F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.10  No.49    (05-Dec-1993)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     An open response to "Joe"...................................  2
     They had a Choice and Took It...............................  4
     Question regarding Chachi-Piruli Policy Proposal............  5
     Dear Joe: An Open Reply.....................................  7
     New Scam from an Old Idea...................................  8
     Reply to an editorial in FNEWSA46........................... 11
     Conflicts with echo moderators.............................. 12
     Yet another article......................................... 13
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 13
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  2                    05 Dec 1993

Hmmm.  The inbound is full of cencorship fuel.  i hope it doesn't
explode; in my paranoiac manner i cling to the ideal of "free speach"
and the notion that free speech is write, because if i don't cling to
something i'll drown in legalisms and mannerisms.  eek.  !  .  I risk
being subsumed by popular culture.

Respect for properties is vandalism of the soul.

Respect for property is obscurement of the sold.

Eager for tender  or  pining for green tender:

usual determinant between current currency,

old gold, values, and finest work.

A few people have written during the last months musing about the
Snooze's potential ISBN number.  An ISBN number for the Snooze is
seeming to be a FINE idea.

An open response to "Joe"

Shawn McMahon
An Open Response to "Joe" in Fidonews 10/48

Well, it seems the drubbing "Joe" took in R19SYSOP wasn't enough for
him; he took it to the 'snooze, complete with the original complaints
he'd had that we'd cleared up for him.

Guess it's time to do it again.

His two major complaints in this forum were:

1) That by displaying Fidonews, he lost his sectarian job.  (Funny,
don't recall that being mentioned in R19SYSOP, but I'll address it

2) That Policy 4 requires him, as NEC, to carry Fidonews.

I'll address number 2, first, just to get it out of the way; no,
it doesn't.  Period.  We all told Joe this in R19SYSOP, but I
guess he didn't choose to believe it.  The R19C even told him.

On to point number 1.  Joe, I suggest that if this incident REALLY
happened, you sue them.  They haven't a leg to stand on, because
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  3                    05 Dec 1993

there was more than once, but you're quite simply WRONG.

Nothing in Policy requires you to carry Fidonews; nothing in Policy
requires you to read Fidonews.  Nothing in the law prevents anything
that has been published in Fidonews from being displayed in the forum.

Nothing in the law prevents anything that has been published in
Fidonews from being displayed to MINORS.

BBSes are not something that "intrudes into people's homes" through
"public airwaves."  You have to make an effort to get there, and
few 12-year-olds purchase their own modems.  If a parent chooses not
to supervise his youngster's BBS access, that is his RIGHT as a
parent, regardless of what level of scrutiny *YOU* feel he should

Don't want to display Fidonews on your BBS?  Fine; don't!  Don't want
to receive it; fine, tell your NC.  I'm 100% certain he'll be happy
to not send it to you.

Don't you *DARE* tell the rest of us what we're allowed to read, and
what is too "dangerous" for our tender little eyes.

Words don't hurt children, Joe; ideas can, but those exact same ideas
can easily be expressed with different words.  Obviously the ideas
aren't the problem, or you wouldn't be so hung up on the words.

Don't ever presume to tell OTHERS how they HAVE to raise their
children, Joe; you can tell them how you THINK they should, but you
have no right to force it on them.

BTW, go ask a lawyer; if you display any issue of Fidonews that has
ever been printed on your BBS, and a kindergarten-age child reads it,
there is no legal liability to which you can be held.  If your church
tells you different, it's either because they don't know what they're
talking about or because they know you don't.

As for Policy 4 requirements, they're quite simple; I know you know
this now, but I'll restate it for the net.

If you are a *C  (note the lack of an "E" in that) you MUST obtain
Fidonews on a weekly basis, and make it available to those under you.

That does not mean you must allow it to be downloaded or even FREQed
by those outside your coordination area; just that you must make it
available to those within it who want it.

If that requirement is not palatable to you, then you have two

1) See to it that they are provided with Fidonews through another
means.  As long as they get it, you're fulfilling your job.

