F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.10  No.47    (21-Nov-1993)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
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|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     About Liberty, Democracy and those little smart things......  2
     Dead person needs to be identified!.........................  5
     Region25 Cabal..............................................  5
     REORGANISATION - WHO IS FOOLING WHO.........................  6
     My reply to David Cupp's article............................ 10
     New Network in Town......................................... 11
     TAPE Echomail conference now online......................... 13
     MooseChat: Canada's Noblest Chat Echo!...................... 13
     ADVERTISEMENT............................................... 14
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 15
FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  2                    21 Nov 1993

   Apologies are in order today. Many weeks ago, we received
an article in Spanish, and it has taken much longer than it
should have to translate it. Problem was, we did not feel that
we could do the translation justice.  Many thanks to Mark
Stuckless for doing it for us.

   It is one of those articles, moreover, that we should all
take the time to read. It is easy for some of us to forget that
the type of freedom that we enjoy was won with the heartache and
pain of thousands of people.  It is simple polemic to decry
power tripping by a few people at the top as fascist and
dictatorial ... truth is that the net enjoys a freedom that
would be astonishing to people of the not too distant past. And
of the not too distant distance, for that matter.

Hey.  Wha-dya-mean "freedom"?  "We" do not have enough of that
elusive quality/thing.  It is difficult to do anything without
some forms of conventions, protocols, or particular symbol sets,
but those things tend to become entrenched in habits and methods
in excess of their usefulness.

One thing i like about programmers, or i guess anyone trying to
get something done, are their questions: "Yes, but does it work?
Yes, but is it useful?".  Something i like about creative people
in general, is their question, "yes, but do we  l i k e  it?".

What do you want/offer?  Why?  i guess we have to give or take a
bit so we can handshake and get it on.
About Liberty, Democracy and those little smart things...
by Federico Joselevich, Region 90 co-ordinator (4:90/0)
Translation by Mark Stuckless (1:221/278)

    Hay hombres que luchan un d�a y son buenos
    Hay hombres que luchan un a�o y son mejores
    Hay quienes luchan muchos a�os y son muy buenos
    Pero hay quienes luchan toda la vida,
    esos son los imprescindibles.
              (Bertolt Brecht)

       There are men who fight one day and are good.
       There are men who fight one year and they are better.
       There are some who fight many years and are they are better
       But there are some that fight their whole lives,  these are the
       ones that are [invicible.][?]
       (Bertolt Brecht)

FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  3                    21 Nov 1993

    Con un sincero pesar leo esta noche lo que est�  pasando  en
la lejana -para nosotros- Regi�n 24.

    With a sincere heaviness I read this evening about what is
happening (in what is for us a distant place-)  Region 24.

Una de  las  primeras  cosas
que  pens�  cuando  me  enter�  c�mo  funcionaba  y  qu�  era  la
Telem�tica fue que, m�s all� de las pol�ticas internas y  de  los
delirios de poder que pueda tener la gente, este es un espacio de
comunicaci�n, de comunicaci�n democr�tica.

One of the first things I realized after learning what
telecommunications was and how it worked, was that beyond the internal
politics and delusions of power that people have, this medium provides a
place of communication, of democratic communication.

Ser�a casi  redundante
decir que todos podemos, de alguna manera, expresar por  mensajes
nuestra opini�n con respecto a lo que ocurre  porque  *esto*  (el
expresarlo) es una de las caracter�sticas de la telem�tica.  Pero
es este el derecho que  m�s  hay  que  defender.  Siempre  van  a
aparecer quienes quieran  cercenarlo  para  poder  sentirse  "m�s
importantes". �A qu� estamos jugando?

It would be almost redundant to say that we all, in some way, through
messages can express our opinion concerning what is happening in Region
24 because *this* (the act of expressing) is one of the characteristics of
telecommunication.  But this is the right which we must above all
defend.  There will always appear those who will want to [censor/change?] in
order to feel "more important."  But do they think this is a game
they are playing?

    Aqu�,  en  Argentina,  hemos   sufrido   demasiados   golpes
militares durante este siglo como para saber que la democracia es
algo que hay que defender  todos  los  d�as,  desde  abajo.  Cito
palabras de Robel Merech (4:900/121): "La democracia es  el �nico
sistema por el cual el ser humano puede llegar a  ser  m�s  feliz.
En todos lados, en una red, en la calle, en todos lados.".

