F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.14    (04-Apr-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Cyberspace Cannot Be Censored...............................  2
     HIGH SPEED NODELIST FLAGS;..................................  4
     MusicNet -- A New Network for Music Enthusiasts.............  6
     Deja-vu.....................................................  7
     Announcing TRASH_THE_MOD....................................  8
     WarpSpeed (tm), Star Trek Mail Network......................  9
     The WISE_USE conference is available!....................... 10
     "Dear Emily Postnews"....................................... 11
     RUNNERS Echo at the Starting Line........................... 12
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 13
FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  2                    04 Apr 1994

ah-Well, high and dry here folks.

If you notice this issue's article about WIRED mag being
censored in Canada for dicussing discussions of the
Teale/Homulka double-feature horror, you will giggle to discover
that Canadian officials have apparently changed their
fascinating minds and will allow the mag to be sold in Canada IF
it has stickey paper covering up the banned text, and more
stickey paper on the front cover indicating that stickey paper
is inside.

Application of steam will not be necessary because the stickey
paper on the front cover indicating that the banned stuff is
banned, also lists where the same info can be found on the net.
Hmmm. Interesting precedent.

Aren't we efficient here? Modern fig leaves. Oh, what Adam
could have done with Avery labels.

BTW, Marge Robbins, keeper of the FIDONET Archives [1:283/120],
could probably still use some help transcribing tapes and stuff.

and.. I've been conducting more experiments with cactii
downstairs. My test subjects are cactii looking like little
bubble cells on a string [opposite of fig leaves]. Many strings
spread from each pot, several pots of strings hang from ceiling.
Shelving underneath, with more pots and old medicine bottles
filled with water. The strings grow from pot to pot to glass
and back again. If a string breaks, it just grows more and gets
water from a different source. I'm trying to find out if the
strings are intuitive, or random, or both and why.
Cyberspace Cannot Be Censored

WIRED Responds to Canadian Ban of Its April Issue

Wednesday, March 23, 1994, San Francisco

WIRED's April issue has been banned in Canada. WIRED's offense?
Publication of a story called "Paul and Karla Hit the Net," a
400-word article about how Canadians are getting around a Canadian
court decision to ban media coverage of details in the  Teale-Homolka
murder case.

This article does not reveal details of the case. Instead, the
article explains why the media ban has proven unenforceable and
reports how information on the case is readily available to Canadians.

FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  3                    04 Apr 1994

According to a survey conducted by the Ottawa Citizen newspaper,
26 percent of those polled said they knew prohibited details of
the trial, because they are continuously leaked by Canadian court
witnesses, police, and others to the international  media. Once
this information is published, it pours back into Canada via fax,
videocassettes, magazines and photocopies of articles, e-mail,
Internet newsgroups, and other online services. In the United
States, People magazine, and the TV show, A  Current Affair as well
as the New York Times and other publications and shows have covered
the story and the ban.

As WIRED's story and the action of Canada's Attorney General make
clear, the ban is not only a waste of time and money,but has actually
had the opposite effect of what was intended. Rumors and sensationalized
accounts of the case abound, and the  Teale-Homolka trial is one
of the hottest topics of discussion among Canadians.

"Banning of publications is behavior we normally associate with
Third-World dictatorships," said WIRED publisher Louis Rossetto.
"This an ominous indication that the violation of human rights is
becoming Canadian policy."

According to Rossetto, the Canadian Government's recent seizure of
gay and lesbian periodicals under the guise of controlling
"pornography" and its behavior in the Teale-Homolka case have made
Canada a leading violator of free speech rights, and  have set a
scary precedent for other nations that would like to control what
its citizens read and think.

"Information wants to be free," said Jane Metcalfe, WIRED's president.
"At the end of the 20th century, attempts to ban stories like this
one are condemned to be futile. That WIRED's criticism of the ban
has itself been banned is supremely ironic  and utterly chilling."

Since WIRED supports free speech, WIRED is making the text of its
"banned" story with details on how readers can get more information
on the case available on the Internet. Canadians and people around
the world can discover exactly what the Canadian  government is
trying to keep hidden.

