F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.11  No.10    (07-Mar-1994)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     Unnecessary Expletives......................................  2
     Mercury Network.............................................  2
     Small Article about swiscon/eurocon.........................  6
     Dying Boy Needs Cards ... NOT!..............................  7
     New Network in Town.........................................  9
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 11
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  2                    07 Mar 1994

  With International women's week coming up, Max is up to her
eyeballs in getting ready for an art show.  So her I am, stuck
with the editorial.

  The snooze is relatively tame this week, with only one
article chastising us for content.  As Max went out the door,
she said "I want to reply to that ... next week".  So that will
have to wait.

  A couple of new networks are announced; one in Britain and
one down in Florida.  I could never quite figure out why Florida
is such a hotbed of BBS activety.  I mean, up here in Canada it
is so cold all winter that we woosies need an indoor activety
all winter.  But down there it is WARM.  Why all the indoor
stuff?  MMM.  Applies to California as well, I suppose.

  Anyway, here is the snooze.  I am going to head out to the
gallery and give Max a hand hanging stuff.

Unnecessary Expletives.

   I was reading the February 21, 1994 (Vol 11 No 8) edition
of Fidonews and was shocked to see the use of an inflammatory
word in the editorial.  If you're wondering what word, go back
and read it for yourself.  There are many young users who read
Fidonews.  I've always enjoyed reading Fidonews, but this type
of language is totally unnecessary.  On our board, we try to
maintain a family type atmosphere and when a young user or
anyone else can go to the bulletin menu and read this type of
trash does not give Fidonet and the BBS community a very good
image.  I hope that in the future that the editors will delete
these unnecessary expletives.

Robert Robertson 1:3607/5
[email protected]


Mercury Network
by Nick Jay 2:441/6

As a regular reader of the 'Snooze' for about 6 months now, and
having seen several articles over a period informing everyone
about OTHERNETS, I'd just like to take this opportunity to tell
everyone about a great 'new' network that is in operation here
in the UK. It's called Mercury and has nothing to do with the
telco of the same It was originally set up by Steve Woodmore, a
FidoNet SysOp, in order to create a network that was both
friendly, free of politics and policies and one that would give
people total freedom of comms, choice of conversations, topics
and expression.
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  3                    07 Mar 1994

It started small but now has almost 200 participating nodes in
the UK alone. There are also many other users and points and the
network has grown in size and scope ever since. There are
currently around 150 echoes, catering to all needs and although
some of them are currently being dropped through lack of
participation, others are being imported from the States to
replace these, via the VNet/VBBS network in the USA and Canada.
A new RC in the Netherlands/Holland has also recently joined
With spain, Germany and France to follow soon. it is hoped that
this will continue to expand  and  encompass  even  more
international  countries than are already contributing and
enjoying the network.

To give you all an idea, here is a list of the echoes that are
currently available to Mercury Network users:-

ADULT_HUMOUR        Adult sex-type jokes and chat
AGA_AMIGA           Amiga graphics and animation tips
AMA_RADIO           General amateur radio chat
AMIGA_SOFT          Amiga software news and advice
BARREN              Help with Barren Realms Elite BBS door game
BBS_DOORS           Discussion of BBS doors and interfaces
CAPITAL             Capital PUNishment - witty puns and jokes
DR_WHO              General discussion of TV programme Dr.Who
DS9                 Deep Space Nine the TV programme
ELVIS_SIGHTINGS     Spotted Elvis lately?
GENE                Worldwide geneology discussion
GO_HMMM             Things that make you go Hmmm!
L_CALL              UK <-> US general chatter
MBEYOND             21st century and beyond
MBIKE               MotorCycle news and discussion
MBLENDER            Blender magik and rituals
MBOOKS              Books and literary chat
MBOOK_SHADOWS       Book of Shadows
MCD_ROM             CD ROM Discussion and Information
MCHAOS_MAGIK        Chaos Magik
MCHESS              Chess playing tips and strategies
MCLOUD              Living in a cloud
MCOLLEGE            College bound students
MCOLL_LIFE          College life and chatter
MCOMICS             Comics {Cards, Books, Cartoons}
MCYBERPUNK          Talk of the cyberpunk movement
MDEEP               Deep thought and lateral thinking
MDEUTCH             Deutch Fur Alles - German chatter
MDEVIL              Satanism and the devil
MFALCON             Falcon 3.0/Fighting Tiger
MFLAMING            The War Room - flames and swearing!
MGENERALLAW         General law discussion and help
MGET_ODD            Don't get even get odd!
MGROUND             Aviation groundschool - for beginners
MHACK               How to hack a computer system...
MHATE_JOB           I hate my job
MHI_FI              Hi-Fi Equipment news and discussion
MHOMECOOK           Home-cooking recipes and ideas
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  4                    07 Mar 1994

