F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.23    (06-Jun-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |       ISSN 1198-4589                    |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Net 700 Problems............................................  2
     BOPping Free Speech.........................................  4
     A continuing farce..........................................  5
     Vote........................................................  7
     The UTILNET2 FDN expands!...................................  8
     Artspec II.................................................. 12
     Nodelist size -- again!..................................... 14
     ARC standard................................................ 15
     It's that time again........................................ 16
     Keep Out--The Journal of Electronic Privacy................. 17
     Dear Madam Emilia........................................... 18
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 19
FidoNews 11-23                 Page:  2                    06 Jun 1994

i was delightfully humbled by mail recently.  Thankyou.  Somebody
caught me saying in mail that separate editions or zonal additions
of/to the snooze would create "divisiveness".  ik.  i'm sorry.  i
shouldn't have said that.  i  *like*  divisiveness,  i do not like
enforced homoganization.  Everyone should be able to do their own thing.

Nasty me,  Another possessive pronoun.  I caught myself saying,
"do their OWN thing".  That should be a nonsensical, or at
best a redundant statement.

Please forgive me, i did not understand.  I thought all those
letters about how four letter words should not be used in the snooze
referred to something else.  i did not guess they were wisely
criticising my insensitive use of the term "Fido L A N D"
in the snooze. "Land", when used in a context not clearly meaning mud,
could mean "nationhood".   Phugh!  ok, so flags are useful and maps are
interesting.  But boundaries and exclusivism are not.

Say, if Fidonet is a model for life, then what happens in wars?  Are
wars a bad thing if they're only electronic?  i did look at Bruce
Sterlings article on Virtual War from the wired robot.  It scared me
to think that all this posh/fast multimedia virtuosity could be
applied to real warfare that hurts people.

i cling to my XT, in spirit.  It was retired to the rosebushes last
night, despite long years of maddening service.

Wai.zip is available from 1:1/23 and is relevent to the article
entitled, "Serious Tension in Net 700".

Net 700 Problems
From : Pang Wai Cheung, Sysop of PSL#7 Metropolis 6:700/345

   It is Wai from Hong Kong Fidonet Net700.
   I just want to draw the whole Fidonet sysops' attention to an
   interesting incident in Net700.
   The incident is about a *SUDDEN* replacement of NC by RC
   *WITHOUT* any explanation and support!
   This incident drew up a storm of controversy in Net700.
   I have captured some of the messages in Net700 'CAUSEWAY' echo
   into several files.
   ('CAUSEWAY' is the official sysop echo in Net700)

   The files are

   1. RC    -  The  *LAME* and *SIMPLE* notice from the RC (HongKong
and Macau), Samson Luk mentioning *HIS OWN* decision. It is also  the
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*ONLY ONE* mail from Samson Luk concerning this incident.

2.  NET700NC - The first public response from the original Net700 NC,
Louie Chan.

3. NET701NC - A message from Net701 NC, Thomas  Tang,  urging  Samson

   4. SYSOPS   - Opinions and replies from Net700 sysops.

5. MAILGATE -  A  message  from  official  mailgates,  asking  sysops
opinions  whether  they  should remain as mailgates for Chris Leung's

   Do have a look in above files please.
   You will then find *ALMOST ALL* sysops in Net700 are supporting
   Louie Chan *AND* refusing to accept Chris Leung to be the new NC
   of Net700.

   Among all the replies in SYSOPS, many of them are addressed to
   Samson Luk and Chris Leung. However, one a limited number of letters
   were replied by Chris Leung. Moreover, there is *NO* reply from
   Samson Luk.

   Several points are being discussed in CAUSEWAY.

   1. Samson Luk said Louie Chan is incapable to be NC, but this
      *LAME EXCUSE* has been refuted by sysops' *SUPPORTS* WITH
   2. Samson Luk is incapable to be RC. No further elaboration for
      *HIS OWN* decision to replace the current NC by Chris Leung.
   3. Samson Luk failed to maintain the *SIMPLEST* RC's
      responsibility to update nodelist for his region.
   4. Chris Leung is pretty *NEW* to bbs. His capability to be NC
      is a doubt.
   5. Chris Leung posted off-topic messages in irrelavant message
      areas, using "Future Net700 Coordinator" as his personal title.
   6. *ALMOST ALL* sysops and mailgates are supporting Louie Chan.
      Can he remain as Net700 NC?
   7. Many sysops are unsatisfactory with what Samson Luk has done.
      Can we vote in order to get him away?
   8. What is the Fidonet policy concerning this case?

With Regards,

FidoNews 11-23                 Page:  4                    06 Jun 1994

BOPping Free Speech

Bopping Free Speech: The Hobgoblins of Little Minds

by Anon E. Mouse

"A foolish consistency," as Emerson's oft misinterpreted axiom reminds
us, "is the hobgoblin of little minds."  But is it foolish to note the
ironic juxtaposition of the ascii flotsam and jetsam inundating the 30
May Snooze?  Let the reader decide.