The banned article text can be obtained via the following WIRED
Online services:

 o WIRED Infobot e-mail server     send e-mail to [email protected],
                                   containing the words "get
                                   homolka/banned.text" on a single
                                   line inside the message body

 o WIRED Gopher                    gopher to gopher.wired.com
                                   select "Teale-Homolka "

 o WIRED on World Wide Web         http://www.wired.com
                                   select "Teale-Homolka "

The complete text of WIRED 2.04 will be available from the Infobot, Gopher,
FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  4                    04 Apr 1994

and World Wide Web on April 19.

=-=---==-=---=-  Michael Gold  --=--==---=-  Online Grotto --=--=-=-=--=-=
=-=---==-=---=  WIRED Magazine --=--==---  [email protected]  -=-=--=-==--

-- editor's note: and a few days later ...

MG> In case you hadn't heard, WIRED 2.04 will reappear  on  Canadian
MG> newsstands  within the next few days, with a sticker covering up
MG> the offending paragraph, and another on the front cover  calling
MG> attention  to the censorship.  Apparently the Canadian officials
MG> agreed to this compromise.
MG> This inside sticker provides pointers on how to  get  the  taboo
MG> information  over  the  Internet,  so the whole thing has turned
MG> into a bit of a hoot...
MG> All the best, stay in touch,

=-=---==-=---=-  Michael Gold  --=--==---=-  Online Grotto --=-=-=--=-==--
-=---=--==--=-  WIRED Magazine --=-=--=--  [email protected]  -==--==--==-



Al Filandro 1:141/885, 1:141/1885@Fidonet, [email protected]
High Speed Modem Flags whats the deal?

I have been in fidonet for about four years now and I have never
seen such a simple implementation of nodelist flags turn out to
be such a major hassel. Rockwells V.FC 28.8k is now encorporated
into many modems and AT&T and US Robotics are working currently
off the "Terbo" standard. Why can't someone like the ZEC give
us a list of flags we as hubs can use to get the most relevant
connect rates that we need? WHY IS THIS SUCH A HASSEL??

The H16 flag for Us Robotics small footprint 16.8k modems was
great about TWO YEARS AGO when the modems came out, now it is
getting in the way of the terbo 21.6k connects because the modem
flags  are  assuming H16=HST, 'hay!, lets dial out using
ATB1DT!'..which isn't right since terbo isnt HST its AT&T
protocol (although AT&T doesnt have 21.6k modems). I have heard
the ZyXel users complain because their proprietary Protocol
isn't being supported in the nodelist flags and I do agree it
should too for 16.8k connects.

What is wrong with the following scenario???

9600 .... Indicating node is operating at high speed 9600 with V.32.
V32b .... Indicating node is functioning at CCITT 14400 V.32 bis.
V42b .... Indicating node is functioning 2400 w/data compression.
MNP5 .... Indicating node is functioning 2400 w/MNP-5 data compression.
MNP .... Indicating node is functioning 2400 w/MNP Error correction.
FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  5                    04 Apr 1994

V42 .... Indicating node is functioning 2400 w/V42-LAPM Error correction.
FAX .... Indicating node has fax software 9600 or higher Class 2 or 3.
H14 .... Indicating node uses a straight USR Courier 14.4 modem.
H16 .... Indicating node uses a straight USR Courier 16800 modem
    (unless configured with V32bis then we assume dual standard)
TER .... Indicating node using AT&T Terbo V32bis extension..this will
    override all HST specific flags and V32b flag. "Super V32bis".
Z16 .... Indicating node uses a ZyXel 16.8k/19.2k Modem.
VFC .... Indicating node is using Rockwells V.fast 28.8k protocol.
V34 .... Indicating node is using IT&U (CCITT) V.34 28.8k protocol.
ALL .... Indicating node is V.34/V.FC and AT&T Terbo compatible.