MLAWENFORCE         Law enforcement discussion
MLIVING_LARGE       For those who weight in at 18+ stones
MOS2_CONF           General OS/2 conference
MOS2_DOORS          Running BBS doors under OS/2
MOS2_PROG           OS/2 programming help
MOS2_REXX           Rexx programming under OS/2
MOS2_RTABLE         The famous OS/2 round table
MOS2_SUPPORT        Beginners help for OS/2
MOS2_VSWINDOWS      OS/2 versus Windows
MPAGAN              General Pagan chat
MPC_PILOTS          Armchair PC pilots and flight simulators
MPENPAL             UK <-> US penpals conference
MPHOTO              Photography discussion and news
MPROTOCULTURE       Japanese anime conference
MRAYTRACE           Raytracing - multi platform
MSPACE              Space conference and news
MSTRATEGY           Tips for strategy game players
MSUB_NEW            Announcement area for new subs available in Mercury
MSUPRA              Supra modems news and advice
MTEACHERS           Teachers advice and chat
MTHIEVES            Thieves and thieving conference
MTRUE_CRIMES        True crime stories
MVAMPIRE            All about vampires and their victims
MVGA_PLANETS        Help and tips for players of BBS game VGA planets
MVIGILANTE          Vigilante discussion
MWAR                Talk of war worldwide
MWARGAMES           Discussion of hit novel WarGames
MWAVE               Computer wave news
MWORSHIP            Satanic worship and more Satanism
MYELLOW             Virtualnet yellow pages conference
M_AA                Alcoholics anonymous
M_AACLOSED          AA Closed meetings
M_ACCLOSED          ACOA Closed meetings
M_ALT               Alternative music
M_ANSIART           ANSi art
M_ANSIMUSIC         ANSi music
M_ASKCOPS           Ask a cop - legal issues
M_ASTRO             General
M_AUTOCAD           Autocad discussion
M_AVIATE            Aviators
M_CAP               Combat-air-patrols
M_CCLANG            Future of the C and C++ programming languages
M_CCPROG            C and C++ programming hints and source
M_ERIS              Eris Goddess of Discordia
M_EXPERTS           Ask the experts - any subject
M_GAP               The gap between kids and adults
M_GHOSTS            Ghosts and other supernatural beings
M_GRIDIRON          US Football news and chat
M_HHGTTG            Talk of Douglas Adams' Hitch hikers
                   guide to the galaxy novel
M_INCENSE           Incense oils, concoctions and brews
M_INDNEWS           US and worldwide industrial news
M_INTERNET          Internet help and advice
M_JOKES             Light hearted jokes of any nature
M_KWIK              Questions that go unanswered..
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  5                    07 Mar 1994

M_MADNESS           Enter madness
M_MAGIK             Spiritual conference general chatter
M_MATTERS           Compulsory echo for UK Mercury sysops
M_MEDITATION        Meditation and crystals
M_MERCENARY         Soldier of fortune
M_MILCHAT           US military chatter and views
M_MILNEWS           US military news
M_MILPEOPLE         US military people
M_MOUNTBIKE         Mountain bike chat and advice
M_MYCOMP            My Computer is better than yours (Fido gated)
M_MYTH              Mythology/Folklore conference
M_NET               Mercury UK general user and sysop chat
M_NEWS              Admin FEEDBACK ECHO
M_OP_SYS            Computer networking professionals
M_PARADOX           Paradox PC database support DOS & Windows
M_PCSECURITY        Advice and news on PC security
M_PRAT              Discussion of works by Terry Pratchett
M_SCIFI             General science fiction chatter
M_SERENE            Emptiness and serenity
M_STARTREK          Startrek the TV programme
M_TASUP             Worldwide Transamiga BBS software support
M_TEEN              Mindless teenagers chatter
M_TEENWORLD         The teenage world
M_TELEPHONY         Telephony and phreaking
M_TNG               Startrek The Next Generation TV programme
M_TREK.WRITERS      Startrek story writers advice
M_UFO               UFO sightings and discussion
M_UKGENE            UK geneology enquiries
M_UNIX              General Unix users lounge
M_UNIXTIPS          Unix operating system tips and techniques
M_UNIX_FRONTIER     Unix: the final frontier
M_USMIL             US military general talk
M_VBI               Visual Basic help and source DOS and Windows
M_VETERAN           War veterans from any war
M_VIRUSDET          Computer virus news and views
M_WARGAMES          Wargaming (Computers)
M_SMEG              Discussion of cult TV series Red Dwarf
M_FILESUK           UK file distribution and location queries
M_CHESSUK           General UK chess discussion and tips
OLD_FARTS           Over 30s hiding place
ONLY_AMIGA          Only the Amiga will do the job
PLEASURE_PALACE     Sex related chatter (MODERATED)
PMO                 Things that really piss me off
POV_RAY             Persistence of Vision PC raytracer support
PRO_WRESTLE         Professional wrestling news
RIP                 R.I.P graphics and BBS software interfaces
SEX_STORIES         Got any good sex stories?
TA_TALK             Transatlantic chatter

