F I D O  N E W S --         |         Vol. 10 No. 5 (1 February 1993)
 A newsletter of the       |
 FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:
         _                 |
        /  \               |        "FidoNews" BBS
       /|oo \              |         +1-415-863-2739
      (_|  /_)             | NEW!--> 1:1/23@FidoNet
       _`@/_ \    _        |         [email protected]
      |     | \   \\       |
      | (*) |  \   ))      |         Editors:
      |__U__| /  \//       |          Tom Jennings
       _//|| _\   /        |          Tim Pozar
      (_/(_|(____/         |
            (jm)           |         Newspapers should have no friends.
                           |                         -- JOSEPH PULITZER

* IMPORTANT NOTE: The FidoNet address for FidoNews has been changed. *
* The new address is:                                                *
*                                                                    *
*                     FidoNews  =  1:1/23                            *
*                                                                    *
* Starting January 1993 email sent to the old address will not be    *
* forwarded! You were warned!                                        *

For information, copyrights, article submissions, obtaining copies and
other boring but important details, please refer to the end of this

                         Table of Contents
1. EDITORIAL  .....................................................  1
  Editorial: Something always change  ............................  1
2. ARTICLES  ......................................................  5
  Statistics for: NODELIST.029  ..................................  5
  Policy 4.1c Considered  ........................................  6
  The Phool Eats His Words  ......................................  8
  Let the voter beware  ..........................................  9
  Z1C applicants/supplicants/victims/dictators-in-waiting  ....... 11
  ZEC - What REALLY REALLY happened  ............................. 11
  "It's only a hobby!"  .......................................... 12
  EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Echomail conference now on  .. 15
  Jobs*Online! Database for Health Professionals  ................ 15
3. FIDONEWS INFORMATION  .......................................... 17
FidoNews 10-05                 Page 1                       1 Feb 1993


Editorial: Some things never change

by Tom Jennings (1:1/23)

Welp, the search goes on for a new FidoNews editor. (In case you
missed the announcement in FidoNews 10-03, I'll run it again below.)
The resumes (all from North America) continue to trickle in. I'll
start contacting people this week (I think I said this before, but I
promise this time). I haven't replied to anyone yet, so if you we're
wondering there you go.

Everything I've received on the subject is stored in the file "NEW-ED"
on the FidoNews BBS, for download or filerequest. (OOPS: I
accidentally killed one message; luckily it was just a short
cover-letter that accompanied a resume, which is in the NEW-ED file.
My apologies. I don't believe any important information was lost.)

Here 'tis again...

A few weeks ago I was called hypocritical for "promoting democracy"
(sic) in FidoNet (when I was simply calling for throwing the bums
out), while running FidoNews as a hereditary monarchy (which it is
currently).  That I should put it up for a vote or something, like it
was some sort of administrative post, where you have some drone
perform rote tasks and the best thing they can do for you is leave you
the hell alone and not screw up too badly. If only it were that

Like it or not, editing is a "creative" job. When I started FidoNews
in 1984 (I was it's first editor) I didn't have a clue. Zip, none.
Luckily, it really didn't matter, because there weren't any readers!

Six or seven years later, I find myself editor once again. In the mean
time, I had actually gained some experience. I've contributed various
articles for other pubs (mostly non-technical), helped edit a few
others, written and self-published some small books (besides the
numerous Fido/FidoNet program manuals), and in one case conceived,
edited, published a magazine, HOMOCORE, with a small (2500)
circulation in U.S., Canada and Europe. It was utterly non-technical,
but in many ways similar to FidoNews, in that it was in some ways
leading-edge social change. I had to deal with deadlines, writers,
letters columns, illiteracy, off-the-pointism, bad artwork, printers,
money, postage, repro services...

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 2                       1 Feb 1993

About half of my editorial-like experience is in non-technical things,
which I have found to be far more applicable to FidoNews than tech
stuff. While most of FidoNet is quite a "techie" thing, it's content
(sysops, users, conferences, etc) are not. Most tech rags are not much
more than glorified advertisement.  (And most "PC" type magazines are
not even as good as the more traditional trade rags, which at least
attempt a higher-level approach, and the business emphasis is at least
more honest).

FidoNews is NOT a technical publication, though it does of course
contain many technical items. It is a SOCIAL publication, loosely.
(very loosely!) This as it should be, I believe, as we've got tons of
techy conferences in which to nerd out to our hearts desire. FidoNews
should be ABOUT FidoNet, not OF FidoNet. It's a meta-FidoNet, in
which to discuss our network.