2) Resign the position; being NC of your net isn't a right, it's a
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  4                    05 Dec 1993


Restricting everyone else to YOUR limited vocabulary isn't an option.

Doing something to make it deliberately difficult to obtain Fidonews,
such as the "available between 01:00 and 01:01 once a week" idea I
recently saw, is subject to *C interpretation but I believe you'll find
that it would be considered deliberately annoying behavior, and
excessively annoying if repeated.

Bottom line; not reading it is choice.  Trying to keep others from
reading it is censorship.  If you're willing to take a stance that
other's right to send articles to the snooze is ok to restrict, then
don't expect any sympathy on YOUR claims of rights.

As for the editors of Fidonews, they're doing a damn fine job of the
minimalist editing NECESSARY on this sort of publication.  Nobody has
been allowed to post credit card numbers, or advertisements for
illegal activities.  Other than that, they should (and do) reformat the
margins and get the hell out of the way.


They had a Choice and Took It

by Denis McMahon

RC2:25 (about whom a lot has been said recently) decreed that as
from about two weeks ago region 25 would be organized geographically
in accordance with policy.

RC25's interpretation of both Policy and Geography.

RC25's implementation was simple - dictate a nodelist segment to
each NC, and if they don't use it, reject the submitted net update
and use RC25's interpretation of that nets segment.

Some nodes are staying where they are, and some nodes are moving.
Some of these object to moving, some don't. Some NCs are refusing to
implement moves.

Chaos Ensues. Some Sysops are losing a nodelisting through their own
stubbornness, and others are losing a nodelisting through the
refusal of their NC to implement the required changes.

Interesting policy question - if NCx knowingly submits a net segment
that RCy refuses to process because that net segment is 'non policy
compliant' in RCy's view, who is denying connectivity to a new node
in that net segment?

(There are two answers - depending on whether you ask a pro or anti
reorganisation supporter)

FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  5                    05 Dec 1993

I don't agree that forcing the issue by dictating net segments to
NCs is the way an RC should implement policy. But, if it's a choice
between running with the tide now and (hopefully) having some input
on a policy referendum, or losing all chance of that input, I'm
staying put.

What happens now? Some sysops are using their old (no longer
nodelisted) addresses, some sysops are using "alternative"
nodelists, some sysops are using the ZC2 issued nodelist, some are
using multiple nodelists - we have complete chaos with netmail and
echomail routing and will have for some weeks - probably well into
the new year, not to mention the hassle of trying to keep up with
stacks of address changes in all our routing / control / password /
modem (etc) files that people aren't telling us about because they
don't want to move.

Hey, listen up you guys - I may not agree with the way things have
been done, but if you all want to maintain connectivity - the best
thing to do is accept it and fight from the inside - not try and
force your opinion in from the outside.

Think about it.

Oh, and one or two other points from Issue 10/48.

(1) I've never heard of *any* policy that requires *any* *EC to
distribute the snooze - have you?

(2) Why does a world-level policy document have to say how NCs, RCs
and ZCs are selected? Those should be dealt with in Net, Regional
and Zone policies.


Question regarding Chachi-Piruli Policy Proposal
by Mark Stuckless (1:221/278)

According to one of its authors:

CP> "Chachi-Piruli" will help solve all the problems related to Policy
CP> compliance worldwide, by installing a more simple, flexible and
CP> democratic policy.
CP> (FidoNews 10-48     Page:  9     28 Nov 1993)

I read the document and was interested in a clarification regarding the
following section which I will quote fully below:

CP> 1.2 Access to FidoNet

CP> Access to FidoNet is open to everyone who complies with the minimal
CP> technical requirements explained in section 5.

CP> Access may be refused to those engaged in illegal activities if
CP> such activities are related to their use of FidoNet. Access may not
CP> be refused under any other grounds.
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  6                    05 Dec 1993

As some of you may already know, there is a fairly high profile
publication ban here in Ontario, Canada. At issue is the trial of
one Karla Teale (Homolka maiden name). Apparently she and her husband
Paul Teale (formerly Bernardo) were involved in the deaths of at
least 2 young teenage girls.