As you can see, there are many varied echoes available and
something to interest everyone. The adult areas are limited but
are also strictly controlled so that only people *known* to be
over the age of 18 are allowed access to them and are also
moderated by VNet/VBBS from where they are imported. There are
other echoes being added all the time, one of the latest being
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  6                    07 Mar 1994

my own M_PRISONER echo which aids discussions on the television
programme of The Prisoner, that starred Patrick McGoohan and is
so popular on both sides of the Atlantic.

People are able to start their own echoes if there is a topic
that isn't already available and these can be UK only areas or
internationally gated, as the person wishing to start it so
desires. We allow psudonyms or handles in *all* the echoes and
hi-Ascii, Ansi and sigs are also freely allowed, subject to
reasonable limitations of course.

There are no rules and no official policies although, of course,
like *all* networks, there have to be guidelines that need to be
adhered to in order for things to run smoothly but they're
extremely easy and very

As I write, Mercury is looking for a Regional Co-ordinator from
America and/or Canada to start feeding directly from Steve in
England. They will have *full* administrative leeway to run
their side of things totally as they wish with no interference
from anyone else, subject of course to the guidelines. They
would be expected to run .FTN software and to poll the UK
perhaps 3 times a week to exchange mail. If you are interested
or would like any further information or details, or may even
know someone suitable, then please contact either Steve Woodmore
(2:440/410) or myself. I'm sure Steve would be most grateful to
hear from you. I know I would. :-)

Thank you kindly for your attention.
Be Seeing You!!
Nick Jay
FidoNet: 2:441/6


Small Article about swiscon/eurocon
  From: Ruedi Kneubuehler (2:301/520)

   Dear Fidonetter,

   as  you  might  know,  the  next  CON will be held in Switzerland,
   therefore  called  SWISSCON/EUROCON.

   The  same  procedure  as  every year, we are looking for speakers.
   We  are  interested  to  have speakers, that can tell us something
   about   new   technologies   that  could  be  implemented  whithin
   FidoNet.  We  think,  that a lot of fellow sysop are interested in
   knowing  how  the  future  could  be.
   That  can  be:

   How  does  Usenet  News  transport work, would it be a benefit for
   FidoNet,  to  use that method of transfering and distributing huge

   Any  other  not  yet  known Method, how to transfer and distribute
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  7                    07 Mar 1994

   huge mailtraffic.

   New  packetproposals,  that solves all outstanding problems in one

   New   transferprotocols   that   uses   both   channels  for  ISDN
   connections  or  any  kind of TCP/IP over seriallines or any other
   brandnew invention.

   If  you  have  special  knowledge  in  such  technologies  and are
   willing   to   be   speaker,   please  send  a  netmail  to  Ruedi
   Kneubuehler 2:301/520 or [email protected], describing your topic.

   Any  other  question concerning SWISSCON/EUROCON, can be routed to

   Hope  to  see a lot of you in switzerland joining the SWISSCON, we
   will have a lot of fun... :-))

   Thanks for taking time and reading this Mail.

   ruedi:- oe.


Dying Boy Needs Cards ... NOT!

Introduced by:
Canadian Hoax Interception Project (CHIP) @ 1:250/730

Following up on the "Make Hoaxes Fast" of FNews v11#9, it should be
noted for the record that the disease young Craig Shergold had was
misidentified in that article. CHIP regrets the incorrect detail,
although the general story is there.