Anyways.  To the point. Well, it's been fun, but it's time that
FidoNews had another editor. Time for some changes in my life.

It is time to start a new tradition, some coherent and auditable way
to pick a new editor. I've got in mind a very simple process: starting
now, I'm accepting resume's from would-be editors. A HELP WANTED ad
appears below.

Here's what I'd like to do:

* Collect resume's starting NOW

* Keep all (all!) resumes, correspondence, complaints, comments, etc
  in a public file on the FidoNews BBS

* In a few weeks I'll pick some likely candidates from what I
  receive. Comments, praise and character assasination should commence
  at this point

* Pick a new heir to the FidoNews fortune within a week or two after that

* Turn whatever process comes out of this into a guideline for choosing
  a new editor in the future.

The time line is highly variable. I want to do this "fast", but I also
want to do it right.


FidoNews 10-05                 Page 3                       1 Feb 1993

Editor wanted for the illustrious FidoNews, published electronically,
weekly.  Circulation 5,000 -- 20,000 (anyone's guess). Experience
required, preferably outside computer/technical circles.  TECHNICAL
produce FidoNews (editing files, etc). (FidoNews readership is about
50% non-technical.) Subject matter covers any and all interests of the
FidoNet at large; from cooking to politics to email protocol specs.
You must consider yourself accountable to all FidoNet members; this is
not an autonomous business-like newsletter. We're not trying to
"pass", but to serve our membership, even or especially at the expense
of "professional" imagery.

* Have adequate computing resources -- modem, disk storage, etc.
* Be available via FidoNet.
* Accept submissions and correspondence via netmail and fileattach.
* Provide dial-in and filerequest access for the most-recent-issue
 and related files, open to the public upon first connect at no charge,
 at 300 baud and up (grr, I hate sysops who want to lock out
 low-speed users). (Your own BBS or someone else's.)
* Produce FidoNews every Sunday night and deliver it to the main
 distribution site.


Here's pretty much what I'd personally like to see in a FidoNews
editor. This is just bias, ie. tie-breaker, other things being equal.
It's not a shopping list.

I'd prefer a woman editor. I'd prefer someone with broad experience in
strange places. Someone who can communicate, regardless of writing
style. Someone who will take chances, won't let making mistakes get in
the way of expirimentation. Thick-skinned, to take all the shit you
get when you say something un-popular. Left, right, center, out in
space, unimportant; the willingness to welcome subjects that will piss
you off (and maybe readers). I've accomodated, encouraged, instructed,
suggested hand-held and even helped write text for fanatical
fundamentalist christians, anarcho-atheists, FidoNet-technology
reporters, people helping the handicapped, "gun nuts" (I'm one, so
shuddup), FidoNet politicians, democrats, autocrats, feudal-system
proponents, law'n'order nuts, technological neophiles, staunch
traditionalists, Canadians (some of my best friends are Canadians),
nationalists, militarists, programmers, whiners, do-nothings and other
assorted nuts with keyboards. As much as people have whined, I've
worked hard at keeping the policy WIDE OPEN (and every one of the
whiners SHUT UP when I told them, if you don't like something you see,

I'd like to see this policy stay intact. WAIT! NO! Advance, mutate or
whatever you see fit, but hopefully, not go the Usual Route.
Respectability will buy you nothing but the fearful safety of the
bureaucrat; dare to think for yourself!

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 4                       1 Feb 1993


Geography: FidoNews has been pretty much Norte Americano from the
start. It is fact; is it desirable? This "one size fits all" solution
doesn't wash anyways. I am thinking, maybe it should stay N.A. ie. Z1?
I'm surprised other zones don't have zonal meta-nets.