Ye Olde Editor--a noble calling--begins his editorial: The hotly
debated BOP5 is coming up for a vote!  This should be interesting."
And more.

For while Mr. Gary Gilmore's "Eeek!  They're after me!" would reduce
the affair to ad hominem attack on a stranger in a strange land, I am
more persuaded by Mr. Robert Byrd's deduction that said stranger "is
correct to be alarmed this time. Too much power in the hands of too
few people is a scary idea."

Or as that Acton chap phrased it, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute
power corrupts absolutely."

The dangers of the cyber thought police are not only evidenced by the
report from our Italian desk cited in Mr. Byrd's cryptically titled
"FidoNews" but in the equally chilling Canadian reportage on the
Homolka Press Ban by K.K. Campbell for Toronto's eye Weekly.

Whether you are a "Bible thumper, "Bible basher," or--like most of
God's human handiwork--something in between, there is much to be said
for freedom of speech and even tolerance (properly understood, of

Regrettably, the radical revision to BOP to be voted upon June 15
through June 22 does NOT say it, which is why I'd opt for Madame
Emilia's laissez-faire approach over the heavy handed BOPping of free
speech threatened by the power putsch...er, push were I a REC and not
a humble Mod.

After all even Mr. Gilmore who seemingly dismisses Mr. Winter's
warning as the ranting of a paranoid can only "think of two
moderators in fidonet that really -do- fit the "echo-nazi"

Why then take a sledgehammer to squash two purported mosquitoes?

Indeed why squash them at all?  People who can't stand mosquitoes soon
learn to avoid the swamp...even without Big Brother's help.

FidoNews 11-23                 Page:  5                    06 Jun 1994

A continuing farce

by. Bob Moravsik 2606/583

Some time in 1991 the then ZC1 Mr. George Peace, implementing his "A new
beginning" program asked that an echopol draft be considered.  Policy 4
provides that an echopol can be part of Fidonet policy after it is
ratified in a similar manner.  Fidonet then as now, was six zones.  The
project started with a scribe appointed.  The scribe became an entitry
in itself and since a ratification process was too risky with having
"due process"  (the scribe indicated due process was not needed), the
project shifted.   A mysterious and tough to define entity popped
up <dramatic music>  "the backbone" and what was to be a policy
put up for a section 8 vote, slid out as "bop" aka bop a rootie.  It
was sold as a "procedure" but enforced as a policy.  It created
positions without any foundation.  The *ec structure now had a flag
to rally around.  They had their document.  Mind you not a ratified
one...details...details...not one that Fidonet would enforce (a few
decisions showed that...).

Let's talk about today's reality.  In Fidonet there are many
distributions systems formed by a "bunch" of two party agreements. Harry
agrees to link to Sally, etc.  Echomail being a horizontal topology
(no up or down like groupmail) causes each node to feed another
and vis versa.   The boopie weenies masked this and started an
up/down properganda release.  More official positions popped up:
rhubs, zhubs etc etc...all doing the same thing...routing... it
was not a Fidonet organization.  It had no enforceable policy except
for severing links.  The chit chat in moderator read like a gormet
for carving meat.  Seems that there were as many ways to cut links
as there were to carve turkeys.  It had one common theme.  NO DUE
PROCESS.  No way to review a bad decision.  No way to stop a out
of control link slicer.  The biggest .bbs won.  bop a rootie
was quoted when a control freak needed to justify a decision
without reason.  Paraphrase  "boppy don't require providing a reason"

bop a rootie was sold as the law of the land.  Then Plannet Connect
arrives as an alternate carrier.  Who feeds who now.  "the backbone"
is loosing its control...panic...need another policy...a self
proclaimed "zec" appoints a committee (zec is not a Fidonet position
per policy 4)..project bombs...why...policy 4 requires a 6 zone
ratification and prohibits local policies.  The ZC (Mr. Satti) declares
backbones, non Fidonet things...more panic...bop a rootie 1.05 is
proposed.  More control....the farce continues.

This "official announcement" is being postured as a Fidonet thing.
Its not.  Its made to make YOU believe it is.  Ignore boppy...what
happens.NOTHING...Harry still links to Sally, etc etc.  OK..what
else happened.
Another routing code was developed (I helped but it ain't mine).

            ECROC  (echomail routers code)

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ECROC follows the spirit of policy 4.  It slows down the typical
"knee jerk" reaction we see.  (The "zec" cut links the REFUSED to
give reasons...).  ECROC places the traffic coordination at the
FIDONET coordinator.  You know the person in policy 4 with the /0
after their address.  The buck stops there.  Without a ratified
extention, there ain't nobody else.  The glue that holds Fidonet
together is:  the nodelist, fidonews, the nodes and the coordinators.
Fidonet does not need a leech structure that tries to sell itself
as "official" part of Fidonet.  Then rules by intimidation.