Thats probably the jist of all thats needed but for example,
lets say I have an upgraded USR modem that (once they give us
our daughterboards and V.34 is approved) that  is  28.8k
V.FC-Terbo and V34, I would stick in the nodelist


By using That "ALL" paramater I would wanna dump the HST flag(s)
because 16.8 would not overweigh (most likely in the future) all
the modems that are going to be 28.8k compatible....and I
wouldn't want say an HST 28.8k modem with everything dialing me
and connecting 14400 or 16800 if they can connect 28.8k (or 24k
or 21.6k).

If I had say an AT&T Paradyne modem at 19.2k I could use say:


Again, just have people recognize that "TER" means V32bis and
equivilate that someplace in their dialing string (ie TER=ATB0DT
and V32b=ATB0DT; on USR modems).

V.42bis/Mnp5 and all the other Error correcting/Data compression
Flags should only be used on low speed 2400bps modems I would
think since it is kinda a 'given' nowadays if you have a 9600 or
better modem, it comes with all the whistles and bells.

I just hope something can get rolling on this soon because it's
getting annoying.

Al Filandro @141/1800
Areafix RUSH_FAN today!
FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  6                    04 Apr 1994

MusicNet -- A New Network for Music Enthusiasts

by Terry May, MusicNet ZC @ 1:209/[email protected]

MusicNet is a brand new network devoted to all aspects of all types of
music.  Whether your interest is in rock, country, jazz, classical, rap
or the blues, MusicNet is for you.  Whether you are a musician or simply
a fan, MusicNet is for you.  Whether your interest is in messages or
files or both, MusicNet is for you.  Simply put, if you have any
interest at all in music, you'll probably find something in MusicNet to
your liking.

Features and benefits of MusicNet include the following:

#  Membership is FREE!  Your only costs will be any phone charges if
you're not able to get a local hub.

#  Based on Fido-technology.  This simply means that if your software is
Fido-compatible, you should have no problem running MusicNet.  MusicNet
uses zone 808 and with a musicnet.ftn domain.

#  A policy based on democracy.  All major decisions are decided on by
the general membership.  This includes the addition and deletion of any
and all echoes.  As ZC, my vote counts the same as anyone elses.  In
addition, all policy proposals will be given plenty of time for
discussion before any voting takes place.  Nothing will be shoved down
anyone's throat.

#  Charter membership.  That really doesn't mean anything, except that
because MusicNet is still in its infancy, you have a greater chance to
help shape it into something you can really enjoy and be proud of.

#  Fast growing.  Despite still being in diapers <g>, MusicNet is
already reaching the USA, Canada, Germany and the UK, with very good
prospects for spreading into still further countries in the near future.

# Bright future.  This is not a network that has been around for years
and has gotten stale and boring.  This is a network with a lot of
excitement and potential.  There is no reason why it shouldn't continue
to grow and grow and grow.  Plateaus are for people lacking imagination
and drive.  Not a problem in MusicNet.

Here are the current MusicNet message echoes:

M.ADM.ECHO          MusicNet Echo Discussion
M.ADM.FDS           MusicNet FDS Announcements
M.ADM.HOST          MusicNet Hosts
M.ADM.SYSOP         MusicNet SysOps
M.ADM.TEST          MusicNet Test Echo
M.CLASSICAL         Classical Music
M.COUNTRY           Country Music
M.JAZZ              Jazz Music
M.MISC              Non-Musical Chit-Chat
M.MISC.4SALE        For Sale & Wanted Ads
FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  7                    04 Apr 1994

M.MUSIC             Music General Chat
M.MUSIC.LYRICS      Song Lyrics
M.RAP               Rap Music
M.ROCK              Rock Music General Chat
M.ROCK.CLASSIC      Classic Rock Music
M.ROCK.METAL        Heavy Metal and Thrash

You'll note the Internet-style echo names.  This allows for better echo
organization and easier wildcard areafixing.  It does _not_ mean you can
expect to find Internet echoes and those huge Internet headers.