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 5                       1 Feb 1993


                   Statistics for: NODELIST.029
                     Sat Jan 30 20:55:12 1993

                     Total nodes listed: 21865
                    Total size in bytes: 1780064

       - Node Summary -          - Administrative Summary -

    CM Nodes: 18347 (83.91 %)   Admin. Nodes: 1698 ( 7.77 %)
    MO Nodes:  2127 ( 9.73 %)                 --------------
    LO Nodes:   320 ( 1.46 %)          Zones:    6 ( 0.35 %)
Downed Nodes:   357 ( 1.63 %)        Regions:   67 ( 3.95 %)
Private Nodes:   479 ( 2.19 %)          Hosts:  568 (33.45 %)
  Hold Nodes:   128 ( 0.59 %)           Hubs: 1057 (62.25 %)

                - Zone Node Usage Summary -

 1: 13005 (59.48 %)  2:  6506 (29.76 %)  3:   944 ( 4.32 %)
 4:   319 ( 1.46 %)  5:   127 ( 0.58 %)  6:   964 ( 4.41 %)

             - Mailer Classification Summary -

      XA: 14708 (67.27 %)           XR:   235 ( 1.07 %)
      XB:   149 ( 0.68 %)           XW:   421 ( 1.93 %)
      XC:   211 ( 0.97 %)           XX:  3659 (16.73 %)
      XP:   192 ( 0.88 %)      Unknown:  2290 (10.47 %)

                   - Baud Rate Summary -

                   9600: 16514 (75.53 %)
                   2400:  5254 (24.03 %)
                   1200:    57 ( 0.26 %)
                    300:    40 ( 0.18 %)

               - Modem / Modem Flag Summary -

                      HST/v32b:  3223
                       HST/v32:  1103
                           HST:  1914
                      CSP/v32b:    80
                       CSP/v32:     3
                           CSP:   123
                           H96:   106
                           MAX:     8
                           PEP:   288

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 6                       1 Feb 1993

                           V21:   225
                           V22:   573
                           V29:    25
                           V32:  3867
                          V32b:  9800
                           V33:    16
                           V42:  1051
                          V42b: 11381
                           MNP:  2253

                    - Nodelist Comments -


You can request the most recent nodelist/nodediff from your Network
or Region Coordinator. They are usually available with the "magic name"

Please check the END of the nodelist for additional technical information.


Comments on the Policy 4.1 Proposal
by Glen Johnson 1:2605/269

I told everyone that as I received comments on the Policy 4.1 proposal,
I'd related them to y'all in FidoNews... Well, here we go!

Overall, the response has been favorable from those people who have
chosen to write . And there have been some concerns that people have

One person suggested that we modify the election structure so that
the level below elects the level up. A representative system. Well,
I have to say that the very REASON we drafted 4.1 was to bring the
one-sysop, one-vote concept to Fidonet. We actually had considered
the representative system very early on, and decided against it for
a number of reasons.

First of all, this type of representative system provides for horribly
UNequal representation. Let's say Joe Frump is running for Regional
Coordinator of Region X. If Region X has 5 nets with 20 people in each
nets, you have 100 sysops represented with 5 votes in the RC election.
But Net Z, which has 100 sysops in its net, is only represented by ONE
vote in the election. You have two sets of 100 sysops, and one set
has FIVE TIMES the number of votes than the other set does. It puts
small nets at a DISTINCT advantage. And if a large net splits into
several smaller ones, they GAIN votes, but still have the same number
FidoNews 10-05                 Page 7                       1 Feb 1993

of people.

And secondly, we must keep in mind that Nets, Regions, and Zones
exist for TECHNICAL reasons, not political ones. They shouldn't
be viewed as entities that NEED representation. One sysop-One vote
lets everyone represent themselves and gives no advantage or
disadvantage to a net, region or zone.

So that's why we rejected the representative thing very early on..

Another comment I got was that there should be no elections at all.
That everything should remain the status quo, because "it ain't
broke" .

Know what? Black & White TV wasn't broke either. That didn't stop
us from inventing color TV, right? :)

Well, we don't think Fidonet will stop working if Policy 4.1 is
approved . The sysops are too smart for that :) And I can't really
debate that issue because I PERSONALLY feel that if this is, in
fact, a hobby, then the hobbyists (sysops) should be the people
that run their own hobby. Just think about any other hobby club
for a minute. Model Railroad clubs (those guys are REALLY into their
hobby!), Amateur Radio Clubs, Camera clubs, etc. Don't you think
the members of the Pine Valley Camera Club should be the people that
decide who the officers of the club are? I think so, how about you?

Don Dawson (hope he doesn't mind me naming him) really didn't like
the fact that we removed the case studies from the document. Don
had a lot of good ideas, and we put several of them into 4.1 at his
request, but now it seems that he doesn't support it. Got me, folks.
But anyway, it really didn't make a hill of beans to me or anyone
else if they were there or not. Why did we take them out then? Well,
when you get right down to it, the really don't belong there.
Policy is the guidelines by which Fidonet operates. Its our "law"
as it were. Laws don't have examples stapled to their bottoms. And
I can see that by having them there, it could confuse things, by
leading people to believe that THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENS.