Here in Argentina, we have suffered too many military coups during this
century to not realize that democracy is something that has to be
defended everyday, from the bottom up.  According to the words of
Robel Merech (4:900/121):  "Democracy is the only system of government
whereby the human being may become happy.  In all areas, in one's home,
the street, in all areas."

    Casi  siempre,  cuando  le  cuento  a  alguien  ajeno  a  la
telem�tica de la existencia de esta,  me  responde  con  un  "Vos
est�s en lo que ser� el medio de comunicaci�n de nuestros hijos".
�Cual es el legado que queremos  dejarle  a  quienes  nos  van  a
suceder? �el de un  regimen  verticalista  y  elitista  donde  el
pronunciar *C haya que hacerlo de pi� y honr�ndolo como si  fuese
un mes�as ed�nico? �es que hasta ahora no hemos entendido que  la
libertad de expresi�n y de gesti�n es lo esencial?
FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  4                    21 Nov 1993

    Almost always, when I tell somebody unfamiliar with
telecommunications the existence of this form of communication, they
tell me, "You are using what will be the medium of communication for our
children."  What is the legacy that we want to leave to those who will
follow down this path after us?  One of a strict authoritarian and elitist
nature where the pronouncing of the *C (?) name will have to be done by
standing up and saluting as if he was an [edenic messiah]?  Have we not yet
understood that liberty or freedom of expression in the net is the essential

    Releyendo los p�rrafos anteriores se me vino a la cabeza  la
siguiente imagen: m�s all� de la  opini�n  que  pueda  tener  uno
acerca del capitalismo o del comunismo,  el  proceso  democr�tico
alem�n es algo que tiene que ser respetado hasta en lo m�s nimio,
desde el gobierno nacional hasta algo tan puro y simple  como  es
una red telem�tica. Si bien 8 meses de  mandato  como  RC  de  la
Regi�n 90 no son mucho, son lo suficiente como para saber  que  a
Fidonet no lo forman los *C: Fidonet es una red de Nodos,  Points
y usuarios. Ellos son quienes la  hacen  posible,  por  ellos  se
hizo, para ellos se hizo, ahora son ellos quienes la hacen.

[Taking off my glasses ?] the following idea came to me:  Beyond opinions
one may have regarding capitalism or communism, the german democratic
process is something that needs to be respected even [if the pace is
slow ?] from the national government down to something pure and simple like
how the the network is run.  If eight months of being the RC of Region 90
aren't a lot, they are at least enough to teach me that FidoNet is not
controlled by the *C.  Fidonet is a network of nodes, points, and users.
They are the ones that make it possible, because they are the ones who
made it, for them it was made, and now they are the ones who are
[taking it back/building it.][?]

    Desaf�o a cualquier *C a demostrar lo contrario.

    I dare any *C to demonstrate the contrary.

PD: Felicitaciones por la victoria Argentina en la  Copa  Am�rica
dirigirlas por Netmail. Vamos Argentina todav�a!

P.S.  Direct all congratulations for Argentina in the Americas Soccer
Cup via Netmail.  Go Argentina Go!

* Translated by Mark  Stuckless  (1:221/278)...All  errors  in
translation are mine, but I have strived to be true to the general
gist of the piece.
FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  5                    21 Nov 1993

Dead person needs to be identified!

Nils Hammar
[email protected]
[email protected]

In late August this year a man that probably had the name Silvio was
found sitting by the road not far from where I live covering himself
with a blanket. He was in a bad condition. He was transported to a
hospital, but he died within 24 hours.

The problem is that nobody had identified him yet. He was
missing all kinds of identity papers and passports. The couple
who found him said that they have heard him talking about that
he was from northern Italy. His last name could have been Altieri.
His age could have been 30 to 40 years (Very inexact).

Interpol has reported that nobody with that name is known in Italy!

There is no crime suspected, since he died by some kind of
disease, however, the police wants to know his identity to be
able to contact his relatives.

If anybody have more information regarding this case, please send
a netmail to one of the addresses above, and I will be
forwarding the information to the police.


