barry's
LK> antics.

   Answer two questions then you little asshole.


   If you can answer these simple questions without all of your
rhetoric, it will certainly be a first.

   Oh! By the way. See you in a year you little liar. I will personally
miss your brand of politics. I do not feel that an appeal will be
worthwhile as your "TRACK RECORD" is known very well beyond the
boundaries of this net.

   I look forward to your return in one year 2 weeks. I will still be
here as net historian to greet your return.

   Until then you little asshole!

Area Sysop250, Msg#41, Oct-28-94 07:35:18
  From: Barry Carter
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 10                    14 Nov 1994

    To: Derren Whiteman
Subject: Re: Whoops!

Hello Derren!

Thursday October 27 1994 18:07, Derren Whiteman wrote to Barry Carter:

BC>> �     This message is not intended to solicit a debate or engage
BC>> in any flame � war. It is posted purely as a public service.

DW>     Yeah, right.

   Quite seriously.

   Indeed the choice to reply as you see fit or not is yours.

   Apart from a few petty dictators around, people should be able to
say their piece (as I do frequently) without certain assholes teeling
them the debate / discussion is off topic according to some contrived
set of rules to suit the day.

   "One thing I know for sure", the dish was/is broken and James in his
wisdom has chosen to hide that fact from the net.


Area Sysop250, Msg#200, Oct-31-94 21:05:00
  From: Barry Carter
    To: Derren Whiteman
Subject: Re: Whoops!

Hello Derren!

Monday October 31 1994 10:58, Derren Whiteman wrote to Barry Carter:

DW>     The only problem I can see is that your messages are showing
DW> up.

   Think of me as the energizer bunny.

*  Lesson 2 - Ignore NC's warnings

# Originally by James Korolas, 1:250/501@fidonet
# Originally to Barry Carter, 1:250/888
# Originally dated 1 Nov 1994, 23:53

Hello, Barry!

Can you please stop with the personal flaming in SYSOP250?  Contrary
to your belief, I do not relish handing out suspensions, but you
constant personal attacks are inflammatory, derogatory and in plain
bad taste.

I've received a few complaints about them, and have been asked to
do something about it.  I'm asking you nicely, to please cease this
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 11                    14 Nov 1994


If this continues after noon (12:00pm) on Wednesday, I will suspend
your access to SYSOP250.

Take care!


Area Sysop250, Msg#247, Nov-02-94 00:23:22
  From: Barry Carter
    To: James Korolas
Subject: Re:

*** Answering a msg posted in NETMAIL.

Tuesday November 01 1994 23:53, James Korolas wrote to Barry Carter:

   But it is OK for people to use abusive language and name calling
when it is in my direction? Have you sent similiar netmail to those who
enjoy using words like "moron", "shut the fuck up", "liar", "asshole"
etc? I thought not.

   Were these the same people who are complaining? I thought so.

   When and if you ever have the occasion to be even handed in your
criticisms I shall be pleased to discuss things rationally with you.

   Until you understand that you can not use this medium to censor
those with whom you do not agree, and condone the actions of those who
support you, you can go Korolas yourself.

   Do what you have been told by Luke to do. You have no other choice.

Area Sysop250, Msg#279, Nov-03-94 23:21:00
  From: James Korolas
    To: Barry Carter
Subject: Re:

Hi, Barry!

 According to gossip, on 02 Nov 94  00:23:22,
 Barry Carter said this to James Korolas:

Do yourself a favour and stop "thinking" for me.  Go back through all
your messages and you will see a myriad of insults strewn about.   The
fact that more people didn't reply in kind to your messages astounds me.
I sent you a netmail asking you to stop the personal flamming.  You are
more than welcome to continue posting messages in SYSOP250.  Just try to
excersize some control and leave out the colourful metaphores.



FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 12                    14 Nov 1994

*  Lesson 3 - Continue flaming

Area Sysop250, Msg#288, Nov-04-94 07:27:08
  From: Barry Carter
    To: James Korolas
Subject: Re:

Hello James!

Thursday November 03 1994 23:21, James Korolas wrote to Barry Carter:

   Eat me doofus!

