F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.34    (22-Aug-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |   Small animal psychology and           |
|       (_|  /_)             |   Spiritual guidance Department:        |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |        Rev. Richard Visage  1:163/409   |
|       |     | \   \\       |                                         |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |   Editors:                              |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|        _//|| _\   /        |        Sylvia Maxwell   1:221/194       |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |        Tim                              |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Tim Pozar -- [email protected]                                   |
|    David Deitch -- 1:133/411.411, [email protected]          |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     I need some advice ladies and gentlemen.....................  2
     Homepage for Fidonet and the Fidohist project...............  3
     REENACT - The Living History Echo...........................  3
     SecureMail for Privacy......................................  4
     Dear Reverend Visage,.......................................  5
     My Dear Doctor Logger,......................................  7
     My name is James Ankuda.....................................  9
     Censorship, Freedom, and Topics in the Snooze............... 10
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 11
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  2                    22 Aug 1994

   Interesting issue this week, though if we get anymore
articles about Steve Winter that say (yet again), that they are
tired of hearing about Steve Winter ...

   One article this week comes to the conclusion that we have
been cutting articles from the snooze.  Since we have been
editors, two things have been cut (Excepting commercail ads, we
turn them down unless they have important information in them).
We had a demand to run a weekly bible column ... refused.  When
the author sent in an "article" instead, consisting of one
sentence followed by 35 biblical "proofs", we turned it down. We
also turned down a weekly robot mailing of an ad for a religious
othernet after the first week.  That is about it.

   There may have been an article or two that were sent back
because we could not fit them in without two or three hours of
work.  (People will send in stuff that is more than a screen
wide, and full of quotations that cannot be justified).  Just so
you know ...

   Here is the Snooze.
I need some advice ladies and gentlemen.

 My internet service provider INS, has a new service called showcase.
It  is available at no extra charge.    What it does is allows me to make
info available to the world at large via ftp, gopher and WWW.  10 mg of
disk space has been allotted for my files.
 I'll give you guys the htpp address as soon as I figure out how to use
it and get some stuff there.
So, while I am slogging through the docs and trying to figure out how to
set it up, would you guys give me some suggestions  on what to put
there?  Please!!!!   <JJ, JSW you two may get to teach me how to do home
pages and html files.  The docs are as clear as mud.>
 I intend to use it primarily for the history project but am thinking of
including some general stuff on Fidonet what it is how to contact it
etc.....  The service is free, I might as well use it. Right?



  |         [email protected]              |
  :   It was the best of times It was the :
  :    worst of times                     :
  :                                       :
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  3                    22 Aug 1994

Homepage for Fidonet and the Fidohist project

Ok I have a homepage for Fidonet and the Fidohist project up and running.
The url is

There isn't much there yet, just some text files and a link to the
archives on Burt's machine.  But its a begining.  I'll be adding things
to it as 1. I get the time 2. I figure out how to do it.  Learning to
edit hmtl files may not be as brainburning as learning to deal with Unix,
but it sure runs a close second.
 The whole gopher thing confuses me. 8-(

I'm still looking for suggestions on what to put there. This stuff is out
on the web where anyone can find it, a plus for Fidonet I think.


  |         [email protected]              |
  :   It was the best of times It was the :
  :    worst of times                     :
  :                                       :


REENACT - The Living History Echo

Across the country, men and women portray for us a little bit of what
life was like "back then." In museums, forts, ships, parks, schools,
and many other places, these people take us back in time to meet
Johnny Reb or Billy Yank, to meet one of Roger's Rangers, or a family
from the prarie. These people show us where we came from, and the
way we lived. They show us the tools, the food, the weapons, and
they show us the beliefs, the traditions, and the songs of our
heritage. These people are "Living Historians."

REENACT has recently been added the the Zone 1 echo backbone which
means it is available to systems all over North America through local
connections! A system local to you may aready be carrying REENACT,
check REENACT.LST to see, if not ask your local Fidonet sysop to add

FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  4                    22 Aug 1994


SecureMail for Privacy
                  SECUREMAIL FOR PRIVACY
                       Jim Cannell

Since its humble beginnings in 1984, FidoNet has enabled people over
the entire world to communicate inexpensively and reliably.  Today,
it is almost routine for a message to be delivered anywhere in the
world in 24 - 48 hours at a very low cost.  Yet, for all this speed
and low cost, one very important thing has had to be sacrificed --
privacy.  A copy of the message may exist on each and every system
that the message is routed through, available for the sysop and
possibly others to read.