Our removal of the case studies should be by no means interpreted
to suggest that they're WRONG. They just don't belong there. RCs
and NCs should take those case studies and offer them as examples
to sysops if a question arises. I'd encourage them to do that, and
even add MORE examples. But geez, look at Policy 4.07... the
case studies in there can only be modified by the IC! Its best to
take them out and let the coordinators deal with them on the local

And of course, I got plenty of netmail that complained that the
4.1c proposal didn't change ENOUGH stuff. And everyone had an idea
about something that should have been yanked or changed that
wasn't. I agree with you all. There is a LOT of stuff in the 4.1
proposal that's in our current 4.07 . As a matter of fact, MOST of
4.07 is still in there.

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 8                       1 Feb 1993


Simple. It was not our intention to completely rewrite Fidonet.
There ARE good solid things in 4.07, its not ALL GARBAGE. I was
around when 4.07 was adopted and I supported it . What we're
doing with 4.1 is giving sysops the right to vote. We're not
suggesting that Fidonet change how it operates. RCs are still RCs,
NCs still move the netmail and give out node numbers, the Zone
Coordinators still produce the nodelist segments. Policy 4.1
does not change how Fidonet works, it just lets the members of the
"organization" be the ones who pick who the coordinators are instead
of the coordinators being appointed as 4.07 prescribes.

We think this is a good idea. That's why we spent the time to write
it, and that's why we spent all kinds of our own money sending it
around the world. And that's why we've submitted it to the RCs of
Fidonet and asked them to bring it to a worldwide referendum like
policy 4.07 and WorldPol were. The RCs aren't deciding whether
4.1 becomes "law", they're simply deciding whether it should be
presented for a vote. I believe it will be the NCs that do the
actual yay or nay on the thing.

Joe RC may not personally feel that 4.1 is the greatest thing since
sliced bread, and go ahead and approve it for referendum and let his
nets decide .

So write to your RC and encourage him to support bringing Policy 4.1
up for a referendum. Only in a referendum will we know if the
changes it represents are what we really want. We said YES to 4.07,
and NO to WorldPol. Policy 4.1 deserves the same chance.

See ya!


by Rick Moen, Phido Phool (1:125/27)
Crow Tastes Rather Good, Actually

Remember what I said about "Jacobin" democracy-in-FidoNet types
characteristically wanting Policy changed, but not actually working to
change it?  Well, there are now some rather surprising exceptions, who
have now written and _properly submitted for approval_ a revised
Policy (the 4.1 draft) that would fix a couple of sore points, leave
most parts alone, and not screw anything up.  I should hasten to add
that some significant Momarch (FidoGod) types had a hand in it, too.
(I had none at all.)

The usual question applies:  Why should you care?  Mostly, you
probably want all this stuff to go away without leaving a mess.

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 9                       1 Feb 1993

Strictly speaking, only ?C-beings need worry -- RCs on whether to
consider it, and ?Cs on whether to then adopt it.  They, like you,
may be having some common doubts:

(1) "It isn't broken, so don't fix it."  The good news for this camp
is that 4.1 is such a _modest change_ that it can't mess you up.  No
one will fool with what works for your net, since 4.1's only major
change is ?C elections, for two-year terms:  Since you probably think
your ?Cs' volunteer work is wonderful, you will simply be sending a
gesture of support and confidence.  The ?Cs, for their part, will
then be able to tell any loudmouth democracy ideologue to go pound
salt, since they then WILL HAVE an undeniable mandate.  Ending the
interminable democracy debate, alone, would make 4.1 worthwhile --
and, if you're worried about upheavals and The Imminent End of the
Net, relax:  Won't happen.

(2) "The proposal was written by habitual troublemakers with no
conception of how to run a worldwide network, whom we're not about to
trust."  So don't trust them.  Picture it being written by an ad-hoc
coalition of Hitler, Attila the Hun, and Jack the Ripper, if you like.
It doesn't matter.  The _document_ they produced is a nice piece of
work, anyway.  The drafters aren't up for approval; the draft is.