Area Sysop250, Msg#311, Nov-05-94 00:02:22
  From: Barry Carter
    To: Iain Grant
Subject: Re: I'm baaack!

Hello Iain!

Friday November 04 1994 20:49, Iain Grant wrote to Luke Kolin:

IG> Pull Pinochio's strings, and get it back for Ryan then.

   Wasn't Pinochio a skinny little guy?

   If Jimmy is Pinochio then he must have told a lot of lies to get
that big!

   And to think he once called me a "prominent member" of whatever.

   I'll ask Dee for the full story. One thing I know for sure is that
it will know.

*  Lesson 4 - Threaten NC

# Originally by Barry Carter, 1:250/888
# Originally to James Korolas, 1:250/0
# Originally dated 6 Nov 1994, 21:18

   I enjoy sending you mail, as all that is required is placing a
ZERO in the "to:" field and your name shows up. Very telling indeed.

   I shall be using the N250LIST to reply to messages in SYSOP250.
Could you make arrangements to send it to me as it comes out please?

   Will there be a problem with your system routing my replies and
posts that would have gone in SYSOP250 on a regular basis? I am sure
you have the correct routing set up for the hubs etc.

   Your decision to ban me from SYSOP250 will only cause you more
problems. I did not violate your no flame edict in any way except
in your imagination. No where in any of the messages you quoted
back to me do I flame anyone. You are simply using any excuse that
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 13                    14 Nov 1994

you can find to limit any discusion / postings that are critical
of you and your administration.

   Hang on for the ride of your life, big boy. I do not go away.
I simply become more (as you said) prominent.

   I look forward to hearing more from you and of you.


(46)    Mon 7 Nov 94  0:21                                     Cost: 0
By: James Korolas
To: Barry Carter, FOXWOOD! (1:250/888)
Re: N250LIST

Hello, Barry!

With your efficient IT-Net, one would think that you would prefer to
use your "superior, Luke-free" system for message routing.  Barring
that, you may wish to HUB route messages yourself (I can show you how
to do this if you are incapable of reading that part of the manual).
Incidentally, as a HUB, I advise you to obtain permission from each
HUB prior to HUB-routing mass mailings.  I, for one, would find it in
poor taste if you tied-up my system unnecessarily to deliver mail
which you could easily do yourself (except for the nodes marked PVT).

Have a nice day!


# Forwarded from "NETCON"
# Originally by James Korolas, 1:250/597@fidonet
# Originally to All
# Originally dated 6 Nov 1994, 10:52

Greetings, everyone!

Seems like Rick's friends are doing everything in their power to force
another net election in Net250, by threatening me with policy
complaints for various things I am alleged to have done.  Rick's past
history would indicate to me that he is more than likely to follow up
on their bogus complaints (witness the one against Luke Kolin).

In any event, just to fill you in on two of the upcomming complaints
(and I'd like your input as to how I should counter them, as I loathe
policy complaints, but may have no choice but to file a few of my

#1 - Chris Unsworth routed some netmail through my HUB and claims that
I intercepted it (not true, the message was forwarded in it's entirety
to me by Bob Yeo) and that he will contempate a PC against me (don't
this one sound familiar? <g>).  He then proceeded to spread all kinds
of accusations against me in REG12 & SYSOP250.  This would strike me
as "excessively annoying behaviour."  I believe that if I filed a
policy complaint, based on Rick's track record, my complaint would
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 14                    14 Nov 1994

have to be upheld, wouldn't it?  Or do policy complaints only hold
against those that the RC dislikes?

#2 - Barry Carter was warned in Netmail to obey the rules in SYSOP250
and not to flame.  Barry, of course, promptly quoted the netmail in
SYSOP250 and then proceeded for several more days to continue the
behaviour.  He had his write- access revoked.  He sent me a note today
telling me that he would file a policy complaint with his friend Rick
Johnston.  No doubt Rick will act on this one as well...

Take care!


*  Lesson 5 - Pitch out your V.34, drag up a 1200, demand nodelist

# Originally by Barry Carter, 1:250/888
# Originally to James Korolas, 1:250/0
# Originally dated 7 Nov 1994, 23:44

Hello James!