Here are the current MusicNet file echoes:

M-ADM     MusicNet Administration Files
M-MIDI    MIDI Data Files
M-MODS    Noise/Sound/ProTracker MODs
M-NDIFF   MusicNet NodeDiffs
M-NLIST   MusicNet NodeLists
M-OTHER   Everything not already covered in another file echo
M-PICS    Music-related Pictures (GIF, JPG, etc.)
M-SOUNDS  Music-related Samples (AVR, SPL, WAV, etc.)
M-TEXT    Music-related Text Files

If you become a MusicNet sysop and feel there should be other message
and/or file echoes, you have every right to propose new echoes and have
them voted upon.  There's no guarantee they'll become accepted, but at
least it will be decided by the general membership and not a dictator.

If you're interested in learning more about MusicNet and/or joining,
then please freq MUSICNET from one of the following addresses:

1:209/[email protected]  51:2/[email protected]  116:122/[email protected]



by Juergen Hermann
Internet [email protected]
PhoneNet 49-721-826310 (FAX, V.32bis)

The following pile of crap wasted a few sectors of my harddisk ealier
today. If you happen to have a issue of GNEWS June/July '93 at hand, you
may see certain repeating patterns; you actually don't have to speak
German to recognize them, though it may help.

Excuse me for now, I feel an urge to get rid of my dinner...

----- Chainsaw ON ------------------------------------------------------

Area: R24.INFO             SENT
From: Jens Mueller on 2:24/24.0!, Euro Star, Germany
To:   All
Subj: Echomail Classic <-> FidoNet
FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  8                    04 Apr 1994

Date: Tuesday, 29-Mar-94 19:36  (31-Mar-94)

* Crossposted in R24.POLLING
* Crossposted in R24.ALLE
* Crossposted in R24.COORD
* Crossposted in R24.INFO

Hello All,

tja, wie soll ich's anfangen .... ;-)

In den naechsten Tagen werden wir beginnen, die Echomailtrennung
zwischen dem FidoNet und dem Classic in R24 aufzuheben. Es macht nach
unserer Meinung keinen Sinn weiterhin mit getrennten Echos zu leben,
doppelte Kosten zu produzieren und die Zusammenfuehrung der Netze durch
Echomailstreitigkeiten zu behindern.

Wir bitten darum, umgehend die sog. Gateways zischen dem FidoNet und dem
Classic zu schliessen. Ansonsten wird es Dupes hageln. Klaus und ich
werden ALLE Mail fuer einen Zeitraum von 4 Wochen gnadenlos durchrouten.

Was passiert "danach" ?

Was danach passiert ist eigentlich recht einfach. Wir (24/999 u. 24/24)
werden als Uplink nur noch fuer gelistete FidoNet Systeme zur Verfuegung
stehen. Wer nach der Zusammenfuehrung der Echos immer noch nicht in der
Lage ist, mit seinen Nachbarn ein friedliches Netzdasein zu fuehren, der
moege sich einmal Gedanken um Begriffe wie "miteinander" und
"Kommunikation" machen.

Sicherlich wird kein in Gruendung befindliches Netz sofort von der
Echomail abgeklemmt. Aber es darf auch nicht ewig so weitergehen.

Dies ist _keine_ Verschwoerung oder gar ein Echo-Putsch. Es ist einfach
die bestmoegliche Reaktion auf den allgemeinen Wunsch nach gemeinsamen

Sicher werden wir uns dadurch nicht nur Freunde schaffen, aber wir
wissen, dass es dem mehrheitlichen Wunsch der Nodes in R24 entspricht
und das es fuer eine engueltige Zusammenfuehrung von FidoNet und Classic
nur von Vorteil sein kann.

Happy Fidonetting!

See ya,


Announcing TRASH_THE_MOD

Glob Blermer 1:3800/6
Announcing Trash the Moderator Echo

FidoNews 11-14                 Page:  9                    04 Apr 1994

TITL  Trash the Moderator Echo

DESC  The only place where you can hold that stupid
nincompoop moderator up to the ridicule he or she
deserves Monthly Recognition for Mod_A**h*le of the month,
this Echo is dedicated to calling these all-powerful
beanheads to account for their arbitrary and otherwise
self-serving pronouncements.

MOD   Glob Blermer, 1:3800/6
DIST  1:3800/6
PATH  1:3800/6

If you wanna get it on the Backbone, set it up, open it up,
make it busy, connect, and let's do it.