Karla was convicted of manslaughter (many think it should have been
murder) and received a sentence of 12 years in prison....which means
she is eligible for day passes to the mall in two years...and full
parole in 4 years. Her husband Paul has yet to be tried. Supposedly
to ensure that he receives justice, the local judge ordered a
publication ban on details from Karla's trial.

Many  rumours  are  circulating  regarding the details of the
deaths.....there were 11  months  in  between  the  two  main
deaths.....and Karla's younger sister apparently died of choking on
her own vomit.....under suspicious circumstances...and her body was
exhumed recently.

Some of the rumours involve torture, snuff films, bestiality and
inscest....the citizens of Canada and particularly Ontario...can't be
sure what is true or not....the judge in the case BANNED THE PUBLIC
from the courtroom (secret trials???????) and placed a GAG ORDER ON
THE  PRESS that were allowed in.....the local authorities are
enforcing the publication ban and threatening to prosecute anyone who
reveals banned details......

Banned details and discussions about the trial were first heavily
discussed through modems and computers linked to various networks
including Fido boards.

Recently, many US media outlets have started carrying banned details
about the case.....the Ontario Attorney General Marion Boyd is
decrying  the  fact  that the American media is covering the
story....but they are beyond her jurisdiction.

What I would like to know is how would such an issue be handled by
this proposed policy document?  Is it an issue under the existing
Policy 4?

The Chachi-Piruli document clearly states that illegal activity is
grounds for barring someone from the net. If people are using the
Fidonet to break the ban and thus the law, will they get the boot?

But what is illegal in one juridiction may not be in another. Who
decides?  What about free speech? Do we let the local authorities
dictate what we can talk about on the net? Do we block out or censor
echomail  that may contain banned details before it enters a
particular jurisdiction?

There are forces too numerous to enumerate that are furiously working
to implement "group-think" and control what we can say etc. I have
always found this medium to be a liberating one. I would hate to see
it knuckle under the whims of an unelected magistrate with a weak
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  7                    05 Dec 1993

perspective on basic civil rights. I am eagerly awaiting replies to
these questions. Thank you.

Mark Stuckless

-a prisoner in the Great White Gulag!

Origin: Don't get me started! The Staff Room (519) 894-8841 (1:221/278)


Dear Joe: An Open Reply

Dear Joe,

..by Beau Lockstal, 2:252/110.

This article is an open reply to "Joe" who was mentioned in the
Editorial of the Snooze, Vol 10 No 48.

>My first complaint has gone unheeded, I  realize  that  there  is
>"freedom of the press" but I run a CLEAN board.  When you publish
>a FIDONEWS with the filth that A46 has, and I  display  it  as  a
>bulletin  without reading it it makes ME not you subject to legal
>action.  Yes, action is at this time being taken.   I  have  been
>told  by  members  of  my  Church  that  as long as I continue to
>display such filth I can no longer teach Jr. High Sunday  School.
>Not my fault at all, 100% YOURS!!  I hope you are now happy.  You
>have gotten me thrown out of one of the most pleasurable things I
>do  in  life and now due to this action I am withdrawing my board
>from FIDONET as a whole.

I wish you luck with your new hobby.  Might I suggest a new set
of coloring crayons, water-based paints, and a second-hand
Cabbage Patch Doll.

You see, old chap, whilst I'm sure you found a lot of nasty
words rather offensive, dontcha think you're pissing into the
wind?  I mean, lets face it, anal sex (and oral for that matter)
is bound to be a lot more common that you think.  Why should
your ol' fashioned views be allowed to stamp all over other
people's unbiased reading?  And as for animal sex, I guess
you've never read alt.sex.hamster.duct-tape.  Still, each to his
own, I guess.  No, I've got no inclination to try that kinda
stuff either.

Real sorry to hear about you losing out on the ol' Sunday School
bit.  Still, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

All the best,

PS:  Hey, an article for the Snooze wouldn't be complete without
a quote from the good ol' Policy 4 ("stinking pot of piss"
though it is):
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  8                    05 Dec 1993

9.1  General

The FidoNet judicial philosophy can be summed up in two rules:

    1) Thou shalt not excessively annoy others.