Are you unwilling to share your private mail with all these other
people, but yet do not want to pay the high price of direct NetMail?
Now, you can have the best of both worlds -- the privacy of direct
mail coupled with the low or zero cost of routed NetMail.  The
SecureMail system is a subset of FidoNet dedicated to preserving the
privacy of your NetMail.  The SecureMail hosts promise to neither
monitor nor censor any intransit NetMail on their systems.  All
enroute traffic is erased as soon as processed by SecureMail hosts.

There are no restrictions on the content of mail passed through the
SecureMail system.  The message content is of concern only to the
sender and recipient.  For those that want even more privacy, the
SecureMail system accepts and delivers encrypted messages with the
same dedication to privacy.  We are mail movers -- not censors nor

It should be pointed out that there is no Policy4 prohibiton against
encrypted mail.  It only says that routing encrypted mail without
prior permission is annoying behavior.  Unfortunately, many sysops
in FidoNet refuse to handle any encrypted traffic.  Again, SecureMail
comes to the rescue.  All SecureMail hosts have given permission to
route encryted traffic through their systems.

SecureMail is a part of FidoNet; it is not another vanity network.
It exists in the original spirit of FidoNet to provide communications
among widely separated people without adding layers of bureaucratic
control.  It is a totally voluntary and cooperative effort to move
mail efficiently while maintaining the privacy of the correspondents.
The SecureMail hosts are dedicating their own time and resources to
accomplish this goal.

To use the SecureMail system, identify your local Net SecureMail host
by looking in the nodelist for the U?SMH flag.  These hosts will
forward your private NetMail into the SecureMail system for quick,
reliable, and private delivery.  All you have to do to is route your
outbound NetMail through this ?SMH.  Wouldn't you rather entrust
your NetMail to those that care about your privacy than to just dump
it into a distribution system where it is delayed and read while
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  5                    22 Aug 1994


SecureMail is a rapidly growing international mail system.  Currently,
there are SecureMail hosts in all ten regions of Zone 1, as well as
Zones 2 and 3.  Even though we do not yet have hosts in Zones 4, 5,
and 6, we will still accept and deliver mail to/from nodes in those
zones.  We expect to obtain ?SMHs in these three FidoNet zones

If there is not a ?SMH in your net or close by, we encourage you to
volunteer for the post.  As long as you are willing to forward mail
without monitoring or censoring, you will be welcomed.  You can
obtain a full information package by freqing SECUREML from 1:216/21,
1:374/14, 2:51/8, 2:5100/8, 3:800/857, or any of the ?SMH systems
listed in the nodelist.  This package contains details on the
operation of SecureMail, guidelines, and general philosophy of
SeceureMail.  It also contains the latest SecureMail routing map.
Since there are a number of control phreaks in FidoNet that disallow
user flags in the nodelist, you may find a closer ?SMH to you by
reviewing the map rather than the nodelist.

Version: 2.6



Unfortunately, Charles Herriot of 1:163/110 again inflicts
another missive from the avenging finger of typewriterdom
attached to Doc Logger, a practicing neural liposuction artiste.
Roll da' flic, Sylvia.

Cookies 'N Milk 'R Us,
Kingston, Ontario

Dear Reverend Visage,

The day started off with the promise of the usual engagement
with mid-range lethal animals as I loaded the car with
appropriate supplies and began a voyage to Net250 to attend one
of their bunfests. I was so much looking forward to fascinating
lectures on constitutional law from Alec Grynspan, but as so
often happens, fate intervened. I stopped in Kingston to take a
respite from the soon to be photo-radar infested roads of
Southern Ontario and to give the engine a chance to reconstitute
itself from the near molten slag which it had become from my
impressively conservative driving. If you return before I do,
could you requisition another Lambourgini Diablo from the petty
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  6                    22 Aug 1994

cash fund.

I understand that I didn't miss much at the Net250 bunfest,
other than the contralto screeching of a few deposed HUBS and
failed NC candidates. When, oh when, will these people ever
learn that even though they stand in the blinding white light of
their own ambitions, they cannot continually threaten to take
their balls and go home without eventually have their bluff
called? I shall arrange for a seminar in contract law to be
administered to them by an appropriately delirious echomail feed.

