F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.10  No.16    (19-Apr-1993)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     The Cynic's Sandbox, v2.  2
     New Echo!...................................................  3
     The SAHARA echo is available!...............................  3
     RBBS-PC Development Heats Up................................  4
3.  Fidonews Information..........................................  5
FidoNews 10-16                 Page:  2                    19 Apr 1993

Here's a relatively short issue.

We received a "name withheld by request" article about the
convention in Luxembourg noted in last week's FidoNews, the one
for which participants were to pay by direct deposit to a
personal bank account in Luxembourg, but we didn't run it
because it slung mud at people. Maybe they deserved it, maybe
not, but challenging ideas or proposals anonymously seems
benign, while sticking it to an actual person anonymously
doesn't seem fair. So it is in holding until we hear back from
the author.

This might be an appropriate time to haul out the old axiom,
"don't believe everything you read".  Articles in the Snooze are
representative of FidoNet in as many of its manifestations as
possible.   There's a couple of new echo announcements, one of
which fosters a conservative point of view as presented in a
recent Playboy Mag :*P.

My best half has stepped out for a moment to buy food for
Binkley & Squish. In my best half's absence i'll speak for both
of us and wish everybody peace and sprouting flowers.

The Cynic's Sandbox, v2.
R. Cynic

*  __________  __________  ___                      ________  *
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*  |     ____  | \          |    |      \/      |   |         *
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*  |________|  |       \   _|_   |              |   |_______  *
*                                                             *
*       'The sun never rises on the GRIME network'            *

Announcing GRIME, the first telecommunications network run for
and by sanitation workers everywhere.  GRIME arose from a local
discussion of how to best clang garbage cans together at 3AM,
and soon became a thriving local network.  Since then, it has
become a global village of trash.  Imagine, if you will, dump-
truck drivers in Queens corresponding with sanitation engineers
from Tokyo, Japan, and you'll have seen just a fragment of what
GRIME is all about.

Topics range from light dusting to college-dormitory cleaning
(Universally considered the worst job of all) to the fine art
of garbage arranging.  (Like flowers, only a different KIND of
FidoNews 10-16                 Page:  3                    19 Apr 1993


Join Today!  You won't be sorry!

                 EMPTYTRASHCAN Echo Conference
               *The best Garbage in Fight-O-Net*
                        /               \
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New Echo!
From: Chris Sloyan (1:107/925)

Greetings All,

   There is a new Echo being started in my area which is called
MARTIAL_ARTS. I have noticed over the last few months, that many
other networks have very busy conferences  on  this  topic,  but
none  in FIDO. I feel that the interest in this field is huge in
the FIDO community as I have come in contact with several others
of  the  same  interest.  If you are interested in carrying this
Echo, please netmail me at 1:107/925 and I will set you  up  for
it. Needless to say, our intention is to gain backbone access in
the near future!

                       Christopher F. Sloyan


The SAHARA echo is available!
Patrick Martin
FidoNet 1:102/825

Announcing the SAHARA echo...

        "Dedicated to Fighting Eco-Freaks
          and Keeping Public Land Free!"

So, you say you're an "Off-Roader" but you've almost nowhere left
to ride...  Or, you USED to work in the timber industry til the
company you worked was regulated out of business...
FidoNews 10-16                 Page:  4                    19 Apr 1993

Are you tired of this sort of garbage?  Business and Recreation
being shut down by those claiming to be environmentalists and/or
politicians?  Have you been just ROFL'ing to death watching the
ultra-liberals at the helm of this fine nation?  Folks, we're being
REGULATED to death!

If you're looking for an echo to discuss political issues from a
conservative viewpoint (quite rare in Fidoland these days) come and
pick up the SAHARA echo from any one of the nodes listed below...

We're the guys you saw on 60 Minutes not long ago, the guys you
read about in the latest Playboy magazine!  With classic wit and
prose from Rick Sieman (the Howard Sterns of the Wise Use
Movement), and others.  This is your chance to get active and make
a difference, consider this an invitation to join us...

Restrictions: _NO_ Enviromental-Whackos, Commie-Libs, Femi-Nazis,
             Land-Nazis, New-World-Order-Pusher, or Slobbering
             Political Correctness Advocate, please, you've got
             your own echos.

Moderator:    Patrick Martin

Echo Rules:   F'req Sahara.rul from 1:102/825 all but ZMH
             ...up to V32b [16.8Kbps ZyXEL]

Elist Description:
Sahara Club Discussion Area

A conference for the discussion of environmental-radical tactics,
land closures caused by them, businesses and recreation attacked
by them, and what Sahara Club is doing to battle this onslaught!
This echo is pro-business, pro-land-use, pro-gun rights, pro-OHV
and very supportive of a badly maligned timber industry.

SysOps Note: This echo is only to be opened for "registered" or
            "validated" BBS users.

Volume:    10/day
Seenby:    1:102/825 1314 103/157 116/37


RBBS-PC Development Heats Up

RBBS-PC Development Heats Up
Eddie Rowe

"Most Bulletin Board Software is dedicated to making money for its
authors.  No matter how much the authors love the work, it endures
only so long as the hope of income continues.

FidoNews 10-16                 Page:  5                    19 Apr 1993

RBBS-PC is given away for free, and depends not on the flow of money,
but on the continuing dedication and generosity of people who
volunteer to help support and enhance it as a public service, and
share their labor of love with others for the benefit of all.

RBBS-PC is not only given away freely, but also with source code.
Its authors and contributors neither ask for, nor receive any money
for their work.  RBBS-PC is "Userware", meaning that it is supported
and enhanced by the community of people using it, who believe that
what is shared becomes better than it was.  It is hoped that RBBS-PC
will be used as a catalyst for the free exchange of information, an
educational example of communications programming, and an
irrepressible political force that puts the power of information in
the hands of the many."

Source:  RBBS-PC Documentation

Over the years many have spent their time and money to participate
in the RBBS-PC project.  Efforts are underway to organize a rewrite
of RBBS-PC, led by Doug Azzarito (Winter home of RBBS-PC).  If you
would like to share your ideas for enhancements, or help with the
development of a sparkling new version of RBBS-PC join us in the
RBBS-PC echo today. (Available on the Fidonet and RBBSNet Backbones)


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello,
                            Tom Jennings

IMPORTANT NOTE: The FidoNet address of the FidoNews BBS has been
changed!!! Please make a note of this.

"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23                     <---- NEW ADDRESS!!!!
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14200/V.32bis/HST(DS)
Internet addresses:
   Don & Sylvia    (submission address)
             [email protected]

   Sylvia -- [email protected]
   Donald -- [email protected]
   Tim    -- [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address) (have extreme patience)
   172 Duke St. E.
   Kitchener, Ontario
FidoNews 10-16                 Page:  6                    19 Apr 1993

   N2H 1A7

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
copyright 1993 Sylvia Maxwell. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

BACK ISSUES: Available from FidoNet nodes 1:102/138, 1:216/21,
1:125/1212, (and probably others), via filerequest or download
(consult a recent nodelist for phone numbers).

A very nice index to the Tables of Contents to all FidoNews volumes
can be filerequested from 1:396/1 or 1:216/21. The name(s) to request
are FNEWSxTC.ZIP, where 'x' is the volume number; 1=1984, 2=1985...
through 8=1991.

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.ieee.org, in
directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews. If you have questions regarding
FidoNet, please direct them to [email protected], not the
FidoNews BBS. (Be kind and patient; David Deitch is generously
volunteering to handle FidoNet/Internet questions.)

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, Box 77731, San Francisco CA 94107, USA and
are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END
FidoNews 10-16                 Page:  7                    19 Apr 1993