"Make Hoaxes Fast" (with correction made) is available for file
request at 1:250/730 under the file HOAX.ART, for future reference.

Here is a Usenet posting that explains the Craig Shergold story in
good detail. Please pass this along wherever hoaxes can happen:

[Usenet item follows...]

from alt.folklore.urban ...

From: [email protected] (Jonathan Papai)
Subject: dying boy needs cards FAQ.  Clip and save!
Date: Mon Feb 21 09:42:25 EST 1994
Organization: The Ohio State University
Lines: 93

clip and save!


FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  8                    07 Mar 1994


From: [email protected] (Gene Spafford)
Newsgroups: news.announce.important
Date: 17 Feb 92 19:43:21 GMT
Organization: SERC, Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.

If you call the ``Children's Make a Wish'' foundation, you will find
that they are not soliciting any form of card for Craig Shergold or
anyone else.  Better yet, if you call the Guinness people (US
publisher is "Facts on File" @ 212-683--2244 ext. 336), you can get
this same story confirmed.  You will also find that they will no
longer endorse or support any effort to break this record.

Many years ago, Craig Shergold had a brain tumor, believed inoperable.
He sought to set the Guinness record for get-well cards.  The call was
well-publicized, and he did, indeed set the record (consult a recent
edition of the book --- he has received in excess of 16 million cards
to date; he officially set the record as of 17 Nov 1989).

As part of this whole story, his plight caught the attention of John
Kluge, the US billionaire, who paid for Craig to come to the US and
receive specialized treatment.  As a result, Craig has recovered
completely from his tumor.  He is also no longer seven, but well into
his teens (you can see how out-of-date the request for cards is from
this -- it's like circulating a letter encouraging people to vote for
Carter for President).

The problem is that the mimeographed sheets and letters seeking cards
for Craig have continued to be circulated.  As a result, cards
continue to pour in to the post office for Royal Marsden Hospital in
England.  Worse, the appeal has mutated into various other versions,
such as an appeal for business cards, one for postcards, and another
version that appeals for holiday cards.

The Shergold family has publicly appealed many times that people cease
to mail them cards and letters, and that no more appeals be made on
their behalf. One easily accessible way to verify this is with the
article on page 24 of the 19 July 1990 NY Times.  People Magazine wrote
an article about it on June 1, 1991, page 63.  Even Ann Landers has
carried an item on this [6/23/91], but people still keep trying to send
cards.  Both Guinness and Royal Marsden have repeatedly issued press
releases asking people to stop circulating requests for cards, as they
are creating an undue burden on both the hospital and the postal

The Guinness people have discontinued the category to prevent this
kind of thing from ever happening again, and are doing their utmost to
kill any further mailings.  The Royal Marsden Hospital is at a loss
what to do with the cards that continue to arrive --- most are being
sold to stamp collectors and paper recyclers, and none go on to Craig.

This appeal for Craig, as well as many urban legends, regularly appear
FidoNews 11-10                 Page:  9                    07 Mar 1994

on electronic bulletin boards around the world, and in many
organizational newsletters and bulletins.  It is both heartening and
unfortunate that there are so many well-meaning people who continue to
propagate these stories.  It is too bad that so many people are
unwilling to verify their information before passing such things
along, especially when a simple phone call will suffice to do so.  In
this case, opening a recent copy of a book carried by nearly every
library and bookstore would illuminate the situation.

If you would still like to do something for a dying child, consider
making a donation to a charity such as UNICEF or to the International
Red Cross (Red Crescent, Red Magen David).  Many thousands of children
are dying daily around the world from disease and starvation, and
countless millions more are suffering from the ravages of war, famine,
disease, and natural disaster.  Think how many of them might be helped
by the millions of dollars in postage spent on cards to Craig
Shergold....   Addresses (in US) are:

       UNICEF               American National Red Cross
       1 UN Plaza           17th & D Streets
       New York, NY 10017   Washington, DC 20006
                            Attn: international children's aid

[Also, I encourage you to save this announcement, in either electronic
or hard copy form, and to post it to any bulletin board you've seen the
original plea on.  If you see it in the future, as you probably will,
you can attach a copy of this announcement.  Wouldn't it be great to
finally kill this story, which spreads like a virus?]

Professor Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences
Purdue University
W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
[email protected]


New Network in Town
by John Creamer
New Network in Town

Join One Of The Fastest Growing Networks Of The 90's METALNET!