Region25 Cabal
Sandie Franchi (2:253/157)


   This week will see the third release of the Region25 Classic
nodelist. Despite attemps by many people, to persuade our Regional
Commandant and his cabal to listen to the sysops of this region, he
has decided to go ahead without considering a compromise. Despite the
fact that a survey taken of the NCs came out in the majority in
favour of such a compromise. Five being against and twelve being for
a 'half' way solution. So much has the power gone to his and the
cabal's heads, that they are running the region like a cantonment.
Even by sending the hosts their updated segments for this weeks
update. Anything other than the sysops listed in his listed segment,
will be rejected.

'The "Net###.323" that you supplied overnight( Mon/Tues) has been
rejected and will not be processed. The data contained in the file is
unacceptable in that it contains nodes that are outside your
geographic area and also nodes that are within your geographic area
and not contained therein and apart from that, it does not represent
in any great way the new data file I had previously delivered to you.
FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  6                    21 Nov 1993

For this week, the Net### segment will compiled from the Master List
held here of which a copy was supplied to you on Friday last for you
to update and ammend with the geographic guidelines  allready

Peter - RC/25

-!- GoldED 2.42.A0701+0024UK1/D'Bridge �2102/002129
! Origin: Neverland eXpress | RC25 | Hst/V32 | +44-424-853361 (2:441/80)

   With his cabal, he is treating the sysops of the region, as if
they were his serfs. There is no freedom to be tolerated, either we
accept what he says, or we get out. Moreover, he doesn't talk to us
directly anymore, but uses his henchmen, who say that only with
geographically correct nets, will the power corruption that has gone
on, be dispersed. Apparently, geographically correct nets does not
allow for 'power' freaks!!

   Furthermore, we are denied the right of appeal, since the Zone
Commandant backs him to the hilt and there will, in future months be
more of this situation developing in Zone2.

   The Classic list, lists nearly 300 sysops and is rising daily.
The only sadness I have, is that after 13 years as a sysop, nearly 7
of which I have been happily involved in Fidonet, that a situation
like this has been allowed to develop.

   My own thoughts, is that it is a ploy to reduce the size of
the nodelist. My reasons for this argument is, that some eighteen
months ago, our Zone Commandant gave instructions for all private
systems to be removed from the Zone2 segment of the Nodelist, with
only certain exceptions, at Regional Coordinator's discretion. He and
his  junta are in fact achieving this, with over 800 sysops
disappearing out of region24, region25 gives him over 1,000 and with
region28 under similar attack, the savings on nodelist size will be

   Its a sad time for zone2, but why if we are not wanted,
because we clutter up the nodelist, don't these people tell us all we
are not wanted. Or is there as someone said not so long ago, other
plans are afoot. I begin to think there are! Till we know, all I can
say is, let the little 'boys' of zone2 play, then perhaps when they
reach maturity, they might find another hobby to terrorise.

Sandie Franchi (First Lady Sysop in Zone2)


Keith Wassell (2:440/1)

Hi out there,

I'm not one for using the Snooze to try and polarise world opinion,
so I'll try to be brief !
FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  7                    21 Nov 1993

We have seen in recent weeks some long articles on the unfairness of
people being forced to 'comply' with P4, and reorganise into Geo-nets
within R25.

To update you, RC25 has now made a forced reorganisation of the
region, and this will appear in this weeks nodelist. Its only fair to
expect a bumper edition of the 'snooze' in weeks to come, with the
'I've been in fido xxxx years, why should I move ?' moans, yyyy
zzzzzzz is an asshole moans, Policy doesn't specify geonets etc et al

But why was this reorganisation necessary ?.....

Everyone seems to think there is no reason for Geo-nets. They are a
Tiresome restriction I'll agree myself. In many places, notably
Australia, they don't exist.

In the USA there have been Geo-Nets for years. It would be naive of
me to try and say why, above and beyond cost reasons, because I know
nothing about how zone 1 is organised, and the philosophies behind
that organisation, save for what is in policy, which originates from
within that zone.

In the UK we have not until now had Geonets. It was because 'With
midnight lines we don't need them'. This was originally rubber
stamped verbally by the then ZC2 of the hour Ron Dwight, at a meeting
in late 1989/early 1990 at a meeting in London. I was there. This
'Blind eye' was never formally given in writing, and never formally

However, This has caused a 'Snowball' effect in the UK, with less and
less emphasis on Policy adherence. For instance, it is now impossible
to make a policy complaint in the UK, as there is no way to uphold it.