While in Kingston, I opportuned a good friend to take me sailing
on Lake Ontario. I don't know if I have mentioned this, but
sailing takes a close third position behind sex and politics as
a worthy pursuit. We chanced upon some of our indigenous
brethren. When I posited a polite inquiry as to their activity,
they assured me that they were fishing. When asked what they had
caught so far, they responded: "Mostly Canadian Club & Export
A." I could see immediately that their poor success in their
traditional gathering endeavours probably had a great deal to do
with the fact that their cigarette boat was travelling at a high
rate of knots. This almost certainly had nothing to do with the
fact that even as we parted company, the .50 calibre bullets of
a most agressive Canada Customs vessel were already bracketing
our position. Thank gawd I was already wearing Kevlar underwear
in anticipation of my welcome from the peace-loving peoples of

In other news, and you'll *love* this, our good buddy Jonathan
Hart has been hip-deep in the HOLEY_WINTER echo with the usual
hightoned clean-up suggestions. As you may recall, Johnny Hart
was one of the California Spam 'N Timmies who helped garrote the
Commode d'Or echo. I trust that Johnny will *really* impress the
heck out of the Bible tub-thumpers by letting them know that he
is the president of the Commodore Computer Users Club. A nice
warm hand job for Johnny I say, and may the force be with him.

On roughly the same topic, your partner in proseltyzing... the
aforementioned Winter fellow, has been tossed from the warm
embrace of Fidonet by a ZC who clearly has adequate fax paper to
handle the almost certain deluge. Allow me to be the first to
predict an impending jihad against "false fido scum." I shall be
certain to use those erotic lanolin breath mints that you sent
in the hopes that the dark hand pauseth not at my door.

Your lack of communication causes me to fear that you have
fallen victim to the latest form of brigandry. It seems that a
couple in Florida were held up by a bandit brandishing a large
snake. Even cutting back on the Ibogaine dosages wouldn't
prevent some savage nightmares being evoked by hold-ups at
snakepoint. I can only hope you remembered the forked-tongue

I must go, Visage, your secretary has become most concerned at
my behaviour and this has almost nothing at all to do with the
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  7                    22 Aug 1994

fact that I left the cruise control on and retired to the back
seat to write this article. She asserts, with some degree of
vehemence I might add, that *somebody* ought to be driving the
car. She would move to the driver's seat herself, but
unfortunately we are following the region 12 echomail topography
and the G-forces have sucked her eyebrows to the back of her
head. She's not a well woman, Visage, and I would think that as
a good and decent gesture that we ought to buy her a
commemorative WoodStock '94 T-shirt.


Doc Logger
Tuber Self Abuse Help Group,
Shuckmagosh, Ohio


Head Injury Relearning Centre
12 East Hastings St.
Vancouver, B.C.

My Dear Doctor Logger,

You will be happy to learn that the travel arrangements made for
me by the editors of the 'Snooze have far exceeded any past
experiences provided for me by our mutual employers at Swamp
Swine Magazine.

The rather circuitous approach to Vancouver made on a pontooned
relic (a classic, I was told) on that occasionally licensed
airline known as ScAir BC to the locals, reached a crescendoed
finale by putting down in Vancouver Harbour very nearly on top of
the cross harbour SeaBus. I had not realized how fragile
expensive radar antennae are when struck by a propellor.

I was similarly thrilled to find that a room had been booked for
me in the sumptuous Ivanhoe Hotel. It was, however, most
unfortunate that my cab driver was unwilling to complete the
voyage to said lodging, and, having proceded on foot (giving a
large number of blessings to very young ladies dressed primarily
in mesh hosiery) I arrived only to have the inconvenience of
having the entire Hotel condemned as I attempted to check in.

Needless to say, I was forced to take shelter in a nearby
emporium on Orange Street, in which something called "Kokannee"
is served in rather large glasses, and in which athletic young
women show their gymnastic ability by swinging on a pole and by
performing an extensive floor routine. Here again, I was struck
by the sadly inadequate -- or in some cases, total absence of
clothing possessed by the poor dears.