MetalNet Zone 75 is now Based In Orlando, Florida and Is Currently
Looking For Region Coordinators, Hosts, Hub And Nodes Across The
Globe!!!!  No Individual Will Be Refused!  For More Information
Please FREQ METALNET From The Following Network Address:

      Fido 1:363/198

                       NO ONE WILL BE REFUSED!

         Here Is A Listing Of Conferences Currently Offered!
FidoNews 11-10                 Page: 10                    07 Mar 1994

   MetalNet Echomail Conference Listing Updated January 1, 1994
   New Echos & Suggestions Are Always Welcome And Are Encouraged!!

Conference Name                 Description

MN_4SALE            Online Yard-Sale for Computer Users
MN_ADULT            Adult talk, must be 18+ for access
MN_ALTER            Alternative Music
MN_AMIGA            Amiga discussion area
MN_B&B              Discuss Beavis & Butt-Head topics
MN_BBS              Tech support for all BBS Software
MN_BBSADS           BBS advertisement area
MN_BRE              Barren Relms Elite dicusssion area
MN_CBOOKS           Comic Books discussions
MN_CDROM            CD ROM discussions
MN_CHAT             General Chat area
MN_CLASSIC          Discuss Classic Rock
MN_CLASSICL         Discuss Classical Music
MN_CONCERTS         Discuss upcoming concerts
MN_COUNTRY          Discuss Country Music
MN_CPRO             Discuss C & C++ Programing
MN_DEBATE           Place for Heated Debates
MN_DOORS            Discuss BBS Door Programs
MN_DRDOS            Discussion on DR Dos
MN_ECHO             Additions, deletions, changes to conference list
MN_ENETS            Discuss other Echomail Networks
MN_FILESRCH         File Search area for hard to find programs
MN_HMETAL           Discussion on Heavy Metal
MN_HOSTS            Discussion for Net Coordinators Only
MN_HSM              Discussions on High Speed Modems
MN_HTECH            Discussions on hardware problems
MN_MAILER           Discussions on Mailers, tossers, scanners
MN_MOVIES           New Movie Review area
MN_MTLNWS           For posting of MetalNet Newsletter
MN_MUSICIAN         Musicians discussion area
MN_NET407           Discussion in Net407 Only
MN_NEWBBS           Discussion area for new BBS users
MN_NODELIST         Additions, deletions, changes to Nodelist
MN_OS2              OS/2 Discussion area
MN_PASCAL           Discussion on programing in Pascal
MN_POL              Politics debating area
MN_RAP              Discussions on RAP Music
MN_REGION400        Discussions in Region400 Only
MN_REGIONS          Discussions for Region Coordinators Only
MN_RIP              Discussions on RIP Graphics
MN_RPG              Role Playing Discussion area
MN_SCARDS           Sports Cards collectors discussion area
MN_STECH            Software technical discussion area
MN_SYSOP            Discussions by MetalNet Sysops Only
MN_TEEN             Discussion area for Teens
MN_TOP40            Top 40 Music discussion area
MN_UNIX             Discussions on Unix Systems
MN_VIRTUAL          Virtual Realty Discussion area
MN_WEAPONS          Weapons & Guns Discussion area
FidoNews 11-10                 Page: 11                    07 Mar 1994

MN_WINDOWS          MicroSoft Windows discussion area
MN_WRITERS          Discussion area for writers

This Network Has Just Started As Of September 1993.


Is Offered To Any Member Wishing Its Involvement.  If You
Have Any Questions, Please Netmail Or Reply To This Advertisement...
Thank You!

John Creamer
Zone Coordinator
MetalNet Headquarters
Orlando, Florida
Fido # 1:363/198


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello,
                            Tom Jennings

IMPORTANT NOTE: The FidoNet address of the FidoNews BBS has been
changed!!! Please make a note of this.

"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)
Internet addresses:
   Don & Sylvia    (submission address)
             [email protected]

   Sylvia -- [email protected]
   Donald -- [email protected]
   Tim    -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address) (have extreme patience)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
FidoNews 11-10                 Page: 12                    07 Mar 1994

of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
copyright 1994 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org, in
directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews. If you have questions regarding
FidoNet, please direct them to [email protected], not the
FidoNews BBS. (Be kind and patient; David Deitch is generously
volunteering to handle FidoNet/Internet questions.)

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END