It has also led to the spectre of 'Social nets', where you don't join
a net because its your local net, and you are 'Policy compliant' i.e
you observe ZMH. You Join a net, because you want to go on a certain
NC's Midnight line, or you think the NC of your local net is a
Wanker, or some other premise, i.e your best buddies are in net X.

Indeed, it has lead to situations where certain NC's will try to
avoid taking a node because of their 'Persuasions' or 'Personality'.
So much for the level playing field where anyone can join regardless
of race, creed, sexual persuasion etc.....

Without good reason that an NC take a compliant node within his area,
they get cliquish & choosy about who can and can't play in their net
i.e (message from REGION25)


 From: Phil Borman                          Msg Num:  1070 of  1244
   To: Tony Reese                             Date: 11-14-93  17:21
 Subj: Geo-nets
FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  8                    21 Nov 1993

 Attr:                                                      Read: N
 Conf: REGION 25

That's the clearest summary I've seen of the position so far. I'm not
in my geographically closest net, as when I joined Fido I tried two
nets near me who were not interested in allowing me access. One
claimed they were 'full' and the other didn't respond to netmail.
Geonetting is ideal for power-crazy hubs, but no use to the rest of


Full ! thats rich indeed.

Another NC was heard to 'Cherish the ability to turn down' anyone who
in his impression ran a silly system !

IMHO, selective entry into networks is not desirable. The only way to
get a good and balanced mix is for people to be spread evenly across
the networks, and Geonets provides this. Its not good for the future
of Fidonet for people to become polarised within networks. What
happens when all the Fascists go into one net; All the Catholics into

The Reorganisation will smash down these barriers of 'Selectivity'
that have built up. There will be howls of protest at this you can be
assured but its TRUE !.

Hows this then. This was a Jibe at an NC (Ex RC25) who the original
writer perceived would not allow access to his net, because the
writer (MP) is ZC of screwnet, and the NC is perceived to be a Bible
basher. get the lowdown on the prejudices being formed by social nets!

 From: Keith Wassell                         Msg Num:  6761 of  8254
   To: Paul Dickie                            Date: 15 Nov 93  20:18
 Subj: "THE PLAN"
 Attr:                                                       Read: N
 Conf: V - Fidonet: Region 25 Sysops

Hello Paul!

Thursday November 11 1993 01:35, Paul Dickie wrote to Michael Pereira:

PD> Greetings!

MP>> BTW I'm moving to Reading in December for a period of 10 months.
MP>> I'll naturally need a nodenumber... :)

PD> But how will you cope with the Net uniform? Won't the open-toed
PD> sandals be a tad cold in winter? ;')

FidoNews 10-47                 Page:  9                    21 Nov 1993

Hopefully, with 'Geonets' and 'Conforming' sandals in Reading will be
out !



Its Ridiculous !..... Pathetic in fact.

I have also, in the past when I have been a hub, been accused of
'Poaching nodes' from another net. Hows that for 'Empire Building'

Fidonet, as has often been said is a free communications medium. Its
structure is defined by Policy, and as thus we should observe that
structure. I think many have missed the point that Geonets prevent
the Wierdos, Religious Fanatics, and Perverts from congregating in
one place. Agreed, they can do, but have had to start their own FTN's
to do it, i.e Screwnet , FamilyNet , AdultNet etc........

And, for the record, My personal feelings are that the fact TJ owns
the copyright to the name fidonet matters not in my opinion.

So, don't believe all you read in the pathetic handwringings in this
medium, about all democracy and right to choose being stifled. There
will be elections for NC's and RC again within region 25 . Its just
there are a few wrongs to be sorted, and Geonets is a means to that


And to the method of the application of Geonets, this has caused the
biggest upset of all.

In April/May last year ZC2 was 'Making Noises' about non overlapping
nets. I suppose its time to make an admission here, at that time RC25
had no desire to Geo-net the UK. Some NC's in the UK had long said
that we should observe policy, at the time I was not one of them, nor
was I at the time an NC. However, with the constant hints from ZC2
that was the way he wanted to go, and with no guarantee that he would
not decree geonets, to my mind this produced an atmosphere of
instability. We have not really had an atmosphere of stability in the
UK since Peter Franchi was RC25.