As a man of charity, I was forced to act. I'm sure Sylvia will
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  8                    22 Aug 1994

understand that I had to take matters into my own hands, and I'm
sure that she'll understand that it was necessary to rent several
suites in the Pan Pacific Hotel under her name. Likewise, the
clothing ordered for the girls from La Vie en Rose was just for
the purpose of basic necessity, and the dozen or so cases of
Glenfiddich was just to help them warm up after being so poorly
clad for so long. Be a good sport and explain to Sylvia that
sometimes expense accounts must be used for the greater good.
Besides, I think we can make a killing on the video -- some of
the young ladies discovered an extremely innovative means of
worship with Rosary Beads.

You'll also be pleased to know that I've been on the trail of our
missing, beloved RC. A recent photograph included one of a
creature surfacing briefly in Lost Lagoon, clearing its blowhole,
and diving again. It is clearly no coincidence that this siting
coincides *exactly* with the brief moment that the RC's system
actually functions. A further lead has proved even warmer - here
at the Head Injury Relearning Centre, I found that a recent
inmate had checked in under the name of "Not Rick, Honest". In
his recently vacated cell I found the words "Luke, Die, Die, Die"
etched into the walls, and a clipped advertisement for an "All
Nude Russian Girl Review" at a fine establishment in Calgary.
There's something sinister afoot here, Logger, and I fear the
very worst -- naked Bolsheviks have kidnapped the RC.

Obviously, I shall proceed posthaste to Calgary. I fear the
financial resources of the 'Snooze may be insufficient to cover
the special needs of this assignment, so I've told the editors of
Swamp Swine that I've uncovered a major international scandal,
and will need a suitably large advance. I've also spoken to Ms.
LaBamba (she was shrieking something about a Woodstock Revival,
Brown Acid and needing more shells for the howitzer at the time)
and she has agreed to bring out appropriate supplies for an
extended visit to Western Canada. I'm sure you'll understand that
she was forced to raid your ibogaine stash to accomodate this
quest, which clearly must continue.

I've also been following your movements as you proceed to France.
As your spiritual advisor, might I suggest that you stamp "We Do
No Animal Testing" on the fresh baby seal pelts you've acquired
for Brigitte Bardot? I understand she absolutely refuses on
principle to use cosmetics made by companies that perform said
testing, and not just because they clash with her ocelot suit.
I'm sure this will win you bigtime points.

Religiously yours,

Rev. Richard Visage
Spiritual Advisor, Region 12
Gymnastics Coach
Pay-per-view Entrepeneur
FidoNews 11-34                 Page:  9                    22 Aug 1994

My name is James Ankuda

My name is James Ankuda, I've been in Fidonet for about 5 years now.
I go by the name of Coota most places. And am at 1:101/665.0, In
reading the Fido Snooze every week for the last few years, I've seen
many people complain about "Cursing" or "Profanity". To tell the
truth, I don't believe in any "GOD" of any sort. And, I do not PUSH
my beliefs on others. And, let me point out, for those who DO believe
in GOD, there are TONS of Religions and everyone CLAIMS theirs IS THE
ONE. I personally find these people weak, and most of them were in
need of help at one time. So, instead of making friends they got
support from some people who once needed support themselves. So, what
happens is they then get so caught up in their NEW Religion. <and
brainwashed> they BUG THE HELL OUT OF OTHERS! For those of you who
are SICK AND TIRED of these WHINE-ASSES complaining about profanity,
I suggest you sit back and ask yourself these questions:

1) Was I popular, or well liked in school?

2) Did I make friends when I wanted to, and easily?

3) Do I NEED to TRY and run others lives?

If you answered YES to 1 & 2, and NO to 3, you're probably not
concerned about Profanity. Granted, you may not use it all the time,
but you don't CONDEM or JUDGE others who use it. I myself try not to
teach it to others but I don't JUDGE people or put myself on a high

Also, lets look at CURSING shall we? to Curse someone is to put a
HEX or SPELL on them <which anyone believes you can do is really

Also, what are like 90% of the WARS fought over? RELIGION, Religion
is one of the BIGGEST killers in the world.

I personally would like to see Fido Snooze remain a FREE SPEECH
weekly Newsletter. I find it nice to read and like seeing some Sysops
blow off steam. I don't think it's a "Enquirer" type Newsletter. If
people can't handle the TRUTH then join a Religion! Hehehe...

Laters All...