WarpSpeed (tm), Star Trek Mail Network

By John Buswell, 2:263/250
Boldly Going Where No Mail Network Has Gone Before!

Greetings Fidousers!

I am the International Zone Co-Ordinator for WarpSPEED (tm) a Star
Trek Mail network. I thought I'd right this article as it might
interest some of you.

WarpSPEED (tm), is a Star Trek Mail Network, it has approximately
60 echomail areas, 20 FileEchos, VGA Planets League and BRE.
The network covers many different aspects of Star Trek from the
different series, technical discussions, Klingon Language Courses
to our play-by-echomail games, where groups of people come together
to command a starship, or another Star Trek style ship. The network
has approx. 150K a week of archived mail, but this amount continues
to grow with the network. Another part which some of you might find
interesting is our StarFLEET Academy where you can do a degree and
earn a rank in StarFleet.

Thats about it! Since we have a large number of places covered with
NCs, RCs and Hubs you will easily find a WarpSPEED node somewhere,
but if not feel free to ask me, or FileREQuest WARPSPD.* from my

USA       :  Sal Lizard    (1:372/0)
Europe    :  Gerry Martin  (2:443/21)
Australia :  Andrew Seeger (3:633/157)
Elsewhere :  John Buswell  (2:263/250)

Thank you for your time, I look forward to see some of you in
WarpSPEED (tm). We are presently looking for an RC for Asia,
FidoNews 11-14                 Page: 10                    04 Apr 1994

Africa, and Russia. Offers for those positions can be sent to
me. Thanks to : Steve Moore, Per Helsbol, Marc Hardy, Michel Tandrup,
Michael Aggerholm, Clive Richardson, Jean Fievez, Paul Nixon, Alan
Sawyer and everyone else who makes Warpspeed (tm) great! :)

Live Long and Prosper
John Buswell
Internation Zone Co-Ordinator (Warpspeed 147:147/0)


The WISE_USE conference is available!
Pat Chicas ([email protected],)
FidoNet 1:345/34

Announcing the WISE_USE conference...

Tagname: WISE_USE
Title:   Wise Use of Public Lands Discussion Area

                  "Preserving our Natural Resources FOR
                 the People Instead of FROM the People."
                                           -BlueRibbon Coalition

The  WISE_USE  conference  promotes  the  wise  use of public lands and
COMMON-SENSE environmentalism.

Enviro-OVER-regulation getting all too prevalent for you?   Locked  out
from  your  favorite  camping  and  recreation  areas?  Can't work your
PRIVATE investment property due to the  oft-ABUSED  Endangered  Species
Act?   Then  WISE_USE  is for you!  'Want to understand all this trendy
attack from the 'Green' community?

Hopefully, we can get this backboned in short order.  Your help would be
greatly appreciated.

From the EList description:

Wise Use of Public Lands Discussion Area

WISE_USE is a conference for the discussion of wise use of public  (and
private)  lands,  land  management  by  BLM, Forest Service and others,
legislation pertaining to land use, "taking"  of  private  property  by
federal  agencies,  tactics  used  by environmental-extremist groups to
promote land closures.

This conference promotes the WISE USE of public lands and  COMMON-SENSE
environmentalism   (CSE),   as  opposed  to  the  "entire-ism,  extreme
protectionism and lock 'em up" approach promoted by those  claiming  to
be environmentalists working for the good of all.  Examples of CSE are:
recycling, alternative energy sources, energy efficiency, etc.

As trendy politics have a huge impact on land  manangement,politics  is
also a topic for discussion.

FidoNews 11-14                 Page: 11                    04 Apr 1994

Rules apply.  F'req WISE_USE.RUL from 1:345/34.  In general, posts from
militant environmental "activists" are not  permitted.  NO  flames,  no
illegal activities.

Moderated by:   Pat Chicas, 1:345/34 ([email protected])

Available from: 1:345/34 345/31 345/12 102/825 170/610

Volume:         5/Day


Snooze filler...