Within the light of the abuses highlighted above, ( and here is the
REAL admission 8-) ) I came up with a proposal, loosely based around
the areas in the names of the networks. It was not exceptional but it
wasn't bad !. I showed it to RC25, who liked what he saw. It proposed
4 new networks, and drawing up of boundaries mainly round county
lines. We obtained the dial code plan for the UK, and put these into
the networks based on the plan above. This was adopted as the
framework for the current layout.

Some people were delighted, others were non committal, others said No
FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 10                    21 Nov 1993

way, and some were just downright rude !.

With the help of those in the UK with a constructive attitude it has
been reshaped into the geonets we now have, which also have the
blessing and backing of ZC2. Another new net has been formed in the

These proposals went public in June. Since then we have had nothing
but strife, with accusations of 'Power Trips' etc, resulting in a
slow and gradual breakdown in the day to day life of UK fido and
culminating in the unpleasant spectacle of RC25 reduced to the level
of telling certain people to 'Fuck off' in public echomail.

This, it must be pointed out, occurred after there was an election in
NET 258, where it had been pointed out that if a candidate outside
the NET258 Geo-catchment area won the election he would not be
appointed NC. In the event that is what happened.

There has also been 'Open warfare' between the Geo's and Anti Geo's
within echomail conferences. We have seen the spectacle of NC's
fighting over 'Real Estate' in the process.

Finally, we came to a point where the Anti-Geo people said that they
would compromise along the lines of Natural wastage, i.e New nodes
strictly Geo, but existing nodes don't have to move.

The problem with this was the 60+ nodes in the new networks that had
already moved, and the equivalent amount that had already moved to
fit in with the proposals. There was no way they could be made to
feel they had done what they did for no good reason.

So in the end RC25 has acted, along similar lines to the now replaced
RC24, and Implemented the total solution. The effect has been that
those unable to accept the requirements of policy and prefer
cliqueynets have split to form Fido Classic in Region 25. I wish them

There is no moral or end to this story. Events are still unfolding
but, there you have some background from the other side of the fence.

As by time this gets out it will be nearly Xmas, A good one to you
all and your families, and lets hope next year will be better all



My reply to David Cupp's article
Self-Appointed Censors
by John Clifton  1:153/6.4
FLAME Moderator

    "I know there is someone, somewhere reading this
FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 11                    21 Nov 1993

     that thinks I'm just out to cause trouble. If you
     asked someone who knows me, you'll find that just
     isn't my way.. David Cupp"

  On the contrary, I submit this is precisely what David intended
with his recent FidoNews diatribe.  His piece is a thinly disguised
attack on the limited freedom of expression allowed on FLAME as a
result of quite legitimate concerns expressed by the Southern and
Western Stars last Spring.

  Both Stars had legal advice that they could be prosecuted for
distributing obscene material.  In response to their fears, FLAME
was *immediately* brought into line.

  David, however, objects to posts that might not be appropriate
reading for a 10-year-old.  This goes far beyond removing obscene
messages.  His approach is to turn FidoNet into a cyberspace
Family Channel.

  David wrote:

    "With the language used on Flame, I believe this echo
     should be available only to consenting adults with
     proof of age.  I know that if I came home from work,
     turned on the computer and discovered that my child had
     been accessing this kind of echo without my consent,
     someone could soon be in court."

  Who would he sue?  His babysitter?  His wife?  And perhaps more
to the point, his Sysop?  He would fail in any event because the
content in FLAME isn't obscene and is, consequently, protected

  What of his responsibility as a parent to monitor the activities
and behavior of his children?  Participants in FEMINISM, for
example, often have frank exchanges on sexual relations.  Does he
object to that, too?

  Where should FidoNet draw the line?  I submit that it is at that
point where content becomes legally obscene.  David can take the
time to watch his kids.

                             John Clifton  1:153/6.4
                             FLAME Moderator


New Network in Town
by Jeff Hyle
Changed by Derek Cosby
New Network in Town

Join One Of The Fastest Growing Networks Of The 90's METALNET!

MetalNet Zone 75 Based In Reno, Nevada Is Currently Looking For Region
FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 12                    21 Nov 1993

Coordinators, Hosts, Hub And Nodes Across The Globe!!!!  No Individual
Will Be Refused!  For More Information Please FREQ MTLN From
The Following Network Addresses:

      Fido 1:3647/3

         Here Is A Listing Of Conferences Currently Offered!