(3) "It would be a slap in the face to the hard-working volunteers
who created (and now oversee) the present set-up."  All the noise
from democracy-types would make you think so -- but someone wanting
to insult the present hierarchy would have submitted a far different
draft.  This one is so maturely and conservatively written that, in
my role as _FidoNet court jester_, it's deeply disappointing.  ;->
(The part some current FidoGods had in its writing shouldn't be
overlooked, either.)

So, I'm not going to harangue anyone about it, or go into its gory
details -- but wanted to suggest that the worries are unwarranted.
For the curious, the draft is available as POL41C.ARC from my node
and many others.  If you're worried about this thing, relax.  If you
don't care, groovy.  If you're anxious to see it passed, good -- but
you _too_ should relax.

Or don't relax!  The Phool File thrives on new material.  After
all, without Policy wrangles, I'd have little to work with but that
C ration of Phoolery, EchoWars<tm>: The ?Empire Strikes Back, coming
soon to an inbound directory near you.


Let the voter beware
By Joe Jared of 1:125/[email protected]

       I've been in fidonet since 1989, been an NEC, a hub, even
participated in the fighto political arena.  Since my move from
Southern California, I also pretty much abandoned dealing with that
sort of stuff, unless of course, mail was unreliable.  To be honest,
it's my hope that whoever becomes the next Z1C is barely computer
literate, and with little if any ambitions for the term.  The position
FidoNews 10-05                 Page 10                      1 Feb 1993

of Zone Coordinator should be little more than keeper of the zone
list, and the second to last leg of the appeal process.

       Some people preach democracy, and that at first might sound
nice.  Unfortunately, so did the United States when we succeeded from
the British.  Back then, equal rights only counted for humans, which
at that time translated to everyone but slaves and women, who were
less than human.  Some of the people within fidonet who have also
strongly preached democracy in actions use it more for leverage than
anything else.  Democracy means, everyone has a voice in issues, and
NOT that everyone has a voice in issues, but I'll just listen to
whomever fits what I wanted to do anyways.  A good portion of the
people in "power" who preach democracy, only practice it when it's
convienient for them to do so, and make up for lost time between those
occasions to practice dictatorship.  The reality of any governing or
coordinating's success or failure is the checks and balances, and not
the label one choses to use.

      Here in the united states, many of us proudly call our selves
americans, the home of the free.  Free for who? Free for all walks of
life to achieve their goals?  Nope.  Freedom is a word us white people
think of, but the minority class of people have no such freedom. But
this is democracy.  Recently I attended a conference for programmers,
where of close to 50 in attendence, and all of which could be
classified as WHITE.  Yes folks, only in America can we have such
freedom.  The freedom to yes, now grant minorities the rights to vote,
but deny them the right to do much more than struggle and accept

There are 2 reasons why I'm bringing this aspect of
democracy to people's attention.  The first reason is that
democracy is just a word, and a pretty meaningless one at
that.  It matters very little what the name of the governing
style is, but more whether or not people are heard and
acknowledged, and that no single entity within fidonet tries
to push their views on the unsuspecting sysops who could
probably care less who the "higher ups" are, as long as they
stay out of the way.

The second reason has more to do with my profession rather
than anything to do with fidonet.  By profession, I write
video games, but unlike Asteriods and space invaders, games
that actually mean something.  2 of our proposed titles are
simply put, black.  To make a black video game, one first
has to be black.  Well, I'm not.  However, if one were to
research what black means in our land of the free, a
Democraticly run government, one would probably vomit.  This
is democracy mind you.  Actually, it's not quite democracy,
it's colonialism.  True democracy doesn't exist, and
hasn't for centuries.  What has existed as with the case in
fidonet, is the "appearance" of democracy.  It appears when
convienient, and disappears when it's too uncomfortable to

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 11                      1 Feb 1993

The purpose of this entire article is to make people aware
of the fact that the word "Democracy" is a nice hype word,
but actions speak much louder.  I'd also like to commend the
people who made the proposal of "minor" changes to policy 4.
With the size of fidonet what it is, anything other than a
minor change here and there would create more trouble than
it's worth.  I especially liked the checks and balances, as
Fidonet is currently very weak in this area.  In the case of
Region 10, there hasn't been an election for RC or REC for
many years, if ever, and although I respect David Garrett's
involvement, I also think that the times are well beyond
any single entity being both RC and REC, and also feel that
checks and balances should exist.  As it stands, even David
Garrett admits this, so it's not a big secret.  When casting
your vote for the next ZC and ZEC, please consider the
effect they will have on the net as a whole, and primarily
with the least effect being the most positive in more cases
than not.