What should you do ?  Take a look at ECROC.  See if it follows the
spirit of Fidonet.  If not...  "erase ECROC.".  If so..adopt it.  When
the boppy weenies arrive at your doorstep.  Give em a copy.  Tell
em that ECROC is no more enforceable then bop a rootie...then poll
your link to get AND deliver the days echomail.  At least you'll
be within 4.07.

Lastly...ignore the boppy weenies...the entire farce is a paper
tiger.  Will you lose your link....no way hose'..

       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~


1. Preface:  This is a voluntary code which a router of echomail
may adopt to insure that echomail links, routing and procedures are

  Conferences are operated and routed for the benefit of the
participants. They are generally topic oriented and the topic is
an expansion of the AREA: tag.  The routing of echomail is subject
to policy 4 of Fidonet as if the messages are NETMAIL.  The AREA
tag does not change that.

2. Coordination:  All coordination of traffic in a NET is under the
supervision of the NC.  To fulfill these responsibilities he may
delegate all responsibilities except the resolution of disputes to
any node or group of nodes.  They may function as conference
coordinators echomail coordinators or any title the NC determines
to assign.

3. Routing:  Any node may agree with any other node to accept or
provide netmail messages, which are further identified by AREA
tags.  If a node has more then one address in a routing file
(generically known as an areas.bbs file) then he is functioning in
the capacity of a router.

4. Links:  A router should realize that there can be many links
which develop in reliance on their voluntary effort.  Likewise
there may be instances where a person requests that you should
modify your .bbs file to add or remove a link.

  a. Adding a link: you can either comply with this or refer the
person to the NC of your net.  Generally the criteria for adding
a link can include: economics, prevention of duplicate loops,
FidoNews 11-23                 Page:  7                    06 Jun 1994

requests by nodes who are within a toll free call.  Adding a link
is done at you sole discretion.

  b. Deleting a link:  If you are requested to delete a link, you
should ask that some explanation is given:

  1. If the person is a conference moderator, look in the latest
issue of the ELIST available at 1/201.  If the person is the
Elisted moderator (or alternate moderator), request the conference
rules, any messages that break them and at least proof that two
netmail warning were given.

  2. If the person is OTHER then the Elisted Moderator or co-
moderator, refer them to your NC.

Quite often a request to cut a link is done in the heat of a strong
debate.  You as a router serve to "time" the parties out for a
cooling off period.  You are well within your right to refuse to
cut a link UNLESS the linked node has been excommunicated.

Since links are done by two party agreement and since there does
not exist a ratified echomail policy, this code should serve as a
balance until there is one.

       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~


Steve Winter (1:18/98)

Are we to understand that the only ones voting on the frivilous
policy wherein the RECs lay claim to editorial control of the
content of backbone echos, are merely the RECs themselves???
Is that supposed to somehow shield them regarding their personal
responsibilty and liability in regards to intellectual property
or religious discrimination issues... wake up call!

Also I feel to briefly comment regarding bitter vicious twits that
post slanderous lies, and then whine because they think I'm "hateful"
..cute, real cute!

But I digress.... the postmaster doesn't own your mail.  The
FidoNet postmasters don't own the backbone regardless of how
much "voting" they do among themselves.

Regardless of the legal repercussions for the responsible parties,
a scenario where removal of echos became a valid sport for modem
trash (like the liar we heard from in the 5/30/94 snooze), would
leave the new "owners" of the backbone with little time for any
other activity.

Steve Winter moderator/founder HOLY_BIBLE (The Wholly Bible echo)
FidoNews 11-23                 Page:  8                    06 Jun 1994

The UTILNET2 FDN expands!

           The UTILNET2 File Distribution Net has expanded!
                          By Mark Woolworth
                          Fidonet 1:209/710

UTILNET2 is evolving. It has now expanded to cover not only more DOS
programs and utilities than before, but also now handles DOS based BBS
support programs. Mailers, Mail tossers, Sysop/Point Readers, Gating
Programs, Nodelist Compilers, and File Handling Programs as well as
many of the utilities for all of our BBS's!

First, lets start with a little bit of the history of UTILNET2...

For years, many of you were connected to UTILNET in order to receive the
latest of the best DOS based utilities. Jerry Seward was the founder of
UTILNET, and he established UTILNET as the premier File Distribution Net
(FDN) hatching out the best of the most popular DOS based utilities. The
goal was to get widest possible distribution of the files that were
being hatched out, so there were almost no restrictions on who could
link into UTILNET.

Last year Jerry decided that he wanted to retire. He passed the reins of
UTILNET over to Kevin Snively. Almost immediately after Kevin took over,
Planet Connect arrived on the scene, asking for permission to carry the
FDN's. Kevin refused to grant permission for UTILNET to be carried by
Planet Connect.

Based on Kevin's decision, John Souvestre contacted Jerry Seward, and
they decided to create a new FDN called UTILNET2. UTILNET2 would operate
with Jerry Seward once again hatching the utilities, and with John as
the temporary head. During April of this year, elections where held to
elect a new head for UTILNET2. The vote was close (3-2) and I was
elected the head of UTILNET2. Thanks to all of you that voted!