   I will need the nodelist from you also on a regular basis as I am
having a problem here with some utility grunging my list. When I
figure out what is actually happening here I will let you know.

   I do not want to tie up my line as I move a significant amount of
mail & files, so I will be using an old 1200 baud modem to get it from
you. I hope this is not a problem for you. If it is I would be pleased
to go over the policy document with you so that you are more
understanding of the contents.

   I am looking forward to seeing you reverse your ruling of my
status in SYSOP250. I requested of you clarification of why I was
banned and you sent me nothing that can be construed as a flame on my
part. I trust you will reconsider your decision.

   Thanks ever so much. Keep up the good work. I know how busy you
are and how busy you are going to be for the next 90 days if the ban
is not lifted.

   Warmest regards.

*  Lesson 6 - Route bombing runs

# Originally by Barry Carter, 1:250/888
# Originally to James Korolas, 1:250/501
# Originally dated 7 Nov 1994, 17:58

Hello James!

Monday November 07 1994 00:21, James Korolas wrote to Barry Carter:

JK> HUB prior to HUB-routing mass mailings.  I, for one, would find
JK> it in poor taste if you tied-up my system unnecessarily to
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 15                    14 Nov 1994

JK> deliver mail which you could easily do yourself (except for the
JK> nodes marked PVT).

   Tough. I shall be sending them all through you as you are required
to do so according to policy. If you need assistance in sorting
through the policy document please do not hesitate to ask.

   Systems that I can send direct will go direct, the rest you get as
part of your mandated duties.

   The fact that you are a hub has nothing to do with your duties as
NC. The NC position takes precedence over your "too many hats"

   I thank you for having the correct routing set up, and look
forward to utilizing your system per policy. In other words, I can
play whatever gane you want to play.

   Have a nice day

*  Lesson 7 - Object to receiving nodelist at 1200

By: Barry Carter, FOXWOOD! (1:250/[email protected])
To: Luke Kolin
Re: Re: Thought I'd like to help
St: Pvt Crash Kill Rcvd

cc: James Korolas

Thursday November 10 1994 20:00, Luke Kolin wrote to Barry Carter:

LK> I've locked my modem at 1200 baud for your system, since I hear
LK> you are having modem problems. This way we should be guaranteed
LK> a connect.

   Whatever you send me, I shall send back to James times 10.

   You want to play little games fuckhead I can play harder and
longer than you.


   I consider Luke Kolin's actions to wholly improper and I formally
request that you order him to cease and desist else I will file a
formal policy complaint against him.

   His campaign to load up my system is excessively annoying as I
have not requested he send anything to my address.

   Do your job or be removed.

   Warmest regards

# Originally by James Korolas, 1:250/501@fidonet
# Originally to Barry Carter, 1:250/888
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 16                    14 Nov 1994

# Originally dated 11 Nov 1994, 0:36

cc: Luke Kolin

Hello, Barry!

What's the problem?  Your message to me has specifically stated that
your modem can only operate at 1200 baud.  And, since you have read
policy, you surely must realize that:

   a) I am NOT required to provide nodelists, only to make nodediffs
   b) I can delegate responsibility.

Therefore, since Luke is one of the "people that matter", I have asked
him to take on this responsibility and to provide you with a full
nodelist on a weekly basis at your specified 1200 baud.  I should
think you would be most greatful to Luke, as he is putting aside his
personal differences to help you in your time of need.

Incidentally, I'd watch who you threaten and what you threaten them

Take care!


(282)   Fri 11 Nov 94 12:44a    Rcvd: Fri 11 Nov  1:18a
By: James Korolas, MetroHUB 5 (1:250/501@fidonet)
To: Lesley-Dee Dylan
Re: Failed request
St: Pvt Kill Rcvd

# Original to: Barry Carter (1:250/888)

cc: Luke Kolin

> fidonews        File missing or password error

> You can also request the actual filename you are looking for! >

>     Fix this please as the request was made within your
> permitted time frame.