   MetalNet Echomail Conference Listing Updated September 10, 1993
   New Echos & Suggestions Are Always Welcome And Are Encouraged!!
    *Please Contact Derek Cosby At FidoNet 1:3647/3 For Additions*

Magic Name        Description           Magic Name        Description

MN_4SALE    For Sale Or Trade         MN_MAJOR    Major BBS
MN_ABORT    Abortion Debate           MN_MAX      Maximus BBS
MN_ADULT    Adult Talk (18+)          MN_MET      Metallica, Metallica
MN_ALTER    Alternative Music         MN_MOVIES   New Movie Releases
MN_AMIGA    Amiga Users               MN_MUSICIAN Musicians (All Music)
MN_BBSADS   BBS Advertising           MN_NDOORS   New Door Game Releases
MN_BEBU     Beavis & Butthead Talk    MN_NEWBBS   New BBS Users
MN_BRE      Barren Realms Elite       MN_OS2      OS/2 Discussion
MN_CPRO     C & C++ Programming       MN_PASCAL   Pascal Programming
MN_CBOOKS   Comic Books               MN_PCBOARD  PcBoard BBS
MN_CDROM    CD-Rom Discussion/4 Sale  MN_PIT      The Pit!
MN_CHAT     Metal Net General Chatter MN_POL      Politics
MN_CLASSIC  Classic Rock              MN_RAP      RAP Music
MN_CLASSICL Classical Music           MN_RENEGADE Renegade BBS
MN_CONCERTS Concerts (Dates, Etc.)    MN_RIP      RIP Graphics
MN_COUNTRY  Country Music             MN_RPG      Role Playing Games
MN_D&D      Dungeons & Dragons        MN_SCARDS   Sports Cards
MN_DEATH    Death Metal               MN_STECH    Software Tech Support
MN_DEBATE   Heated Debates            MN_SPEED    Speed Metal
MN_DOORS    Door Games (General)      MN_SPITFIRE Spitfire BBS
MN_DRDOS    DR Dos                    MN_SYSOP    Metal Net Sysops
MN_ENETS    Echomail Networks         MN_TEEN     Teen Talk (19-)
MN_FFL      Fantasy Football Leagues  MN_TOP40    Top 40 Music
MN_HMETAL   Heavy Metal               MN_TW2002   Trade Wars 2002
MN_HSM      High Speed Modems         MN_UNIX     Unix/Internet Discussion
MN_HTECH    Hardware Tech Support     MN_VIRTUAL  Virtual Reality
MN_INDUST   Industrial Rock           MN_WEAPONS  Weapons & Gun Control
MN_LOD      Land Of Devastation       MN_WILD     Wildcat BBS
MN_LORD     Legend Of The Red Dragon  MN_WINDOWS  Microsoft Windows & NT
MN_MAILER   Mailers & Tossers Support MN_WRITERS  Authors & Writers

This Network Has Just Started As Of September 1993.  Inter-BBS Barren
Realms Elite Is Offered To Any Member Wishing Its Involvement.  If You
Have Any Questions, Please Netmail Or Reply To This Advertisement...
Thank You!

Derek Cosby
SC Hub
FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 13                    21 Nov 1993

TAPE Echomail conference now online
by George Dahlco, 1:102/138.0

A new Echomail area has been created with the tagname of TAPE.

TAPE is dedicated to discussions of all PC related tape backup hardware
and software, including, but not limited to, DC-2xxx and DC-6xxx backup
products, 4MM and 8MM SCSI tape drives, streaming 1/4" tape and large
cartridge tape.

Of particular interest would be contributions from participants
regarding new backup software, backup strategies and new tape

If you would like to participate and learn more about this new echo,
please contact me at 1:102/138 and we can arrange a feed. TAPE is small
now but will likely grow to "backbone size" within a few months. We need
your participation!

George Dahlco, 1:102/138.0


MooseChat: Canada's Noblest Chat Echo!
Paul J. Henry, 1:221/279@fidonet

Greetings fellow Moose Lovers,

What is MooseChat?  Well, it's the international chat echo for MooseNet.