So thats how I became the head of UTILNET2. Now on to the changes and

My original intentions were to not make any changes to UTILNET2. I
talked to Jerry Seward for about an hour on the phone shortly after
being elected, and as long as I took care of the administrative side of
UTILNET2, he would be more than willing to continue hatching out the
latest and best of the utilities. So thats what we agreed to.

Then via Netmail, I started getting lots kinds of requests for
additional categories and breakdowns, BBS support areas, ect... and
initially I rejected each of these suggestions. But they just kept
coming, and from all corners of the zone. The fact that these requests
appeared to be completely unsolicited, and from so many different nets
made me finally take a serious look at what was causing all of these
messages to arrive here.

One thing that was a big factor in much of the mail I was receiving was
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that there have been some serious problems with SDS. SDS was the first
FDN, and almost exclusively has handled software that supported our
BBS's. The information I received, plus my personal experience in simply
trying to get a yes or no type answer from the head of SDS), has proven
to me that SDS has some serious problems that they are not being
addressed. Several authors have told me that they can no longer get
their files out via SDS like they used to, and yet nothing was being
done about it, even after complaints were filed more than once,
according to them.

In addition, I started seeing what I felt was a trend that is anything
but good for Fidonet. There were suddenly a bunch of requests from
people that only support a single program asking for their own FDN on
the FileBone. In fact some of these FDN's already exist. The problem
with this though is that we would soon have so many FDN's, that almost
nobody would ever know what comes through what FDN, and since every
program would be in its own FDN, some people would never see what they
were looking for. Not to mention that at some point Raid and Tic are
going to bite the dust with all of these FDN's being added. Sure there
are other programs out there that can do what Raid and Tic do, but Raid
and Tic are the ones most people still use. Break them, and you create
some major problems for too many people. Even today there are requests
pending for even more of these "one program" FDN's pending. The less of
these that are allowed, the longer our software is going to continue to
function for all of us!

I also talked to numerous people, asked questions of many others, and
once I had all the information back, I called Jerry Seward, discussed
the situation with him, and after some discussion, UTILNET2 has now been
expanded from just a single file category, to 18!

Yes, 18 categories are now listed in FILEBONE.NA (any FILEBONE.NA dated
later than May 23, 1994 should show these changes) for UTILNET2. The
first 9 expand or breakdown UTILNET2 into categories covering DOS
utilities and programs. The second 9 support various BBS categories.
More on these below.

For the first time, UTILNET2 will begin to carry some actual
applications and programs. Telix 1.24 was released but never made it
through any FDN in Fidonet, it will from now on! And there will be
shareware spreadsheets, word processors, and lots more as well!

The goal is to bring the best of each category, and to try to hatch
things that other FDN's are not hatching. However we know there will be
some duplication, and there is little we can do about that.

Here are the 9 non-BBS categories:

Area  UTL-APPS 0     !      DOS Applications
Area  UTL-ARC  0     !      DOS Archivers & Archive Utilities
Area  UTL-SHEL 0     !      DOS Shells
Area  UTL-COMM 0     !      DOS Communication Programs & Utilities
Area  UTL-VIR  0     !      DOS Virus Checking Utilities
Area  UTL-EDIT 0     !      DOS Text Editors & Word Processors
Area  UTL-GRAP 0     !      DOS Graphic Programs & Screen Utilities
FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 10                    06 Jun 1994

Area  UTL-SYST 0     !      DOS System & Disk Utilities
Area  UTL-OTHR 0     !      DOS Other Utilities & Tools

This second group of 9 categories give authors of software we all use to
keep our BBS's going a place to get their programs out to the masses
again. UTILNET2 is the first FDN on the Filebone to support these
categories of software.

NOTE: We will not be carrying door programs. DDSDOORS is doing an
     excellent job of handling those files already.

Area  UTL-GATE 0     !      DOS BBS Mail Gating Utilities
Area  UTL-MAIL 0     !      DOS BBS Mailers
Area  UTL-MSG  0     !      DOS BBS Message Handling Utilities
Area  UTL-NLST 0     !      DOS BBS Nodelist Compilers and Utilities
Area  UTL-PNT  0     !      DOS BBS Point Utilities
Area  UTL-PROG 0     !      DOS BBS Programs
Area  UTL-READ 0     !      DOS Sysop/Point Mail Readers
Area  UTL-TIC  0     !      DOS BBS File Handling Utilities
Area  UTL-OBBS 0     !      DOS BBS Other Utilities

So if you know of an author, or are the author, and would like to have
the software distributed worldwide, please send a copy to my system at
1:209/710 along with a description of the program in a separate message.
Any Fidonet compatible mailer can be used (I use Binkley 2.59a), or you
can log onto my BBS (Maximus 2.01wb) and upload your software, even on
your first call to my system.