    2) Thou shalt not be too easily annoyed.


New Scam from an Old Idea
From: Michael Toth (1:115/363.1)


Sorry this message is crude, but I don't have a copy of your  message
submission file to reference.

As  an older Sysop, I've been around to watch these "chain-mail" text
files and programs come and go. I've now found  something  old  being
done a different way.

What  I'm  talking about is the fact that a LOT of SysOps have locked
out certain filenames, and segments  of  filenames  due  to  possible
legal problems, and just the fact that they don't want these files on
their boards.

I, myself, have locked out the following filenames:


and, a few others. Those were the  2  biggest  offenders.  They  both
required  you  to send 5 1-dollar bills off to the first 5 names on a
list, and then  add  your  name  to  the  bottom.  CashFlow  does  it
electronically,  so you send the money off, and upload the archive to
other boards. MAKEMONY normally went into EchoMail  conferences,  and
most  moderators  took a very dim view about this practice. (The text
file TOLD  people  to  do  that,  and  even  suggested  National  and
International  conferences  as  the  best  places.)  They seem to get
around the legal stuff by saying that they are helping you compile  a
mailing  list.  While  this  isn't illegal, the methods, and verbage,
lend an air of mis- belief to the whole thing. The  extensive  stress
on  ensuring  the people MUST do the steps EXACTLY, or they might not
get anything back makes me boil.

Anyway. Here's some info, so other Fido Sysops don't get bit by  this
file.  Reason  I'm  doing  this  is an old adage. "What's legal here,
might be illegal elsewhere." If someone downloads this  archive,  and
the  local  laws make it illegal, then you might be held responsible.
Also, please remember that this archive used to be named  "CASHFLOW",
but  the  reason  why  they  changed  it will be in the next message.
(Hint: It's meant to decieve the SysOp.)
FidoNews 10-49                 Page:  9                    05 Dec 1993

Here's the FV.COM info:

FV v1.45 Copyright (c) 1989-93 Vernon D. Buerg. For non-business use only.


Name          Length    Method     SF   Size now  Mod Date    Time     CRC
============  ========  ========  ====  ========  =========  ======== ========
FILE_ID.DIZ        132  Deflated    2        129  14 Sep 93  23:01:40 574E651B
HOMEBASE.COM     24061  Deflated   89       2640  16 Jul 93  14:04:14 CCDF2BCB
HOMEBASE.DAT     20000  Deflated   62       7598  11 Nov 93  23:40:26 4124E3B3
README.1ST        3894  Deflated   50       1910  16 Jul 93  14:20:52 9C1CE621
============  ========  ========  ====  ========  =========  ======== ========
*total     4     48087  ZIP 2.0    73%     12693  11 Nov 93  05:28:22

Here's the included FILE_ID.DIZ:

Innovative ** NEW ** Home Based Computer System
Put $$$ In Your Pocket With VERY Little Effort
Get In On The Ground Floor NOW!

Next message will be the included "README.1ST" file, telling everyone
why  this  program  is now called HOMEBASE, instead of CASHFLOW. Real
bitch of this is that, in the list of  people,  this  file  is  being
uploaded  by  a  local  SysOp.  Apparently, he doesn't care about his
fellow SysOps, that much.

I am also checking with the Post Office on the legal side of this.

    The following is a copy an illegal scam that seems to be
propogating itself through the net.  If any of you readers are
actually stupid enough to think we are running this as an ad,
please strike your forehead a sharp blow.
From: Michael Toth
To: Editor
Subject: New Idea from an Old Scam (Cont'd)

    ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Homebase.com program was formerly called cashflow.com and I have spoken
to the author about a little dilemma involving BBS operators forbidding the
uploading of files containing the words CASH found anywhere in their
filenames, and Jeff advised me to change the names and add this file and
request that it always be sent along and zipped up with HOMEBASE.COM
and HOMEBASE.DAT into a filename preferably HOMEBASE.ZIP.