Why not just request the actual issue of the fidonews you are looking
for? Notice how it says "You can also request the actual filename..."?

>     Or let me back into SYSOP250, whichever is easiest.

No problem, as soon as your suspension is over!  :)

Incidentally, since your modem has problems at speeds above 1200 baud,
I will either have to change your nodelist entry to reflect this, or
mark you as down. Which do you prefer?

FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 17                    14 Nov 1994

Also, I am giving you notice that you are free to receive files that
you get from me from either Luke Kolin (1:250/714) or Lesley-Dee
Dylan, as both of these people have been delegated the responsibility
(as per policy 4) of redistributing them to nodes who cannot get there
modems to work above 2400 baud.

Take care!


* Lesson 8 - Threaten NC again

# Originally by Barry Carter, 1:250/888
# Originally to James Korolas, 1:250/501
# Originally dated 11 Nov 1994, 7:23

Hello James!

Friday November 11 1994 00:36, James Korolas wrote to Barry Carter:

   Let the games begin you fucking asshole. You have no idea what I
am capable of and how your life can be made extremely miserable by
actions that I can take within the bounds of policy.

   I have a very long attention span and you are about to know how
focused I can be. You want to censor me in SYSOP250 then you get what
you get.

   Stand by for your system to be used to route mail per policy.

   Take care!

# Originally by Barry Carter, 1:250/888
# Originally to James Korolas, 1:250/501
# Originally dated 11 Nov 1994, 7:25

Hello James!

Friday November 11 1994 00:44, James Korolas wrote to Barry Carter:

   Please show me in policy where it states that you are not required
to make these files available. I have no wish to receive anything from
your little fuckhead friends.

*  If these lessons don't work, Mr. Carter will continue his lessons.


New Product Offering!

by James Smith
Online Communications, Inc.
Distributor of FrontDoor for the Americas

Online Communications, Inc. is pleased to announce the first in a
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 18                    14 Nov 1994

series of books on FrontDoor and related utility packages:
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E-Mail Systems provides the reader with a guided tour of setting up
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Each and every setup option available to FrontDoor is shown and
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The author also discusses how to properly size the overall system, and
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Whether you belong to an amateur network, or are a commercial user
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Other topics discussed include: System security, tips on using BBS
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File request ONLINE.EXE from 1:132/300 for complete ordering


NET 700 (CONT)

This is a series of correspondence between a Hong Kong sysop and the
International Co-ordinator on the problem in NET700.  I hope this will
set the record straight.  Let's hope this saga will not happen to any
other net.  But that will be wishful thinking.

Date: 10-07-94  22:05
From: Raymond Poon
To:   George Peace
Subj: C:\QUICKBBS\NET700.280

Dear Mr George Peace,

Hello, our dear international co-ordinator.  You probably have heard a
lot about the trouble in NET700 way down here in Hong Kong.  As a
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 19                    14 Nov 1994

faithful Fidonet system operator for 6 years, I would like to draw your
attention to the following.

The new net co-ordinator, Chris Leung, who came out of nowhere and was
forced upon net700 sysops by the unilateral decision of the zone
co-ordinator, Samson Luk, had met great resistance from all corners of
the net.  Instead of selling himself as a responsible co-ordinator, he
just tried to kick everyone who objected out of the game.

The latest situation is that he made out a new nodelist which consists
of 30 plus node and put it to the international nodelist; thus depriving
the other over 600 innocent nodes the right to international
communication under the Fidonet system.

I suppose you can immediately see the impact of the 600 vs 30 situation
which just shows how unpopular the new regime is.

Furthermore, I strongly stress that a net of a few nodes and without a
proper mailgate system cannot be called a network.  The co-ordinator
dismantle the international mail system for net700 maliciously and had
done great injustice to the 600 plus sysops many of whom have
contributed to the  Fidonet for many years.  He has no intention of
improving the network but just wants to destroy it if he can't have it
his way.  Many of these sysops have not done anything. They just want to
remain status quo.