NOTE: My current phone number is being shared with my voice line on
     weekdays between 8am and 6pm PST. The BBS will not answer during
     these hours, but will answer all other hours. I expect the BBS to
     go back to 24 hour 7 day operation sometime in June on a new
     number. Once this happens, my nodelist entry will begin to fly the
     CM flag once again.

It is requested that everything sent supporting BBS's be designed to
work with more than just a single BBS package. Most programs and
utilities that only work with a single BBS package should be sent out in
that BBS's specific file areas.

Programs and utilities intended for hatching in the non-BBS areas should
operate under DOS. UTILNET2 will not hatch out Windows, OS/2, *NIX, or
other OS's programs. There are other FDN's for those files.

Every effort will be made to hatch out new arrivals within 24 hours of
the time they arrive here. Archives will be unpacked to make sure they
are valid, virus checking will be performed to verify that we are not
spreading one all over the world, and the docs will be read to a certain
degree to verify that we can legally hatch the archive. We may even
attempt to run the program in an OS/2 2.1 DOS session. Any program that
fails to unpack, is found top have a virus, says that it cannot be
distributed legally, or which fails to function will not be sent out. If
there is a Fidonet address listed either in the message left when the
file arrived or in the documentation, every effort will be made to
contact the author in an effort to resolve the problem. If a FILE_ID.DIZ
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file is included in the archive, up to 230 characters of it will be used
as the default description when it is hatched out. Please do not draw
boxes and fancy lines in FILE_ID.DIZ files. They turn into cr*p on most

All files sent out via UTILNET2 should be expected to reach all
connected nodes including Planet Connect satellite distribution, and
will even reach Internet on the ftp.fidonet.org site. If other satellite
distributors come on the scene, they may also be allowed to carry

Even with the changes listed here, UTILNET2 will continue to maintain
the same policy that it has in the past. There are almost no
restrictions on who can link into the UTILNET2 feeds. If you want the
link and are in Fidonet, do it.

For those of you that would like to see what files are being distributed
in UTILNET2 without actually getting the files, ask your hub for a
connection to the UTILNET2 message area. All of the Zone Hubs are
carrying it, and it should also be available at each of the Regional

The UTILNET2 message area announces all of the files sent out including
each files size and description, plus it is an area where questions and
answers about UTILNET2 are handled. Anyone interested in or currently
using any of the UTILNET2 file areas is welcome to participate. The
volume is very low, some weeks less than 5 messages are distributed.

If there is any support for the idea, I would also be willing to create
a software support echo under the UTILNET2 umbrella for the authors of
software being hatched out to support their program(s) in. At this point
this is just an idea, but it seems to me that people would like to come
back to the source of the program for some support. Any authors that
would be interested in this idea can drop me a note in netmail. If I get
enough responses on this, I will actively work to get this support echo
on the backbone.

So thats what is happening in UTILNET2. Somehow I think its going to be
a long, hot summer (especially here in Las Vegas!), and things are going
to get very exciting! Between working, dips in the pool, and a little
fun in the heat, I will be checking to see what kinds of magical things
have dropped in on my system from the far corners of the planet!

Have a great summer everyone!

Mark Woolworth
Fidonet 1:209/710
Head of the UTILNET2 FDN

FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 12                    06 Jun 1994

Artspec II

ARTSPEC II: Additions and Revisions to ARTSPEC.DOC
Dennis McClain-Furmanski, 1:275/429

The following is a list of additions and revisions to
ARTSPEC.DOC, the Fidonews submission guidelines.  These have been
compiled by noting the traffic in this publication.

[Note for the irony impaired: this is satire.  Do not paste it
into ARTSPEC.  Honest, ARTSPEC.DOC does exist.  Really.]

- Grammar and spelling flames are allowed.  Forget the fact that
virtually every echo on the backbone disallows them either
explicitly or implicitly.  Fidonews is special in that we can
waste your time and disk space, and you have no recourse but to
add to the useless traffic with your appended complaints.  This
of course is NOT allowed with regards to submissions from those
poor unfortunates in less developed countries like Europe.  They
can't help it they can't talk good.  Come on, impress us with
your high school grammar training.  Heaven forbid that people
should pay attention to what someone means.  We have to distract
everyone with how it was said.

- Say the same things over and over.  We have not had complaints
of censorship in every issue.  It doesn't matter that it proves
you have no concept of what that word really means, or that we
have none about what it means to reject useless garbage from
Fidonews.  Just because you don't know what your rights are
doesn't mean some sneaky government is going to come along and
steal the real rights.  And since you're not likely to ever
really meet any of the people who will read any of this much less
get to know them, there is no way anyone will ever know you're
only interested in perpetuating infantile behavior and wouldn't
dream of mentioning the words First Amendment in front of anyone
you actually know.  Besides, you have a RIGHT to be, stay and act
ignorant.  So send along those repeats, no matter how wrong.
Hey, you proved masturbation won't make you go blind, and you
still do it, right?  The only differences is we won't give you
blisters for overdoing it.