               The cards and letters are arriving daily!
                   Don Dawson 1:141/730 (aka 1:16/0)

The following sysops have indicated their interest in serving you as Z1C:

Ben Mann      -  1:151/2
Rich Wood     -  1:278/3
Kevin Mcneil  -  1:128/45
Jim Bodine    -  1:141/415
Matt Ionson   -  1:3619/24
Bob Satti     -  1:153/6
John Summers  -  1:124/4103
Gary Johnson  -  1:203/151
Peter Zurich  -  1:2604/3
Mark Skaff    -  1:163/525
Paul Williams -  1:2410/116
Ron Poulin    -  1:143/370
Rick Haburne  -  1:116/2
DAN GUENTHNER -  1:152/48
--end of list--
as of 1/31/93, 18:15EST


ZEC - What REALLY REALLY happened
By Glen Johnson 1:2605/269

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 12                      1 Feb 1993

Just read Marge Robbins' article from Snooze 1004; I'm sure most of
you did too.

I gotta say, as one of the "injured" parties, that her account of
the chronology of events is just a wee bit distorted. To wit:

There's no question that Marge was in the hospital, and I certainly
hope she's feeling better. But she wasn't out of touch with the echo
for as long as she said she was. Actually, Marge posted a message
in ZEC giving John Souvestre her full support for what he had done,
a mere TWO DAYS after he did it. The links were ordered cut on
December 5, Marge publicly supported Souvestre's actions on
December 7.

And it is a fact that the echomail staffs of three nets questioned
Souvestre's authority to order a link cut. And Souvestre DID provide
evidence of that authority. BUT ... he provided that evidence AFTER
he got Paul DiNovo to cut the links that served 88 people. As a
matter of fact, Souvestre told the hubs involved that they had no
right to question him at all. So Marge is right, he did provide
proof of his authority, but not until he had already cut off the
people who questioned him. They had no chance to see his proof of
authority and comply, they were thrown out FIRST.

Marge lists this huge comedy of errors that took place. Neither Marge
or Souvestre were in the ELIST as moderators. She says that was a
mistake. She says Souvestre broke the rules by throwing Moravsik out
of the conference without the two netmail warnings, another MISTAKE.

And for all of the screwups, foulups, and mistakes, John Souvestre
gets "chastised", and Bob Moravsik gets thrown out of the conference
for six months? Some definition of fair play, huh?

The SIMPLE fact is, Bob Moravsik was thrown out of that conference
without the benefit of the two netmail warnings guaranteed him by
the rules. PERIOD. Hey, *I* got a netmail warning, why not Bob?

Bob's link should be restored immediately, and he should get a
warning via netmail like he was supposed to get in the first place.
End of story.

If the rules say you get two netmail warnings, and the rules are
violated by the person in charge, and you get thrown out WITHOUT
ANY warnings, what does that tell you about the rules and the
people who claim to enforce them?


"It's only a hobby!"
FidoNews 10-05                 Page 13                      1 Feb 1993

Chris Harper (1:157/110.8)

"It's only a hobby", they keep telling me. Only a hobby. This is one
"hobby" that has more rules and regulations than ANY "hobby" I've EVER
seen. And, like most hobbies, it costs money to do. But here, you do
something wrong, and some coordinator can cut your feed, and you lose,
bub! I wonder how someone who flys radio-controled airplanes would
feel if while he was gassing it up, some "coordinator" came up to him
and said, "Hey, that's the third time I've told you, you're supposed
to use the fuel WE sell here for flying!" and stepped on his plane,
rendering incapable of flight, or yanking the crystals from his
transmitter so he couldn't. (probly a more acurate parable)

Well, I see that the new policy is up for ratification, and I'll
predict it's resounding failure right here and now. These power-mad
coordinators are NOT going to let go of their power THAT easily, you
watch and see. They keep telling us "it's only a hobby", whenever we
complain, but if that were truly so, then why should they oppose this
new democratic policy submission? The ONLY thing I can suppose is that
it is NOT "just a hobby" to them. If Fido truly is a hobby, then why
the comercial echos like CFORSALE amongst others?