"Dear Emily Postnews"

[Written specifically for USENET, but applies to echomail too. Author
unknown. Please step forward!]

       Emily Postnews, foremost authority on proper net behaviour,
       gives her advice on how to act on the net:
-       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -
Dear Emily: Today I posted an article and forgot to include my
signature.  What should I do?  -- forgetful@myvax

A: Dear Forgetful: Rush to your terminal right away and post an
article that says, "Oops, I forgot to post my signature with that last
article.  Here it is."

Since most people will have forgotten your earlier article,
(particularly since it dared to be so boring as to not have a nice,
juicy signature) this will remind them of it.  Besides, people care
much more about the signature anyway.  See the previous letter for
more important details.

Also, be sure to include your signature TWICE in each article.  That
way you're sure people will read it.

Dear Ms. Postnews: I couldn't get mail through to somebody on another
site.  What should I do? -- [email protected]

A: Dear Eager: No problem, just post your message to a group that a
lot of people read.  Say, "This is for John Smith.  I couldn't get
mail through so I'm posting it.  All others please ignore."

This way tens of thousands of people will spend a few seconds scanning
over and ignoring your article, using up over 16 man-hours their
collective time, but you will be saved the terrible trouble of
checking through Usenet maps or looking for alternate routes.  Just
think, if you couldn't distribute your message to 30,000 other
computers, you might actually have to (gasp) call directory assistance
for 60 cents, or even phone the person.  This can cost as much as a
few DOLLARS (!) for a 5 minute call!

FidoNews 11-14                 Page: 12                    04 Apr 1994

And certainly it's better to spend 10 to 20 dollars of other people's
money distributing the message then for you to have to waste $9 on an
overnight letter, or even 29 cents on a stamp!

Don't forget.  The world will end if your message doesn't get through,
so post it as many places as you can.

Q: What about a test message?

A: It is important, when testing, to test the entire net.  Never test
merely a subnet distribution when the whole net can be done.  Also put
"please ignore" on your test messages, since we all know that
everybody always skips a message with a line like that.  Don't use a
subject like "My sex is female but I demand to be addressed as male."
because such articles are read in depth by all USEnauts.



RUNNERS Echo at the Starting Line

by Barry Dowell
Sysop, Pleasure Palace BBS
47 Waysons Court
Lothian, MD 20711

Having recently completed running of the Virginia Beach Shamrock
Marathon (March 19, 1994),  and generally looking for other places to
submit my self to such tortures,  I recently browsed the Elist files to
see if there might be some Fidonet echos of interest to my new found
second hobby (second to BBSing of course).   Disappointment set in after
searches under most of the common keywords showed nothing available of
interest to someone who is learning how to be an avid runner.

Not wanting to take the lack of an available echo as a sign that there
aren't that many people out there crazy enough to take up distance
running,  I have opted for the old volunteer spirit and have created a
new echo called appropriately "RUNNERS".   The echo is currently hubbed
at 1:109/501, and is available by sending a note to Barry Dowell (or
Sysop) at 1:109/501.  I hope that if interest is there, eventually the
echo can be moved to the Fidonet backbone, but currently, it is
available only via private feeds on your own dime.

For now the echo traffic is light, as the echo is really just getting
started.  It is intended that "RUNNERS" will serve as a place where
persons interested in running and fitness can find postings of upcoming
running events as well as articles of interest to runners (such as tips
for buying running equipment, etc.).

Persons who have information that could be distributed via "RUNNERS" are
welcome to send the information direct to me either via netmail or
traditional mail and it will be posted at earilest convience for
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participants of the echo.  Meanwhile, for those that can tune in,
hopefully you'll find something useful in the echo.


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)
Internet addresses:
   Don & Sylvia    (submission address)
             [email protected]
   Sylvia -- [email protected]
   Donald -- [email protected]
   Tim    -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1994 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.  If you would like a FAQ, or
FidoNews 11-14                 Page: 14                    04 Apr 1994

have questions regarding FidoNet, or UUCP<==>FidoNet gateways, please
direct them to David Deitch (1:133/411@fidonet) at
[email protected].

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END