- Use profanity liberally.  No, it doesn't make you ignorant.
But continuing to do what some people have asked you nicely not
to (even if some others asked you NOT so nicely) does make you a
jerk just as bad as those who would control your speech.  If you
want to be right, you need to be as wrong as they are.  Again, we
don't follow the same kinds of rules that echos do; they have
nothing to do with Fidonews.  You may freely insult anyone in any
fashion you wish here.  We suggest you do so interspersed with
justifications for your action.  Quoting others' justifications
is a good way to get this done without actually having to think
up reasons yourself.  Remember, intelligent people use profanity
too.  Being smart is no reason to have to use the smarts or to
make any kind of effort, and you don't really care how you look
FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 13                    06 Jun 1994

to others.  We don't.  No, it's much more important for you to
force people to see the language that you can't use in many other
places but wouldn't even consider complaining about in those

- Complain about the profanity liberally.  You know it won't
work, but don't let that stop you.  You too have a right to bang
your head on a wall.  You have just as much right to have a
'family oriented' publication as the others do to freedom from
censorship.  No matter neither of you can prove your rights
because they don't exist.  We want job security.  As long as you
insist on getting your way and the ones that want to impress us
with their limited vocabulary do too, we'll have it.  We need you
to waste our time also

- DO NOT mention religion.  This is not allowed as it causes too
much upset among the members.  This is not censorship any more
than disallowing profanity would be, but it's the way we do
things here.  We get too many negative response articles, and
after all, this is your newsletter; we print what you want to
see.  We have entirely different reasons for this decision than
we do for the decision regarding profanity.  Contradictory?
That's OK, we subscribe to the International Ethic of Hypocrisy
in Print.  We're working on being the cover story of their next
issue.  Again we say, this is your newsletter.

- Reply, rereply, rerereply.  Never act, only react.  It's too
hard to think of something new to talk about.  Besides, you don't
care about anything except if you don't like what someone says
about it, or how they say it.  And use quote markers to prove
that this is an echo instead of a newsletter.  It makes your
whining oh so much more colorful.  You might have the attention
span it would take to say something cogent without having to cue
yourself every three lines, but nobody else does.  Anything else
would be like writing, which is work.  Use that echomail
technology.  Remember, never make a point, just destroy someone

- In order to keep traffic up here in Fidonews, don't do anything
positive about any problem, technical or otherwise.  If someone
actually did start using a new format of nodelist or whatever
we'd have nothing to print.  So don't do anything, just complain.
So much the better if you can coherently state your point and
show that you actually know enough about the problem to do
something about it.  If you'll only complain, this will set a
good example for others' non-action.

- Get real angry and show it.  If there's something you don't
like, don't just say so, scream at the top of your ASCII.  After
all, this is your livelihood, you life, your sole reason for
existence.  If you stopped and took time to think, you might
either calm down and figure it's not worth the effort (which it
isn't, but keep those cards and letters coming!), or you might
actually make a good point and shut up some misguided soul.  No,
we'd much prefer that Fidonews be the Flame echo.  You didn't
FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 14                    06 Jun 1994

think that 'newsletter' meant it was for news, did you?

- Don't just propose, DEMAND, that XXXXX.XXX be the new standard.
These things must change frequently, and at as much cost as
possible.  After all, cost doesn't matter.  We all have too much
money.  We know this because nobody would have the insane idea to
actually pay the shareware fees for six different archive
programs to satisfy the whims of the endless numbers of
micromanagers who insist on making people do things their way
instead of sticking to something that works fine, or to pay for
that new mailer or BBS every year, since you know you're not
really going to use it forever, so you're just trying it out this
year.  If you can steal it, so can they.  That way they can
afford a new machine every six months, since the new software
will require it.  Nobody needs to have any commitments or any
life outside Fidonet anyway.  Cha-ching.

- Ignore all of these.  You ignore the rest of ARTSPEC anyway,
and we do too sometimes.  Good reasons with logical bases are,
after all, only guidelines.  Remember our motto: Newspapers
should have no rules.  Well, except maybe only rules we can apply
only when we feel like it and ignore the rest of the time.

If this fails to anger someone, I'm sorry, I'll get to you next
time.  Feel free to dislike the words, but you can't blame me for
the circumstances and behaviors I observe.


Nodelist size -- again!

by Pasi Eronen
[email protected] (preferred)
2:222/170 (slow and unreliable if routed)

There has recently been a number of articles about the size of
the nodelist in Snooze. New flags, removal of hold entries, or
a new nodelist format (proposed a couple of years ago) would
indeed make the nodelist smaller. But not by much. If we save,
say, ten bytes per entry, the nodelist would still be over two
megabytes. If we remove a couple of hundred 'unnecessary'
entries, it's still over 2 megs. And it's growing.

One solution is not to use the full nodelist -- how many
entries of the full nodelist have you actually sometimes used?
All nodes for your own region and just hosts for the rest would
be enough for most.

Another solution has been proposed quite a while ago by Robert
Heller in FSC-0069 ("FidoNet domain name service"). It
contained ideas like alphabetical domain names, so it was
probably a too radical change for Fidonet.