Only a hobby, indeed! Now don't get me wrong, I don't oppose comercial
echos at all. It's just an example here. Comercial echos show a vested
interest, not "just a hobby" type of interest. Product support is a
VERY important part of any comercial establishment, and fido provides
a very effective medium for this, and it should be allowed to
continue. Not for the producer's sake, but for the end user's, that
use FidoNet.

But I'm sick to death of hearing "it's only a hobby" when everyone
KNOWS it's really not. To many people devote to much time and effort
to this cause, to call it a hobby. Not to mention the money.

If anything, it's an avenue of communication, or more literally, a
batch-processed computer network, but certainly not "just a hobby".
For some people I know, it's a "way of life". Consider paralyzed
people, for instance.  They're confined to hospitals or nursing homes,
with little else to do. Here, Fido's communications abilities are a
MAJOR part of these people's lives! Computers are a primary way these
people interface with the world around them, and Fido provides them
with a virtual wealth of people to correspond with, that they
ordinarily wouldn't even have. So, it's HARDLY "just a hobby" to them.

Also, I see people asking if anyone's using certain zone numbers out
there so they can start other networks because they can't get a net
number. I ask, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON OUT THERE?!?!? Are all 9999
net numbers in use?!? I can't believe it, if that's so. Also, what's
to prevent higher numbers? What IS the highest number of nets that
fido can handle?

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 14                      1 Feb 1993

I too, want to start a new net. I live in an area that is long
distance to my NC and NEC so I have the grounds to start one there,
and can also open up virgin territory to the network as well, but have
been denied because  I'm "only a point". ANOTHER thing I'm sick to
death of hearing!!! Just because I'm only a point does NOT make me any
less knowledgable about FidoNet than anyone else. In fact, I've helped
a LOT of sysops in setting up Frontdoor Fido systems, as well as the
fact that I'm formally educated in computer programming and do custom
programming as a side-line, and have operated nation-wide REAL-TIME
computer networks in the past, so I THINK I could handle being an NC
for FidoNet.

But this "only a point" load of crap, has put the stymie to that.
Because other than that, I have valid grounds for starting a new one.
My RC even admitted that, to me. It's my NC who pulled the "only a
point" business, advising my RC that I don't have any rights in fido
because of that, and even indicated that I MIGHT be abusing the
network by fraudulantly posing as a node! Oh, he didn't come out and
say it directly. He's much to wise for a direct accusation, but
stating the possibility exists that I might be doing so, I believe,
really hurt my case.

Well *I* believe my NC is more worried that he'll lose a lot of his
paying nodes, if I got a net, since about half the nodes he has are
out of his physical, i.e. local calling, region, and he stands to lose
a lot of money, called "cost-sharing", as a result. So I get no net,
this Fido-virgin territory remains untouched, leaving them totally
oblivious that Fido exists, my NC keeps all his LD nodes, because I'm
"only a point" and this is "only a hobby"!!!

Yeah, right! And if you believe THAT one, I've got some beachfront land in
Florida I'll sell you REAL cheap!

     Chris (where's MY net?!?) Harper

P.S. Tom,

  Well, you said you'd like the next editor to have thick skin to be
able to post articles that'd piss them off, as well as the entire
network, so let's see if YOU have what you're asking your successor
should have, and actually print THIS! Talk about your controversial
articles! If THIS doesn't have them coming out of the woodwork to
raise hell, NOTHING will! ]}B-D


/* ED NOTE: I'm sure. */

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 15                      1 Feb 1993


New Echomail area "EDI" now available
by George Dahlco, 1:102/138.0

A new Echomail area has been created with the tagname of EDI.

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) relates to the electronic
transmission of business documents, i.e. Purchase Orders, Invoices,
Shipping documents and similar transactions. The EDI echo discusses
current EDI document and transmission standards, trading partner and
network related problems, EDI software and the current state of the
industry. EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or "automated banking" topics
may be included in message traffic.

The basic concepts of EDI have been around for quite some time, but are
now starting to take hold in various industries such as the automotive,
banking, medical and retail markets.

Many customers are now requiring their suppliers to send them business
documents electronically, and sometimes impose large levies to those
that cannot send them document information using EDI standards. EDI
allows better customer/vendor relations and enhances the purchasing
and shipping cycle.

If you would like to participate and learn more about this new field,
please contact me at 1:102/138 and we can arrange a feed. EDI is small
now but will likely grow to "backbone size" within a few months.