The Zone 6 co-ordinator seems to know about the case and has done
nothing to stop this from happening.  As the international co-ordinator,
I appeal to you to stop this nonsense immediately.  I attach with this
mail the latest net700 nodelist which contains all active nodes.  Please
put this back into the international nodelist.  Please also advise the
Zone 6 co-ordinator that the interest of 600 plus Fidonet sysops cannot
be sacrified to save the face of one or two persons.  When the people
want to impeach the president, the president can't just fire the
congress and start again.  He got to resign and have another election,
isn't it.

Regards, Raymond Poon
Music Lovers' Board (6:700/7)
Internet:[email protected]
CompuServe: 100314,1152

--- QuickBBS 2.80 Ovr (Gamma-5)
* Origin: Music Lovers' Board (885-9531) (6:700/7)

Date: 11-02-94  14:18
From: Raymond Poon
To:   George Peace
Subj: Net700 problem

Hello Mr George Peace,

It seems that the trouble of NET700 does not wish to go away and it
comes back time and again to haunt you.  It should occur to you that
something is really wrong and that there are a lot of grievances which
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 20                    14 Nov 1994

need to be addressed.

My understanding is that you remain unconvinced that the re-engineering
of Net700 is a plot to undermine the network.  The following are some
points which you should consider:

(a) There are sysops which re-applied but received no response.  Alex
Lee of 126 is one and CT Lee of 666 is another.  So the *C is selective
in his accepting old sysops.  Those who he dislikes are purged.  There
are some sysops who responded thinking they just reponded to request of
information.  Many are ashamed to be included in the new nodelist.

(b) The new nodelist of Net700 is nowhere to be seen.  I have enquired
some BBS on the new list but none of them received any nodelist from the
NC. So the tiny Net700 nodelist only exists in the International
Nodelist which the RC/ZC fed you.  The whole re-engineering exercise is
to cut Hong Kong BBS from the international nodelist.  This proves that
the *C has no intention of maintaining a Hong Kong network.

(c) What can the BBS do?  From my enquiry to the BBS on the new list,
viz 269, 603 et al, all of them have to maintain the old nodelist and to
use the old mailgates in order to maintain contact with others and the
mail traffic.  The new *C has no intention to run the network.  He just
want to destroy the network and get rid of his rivals.  In fact the Hong
Kong BBS scene is still maintained only with the enthusiasm of the
sysops who have been ex-communicated from the international Fidonet.

Since FidoNet has turned its back on them, Hong Kong sysops are planning
to do the same by forming its own network and promote it worldwide. This
is not a healthy scene and only an integrated international network can
do best for international telecommunication.  This has happened to
Fidonet before as there are several international networks which are
hived off from Fidonet because of similar events.

Mr George Peace, you can do something to maintain the coherence of
FidoNet by intervening the act of malice in the network.  Expelling 500
BBS to satisfy a few is a laughing stalk.  Please stop this absurdity of
re-engineering the network and reinstate the original Net700 list into
the international nodelist.

Regards, Raymond Poon
[email protected]
6:700/7 (ex-communicated)

--- QuickBBS 2.80 Ovr (Gamma-5)
* Origin: Music Lovers' Board (885-9531) (6:700/7)

From: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Organization: Pennsylvania Online!
X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.17
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 94 17:39:23 -0500 (EST)
To: [email protected]

FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 21                    14 Nov 1994

You cannot expect me to abandon FidoNet Policy in the same manner as is
alleged in net 6:700. At risk of sounding trite, two wrongs do not make
a right.

I was shown evidence that NC 6:700 gave as much as a 3 month warning
that anyone not updating their FidoNet node applications would be
dropped. I also received evidence that the announcement was ignored. The
evidence was presented to me by "excommunicated" 6:700 nodes who had
ignored the order saying it was not required.

The people who embarked on the letter writing campaign are completely
missing the point I've been trying to make. File policy complaints to
the Region Coordinator based upon actual personal experiences. Do not
file based upon theories of conspiracy or reports of others' stories.
Show actual personal experiences in accordance with FidoNet Policy.