I think a simpler scheme would be enough. A small nodelist
FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 15                    06 Jun 1994

(maybe own region and hosts) would be distributed to all nodes.
A complete nodelist segment for any given net could be
file-requestable from its host (and maybe other nodes) using
some agreed name (for example, FIDO00DE.002 for 2:222@fidonet)
(don't you just love MS-DOS's file name limitations?).
Naturally some programs would have to be modified to include
this segment in the compiled nodelist or use it as-is.

Of course, no solution is perfect. If you wanted to crashmail a
node outside your own region, two calls would be required. But
I'm not sure whetever it would be more expensive than the
current system or not.

Ideas, comments, etc. are welcome.


ARC standard
Joshua Lee (1:271/250)

Hello Raul!

I'm responding to your article in v. 11 n. 20 of FidoNews.

RA>      Then I would like to know is WHY is it STILL the de-facto
RA>   standard?!!  Especially since PLATFORM PORTABLE source for ARC
RA>   newer than v5.2x  is NOT available!

Your complaint here is moot, the standard is  *specifically*  ARC  5.x,
and not later versions of ARC.

RA>      I  have  even  dealt  with  a  SysOp or two that got indignant
RA>   when I requested that they go back to a more compatible/compliant
RA>   ARC  format, now  this  only  happened a couple of times, but it
RA>   did happen and even

Tell  said sysop that they are in violation of technical standards, and
let the NC and RC know about it. :-)

You may be  happy  to  know  that  ARC  5  (and  ARCA,  PKPAK,  etc  in
compatability  mode),  is  used  or  should  be used by all ARCMail 0.6
compatable mail processors, and is the default compressed mail exchange
format. Not the "lastest version" of ARC, which is not.

Actually,  I suspect outside of some SEAniks :-), the majority of nodes
do not use  the  commercial  ARC7  compressor  as  their  ARCMail  type
compressor  of  choice  in  any  case. Outside of it's v5 compatability
mode, ARC7 shouldn't be the default form of  compression.  (Nor  should
ZIP  for  that matter, though I've seen software that was misconfigured
to do so!)

RA>   Now shouldn't  the  de-facto  compression  format  be  one  that
RA> has platform PORTABLE source available?  I sure think so!!!

FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 16                    06 Jun 1994

Yes.  The  problem  is  that  ZIP  extraction  is  difficult,  and  ARJ
impossible,  on  some  16  bit  memory-addressed (<=64K RAM) platforms.
Also, if a node cannot somehow handle  ARC  v5  archives,  there  is  a
nodelist  flag  to  indicate  this.  Then the node can be sent all mail
uncompressed by default. Also, some older  versions  of  software  only
call  an  ARC5 compatable program (ARC or ARCA) to extract and compress
rather than giving the user's choice of compressor.

If a node wishes to use *higher* compression than ARC5, then  by  prior
arrangement,  they  can  do this as well. However, a random node in the
nodelist should always be sent a compressed bundle with ARC5 compatable

RA> stuck   without   the   means   of   maintaining   cross-platform
RA> mail compatibility, how long???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You  don't have to "maintain" anything. If you can do version 5, you're
operating in accordance to the standards. Of course, it *is* nice  when
software  can  detect  and handle other forms of compression as options
too, but that's beyond the default compression standard.

RA> that  is non-compliant with stated Fido policy, or is FNEWS exempt
RA> from what the rest  of  us  have  to  deal  with?

The stated Fido policy only applies to Fido network  mail-bundles,  not
to  newsletters,  programs, and other micellenia transfered in the net.

That having been said, some I've seen some networks, such as  net  109,
convert FidoNews to ARC5 so that all nodes can recieve it.

The  historical  reason  for  using  LZH of course was the infamous SEA
versus PKWare and IFNA lawsuits/flamewars which engulfed FidoNet at one
time.  All  ARC  compressions  were  declared politically incorrect for
purposes other than mail bundles. ;-) (I've got some old programs  that
were  [poorly]  compressed  with an ancient version of ZOO specifically
because of this!)

RA> complaining about this, as I KNOW I can extract .LZH files for
RA> reading, unlike any files compressed with ARC v6.xx or newer.

Files compressed with ARC v6 or newer in a non  v5  compatability  mode
don't  match  the  ARCMail  0.6  standard as understood under policy 4.
Whoever tells you otherwise is full of it. ;-)

Does this help clear things up any?


               = = = x x x  XXX x x x = = =


It's that time again...

FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 17                    06 Jun 1994

by Matt Ion
It's that time again...

What time is that?  NEAT - New Echo Announcement Time  :)

Okay, it's not a terribly new echo.  It's been around for about a year
now, kinda puttering along, mostly local to Net153.  I've been avoiding
using this wonderful publication for my own crass purposes, but what the
heck, everyone else is doing it.