What's MooseNet?  Well, MooseNet is the FTN network dedicated to
Nature's Noblest creature<tm>, the Moose!  MooseNet isn't very large
(yet!), so we use FidoNet to transfer the mail.  If you've got a Fi-Doe
address, you can have a MooseChat Feed!

What will I find in MooseChat?  If it has anything to do with the Moose,
Meese, Canadian humour, Canada, the Canadian Outback, or anything like
that, then it belongs in MooseChat.  Oh, and if you just feel like being
silly, you can do that too!

Rumour has it that the likes of Saddam Hussein, and George Bush
(remember him?) frequent the echo.  And just in case you're tempted to
bash a moose, remember that The Bit Police are always watching.  So, if
you're a Bob & Doug fan, an Ordinary Canadian<tm>, or an American that
knows how to spell colour with a 'u', MooseChat is for you!

Said John Komooski:

JK>> I do enjoy MooseChat<tm>.  It's every bit as light and fluffy as
JK>> Z1_ELECTION, yet with a healthy dose of ludicrous tossed in that
JK>> makes you lick your lips and go to the fridge for more.

Said MooseWeek:

FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 14                    21 Nov 1993

    'Our antlers were a'buzz with the excitment!'

Said BullWinkle J. Moose:

    'Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull an echofeed outa my hat!'

Don't hesitate!  Drop into your local carrier of MooseChat, and have a
brew on us.  Feeds and policy documents may be obtained from:

    Paul Henry, 1:221/279.0.
    Bill Cassidy, 1:249/1.0.
    Jim Whitelaw, 1:342/42.0.

May the Great Moose be with you.

-= * =-
MooseNet, MooseChat, and "Antlers pointing across the Globe!", are
trademarks of Dave "Snuggleb*nnies" Slonosky & "Wild" Bill Cassidy.
Copyright(c) 1990.  Used with permission.


|                                                                      |
|                       ICEA ECHO NOW AVAILABLE                        |
|                                                                      |
|       This echo is part of the communications network of the         |
|             International Computer End-Users' Alliance               |
|     and is to provide a means for all computer users, personal       |
|  and corporate to voice concerns about unfair trade and marketing    |
|    practices within the industry, standards and compatibilities,     |
|   support issues and like subjects of interest to computers users.   |
|                                                                      |
|  The International Computer End-Users' Alliance is a newly founded   |
|  membership-driven organization, committed to establishing uniform   |
|  standards, practices and policies to ensure fair treatment of the   |
|   computer consumer, thus ensuring a marketplace that is fair for    |
|           manufacuters/publishers and consumers alike.               |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|  ICEA Echo is now available to interested sysops simply who wish to  |
|   poll for it and it is hoped to have ICEA on the backbone within    |
|   the next six months.  An ICEA membership information pakage file   |
|     is available for FREQ at 1:252/120 with the magic name ICEA      |
|   should you wish to learn a bit more about ICEA before arranging    |
|   to carry the echo.  If you do, it is hoped you will also re-post   |
|     this file for your users, but this posting is not necessary.     |
|                                                                      |
|  To arrange a session password, contact me by Netmail at 1:252/120   |
|  and I will respond via DIRECT netmail with your session password.   |
|    You will be polling for the echo at 1:252/100, a Hub in the       |
|          Georgian Bay Net, located in Barrie, Ontario.               |
FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 15                    21 Nov 1993

|                                                                      |
|Your interest and support is most appreciated.  Thanks for considering|
|                         the ICEA Echo!                               |
|                                                                      |
|                      Don Kettle, Moderator                           |
|                              ICEA                                    |
|                                                                      |
+----------------------A D V E R T I S E M E N T-----------------------+


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello,
                            Tom Jennings

IMPORTANT NOTE: The FidoNet address of the FidoNews BBS has been
changed!!! Please make a note of this.

"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)
Internet addresses:
   Don & Sylvia    (submission address)
             [email protected]

   Sylvia -- [email protected]
   Donald -- [email protected]
   Tim    -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address) (have extreme patience)
   128 Church St.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2S4

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
copyright 1993 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

FidoNews 10-47                 Page: 16                    21 Nov 1993

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org, in
directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews. If you have questions regarding
FidoNet, please direct them to [email protected], not the
FidoNews BBS. (Be kind and patient; David Deitch is generously
volunteering to handle FidoNet/Internet questions.)

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END