PS - For those people who Whine about the size of the nodelist, I know
    it's a pain, BUT I happen to like having all the nodes in the
    world so I can FREQ Files from anyone! Also, so I can find some
    connections to locate old friends etc!!!!
FidoNews 11-34                 Page: 10                    22 Aug 1994

Censorship, Freedom, and Topics in the Snooze
by Frank J. Perricone, 1:325/611, [email protected]

I don't know if the rumblings for censorship of the Snooze are getting
louder, or it's just that I've been reading it long enough for the
cumulative sound to start echoing in my ears.  But either way, there
is definitely an issue here.

The FidoNews has been (almost) a truly free press, based on its policy
of "Everything that we receive we print" which has been its hallmark
for many years.  And there is a great need for such a thing.  Fido is
an underground river of communication that the Powers That Be barely
are aware of and do not understand, but which lets communication cross
political borders and dodge, for the most part, the standard avenues
of oppression.  What better thing to act as its flagship than a truly
free press, one of the very few in the world which does not conform to
the famous phrase of A. J. Liebling: "Freedom of the press is limited
to those who own one."

(Unfortunately, the above paragraph turns out to be a bit idealistic.
Apparently, FidoNews has been turning away articles based on criteria
other than formatting already.  All the more reason for this article.)

One thing that many in Fido, and in the U.S.A., and perhaps in the
whole world, do not understand about censorship, however, is that it
is NOT censorship to refuse to print something because it is OFF
TOPIC.  But every moderator of a Fido echo has had to grapple with
this, when accused of being a censor.  Topics are not meant to impinge
on free speech; they are merely meant to organize it, so that the
READER has the ability to only read the topics which interest him.
THAT -- and I believe *ONLY* that -- is a legitimate reason to not
print something, or not allow it.  Enforcing a topic does not mean
"don't say this", it just means "don't say this HERE".

Therefore, if the pressures on FidoNews grow too great to be dodged, I
suggest that you, our faithful Editors, head off the possibility of
true censorship, while still meeting the demands of many, and
establish a firm TOPIC for the FidoNews.  And there can be only one
topic: Fido news!  Then, let the TOPIC do the "censoring".  No one can
accuse you of quashing free speech (at least, not without being hosed)
if you then turn away articles on topics totally unrelated to the news
of running FidoNet.  And after all, the only thing you can say with
surety about all the readers of FidoNews is that they're interested in
the news of Fido: so there's nothing inappropriate about this topic.
This is the *ONLY* answer, other than no answer, that you can give to
those who hound for censorship, that I will support, and that I think
could possibly make sense.

(The "profanity" hounds will still be annoyed.  But how hard could it
be for them to get a program which scans a text and converts words in
a given list into asterisks?  If such a program doesn't exist, I'll
write one, if necessary.)

The only problem, then, is this: who will fill the gap?  In this
FidoNews 11-34                 Page: 11                    22 Aug 1994

week's (as I write this) FidoNews, Michael Seneco (1:141/536)
suggested much the same thing.  I think the ideal solution would be to
have two parallel newsletters of a FidoNews format: "FidoNews" and
"FidoFreePress" might be two good names.  The latter would be
published automatically -- not even read by its editors, only
assembled.  In fact, if a fileecho existed for it, or if it could tag
along in an existing one like FIDONEWS, I could write up a quick-n-dirty
program that would "publish" it automatically, and would be glad to do
so.  You can consider that an offer.

The main reason I propose this plan is this.  The pressures to censor
seem to be growing, and eventually, they will not be able to be
resisted.  (To a certain extent, they already aren't being resisted.)
I propose you "head off at the pass" these forces by doing it RIGHT,
now, while it still can be done right.  Make the topic fundamental to
the FidoNews, and make it painfully clear that it is the TOPIC doing
the censoring, not your personal tastes, or those of anyone else.
This will hold off those that want to censor based on how "dangerous"
or "unpleasant" or "inappropriate" the topic is -- since nothing is as
dangerous as censoring dangerous communications.


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   sylvia  -- 1:221/194, [email protected]
   Rev. Richard Visage  -- 1:163/409
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]
   Tim  -- [email protected]
   David Deitch  -- 1:133/411.411

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

max & Don voice:  (519) 570-3137

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet
international volunteer electronic mail system. It is a compilation
FidoNews 11-34                 Page: 12                    22 Aug 1994

of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1994 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors.

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail
address, or trade for copy of your 'zine.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    "the pulse of the cursor is the heartbeat of fidonet"...
-- END