If there is wrong-doing in net 6:700 or the region or zone make it known
using procedures of the Policy you want me to enforce on others. I will
not abandon FidoNet Policy and jump over a Zone Coordinator and Region
Coordinator whenever asked. I must see that those who demand that one
clause of Policy is followed also recognize all other clauses of that

|| [email protected]       ftp        pennsylvania online! ||
|| telnet     harrisburg pa usa                               ||
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|| finger+mail [email protected]   uucp powered by tbbs+ipad       ||

From: Raymond Poon
To:   George Peace
Subj: Net700 Trouble Again

Dear Mr George Peace,

First of all, I would apologise for your being annoyed by so many
letters of complaints directly to you.  I have no knowledge of any
letter writing campaign except for a few letters from Alex Lee and Rogie
Nie.  It occur to me that there must be many other sysops who felt the
same way that complaints to RC/ZC would be futile and they could only
entrust in you for justice.

You may wish to note that Region 61 only cover Hong Kong and Macau, with
Macau being a small town close to Hong Kong.  RC of Region 61 in fact is
only controlling the FidoNet of Hong Kong and of course the NC of 6:700.

Another point of fact is that the NC did not give 3 months' notice to
sysops.  He sent out his demand in September and set a deadline of 14
October. However, 600 nodes were already purged from the International
Nodelist by the end of September.

I fully appreciate your concern in upholding the actions of the NC/RC/ZC
and that sysops should do their fair share in complying with reasonable
request.  However, I regret that you remain unconvinced, despite all the
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 22                    14 Nov 1994

facts shown to you, that the re-engineering of NET700 is a malicious act
and should be called off right from the start.  The NC/ZC did it with
the full expectation that all their rivals would not respond.  This is a
purging exercise instead of an act to improve the network.

Another important fact is that a very large majority of the 600 sysops
will withdraw from Net700. This is a collective action arising from
their own initiative and is equivalent to a vote of non-confidence to
the people in power.  If this happens in the British Parliament or in
many other civilized countries, this is a consitutional upheaval and the
government will automatic collapse and an election will have to take

I also have to report, with deep regret, that Net700 sysops will
emigrate en mass to a new HongKongNet which will be promoted worldwide.
Though it is in no way intended to vie against the Fidonet, it does shed
a bad light on Fidonet which has been damaged by the irresponsible act
of a few.  I would leave it to you as the IC to decide what to do to
restore the name of Fidonet which I have enjoyed to work with as a sysop
for many years.  I hope you can do your best to protect the well-being
of the few nodes remaining in 6:700.

Raymond Poon
[email protected]
6:700/7 (ex-communicated)


by Santa Claus
Santa's "Other" Address  1:107/25

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Hello everyone.  Just wanted to let you know that Santa is back
online and waiting for your letters.  Make sure to get them posted
to me so I can get these elves working, and have everything ready
for delivery on 12-24.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and wishing everyone
a joyous holiday season

Santa's Workshop
North Pole     1:107/25

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Dear Madam Emilia,

    You MUST stop being jealous of Ms. Labamba.  Yeah, so what; so
she got a motor bike ride and a football game, sculptural bananas, a
maroon jumpsuit, a stolen car and a view of neon lights from a second
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 23                    14 Nov 1994

storey walk-up.  You can't expect to compete with someone who wears
spandex, and you will never have any fun if you keep yourself locked
in a room wearing a mask all by yourself.

    Be grateful that it wasn't you who had to jump out of a hot tub
rather too quickly and on a cold day, because some imaginative
zealot or other had laced your H20 with pyrrannahs.  Be relieved
that it is not you, who must learn to spell, or be forever cast as an
unemployed witch.  Be amazed that you manage to get any mail
whomsoever, considering that you pay no attention to your front end and
barely tweak your tosser.

    Since all is well, that end's well, but never is enough more.
If you bring Pelagian humours and your chevy to the Levey while
bearing in mind a little read book and a few Zappa tunes, Ms.
Labamba's gonna wanna parachute, provided that she can still manage
to perform the dubious task of distinguishing between phenomes
and phonemes.

yours in tandem,


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   sylvia  -- 1:221/194, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

max & Don voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
FidoNews 11-46                 Page: 24                    14 Nov 1994

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does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
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OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
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"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
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    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END