FidoNews 10-49                 Page: 10                    05 Dec 1993

                     I  M  P  O  R  T  A  N  T

Rather than re-write the complete HOMEBASE.COM program, I was told to
inform all recipients of this file, not to mention TONS OF MONEY, that
anywhere you see instructions using the word CASHFLOW, be it .com or .dat
or .zip, you *** M U S T *** pretend that the word CASHFLOW **REALLY**
means ---> HOMEBASE <-- and always use this name instead. That's really
fairly simple, but one little slip could cost you thousands of dollars if
you were to upload any file with the words CASH in them. SO DON'T !!!!
You might think you're home free if the BBS you frequent will allow the
upload of a file with the word cash, but if it can't be guaranteed that it
is uploadable to other BBS's, your potential income could suffer miserably.

           A  N  O  T  H  E  R      M  U  S  T  -  D  O !!!

When uploading the file to other boards (the more the better!)and asked
to give a description of the file, do yourself a BIG FAVOR and make the
file sound enticing WITHOUT USING words like "get rich" or "fast money".
Any mention of the words pertaining to money or cash or profits could throw
alot of your efforts right down the drain. Now who would want that??
Instead, maybe use a line similar to this to describe the file "INNOVATIVE
FLOOR !" or something along those lines. Make people WANT to download the
file without using words referring to money in any way.

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT! When sending your five one dollar investments, as
explained in the program in greater depth (*DON'T* STOP READING NOW!), I
HIGHLY ADVISE using a dark color of paper or maybe 2 small layers of
heavily printed newspaper to conceal the dollar bill. And if you're even a
little bit in doubt as to the weight of the letter, weigh it at the post
office. Scales are readily available. You wouldn't want to stop the
expansion of your business in anyway or allow anyone to see the shadow of a
dollar bill in the envelope. NOW, for those that are thinking this is
another illegal chain letter scam, I ASSURE YOU IT IS NOT! I advise you to
execute the HOMEBASE.COM program and you'll see for yourself. Let's get
those letters in the mail RIGHT AWAY and upload this program to other
boards, but only after you've followed ALL the instructions in HOMEBASE.COM
--> EXACTLY TO THE LETTER <-- Congratulations on an exciting new business!

AND ONE *FINAL* WORD. To the cute and foolishly thought to be innovative ones
out there who might not want to invest the one time $5 fee, please don't
bother to even execute the program and ruin it for others. That $5 you'll
spend will be returned to you 10,000 fold or better, so run this business by
the guidelines set forth herein, and we'll see you at the bank!
FidoNews 10-49                 Page: 11                    05 Dec 1993

Reply to an editorial in FNEWSA46

By Gerald T. Albion, 1:340/26
Reply to an editorial comments by "Joe" in FNEWSA46

>   My first complaint has gone unheeded, I  realize  that  there  is
>   "freedom of the press" but I run a CLEAN board.  When you publish
>   a FIDONEWS with the filth that A46 has, and I  display  it  as  a
>   bulletin  without reading it it makes ME not you subject to legal
>   action.

Then why on earth are you displaying it as a bulletin without checking
it first?  Isn't that just plain irresponsible?  Doesn't that make you
the author of your own misfortune?

>   Yes, action is at this time being taken.   I  have  been
>   told  by  members  of  my  Church  that  as long as I continue to
>   display such filth I can no longer teach Jr. High Sunday  School.

I suggest that you look for a less anal-retentive church.  The Lord
knows you didn't utter the words in A46, and He will forgive you.  Your
church apparently will not.  Are these people righteous?  I think not.

>   Not my fault at all, 100% YOURS!!  I hope you are now happy.

It's nobody's fault but your own.  If your precious Sunday School
position was on such shaky ground as to be jeopardized by by
auto-posting a document over which you have no editorial control, you
should have acted responsibly by screening it first!

>   due to this action I am withdrawing my board from FIDONET as a whole.

My lexicon defines this kind of behavior as "crybaby."  If it's more
important to you to be a Sunday School teacher, drop FidoNews, not the
whole net.  If you can't get re-instated, then you need to find a more
progressive, more forgiving and less judgmental church.