George Dahlco, 1:102/138.0


by Bill Hliwa, Med TechNet, 1:260/10
The Jobs*Online! Database for Health Professionals

"Medical Technology" is a very broad term to most people, signifying the
general state of technology in medicine: from "miracle" drugs to
positron emission tomography (PET).  However, Medical Technology is also
a specialty; a profession.  Never heard of it?  Then you understand why
it is called the "Unseen Profession".

Medical Technologists are the folks that work in the laboratories that
perform all those blood tests that are used by physicians to diagnose
your ills ... used by the Red Cross to catch donated blood infected with
the AIDS or hepatitis viruses ... used by the police to catch rapists
through DNA testing.

To become a "Registered Medical Technologist", students must study in
approved educational programs, where they take many basic science and
clinical courses, graduate with a BS in Medical Technology and finally
pass a difficult, national registry exam. Additionally, some states have
a licensure exam which must be passed.

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 16                      1 Feb 1993

In light of the difficult road to becoming a technologist, and the
perceived risks of choosing a medical profession, these days, there is
a growing shortage of Medical Technologists all over the US.

Which brings us to Med TechNet (1:260/10).  Online since 1985,
Med TechNet was conceived and implemented by the Department of Medical
Technology, State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY/Buffalo), with
the goal of serving Medical Technologists and other health
professionals.  Today, Med TechNet is a wholly owned service of Western
New York Microcomputer, Inc., and affiliated with SUNY/Buffalo.

Among all the conferences carried on Med TechNet, the MEDTECH echo is
specifically for clinical laboratory personnel: bench tech's, managers,
LIS/HIS people, etc.  This is currently a private echo, which has
ongoing discussions concerning laboratory issues, procedures, policies,
etc.  Last Fall, we began Med TechCon: Online Continuing Education for
Clinical Laboratory Professionals.  We bring in "guest" speakers from
various organizations, along with downloadable .GIFs for figures; and
will be offering credit-bearing programs later this year.

We will gladly make the echo area available to other bbs' who have
Med Tech's in their user base.  Just send netmail to me at the above
address.  Naturally, we hope to see it on the backbone soon.

The latest endeavor?  We are proud to announce the Jobs*Online!
Database.  This is a searchable database of job opportunities for not
only Medical Technologists, but also for most other health related
professions: Nuclear Medicine Technologists, OT's, PT's, managers,
educators, etc.

So, if you are, or know someone who is, a health professional, and
looking for employment, stop by the Jobs*Online! Database.  And if you
are a Medical Technologist, don't forget to drop in on the MEDTECH
Conference area.


FidoNews 10-05                 Page 17                      1 Feb 1993

                        FIDONEWS INFORMATION


Editors: Tom Jennings, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello

IMPORTANT NOTE: The FidoNet address of the FidoNews BBS has been
changed!!! Please make a note of this.

"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23                     <---- NEW ADDRESS!!!!
   Internet  [email protected]
   BBS  +1-415-863-2739,  300/1200/2400/16800/V.32bis/Zyxel

(Postal Service mailing address) (have extreme patience)
   c/o World Power Systems             <---- don't forget this
   Box 77731
   San Francisco
   CA 94107 USA

Published weekly by and for the members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
copyright 1992 Tom Jennings. All rights reserved.  Duplication and/or
distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use in
other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or FidoNews
(we're easy).

OBTAINING COPIES: The-most-recent-issue-ONLY of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained from Fido Software for $10.00US each
PostPaid First Class within North America, or $13.00US elsewhere,
mailed Air Mail. (US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)

BACK ISSUES: Available from FidoNet nodes 1:102/138, 1:216/21,
1:125/1212, (and probably others), via filerequest or download
(consult a recent nodelist for phone numbers).

A very nice index to the Tables of Contents to all FidoNews volumes
can be filerequested from 1:396/1 or 1:216/21. The name(s) to request
are FNEWSxTC.ZIP, where 'x' is the volume number; 1=1984, 2=1985...
through 8=1991.

FidoNews 10-05                 Page 18                      1 Feb 1993

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.ieee.org, in
directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews. If you have questions regarding
FidoNet, please direct them to [email protected], not the
FidoNews BBS. (Be kind and patient; David Deitch is generously
volunteering to handle FidoNet/Internet questions.)

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, Box 77731, San Francisco CA 94107, USA and
are used with permission.

   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".

-- END