Some time ago, with the help of Bonnie Goodwin, esteemed moderator of
the AUDIO echo, I created an echo to serve my own favourite hobby (and
sometimes job), and named it AUTOSOUND, and it was good.  It's made its
way onto a few other systems around North America (including SIREN -
thanks Bonnie :), as well as Net153's Local Distribution System, and
should hopefully soon be joining the Broadcaster's Professional
Communication Network to take some of the off-topic car stereo chatter
from the PRO_AUDIO conference.

And for anyone else who's interested, it is currently available for
widespread private distribution, with the hope of one day achieving
backbone status (this, of course, requires a certain level of traffic
and number of downlinks, which is also why I'm writing this :).  I can
be reached at the addresses below for more information; the tag again is
AUTOSOUND; the topic is, of course, car audio, electronics, security,
etc.; the uplink is my main system at 1:153/7040.

Matt Ion  --  1:153/7106
aka [email protected]


Keep Out--The Journal of Electronic Privacy

                          Keep Out Magazine
                 The Journal of Electronic Privacy

    There is a well-established constitutional right to privacy in
the United States.  We have this right today because of the wisdom and
forethought of our founding fathers.

    That right is being threatened--usually not by would-be dictators
or demagogues, but by well-meaning people who are simply misguided.

    Examples of this include the Clinton administration's Clipper Chip
initiative, which would put an encryption device inside every telephone
and computer--fine, except that the government would keep a copy of the

    Export restrictions on strong cryptography are another threat.
They keep computer hardware and software vendors from being competitive
in a global market, and also stifle development of cryptographic
technologies in this country.

FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 18                    06 Jun 1994

    Keep Out focuses on the practical side of cryptography, digital
money, anonymous remailers, and everything else that can increase
privacy.  If you don't know what those are, you should be reading Keep
Out.  Rather than discuss the obscure branches of mathematics that are
the basis for these technologies, Keep Out will discuss how to get
these technologies, what they can do, and how to use them.

    Stories in progress for the first issue include:
      *  A review of the different programs that claim to link PGP
         with off-line mail-readers
      *  A story on the breaking of RSA and what it really means in
         terms of the security of your messages
      *  An interview with Phil Zimmermann, including his thoughts on
         privacy in the digital age, export controls on cryptography,
         the copyright on RSA (the algorithm used in PGP), and
         information on his struggle with US Customs over exporting
      *  In our beginners' section, an explanation of how public-key
         encryption works, and how it can work for you

    In short, Keep Out focuses on who is taking your privacy away
from you, and what you can do to get it back.

    A one-year subscription (six issues) to Keep Out costs US $15.
Keep Out can not accept credit-card orders, but checks and money orders
payable to "Keep Out" are welcome.

    The premier issue of Keep Out will reach newsstands everywhere
August 1.

    For information on advertising, to reach our editorial staff, or
for subscription questions, call (818) 345-8640, or write:

               Keep Out
               P.O. Box 571312
               Tarzana, CA 91357-1312

    You can fax Keep Out at (818) 342-5127.  You can also reach Keep
Out through the Internet at "[email protected]" or call
the Keep Out BBS, 1:102/903,  at (818) 342-5127.


Dear Madam Emilia

Q:   I don't understand cencorship laws, <um> I guess they are called
"pornography" laws, as they are applied to BBSs.  If a sysop is held
responsible for whatever is passing through her BBS, then it is implied
she's obligated to read other people's private mail.  That seems more
of a wrongness than anything punished now with censorship laws.  Will
you please explain this to me?

A:   I'm sorry dear, but i can't explain that to you, it does not
make sense.  However, i need to criticise your use of the term "she"
FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 19                    06 Jun 1994

when used in a non-gender-specific context.

Q:   How do you manage to stand answering endless questions when you
don't know anything?  It must be tiring.  Can i help you?

A:   Yes, darling.  Avoid standing on pedestals.  Stand on
soap-boxes instead, they are more interesting.  If you want to
simplify things when a crowd starts gathering around you, then
carefully lissen to what they say and feed it exactly back to them,
ever sooo gently and with real concern.

Q:  If all you are doing is feeding back to people statements they
themselves have made then why do they bother lissening to you, when they
could simply lissen to themselves?

A:   Because i'm on a soap-box.  Some people would rather "agree"
than dissent, even if they are meaning exactly the same words.  If i
like agreeing, i will find someone to lissen to who says what i want
to hear.  If i like dissenting, i will find someone to lissen to
who does not say what i want to hear.   The stature of the soap-box
is illusory; a mere, but useful illusion.

Q:   How can you blow soap-bubbles without water?

                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)
Internet addresses:
   Don & Sylvia    (submission address)
             [email protected]
   Sylvia -- [email protected]
   Donald -- [email protected]
   Tim    -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

Voice:  (519) 570-3137
FidoNews 11-23                 Page: 20                    06 Jun 1994

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1994 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.  If you would like a FAQ, or
have questions regarding FidoNet, or UUCP<==>FidoNet gateways, please
direct them to David Deitch (1:133/411@fidonet) at
[email protected].

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END