>   FIDONET when I joined about 3 years ago was a great net, we could
>   brag that it was for FAMILY entertainment.  Now we can not.
>   Thanks for hitting me in the face! as well as the entire  FIDONET
>   community.

Those of us who value our freedom of expression are severely hit in the
face when we have to watch our four-letter words, lest we get the Sunday
School teachers fired.

>   P.S. -- After checking the Policy 4 document, I have found that I
>   am REQUIRED as an NEC to carry and forward the FIDONEWS.

If I may take a liberty, Bullshit!  I did a text scan for "NEWS", and in
every instance, it said that NC's, RC's and ZC's were required to carry
FidoSnooze.  NOT *EC's.  You're grabbing at straws that don't even
exist!  You can nuke Fidonews on sight whenever you choose.

FidoNews 10-49                 Page: 12                    05 Dec 1993

>   It  is  a  shame  that  the  "official"
>   newsletter is as filthy as it has the past few months.

Filth is the writings of creeps like yourself, who wish to put people's
basic rights of expression into question.  They're only words, for
Christ's sake!  Fidonews, and the net at large, should NOT change to
accomodate the excessively-offended, and I pray that it doesn't.

Gerald T. Albion
System Operator,
Tommy's Holiday Camp BBS - a BBS where freedom of speech is taken seriously!


Conflicts with echo moderators.
From: Jamie Adams  (1:124/5143)

 I may be just missing a vital piece of policy that I should
have read here but I was just wondering how to file a greivance
(sp) or complaint against a heavy handed, dictator type of echo
moderator. I am currently on 4 different networks and have
noticed on every network that there are some very egotistical
and power mad echo moderators. The current policies regarding
moderators states that the moderator has final say in all
matters concerning his/her echo. This is fine as long as the
moderator is right and just. But what happens when the moderator
isn't? Some well meaning user who is abiding by the rules get
publicly admonished for doing something wrong that he didn't do.
This user defends himself to the moderator and then has his feed
cut for daring to insinuate that the moderator was wrong. There
should be some recourse for egotistical moderators to be delt
with. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is a fact. Read
just about any echo on just about any network and you will find
some moderator admonishing some user. Most times their right in
doing so, but sometimes their not. Moderators aren't gods, their

 There are also times when basic rights gauranteed by the
constitution are denied. Freedom of expression for example.

 What I was getting at is I wish you could publish an article
on user rights, redress proceedures, etc. If any exist. If not
we need some.

 I realize that my claims are somewhat suspect because I don't
produce proof to back them up but I decided to write this after
reading many messages over a long time on many networks and
didn't think to save them as I went along.

Jamie Adams
FidoNews 10-49                 Page: 13                    05 Dec 1993

Yet another article
Scott Bernard  (1:107/653)

[If you think Fidonet is a Family network, skip this        ]
[ article, for you'll surely become quite angry or something]

A family network? Fidonet, a very very very loose link of about
25,000 seperate boards, a Family network?

Progidy is a family network. AOL perhaps. Not fidonet. Fidonet is a
way to send messages between seperate BBSes.  Unites the message

Last time I checked, a good deal of the discussions on Fidonet where
more or less totally and utterly un-family oriented. Take a look at
the Comics Echo. Comics generally considered as something for kids
right? Well, last month there was a nice long thread about the size
of breasts, penises, etc.

The Japanese Animation (Anime) conference currently has a nice thread
going about nudity. Several people on it continuously are at each
others necks arguing over which is the best voice for Priss.

There are about 300 Sex/Sexuality/Orientation echos.

And last time I checked, most 10 year olds can barely comprehend what
is said in a newspaper.

Be careful everyone, be careful, send your kids to Sunday school, and
keep them away from bad influences like myself, for I shall surely


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello,
                            Tom Jennings

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FidoNews 10-49                 Page: 14                    05 Dec 1993

   Sylvia -- [email protected]
   Donald -- [email protected]
   Tim    -- [email protected]

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   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
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"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END